I'll start the thread with DmC5
The fanboys are the most fucking obnoxious comparing and attacking any other action games ever
Never seen bayo or gow fans being this pretentious
Also all the reddit cringe meme they bring over holy shit
They can't even handle the true fact that their game fucking flopped and that capcom cancelled all dlc plans and sequels over making negative profits lmao
Also the smash community or any nintendo games but pretty much everyone hates them here
ITT:Cancerous fanbases
Other urls found in this thread:
anything that attracts trannies
>The fanboys are the most fucking obnoxious comparing and attacking any other action games ever
I think the real irony is that they shit on DmC (2013) so much, But they basically bought and praise the same game with DMC V.
>Fuck you! Hehe nothin personell
It even had the exact same final boss. What weak shit.
>unironically posting a cap of Reddit
>surpased DmC lifetime sales in a month
>second best selling game in the franchise behing dmc4
Are you the guy that got banned at the discord and got his info doxxed by the admins? KEK
>Let me just pose with my gift
Why even bother?
_____Yea Forums_____
The Last of Us
Fallout: New Vegas
Super Smash Bros.
Maybe fortnite. Granted it's kinda unfair since they're mostly little kids who don't know any better. Still
ironic weebs
Did it really flop? I like the game but prefer dmc 3 a lot more. I wish they didn't decrease the gravity and make everything floaty af in dmc 5.
Note the subtle bird he's giving everyone.
I'm not a tranny so I wouldn't know what the fuck you are even talking about
Maybe you should try to dilate with your friends over discord
Twitter e-celeb screenshot fags
Tim Sweeny's china bots
Also >r*ddit screenshot
What's this website's obsession with shitting on DMC?
If you like Dmc5 you are a fake fan
I bet you are one of those people who say "DmC was a good game just not a good Devil May Cry!" and were in elementary school when DMC4 came out
It's over, user. The game was successful and good. All that pinning fanbases against DMC's was for nothing. Move on.
by what metric was it successful?
>What's this website's obsession with shitting on DMC?
It's just a few dedicated contrarians.
get rid of Nero
reboot the series by following the same artstyle and atmosphere that first game had, none of this tektonik garbage
Keep seething Barry.
ok see ya
no, OP is making shit up (again)
It even sold more copies than DmC and is currently the second highest selling DMC game (next to DMC 4)
Sales, critic reviews, user reviews
Really though? All i've seen in their threads is how much they want to fuck Vergil
What the FUCK is up with that Redditfag's font?
Anyway, Nintendo. Never have I seen a company be enabled so much for their poor decisions.
Any platform fanbase. It's fine to be a fan of certain games, but being a fan of the thing you play said games on always felt wrong to me.
Monster Hunter
Really in all of the shilling the fanbase does why do they defend Vergil's face so much? He really looks terrible.
Any fanbase or gathering of people for anything I don't like.
Team Fortress fanbase
They're all leftover bronies/atheists and beg harder for support than a fucking Captain Falcon main. They think they're all hot shit because they "beat" a doomed to fail game like Overwatch and have crashed their own economy twice all while tipping their fedoras at the sight of any other relevant game.
Are there faggots STILL trying to falseflag/rile up DmC fans? I remember the incredibly retarded, concerted effort to turn DmC threads against other fandoms by making unflattering comparisons to other games that weren't even slightly related; people so salty about the constant happy DmC threads they kept constantly trying to shit them up.
definitely not the most cancerous, but fuck arena fps fans
New about 3 irl and all of them would call every modern fps shit (while playing most) and talking non stop about hardcore quake 3 is depsite their only experience with the franchise being maybe 1 or 2 games on quake live in the past decade. This didn't stop them from hoping on the prerelease bandwagon of all those supposed arena fps revivals while never touching them when they released. I can respect if you like a genre, but at least fucking support it instead of using it as your e-cred you fucking posers
>oh no no no no people dislike my favourite game it cannot be!!!
1 has such a godlike atmosphere it's one of my favorite games strongly because of it. Definitely feel a OG RE vibe from it
basically any MOBA "games"
>posting reddit screencap
i honestly cant believe people still care about "gamer cred" crap like that. like i pretended to be a hardcore gamer with elite taste when i was 13 but eventually i came around and realized i was being fucking retarded
>replying to yourself
nice job barry
based but cringepilled
>r*ddit screencap
this is worse than twitter e-celeb shit, not saying the latter is any better