What's your holy grail of Yea Forums merchandise?

What's your holy grail of Yea Forums merchandise?

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Other urls found in this thread:


a good video game

>buying useless garbage
I will never understand why people do this. What's the point of filling your house/room with this shit if all it's going to do is collect dust.

because limited means it must be important.

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Same can be applied to things like sports memorabilia and posters. Also I don't buy gaming merchandise but I did buy this because he is the only character I like.

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>Why yes I just touched it despite the piece of paper telling me otherwise. What are you gonna do about it, wagie?

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VP plush

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>Same can be applied to things like sports memorabilia and posters
Yes, I wasn't just talking about game merchandize but merchandize that serves no practical purpose in general.

This will be in a museum some day. One that’s run by weirdo out of their house, but a museum nonetheless.

3 kingdom hearts figures i found a walgreens for 3 buck each

timestap or fuck off.

I still have the pip boy clock, metal lunch box, and bobblehead from the fallout 3 collector's edition

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I tried to warn you, now you're a pedophile.

>I still have mass produced western garbage
Good for you reddit

I'd say half for supporting something you enjoy like a sports team or musician and another half to show off to your friends ("Oh, you like the New England Buttfuckers? So do I. Omg, I have their shirt and poster and everything! Go Buttfuckers!").

out of an entire thread about buying useless garbage you get upset at mine specifically?

It's miles better than mass produced weebtrash, resetera.

Please tell me the eyes and bottle light up.

>Museum of Chris Chan
You know when he kicks the bucket, someone WILL attempt to do that.

majora's mask limited edition

I have a Dante figure, a bayo figure, a solid snake figure, a 2B figure, and a link figure at my apartment

i have it
metal halo 3 case whatever the fuck its called with the books and stuff
straight up easily my favorite thing vidya related i own
i mean maybe some old pokemon shit but i dont know
i have some jap pikachu cards worth a couple bucks

A dreamcast broadband adapter

are some of you fucking retarded
the thread is asking what your holy grail is, not what random cheap shit you already own

>someone WILL attempt to do that.
thought there was already one.

I got that backpack from inFAMOUS 2s special edition.

I dont use it often though because I'm scared of people trying to talk to me about it.

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but why would you want to touch a little girl?

this isn't your thread anymore

That beam katana Suda had made during the first game.
>They sold it at auction years ago and will never be sold again

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literally nobody remembers infamous

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I honestly don’t know if this counts, I found it a good will

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>paying money for videogames
>paying money for chinese plastic garbage
l m f a o

i literally cant even tell what this image is portraying

user I don't know how to break this to you, but... OP bought that thing to fuck. He's into little girls, even the fictitious kind.

>paying money for anything
Lmao at your life

Its a football

>you will never see another dreamcast BBA or GC BBA in your lifetime
why even live?

This GTA anniversary action figure. So I can hot glue it

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It’s a frame art cel of the Mario Bros. Cartoon in the 90’s
I would take a better pic but I’m not home

it's a stone luigi

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I have an Amiibo prototype of Captain Falcon
Got cheap, that’s all the story I have for it

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why indeed

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I do, it was unironically my "gateway" game. From there I would look for other cool shit that I'd missed and so on until im now a mega faggot like everyone here.

Persona 1 for ps1, aria of sorrow complete, and the fallout 2 strategy guide.

Germany was a mistake

sorta unrelated and may be considered a shill, but is my gmod vid based or cringe


do you even know what unironically means holy fuck dude

With all the crazy shit that gets made for retro consoles I'm baffled that nobody has made any kind of 3rd party ethernet adapter for the Dreamcast yet.

>What's your holy grail
It’s coming in the mail soon

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I want to fuck that loli!

how big are the panties?
would they fit my 6 year old sister?

Man Overwatch kinda sucks but this statue was neat for the 50 bucks I got for it instead of it being 150

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This rare Wii/ GameCube game

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I don't even love in Japan anymore and I can't get away from stupid shit like this.

My wife

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To see her sexy panties of corse.

Not really rare but I have a statue of one of the nurses from Silent Hill 2 plus 2 Figmas from the Silent Hill 2 line

Yes it means to say something without any irony, and has become a part of the dialogue on this webstie because there's an incredible amount of shitposting.

I want to throw up

this is cute, got any more pics?

a dragon dildo

so why the fuck did you need to state unironically
there's nothing ironic about your gateway game
just say
infamous was my gateway game
there's no fucking reason to use unironically

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was it something you ate

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How was living there

is it one or two discs

Who's this? Looks pretty cool.

