Hey guys, gonna run to White Castle for some sliders. You guys want me to pick you up anything?

Hey guys, gonna run to White Castle for some sliders. You guys want me to pick you up anything?

Attached: IMG_0763.jpg (500x332, 242K)

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I had this shit when I was at EVO. It was fucking vile and legitimately disgusting.

Nah, I'd rather eat garbage, it would probably be healthier for me and taste better too.

Cooked onions on burgers is truly a disgusting thing.

I ate an entire crave case by myself once.

I have never been, sounds gross

Yeah I’ll get some insulin resistance.
If your A1c is below 7 you can’t call yourself a gamer.

Can you get me burrito

White Castle is disgusting and the frozen version is unironically better

chimken reng and malkshak


>All of you who have never experienced the joy of eating 2 am sliders while high and playing tf2
You poor lost souls don't know what you're missing...besides the bloody diarrhea


chicken rings please

Sliders? More like slide outta my asshole, if you know what I mean.

This ain't Taco Bell
Y'all better pay me back. You still owe me for the pizza last week.

these arent bad, the microwavable ones are good too

I'd rather go to wendy’s and get a solid 4 for 4

are their veggie burgers any good?

This is gonna sound really American but does anyone get a “we’re not in Kansas anymore” feeling when you’re traveling and start to see restaurants that aren’t in your state?

Only when the "Hardees" start turning into "Carl's Jr" and the "Rally's" start turning into "Checkers" do I get that feeling.

For me, it's Krystal.

Attached: krystal.jpg (474x320, 27K)

I've only ever left my fucking cornfield of a state like once, if I ever see a carl's jr instead of a hardees I'm gonna have a mental breakdown

Finally had In-n-Out last year and I think coastfags rave about it because they’ve never had Culver’s before and they don’t know any better

I have never even heard of any of those before, in new england all we have is a dunkin donuts every block + basic stuff like McDonalds and BK

I live in Missouri and I agree that Culver's is top grade burger joint. White Castle is good though if you're just craving something trashy.

>coastfags rave about [thing] because they’ve never had [alternative] before and they don’t know any better
Yeah, sounds about right.

can I get uuuuuh
cheesy gordita crunch
crunchwrap supreme
steak quesadilla
baja blast

To give you a good idea about these restutants:
>Everyone working is ghetto as hell and will take 15 minutes to get your order at minimum in and drive thru
>If you order anything special (no cheese, extra tomatoes, etc), they will mess it up
>good chance it has spit or crotch germs because no one there ever washes their hands
>no hair nets or gloves
>got to soak up the grease in napkins before eating
French fries aren't half bad though

where in new england? also agreed with about checkers, that shit only exists in ghetto areas like mine

I’d like to try In-and-Out, There’s a Chic-Fil-A the next town over from me but the drive is worth it, and I’ve heard In-and-Out have similar standards

the microwavable ones are a disgrace dear God no

this, culver's is great. the midwest has so many good chains that the east and west coast can't compete with. the midwest is prettier and a better place to live too, fuck coasties honestly

I could use some sliders. Get me some so I can start farting all day.

New England consists of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. NY isn’t technically part but I’d consider the culture close enough

I want 30 sliders, 5 french fries, and 4 large cherry cokes.

no shit, i asked where in new england not what is new england.


finally a real human bean in the thread

Their onion rings are so fucking good and I love being gross occasionally and just eating a few double deckers with a shake. But I can feel my life shortening by whole years the next day every time and my asshole always hates me for it.

They don't call 'em murder burgers for nothin' I guess


I literally live in the town where they go in Harold & Kumar and there are no White Castles within a 40 mile perimeter. We're an incredibly dense suburban area and have every other chain imaginible (from your standard Burger King to yuppie B. Good to Naf Naf Grill to Shake Shack, Zinburger, Hash House A Go Go, and so on), but the only White Castle I can remember which was in Pennsauken closed a long time ago. It's so bizarre, it's like the movie was cursed and we're now the No White Castle Zone.

Attached: Untitled.png (480x610, 559K)

>onion rings
you fool, you charlatan, you vile impostor they only have onion chips and chicken rings, no conventional combination of the two

hang your head and neck in shame

you guys don't have checkers? i'm kinda surprised. if you ever take the ferry to LI for some reason and want to eat shit we have it here. i've only seen hardees in "the south" though.

But they do? I always sub the fries with a sack of onion rings

For me, it's the Cook-Out quesadilla tray with two sides of quesadilla and a chocolate shake

Attached: cook-out.jpg (550x308, 45K)

Is H&R a good movie? I like stoner comedies, been wanting to check that one out

normally they're pretty good but once in a while there will be one that just tastes "off"

Both H&K 1 and 2 are good rentals

If that's your kinda thing then that movie is right up your alley.

Don't know where you're from but here they sell onion rings. Look it up.

I feel this way when I start seeing Sheetz and Loves on the road.


so fucking stoked they are finally opening one up near me. miss it so much since i moved away from home

never had white castle, but its basically the same as crystals though. checkers(burgers), zaxbys(chicken), and wendys(wildcard) are the trifecta of godtier fast food


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Is it any good? Never been there, and the only reason why I know about the place is because of that Impractical Jokers episode

Nah, the most exotic thing I think I’ve seen is a Johnny Rockets and a shake shack

I took a trip to georgia and had xaxbys and it was p good. BTW Athens is the only good part of georgia sorry

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>never experienced the joy of eating 2 am sliders while high
wow you're so cool and edgy kys degenerate

Your insides will feel like they're melting into liquid shit the following day if you eat a good amount of it. But on certain occasions, it's very good.

>All these posts
>No Raising Cane's
You know how I know y'all are faggots?

This. I get diarrhea every single fucking time I eat there but god damnit is it worth it

Last 2 times I went to raising canes it tasted like absolute shit. Not sure I like them anymore

Sucks. My local one has been absolute ace for years now.

Well, yeah. Half the fun of in-n-out is the secret menu. Get a 3x3 animal style with everything on it, it’s just as good/better than wattaburger

Wow this thread. Bunch of low test faggots who grow facial hair like pic related

Attached: low test.jpg (1538x2048, 300K)

You guys ever get hot dogs at Costco? Went in there a and got one for the first time in what must have been a decade. Weird thing is, the thing that sticks with me most isn’t even the food, it’s the weird ass dreamlike lighting of that part of the building. Made me kinda nervous while I was waiting in line.

when was the last time you went? This has only happened to me in the last couple months. I swear they changed their recipe or something.

I don't like being in costco any more than I have to. I'm just there to buy a 10 lb bag of chicken breast and a pallet of beer and I'm gone

Go in the middle of a thunderstorm if you really want that dreamlike lighting. Half of the reason why it’s weird is because of the massive ceiling windows they have, so with the darkness of the thunderclouds combined with the bright flash of lighting, the constant drumming of rain, and no shoppers it’s a trippy experience.

I was there like 2 weeks ago.

Shit, that would really fuck me up. All my dreams as a kid were just me getting mauled by animals. When the lighting of an area hits that sweet spot I go into panic mode because my brain thinks emus are about to attack

ah, PTSD from the war. You have my sympathies

sorta unrelated and may be considered a shill, but is my gmod vid based or cringe
