UNIST Thread

No way to catch the moon in the pond

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Other urls found in this thread:


Pass is vee

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Pssssst, secret lobby tomorrow at the same time. Don't tell anybody you heard it from home though.

Gonna be one of those nights, again

>finally have non-shit internet anymore
it's time

I understood that reference

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It might be a little difficult for me to do 623A combos with 6F.

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>oreo gets through my armor


Come one man, you gotta post the link to this masterpiece.

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I can't tell whether or not I should be happy or sad that a guy who used to make league and GG memes is the best source of actual UNI OC

Ah shit, Hyde is was two blocks down

pc lobby is up hosted by your favorite yellow square phonon

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Kw: pclobby
Also art works came out nicely, too bad lighting sucks

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god dammit stop beating me by milliseconds

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But did you get the song references?

oh boy hold on i fucked up rewiring the buttons

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the wires for the buttons next to each other were red and orange. and its really fucking hard to tell the difference

I don't know when to stop blocking against Carmine.

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Aww darn, looks like I'll be bowing out of PS lobby tonight. Maybe I'll try port forwarding or something to see if that fixes my connection to Dash.

See ya in a few PC people!

It's gotta be something on my end. I just can't do anything about it apparently.

Welcome to fighting Carmine

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>he didn't take a picture of his stick before fucking with it

i did take a picture, its just the orange and red look almost the exact same color so i couldnt tell which one was which

any pc players, my ps plus ran out.

4 of us on right now.

Oh boy, redblade can teach the PC kids now

Atic i just wanted you to know i lost money better on you vs Argenrost. 2 whole canadian dollars

How much is that in burger currency?


and here we come face to face again Onimarus

like a $1.50

unrelated, but is my gmod vid based or cringe



the pass is pclobby as always

Sorry, I'll buy you a drink or something if you ever come to SoCal or if we both meet at the next EVO.

For some reason I got FF instead of 3B like twice out of sheer nerves and bad muscle memory in that match. Not choking is hard.

>steals your waifu then crashes your lobby

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Man that was good keep-away Sean, haha. Nice plays!

I THOUGHT my internet wasn't shit anymore, but I might've been wrong

who knows with this game; it could be anything or anyone

tfw i've been kicked.

Dash's connection is iffy anyway

>8 people
oh boy time to wait 45 minutes for my turn

oh that was a cool game explosion

Watch the matches and study your opponents.

Where's Atic at, I need some good blockstrings from you.

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Fucked up my flashkick at the last moment. Typical.

>PSN lobby full
>PC lobby full
I'll have to drop by later. Also my 2-3 blockstrings are canned ass, I've been meaning to lab new ones and force myself to stop autopiloting the same stuff but I've been too lazy/busy with other things.

You can start with 5A > 5C > 2C > 4C > 214A~B as a very basic starting point and stop at any part of that string with 2A/2B instead for a potential reset point. If people try to challenge, you can 214A or something afterward to CH frametrap. There's other stuff like doing 3Cwhiff occasionally once you're far enough away to test reactions or fish really hard for a CH low crush if they're playing a character like Elt that likes to poke out with low moves like 2B.

Thanks, I'll abuse this information. Who are some good Orie players to learn and steal stuff from?

Just stop losing.

Psychotik, nishine, ryuu the usual sources for Orie

>get kicked out
huh, guess it's not my night.
ggs, PC lobby.

this reminds me of those scooby doo bits where they run through the doors and each time they disappear the tables turn on who's running from who.
I assume this would culminate in Blitztank being caught in some elaborate trap so they could unmask him to find out he was old man gordeau all along.

Made a second PSN lobby

Feel free to jack my spot on PC in about 30 minutes or so as I'll be gymming it up soon.

that looks cool, what is it?

Should i make a second pc lobby?

That's weird. Well have a good night and GGs! Looks like a spot opened up for you


Gamera 3: Revenge of Irys

New pc lobby up, pass is G

the fucking akatsukicoptors at the end killed me.

ill bounce over for a couple before i gotta get goin to bed. ggs pclobby 1

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I'm not sure what turn of events led me to the nanase pick but I guess I'll take it

Ah shit i forgot to turn rematch off

I'd hop on and play but i feel a headache coming on. I'm going to eat something and if i feel better i'll be on later.