I still have a new Pikachu N64

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Because about 3/4s of the board would think that im joking, thats why. Thats how prevalent falseflagging and bait is nowadays user.


Bard from LoL

no they wouldnt
in fact your comment would be lost to the crowd as it would have been had i not commented on your post

I 3Dprint and paint everything I want
For now, I have
BOTW Chest
Alice madness knife
Cyade 6 ace of spades

what are these

Lol it was alright. Definitely not what 90% of weebs would think it was like. A large portion of Japanese are into western stuff, just at a delay. Like, they get the star wars movies a decade after release and it's a big deal over there. I remember in 2004 they finally got Space Jam and that was pretty wild.

What the fuck kind of post is this. Jesus at least look like you're trying to shitpost while shitposting.
2/10 making me reply

oddly tasteful.

Post them pics then

I have a copy of Paper Mario 2

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Someone needs to warn them about how bad things are about to get

I can't believe people actually build shrines for people they don't even know in their house.

I second this

are you unironically retarded?

What kind of game is it even?

What printer do you use?

Oh man you are right. Looks like I got some calls to make. Good call user, I think you are about to save some innocent people from horrible experiences.

Oddly enough, it’s a online 3rd person shooter. It’s actually fun

Mint copy of Radiant Silvergun I lowballed the seller on and the madman accepted.

This. Worth over $500 online and I got it at a thrift store for $50ish bucks.

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A 2hu loli sexbot

you can see them filthy bloomers in the game every time they crawl into the vent

Good shit, I would post those around megaman chat or threads if I was you

Why are you so mean?

thats [spoiler/]cool[/spoiler]

sequel when

Wouldn't it be playable as long as they didn't put any data on the oddly shaped parts of the disc? I remember seeing a dude put shit just on the inside tracks and then take scissors to the outer edges and it ran fine

im not mean
stating what has occurred by observation isnt being mean
you turbo
are you unironically a faggot?

Nah. I don't like to brag. I have on my desk right now I'll post a pic when I'm done showering.

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It must be playable somehow, they copied the data to the disc.

post pls

Is it just a demo?

I third this. 3D print us some pics.

Deka Fumo

Isn't that just thousand year door.

>3D print us some pics.
He should just take a normal 2D picture.

They're dollies

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I'd need to pull a lot of strings to get this to fly under the radar. But part of me wants one, just cause it seems like it would look nice decoratively.

anything interesting between their legs?

>figure has a glock
>in game pistol is clearly a 1911

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>this person actually thinks this

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Stop being so crabby

Getting Vietnam flashback from pee user here

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Are you trying to imply he wasn't a pedophile before he touched it? Only a pedo would like to touch a statue of a little girl, and I want to touch that statue.

Wouldn't that defeat the purpose?

the grigori figure from dragon's dogma collector's edition


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RE4 chainsaw gamecube controller

>I'd need to pull a lot of strings to get this to fly under the radar
Why? Is this a sex doll or something?

He doesn't want his mom to think he's a fag

I actually bid like $1.5K on it even though I had no money

Dollfie's aren't sex dolls unless you mod them so customs won't really give a shit. It's just a doll

Outlaw golf was pretty fun.

Anyone else notice that ebay prices on Pokemon merch and collectibles like this have basically collapsed since gamefreak basically comitted suicide with Sword/Shield? Pokemon is such a toxic property nowadays, and I'm happy the sheeple are finally waking up :)

>buy halo:reach uber meme legendary edition just because I wanted some armor or some shit when I was 14
>turns out the lore shit and "feelies" inside are really fucking well made and informative
>statue is left in a corner to gather dust almost immediately
>enthralled with the rest of it for weeks on end
>its the last halo game that is even vaguely playable

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>cause it seems like it would look nice decoratively.
holy shit the absolute STATE of anime retards

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[spoilers] balljoints [/spoiler]

I still have my copy

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Your fucking "gateway" into homosexuality faggot.

Do you really think his mom will think he's a fag with doll's that look like this?

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Not only gay, but transexual too.

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Yes I'm sure S/S won't sell 16,000,000 copies like the rest of the games

This! Just live in an empty house, don't even paint your walls. If it has no utility then don't purchase it.

I think I own that

also own the Ni No Kuni book

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My rarest games are probably Starcraft 64, PSO I&II plus on gamecube, and Survival Kids on GBC.

Rarest merch in general are probably my licensed posters for Fallout New Vegas and Persona 5.

Pic related is (most of) my 5th gen collection. I have other expensive games, but not sure which are actually rare.

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I own sealed PS2 Shadow Hearts 2 and 3, and sealed Gamecube Baten Kaitos 2. All PAL versions tho.

