don't forget to save edition
Starsector Thread
it's all gone lads.
all that shit i did last night.
i didn't save.
it's all gone.
how do deployment points work? Sometimes I can field fucktons of ships and others I only get 2
There is no test mode to see how each of the weapons feel, this sucks.
have sex
It's all gone because i got frustrated and restarted AGAIN
which vanilla faction do i nuthug this time bros
use run simulation you mongoloid
The amount of deployment points depends on the size of your fleet compared to the enemy fleet. The larger your fleet is in comparison the more points you get.
>he doesn't know
IIRC its based off relative size. So if you for example have 10 ships vs 20 ships you can field 5 ships while they can field 10 ships.
whats that
Funny how as soon as Seth uploads a video on this game suddenly everyone here has been playing it for years. How come there were no threads on it until literally the same day that video was uploaded?
It's also based on deployment cost a small amount I think, I could be wrong though. You can't just field a billion fucking frigates and beat everyone down
The biggest issue right now is the /vg/ thread is literally 2 people shitposting and duping threads so badly that all the real discussion moved here. Sorry to take up a smash thread
>make a colony in a high danger level system
>great planets so making bank
>shit tons of remnants on the other side of the system next to the only jump point
>convoys are fast enough to slip by but pirate and hegenigger raids get nuked on entry
They were pretty rare between updates, and the shitpost autists usually do their best to get the threads moved to /vg/
No one knew or remembered this fucking game before sseth did the video, one because their marketing team is shit,and two because they changed their name half way through development. I've owned it since launch but literally couldn't remember what it was called because of the name change and nothing new from the company in emails.
I don't think anyone's pretending to have played the game for years. There were no threads because discussion naturally died (or was purged FOR FREE) until his video brought in a bunch of new blood. I mean there's a guy in here that didn't even know about simulations.
>marketing team
How many people do you think are working on Starsector, exactly?
probably less than 10, but thats the price you pay when you want to be an indie game running a cool indie game company without paying gaben his 30% kike fee so that anyone knows your game exists.
Tips on 1st colony? I have 3mill and wanna settle
Sseth literally talks about simulations in his video. They either didn't even watch it or are actually that retarded.
There have always been threads, especially following updates.
>clear system of remnants except for 1 patrol
>come back
and now theres 5 patrols
do these guys reproduce?
Be prepared to babysit it from constant attacks
Go for food if you want safe assured income. Fuel or heavy industry are nice. Get an orbital station up ASAP before anything though and upgrade it since you can upgrade while you build something else. Keep it close to the core worlds unless you like traveling instead of playing.
You could say that they have sex
Check the outskirts for a space station. They constantly spawn new fleets until you kill them.
>Im checking the /vg/ thread out of pure morbid curiosity
>Apparently some idiots are sending takedown requests to MEGA under the name of alex
WTF are those dickwads doing?
Your both wrong battles have 300 points total unless you change it in settings.
These points are divided unevenly. Enemy gets priority so if they have a large fleet with a bunch of capitals they get like 180-200 of the points and you only get 100-120.
If the have no ships like a spacestation you get the majority of the points. If you join an ongoing battle where both sides have a bunch of ships deployed you get something like 30-50 cause thats all thats left over.
Raise it to 500 if your computer can handle it. It will still be unbalanced but you get more points to play with.
What the fuck happened to this place?
>Decide it's time to start colonizing
>No planet so far is capital material
>Start exploring constellations
>Find a Terran planet right next to the Core Worlds
>Decent farmland and mining
>Religious monument
>75% Hazard Rating
>Only planet in the system
>No stable locations
>The two nearest systems all have red warning beacons
Should I go for it or look for another option, will the remnants fuck me up, or actually act as some defense because no way are the pirates making bases there.
I just set up my first star system on ironman with around 3.3 mil. Spend a lot of time surveying planets first. Try to find a system where you can take advantage of every planet to some extent.
I narrowed it down to 12 systems after doing a lot of surveying and I ended up picking a system with 4 planets. 2 class V's and 2 Class 1's. My focus is heavy machinery / military ship development and fuel production. I do all my mining and refining and building in the one system, each planet supplies another planet with materials. The only stuff I really import right now is the volatiles for fuel production but i have a synchrotron so it's worth it.
Hazard level does matter, and my worlds are all 175 except for one which is 150. It does eat into profits but if the system makes it worth it that's good. With 3.3 mil i was able to start the first 2 colonies pretty soon after each other.
bruh colonize that shit
if the remnant fuck with you just avoid them until you can streamroll them
I got into this because of the threads.
What exactly about this is funny?
>no stable locations
Into the trash
so what I did was installed a comm relay and for whatever reason remnants stick to them like moths to a flame and are like automated security
My sector always has a fuck ton of independent's running around and it's pretty new. Is that just because I have maxed rep with independents or do they always show up like that?
I think I've done everything in the vanilla game short of nuking the core worlds. What are some good mods?
Bend over so we can plow that sweet boipuss, bb. It was nice of you to offer. We get really pent up around here.
The Corvus Conquest
Rules are simple:
a) You may not leave Corvus
b) Eliminate all other factions from Corvus
Are you a bad enough dude?
Prison mods when???
nuke the core worlds first
What's the most fun Sector Age
Is it safe to start a colony where there are pirates patrolling around? They don't have a base, but they are a little bit too strong for my fleet. I can sneak by them, but they are basically holding a system with a super good world hostage.
Some fags are butthurt about certain mods that were banned off the forums getting hosted on mega and linked in the /vg/ OPs. It's shit like portrait packs using art they grabbed from other stuff or the NGO mod that apparently alludes to nazis/fascists (dunno, haven't paid an iota of attention to lore so far). So then one or two people continually make new threads 50-100 posts too early with an OP that doesn't include the mega links because we aren't allowed to have nice things apparently. Oh and mods ban the wrong threads all the time because they don't care enough to actually check anything besides creation date.
butthurt forumfaggots wanna control shit that occurs on other websites
I would not suggest it if you can't handle them yourself.
Mixed, have the best of everything.
t. the one preteding to be a forumfaggot, in the most retarded of false falgs
What do I need for orbital industry?
you may not like it, but whoever's posting the OP has the right to exclude shit from the post if he wants. that's called freedom of speech buddy.
You need to reread what I wrote because I think you misunderstood.
Ironic considering the people that the /vg/ thread is having an issue with are the ones who hate freedom. Faggot.
Dude the one that replaces NPC text with N word memery, s'cool!
orbital works is an upgrade of heavy industry. you just need to upgrade the heavy industry.
