Did Yea Forums like it?

Did Yea Forums like it?

Attached: Subnautica-0.png (1301x748, 1.41M)

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those leviathans will make a good YGO cards

one of my favorite games

la creatura...

Yes. I hope Below Zero is good, hearing the stuff about having a talking protag and shit kinda worries me.

It was alright but kinda grindy. Probably won't be playing the new one they are making, an edited lets play is enough

they are doing everything wrong
>more story
>more dialogues
>more handholding
>more above ground exploration
>let's fire the sound designer LOL
not to mention the main character gets asked if she wants to leave and says no in the first 10 minutes

It's a cool setting but they're making even more plot driven, which doesn't appeal to me. The only way I'd buy another Subnautica game is if they made a sandbox version.

It was fucking garbage

Fuck Below Zero. Instant-kills are bullshit and only serve to artificially add tension due to not wanting to replay the last X minutes of whatever you were just doing.


Yes, it defined a large part of my 2015/2016 gaming and was a hallmark example of greenlight games done right. I can't excuse their firing of the Sound Designer and I frankly am not interested in Below Zero, but I still think the game was well worth my money and I like to still play it on occasion.

>more above ground exploration
That kind of defeats the purpose of the game, doesn’t it? I liked how Subnautica had a couple islands, but the only thing there is a deserted base with logs stating that people can’t sustain themselves there.

>did Yea Forums like it?
we're not a hivemind
fuck off cunt

Finished it twice. Waiting for Below Zero to iron out the kinks.

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Hooked as fuck for the early and mid parts. Started to feel small horizontally once I got to the deepest depths. Only real complaint. Also the Cyclops was not fun to play.

I'm brainlet, help.

I did all the beacons up until the one on the island where the ship gets shot down.

What do next, something with the alien tablet?

It has some flaws, but is overall an amazing game. Looking forward to the release of the expansion

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I only ever touched the cyclops on the very few times when I had to gather materials in the deeper parts of the ocean. Never went into the lava portion with it.

sorta unrelated and may be considered a shill, but is my gmod vid based or cringe


You must descend into the depths.

1. Scan and read EVERYTHING
2. Acquire technology
3. Descend
that's all you need to know.

Go deeper. Look for the Deep Grand Reef, find a base from the survivors who came before. Then, go deeper still, until you see green.

You need to get to the powerplant facility.
It's located in the lava zone. You can reach it by one of two entrances in the blood kelp zones. Descend into the caverns (not the ones located in the red sand dunes). DO NOT TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO.

So you finished the Sunbeam questline? If I remember correctly, you would have gone into the anti-air facility and collected some tablets, and then tried to turn off the facility only to discover you're infected with that deadly disease.

If that's the case, you must... Follow the game's instructions and descend. You'll know when you've found the next stage of the story.

I took mine all the way down. Easy as shit to avoid things and you have a shield to gtfo fast if needed. To me though it's more of the fact that it's just not fun to drive. The Seamoth made the game so fun for me. Cyclops made it a drag. Plus you can put a fabricator and other stuff like first aid boxes and storage so it also removed a lot of tension from dangerous situations and was just a huge fucking pack mule.

I'm about 4-5 hours in. Honestly I'm kinda bored and I don't care for the crafting system.

I also don't like how I can't tell if I'm exploring the wrong areas too early or late.

Very based cringe

Yeh. Exploring was great, the robot was fun.

When in doubt, go deeper

Extremely comfy, most fun I had with a game in 2018. Only game I've actually wanted to basebuild in.

>if I'm exploring the wrong areas too early or late.
if you can get there at all, you are not

Don't worry about that, there's no too early or too late.

There's very little railroading in terms of story progression. So just go anywhere and if you feel bored try going to areas you don't particularly feel comfortable in.

Super cozy base building. Most games with base building I just make the bare minimum in order to do research/progress and move on. In Subnautica, I loved personalizing bases and spent way too much time prospecting th best locations for the best view.

More games need to utilize Subnautica's depth system, it's such an intuitive yet clever way to limit progression while rewarding people who are smart enough to get there "before the right time."

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Prawn with grapple and drill is all I needed when I got that deep. I just parked the Cyclops above the lava drop off and took some extra power cells with me because of those stupid energy leeches.

wish the VR actually fucking worked.

Is there any other game in recent years besides this and The Outer Wilds that has a similar sense of discovery and exploration?

I basically treated the Cyclops like a carrier for the Prawn. Traveling with it otherwise was just too slow. Unless you use the grapple like you're pretending you're in Attack on Titan or some shit.


>Unless you use the grapple like you're pretending you're in Attack on Titan or some shit
You can get really manuever around with that hook if you practice with it. I remember latching onto a Reaper and using the momentum I built up to launch me across an entire biome.

Very good game but i felt like the second half didn't have as much going on with areas feeling much more empty and undetailed.
The lowest area(s) are cool but felt kind of rushed and could do with a revamp.
everything until that point was fun tho.

I actually have that. The dev made it highly moddable so I'm actually wondering why no one has tried making something in it yet,

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>Flying around space
>Hear roar in the distance
>Planet-sized Reaper behind you

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Aside from the pop-in it was pretty good.

The pop-in can be worked around somewhat using console commands but i never tried it out. You probably need a decent computer for it.

I enjoyed this game. Sound design was top notch. Even friendly creatures would sometimes make a noise that'd make you paranoid for a while.
Sometimes distant and violent creatures would scream in the distance and you wouldn't stop being paranoid until you were safe in your little habitat.

Game does a good job making you feel isolated. I used some cheats so I could make nicer and more expansive habitats, but fuck you. I don't have time to grind like I used to be able to do a few years ago.

