>Yea Forums tells you a game is shit
>it's actually great
wtf why did you lie to me Yea Forums?
Yea Forums tells you a game is shit
Other urls found in this thread:
>TLoU is overrated dogshi-
Most would agree tlou is a storytelling masterpiece
Yea Forums has notoriously shit taste, but critics and the masses have spoken
What kind of contrarian shit for brains would say The Last of Us is bad?
> It's an alright game
> not a 10/10
> fandom consists of normies, basically people who go to theaters and watch marvel movies
> more movie than gameplay
Sorry, we just assumed you weren't a complete fucking retard who would be entertained by shitty movie games. We'll keep your shit taste in mind for the future, fucktard.
Naughty Dog did nothing wrong
well, you simply have shit taste op
enjoy your movies I guess
But enough about Metal Gear Solid.
jew shit.
It's incredibly overrated, the gameplay is garbage & so is the pacing, most of the characters are bland & ND gets away with it due to "Le shock value" deaths like Telltale did with TWD. The only redeeming value was the amazing cinematics & relationship between Ellie & Joel. But that didn't make up for the otherwise subpar story
>Yea Forums is one person, instead of a bunch of faggots, each with their personal tastes and dislikes
>Yea Forums is not composed majorly by contrarian trolls, console war kids and /pol/ agents who hate everything that has slightly to do with minorities
The game is actually challenging and quite fun on grounded though. Why do you shitpost without completing the game?
>The gameplay is garbag-
I shouldn't need to play on a specific difficulity for it to be good, it's only tolerable when you play on the easiest difficulty & just view it as a interactive movie
Most people who shit on popular games here haven’t actually played them. Just parroting other peoples opinions is easier and funnier
>playing on the easiest difficulty meant for people to just play it as an interactive movie
>complain when it's too easy and is an interactive movie
That's because you only listen to the negativ anons.
Most threads have min 2 opinions in them.
>everybody tells me this game is good
>its shit
that was my experience
My only gripe with was that you didn't keep all your weapons on new game plus. I wanted to have some more fun with that assault rifle.
>tunnel section before the last level with three bloaters with no ammo
>last level with enemies literally everywhere
yeah, fun. I played it on hard btw.
so slow combat and pretty cinematics are all it takes to impress you. Gotcha
Naughty Dog will never stop being popular, no matter how much you bitch.
Is TLoU II the longest ND has ever worked on the game?
Combat is not the only part of gameplay. All those "puzzles" where you need to find the planks, pallets, ladders, and whatever else are also parts of the "gameplay."
The Last of Us's "gameplay" is a cutscene
If you can't understand why people call Naughty Dog games movies then you're a Sonegro.
i mean hes not that far off from reality
unrelated, but is my gmod vid based or cringe
Except the game has hours of gameplay and the combat system is quite robust and challenging. So no, he's not right at all.
I've been wanting to use this image lately but I haven't been talking with anons retarded enough for me to validate handing out this award to.
>the combat system is quite robust and challenging.
>I haven't played the game so I will respons with le ebic reaction image
It actually does. You play as both Joel and Ellie, each weapon feels unique with a good punch, good mix of combat and stealth, many ways to approach situations, can use the environment around you in many situations, crafting and ammo conservation is actually well done and is very important on harder difficulties, etc.
Maybe try playing the game instead of shitposting.
>Except the game has hours of gameplay and the combat system is quite robust and challenging.
You are baiting right? You can possibly be this retarded to think ''press A to kill'' and shooty shooty in the head is a challenging and robust system.
I really liked tlou and the multi but this DLC sucked major ass. In the 1st 15 or so minutes you fight one enemy. And 80% of the entire playthrough is just listening to 2 little girls talk.
But I will add the last combat section is pretty fun and throwing bricks so the clickers fight the humans is pretty fun to see. The normal game should have had more of that. I don't think there are any parts where humans are fighting infected in the base game.
its not challenging though. Its literally easier than fucking Halo games on legendary mode. Its also repetitive as fuck and half the gameplay is also walking simulator.
