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Other urls found in this thread:

Fatih/STR > STR

Luck+Faith > all

int > str/dex

Attached: 500 million year button.png (813x670, 1.12M)

CON > all

Attached: Graham.jpg (880x508, 47K)

>con represents physical health
>character with high con is designed as an obese fatass who would have horrible health and would die and get injured very easily
explain this meme to me

>would die and get injured very easily
no one can hurt a big fat man easily


I'll use my mana for hp and my hp for mana.

Attached: Shaman.jpg (521x720, 80K)


big fat men get ankle injuries from walking down a slight slope and break ribs and an arm if they fall down from standing

What a brutal fucking scene

undead > all

Attached: 3D5EEAF6-5430-40BE-B65E-F06AAC513E3C.jpg (672x372, 137K)


Bitch chose to keep fighting, it's all her fault

Attached: FTH VS DEX.png (637x560, 404K)

>60 STR growth
you're god damned right

Attached: dIMITRI_KEK.png (413x405, 331K)

Anyone have that webm of the guy walking through the train with a trumpet? I used to post that for CHA

>max CON builds

Attached: 1433896785212.gif (240x240, 2.57M)

>muh edgy invincible 100000000 year old vampire who ate too many souls to die
God Hellsing was so shit

Attached: 1564520624359.jpg (622x621, 61K)

Sir this is an Imperial Burger Establishment.

Attached: 1565041464477.jpg (4926x3284, 2.31M)


Attached: foBAG28kZxAAUpYI4gIZKvMOB4buyCsd6KZtx8WtBV0.jpg (630x945, 107K)

hard agree. literally nothing about that shit show was good.

Attached: Konata-konata-izumi-19923254-566-357.jpg (566x357, 35K)

That would imply videl had any dexterity to begin with

This scene and Cell absorbing 18 gave me the most confusing boners as a teenager

Attached: 1565548283811.png (336x523, 91K)

I'm fat and this has never happened to me.

Depends on how fat you are, it has to do with the strain you put on your joints and the reduced bone density of sedentary obese people

Attached: untitleds1.gif (500x375, 618K)

While I agree the story was shit, so isn't like 95% of anime? The animation and the atmosphere was great tho


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I'm not asking for Shakespeare but when the show has literally no tension because the edgy vampiric faggot always has some vampire bullshit up his ass and can regenerate from anything it's just dull

Jannies in jammies always win.


Look at that, the moe-shitter thinks they're above dumb violent fun anime

Look it's just not fun if the protagonist is never under threat of losing unless that's the point like in OPM

>blade will kill
I read it in his voice.

Alucard did lose eventually though. And half the anime he's gone and focuses on the more vulnerable characters. Did we watch the same thing?

Hellsing 2001 was unironically better because it didn't have that stupid shit. Alucard was a mysterious figure in that because his backstory wasn't fucking vomited out and he wasn't the protagonist. Hellsing legitimately works when Alucard isn't the main protagonist and it focuses more on the Hellsing organisation than him. Which is why the Hellsing Manga and Ultimate feel far worse in that regard.

Attached: Hellsing Seras Gas Mask.jpg (512x288, 24K)

yes because the main character always loses right?

It's not like he is always there even, shit goes down and after everythings gone to rectum and back again he comes and cleans shit up

Yes, like in real life.

Examples? I can't think of a single instance of this happening in any RPG I've played. They're burly sometimes, but never obese.

Toei made that way more brutal than it was supposed to be. In the manga it was way shorter.

>an obese fatass who would have horrible health and would die and get injured very easily

doesnt that design exist to show if we were evolved to survive car crashes what we would look like? how would he get injured very quickly?

Its been years but didnt he come back even more powerful at the end?

She didn't deserve any of that.

Attached: Tomboy Videl getting ready for FighterZ.png (813x1200, 1.92M)

Alright Ill give you that much. How about I hate Alucard?

Wasn't that mostly all of those problems only in Ultimate and the Manga?

Idk, she did just break his neck
It shouldn't have been allowed to go on since she was being disqualified for it but she wouldn't stop


car crash resistance > str/dex

You fucks seriously don't think Incognito was any better, do you?

To be fair, the finale was rushed as fuck because the series was nearing cancellation due to lower ratings. The first five or six episodes were top tier though. Incognito was always intended to be a minor villain though, it seems they would've covered Millennium later on as proven by this promo trailer which depicts Millennium as the end and has a scene from the Brazil arc.

Other than that though the TV Anime was way better than Ultimate and the Manga in terms of characterisation and atmosphere which are the main complaints of Ultimate and the Manga.

Attached: Hellsing 2001 wallpaper.jpg (776x485, 123K)

Ultimate is better. Following the manga is ALWAYS better. Brotherhood is better too.