>it's anti-freedom if i'm on the receiving end
that's nice, kid. now go back to your /vg/ shithole.
>going out of your way to fuck over an entire thread along with the rest of /vg/ (by making threads way too god damn early and starting a bunch of retarded drama) in an attempt to prevent people from using mods for a fucking video game because you disagree with them
>not antifreedom
Okay, forumfaggot.
What would be the best colony upgrade as far as defense goes? I don't have any more industry slots currently, so i can't turn my Patrol HQ into a Military Base.
Ground Defense or Orbital Station? Or something else?
I haven't been. A friend of mine has been playing for years, but I never got around to actually buying the game. I decided fuck it when Seth did the video, since he put up a CD key with it.
Neither Planetary Shield, Station or Ground Defense\heavy batteries count as an industry.
Get all three.
>muh freedumbs
>muh freeze peach
How do I get good at this game?
Unironically go back to reeeeeeeeedit
>it's anti-freedom if i'm on the receiving end
now go back to your /vg/ shithole
>Planetary Shield
Oh fuck, haven't gotten that yet.
Reiterating what you already said and ignoring all logic doesn't make you right, retard-kun. Go back to whatever libtard shithole you crawled out of.
Full Kinetic / Energy weaponry, overload the dumb AIs flux and take advantage while they are unconscious.
Learn when to shoot your missiles
Don't go in too deep
Know when it is safe to vent your flux and when to let your armor take the hits
install good mods with cool ships that kick the shit out of the vanilla turds
>install a ton of mods because when i get paragons and onslaughts it just stops having any difficulty
>paragons and onslaughts still smoke most mods because they just slap the new weapons on them if theyre better than tach lances and shit
its been a while since ive played a game where the mod content is weaker than the vanilla content
yeah you have to look really hard for ships that are stronger than vanilla versions
>set anti shield and anti armor seperatly
>doesn't matter because the AI perfectly turns shield off and on as soon as you change back and forth
I get it for remnant but why the fuck are pirates able to do this?
Not that hard
that's on /vg/'s side though. We're minding our own business here.
Why is this even an issue? Put one on autofire and shoot with the other.
This is why I prefer to keep most things on autofire, except my flux hog main weapons and limited ammo missiles/guns.
>not putting every weapon on autofire
The industry limit is pretty annoying. My capitol currently has farming and heavy industry, and next up I'm obviously gonna build a military base to keep pirates away from my most important world, but I'm at a loss for my last industry. Should I go with Commerce (my colony is in a good place to serve as a pit stop for outer system shit) or Fuel Production (one of the few high-class planets with volatiles nearby)? Just about every other industry is being handled by another colony in the same system, so it's basically between those two.
>someone going out of their way to censor and ban things isn't anti-freedom
Brit detected. Careful you don't make joke videos about dogs on the internet or you might get arrested.
enjoy overloading ever 10 seconds
When something gets disrupted in your colony, is there a way to make recovery faster? My spaceport is currently down for 120 days otherwise.
No retort huh? I knew you were a libtard bitch. Fucking btfo.
Maybe because you're a newfag.
We have had threads on SS for seven fucking years.
Is Nexerelin save compatible or does it only work on a fresh game?
he didn't feel like including it, so he didn't. how is this so hard to understand? free speech means not being forced to include things you don't feel like including you fucking wetback. right to dissociation is part of the first amendment. retake your citizenship test.
How do you start building ships?
fresh game
hell judging by my limited experience adding and removing mods over the past week new game always. even if it says its fine something fucks up
>*ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting *
May I have everyone's attention please?
Ahem, FUCK hyperspace storms.
Thank you for your time and have a great night
But that is very clearly not what's been happening, as I already explained. Did you somehow miss the fact that these fucktards are making DMCA takedowns on Mega using Alex's email for this shit? Keep up or keep out, dude.
Desu what the fuck are you doing
>Main world, Farms, Mining, Light and Heavy Industry
>Every other world: Resources first then Military
You don't take up a industry slot for better military on your main world, you build more military on other worlds in the system. You want Light+Heavy on your main world because their maintenance costs are the highest but they also generate the most revenue.
And if you dont have at least 3 worlds in your system you fucked up, delete your save and think about how you're a slut.
Also NEVER take commerce, its a store that provides zero profit.
Ifs its pirates, blow up their base
If its religious zealots, blow up their base
You have to go back.
what makes you think it's the same person doing it? do you have any proofs are you kneejerking and making accusations like a fucking sjw?
Literally just finished doing just that. But is there a way recover my already disrupted Spaceport? Or is it just the waiting game now?
Where the fuck are you people finding systems with 3+ worlds of decent hazard?
>want some good blueprints to spam
>raid sindria five times
>get Heron blueprint
>raid every try-tach industrial world
>get nothing
>rampage around multiple remnant sectors
>find nothing, not even AI cores
>go clear out the red planet
>find a fucking Atlas MkII blueprint
>but whoever's posting the OP has the right to exclude shit from the post if he wants. that's called freedom of speech buddy.
Damn son you're dense.
This website is own by a private citizen, he gets to choose what is and isn't allowed on the website. You, as an individual, have zero rights here. Freedom of speech applies to political thought and dialogue in public places, like walking up to your congressman and saying you think blacks should be jailed and fascism is a great idea, it doesn't mean you can say whatever you want where-ever you want and everyone has to listen to your bullshit, least of all on a privately own Mongolian basket weaving forum.
But go ahead, go make a thread on /vg/ and call it "Lets gas the niggers and kikes - 2019 Hitler games" and see how long you last. Reply if you're mad that I, a non-American, just schooled you on the constitution.
Hazard doesn't matter. I've made colonies on planets with 300+ hazard. Resources matter.
Only one needs to be decent hazard, the rest are just industry and military
Acquire reading. One world needs best hazard possible, the others are irrelevant.
Its not difficult to find a Terran world of some sort plus multiple other planets in the system with < 200% hazard.
Jesus fucking Christ. If you don't know what's happening over there, then at the very least don't oversimplify it and then argue over your own oversimplification. If you had been around for the last several days, you would see how painfully obvious this shit is. But you're either:
>one of the forumfags going out of their way to remove the mega links and fucking over /vg/ (and now the fucking game dev) in the process
>a troll
>genuinely retarded
and in any case, I'm done talking to you because it would be a wasted effort. Enjoy feeling like you've won something. You haven't, but I'll most definitely lose by continuing to talk with your retarded ass.
>but they also generate the most revenue.
