Sending hired goons to people's houses

>sending hired goons to people's houses
Why is 2k so evil?

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Let's say I make a top secret pizza that I only told a few people about, then one of those people shows everyone my top secret pizza all of a sudden on the internet. I have the right to send people to that person's house to tell him to knock it off.

>being a corporate apologists on the internet
>for free

Oh noooooooooooo not your product that's terrrrible

You actually dont have the right to intimidate anyone in any shape or form but nice fanfic fuckwit.

>corporate bootlicker
>food analogy
Sure is low IQ in here, lads

>I have the right
The fuck you do

if you personally posted a public video of the fucking recipe then some youtuber faggot reposted it pointing out the massive information leak you personally made then the only right you have is to suck dick through a 12 and a half foot hose

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The game will still sell 10 million copies

Stay mad haters

I hope this is ebin bait.

Underrated post

>food analogy

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You actually don't.

I love how hypocritical Yea Forums is about this shit. One moment they're shitting all over literal who e-celebs, and the next they're defending them with their lives.

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i think they're more upset about a shitty corporation doing it and being allowed to freely do so

>make pizza that you are planning to release to the public
>some rando online advertises and hypes your pizza for free
>you fuck him over

>he does it for free

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>Killed SupMatto over leaks
Damn, now that is an evil corporation.

Yeah, and you do nothing more than bitch about it on some shitty image board all day.

You actually have no right, but the corporative kikes of the videogame industry care not about this and still do it

No you don't. They didn't sign an NDA.

NDA, schmen-DA. If I tell you a secret and you tell everybody else then I'm allowed retribution

Yeah, we'll see how well that holds up in a court of law.

>caring about ecelb shit
Kill yourself subhuman and back to re"dit, who fucking cares.

What an autistic argument
So you could literally rape and kill a little girl and it's not an issue as long as she makes YouTube videos? Nice to see your priorities

>rape and kill a girl analogy
Are you autistic you subhuman re*dit OP ? It's about a product, that is protected by trademarks. Gearbox can fuck your ass when you publish their material on YouTube, it's their material.Killing and raping someone is something entirely different even has his own law section, you have more than one law book, sub 80iq kiddo.