I want sealed superior than Zelda Zelda clones, like Quintet games, Alundra, Soleil... Japanese versions mainly.

I would love to own that unique in the world Shadow of the Damned purple leather jacket.

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He's the kind of guy that would make his mom film the unboxing of the doll in the backyard.

That actually looks legit.

There is a wide spectrum in between being a mindless consumer drone and filling out your personal space with art and/or knickknacks that have personal meaning to you. Walls with no posters or paintings can get kind of boring to look at.

>Not taking your doll out in public and enjoying the day together

lmao wat a gay

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I want the signed Doom poster. That's all.


The preorder was such a cluster fuck

Oh and gothic 1 had a prequel comic, that was probably only released in krautland. You can't find even evidence of its existence anymore.

You can look at the thing and spark a good memory from it.

That image fucking hurts to look at.

Your living quarters are for recharging and general existence, not to be adorned with generally useless and unnecessary stuff. Make your life interesting, not your wall.

A shitton of wholesome Undertale doujins.

Any Talim figurine besides the best buy preorder piece of shit

Pretty sure none exists though

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This record.
I love the game, it's up there among my favorites. However, aside from this, there's literally no merchandise for it.

It also pains me to no end, because I once saw a listing for it on eBay. I started up saving up some cash, and just as soon as I was ready to purchase, it was gone. Now it's nowhere available online.

I guess you could ask around Discogs, but I doubt anyone is willing to sell it, let alone at a reasonable price.

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tell that to the cave painters idiot

>Almost 10k USD

I sold my neca big daddy figure when I was desperate for any amount of money to get me through so that's all I'd want back
I sold a lot of my things but that's what I miss most

They're $750 msrp...

They didn't paint where they slept, dipshit.

>not painting caveman porn where you slept

>Blalantly lying because you have been btfo
>Thinks people can't have interesting lives If they have paraphernalia of they favorite shit in their room

What a sad, bland faggot you must be.

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where did the cavemen sleep then moron

that's not all of them

touhou isn't an anime you retard

cavemen slept at the entrance of caves deep inside caves are where ceremonial rituals are held and paintings are painted.

Only video merchandise I've ever owned.

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I get you live in your mom basement
But my living room and game room is still my fucking cave, so was theirs.

They still adorned their walls with pointless but cool shit man either way you're an idiot

Anyone have an upskirt picture of this figure?

I threw my Halo 3 helmet from the collector's edition in the bin about 2 years ago after finding out that it was worthless on Ebay.
That was also the last time I ever pre-ordered anything.

Can you fuck it?

Get fucked scalper.

Is it full modeled?

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i've got one of these. didn't know they'd become so valuable lol

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What about that then?

Virtual On, but with panties instead of robots.

that's why it's the holy grail.
we don't even know if they actually sculpted underwear

This or a fully head-sized headcrab plush.

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Great quality but the pose is so-so.

ayyyyyyyyy user me too
Good shit. Regret not jumping on the Rain World vinyl. Probably a good thing I stopped the collection at one though.

i wanna fuck that doll

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same, I love this figure

Don't really buy merch i've got a lot of expensive games and some nice figures of manga characters though

Excuse me you fucking LOSERS of Yea Forums, when talking about collecting figures, holy grail means that item you don't have, but you desire the most, not some shitty garbage you got on a McDOnalds menu or a """"""""""collectors""""""""""""""" edition where millions of fucking units exist.
Thanks and now fuck off.

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This, i think.
He is too pricey though.

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Have sex

For sentimental value, it's probably the Resi 4 Chainsaw controller for PS2. That game is what got me into collecting.

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fucking based au/toy/st

haha imagine owning a little sister and drilling at her cunny in order to install a loli onahole in it, haha woldn't that be funny??

Nintendo needs to curate the games more again.

I just found my badges from the original Kawata Shoujo kickstarter.

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>putting holes in your merch


this is the saddest thing I have seen all week

I don't sink money into worthless plastic

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>mad they can't enjoy life
How sad you are.

You can't buy a real Little Sister

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>just found a fucking production cel at goodwill with a certificate

this, what the fuck is wrong with this board?
even Yea Forums has more culture

I have this giant dildo.

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You don't understand, bro. This is like... part of gaming history!

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in america

>Your living quarters are for recharging and general existence, not to be adorned with generally useless and unnecessary stuff

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what did he mean by this?

I can smell the euphoria coming off of this post.

Please list them, molly, I trust your judgement.

I still can't believe they did this

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Can you imagine being the sweatshop worker who had to put this together?


The most fedora post I've seen in years.
Lmao my house is my recharging station.

