How did we go from congressional conversation on banning lootboxes and online gambling to blaming videogames for real life shootings? Is it even possible for congress to do something that actually benefits Americans?
Videogame Legislation
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this comic can't not be ironic
Is this your first Kelly comic? I was unaware once too.
based kelly
I saw this one too from this guy, and it left me very confused
Is there a single bad Kelly comic? Does this guy really bat 1000?
When will gamers have to be licenced to play video games?
where's the water edit?
newfag trash
boomer cartoonists are the true masters of bait
he's a kid though, there's nothing wrong with it
based retard
Disregards this i suck cocks
the water is right next to him
>How did we go from congressional conversation on banning lootboxes and online gambling to blaming videogames for real life shootings?
The slippery slope is not just a meme
You asked for the government to step into video games and this is what you get
You are retarded if you think this is a case of slippery slope, one of the first things the president did when he took power was try to ban vidya and that was well before the lootbox stuff.
>one of the first things the president did when he took power was try to ban vidya
never ever
remember, the govt is the biggest mafia out there
that's a stubborn misconception
it's legal for kids to fuck other kids (within limits), but it's not legal for them to posses CP
I'm sure the same applies to lolicon in countries where it is illegal
I need to sleep.
Value your sleep over the approval of anonymous (you)s. Just get some sleep Kellyposter
>journos/snoy force game devs to censor games for almost a decade, completely altering gaming
>"broooo like whooo cares LMAO it's just games, le GAMERS RISE UP XD"
>Trump makes comment that psychotic mass shooters isolate themselves with violent media
>That feel when wanna see Trump ban video games just out of pure curiosity for what will happen
I'm flawed.
What is it with Boomers and video games anyway? I get that video games can desensitize people to violence, but so do movies and music, hell, some music glorifies it
the irony is that most boomers only cares because it's on TV to begin with. They don't give a shit about death and security.
It's some new shit that they didn't have as a kid. Most boomers don't understand video games either, or think Pac-Man is still the latest and greatest. And since they didn't grow up with it, they think, "Those dang Millennials with their game stations, I didn't have those and my life was great!"
Trump has been raging about video games since at least 2012, it's one of the things he regularly tweets about.
Scapegoating something the younger people like is something that's happened since civilization formed. Once upon a time it was horseless carriages. Then it was motion pictures. Then it was aeroplanes. Then it was radio. Then it was television. Then it was fast cars. Then it was rock n' roll. Then it was Dungeons & Dragons. Now it's video games. Our generation will be screaming about the next major youth enjoyment destroying everything soon enough.
I have no horse in american politics but wanted Trump to win just to see what would happen. I am actually dissapointed in that progressive and alt left politics actually became worse and more rampant though, I dont know what I was expecting but it wasnt for things to get even worse despite who was in charge.
It's a natural progression. 20+ years ago, these types were limited to the dingy backrooms of college dorms where the dropouts and liberal arts majors avoided responsibility. With the internet growing as it has, these people have found online communities that encouraged them to speak out their insane ideologies and now they're out in the open and mucking about.
Same goes for those who occupy the far right end of the spectrum, as well.
America, you have almost the best education system on this world yet your common sense is worse than a third worldies in many aspect. Jesus fucking Christ, fucking get it together you fucking manchild.
>best education
>have to be indebted for life just to go to college to get even a job that pays well
It's not the your education system that are fucked, its the economy, stupid. Its your military budget that is like half your GDP that fucked your economy. your money stagnant on guns that will never see any action and will be obsolete in 6 months. I'm pretty fucking sure building a wall will contributes more to your ball sack economy than developing a gun that could fire 0.0001 faster.
>American education
*ahem* common core *ahem* ban on evolution theory *ahem* ban on red pen *ahem* nobody's left behind
This we may have good universities but the public schools are basically just a state run daycare and light prison sim.
>good universities
you invented an artificial "quality" score based on publication numbers, that only lead each school board to forget entirely about the quality of the education and instead green light all the "studies" they can to be trendy, Even if it's just reactionary garbage to the latest hashtag fad.
>ship sluts are canonically girls
>all the porn is of females (male)
This has to be an edit because no human being with half a brain would think there weren't guys trying to be girls during 2 world wars and vice versa
No that image is real, my dad is the editor.
