What are they Yea Forums?
Games that peaked way to early in the game
The walking dead.
Red Dead Redemption, game became a complete piece of shit once you reach Mexico
None of your god damn business, retard. Write your own faggot ass article, bitch, never post here again.
This is what I hate; retards like you that sit on your fat ass all day browsing the catalogue waiting to respond to the OP first. I never get yous on this site no matter how hard I try so getting the first post is important. What if I have something constructive and/or informative to say, but can't, because of assholes like you that have no decency or respect for others? Imagine getting off to taking that opportunity away from someone. I'm not even going to try to get through to you retards, because it's the same thing no matter what board I'm on. Enjoy your "fpbp" responses, because that's literally all you have in your miserable fucking life. Fuck you, seriously.
Majora's Mask, people don't want to admit it but the pacing is terrible & the flaws become really apparent after you leave Clock town for the first time. All of the amazing atmosphere disappears & you realize it's just a OOT expansion with way less content
Usually the second level of a game is the best. You start out fine, then you ramp it up, and then you can just maintain steam after the second level to retain interest.
Name three (3) games that do this.
fifth post best post
Lol how insecure are you?
World of Warcraft
Mario Kart
Breath of the Wild if you do Vah Ruta first.
Seriously, Vah Darunia and Vah Naboris are so fucking shit I can't believe they are in the same game as Vah Ruta and Vah Medoh
A large percentage of games, actually. You usually level up more quickly early on and have more options of what quests to do and how to build up your character, keeping things fresh.
It only gets better after you leave clock town. You can say Water Temple is a step down from Snow Temple, but nobody will literally ever say Forest Temple is better than those 2, and nobody will contest Stone Tower being the best.
How the fuck does the atmosphere change for the worse when you leave town? Being a Deku is the msot boring part of the game.
GTA San Andreas
Final Fantasy XV
Kingdoms of Amalur
First 1/3 of all 3 games is so much better than the rest
What are some games where that peak in the latter half?
Based and redpilled
every fromsoft game peaks at the tutorial level
God of War (2018). Game is a disappointment after The Stranger boss battle.
Have a (you)
On the house friend
Did you seriously just throw a tantrum over not getting (You)s?
Pretty much all AAA games. They are designed to be this way too.
most if not all of the trails games
>Usually the second level of a game is the best
This is untrue for about 99% of all vidya.
As a dungeon, I don't think forest temple is better designed, but the atmosphere in that place was fucking awesome.
Fucking newfags.
(you) get one to.
If you're just counting the divine beast dungeons themselves, sure. But when you count the actual areas beforehand and build up to those, the best ones are Ruta and Naboris. You can tell they were rushing to get the game out by how barebones the fucking Rito and Goron parts were. The Rito village especially takes you like 30 mins from the time you arrive there to get into the divine beast.
You do you. I wouldn't fuck newfags.
The transition with the folk music playing was kino though you gotta admit
Persona 5
I couldn’t even finish it because I was so disappointed in every boss fight that came after. Such a fucking great sequence
Most ARPGs. Also Borderlands, really most games with a leveling system since you usually don't have any cool abilities early on.
Who hurt you fren
thousand year door. chapter 6, 7 and 8 are all great. ok, maybe not chapter 7 so much but its still decent.
Said what I’ve always wanted to say. I make too many good threads and they just archive in a second. Meanwhile fags repost the same, tired old /pol/ shit and their threads last for months on end. Fuck this site.
Prey 2017
Are you autistic or do you get paid, OP?
KH3 peaks during Toy Story. Still a fun game though.
Though I don't think the tanker is as bad as everyone thinks
What's his end game?
Dark Souls
Honestly not sure why people think this is the greatest game with the 2nd half being so bad.
What kind of retarded assertion is this? Too early for what? The next generation to be scammed?
Its all cyclical. FotM passes far more quickly with internet access being more readily available. Nobody waits to try anything. Everyone is a slave to peer pressure.
There's no free market either because software patents are retarded.
it's kind of crazy how bad it got right after the museum
On the flip side, what are some games that start off bad/mediocre but become great by the end?
>Turn back.
The sad part is these clickbait threads are the only times were you actually get discussion about video games on this board. Everything else is console war or smash faggotry
Pretty much all of Re4 is fun and great but really the village scene only works at the start of the game. Your underequiped, underskilled, and you dont really know whats happening yet in game.
I will argue up and down that it's the second best part of the game behind the mansion basement.
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
>console and smash bad
>game discussion good
>with the 2nd half being so bad.
Saved for future shitposting
Vah Ruta was the camel?
Because it goes Camel > Elephant > Salamander > Bird
Re4 was the beginning of the end for the franchise until 7 saved it. 4 sucked. 5 sucked. 6 sucked.
So wojak posters are also Smash toddlers.
Why am I not surprised?
Left 4 Dead 1
No Mercy was too damn fun.
game gets progressively faster
ill give you that one
>Mario Kart
50cc, 100cc, 150cc do you know how to count?
every phoenix wright game
Replaying RE4 now and it's decent, some really good setpiece moments here and there and definitely better pacing than its successors, but I'm not really liking the bland shooter bits that 5 & 6 tried to embellish on any better here. As for 7, I like it but functionally speaking it's just Revelations 3, very logical progression from what those games were doing.
Spider-Man PS4 after the scene where you chase the Demons in the helicopter.
Ace combat 7