Virgin freak

What’s this from?

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Got a picture of 2b kissing or cuddling with 9s

>show off to your friends
this is exactly the problem

Do they have holes

I have one of these MegaMan X controllers but the cable is ripped and I don't know shit about sodering.

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Is that faggot that said he would ditch the doll for pussy? LMAO, failed normalfags die.

No. But your wallet will if you buy them.

Completely unrelated but what's the sauce of that gif?

There was a shop near me that was closing down and selling a big stack of these for £10 each when I was a kid. I had £30 and bought some shitty GBA games instead like a retard

It's motherfucking snufkin from moomin you pleb

Specifically the nip animated series tanoshii moomin ikka.

Holy shit


grow the fuck up seriously

also this

I missed out on a vinyl record Outrun soundtrack and now it's over $100. No way im paying that

The fact that they never released a 1:1 scale doll is criminal

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>I can't believe the video game board is filled with people who like to play with toys.


I don't buy merch. That shit is a waste of money and space.

I don't buy gaming merchandise because I am not a faggot

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>anime pic
You may not buy any merch, but you're still a faggot.

>coming to an anime website and complaining about anime posters

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You're a moron. The thread was never implied to be "what's the most important Yea Forums merchandise you actually own".

Hey, I'm just saying he can be a fag despite not buying any gaming merchandise.

This is probably one of my favourite things in my collection. I could have easily gotten this off of eBay or downloaded it from the eShop, but I actually visited the Louvre, used the guide and got a copy for myself from the gift shop.

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>detailed life sized statue

ok, gramps

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Didn't someone pay a couple thousand dollars for this or something?


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Extremely fucking cool, keep that baby safe

Is that worth a lot? I worked in a game shop a couple years ago and we had STACKS of DS Louvre tours. Couldn't shift them.

how much is this and how can I buy it without attracting attention

As opposed to an ironic faggot? Quit using Yea Forums canned buzzwords

There are a couple expensive meme games I would like to have real physical copies of. Luciennes Quest on 3DO, Burning Rangers on Saturn, Rule of Rose on PS2 (which I actually had at one point but sold to help cover the $600 cost of a PS3 like a fuckin dumbass) to name a few.

Cheers mate!

Not really? I mean, they're rare in the sense that they're only physically sold at the Louvre, but you can still just buy them on eBay if you're really desperate. The real moneymaker would be the special Louvre 3DS's that the museum uses for paid tours. They're special debug units that are region free and use the Louvre's WiFi to tell you what part of the museum you're currently in. If you managed to get a hold of any of those... you'd definitely have to let me know.

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based and royalistpilled

Create your own or become the doll

These artstyle and handwriting look familiar.

Hilarious, given that that character is in a bunch of porn.

This or the BioShock 2 Special Edition

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god of boobs

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Whoah I want this

Because i like it faggot

>do not touch
Are you insecure about your sexuality?

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I would love to get one of these

Nigga that's at a GameStop. Obviously they were having problems with gropy neckbeards.

Forgot pic

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I'd really like to get my hands on one of these:

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>already over 2 years since this has happened
Where does the time go?

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My John Carmack autographed Doom Shareware from Quakecon 2011.

I have a copy of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Gold Edition from way back when it launched.

I agree with user, but we're talking about the same smallbrained faggots that will spend $200 on jeans or sneakers

Consumerism is cancer

Money aren't a problem tho

They are dollfie, and they are basically impossible to get if you miss the pre order (also they are really overcosted but they are exclusive as hell)

i wonder if one of you has ever considered that the cancer is anti-consumerism?

What cracks me up the most is that he refers to himself as both Christian and Christine in the certificate.

It would only work in CD players where you physically put the disc on the spinner, even then it would likely

I think there’d be serious issues if you put it in your PC, or the CD player in your car

You're adorable.

Nigger, a holy grail is almost explicitly something you do not own and probably never will.

How much are these

>Yea Forums
>knowledge about anything

Anything Flower, Sun and Rain related but especially the physically version of the book. A big part of the game is reading through a book in game for clues, and it would just be nice to play with a real version

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To let any females know you,re a faggot.

Just bought this. The holy grail of DKC soundtracks. I finally have all 3 now. I...can finally die happy...

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I have the japanese version with the DS game
Is it worth something?


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Send it to me, I'll fix it for you and send it back if youre in the states

I found this at my local Gamestop.

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I wonder what kind of panties she's wearing
Or maybe nothing at all underneath?

Sometimes I find myself thinking it would be neat to have a set of life size marble statues of various Fate servants on a human chessboard.

