ITT: Post surprisingly good licensed games

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Alien vs Predator

Alien vs Predator: Extinction had 2 great campaigns and is very comfy

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was one of my favourite Genesis games, beat it something like 15 times as a kid

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Mad Max

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Attack on Titan/Marvel's Spider-Man.

Absolutely based

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Very rarely will I finish a game and immediately replay it, but this was one that made me do it. Also Jew is best class

today was a really good day for this game

this is a joke right?

fucking love Stick of Truth but every time I get a good way into it something happens to the game and it wont start up anymore.
Searching around the 'net heaps of people have the same problem but there's no fix.

Has anyone actually played this since launch? I got it when the 360 came out and i thought it was good too. A few years later I played it and realized it was shit.

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The fact that you could play as a bad guy was cool

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pm'd you the fix

How can one man be so based?

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the humans were unironically the good guys though

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licensed games are among the funniest games

they're hilarious when they're bad and even more hilarious when it turns out that they're actually pretty good

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The dogshit campaign being the marines.
I was really surprised at how in depth the alien variety was

The new pirates of the caribbean pinball machine is a masterpiece and one of the best pinball machines of all time. It innovates and does amazing things that have never been done before. Only 1000 made, unfortunately.

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i couldnt beat that

The Munsters Premium machine is crazy good too, but PotC has completely changed the game.
One of my favourite things is all the different characters and their perks.

The only absolutely wrong answer I've seen in this whole thread

I too watched SNES Drunk's video.

I still play this once every couple of years.

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i didn't watch some youtube faggot to enjoy the game

It's a joke user, relax. I've played it.
Besides, SNES Drunk's one of the few Youtubers who's actually not a faggot.

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This year i sunk quite alot of time into conan exiles, it’s pretty legit and the world is neat

t. City Slicker

Anyone else play this? I thought it was fun as fuck.

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