Its not a shit game and anyone that likes the setting or horror games should at least try it but its not masterpiece either. Its like they caught mediocrity in a fucking bottle. Shame flawed as the first game was the sequel will likely be complete trash due to the devs clearly wanting to shove politics and other trash down peoples throats instead of just making a decent game. and I say this not as a Trump loving /pol/tard but a complete and total leftist who still hates having politics shoved into games. yes even the ones I agree with.
What politics? A girl kissing a girl is not politics
>easier than fucking Halo games on legendary mode
Are you trying to imply halo on legendary is not hard? Cause I guarantee 99.4% of the human population will not put up with the frustration and challenge.
very precise number
It's literally just a shitty Resident Evil 4.
if its done tastefully and not shoved down our throats for le epic SJW points its absolutely fine. Like in the first game that Bill guy was gay and we literally did not find out until the end of his segment. It was done tastefully and made it seem real and it helps we got to know Bill a bit more before the reveal. The kissing scene in the DLC was much more trashy in comparison but it did have some context that made sense they were after all teenage girls who had never kissed who thought they were as good as dead after all.
The problem is for the second game its clear Naughty Dog is abandoning taste and is going to just Ham fist as much SJW as possible to the point where the game may be worth playing just as satire for how retarded this design by committee crap can ruin something. They made a big deal out of the lesbian shit in some of the earliest trailers and that really tells me this is going to be a shit show. Doesn't help they already did the standard zombie story so they are well aware they are going to have to mix it up. Best way to do that is with cheap gimmicks such as injecting personal politics. The reason this is a safe bet is if anyone criticizes it they can scream "racism,bigotry etc" to shut down any and all critics. It also means reviewers will be afraid to say shit either.
Still they may make a decent game anyway but I highly doubt it at this point. No doubt the game will also be casualized and even easier than before and probably have even less gameplay.
Fuck tastefully, i hope she finger bangs the jew girl
more like she will get killed by some evil white male and that will set Elly on the warpath.
But a white male killed a black female a the end of the 1st game.
The first game doesn't matter at this point. When they made that game they were making the game they wanted to make and had some fucking vision even if it was flawed.
The second game is design by committee garbage and it fucking shows. Unless the whole thing is some elaborate ruse or something but I would expect something like that out of Kojima not fucking Naughty Dog.
>everyday, Yea Forums posts threads about how shitty game is
>still one of the best games in decades
I think youre just a butthurt faggot, and it shows.
>but critics and the masses have spoken
Grounded is still funner then easy, getting all the ammo in a post apocalypse sucks and doesn't give the suspense I need
>Being this upset his pre-teen interracial lesbian crouch sim got called bad.
Nice b8
I dont gotta be mad to call people faggots, faggot
nice resorting to personal insults really illuminates how well thought out your argument is. I am truly vanquished and clearly shitty movie game #34308 will be the pinnacle of story telling and gaming. I can't wait for citizen cane 2 weekend at Bernies edition.
>these lesbian scenes dont adhere to my 1930's sensibilities! REEEEEEEEE
Way to completely fail to understand the argument. I said I don't care if its done well but when its just being shoved in for stupid political points it feels cheap and meaningless.
>MY 1930s TASTES!!!
>Can't defend this shit game so he lashes out.
I accept your defeat.
I don't need to defend it, faggot.
Why does the game try to encourage you to stealth when the stealth is so shit? How did ND get away with this?
>murders dozens of men just so he could lie to a teenage girl
>but muh daughter
And yet still ye respond with rancor and animosity. I pray thee farewell and better taste in your future endeavors, foogit.
Nintenshills dont olay the game, TLoU doesnt even have that many cutscenes and is actually hard
>actually caring what faggots on Yea Forums think
Its shit, is overrated because they will put faggotry in the sequel.
Moonlight won an Oscar against lalaland user, dont forget about it
That picture is unironically true
>2 girls kissed!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
>didnt even youtube the game
Sjws like children. Ellie looks too young for her age and is a fantasy for creepy daddies selfinserters
Idk but that's why I made sure not to play on hard so I could just run around and human shield and spray. Only way to have fun in between
>shitty "puzzles"
>EPIC zombie world lore
>"i-it's a movie!"