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might as well buy one of these, at leasy I can fuck it.

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I'm envious of everything this man owns

maybe he wasn't complaining about anime specifically, but rather that we're all faggots here.

puffiest I have ever seen

Not merch, but I made this and it is my personal holy grail.

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That alpha Xbox that guy turned into a PC.

Yes I as an intellectual don't waste money on meaningless items, fuck paintingsm fuck curtains lamps etc.. I like living only by the bare necessities like all humanity should. and perhaps one day you will be enlightened like me

You could probably tag this as 'Limited edition Freddy Fazbear pizza' and make like 5000% profit.

thats pretty fucking nito

This slut (wife)

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A dedicated server.

That's how you know it's authentic.

This fucking badboy. Or the Link on Epona figure. Can't find em for sale ever anywhere

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I bought the MGSV collectors edition.

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I don't have the special picture disc one since it was super limited, but I have the Red/Black vinyl. Fucking great OST.

t. Woman
Sorry, I'd rather spend money on game collectables than on you and your half black child

is that arm as cheap as it looks

I have wii sports.

I don't collect glorified children's toys and idol worship them.

Honestly I really wanna buy Steel Battalion

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Nah, it's actually better. The picture does make it look like total shit but it's alright.

That's pretty cool. I wish I had one. But it's okay I still have the Gold Cart of Majora's Mask on the 64.

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That pic reminds me of the time years ago i had sex with a girl who's room was filled to the absolute brim with those old timey creepy porcelain dolls. The night I spent there has stayed with me for all these fucking years. There are times still wake up in a cold sweat and feel like I'm back in that horrible room with all those creepy glass eyes on me.

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At least her feet are cute.

Dolls are cool though. The craftsmanship

You guys really shouldn't be touching the artifacts.
It's extremely dangerous.

Attached: FushionRedone.jpg (600x545, 148K)

You can probably play that on a playstation One

I preordered Civilization: Beyond Earth biggest fucking mistake I've made from Amazon, and it came with a pretty large collectable metal medallion. It was a hexagon with the names and icons of the "tribes" inscribed upon it, Purity, Harmony and the other one.
It's apparently so obscure I can find literally ZERO references to it even existing online, absolutely nothing. Not a picture, not a solitary word. It's bizarre.

It's truly like it doesn't exist, yet there it sits in my drawer of junk.

And such a great deal!

Attached: 11_03_14 AM- 16-Aug-19 (001) - firefox.png (889x788, 272K)

I really want a Splatoon Tentalive hoodie but they were only sold at the venue and they're even rare to show up on auction sites.

Attached: Dx6kJAtUwAYC1-o.jpg (668x680, 91K)

yeah ps4 owners would have the free time to make stuff like that

Metal Gear Rex model. It was real tricky with all the small pieces of which there were like 800.

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those are overpriced, these are probably from aliexpress and go for anywhere between 150-300ish

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Not the bees!

not really a holy grail but I kinda wanted that titanfall 2 helmet and wanted to get a samsung smartwatch to larp the division.

Why do they never show the pussy

Pic related.

Attached: 45F53C40-170B-4D19-BA43-2ABB1A86BF2D.jpg (1600x1200, 195K)

Very cool

any other games for this feel?

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I got the Tarot Card set that came with the PSP version of Tactics Ogre. Also, some preorder artbooks for Valkyria Chronicles and Demon Souls.

Attached: tcogre.jpg (620x379, 76K)

The remaining vocal box collections for the P3FES collector's editions. I have the one from Animate, and I haven't been able to find much information on them besides there being 3 variants and the supposed limited battery life but I'm patient. 12 years to find this one, I can wait a few more.

Attached: voice box1.jpg (1408x1992, 775K)

I have 6 copies of the game. 2 of each N64 (regular gold and holographic gold), 1 sealed 1 open of each, and the 3DS version. Also, the 3DS collectors edition unopened. MM is my all time favorite game.

Basedcore game
Extremely cool micro tho

Some things are better left to the imagination.

Put it on

What the hell is that

Damn. One of these would be nice. I should’ve hopped on eBay after the show. I was watching it live. I feel like an idiot now

God is cute

>tfw your handwriting is slightly worse than CWC's

You're missing out on a great game, user
head cage from Bloodborne

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Mine is much worse

for how many thousands do you think /vg/ autists will buy this for?

soap shoes sonic plush or sa1 amy rose plush

FWIW there are two of the T-shirts on Yahoo Auctions right now for ~$200 but I really want the hoodie, particularly because I have a Chaos shirt already. I have never seen any of the apparel on eBay but I haven't been searching too hard.

