your advice is shit Yea Forums

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It's good for vacations though. You should enjoy yours.

>banned from Leeg
I literally called people cunts on a casual basis, how the fuck do you chimp out so hard with such lenience?

you actually have to do it or they wont unban you

I hate how whenever someone mentions suicide or you type it into Google, you get a bunch of links telling you not to kill yourself. Those fuckers have no idea what it's like to actually WANT to die, not just pretend like you do for attention.

you know a good reason NOT to kill yourself? pizza :D and your girlfriend will miss you

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As if anyone could stop you if you actually want to end your life.

You're supposed to use the resources in the links, dummy.

But I'm lactose intolerant and have no girlfriend. There truly are no reasons to live.

it gets better bro just work out and go outside

Answer the question you fagblaster, how the fuck do you get your dumb ass moderated?

if you want to die just do it then, only moralfags prevent you from doing this. also you're bothering someone's time/energy, which makes you an asshole

all suicide prevention resources are a joke and anyone who legit uses them probably arent even suicidal just desperate

I'm lactose intolerance and lactose a girlfriend (heh)
True, but I've gotta weigh the potential pain in killing myself vs. the desire to do so. Though I'm not currently suicidal.
If only
I don't have anyone to spot me and I'm naturally clumsy and have awful form.

They do faggot. You just want to be a special snowflake that no one truly understands.

God every dumbass that wants to kill themself always thinks they're the only person who has ever actually wanted to kill themself. Every fucking time.

Work on those self-defeating and negative thoughts.

do bodyweight exercises, you don't need a spotter for those

This. I've called them once of twice years ago and first, I felt bad because I clearly woke them up and two, what are they supposed to do? At the end I just realise even though I don't want to live I also don't want to die so I guess I'll just put up with this bullshit until they invent that "void juice" so I can fade into non-existence.

I'm not seeking attention, idiot. I'm complaining about these faggots who are attempting to help attention whores who aren't even suicidal and just come off as annoying and ignorant. And I'm not suicidal either at the moment.

play dota instead

well they can really ignore them can they? because next they'll get a bunch of whiny fuckers pointing out how insensitive they were.

The truth is you can't die. You have no free will. You are destined to live your life out forever. People who have died are illusions concocted by a higher being to make you think that you can die.

go to bed Alex


Think about all the (you)s you'll miss out on if you kill yourself

Maybe, but I don't give a shit. Just like I don't care about the plight of illegal immigrants who come here. Annoying is annoying.

Why not just not give people the illusion of death to begin with? Sounds really contrived.

well, naturally the next step is to actually kill yourself

>Those fuckers have no idea what it's like to actually WANT to die
You don't know either considering you still alive.

how does that make any sense

Well if you really want to die you should just kill yourself.

No, there's a large risk of extreme pain or even survival. If I had had a button to end my life right then and there, I easily would've pushed it. Even a gun would do.

Stream yourself suiciding, he'll feel like shit and unban you.

It's a test to see how long it takes for you to realize the truth.

>Even a gun would do
thank god you don't have one or unable to obtain one. As if we needed more in the stats

I went to an outdoor water park with my siblings and cousins when I was 14 (we didn't use sunscreen because we're idiots) and got a sunburn so painful that I would've killed myself had we had a gun. I wonder how many suicides are over petty shit like that rather than chronic depression.

Not op but I understood the larping is alot more fun then being toxic
I main ivern and by the mid game I usually peacefully dance with their junglee in the Baron pit

Did you fuck them though?