>Anime Profile
Anime Profile
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Oh it’s this thread again
*clink* *ahem*
Steam is a videogame platform, not a social media platform so don't make your profile look like a dumb blog with shitty rules and about you that nobody cares about
forgot the pic
>non-anime profile
Your shitty CalArts cartoons and Netflix trash is infinitely inferior to anime. Japan is the best country in the world.
death to all things western
>Steam badges
kinda noticed most anime avatar people are really fucking passive aggressive and have a god complex.
i often question why, is it autism?
>imagine actually thinking like this lol
>cropped out hentai as pfp
>everyone always commenting for source
>tfw don't use anime pfp on discord anymore to stand out because literally everyone else does
how do you get this one
I've learned to simply leave a link on my profile page. No one asks me anymore.
Suck it down, bitch boy.
Imagine coming to a Japanese inspired website designed for enthusiasts of Japan and shitting up the place for attention
Mayjasmine episode01 What is God? 五月茉莉
I've noticed that anime profile players are really shit, but black and white anime profiles are autistic gods
2 points for me (Only ~100 games, private profile)
Weebs are the most oppressed group
>having any kind of profile
Die faggot
No joke, this girl keeps texting to me about her anime OCs for entire hours and gets overly agressive when I don't respond and make comments regarding them. In short, yes it is autism.
Based x100
Westerners are crass, but that's still infinitely better than what the Japanese have become. What's the point of living if you're just sucking up to your superiors and not engaging in perpetual warfare against everything?
I wish we lived in the timeline that nukes 3 through 14 got used
This also applies to twitter or any kind of social media
ironic weebs are a plague
You're absolutely right
I use images of really obscure mangas that i don't even read to appear more unique and interesting
>Anime profile
>Cartoon drawing of the actual person that makes them look cute and quirky when in fact they're not
>Looney Tunes boomer profile
>Support our troops Punisher profile
>Screencap of flash cartoon profile
>Meme of the week profile
>Girl who takes picture at angle so you can't see how fat she is when you already she's fat profile
>Ironic Weebs hate western stuff
>Valve is a western company
>cartoon drawing of the actual user showing they have a faggy beard and glasses
The worse are people with the custom South Park Avatars, prove me wrong I dare you.
>Cartoon drawing
Almost, but not always
>rainbow emoji
>pronouns in profile
This, they are always jojo fags too. Wish we could gas them desu
Ironic weebs who think JoJo is peak manga and are only familiar with a few popular shounen series, and faggot twinks who like idolshit and play gacha are the two worst groups.
Imagine the smell
I don't care what someone uses as a profile picture, since it usually doesn't mean much, but if people reject me because I have something Japanese-looking that's great since it filters out the normalfags I wouldn't want to talk to anyway.
Or people who actually watch anime but who don't want to associate with mentally ill fags who use Steam to find ERP partners.
>I am not lolicon, I am a feminist
Literally based.
>steam level 400+
>Steam group
>adding autistic losers from Yea Forums
now this is based
>complaining about anime on a fucking anime site
telltale sign of a normalfaggot/newfag tourist
kyoani is proof that even the biggest otaku can hate anime
My only sin is my Yang Wenli anime avatar. I have no regrets.
>Not Reinhardt
You're right, that is a sin.
>Giving a shit of what others on the internet think of you
Deal with it nerds
It's 1000% more based than your lame fortress avatar or your seinfeld shit.
based Vince McMahon.
>has a 15 year badge
>uses an anime avatar
Here's my avatar
Based Dork
Aarin is such a fucking faggot holy shit
Imagine being a boot-licking drone
Wrestling is just anime for closeted gay rednecks
>walks into sports club
>"I hate sports so much"
>"then why are you here--"
>"HAHA epic troll! Sportsfags fuck off!"
>"sir, this is sports clu---"
>"no it isn't! because you also talk about cars!"
OP in a nutshell
>Walk into a sports club
>Faggot there who hardly watches sports
>Faggot just keeps spouting Yea Forums memes while occasionally making reference to being a fairweather fan, or some fringe aspect of sports culture
>Faggot gets called a faggot
>"What the fuck, man?! This is a sports bar for people who love sports like me!"