Is it
It's for a friend...

I pretty much never but any physical merchandise for gaming, at least not for the past decade or so. That being said I found this sealed FF12 Zodiac Age collectors edition guide at a local bookstore and got it. They stopped printing it only months after it came out and its my favorite mainline game.

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Yes he is

I still got a gba e-reader with all the cards it came with. That worth anything?

>do not touch

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For me it's Juri

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you got scammed pretty fucking badly user

This is my favourite piece of vidya merch I own, but the most valuable is my sealed copy of Skies of Arcadia Legends

Attached: 20181010_030103.jpg (4032x3024, 3.44M)

Tonnes of pages of great art from a time before From Software churned out Soulshit like Call of Duty. Too bad I doubt there's any way to get my hands on one nowadays.

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>that one gif where a trap shove the fist in his ass
good stuff

I remember seeing this at my local gamestore along with friday the 13th figures and stuff like that, too bad that stores gone now

Attached: s-l1600.jpg (1200x1600, 326K)

>arse ne
>not jack frost

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>logo looks like a brap with corn

Attached: 1564473301407.jpg (560x415, 27K)

I got that! Via buying korean edition of a doubla pack of Otogi 1 and 2.

Alas, it's not "tons" of pages. It's just about 20 pages, with art of Otogi 2 bosses and some regular enemies, displaying the art that you can view anyways in the games before entering missions, remember?

It's just a booklet that comes with a mini ost, with that vocal song from 2.

>she bought the version with the 1/2 scale arm
I'm so sorry

>Alas, it's not "tons" of pages.
Yeah I used a bit of a hyperbole there, still the worth for me isn't the size or material.
Sure do, that stuff was fucking great. Wonder if From still has some, maybe they'd sell me one if I contact them directly.

At least I still got pic related to reminisce the good old OG Xbox days.

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ya'll really don't think before you post huh

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I have a poster of big boss and quiet covered in blood and artbook for MGSV, I only own them because I wanted a phisical copy of the game and the dude behind the counter knew me and threw them in for free.
He said he'd throw in the arm for an extra £10, but I have no where to put it.
Pic related in the poster, but with no writing on it.

Attached: MGSV-The-Phantom-Pain-Promotional-Poster.jpg (724x1024, 169K)

The two otogis has that real yokai feeling.

Steel Battalion pad is amazing, I'm the jelly one here after all.

I got the same one, but it was signed by Kojima and Shinkawa. Won it in a Twitter contest.

He's there next to Joker actually, I want Pyro so he isn't lonely and need to find a spot for Pixie

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why is he surrounded by persona fags? they have no respect for demons

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Why the hell would you buy this instead of a figma

If there was more figures for other series then I'd have some. If there was a figure or statue of Abel or Demi-Fiend then they'd be there chilling too, but unfortunately the most I have is Raiho Frost in the Devil Summoner 2 box

good taste

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i have a sealed copy of FEAR thats signed by the dev team

Attached: signed.png (305x397, 226K)

The type of insanity capable of only a "true" son of Ulster. I bet that image title would send him into a frothing rage.

I don't play bloodborne but that's pretty tight user

i thought about getting one of these but that face has nothing to do with her

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Found one of these the other day, was amusing

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As a pedo I agree. Look. Admire. Wonder. But do not defile that which is perfect with your impure hands.

Attached: Auraface.jpg (1200x1200, 595K)

Reported for blatant wh*te nationalism. Enjoy your ban, Nazi scum!

>initially missed out on the Jak and Daxter TPL collector's edition last year
>less than 3000 units made, literally sold out in less than a minute
>got super lucky when someone in the community gave me a spare code for the waiting list sales
>cost me only €70 at the time
>being sold for at least €300 now not even a year later, most sought after of the trilogy sets

Fucking close one, lads. I've literally had a nightmare about someone breaking in to steal it, that's how much I covet it

Attached: 1342381829507.jpg (348x363, 24K)

I wanna stick her foot in my peehole.

>those controls
Someone post the pic.

>buying useless garbage that has some chance to increasing its price after some decades.

Based Jimbo dropping bombs on the plebs.

>i feel fantastic

>missed out on Limited runs Jak and Daxter, Jak II and Jak 3 collectors editions because I was at work

damn nice


Attached: 1118809059302.jpg (582x600, 42K)

>tfw I got 1-3 and if I miss out on X I'll never be complete and get the Jak 4 mock cover case

Attached: jaktpl.jpg (2048x1024, 475K)

like every bishoujo figure?