Pretty sure Fuel+Synchrotron makes the most revenue.
Hey ESL retard, read the post carefully before replying.
>Hazard doesn't matter. I've made colonies on planets with 300+ hazard
Hazard does matter, you're paying two to three times more maintenance than you should be, losing hundreds of thousands in the process.
Thanks for proving you're mad, now fuck off shitposter
I've done two salvager starts so far, want to try combat this time. What are some good starter frigates aside from the obvious Wolf? Frigates from mods are fine too.
Until you flood the fuel market by having too many of them.
I know what is going on. Don't fucking move the goalpost. Last (You) from me unless you provide ANY proofs at all that the person filing the complaints and the retarded OP are the same person. If you continue to dodge the question I'll just consider your arguments null and void and completely crushed.
>no planet with farmland
>can't hold all these planets with rare ores and normal ores
Should I just say fuck it and colonize these volcanic worlds? Nothing has farmland excpet for the occasional planet with "poor farmland" that is -1 farm. If I ever find a planet with farmland it also has no ores anywhere in the system or it has poor ores.
Not even close to a good farm on a low hazard world.
And its low maintenance anyway, meaning you can throw it on any world, which you should, just not the main one.
skip frigs go destroyer
Each resource has a market cap, meaning if you make too much of it you start getting less and less profit. Fuel doesn't stack very well. Food has a large cap, as does goods from light/heavy manufactures.
Well, I decided to keep looking and found this system, I don't think I'll find much better than this.
>Wasting mining on this one when the other planet has rare ore
Nah. Though like I said, I'm building Heavy Industry on it, and it already has Farming. You're the first person I've talked to about colonies who has suggested Light Industry at all, what's the argument for that one over Fuel? Keep in mind this is my first two colonies here, and I've got maybe one other planet in my sights that can be used for fuel production.
>Three planets
Pff. I'm not looking for Shangrilah here user.
It's entirely RNG what you get. I've surveyed the entire sector on my save, and I have only two systems on the entire map with 3+ planets with decent resources. One of those, I plan to colonize later, but all of the worlds are high hazard shitholes so I'm saving it for after I've already established a good passive income. The other is in the middle of nowhere so I'm ignoring it. Beyond that, I have a decent number of systems with two decent resource planets (one of which I've colonized and am discussing above,) some of which have barren worlds and gas giants with nothing to mine, so obviously they're not worth a colony.
Well, you can change it in the game file...
I like the Calm from Diable.
That's true, but I'm way more likely to change how many colonies I can administer before beefing the industry number.
That looks pretty fucking good to me.
I don't mind taking my time to find a good system but finding the cryosleeper in an objectively worthless system is just painful.
with all the mod shit there is still not a single ship as good as the doom
Is it ok for High Command and
Orbital Works to not be in the same planet?
>meme machine
yeah nah
found the shit pilot.
>muh jojo reference
Oh fuck off
It's a good ship but everyone fellating it because Sseth said it was the best can go suck a dick.
>do I fit in yet guis?
Name a better planetary modifier.
It offers incredible utility. I don't know how Seth used it, but he probably used it more like a Revenant where you just teleport behind Legions and unload rockets or something. I've found that it's much better as a support ship you use to stick close to your fleet and wreck things. Sure, you still teleport behind and unzip dick sometimes, but a lot of it is killing carriers, swarms of fighters, clusters of small shit, something flanking one of your guys, etc. It's fucking great in that role and nothing else really fills that.
Exactly. The universal mounts are absurdly flexible, and makes for a great way to unload Sabots and Reapers on whatever you need dead.
The mines are also versatile by themselves. Bomber wing coming for you? Teleport a mine in their path and see them all poofing into space debris. Capital with an omni shield being a problem? Drop mines at the other side and watch it try to shield itself from the mines and exposing its hull towards you.
>jojo reference
shut the fuck up you dumb nigger zoomer no one even referenced anime, go fucking kill yourself. Your shit at the game and a shit fucking pilot so you don't know how to fly the most broken piece of shit in the game. Don't fucking spew your dumb nigger opinions on anything ship or weapon related in these threads you ignorant fucking piece of shit.
>Be pirate
>Fast picket stops me to tell me to turn on my transponder
>Say no.
My nigga. Seeing a dozen fighters heading straight toward your fleet and dropping a couple mines dead center, hearing a fuckhuge explosion, and seeing your own fighters breeze right by the aftermath is so fucking satisfying.
>The hegemony sends their regards...
is the Pilum missile launcher any good? saw it has now ammo limit so I was thinking of putting it on my carriers for long range damage
It's so good there's a mod to nerf it and only it.
>How come people are talking about a good game they just found out about because of some youtube video?
Nice kid, but he's about as sharp as a sack of door knobs.
Because there are more pirates on Yea Forums's PC gaming posters.
>even the nerf can't make it bad
really? looked kinda shitty with slow fire rate and only 3 missiles does missile rack increase amount fired?
What's the largest number of planets you've seen in a single system? The highest I've come across is twelve, in a nebula.
>No hooking up with random bar sluts mod.
Can you eliminate factions in the vanilla game? I want to wipe out these pirates so they stop parking bases right next to my colonies
12 and they were all shit.
You mean buff it right?
Some factions, yes. Not Pirates and not Pathers.
It's a fucking shitty launcher. I use the swarmers or reapers (fucking 2 reapers PER shot).
If we're talking about M size here then Sabots are better
No, but it can shoot more bursts before spending a long time loading.
Speaking of Pilums....
Do you only need one Military Base/High Command to protect an entire system? I have two colonies in the same system, one with High Command, both with lvl 3 Orbital Stations. However the two are relatively far apart. Curious if it matters.
A Tr-Tach lady wants to give me a 400 day loan of 215k saying she wants 315k in return. Should I do it? Most of my fleet is (D) modded shit and I want to upgrade my cargo capacity and get some better fighting craft. I currently have 500k total.
The more you have, the more fleets the system will have, bu usually 1 per system is enough.
Yeah, but still give all other colonies patrol HQs. More fleets and also the stability and it is only Mil Bases and High Commands that count as industry.
How confident are you in your merchant ways?
Where are you niggas finding these free Onslaughts?
take the money and run
You can probably get the money to pay it back if you plan on reselling goods to the Path. Whatever you do you better pay it back.
Hegemony donates them to me for some reason.
Pirates cannot be eliminated because they're not really a faction. They're just loosely affiliated criminals that breed like rabbits. Same goes for space jihad.
