>muh gun attachments
should the next BF get rid of them completely and just have some guns better at things than others?
>muh gun attachments
should the next BF get rid of them completely and just have some guns better at things than others?
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No. That is stupid and so are you.
It's a useless zoomer feature.
>Omg 100s of combinations! Let me just pick the most meta build
holy fuck retards like you actually work at DICE at THIS VERY MOMENT.
they should just support pc exclusives again so i can play a real battlefield game
picking unique attachments and having a role within your team is the main feature of battlefield, fuck off
he wants to use a shitty iron sight when he could have a red dot or a scope, nice try retard
No that's too much work for OP. It's 2019 and everything needs to be done for the player beforehand.
Why has Battlefield fell so far? What the fuck is DICE doing that's so hard that they can't bother more than a microscopic drip-feed of content once a month?
i would say i prefered the battlefield 3 system. battlefield 4 just went overboard and gave you everything. sometimes a little limitation is better for the game.
dice started listening the loudest members of the community who are all retarded and shit at the game.
I'm a medic and we don't get attachments
It's not fair ...
Yeah 3 was pretty good about attachments
they aren't even giving the content people want, it's the most obscure shit no one gives a fuck about
they could have made so much fucking money on this game if they focused on ww2 shit people actually cared about
>piss off blyats with no USSR
>piss off weebs with no Japan
>piss off burgers with no USA
Literally who was the intended market?
>should the next BF get rid of them completely and just have some guns better at things than others?
They already did that 3 years ago.
That happens regardless.
No they just made every fun have 3-4 versions. Of which you would use only one.
I thought those were gonna be future dlc or some garbage.
It’s more sad when you consider Call of Duty is releasing a fully cross platform game this October with a 100+ player big team battle mode with vehicles to finally drill the final nail in the coffin after all these years of the two competing, all because some faggot told battlefield players not to buy their the game.
>Of which you would use only one.
This was the case for me when I didn't know about the game that much, until I spent more time playing it and googled more about the mechanics and how the gunplay worked.
Agreed. BC2 was fine, then they bloated the shit out of it with BF3.
It used to be.
They shouldn't have forced them into environments they shouldn't have existed in - BF1 and BFV.
Still had anachronistic attachments. Hell, that'd be a good balancing feature - some guns have shit sights but good stats, some have better sights but not as good stats.
Wait what is this about +100 player big team battle modes. 64 player COD4 was my fucking jam and it's the biggest reason I didn't buy MW2 and 3, the absence of it.
>CODMW 2019 will have dedicated servers too
>Not just battle royal for larger player counts, but traditional
>+100 player
Jesus christ, I'm going to actually buy a call of duty game again. what year is this.
it's too fucking late now they missed out on sales because of it, no one gives a fuck about battlefield now, even when they release it a year from now no one will give a fuck
I know the pacific is upcoming DLC with a trailer but who the fuck gives a damn about that? Battlefield is zzzzz for everyone. They fucked up horribly with BF5.
they have to be so utterly braindead to not realize this was going to flop, delusion, and a studio that should probably be shut down
you're not wrong
It's been 8 months bro. At this stage BF1 had like 3 times the post-launch content
it should have been on game release along with russia, and American armies and weapons
it's too late now
these battles in Greece should have been dlc to mix up the environment a bit
not to mention they've added like 10 different smgs and rifles that do the exact same fucking thing that no one gives a fuck about, here's another Swedish rifle that was used by 3 soldiers, enjoy your content
Hey I don't even play the game. I got it for free with a graphics card and could care less about the game. Maybe it's better off if the franchise just dies. I'm worried about how they are gonna fuck it up worse in the future, if there even is a future.
Iron sight bolt action chads unite
>playing FPS using gamepad
>being proud of it
I miss Rendezooking.
no carl gustav no war tapes
no buy
Would it be better if BF went back to more than four classes?
Bf3 was the best one.
Sure it had some bad maps but much less annoying to play Rush in compared to the trash they came up with later
I certainly like the classes system more. Especially when you limit classes like one sniper for each team, two anti tank soldiers, two hmg soldiers etc. so you become more dependent on your own teams vehicles to take out other vehicles.
I'd think it was a better use of higher player counts too, restricting what players can do so they have to pick a niche. BF2142 wasn't bad but it pretty much started the gear treadmill and four classes shtick.
u mean like bf1 and bfv already did?
It didnt flop
>BFV's sales to date, according to EA COO and CFO Blake Jorgensen, have reached 7.3 million copies across all platforms worldwide
Thats before the Battle Royal mode even came out.
Last update on PS4 I saw more full conquest servers on the server browser than I have ever seen before during peak hours.
The problem lies within WW2 itself. All of the popular and interesting conflicts have already been done to death so now we have to resort to historical fiction to try and squeeze one more game out of WW2.
Consoles hs more players PC cuck
4 was the last good BF
not having weapon attachment and customization/gadgets in BF1 and 5 not only takes away the core element of achievement and fun in the game, but also drastically reduces it's longevity. Combined with terrible level design and little to no real destructible environments and it was an instant no buy for me. I mean it's basically not even BF at this point, it's just a 20v20 Cod. The whole fun of BF was blowing up entire buildings, and extensive unlocking of customization to make builds for tactical positioning with your squad. They literally removed the only things that people played the games for.
This. And its a huge shame that 2143 never happened despite all the teasing in the last BF4 map pack
>should the next BF get rid of them completely
BFVagina has already removed them entirely.
I wish BF1 was bolt action only. They fucked up big when they've added all those automatic weapons.
>Thats before the Battle Royal mode even came out.
The BR mode was a flop too.
They shipped the game with 1/4 of its features. Have they added a server browser and player-owned servers yet?
it always had a server browser even on console, dunno about player owned probably not.
which is good cause no 24/7 faggot map only and "Christian server no cursing"
These ladies look like they're having fun, is that Wakaliwood?
RS2 comes closest if you want a game like that.
I remember in BF4 some servers had a nuke option that would kill the entire team if they were playing too well. It allowed the other team to capture every flags.
>"Christian server no cursing"
Rulefags are the worse. "grenades are fine but if you throw a flare or an incendiary one, you will get kicked"
Going to consoles was a mistake. They went full "muh graphics" and removed most features game after game since BC2.
That would mean game design around team play, vehicle support, smoke grenades and patience.
All of those things are against core principles of modern "4faggots" shooters.
I have such fond memories of that cracked server running Battlefield 2 with 200 players
auto aim doesnt work at that distance dicksnout
4 had more limits than 3 though.
>no 8x scopes on anything except sniper rifles
Also had a really good map
BF2>Post 2014 BF4>shit>Everything else
I just realized that attachment systems have basically never fulfilled the fantasy they present. Changing the iron sight to a red dot sight feels exactly the same on all guns. Same thing with suppressors and what not. The core issue is that offering the exactoy same attachments on all guns kills all variety from the system as a whole.
An interesting attachment system would be one where
>guns have unique or at least slightly varied attachment options not available to other guns
>putting an attachment on a gun is not a given and a vanilla weapon is a viable option itself
Honestly, I've grown to hate red dot sights simply due to their superiority in all games they're included in.