>play on a harder difficulty
>"but why? if I play on easy it's like an interactive movie!"
Pic unrelated I guess
oh god you just reminded me of all the times I had to go and get boards to climb across something.
>TLoU doesnt even have that many cutscenes
None of ND's games do, people call Uncharted and TLoU movie games all the time while the cutscene to gameplay ration is not even that bad.
Nowhere fuckin near games like MGS.
Yea Forums just has a hate boner for Naughty Dog because they make Sony exclusive games
>the cutscene to gameplay ration is not even that bad.
That's because they replace the cutscenes with """"gameplay""""
Thst game was only fun when I cranked it to the difficulty without the wall hacks and primarily used melee and stealth.
>Enemies that just sort of mindlessly shuffle around while your grab animation on their buddy finishes.
yeah instead of a cutscene you control the player and walk slowly while engaging in conversation with an NPC. You generally cannot do fuck all other than walk in a very limited area but hey it passes for gameplay in the movie game world I guess.
Just like many games before it, but for some reason people only started complaining when Sony exclusives started doing it.
Zoomers love to act like this shit is something new for some reason
>These disgusting western SJW games don't even have gameplay
>Ahhhh yessss, time to """"""play"""""" my waifu Visual Novel and JRPGs
TLoU and Uncharted 1-3 really don't make a habit of that though.
Uncharted 4 is the worst offender when it comes to walking sections.
I'm convinced most people bitching about it haven't even played the games.
>implying Yea Forums doesn't also complain about HL2 locking you in rooms for plot dumps
What about open world shit like BotW where 90% of the time spent in game is walking from area to area.
If we are really cracking down, only about 20% of BotW is actual gameplay.
Nowhere near as much as they spam the words "movie game". But whatever fits your narrative, I guess.
If TLoU is a movie game, then what is Persona?
A visual novel.
It's nip shit so the majority of the wanna-be japs on this board eat that shit up
>It's okay when Japan does it!
This is Yea Forums
not Yea Forums
Clearly you don't go to enough Half-Life threads. Even then people can forgive it because the gameplay is still fun and actually has some variety, unlike TLOU.
hmmmm do I shoot the badguy this time? Or do I shoot him? So many choices.
>the gameplay is still fun and actually has some variety, unlike TLOU
That's subjective and you know it. Only fags take their own personal opinion as fact.
Anyway Half Life 2 after having beaten it multiple times over the years is nothing but generic FPS trash in my eyes, however that's my opinion and I can see why people hold it so high, even if it is because of nostalgia.
>Half-Life threads
Yeah those are a real big thing lately, huh?
>generic 3rd person shooting
Though it wasn't dogshit, there was nothing good or new in TLOU.
It's the kind of game that would seem fresh and great to people that enjoyed capeshit film number 5127.
And at what point in the game did they ever try to convey that message?
Why would you beat a game multiple times if you think it's trash? Fuck off retard
When the game literally has dialogue along the lines of "It's not the infected I worry about..."
The entire Winter segment is you being hunted by cannibals.
Because it's better than CoD if you're looking for a short FPS to run through, not hard to beat in a few sittings.
I still like it but it's nothing special like you and every other faggot tries to make it out to be.
>I like to play trash
fuck off retard
Humans are monsters though. Stop trying to pretend you arent
How does being hunted by cannibals translate to the characters thinking that them as humans are the monsters? Your implications of the characters thinking of themselves as monsters doesn't match up with how the game actually plays out.
Yes the cannibals are monsters, does that mean that the overall message is "we humans are da monsters"? No, you fuckin dumbass
Doesn't make it any less stale as a story element.
So you admit that Half Life 2 is trash?
Fuck no, you think it's trash but you still play it cause youre garbage.
it's not even a story element though? You mentioned 1 off-hand comment about the MC being worried about hunters, and the fact that there are cannibals in game. How does that translate to "We are the monsters"?
And TLOU is generic TPS trash. You see everything the gameplay has to offer five hours in. It's a problem when a mounted sniper segment feels like a breath of fresh air.
The multiplayer was fun as fuck, though. Not gonna lie.