>start as Neutrino
>Tri-Tachyon hates me
Thanks m8s
I made about 200k today running drugs. I am pretty confident but loans scare me. Also I am not really sure what ships I should buy, since I'm fucking clueless about that.
Yeah I see a lot of lucrative pather market shit. I could probably just run guns and mercs to make my money back.
>people have problems making money as a jew
sseth told you that the best way to make money is pragmatism
buy a ton of armaments, babies, food, marines and other supplies and sell them to pathers
literally cranking out money just by running from different core worlds to fucking chalcedon
But I don't want to glow in the dark.
The main problem with pirates is their ability to create huge doomstacks, instead of simply staying a minor but persistent nuisance. Pirates certainly aren't known for huge fleet actions, not unless they're privateers under someone's employ.
Send a pic of your fleet. This could be winnable, but it'll be a bitch.
the only thing actually threatening are the legions and those have d-mods. You'll be fine pussy
How the fuck do I see how much cargo space a ship offers before I buy it?
Prepare to meet Ludd, apostate.
hope you went high-tech user
The station they're attacking isn't upgraded yet.
you are so fucked
It's my close-in sun-blasted barren world I'm using as an industrial waste. Low-tech. All the rest are high tech.
ur fuckin ded kiddo
Hover over the question mark
Try to lure them into the Corona and fight there.
Why does everyone say only one colony in a system needs to be low hazard? All the others have upkeep costs as well don't they?
Is there any way to view the deployment points a ship takes without actually going into a battle?
Yes. The Orbital Works will work on all your colonies.
I just did a pretty decent run on vanilla and I feel like I'm ready to spice up the game, I've heard nexerelin is good but I was wondering if there are any ship/weapons mods that I can add aswell that aren't completely broken as I've heard a lot of them are pretty OP.
The high hazard ones are for specialized industries (usually mining).
If you had a beefier fleet (a couple more carriers+cruisers) and if your station was atleast tier two it'd be winnable. You're just gonna have to take this loss.
>what's the argument for that one over Fuel?
The fact it makes more money than fuel.
Supplies are carried between planets in a sector and provide a -50% reduction in the amount they need. You can build the fuel anywhere, the supplies make you the most on your main world.
Just avoid Mikoyan, Blue, and Borken. The others are more or less balanced.
neutrino has cool ships and weapons
diable avionics has super weak early game but their fighters/carriers/capital ships are amazing
use the general ship/weapon pack in the mod index
imperium has a good balance of everything
If you take it, make sure to pay it back, don't forget it like I did or you will end up with -50 Tri-tach relations
I like this a lot, I'm glad the AI is actually competent because a shitty AI can ruin the enjoyment of an otherwise perfect game, it makes it a lot more rewarding and enjoyable.
As for HOW to deal with it I personally found that the best option is to either to shoot anti armor rockets into its shield blind spots or if it got an omni shield then charge their flux up high to around 90% and then force it to bring it up to block the anti armor missiles and force it to overcharge or take the hit.
Never played but curious, what mods are there?
Which would you recommend for a first playthrough?
DME is balanced.
It is just that is a fighter focused faction and the game itself favors fighters.
you should get the feel for the basegame before adding in hella shit.
dont get attached to that save though cause you need to restart when you start modding.
will do, thank you
So which mods are good by don't change up everything? I installed Archean but dislike how it changes the fundamental weapon balance, I don't want to have to go through and relearn what does and doesn't work again.
When will Sseth do a video on Nexus the Jupiter Incident and reinvigorate interest in that game too?
Imperium ships are so fun
The game has been barebones up until November last year. PS Seth is a kike name, wash your fucking mouth.
combat chatter
combat analytics
starship legends
are all fun
starship legends changes a bit but not drastically it gives minor attributes to ships the longer you own them
chatter is they talk in battle
analytics brings up a post battle damage report
>all those continuously firing ballistic weapons
Thank GOD there is a mod which does this. Having everything be burst fire is so boring.
anyone know what mod this ship is from?
It doesn't show up in the codex.
Tahlan Shipworks
>tfw alpha AI on every industry
come at me hegeniggers
I didn't check out starsector until seth made his video but I definitely remember seeing threads about starsector all the time on Yea Forums a few years ago. Maybe you should stop being new.
Are these descriptions from a mod?
Are Kites useful for anything other than scrapping?
Thanks user, you're a star.
Vayra's Sector, iirc
Early game a bunch of kites are ok cause numbers beats quality. Once your not fighting dmod pirates get rid of them asap.
>kill 500 pirate ships
>pirates make no money in my system just come in and get fucking obliterated
>literally the opposite, im storing up on pirate materials, guns, supplies and fuel
>they still just come in over and over to get fucked
I love this game but this shit breaks my immersion so hard.
So nice of other factions to stop by my humble little colony to feed their ships to my hungry space fortress.
>kill four fucking remnent fleets
>next day 4 new fleets get shit out of their station
yeah what the fuck?
Same, I mean would it really be so hard to code in something like total amount of $ in damages you've done to a faction to make them stop doing shit. If I've cost the pirates or luddic path a few billion they should sit the fuck down for an in game year or two or while that cost value decays or they have an economy that can take it.
That's how you farm cores and high tech weapons.
how the fuck do i kit out aurora to make it not feel like it does fuck-all by itself and not have it instantly overload the moment i fire my frontal hardpoints
the fact that all the medium slots are pointed in different directions frustrates me to no end, i can't focus enough dps on anything and it feels terrible
DME has the issue of nearly all its weapons being better in their niche than the vanilla versions, also like you said they have good fighters in a fighter meta
Dont run so many heavy blasters
I gave up on the aurora and just spammed carriers.
How do I make money from commision? and how do I find bounties?
How do those fags even have the supplies or fuel for that?
Fly around core worlds for bounties. You dont get notifications unless your close.
Antimatter Blasters in all frontal mounts
What's the problem?
Also, Starsector, like every other game covered by Seth had a cult following on Yea Forums at some point
>marketing team
Yeah right fellow starsector oldfag
Ludd provides, heretic
ok so i posted in the last thread about capturing the pirate base/planet in Corvus on like day10 of a new playthrough
it had nothing but plentiful volatiles, which already had a mine built
it grew a bit and i scrounged up enough money to build fuel production there, but hegemony forced the colony to pay tribute under threat of glassing the whole thing to pieces so it doesn't make much money (varies from 8 to 12k in the positive due to the tribute payments), at least until it grows to size5 and i can build the third industry there and put a pristine nanoforge i found somewhere into it
i encourage everyone to try it, in my playthrough that station only had ~90 land defensive rating but sold 205 marines, so i abused it
it's an interesting dynamic early on in the playthrough, i have a little bit of money (like 200k) massed up from delivery contracts within the core worlds which i'm going to spend on supplies/fuel looking for suitable colonization candidates in other systems to provide the food and material needs, never used to concern myself with that so early before
+1 internets
I'm trying this game but the combat doesn't really feel right. My ship is too slow and it doesn't really seem to be doing much.