Jak 2 looks cheap on eBay, $150 but damn the original one is over $300?!
One day I'll get the set but I can't believe I missed out on them

Attached: j6hv5cg64v6bnm6i7u8inu6byhvgt5fr.jpg (1264x1618, 473K)

Not the rarest vidya merch I own, but certainly closest to my heart, as I love that series above all else.

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>giving naughty dog money

Attached: .webm (1920x1080, 770K)

Yeah TPL is by far gonna be the hardest to get second-hand being the lowest-produced and most favored of the trilogy, good luck bro. By the way, I expect X will drop in the next two weeks so stay alert

>literal Underage Panty Quest
Bless you, Japan.

Who are you quoting?

I couldn't give less of a fuck, I've been waiting on quality Jak merch all my damn life. Plus, I stopped playing their games past the second Uncharted

The whole abdominal region in this illustration is totally fucked.
Who's the artist? Looks kinda like Hyung Tae Kim

I couldn't care less who I give my money too, I'm a huge Jak fan. It was the first game series I obsessed over and completed 100% back in the day, I need these limited editions
Thanks, I'm checking their website daily now

My boy usedpizza

This mousepad of my beloved wife

that I just opened yesterday

Attached: murasaki5.jpg (480x640, 233K)

took a month to ship

Attached: futaba.jpg (620x1408, 615K)

take picture of under her skirt

I have one of the originally made nintendo virtual boys
it collects dust, but it has a shitload of games and everything else with it


That's nothing really special

wasn't really a flex, just the only thing I have

I own probably both of my Holy Grail's user.
Firstly my Original copy of the MGS1 artbook with it's original ID stamp that I fortunately got signed by both Hideo Kojima and Yoji Shinkawa.
Second probably my 3A Metal Gear Rex.
If there's enough interest I can post pictures, probably.

Fucking dumbass unable to recognize a Dollfie. Lurk for a million years to evolve a bit more.

Hideo's signature lowered the value of the book ever since people realized he's a fucking hack

Yeah, but this is like a slice of time, from probably around 2012? Probably before Kojima was openly known that way. It holds extreme sentimental value because of Shinkawa's signature for sure though.

I want a caco plushie but don't want tot give money to Bethesda

Attached: 800px-Bethesda-plush-doom-cacodemon.jpg (800x592, 47K)

what the fuck is this

First 4 Figures Majora's Mask limited. They're great figures, but I don't know if I'd buy another. They're so huge and expensive!

You mean the game or the F4F?

Have you played any Fallout games before 2008?

Sounds fucking amazing, sorry you’re too much of a faggot to enjoy pseudo-exhibitionist sex in a cursed room. She had good taste, you did not.

Try to admire his courage instead, user. Imagine the fortitude he's got from the shit he got for this. He doesnt care what people think of him.

is this by the same dude who made Lain?

If you want one, see if there are cosplay outfits for sale and get a sex doll.

hello phirst look

Original STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl collectors edition with edible "anti-rad" pills.

Attached: DSC_0669.jpg (3264x1836, 1.73M)

Jesus christ if I had knownabout these 5 years ago not only would I have never gotten married but I probably would have never left the house and just been discovered as a dry, mummified husk still clutching my fake cheeks.

I honestly don't see what's so wrong about this

It's a hand made Viva Pinata plush. Unfortunately they never made official ones. The best VP merchandise we got to my knowledge were these Burger King toys.

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what a bunch of useless shit

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please take a photo of her looking up at your cock

Buying useless bullshit because you like how it makes you feel is what women do. Dumbass.

I wish I could look up skirts all day

There is over 20 lbs of it, too much for a simple camera.

just big enough to strangle your cock right before cumming big time.

Who needs to collect things to decorate your home with? Why even buy games when I can just go on Yea Forums to complain about them?
Pic related is my room, minimalism at its finest

Attached: IMG_5073.jpg (1920x1136, 118K)

What's keeping me from dressing up barbies as vidya characters? Surely doll size clothes exist.

Hi Anders

show us the figurine retard

based retard shilling for asceticism

based ascetic

love this thread all i have is my bed, a table, and my tools

i use the rest of the room for exercise and ritual

I bet you thought that sounded really clever, but you just sound like a pretentious faggot.

are you a girl tho

I have a signed CE copy of MGS3 from Kojima himself, also shook his hand afterwards. Despite this great memory I nowadays think he's a hack and MGS4 and 5 are utter garbage and Death Stranding will be the same pseudo-intellectual cringefest that gets hailed by the gaming press as the next Citizen Kane or whatever whereas the whole thing wouldn't even reach B-movie status if it was an actual film.