Hello, I am a long time Yea Forums user.

I like Dwarves. I do not like Elves.

In video games, I pick Strength builds. And not Dexterity builds.

I enjoy games such as Deus Ex, Stalker, Dark Souls, and Planescape Torment.

When I see a cartoon animal, I get irrationally upset and angry beyond what is considered normal.

I do not enjoy games with female protagonists. However, I will make exception when my genitalia is engaged.

My ideal girlfriend is a six foot tall goth with large mammaries who is simultaneously a slut with me and yet chaste in every other regard.

I hope you all enjoy my posts, as I intend to keep posting as a member of this community. Thank you. I'm sure my opinions are new, original and daring, so I hope I have not stirred up a fuss.

Brotherhood is better but you cannot seriously tell me from a storytelling perspective that Ultimate is better than the 2001 anime. Ultimate didn't change any of the bad ideas from the manga and adapted almost everything that the manga did even the ones that were fucking stupid. The problem with Hirano is that he is a lazy artist and writer, which is why Hellsing the Dawn still hasn't been finished and why the original Manga finale was such an anti-climax. Hellsing 2001 at least tried to expand on some of the cooler ideas (like Hellsing organisation and how they operate, or the idea of there being more True Vampires in the world, etc).
Hellsing Ultimate and the Manga just feels really shallow by comparison, it starts out as Dracula but set in the modern time period and then we immediately go to Nazi Vampires and Zombies because Hirano has an obsession with Nazi Cat Boys. There's no transition between the two. It just happens abruptly and that's it. Whereas 2001 seemed to be slowly building up to it. 2001 had better pacing whereas the original manga and Hellsing Ultimate go way too fast and focus too much on Alucard killing things and being overpowered and cool instead of developing characters like Seras.

Comparing FMA's situation to Hellsing's situation is a terrible analogy because Hellsing 2001 merely expanded on ideas that were already in the manga, and Incognito was just supposed to be a servant of Millennium which would've made sense, not to mention the story was written by the same guy that made Serial Experiments Lain, hence why the atmosphere and characterisation is more well-written. FMA 2003 on the other hand completely changed the story because the writer was the same one as the retard that wrote Genocyber. Those two situations can't be compared because one of these completely changed the story in favour of tip fedora cynicism nonsense whilst the other expands on ideas that were already written in the story.

Attached: Hellsing.jpg (1024x1447, 244K)

killing off her unborn child like that was brutal

It is better

Pure, concentrated redit: the show.

If anyone recommends hellsing to you, you know they’re a huge faggot.

You telling me that's a fucking girl? Now that I look at the gif carefully there seem to be some tits, but christ, I still would've never realized normally
Why is Dragonball's artstyle so bad

She's a tomboy, nigger.

Attached: Chadhan with Videl.png (331x294, 128K)

Give me a single counter-argument about why it's better then, faggot.

If they recommend Ultimate then they are 100% reddit. If they recommend the 2001 anime they have some taste probably and watch SEL. No one on Reddit likes the 2001 anime because "le ebin too slow for me xD" because they are all on adderal and want things to be quick and fast and boom boom xD

Attached: I came here to-.gif (480x360, 595K)

Is she also canonically retarded? This pic sure makes her look so

Agree to disagree I guess. Maybe if it had another season or a bigger budget.
Calling shit reddit is reddit as fuck.
I've seen SEL and still prefer ultimate. The action matters most in an action show.


>when he smashes his knee right in her face

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Toriyama is the most progressive character designer in the whole world, he basically has the highest retard quota on his character roster.

Fuck, Gohan grew up to be a total chad

Fuck Toriyama for giving her a 10/10 design and discarding it.

Short hair is a 9/10

Attached: Videl_DBZ_Ep_207_001.png (658x989, 1.05M)

But dragonsballz had only one stat


Attached: 2482801 - Dragon_Ball_Z Videl spopovich.jpg (1080x1920, 337K)

>Maybe if it had another season or a bigger budget.
True. The animation shown in the trailer was their best work, and honestly another season and more funding and we would've had a 10/10 show.
>I've seen SEL and still prefer ultimate. The action matters most in an action show.
Fair your opinion, but an action show becomes bland when there's no stakes or no properly interesting characters to get invested in, Ultimate just gets boring pretty quick because of the lack of plot between action. But I guess that's just how I perceive it.

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If we ignore the shit Super that is.

Yeah but the earlier abridged was funny.

>Challenging Jehovahs Witnesses to sports
Bad move

Cringe and Bluepilled

Based and red pilled

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nobody cares, autismo

>Brain cancer
choose your superpower

then, where are his lats??