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Ah nuts, hahaha. Perectly countered with IWEX!

Also, Park's Phonon color has appeared in that dumbbell show apparently.

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Haven't been able to show up in lobbies recently due to work starting up again, but just popping in to say I'll be on RVE tomorrow.
I'll do my best.

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Is that some kind of competition? If so, good luck!

>we have a wald playing in RVE
on god?

what is RVE? I'm assuming a tournament somewhere but where? Also if it's going to be streamed let us know where and I'll check it out if I have free time tomorrow

it's a series of ft7s held weekly on twitch

I don't even know why I tried.

that's because it's the best color

Thanks m8
I'm a last minute fill in

Damn look at me reacting to assaults for once

>assim'd the VO
can't believe I'm a gord player now

Oh it's Recurring Void Effect
I brainfarted on the acronym and searching for it turned up nothing relevant

wait who the hell is this?

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gotta go to bed, ggs pclobby 2

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I'm guessing Oni?

can't be hard to figure out, we have like, two, maybe three walds?

that only leaves one then since Oni has definitely been around

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Frankentank I'd assume.

GGs, Spoon.

Nah he's been showing up to the lobbies. Probably Fenix?

Grab supers shouldn't exist.

I'm tired of this you have been kicked.

just get airborne bruh

Stop staying close to me when I have meter


how can it be her best color if it doesn't have a red whip?

That felt like some hard sandbagging

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But Wag unga...

Can you jump it like Wald's?

are you playing the Yuzu from my local or are you playing someone else? I know there have been a bunch of subs due to unavailabilities. Either way I look forward to watching.

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There's no Yuzu this week though?

>Can you jump it like Wald's?
afaik even grounded command grab whiffs on aerial targets
inversely anti-air command grabs like the one gord has (are there even any others in the game? can't remember off the top of my head) should always whiff on grounded opponents

I know that feel fellow gorilla.

wald's 3c

What time is the event? Would like to watch it if I can.

good luck man not that I think you'll need any luck, you're a damn strong player

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Where do I get a cool dog like Ahzi

Yeah was thinking this game might be cool but a new expansion with literally 1 character when nu-GG is imminent is a shit move.

I would be amazed if any anime fighting game other than guilty gear makes it to evo 2020

that's not REALLY a command grab though, it's a hit grab that happens to be unblockable because you can't block grounded attacks from the air

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Should have explained better. Specifically, I'm talking about jumping it on reaction. I've heard you could do this against Wald's grab.


Seth has one and Wald's 3C is an anti-air throw in function since it has the unblockable property but can only hit people who are airborne.

That reminds me that Garage Gear is on the last Saturday of the month here.
Time to show Chicagoland my superior mediocrity again

just 236a more

I need some advice on how to improve my consistency.
I've been trying to "have faith" that my button presses will come out before I actually see them, but it's not easy.
I think I also might need to slow down a bit, finding the timing for inputs in a combo is tricky since the moves all come out at different times.

Yeah, superflash can be reacted to

I wish I was a gorilla.

have a cup of coffee and a drink of choice before you play
the booze will loosen your muscles up a bit to fight off the nerves, and the caffeine will help offset the hit to focus the alcohol from a single drink would cause
tl;dr four loko is the true key to victory

Will probably be coming around more.

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Are you having execution problems? Which character are you playing and what combos in particular are giving you trouble connecting?

You might have to muscle memory your way into intentionally delaying some of your moves in order to combo consistently.

It's pretty early to tell what the rest of the game will look like (new special moves or properties look like alot of pluses to character buffing) so I wouldn't bank on discrediting it even if the announcement felt like there was more to be desired.

GGs lad! Looking forward to it!

Stop replying to everything, sai

Guess thats my cue to go to bed
GGs everyone

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My apologies for having alot to say, even if some of the responses are probably unnecessary.

well that was weird, wonder what caused that.

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Guess the room is having hiccups

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No, I mean stop replying to obvious bait

ggs, good to see ya

Made a second one, I haven't been beat up enough yet. kw: pclobby


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GGs. Thank you for dropping by to these threads. Hope you have a good night's rest.

I would've joined but we're on opposite coasts again. Next time offline I'll make sure to actually get some games with you.

I rolled right into that one grab with 623, hahaha.

It seemed somewhat geniune compared to more previous low effort bait. Ah well.

