Hear the hype about the new borderlands game coming out

>Hear the hype about the new borderlands game coming out
>Yea Forums seemed to like the series somewhat so I figured I would give the series a try
>Borderlands 2 was on sale for 5 bucks on steam so I buy it
>Play it for about on hour
>Goofy "No place for a hero music" sounds like I'm being forced to listen to Gorillaz
>Badass points. Is that supposed to be edgy?
>Normie humor from the annoying robot guy
>Got the game refunded and download New Vegas instead

What happened Yea Forums? Did I fall for a meme game? Should I have played longer? Tell me i'm not crazy for thinking this game stinks.

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the game does suck bruv

>uses the term normie humor
>very next line says YEET
I don't know, OP, Borderlands humor sounds right up your alley.

>triggered by decent music
>triggered about how Gearbox named a game mechanic
>typing "YEET" in any context and complaining about "normie humor"

Some people just dont want to have fun. If you pick up BL2 in 2019 for the first time you are probably underage too

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Two different things.

YEET is a meme. The game, on the other hand, is doing 20 year old Invader Zim jokes with less likable characters.

>Paying 60 dollars for for any game and calling me underage

>not having enough money to pay 60 obamas for a game

>"60 dollars"

underage or poorfag. maybe both

The first game was actually really good. No meme writing, claptrap was the only really bad character, the areas had a more cohesive feel.

And then I felt compelled to play BL2 because I spent so many hours in the first one.

>Download new Vegas instead

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I have fond memories of BL2 cause it was the last co-op game I played with my brother.

Wrong and wrong. It's stupid to pay full price for a game when the price is going to drop by 80% in a year or two. What are you mad that I shit on a game you pre-ordered and bought a bunch of substanceless DLC for? Go listen to Weezer, dullard.

It's 11 dollars. Never played a Fallout game so I figured it's worth a shot.

aw I'm sorry. How'd he die?

>Did I fall for a meme game?
You literally did, becuase it's a game built around memes that the devs thought were hilarious and little else. First game was good, second one shit the bed full force.

Yeah it's Family Guy level of humor where >just make a reference to movie or pop culture
i puke.

Its an alright game ... BUT
>worse gunplay
>any non-legendary weapon is ass
>fixed pool of legendarys
>fixed lootpools for bosses and enemys

... and yeah. thats about it.
In BL1 you could shoot some random low level dude and with high enough luck he would drop a legendary weapon that is unique in his own way ... BUT
>FOV is making me sick
>story kinda boring
>world-design kinda boring

No, he got a job.


I'm sorry for your loss. May he rest in heaven.

I'd take 20 year old Invader Zim jokes over facebook memes anyday

Yeah, I really wanted to like the game. The art style was great, too. Somehow it felt like I was playing through an NBC sitcom. I was hoping for something more like Bioshock.

>"I play games when they arent relevant anymore, miss all time-limited content and the chance to play it friends and talk about it because mom and dad dont give me enough money"

>Playing Fallout for the first time in 2019

tbqh new vegas is much better than bl2
bl2 is kinda fun on your first run but then you have to replay the game 2 times in a row to reach endgame content at which the game grinds to a halt and where you could previously use any of the billion weapons at your disposal in the game effectively, on uvhm only a handful of weapons, which you may have to farm hours to get, are usable while every other gun may as well be giving them a blowjob

You should have played longer, you were right. Also, don't ask Yea Forums about anything, they'll call it shit without a second thought

its just a crappy looter shooter
you really think he was missing out on that much?

the writing and VA really kills what is an ok game. if I have to mute a game to play it I don't want to play it.

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My life doesn't revolve around games, dude. Keep trying to cope with spending your entire paycheck on consoles, games, DLC, and Cheetos. Did you already pre-order BL3?

There is nothing wrong with playing a game when it's not relevant? It's not less enjoyable when your actually playing it.

And I wholeheartedly disagree, I think it was as good of a looter shooter as we've ever gotten. That's why I don't like asking Yea Forums about anything. Asking anywhere else will gather the people who found the game good, asking Yea Forums will gather the people who can't stand why someone could have liked a game they didn't.

BL3 looks fucking dogshit because it has no recoil.

Look at the fucking guns, the ONLY difference is how fast it shoots and what sfx splashes. Its fucking jarring and massively unsatisfying to play a shooter without any recoil.

>I play games only when it's relevant
That's even worse

I hate the game but it's my guilty pleasure. If the shooting mechanics was better then it could be my favorite game ever.

What would you wish they improved about the shooting mechanics?

Coop or not the game is a blast and the RPG elements are fun. Just cause the humor and story is shit doesnt make the action any less amazing.

Not him, but all I wanted in 2 was the heavier feel of the guns from 1(and generally I thought 1 was garbage, but it got that part right.)
The floaty feel of weapons in 2 is just awful. SMGs in particular feel depressingly bad to use. Even launchers don't feel like they've got any fucking kick in them.

Maybe you need to use more Jakobs lol, but no that's a valid complaint. Still, the enjoyment I got out of getting new guns, experimenting with skill trees, and taking on the various challenges was more than enough to make up for it. I didn't really hate the story or humor, either, though the Pre-Sequel was significantly worse.

>Yea Forums seemed to like the series somewhat
shills maybe

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I genuinely hate the high sways on almost every guns, that's basically carried from their Brother in Arms games. It was somewhat fine in BiA because shooting is less of a focus on those games and more about the tactics. On later levels it felt like it's better to get close to the enemies and just chaotically hip spraying them, instead of picking them from afar. Almost every also seemingly has high amount of recoil, tho this can be fixed using badass points.
Guns also felt too gimmicky in BL2. I really hate the Hyperion "shoot longer to become accurate" gimmick to the point that I dismiss any of its guns.
Another thing I don't like is how slag is become necessary past the TVHM.
Those are just my gripe with the gunplay. Other areas that I wish was better are the quests (majority of them are just fetch quests) and the level designs.

>Yea Forums seemed to like the series somewhat so I figured I would give the series a try
In what world did you get that idea? I’ve seen nothing but threads shitting on it being so BADASS and shitting on randy bobandy

borderlands is a legitimately great series

You did. The series is overrated as hell and pretty shit. I have no idea why people like it.

>tfw the best characters aren't really viable in the late game

come one op, the bait was good up until
yeet became a thing in 2014, and the game came out in 2012

>>Got the game refunded and download New Vegas instead
based, borderlands is shit see

>Yea Forums seemed to like the series
you heard wrong.

>He doesn't like a game I like
>I shall insult him for not liking Reddit:The Game

>waitng a year or two to play a game just to save a small amount of money
Just how poor are you?

This guy thinks you need to keep spending your entire paycheck if you want to keep up with new releases so probably some minimum wage loser.