>TFW my only 2 freinds changed thier profile pics from cropped hentai
All I need now is more than 150 game, A higher steam level, and For the U.S. to annex Syrupland
So having anime pics means you don't actually watch anime?
anime website
Being a faggot who avatarfags with cute anime girls and is desperate to make steam "friends" means you're more concerned with secondary and tertiary aspects of anime culture, yes. The kinds of people that use anime girl avatars are to anime what people who post about e-celebs while not actually playing games are to video games.
It's fucking impossible for me to find friends online. 99.9% of people I meet online are absolutley atrocious.
I've got two people I talk to on a daily basis in a teamspeak server, that's it. I have yet to EVER be in a discord that I didn't want to leave within 5 minutes.
My gf has an anime avatar and some autist sperged about it in TF2 the other day. lmao which one of you was it?
No red flags whatsoever, does this mean I get to keep my guns mister lawman?
It's weird because I can never meet people around my age group (early 20s). Everyone is either obnoxious teenager kids or depressed suicidal boomers.
99% autism, they ruin video gaming community
Does pic related count?
what kinda gay cares about steam level at all
>less than 150 games
ayyy lmao
>anime avatar
>*chan related groups
>account buys VNs
I guess I'm an annoying faggot.
>his steam account isn't on private at all times with 0 friends
What's wrong with private profiles?
>ironic weebs
>ironic hate anime muh degenerate leigion larper posters
Both are just awful
>imagine getting shot by a misgendered tranny
It's almost as bad as being a tripfag.
>if your avatar isn't a TV cartoon it's this other TV cartoon
Jesus fuck leave your house once in a while.
genuinely dont you anime posters have any shame
do you really think your great great great great grandfather would be impressed with you cucking of your ancestry
they bled and suffered for you to wack off to traps and spam some weeb character from some cancer anime that will be dead in a year
like fuck
stop it
>does this anime avatar count as an anime avatar?
weebs, everyone
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
That's a video game character.
>calling other people awful
literally every time
Pretty much the exact same thing.
Nier is my favorite anime.
>literally being a tranny on Yea Forums
You have to be at least 18 years old to post here
im 24
if you're defending anime you're a fuckin twelvie peasant
mad cause im making fun of your fucking cartoons buddy
>posts meme reaction images but but larp as anti-anime warrior on the anime site
these people all have wojak as their avatars. Every anime avatar poster is nice and friendly, meme avatar posters are cringe.
>anime site
Anyone else seeing a ton of obvious FREE GAME BRO! phishing announcements getting spammed in steam groups they're in
>Every anime avatar poster is nice and friendly, meme avatar posters are cringe
>shits on wojak/meme reaction pics
>while reacting with cancer anime
copulate with a knife, pedo
Weebcucks BTFO
Yeah dude I believe you
based hiroshima nagasaki
okay im your 86 yearold grandpa and you need to get out of your room and stop masturbating to those cartoons terry
make a comment with substance you fucking japlover
I have never seen someone of drinking age use the word "twelvie".
What compels people into such seething fits of impotent rage at the mere site of anime they go on a larp imaginary e-crusade and post meme reactions going u mad anime tranny you made. Sigh this site really has gone down hill since gamer gate. I just want my comfy anime site and no anti-anime larp crusaders who are cringier than any anime chad with their obnoxious anti-anime personas. It's so cringe HURRRR ANIME TRANNY HURRR ANIME TRANNY DILALTE LEEEE BRINGE BRINGEEEEE ANIME CRINGEEEE.
I wonder if they realize how cancerous they are. oh wait /pol/yps think it is a public service to shitpost about the mean anime chads having anime profiles on steam.
>queue string of replies of butthurt meme avatar posters.
Learn how to type and people won't assume you're 15.
Is there anything more embarrassing than anime?
OK big brainers, if this isn't a anime site, why do people call it that, huh?