Yea Forums can't account for your shit taste in games
It's fine
Over the course of 15 years, you're really that surprised that I've played it through a few times? Of all games that are hyped beyond belief, you're surprised that I tried to give HL2 its due diligence? If it makes you feel any better my third playthrough was a couple years ago and I quit a third of the way through because it aged like milk and is boring trash like I initially said.
Pardon me for trying to find some enjoyment in a game that's hyped beyond belief by faggots like you.
Its extremely average
You're entitled to your own opinion, you're proving my entire point that it's entirely subjective.
I can see why people don't like it, but others do.
Fags like you just take their own opinion as fact and then get upset when someone thinks differently or likes something that you don't.
SH2 is actually an enjoyable game with a good story
That's the difference
>because they make Sony exclusive games
No, I hate their games because their games are trash
due diligence? lmao fuck off retard, it's a videogame
TLoU is legit
>aim assist
yikes, just... yikes
The game makes it pretty clear that the remaining humans are all working to fuck each other over. There's the oppressive military. Raiders killing anyone they can find. Joel going full retard at the end of the game. The infected just kinda shamble around until something catches their interest. The cruelty of man during dire situations is a common trope.
>this game would be way more fun if everyone was friends with me
Go play tummy sticks with your dad or something more your speed, you tool
Yeah it would be a shit load more fun if all the humans worked together, just like they do in real life right!
You're a fucking retard
Cool way to bring some new material to the thread.
I'm sure you've had your fair share of trash considering the rest of your life.
There are times when anons on Yea Forums can be right, like those bitching about MGSV being a disappointment that doesn't live up to its potential, or Mischief Makers being an underappreciated gem of a game. But most of the time it's generally contrarian shitposting about either things other anons like, or things the general public like. Two out of three times it's both.
Actual room temperature IQs that don't know how to read reply chains.
>playing on normal
cool post, ND is still trash and has never made a good game
MGSV is the best singleplayer game ever made.
Fuck off, the only thing evident from the reply chain is that you're a god damn idiot
>Consistently high rated games since Crash 1
Stay butthurt
like I said earlier its a generic zombie story at its entire core. The most basic of zombie fiction always paints the surviving humans as the real threats. Someone gets bit and there is a suicide involved with it. People who are somewhat organized and should be working together are fighting each other for inane reasons. Its generic beyond belief and those idiot reviewers comparing it to Citizen cane made the entire fucking medium look retarded in doing so.
They literally just took the most generic zombie story ever and made it into a fucking game.
Why are you comparing two different genres of games? When I want to play a JRPG, I'll look for a JRPG. When I want to play a TPS, I'll play a TPS.
>ND is tras-
>reading and caring about reviews
double gay
I bet you're one of the faggots that scream nintendo bonus
ratings don't mean jack shit
>Yea Forums says game is hit
>never listen because no one plays game s on this board
>try to play it, holy fuck it’s even worse than they said
I got it for free when a ps4 was delivered to my house for Christmas by accident. All I remember is that it was an hour before I could use the controller, it’s the only game I’ve never gotten a single trophy on. I’ve never picked it up again, but my Wife’s children seem to be into it. I’ll stick to my Switch thank you very much.
He's legitimately a mentally ill shitposter
Proving once again the only people who don't like Persona 5 have literal brain damage.
yeah user we are all out to get you and the rest of the tendies on this board.
Get a fuckin grip faggot
>False-flag webm
Nice, this is the 4th time I've seen this today.
Sony really pisses people off for some reason, huh?
Sony and Nintendo fans just snipe at eachother all day long usually.
The only time Yea Forums is ever right about anything is usually when they praise a jap game that isn't just waifu shit
>He thinks it's a falseflag
Salty PKek spotted.
Nah, ninty kiddies are your group
Them and you sonybros are one and the same
The underlying story is generic, but Joel's character development is what holds it together. Part 2 probably won't be as interesting with just dyke Ellie.
yeah I was kind of hoping that Ellie would realize Joel was a monster and that she would become one as well in part 2. ND doesn't have the guts for that though because of the screeching feminists.