Is the beginning supposed to be like this?
I started with one of the reccomended ships but maybe I should pick something faster.
Any tips?
Wasted effort. If you're gonna do something like that then you could just destabilize Epiphany and then colonize all the newly unclaimed planets nearby. Mining for days.
stoinks yo
imagine getting this triggered over anime Y111kers 4real
>Full carrier fleet
>Automatically win every battle
>tfw you make 3 million as pirate but realize only way to use credits is to restore ships you salvage
How realistic is it to make a successful colony when 10+ factions hate you?
What are some mods that i can add to an already existing save? I just want to expand my game.
Just duplicate your save and try it out. I added Nexerelin and a bunch of factions to an existing vanilla save I had without any noticeable issues.
You could always use those credits to buy some marines and fuel and saturation bomb everyone who hates you.
Other than early game zerging they can be used for quick objective captures then retreating them
Actually, raiding planets for blueprints and AI cores is how I made most of my credits. Issue with saturation bombardment is that I'm most likely only able to do it for smaller colonies which I rely for most of my income. I guess an objective could be making the entire sector pirates
>visit Epiphany for the first time
>the system isn't dangerous at all because jihadists have at best a few frigates in their patrols
>nobody cares about transponders
>constant shortages of everything, they are paying triple prices for common goods
This is actually a gold mine. I can make ~200k a trip with 2 large freighters.
Hegemony and pathers are asleep, post AI cores.
Use strafing - hold Shift and you turn towards the cursor, LMB to fire, A/D to move sideways. Also Burn Drives
Which one is your favorite portrait?
I've got your core right here mister.
space hitler
Tell me about the Mess, brothers. Does it REALLY infect ships with nanotech?
do I need a mouse to play this game or is this a game I can play comfy on my laptop
anything from anime portrait pack. the base game are fugly
I really doubt it is the forum faggots.
get a mouse you lazy nigger
pay your tariffs
>Wasted effort.
great roleplay value tho
i carved out a little hegemony vassal realm for myself by capturing it from bandits and vagrants, and spend most of my time building it up and protecting my lads
it's fun
The GH onslaught is amazing. Specially when you outfit it just right so that they passively vent more flux than they one they can produce.
What are some good ships for an aspiring smuggler/serial pirate? I currently have an Eagle as my capitol ship, one hammerhead, a couple wolves, and some other random shitter ships as backup. I have a small tanker and a couple freighters for towing loot.
look at cirno being a little bitch
what mod?
Does having good standing make Hegemony fuck off, or haven't I made enough of a splash for them to notice? I have several colonies and I've only been bothered by Pirates, Pathers and the Dicktat.
If it's not a (P) variant with 3+ D mods then it's not a real pirate ship.
it's not mouse intensive so i guess touchpad should work
I also like my waifus with a p and triple d
Deployment cost of a ship is equal to the maintenance cost per month
I figured that out, I'm manouvering better than before but my ship is still slow and the range of my guns is way too short.
What's a good starting ship?
GH Onslut is kinda mediocre. The real motherfucker is the Izanami.
What mod provides ships with levels?
Looks like Starship Legends.
Is it any good. Sounds neat.
please tell me theres a mod to make missiles not shit
Missiles are great, but they're very situational
Does the population grow after 7? Theres no growth bar anymore, should i keep dumping money into growth insentives?
>30 minutes game time
>"god missiles are shit"
>30 hours game time
>"missiles are fucking great and i wish i could fit more"
Why are energy weapons so strong's not fair
Yeah its called medium/large missile slots
it gives your ships some buffs and debuffs based on i don't really know.
I only wish I could reload them mid-battle, but I understand that's how they're balanced.
Subhumans should leave this site
Are they? My experience with energy weapons is you need a lot of them, or they don't do anything.
I'm not that user but can you guys help me to understand how to use them better? I've always avoided wasting the OP on them but I itch to use them properly, especially because i just started a fighty playthrough
How do I into Doom mine placement? I feel like I'm basically just spamming them in the general direction of the AI but they either strafe away or just graze past it. Do I wait up for 3-5 charges and then spam?
solar shielding
Works great if you're fighting tri-tacky, redacted or bum breakers
If you have two missile slots on a ship, it's a good idea to have one of them be sabots and the other harPOONs or atropos
Wait until the enemy has fairly high flux, then hit them with the sabots. If they overload shove some strike missiles on them, if not they will start to tactically fall back and you have earned yourself some respite so you can vent.
still shit
Pick one damage type and stick with it.
>disregarding missiles
this captain's not gonna make it
I have seen this game before but I thought it was mostly a meme because I saw the massive space hammer smashing apart ships.
Thats my wife
Why does it seem I'm losing readiness much faster than the enemy in protracted engagements? If I get into any kind of a stalemate, I have to fall back after a while before my ships start falling apart.
>how to use them better?
Don't. The AI can't use missiles for shit, they just waste all HE into shields. Give them Salamanders, Sabots or just keep the slots free for more OP.
In player's hands missile ships like Gryphon are godlike though.
>I'm losing readiness much faster than the enemy in protracted engagements?
This is the high-tech life for you, tri-nigger. Try using proper flying coffins next time.
pussy they speed you up what are you poor? can't afford supplies? don't be such a WHORE
This is only true for small missile mounts that have no cooldowns, and even then there are workarounds.
>set them as alternating fire
>limiting them to only one damage type
>not using fucking small harpoons (they WILL get used up)
>System with great ore/rareore and farmland but o volatiles
>Other system has trace volatiles and farm but no ores
I swaer I've been looking for hours to find another system that has all three but there is nothing. I have to pick between these 2.
why not both? i have 7 colonies spread across 8 ly in 3 systems it's fine
>several colonies
oh, I had a uninformed thought that I could only take one. Well shit might as well take the one with more farmland. Thanks user.