>playing TF2
>ponies popular and I got spray in game
>voice chat comes on
O god who let a ponyfucker on the server?! Fucking sicko Barney fags everywhere I go
>check this guys score
>pony profile pic
>god I hate ironic shitposting
>get my mic on
>"hey there buddy. Thats a nice profile pic you got there. Which one is that? Twittledit Spankle?
>people quickly had a "wait, what"
Moment before collectively laughing
>only your specially educated ass is commenting to me
look Ma it thinks its people
said the american
Anime is permitted
Anime avatarfagging is cancer and autism and reddit and everything awful in this world
>5 games
>account is less than 5 years old
>steam level is lower than 10
The worst part is even though the site was founded for Japanese culture discussion every other banner is some ancient weeaboo meme, the icon is literally a yotsuba reference and it's based off a japanese imageboard named after a japanese honourific. They still come here and try to enforce their newfaggotry 2016 election post gamer gate ways because having a comfy weeaboo site to discuss japanese cultiure is like so cringe. Now excuse me while i bust out my smug reaction images calling you anime tranny dillate, what do you mean i am tourist and cancer actually it is the weebs who are cancer now let me throw a fit about anime chads because being a passive aggressive anti-anime crusader larping polyp chud who freaks out about big eye drawings on the mongolian cartoon forum is soooo much better than discussing japanese culture and video games.
How could anime turn people into trans?
kill yourself, weebshit.
There is at least one other person here who thinks you're underaged. Might be due to the fact that you type like a teenager.
They think Japanese fetishism is validating their mental illness. They are literally unable to distinguish 2D from 3D.
Because the people in anime are weird looking freaks with huge eyes and stupid expressions. If you watch anime then you are literally a tranny.
>Every anime avatar poster is nice and friendly
Mentally ill faggots aren't nice.
wow so burned
fuckin hectic how will i recover from an 50 kg or 120kg man posting anime at me on an internet forum
ruthless desu
whats your ancestry, its okay to say this is an anonymous website
wait what the fuck i meant desu
Not every anime though. Most of anime i watch have pretty normal looking eyes and i still don't see how it makes me a tranny? Also is there any reason you hate anime? Have you try to give it a chance?
>Faggot constantly watches moe anime
>They start to want to become a girl
It ain't rocket science. Anime is just a catalyst for that change.
>"people making edgy jokes or persisting in being a contrarian for the sake of being contrarian after a tragedy proves my point"
The smoothest of brains. Commit bullet.
stay new desu senpai.
Why isn't this an issue in Japan then? Just a Western thing about not being able to tell the difference between fact and fiction I guess.
>Every anime avatar poster is nice and friendly
Not really, thought I must admit it's 50:50 ratio. Some of them are really nice, but some of them are really awful.
But that is not anime turning that faggot into tranny.
I think OP wants us to post loli
>Why isn't this an issue in Japan then?
Have you ever fucking been to comiket? Do you know how many middle aged men I've seen dressed up as cute anime girls?
japs dont self insert (other as the ntr cuck)
western anime fans self inserts as the protagonist. and most popular sol anime have female lead
Underaged drinking is cool
Yeah but that crossdressing and not actually believing to be an woman.
nice false flag booty blasted anime poster
Fuck PAYDAY2 customizables being stuck to achievs
>less than 30h in past 2 weeks
I was on vacation, but fair enough
>Damage controlling this hard
Just lurk until you're 18 dude, it's not that hard
i wasn't really trying to impress you but i got 0 i'll take the cool guy compliment but yeahnah fuck off
>sam user/idlemaster
you're literal cancer and might as well kys
There's a big difference between dressing up for fun and dressing up because you think it makes everyone think you are and will accept you as a real woman.
you won't fit in, get off
whats your obsession with this underage narrative
its actually pathetic
find something else to call me out on that shit is just
>ur underage lmaoo idot
just cease posting until you're 18 mate seriously
My profile picture is a statue of someone with my name. How bad is that?
Japan is not LGBT friendly.
America, UK is.
what does LGBT friendly mean?
the animation is so shit
characters in anime with the removal of sound look like they're literally just saying "blah blah blah" or even "bah bah bah"
like fuck
its not good
Okay but that doesn't mean you can't post anime reaction images outside of anime boards.