Nigger I've played all 5 Uncharted games multiple times, you are either intentionally trying to make the games look bad or you just fucking suck and have convinced yourself that your goofy looking bullshit is "good gameplay".
I need to start making webms because everytime I see this shit it makes me think how fuckin awful the average person actually is at video games.
>Sony really pisses people off for some reason
Not as much as BotW
Came out two years ago and it still gets whined about daily here
>Nowhere fuckin near games like MGS
At least the cutscenes and codec calls in MGS are visually and auditorily interesting at all. The cutscenes and climbing sections of ND's games are just fucking boring.
Jokes on you bitch, I play about 90% of my games on PC. PS4 is used mainly for Uncharted and TLoU multiplayer, and also Netflix and Hulu.
Switch sits in the fuckin drawer unless someone's over who wants to play Smash.
>codec calls in MGS are visually and auditorily interesting at all.
No. Looking at 2 faggots faces say nano machines and snake ask a question after every word is not interesting.
>A hind D?
>Nano Machines?
>Metal Gear?
>b-but our cutscenes that drone on for over 3 hours longer are interesting!
Subjective, take your own opinion off of the pedestal for once
A perfect example of someone that has never played a single Metal Gear
Yeah but BotW is actually shit so that's totally justified.
Metal Gear?
Metal Gear...
>not sexualized
>smooches her little lesbian crush while wearing a loose tanktop
>plays with water pistols
Not that guy but Metal Gear Solid is quite possibly the worst offender when it comes to being a movie game
I still love them though, currently replaying 3
Snake! Let me teach you the basics of CQC.
MGS is actually a fun game tho
Something games that get called movies lack
>This is so fun, this boss can literally die of old age.
>Another girl gets her wet
>Wow, a game has an optional mechanic as a joke, what a bad fucking game!
optional mechanic?
Why did you post the map of Peace Walker instead of MGS?
>b-but I think it's fun
And what would you say to someone who said they think Naughty Dog's games are fun?
>what would you say to someone who said they think Naughty Dog's games are fun?
I disagree
Congrats, you seemed to have grasped the concept of holding your own opinion!
And I will still argue like a faggot on here and I'm sure you will too
do you really expect me to believe that time stand still while snake has all these codec conversation in the middle of combat? REALLY?
No actually.
I'm not the loser who takes their own opinion as fact.
Literally 99% of the codecs are filler trash that convey tutorials in the worst possible way, then lead on to include a bunch of non-sense over-explained crap the rest of the game. Kojima and the other writers were way too far up there own ass and could've cut the bullshit down to about 25% of what they ended up including.
So much fucking time-wasting bullshit in all of the MGS games.
MGS games?
And you continue like the good doctor prophesied
You're here forever
Yes Snake-
>*proceeds to go on a tangent for 15 minutes explaining every little non-important detail*
>*goes on another 15 minute tangent about some non-sense shit that doesn't pertain to anything at all*
And don't forget-
>*5 more minutes of SHIT*
Oh wait you wanna save cause you gotta go?
FUCK YOU, here's 10 more minutes of fucking non-sense
Except I'm on the right side of Yea Forumsistory.
Come time, you Yea Forumsazis will be stamped out and nothing but actual discussion about video games will be left.
Snake, do you know the origin of the word "non-sense"
>*15 minutes of explaining who fucked who to birth the guy who invented the word*
>*45 minutes of toilet-shifting and farts*
>145 results
The fuck is wrong with him?
Many have claim so, yet that time has never come
You will fail and come back to us
Nah, Yea Forumsigga. Just wait and see.
Time will tell.
no no
Yea Forums was right for once
you know youre being hyperbolic and so does everyone else in this thread
>You are baiting right? You can possibly be this retarded to think ''press A to kill'' and shooty shooty in the head is a challenging and robust system
Are you talking about RE4?
>parroting the dum yet popular argument about cutscene length
That was never the fucking point. Many modern western games TLOU and Tomb Raider have a bunch of scenes scattered throughout that are unskippable, utterly unengaging and kill the pacing, regardless of how short they are.
Just go watch a speedrun of an MGS game and TLOU, skip to random points in the video and you'll notice these setpieces way more often in the latter.