Overall a good game. Sadly still a bit poorly optimised and still retaining a number of bugs from the beta.
No matter where I am, I can still see my habitats. Whether above or below water from any distance

Probably will give Below Zero a pass though.
Talking asshole protagonist. I know they didn't just want to do a repeat of Subnautica, but she comes across like a total douche.

Looks nice though

Yeah, it takes a bid of a dip when you start going into the caves, but otherwise okay.
Glad BZ isn't flying over to the EGS, and the beta for it isn't half bad so far. I don't considering it being more story heavy as a bad thing. Others not so much. Too much generic racism bait posting.

>No custom base colors
>No multipurpose room skylight
>Fish constantly clip into base
>Unity can't handle voxel terrain so I can't make cool cusmized cavern bases
Lots of wasted potential. Though I did like making an observatory in the void and watching Ghost Leviathans lose their shit.


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well the implementation is pretty lackluster really
you can get to lava level with just a shitload of O2 tanks in your inventory and a pair of flippers
still, the general idea was okay

You can use console commands to set it to load additional chunks, but I wouldn't recommend it.
The game is very taxing by default.

I spawned in a cyclops and was still too terrified to explore and play the game.

The game is much less terrifying when you treat all of the fish like you would a dog that likes to bite.

>tfw was genuinely spooked looking over the edge into the darkness for the first time

all those damn deep sea threads on old Yea Forums really didn't help when I played this game.


The mods we have for it now are nice but I'd kill for a mod that throws in a space trucker campaign. Maximum comfy

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Genuinely curious, why do you get scared in video games?
The worst that can happen is a game over and reloading a save.
My first instinct when I saw a leviathan was to try and shank it.

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It's fucking great, if you don't like survival shit (like me) when the game gets too grindy just spawn materials with the console and keep exploring.

Fear of the unknown is scary even if it's simulated. We can't help it if you have massive balls.

I get very immersed playing vidya.

It started really strong, but fell apart quickly. Too much of the game felt unfinished, especially where they clearly cut stuff rather than complete it so that they could get it out of early access.

Survival becomes trivial very early. The base building was nice until I realized there was really no purpose to it and all I needed was a battery charger and a couple of plant pots (I never built the big research base I was expecting to need to find a cure, because that turned out just to need a simple scavenger hunt). The world is too small and filled with barren biomes for a game about exploration, and the impressive factor of some of them only lasts for the first playthrough.

You know what's crazy is there is ground down there. If you can survive the onslaught of the 3 ghost leviathans that spawn, you can get off the plateau and onto the lower level, it's just covered in incredibly steep bumps, and I can't remember how far it goes, but it still keeps going.

I did but I always had a hard time finding a good place to put my base where it would be useful late game.

Immersion is a hell of a drug, I pity those that can't enjoy it

It's Minecraft shit.

The only fundamental change to the gameplay is when you get the seacar and can start exploring without worrying about oxygen, but you quickly realize that the entire game boils down to collecting the same 2 ores like 900 times. All the bigger sea monsters are completely fucking useless since you can't fight them and can just go someone else to collect shit so what's the point?

truth be told aside from the occasionally cheap jump scare I am never get scared in games. That is what set Subnautica apart from other games for me.

Imagine getting scared by watching a movie.
The worst that can happen is literally nothing.

I don't. People who do are fucking children who get scared by the Paul is Dead conspiracy.

Same thing, but scare is entirely based on
the delivery. Where the light shine I had no issue, in the dark far from the surface tho, seeing something big move, having a moment of silence thinking you weren't noticed only for that thing to pop up right in front of you, that'll make you jump.

Nonsense. Some movies are a pure assault on the senses. That's scary. Video games haven't (and shouldn't) do the same.

Has someone fixed the game by giving you a random starting location yet?

>Dark underwater chasm
>lol who cares

>Large man-eating serpents
>lol who cares

>MC takes off his mask

Hay dios mio, virgencita de guadalupe salvame de la creatura de las profundidades

Immersion can be half the fun, not only for tense moments, but also just in general. Obviously it's not real, but being able to have the illusion makes for a more interesting experience.

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>tfw too much of a sperg to get fully immersed

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It was my GOTY 2018. Loved it. Had no idea I wanted something like this until I got it.

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dont listen to this user
turn on your lights to scare the spiders


The original is fantastic, Below Zero is fucking garbage though.

Terrific game that shows just how much better an exploration in a game is when it's predesigned rather than randomly generated.
Not to mention it's pretty novel. I don't think there's any other games quite like it.

I thought the Cyclops was fun as hell, even if it feels like driving a semi through a fast food drive thru when you get way down there

Subnautica suffered from some hurdles regarding the world design, though. I had to keep referring to maps and charts and guides to find certain bits of data to complete blueprints. It was a slough.

The mystery hanging over you with the game is also betrayed by the dumbness of the story.

I also had to refer to a lot of third-party material in order to not waste 10's of hours. Got no time for that. I 100% looked up guides on where to find what. Not all the time though. I was fine up until the Cyclops upgrades which I really needed guides for.

So you're saying on top of being well designed for regular playthroughs it's also a well designed speed game?

I know, I wasted so many hours with the same problem...

Use the gravity gun to move the boxes inside Aurora.

It definitely needed some kind of map-making system, I feel, even if it was something as simple as a shitty notepad. The colored beacons with a little chunk of text for a simple description often werent enough.

I agree. That would have been greatly helpful. Perhaps some kind of Ubisoft tower system to build up parts of a map?


The faggots your quoteing are parroting verbatim what that Autsitic streamer Joseph anderson argued because they want to sound like pseduo intellectuals because they stole their opinion from a subpar Twitch streamer.

I enjoyed the base building aspect. Just swimming around and collecting resources.
Once you get used to it, shit aint scary. Leviathans aint shit and I even accidentally build my big base between 2 spawns