If you need then go, your health is important
>I can't distinguish between general trends and the absolute presence of something
>I can't distinguish between satire and informative statements
This has to be bait, because no human being with half a brain wouldn't be able to instinctively understand how stupid that comment was.
Because the cutest boats are the flatchested tomboys.
Going to need the ones that chronicle Kelly's dad walking out on his mom and the ones that show Kelly later leaving his own family
possess OR produce, so a teenage girl sending nudes to her boyfriend could land them both in jail
Because the cutest boats are the flatchested tomboys (male).
Fixed that for you
>Fixed that for you
First time I've ever seen that used and actually be true. Thanks friend.
>ban on red pen
it's not really a ban so much as "we can use any color so why are we using one that just makes the kids feel like shit"
A 0/10 is going to hurt in any colour. We need to ban grading of students entirely. No student left behind because there's no graduation criteria. Sure it'll make university degrees utterly worthless, but they already are in most cases.
>colors hurt my feefees
see? You already are a product of that deprogramming. An infant until you die.
>schools should stop to teach anything, who cares if adults can't write or count to 100 anymore. their feeling is more important
>everything should stay exactly the same
>no one should ever try to improve
>how dare you try to make school even a tiny bit better, don't you know school is supposed to suck!
>LeVar Burton
Games have been a scapegoat since they were made. It's just that the relevance of the argument ebbs and flows depending on the current political climate and how hard the NRA needs to insist that everything but guns is the real problem.
>lets change what works for arbitrary reasons and hope that things improve
Change for the sake of change is just as stupid if not more than clinging to precedent.
>school should stop to work, I want change because I hate my dad. WHO CARES if I'm dumb as shit at least I TRIED (not really)
have a free (yikes)
if only we had ANY FUCKING MONEY to do anything more than switch pen colors
but no, the country needs another F-35 that doesn't work.
It's been like three or four years since it was last proven video games don't cause it. The 80 year olds in there don't have that long of a memory anymore. It's cyclical.
>I failed school because the pen was red, not because I was a lazy sack of shit that browsed 9gag all day on my phone instead of listening.
"Dead people looking down from heaven" is easily my favorite Kelly trope
What the FUCK went wrong?
Im interested in this as well
This is getting good.
so are you going to become an educator or a politician and do something about it, or are you just going to complain that someone is doing something differently from when you were a kid
Unlike you most people there aren't still in school, you fucking underage retard who can't face that he's the only reason he failed basic education.
I am literally a teacher
I mean when rap, hip hop and movies are glorifies sex, drugs and murder, I'm pretty fucking sure video games are just a drop in the ocean.
Even rock and roll and the "devil music" in the eighties didn't have the ball to put "Imma fuck your mum, your sister and snort cocaine on their tits while I finna bust a cap on your ass." on their music.
Already am. And let me tell you no one listens to us.
Reminder that Jack Thompson also went after rap music
Reminder that if you accuse one art/entertainment medium of turning the youth into shooters you open the door for criticism of other mediums (i.e. well yeah there's rap music, but video games are interactive)
what song is that from, pray tell
>Jack Thompson also went after rap music
Was there anything that ambulance chasing fuck didn't go after? He got disbarred in Florida. That takes a supreme effort to do.
Trump literally, unironically has more extreme opinions on video games than Anita
after that rant? No you aren't.
And they both, literally, and ironically, only have those ideas because they're chasing approval in the hopes of a payout. It's amusing in a "clowns caught in a death spiral" kinda way.
>The slippery slope is not just a meme
>You asked for the government to step into video games and this is what you get
Are you retarded?
The USA have been trying to blame videogames for violence for like decades now.
Have you heard the news you nigger, the POTMFUS, the giga chad NIGGA of murrica, the mother of mother fucker of the USA has been already attacking vidya since forever.
shoot I hope my boss doesn't come on Yea Forums and fire me, whatever will I do
>whatever will I do
get promoted?
Why the fuck is this not getting any (you)s?
Based. Post more.
cause it sucks
I thought it was funny but was too lazy to post.
wheres the crying statue of liberty?
Why are 2d girls (male) so hot?
It's not either funny or bad enough to reply.
he tried to get Time Warner prosecuted for sedition over Cop Killer.
It's like a bro you can fuck.
Because artist draws a tittyless girl with very few manly features. Often the only 2 manly features is the absecene of obvious breasts and a penis.
my favorite thing about Kelly is that he went f on parody of political cartoonist to just drawing whatever irked them recently also love the way he self inserts
Other guy got me to reply
That, and because I noticed it.