>lowest ranked player in the pc lobbies
delet square color

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>you have been kicked
okay, that's it. i'mma go be a star captain. ggs, sorry about that, X.

GGs, hope to see ya drop in again soon!

>delete square color
i don't think i would ever get better at fighting games if i didn't have meaningless goals like square color to chase after.

It's fine, GGs.
I wasn't 100% feeling that last match anyways.

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>know I'm only a few points from touching purple then I can have peace of mind in never giving a shit about squares again
>proceed to lose every red vs. red match for the next day
erry time

How many people in the second PC lobby? I might hop over after one last round.

Once you reach the top color you truly feel like the box doesn't mean much since the mountain of learning is an near-infinite climb.

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I know the feeling. although getting purple and losing it in 12 games didn't make me stop caring as much as i'd hoped it would.

ima bribe kamone to replace enkidu with ahnald in clr then I'll main him

Just me atm

I get it's a goal for some people, but color means jack shit if I can stumble to red.

I'll be the strongest yellow square Phonon in the world!

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I wish I had better connection with Oni. Even though I've lost every time tonight (and every night) I'm having fun playing him but these 5 frames are killing me

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that's the spirit. that's a lot like my dream of being the weakest purple square phonon in the world!

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Has this artist done the whole female cast yet?

Nothing is coming out right today. I failed to dp like 5 times. I'm doing one more and I'm leaving.

It's the opposite for me. Trying to do 236 and I get DP near every time.

I am become Wag, masher of buttons and lord of unga.

I'll head over in a bit then. Also I might try out Mika in the near future so you have any particular resources that you found helpful?

>Are you having execution problems?
I'm still just starting out, but I can't even get BnBs after a few hours of practice.
>Which character are you playing
>and what combos in particular are giving you trouble connecting?
I've mostly been practicing the ones here.
The microdashes are awkward to me, because it's obvious that it's a short dash but figuring out how short feels like educated guesswork.

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If you care so much about popularity, then what's the point on learning anything that is not jive, kekken 7, or dooberz? go eat cum and die.

Yeah, but I'm playing Vatista. I play charge characters to avoid fucking up inputs.

Why do all of the zoners have fullscreen attacks that aren't even projectiles?

Stop replying to bait

>I'm still just starting out, but I can't even get BnBs after a few hours of practice.
a few hours ain't shit just keep at it and eventually it'll be second nature

you aint my dad fuck off.

Main things I looked at, along with some other notes like 623x > 236C, 623A for pressure, abuse running 2A staggers, etc. things I've been told over and over again.

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Eat shit, dumbfuck

FT10 me you dumb bitch I'll make you eat your words along with my dick.

that's not my dad! that's a cell phone!

>why do zoners have attacks that can be used to zone?

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Fight me on psn

Cuz that's what zoners do.
I misread that as zoomers for a second and I hate myself.

Stream it cucks

This applies to anything really. The learning never ends

fuckin zoomers with they fullscreen strikes

I think I smell a dodge

Exactly. Just keep truckin'.

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please no bully, they need those fullscreen strikes since they die in one shot.

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7am, gonna go. I'm leaving for vacation, so not gonna play for at least 2 weeks.
Have a good night.

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holy shit, jumping back from PC to PS4 is a lot harder than i thought, and adjusting to the PS4 controller was also a lot worse than i expected since it's been so long since i've used it for UNIST. also Dia has really gotten used to my bullshit.

GGs pc lobby, had fun getting spanked all night. Some close games though gotta work on not getting overly excited and letting it slip

ggs have a good vacation

Don't worry if you can't get it done Day 1. Took me many months to get basic BnBs down and now every now and then I can throw down pretty well against most everybody here.

Merkava is a pretty good character to learn some stuff with based on what little I've played of him. His basic stuff didn't appear to be too delay-heavy from what I tried on the spot without any mission mode stuff.

Have you tried his mission mode stuff first to get familiar with how his special moves work into his normals?

GGs broski. I'm right there with ya on the buttkickings along with some close ones.

Will also be taking my leave to gym it up so GGs as well PC lobby! Thanks for the fun night! Think I'm gonna start my FE:TH run finally. Going Blue Lions.