I have colonies on opposite end of the core worlds, I don't think it really matters. The traders will find a way.
i think you can colonize literally everything but you'd need a lot of alpha cores for it to be remotely profitable
7 is the max amount you can have with no penalties without using alpha cores, as you can personally admin for 4 colonies and you can have up to 3 admins hired - you can admin for more but you lose stability across all your colonies if you go above your guy's limit
check out the industry skill tree and i think there's one in the fleet skill tree relating to colony stuff
>You also lose CR a lot faster if there are more allies than enemies near a ship.
Do nanoforge bonuses stack or is one enough?
I meant the other way around sorry that was a typo
>not using console command mod to check all systems in a new game first, then playing
I hope to fucking GOD he brings in terraforming. Make it so you can dump a few million into a planet and turn it into something habitable.
Because this running around a map making sure its not a shitshow before you start playing is not fun.
you just need one, for the ship quality bonus
your entire faction takes the highest quality site when determining what your fleet and produced ship quality will be
I think you just need a total of one on your colonies for all your fleets to benefit from it
The AI default fits love readiness mods. So they're going to last a good while longer than you.
i actually enjoy it as part of the exploration
if you just decide, before you start colonizing, "i'm gonna go explore the galaxy and eat up a bunch of yummy probes" then you'll end up knowing where decent planets are without it being a chore
also, all of my colonies have 200%+ hazard rating and they also all make 200k+ so i don't give a shit
BASE monthly supply cost.
they do still give neat production bonuses though so if u plan to build several heavy industries just to have the production u should keep a few forges around
nanoforge+alpha core heavy industry is quite obscene
>have 200%+ hazard rating and they also all make 200k+ so i don't give a shit
Thanks for the blog on "how not to play starsector"
I was initially worried about settling on planets that aren't 100% perfect terran paradises, but as long as it isn't a literal rock with nothing on it, it will make at least some money.
Second only to fuel with fuel thinger in my experience
A literal rock with 125% hazard and ZERO resources will still make mad money if you put refining, fuel production, light industry or heavy industry on it. The idea is, you put resource extraction industries on high hazard resource rich planets, and you put your refining and production on low hazard planets to save on upkeep.
Anni are great for AI because of how spammable they are
So sorry, gameplay police
bitch i'm rollin in 4m right now i don't give a fuck i'm pumping out battleships on the daily you can suck my entire nut i'm better at all games than you will ever be and i am sorry that you are so impotent as to not be a chad volcano settler like myself
download underworld and nexelerin
make your fleet a bunch of hackjob pirate ripoffs of other ships, sell your bros blueprints and paint the galaxy red
i don't know if everyone will agree here but the pirate falcon is fucking based
12 burn on a cruiser, with built in augmented drive field - throw safety override on and some big assault guns and rip and tear those trade convoys to shit, sell their loot back to the colony you just fucked over, win the game
wait for your fighters to try and flank and drop mines in their blind spots or while theyre forced to drop shields
alternatively if youre alone just drop some mines behind the enemy, theyll instantly spin their shields or use point defense weapons to stop it
now unleash your front-loaded murderspray and collect the kill
dooms are flank machines, just hit their weak point for massive damage and youre doomguy now
Hey hey people
Did someone manage to clone the files?
Does anyone know what mod pre-collapse military bases are from?
Unknown Skies adds a lot of new planet modifiers. I don't know for sure if that's the one you want though.
Any tips on outfitting the thing? I've mostly been running 4 reaper tornadoes + 2 atropos for maximum explosives, but its recently just been a pain in the ass to even run
It's from Unknown Skies, just checked the files.
antimatter blasters? that works pretty well for buttfucking bigger ships
>literally just start playthrough
>watch for invasion warnings while chasing shitty pirates
>'hegememe is invading shadowtards'
>hop on over to the system
>4 onslaught-chans and a bunch of shit against a 5 star station
>suddenly a destroyed onslut shoots out from the carnage
>go to reclaim it
>nope you have to salvage
>whatever still got 3 frigs and a cruiser
>hegemony lost somehow
Worst faction desu senpai
I wish there was more going on mission-wise. Right now most missions are very profitable but on the fringes of the sector, it would be great if there were smaller, less profitable missions nearer the core worlds. More stuff to do would make the sector seem a bit more lively.
Threads always die down between updates, as is the case with most smaller games. Sseth's video just renewed interest so many people (like me) use the chance to once again talk about a game they like. How is this hard to grasp?
There are
>if there were smaller, less profitable missions nearer the core worlds
Bar delivery contracts and procurements scale with your cargo size. If you fly aroud with a few big freighters, they start offering 100-200k per mission.
Top 5 mod factions in terms of quality:
costs a lot of flux though and you basically need to hug the ship for it to fire
´>hegaymony try to take your ai cores away
>get their assholes shredded apart by actual malevolent ai
Now that's some poetic justice
#1: Underworld
>be bros with tritach
>remnants leave me alone because im cool
>make a big dumb raider bait base in a high warning system
>chill on my front porch by the jump point
>watch massive raids with 40 paragons get turned to shreds by remnants
What happens if you have unremovable alpha core admin on planet and you let Hegemony inspection in. Do they still eliminate it or something more fun happens?
Got a "story" mission about checking out a red planet. does it continue after that? how long is it?
It's one difficult combat event that drops some cool blueprints afterwards. That's it.
Will check it out then, the robots give my fleet wide berth in orange danger systems, so it's probably ready.
sure, but safety override, dude
alternatively, my current doom build is
4x sabot srm
2x typhoon reapers
2x heavy blasters
4x burst pd lasers
36 vents/14 cap
flux distributor, resistant flux conduits
sabot srms to blow down the shields, reapers and heavy blasters to make the target eat shit, throw some bombs in there to harass or blow up fighter squadrons while i'm phased, maximum venting + the conduits so that it takes all of literally 3 seconds to vent everything - over 3200 venting per second
this is capable of obliterating capital ships in one or two passes, depending on whether you get all of your shots off and if you have a couple lucky bombs, and it's also well defended against fighters and missiles with the pd lasers
A bit off the general but does anyone know another top down space game that was free on Steam which looked similar to Starsector?
Can't remember the name off the top of my head and been wanting to see how that game was like too. Couldnt get into it previously
Space Rangers?
endless sky
Good list
Shadowyards a shit
incredible job!
Is Star Sector similar to Star Control 2?
>endless sky
Thats the shit thank you my man
no it's closer to Sector Control 3
lil' bit
it's a good fuckin game, too
i managed 114 hours of that shit before i got tired of it
I've been playing since this game was called Starfarer. It's just that the relatively recent update + Sseeths video + most mods being updated now made me play it yet again
yo dudes what's a good hammerhead loadout?
bro that was, bro, like, 5 hours ago, brah, chill bro.
