Samurai Shodown

You retards have 10 seconds to explain why the fuck you aren't playing the best fighting game on the market RIGHT NOW before I hit you for half your health.

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I don't play fighting games on console

I'm unemployed.

Not on PC

Is now a good time to get into it?
I feel like it's a lot harder to get into a fighting game after the launch window.

Where the god damn shit is the PC version?

it's literally like 1.5 months after launch. this IS the launch window.

Because I am playing the best fighting game already.

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It's not on PC yet

Dogshit netcode, as per the norm. Fucking get with it, Japan. Poverty ass motherfuckers like Skullgirls, a game that was released 7 years ago, should not have a better netplay experience than a brand new game. From there, a fucking emulator for games never built for online play should not have a better netplay experience than a brand new game. I don't know if it's sheer obliviousness, or a bullheaded Japanese pride thing, but fucking christ almighty, please just license GGPO or something. It fucking works.

I don't like fighting games.
I do respect, however, that they finally did away with the combo nonsense and made another game where your combo is "fierce punch".

Works on my machine ;)

no Sieger

How is Rimururu?

I like sc6 more

Also my roommate took his ps4 with him on vacation and there's no PC version

Because I'm trying to learn how to play Enkidu in UNIST.

Because I'm bad.

Shizumaru isn't out yet and the switch version isn't out yet

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i only play pc games. console is for pleb.

Ranked mode sucks, keeps matching me against people on the other side of the globe despite putting it to 5 bars only. Lobbies are even worse holy fuck who designed this shit. Playing on PS4 sucks because every other person online is on wi-fi, you can't turn off v-sync and you have to pay Sony tax. Gameplay-wise it's okay but I prefer SSVSP because it's faster and has more options.

No PC Master Race port.

No PC port. I'd love to play but it's simply not available. I hope Gen-An makes the cut. Chilling with Guilty Gear until it arrives.

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I'm calling a mix of "bullheaded Japanese pride thing" and a specific aversion to GGPO.

I'm no game dev. But I think you got to create your game around GGPO to make it work, or at least make your game "save/load-state-oriented".

My main got nerfed into the dirt and I don't really care to play it much anymore.

A qt

The roster is considerably better balanced now. Sacrifices has to be made.

This is the legit the most fun I’ve had with a fighting game in years.

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Can't wait for Mina.

But I AM playing SFV. ;)

>barely any combos because 2 hits kill you instantly
>characters are all shitty weebs
>garbage catch up mechanic instant kill
>somehow actually uglier than SF5
>new characters every month, meaning that they have several done and are only dealing them out once a month to fuel """""hype""
>replaced the best and most popular fighting game at evo for some lack luster shit were a woman beater won.

OOF lad, work on your taste.

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Waiting for the PC date
Also where the fuck is Gaoh?
Though its cool to know Shiki got buffed

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I want to impregnate Wu, bros.

waiting for the pc version. fuck paying access for internet twice.

nice blog faggot

Thanks man! :)

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try V special

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Not on PC
>Kyoshiro launches as bottom tier
>Gets buffed to at least above mid-tier
will people give me shit for going straight to my VS main

Waiting for the PC version, which I hope ends up having cross platform play with PS4.

2 old zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

so is your mum but she's still a good fuck

Considering your taste in games I'm not surprised your taste in pussy is so terrible too.

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