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This match-up against carmine feels so weird.

what even is TH? seems like some total meme of a game with minimal gameplay from what I've seen and heard of it

I just thought it was Trails of Cold Steel: Hogwarts

Any Yuzu's around? I'm having difficulties with her 4-6 mission mode.

ggs Phrumpf. Stop by more often, these 2 frame matches are too good to pass up.

Lobby 2 is back to being empty in case anyone wants to join

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Thanks for the games pclobby. It made me realize I'm still desperately in need of Orie and Chaos MU experience. You two Ories and the one Chaos on PC are the only ones I ever see.
Also I might pull my PS3 out of storage and hop back into PSN lobbies this weekend too.

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Guess that isn't happening

ggs lamp fun set

just you wait until I fix my macros for 3ad OS

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Yuzu here, which one was that again?

Not him but when anyone asks, I just YT it

This is why I don't fuck with DPs

Speaking of gameplay-free games I finally popped Blue Reflection back in since I can't just practice fighting games 24/7 without breaks and god damn it's so insanely boring.
Can't believe I wasted 20+ years of my life playing JRPGs they're absolutely fucking terrible in every way.

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Persona Calendar with some FE maps in-between the school simulator stuff from what I've seen.

Story looks to be pretty decent too compared to recent FE releases.

ggs. Going to stop here. A bit distracted playing other shit I want to play before bed anyways.

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sorry to intrude on the set but everyone dipped

If you do maybe show up to the ghost lobby tomorrow as there might be one apparently.

you really shouldn't learn about vidya from Yea Forums. it's just a standard fire emblem game with a larger emphasis on the time between missions than usual. support convos and characters are some of the best in the franchise, and the gameplay is at least mid tier for the series.

Lucky you

>shouldn't learn about vidya from Yea Forums
I don't, but I have minimal interest in FE to begin with

It's her corner combo off 5a. I seem to drop the combo between the dash c and j.236a. Any advice to help, perhaps I'm not teleporting quick enough to hit the dash c?

Eh, more people always welcome, sure atic was getting bored with all these perfects anyways

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Well it's got an unarmed weapon class so I'm looking forward to experimenting with that at least.

Also I've read axes are good in this one.

Oh, the corner combo. If you're just starting out, doing a shortened version of 4-1 in the corner works good enough. You're better off learning by playing than grinding combos.

As for actual tips, you don't need to hold C. Holding 236[B] will get you the additional hold damage while still being able to A teleport. 2C instead of 66B gives more damage and is arguably easier? j.236AB is the max damage version and hard to do. For a slightly easier variant in actual matches that only loses a bit of damage, do j.236A > j.6B > j.214A > D. The dash B part is hard as an ender. You can use 66C instead which gives you corner oki through 66C > j.421A > j.214B.

Wait until dash C finishes the animation. If you input j.236A too early, it'll eat the input.

fuck. my headache's coming back. GGs all, sorry i didn't stick around for more than like 1 game in each lobby. I don't know why i jumped around so much tonight.

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I wasn't asking Yea Forums I was asking UNIST players

Sorry Mag for the wait, but gg anyway.

I look forward to it.

GGs, take care and rest well!

If it's tomorrow I probably won't be able to but if there's one on Saturday I might make it. If not I'll just go to the lobbies on Sunday and hope to see Carmines since i keep forgetting he exists.

>trials of cold steel: hogwarts
>total meme of a game with minimal gameplay
these were the comments that led me to think you'd learnt about the game from Yea Forums in the past.

Thanks for the helpful advice but I have no intention of picking up Yuzu, I just want to finish the mission mode with every character before I decide on my main.

What the hell??? Charged bullets aren't projectiles? I anticipated a bullet but what?

Well hippie has been putting in work on Carmine and if you're lucky Kaizer may show up (though last time he came he went full unga with Aka) so maybe you'll get what you're looking for.

Her mission mode is kind of a bitch and her VO mission is useless, but if that's what you find fun I guess. Good luck on Seth and Vat

Ricochet isn't a projectile. Literally every other bullet Elt shoots is though, including the ground one.

Yeah, they aren't.
>Friday AND Saturday lobbies
Let's not push our luck

what determines if something is or isn't a projectile? are there some projectile invuln supers i'm not thinking of?

fuck yo +1 purple bullets

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It's literally whether or not it has the projectile property coded. Most of them are obvious at least, though you more or less have to look it up.