Is the game barebones without mods?
literally anything, those shits are versatile as hell
I'd always go 1 medium for shield killing, 1 for armor killing, and the small mounts kinda whatever. you can go injectors for hit and run or targeting computer thing for constant dps. Honestly you can't go wrong with the hammerhead though
2heavy mortar
Finally, stalking invasions has paid off. My very own wife!
I'm always fond of the double railgun double heavy mortar
If railguns are too rare, I suppose a heavy autocannon and a heavy mortar works too
All projectile mounts for shieldkilling and then armor torpedos for a finishing the overloaded enemy. remember to use it's ability for massive dakka
small B mounts are for shield piercing, medium B for heavy mortars are better armor destroying weapons, missiles are either anti engine, anti shield or reapers, dealer's choice.
Seeing how the /vg/ starsector thread is pretty much unusable at the moment, I'll ask again here. Are storm needlers on a dominator good if I plan to give it to the ai? Or will they just overload too quickly? Alternatively, any good dominator loadout would be welcome
Your wife is literally defective dude
Can't believe it's still shit over there. I think the AI is pretty good at handling high flux weapons so I wouldn't worry about it.
Too short range
Honestly, are Storm Needlers even good? I dont think I've ever seen them used, they look more like a support weapon
So, should I go with Gauss Cannons instead?
why the fuck does the luddic path have so many ships? why are they so hostile to everyone? are tritach and hegay the only good factions?
If you want your Dominator to be a sniper sure
Mark lX Autocannons are better allrounders
Compared to the other large kinetics? No, mostly because of the range and flux cost. I can't comfortably use it with HE weapons either, if it got reworked to just be kinetic Hephaestus I would consider using it.
Gauss is fine with the AI, I never had an issue with a double Gauss Dominator. They can punch through armor fairly well with the high per shot damage.
>good factions
I mean, I guess the Luddic Church is as close as it gets
Unless you mean in quality then eh I like all of them
>inspection from hegemony
>Intercept them with transponder off in hyperspace
Heh nothing personnel
same, fuck bribing those faggots
I feel like the boss of a shmup game.
Shadowyards is dank
>he's too poor to pay one million €
it's extortion, and I won't stand for it.
If my orbital station is attacked while it's upgrading from tier 1 to tier 2, will it fight at all? If so, which tier will appear in battle?
>he's too cucked to nuke chicomoztoc into oblivion
100k was acceptable, but when the next one was coming and I had to pay 200k? No fucking way. That is literally 200% of what I previously paid.
I can afford it, i'd just rather spend it on AI sluts for my dick
Blackrock-san pls go, you can't win and your vengeance fleets are better used against hedgemon-chan. I'm tired of having no supplies pls go
>paying taxes
That's not very cash mony of you
>a fairly large pirate raid
>1 armada with 5 atlases and a bunch of carriers/ventures
I can take that with my 2 salvaged legions and 2 eagles, right?
>bragging because you defeated a pirate destroyer fleet with a capital
how pathetic can you be?
What are some other sandbox space games? Any genere.
Star Traders: Frontiers but it's a scam.
>hey, guys, we've finally finished early access so all you guys who refuse to buy early access games welcome aboard!
>oh btw it's still early access lol
Do you mean actual carriers or """carriers"""?
Hey hey, it's battlefield salvage boi here back for another round of cleanup. This month it looks to be these faggots and some other faggots giving me free ships
I mean """carriers""", of course.
I love how hapless these fuckers are in a fire fight. It's like shooting (heavily armored) fish in a barrel.
Blast them to kingdom come, then
Are there mods that give you the option to earn super strong or at least super fun ships from special quests or something like that? I want to pilot some unique death machine that I fought hard to get.
Ships/Weapons pack.
Ship/weapon pack special bounties
Anything specific to look out for?
fuckin easy salvage, lads.
Anyone know how I make my UI to scale? Playing on 1440p can be a bit hard to read shit
100% skill based gameplay
Can administrators with 2 skills spawn on markets for hire, or they exclusively should be dug up from derelict freezer somewhere?
Nice find
post your tier lists on your best ship waifus faggots
Anything but Hellbores or Devastators is a waste of Domi
Deathwar redux?
combats better than spaz, game overall isn't as fun. but it's a lot more open. it's like a top down babby eve online or mountain blade
>decide to do 300k pirate base bounty to recover my million dollar status after purchasing an astral
>fucking base is orbiting a blackhole
>raid happens
>pic related moshpit
>get to destroy the orbital station in front of hundreds of pirates whilst they're eternally trapped in an endless cycle of torment
The gorgon (medusa) and apex(eagle)
You get both fairly early
Jump in, they're all 0CR
Honestly going pure dmod salvage fleet and scavenging faction battlefields is the most fuckin fun i've had in this game. I guess I'm easily entertained.
Funny how there is always a contrarian in these threads
Sunders are shit though
funny how people reply 6 hours later just to shitpost
I kind of wish it was more profitable to sell ships
I really wish they implemented black holes better because that's not how black holes work or how they look like
Second playthrough. I'm at the point where I'm banking so much money on my colonies I could just stockpile it forever and wipe out everyone. I have 10/10 max level pilots. No mods.
Should I spend the many hours waging war, or dip my toes into the modding scene? Any mod informationals or guides? Spoonfeed me I'm a big fag.
Right? This is my main fucking complaint right now. Make recovering destroyed ships rarer but bump the prices. Holy fuck.
>tfw you lose most of your fleet and couldn't be happier
Just install them all and have fun
basically play modded but also choose the slowest start possible. If you get quickstart then you start raking in huge dollars while all the other factions are still learning to masturbate.
What kind of modded experience are you looking for? Here's my 'vanilla expansion' feel.
they're balanced that way so you don't feel obligated to recover every ship you find
I still dont buy that a battleship is worth less than 3 interceptors
Is there a list of everything added/changed in the Nax mod?
Hyperion frigates? Why have i not seen ONE
WOW how did I miss that part of the first amendment??? It must’ve been next to the part that says you have the right to forcefully silence people you disagree with
Thanks, faction wars.
What faction should I join lads? I'm going to war.
They're super rare, you can occasionally find one in tri-tachyon fleets, though
Yes, you absolutely have that right if it's on a private domain. Fucking retard. The amendment only protects people from the government itself. Yea Forums and its users are not the government.
People like you are why the left is gaining more traction. How is anybody supposed to agree with someone as fucking retarded as you?
wait a minute, if I find a planet that has ores, transplutonic ores, volatiles and organics and place a mine there, the mine will only produce three of the resources?