I'd rather have a quick unskippable loading animation then 15 minutes of codec call, even if they are skippable.
>listening to Yea Forums
I just come here to fun post. My taste in vidya or politics have nothing in common with Yea Forums. I like cinematic games and I don't hate blacks or women.
You're not even making any sense. If cutscenes and codec are skippable, then it's not 15 minutes long, which ends up being faster paced than a game that arbitrarily throttles your movement and actions in favor of exposition dumps, and other interruptions such as waiting for an NPC to go through a door first before you can proceed.
I hated this shit in HL2 too, and I've owned every PS home console, so I find the strawman and adhom in this thread really pathetic.
It's fine if you like slower games with a bigger focus more on presentation and storytelling, but a lumbering experience like TLOU is not comparable the arcade-like snappiness of MGS, which is more typical of Japanese games. This is especially noticeable of subsequent playthrough. It was one of the reasons I never got to finish my 2nd playthrough of TLOU (and also because the game didn't have that wow factor for me).
>If cutscenes and codec are skippable, then it's not 15 minutes long
Yeah but considering they contain important shit that could be given via a normal tutorial, they're not necessarily skippable then huh?
I mean they are, but not without consequence.
It's basically listen to 13 minutes of SHIT, and 2 minutes of extremely important info that you need to know- or skip it all to save 15 minutes but have no knowledge of what the fucks' going on.
>normal tutorial
I can't think of cutscene that long that contains basic info on how the game should be played. In any case, if you're in a hurry for whatever reason or just don't have the patience for it, you can skip the main cutscenes and codec, and call the staff during the game to get very brief info on what your next goal is.
Hey kid, want some antibiotics?
The majority of the in-game moves aren't even taught in-game unless you read the manual or go through the special tab in the main menu.
And calling the staff in the first couple MGS is often vague. Having played through them all multiple times this is not a problem but I could see how it would be hard for new-comers to figure shit out
Any scene where the characters do nothing but talk while nothing substantial happens is an interactive cutscene created to hide loading times. Except these cutscenes are infinitely worse because you can't skip them.
>Sony game
What else were you expecting from NintendoGAF?
>The majority of the in-game moves aren't even taught in-game unless you read the manual or go through the special tab in the main menu
The controls aren't even that complex. You can get a good understanding by simply pressing buttons to see what they do. Stuff like swimming in MGS2 is a slightly more difficult action to get a grasp on, but the codec call you receive when you get into water the first time is extremely brief and to the point.
>And calling the staff in the first couple MGS is often vague
That would still be the case regardless of how long the codec calls are, though.
I remember as a kid being stuck in MGS1 for hours because I didn't understand what Campbell meant by checking the "back of the disc case" to call Meryl. But that's one of the things I like about these sorts of games.
Betting on setpieces meant to create tension or showcase incredible animations just doesn't do much for me. In the case of Evil Within, for example, I liked it enough that I could deal with those sorts of moments, but that's another game I think would be improved if I could immediately skip those few times where the player is forced to walk slowly.
You can't skip cutscenes that hide loading times either. If you gotta wait you may as well see something in the meantime.
>You can't skip cutscenes that hide loading times either
Not him, but what are you referring to?
U wot m8?
The whole trailer was so fucking pathetic it was like a saturday morning kid's villain created the whole setting.
>E3 they have a whole seperate location put aside for just that one trailer
>Designed it like a church
>all to have two ugly looking chicks kiss in a digital church
>All so they can say "HAHA TAKE THAT CHRISTIANS!"
The trailer may not have been blatantly political but the way they presented it absolutely was and in the most sad, try hard way possible.
He said those scenes are to mask loading times. Well, if they didn't put those ingame scenes they would need to either put a straight up loading screen or a cutscene hiding the loading screen, which you wouldn't be able to skip because it is hiding the loading screen.
It's funny you say that because people are calling out shitty walk n talk segments that aren't skippable at all. VNs if they have choices more often than not have a way to skip through dialogue or super speed fast forward through it all to the next choice and JPRGs with no dialogue choices can have VN scenes be skipped wholesale or fast forwarded through. They actually allow you to get back to the gameplay faster than these "movie games" because they're designed around new game+ playthroughs for things like true ends or alternate endings.