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Why are you so desperate to defend your possessions?

why arent the eyes connected, fuck it's too funny

All of my holy grails are Yea Forums merch, not Yea Forums. I need to own everything related to Hanayo Koizumi. I need to.

Attached: Bn8GpAfIAAEGIuc.jpg (599x337, 24K)

i am a girl (male)

I've been meaning to sell mine.

Attached: NZHiIIp.jpg (412x418, 59K)

post thighs

Because they look nice and I enjoy having my personal space having a few things that I enjoy. Why are you so desperate to seem above everyone by not having any?

I wish I had a GF who would let me look up her skirt all day.

Is the metroid prime trilogy steelbook still rare?
If so, that.



my grandmother collected these fucking glass slippers that I saw zero fucking value in, also tea kettles
my mother collected ceramic pigs
my dad likes some old school action figure stuff, also Frazetta artwork, he has some prints, just a couple years ago he finally got a big (like 12") Death Dealer statue which was something he'd been wanting for as long as I can remember and finally a company made one
don't act like collecting "useless garbage" is something unique to millenials or zoomers


user is above filthy commoners, he's much much smarter than all of us because he doesn't do something most people do. How do you not understand this?

here he is, this is literally the guy


Nice. I have a copy of Haunting Ground!

I enjoy flipping through artbooks and I wish I had more.
So far I have Okami, P5 (jap), MH 1, Splatoon and Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2.
I also have a Jack Frost nendo.
I wish to one day have all the artbooks from the series listed above and the upcoming Pyro and Black Jack nendoroids.

Raiden detected.

Mental illness.

My grandma has stacks and stacks and stacks of China plates, and boxes of silverware she could supply a royal dinner at buckingham with all her China, but we only have a maximum of 5 people coming over for holidays.

I'm waiting for Pyro too. Hope he doesn't get fucking delayed again this month.

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it will be built on the ancient burial grounds of his former home in VA. many anons will come, many will get lost in the winding passages of filth and decay, all to see the majesty of the totem of Chu


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>Don’t touch

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Pretty cool. Where/how did you get it?

gee I wounder why they put that sign

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everytime this figure pops up on Ebay, I end up in a bidding war for it. I always fucking lose because although I set a bid for 5$ more in the last second, a dude does it RIGHT as I do too, and they always win. I just want my fucking Gamma figure

Attached: file.png (192x288, 97K)

fucking faggot, keeping your shit in plastic graves.
you put that shit in drawers if you want to protect it.

otherwise you are opening a plastic case to open a cardboard box just to get to the GAME

fucking newfag

How big is she? Post pictures so we can have an idea.

I don't someone like's maybe collecting figures? It's called hobby

>detailed life sized statue
sounds like a loli sex doll gramps

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Always do a couple dollars more like $7.23. I mean, what is an extra dollar or two at that point?

literally this lmao

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*tips fedora*

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I remember you

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imagine your gf finding these

Attached: 1526056679231.jpg (1128x836, 195K)

>grow the fuck up seriously
>plays vidya
based retard

i wonder if anyone has the prototype amiibo
it had a peach with MODELED PANTIES, like fucking melee style.

No, he's more likely to be on the younger side, little faggots don't have any confidence, only bravado, so they are afraid to lose societal approval by doing anything that might seem incorrect for an adult, which is why he uses the term, "grow up".
I've never heard anyone with any sense of maturity use that term, it's a guaranteed sign of a juvenile and judgemental mind.

did you paint it? does it look any good unpainted? I've been wanting to get one but I have no idea how to paint models

Aside from books?
Art books, particularly hardback ones, are really valuable to me

based and redpilled and sadly underrated

This is a man who has never had sex, and likely never will

Hey, I have that one
I get to have a Bard figurine on my desk but no new bard skins

Oh... S-should we tell him?

Figma balls bitch! Goteem

same here and fuck little girls I mean...ugh fuck pedo...girls

I remember seeing this game on the bargain section of target

This is your brain on postmodernism.


Get the FUCK off my site, you FAGGOT!!!

Maximum comf.

I don’t even know how to respond to this

Snake looks awful without facial hair.

yeah bro listen to this guy

ok, tell that to 99% of faggots?
everyone has shit in their house and rooms, fucker.

Oh if we're doing vidya things we made...

Attached: hiddenblade.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

And the followup since anons always ask how it's supposed to work if I have to grip it to stab.

Attached: Blade Demo.webm (594x1040, 1.05M)

Let's be honest with ourselves. With the game drought, we've all got time on our hands.

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Goddamn I never thought someone would save a picture of my station

Id ironically wear this in public

Have you ever seen a disc tray? It's shaped like a disc. Not diddy kong.

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