Right, if you aren't planning on picking up Yuzu, you don't need to hold anything at all for her mission mode. Might make it a bit easier.

kamone pls

>the short bullet is a projectile
>the bullet that looks like an actual projectile isn't

i try not to think about it too much, after all this is a Low.

Attached: Perfectly normal Low.jpg (608x575, 77K)

>4 people in Hippie's lobby
>1 of them is Dash
I-I didn't want to play anyway

That's so dumb.

I tried Wag's 214c(it's projectile invuln) expecting a bullet from Elt. And I was right, except that Ricochet Shots don't count as projectiles.

your post scared him off come back to the lobby now

I don't know if you guys play anyone who does it but if I do 236[x] 66c and hit the back of 623b with phonon 8w.ja ja safe jumps tech forward and 8w.ja j[c] covers all tech options

GGs everyone, see ya later.

You can enter now. Have to go anyways.

214c continues to find ways to fail me.

GGs wagger

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see this

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ggs everyone

Yeah, I think I was planning to shield the j.A safejump that final time I CSed it but I derped

gib main

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alright, it's not the only thing I can go for but you should all be aware of it
like I can fall with j.2[b] to stay safe for j[c]jbja for triple overhead
ggs, fun stuff


Also thanks for the docs GonD, pleasantly surprised that twitch video I linked you is still up.

You should incorporate some of the cross up double overhead stuff some of the Phonons are doing lately.

eventually but I have enough stuff in the pipeline that I'm fucking up before I can focus on that

You'll probably put them to better use than I can right now. I'm in the extra shitter right now.

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also, you can ask merk. I have a stash of unfair memes. I'm just not good enough to need to use them.

It is hard to learn pressure when everybody knows they don't have to respect shit you do.

Your pressure sucks ass then.

That's how you learn it. Fake respect won't do shit for you so learn how to force them to respect you first then you can run your wacky anime mixups.

I know.
That's what I'm trying to fix.

Now why would you VO when you were literally a hit away from a win

blocking is suicide in netplay


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You're coming to Arc Revo so I can destroy you when there's no lag right Hippie?

No, he was comboing me to death but VO'd

GGs PS guys have a good weekend
I need more nansae pictures this game doesn't have enough good fan art

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>Almost throw a round by throwing the opponent away from the way

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Got my Carmine assault confirm and some pieces of the corner combo stuff down, not bad for only two days of minimal training
Pay for my flight then sure.
Still would love to know if they actually removed uni-clr from the playable demo roster though
All I got are of her and Phonon group shots

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GGs. What a rough night to learn Orie.

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My bad, didn't mean to pick wald twice.

every time I add a picture to my Phonon folder it feels incredibly gratifying. game needs more art in general.

>All I got are of her and Phonon group shots
I'll take it Phonon's alright

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More good art in general
Important distinction

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I do have this which was the artist's interpretation of Nanase's reaction to learning what her power was

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It just occurred to me how thankful I am Icy doesn't play a character with a grounded overhead

He always prefers to chain lows together with Hilda instead of using pins

GGs 2ya

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Sorry, finally tired out. GGs

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I really want to fight kireifag.
I have to teach him the true bajiquan

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I still got some time if you care to start a lobby

Nah, I'm PSN only at the moment

I might pick it up on PS once CL:R drops and on PC too

I might get the PC version after I replace my comp in the near future when it goes on sale.

>be bad
>always drawn to hard characters

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>tfw super new to uni (like 2 weeks tops of playing)
>want to join rooms but don't want to take up a slot from someone more competent

No one fucking cares. Just join loser.

No one minds. If anything, it's helpful if more people join the rooms so we can split into smaller, faster lobbies

Getting bodied is part of the experience friend. Nobody here cares what skill level you are. If you're consistent in showing up and asking questions on how to improve you'll get better.

>If you're consistent in showing up and asking questions on how to improve you'll get better.
Except for one person

He doesn't really ask questions though sadly.

Thanks anons maybe I'll hop in next thread

Stop being a baby and join the lobby, new people come in every now and then especially in the PC lobbies.
Just smart and ask for help and don't get pissed when people criticize you unlike our friendly Canadian Yuzu.

Who do I criticize?

The first two are more meant for you since you're too kind to criticize people.

Ah I misread. Also if I could criticize people I would, I just have no right to do so.