Its a movie game. The game play is overly simplistic and boring. The cut scenes were good.
lmao! actually trying to defend Visual Novel """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""gameplay"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
It's actually more respectful to the player than TLOU which is quite amusing when you consider everything.
good bait post
>My sensibilites!
>respect me!!
So many faggots
Explain how I'm wrong then.
You have two games
>One lets you skip everything and lets you get straight back to gameplay.
>The other forces you to sit around and treat it like it doesn't interrupt pacing.
How is it that the first game isn't more respectful of the player's time than the second game?
VNs dont have gameplay, faggot
But loading screens can be shortened in the future with remasters or simply using a faster drive, and those usually tend to be quite short, few and far between anyway. Hell, I don't even remember any loading times in DMC, MGS and many other games from the PS2 era other than accessing the memory card.
You can also do a long loading screen at the beginning like GTAV (and I remember TLOU being relatively slow to boot on the PS3 which is funny).
Actual loading screens are still a better solution despite of all that. More processing power could be used to shorten the loading for the next area if the game jumps to a screen with pictures on it.
And yet those with choices and character routes/multiple endings still allow for that skipping.
Besides I said VNs and JRPGs, the latter absolutely have gameplay.
Blur dur hur why does this 2d cartoon with still images and no gameplay or AI or even a fucking map allow me to skip to another still picture but this complex as fuck game doesnt? Gee willackers
Because Yea Forums has babby tastes and they are constantly fighting the philosophy behind a game like TLOU because it isn't bing bing wahoo or autism simulator Yea Forumsirgin RPG shit.
I thought it was alright. The flashbacks were kinda meh I agree but the gameplay where you are alone as Ellie was arguably better than the gameplay in the main game. It was slightly expanded and it had better AI.
>SH2 is actually an enjoyable game with a good story
Nah Nintendo games doesn't have paid reviews. But they do have a Nintendo bonus ;)
>t. guy who needs to wear floaties when drinking soup
Maybe one day you won't be retarded, more than likely it would be the instant you die.
At least i dont play VNs L M A O AT U
Oh sorry, """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""play""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" VNs
when the fuck do you have that much ammo lol
grounded difficulty or nothing
Its def on easy mode, he takes a sliver of damage when shot
you don't need military training to fire a gun
I generally don't like horror game shit or horror shit in general but I did find the tense atmosphere very immersive in every part of the game. During the week I spent playing the story I had dreams almost every night of sneaking around bad guys and zombies. The story was also pretty well done, along with voice acting and attention to detail. All that said I still think it was just a slightly above average game
>you don't need military training to fire a gun
Sure, but James can shrug off being shot AT with a gun.
That's hardly normal.
this board is contrarian containment from all the internet. They hate every game.
grounded is unfun trash, survivor difficulty has the best ballance between hard challenge and fun.
>clunky and sluggish third-person shooting
>ai that mindlessly charges in like a headless chicken
Why yes, that does look like overrated dogshit
Most stupid faggots on the internet I've ever seen.
I think the point about gameplay is being a bit unfair to SH2. It's obviously at least in part a metaphorical struggle.
So many sour grapes from toddlers ITT that'll never be able to experience a game more complicated than Mario.
>mgs fan deriding another game for having clunky and sluggish controls
So... should I play the remaster? I've got a PS4 and never played the first game on 3
Where did I say anything about liking MGS?
Did you unironically post a webm with aim assist to prove a game is good?
MGS4 and V have infinitely better controls and gameplay than The Last of Us.
no aim assist in tlou
if its on sale, i got it for 10 buckaroos a good while ago and had fun
>MGS4 and V have infinitely better controls and gameplay than The Last of Us.
There is an MGS4 game? I know there is a movie, but I don't know of a game with that title.
Imagine typing that out
Your first mistake was looking to Yea Forums for game advice
You should have realise by now Yea Forums is a hypocritical cesspit.
Guess I'll wait for such a sale then, thanks user
technically sfw