Is lady liberty Kelly's waifu?
Mother/Ideal wife archetype
The best thing about some Kelly comics is that raw insight into how some actual people feel about things.
The term "honest cable CEOs" alone is brilliant.
I just had the original and the anime tiddi edit.
Kelly is a ladies man do it's more like he's her husbando
>How did we go from congressional conversation on banning lootboxes and online gambling to blaming videogames for real life shootings?
Does Yea Forums not remember Jack Thompson? This has been a thing since forever.
Anyone have the loli kelly edit?
also one of the few without lady liberty
Yeah, I remember him vs Hilary Clinton and he was on the "voice of reason" side amusingly enough. Though he was only doing it because he was getting a fat paycheck for it.
Thanks, this one cracks me up every time.
you pretty much perfectly encapsulated what makes these so funny
Currently actually crying because of how Trump Admin is bastardizing her poem to justify their racism.
Wasn't that poem bolted to her years after she turned up? As long as America isn't keeping slaves it should all be good. And economic slavery doesn't count because of reasons okay.
The Sonnet itself was written during the construction of of the Statue of Liberty, to raise money to construct the platform, so anyone thinking it was added after the fact is lying to you.
Also if you want to stop economic slavery and prosecution. Prosecute the business owners who hire undocumented workers and raise taxes on the rich, so they actually invest in their workers and companies as opposed to hoarding money, like they did with the Trump tax cut.
Antia is just a con artist.
Trump is a con artist as well, who got in way over his head, but he's beholden to the NRA, so he's going to blame anyone and anything but the real problem, which are guns. Because he needs the NRA's money and apparatus to have hope of being reelected.
Thanks for the enlightenment.
The whole give me your tired and hungry thing was made later by a jew.
>The whole give me your tired and hungry thing was made later by a jew.
Let me guess, someone who channelled jesus but instead of humanitarian thoughts it was "so we can turn them into hotdog meat or charge them rent, and then turn the defaulters into hotdog meat"
It is right there on the poem's manuscript you knoblet.
Wrong, here's the original poem.
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
The only one adding things are the racists in the Trump Admin, which are antithetical to Emma Lazarus's work.
The mass shootings per week ratio went up again and people started getting loud about banning guns.
Trumptards don't realize they got taken for a ride, and all orange man cares about is the same thing all politicians care about: Their respective lobbies. He's beholden to the NRA, so he'll do anything to deflect this away from guns. Vidya is a convenient scapegoat.
And so as the president goes, so too does the party line, and with it the media coverage.
>gets fooled by "The Onion"
Kys newfag
>here's the original poem.
Who wrote that poem? Cause if it was Moishe Goldstein...
>the water bottle
If baby needs his bottle, yes, Emma Lazarus was Jewish by birth and was a Jewish activist.
Thanks, that's all the binke I need. I'll happily shit my pants in the corner since it was a Jewish Woman.
>If I'm a girl...
>Then loving cocks doesn't make me a pervert...
It'd make him straight but it doesn't absolve him of being a pervert.
Rock wasn't explicit, but metal was, and still is.
>Kelly's comics are fantastic
>the other comics the artist does are pretty lame
Just crummy water comics? What about ones with pokemon creatures?
lootbox = gambling and violent vidya = violent youth are two separate movements. The latter has been the general fallback plan of the older generations for many many years as their tried and true strategy to steer focus away from more meaningful discussion like increasing the federal budget for k-12 education and opening up more impactful research on gun violence.
Instead rockstars actually did fuck your sister and snort cocaine off their tits.
Based as fuck
What we need to ban are Assault Rifle 16s. There is no need for a modern citizen to carry a weapon of war with a large capacitor clip. There is no need for automated guns. There is no reason to make guns silent. Theres no need to make a gun shoot lasers. Sticking a knife on a gun should be punished twice as hard.
Guns belong in fantasy and in the hands of our police state.
>still no game
Jesus this is good
God is dead?
That doll makes me want another Puppet Master movie with japanese puppets. Specifically when one weeb goes to hot glue his doll it cuts his dick off.
And we killed him.
Has been since Nietzsche.
So he's right. The give me your hungry snit whas written by a nation wrecker. Just like the word "racist" was created by them. My who would have thought.
Have cancer.
and no one cares