Is starsector's dev even a mutt?
If he wasn't would you still be crying about it?
This, I knew about it for years, but every time it got mentioned on Yea Forums all people would say was that the game was unfinished as fuck and was not worth buying/looking into
How can I become as knowledgeable about weapons as you guys? I've just been autofitting everything.
read the info page, it will tell you everything you need to know
We also all have ordinance expertise 3
Use simulations to test them.
Is this fucker worth tossing in a phase frigate?
pretty much experience, use the simulator to test stuff and stop letting autopilot fight for you
I don't care what anybody says level 20 aggressive captains are the absolute bomb
>aggressive personality
he's already dead on my screen
I've had bad experience with aggressive officers but as long as he gets the combat readiness skill it should be alright
That's not reckless
cant stop wont stop, wonder who's next to give me free stuff
Why the fuck do sabot missiles deal EMP damage? It's like youre fucked if you leave shields on and your fucked if you take them down
literal garbage can-diving hobo
wearing dilapidated torn boots and dirty undies with no socks and a t-shirt from 20 years ago with bloodstains on it
have some damn self-worth, man
This may sound retarded but I'm now thinking about tossing him in an escort Monitor with those skills
how do i into scavenger start? do the tutorial for the free hammerhead? kinda defeats the purpose desu lads
o shit ur right
That's because Seth plays good games and sells them well.
He could be a good marketer if he was willing to use his powers for evil.
last game I was manufacturing a pristine paragon every month. I'm a scavenger this game. A very warhungry scavenger
anyone got a link to the updated new galactic order? old one is down
Best way to outfit a non xiv onslaught?
stop talking about it holy fuck
probably because you didn't actually read it
AR-15 is a best girl.
He's going to facehug capitals in order to fire his flak at them. Don't do that. Give him something with range
just dodge them lol
Is this even possible?
monitors have shit damage output though
It's the 0.9.0a version but it works fine, enjoy.
Why do you care so much about what people put in their games?
You fuck off
i wanna try it not my fault people are autistic and triggered about it
I have a fancy frigate that I stick a reckless anime girl in to watch cackle across the screen. She only really dies when a station is the target, but it's one of those starlight cabal purple people eater frigates.
I care about people bringing it up when it consistently kills threads. Play with it but shut the fuck up about it
How do you structure fleets, I have two carriers so how many destroyers and frigates do I need?
Experimentation and experience. Have this for starters.
It's still pretty much square 1 when you try out a mod for the first time to figure out what's what, but usually modders make counterparts of vanilla weapons instead of completely new ideas so the process is much faster.
He can hardly play with it if he can't get a fucking link it to you cuntrag.
Frigates are a waste of time and resources.
just ask for it in the /vg/ thread that is literally only people arguing about it
Warning: Forum Defense Force has yet to vacate the thread. Watch for these warning signs:
>it was one time! it never happened again!
>can't we just talk about the game and not forum drama
>please stop talking about the coded crashes modders implemented ONE TIME
>please stop leaking discord conversations
>Steam is trash and the workshop is garbage, Starsector is fine where it is or the EGS
>mods never need to be hosted anywhere else
>nex random core worlds makes remnant neutral at the start
Why tho
You're both right, now let this meaningless shit discussion end
On another note, what's the best way of dealing with nexuses?
I've tried massing paragons and fighters, it wasn't very effective
Where the portrait packs at?
>there's a /vg/ thread
Then why the fuck is this thread shitting up my catalogue? Take your general to /vg/.
Just figure it out nigga.
have you tried alpha striking them with a bazillion torpedoes? It probably wont work but you can at least show us how it went
Are you Tri-Jews
/vg/ is full of shit people, but then again, you're here on Yea Forums so...
I just explained why we're not at the /vg/ thread. It's literally 2 people flaming eachother about the NGO mod so badly nobody can discuss anything.
There is a smash /vg/ thread too but there are like 5 smash threads up on Yea Forums at a time.
Yeah. Is that it? I just opened comms with a remnant station and it tried to sell me tri-jew services (not actually buyable, just flavor text)
I am convinced you are roleplaying to make user suspicious of the starsector dev and forum, holy fuck that post is basically an FBI rookie asking for leads.
>he thinks some boards are less shit than others
gtfo and stay go
Sounds to me like there's a general and this shit needs to get janitorized.
Sounds to me like the jannies are retards, ohmygodwhoknew, man I hope gookmoot hires some better employees!
Over 30, huh.
>people complaining about NGO are the people turning the thread into shitposting about NGO
You're the fucking problem retards
Great now there's a fucking retard in this thread too. Should we just make a thread on /d/? They'd probably be fine with it. Onslaught-chan is a slut
It would probably elevate the level of discussion because then user could just post dick girls ramming shotas because that's pretty much what the starsector forums are: trannies pretending to be futas and little bitch boys slobbing their knobs. Go update your mod, faggot.
>The expedition is very weak
Poor faggots didn't even make it past the fast picket.
It's always the case with shitposting, the people complaining about it are the ones fueling it.
Ship and Weapon Pack like the other Anons said, also Legacy of Arkgenisis or however it is spelled.
fuck off shadownigger
Doesnt that tank your rep?
Who gives a shit, really? They could send 100 Onslaughts and they still wouldn't go past my low-tech Star Fortress. My faction is literally invincible.
Better version
Shut up faggot
I had to fight a tier 3 low tech battlestation the other day
That thing is pretty brutal, I had to retreat like 4 ships to prevent them from being destroyed
It's Yea Forums. The dude complaining just baited twice as many people into shitting up the thread in retaliation. People just gotta learn to say nothing if they actually care.
Ship price is based on combat rateing. Of course mothballed shit at zero sells for crap. Dump like 50 supplies fixing it and it sells for 40k still crap but something.
Yeah, I fucking love low-tech stations. With all that armor and dakka you don't even need shields.
Starfarer. It was called Starfarer.
wait seriously? Thanks man
I have a question:
should I wait to explore the far reaches of the sector until midgame, because the rewards scale sort of like skyrim? I'm getting this impression because I've found quite a lot of old domain shit but found only 1 beta core, and a very limited bunch of blueprints. I've also found a mothership location now, I'm worried if I should save it for later...
Where the fuck do I find Graviton Beams and Tactical Lasers? I've been going between Tri-Tachyon worlds for fucking hours and I can't find any.
Literally no one is pretending to have played it for years you fucking PANCAKES retard. There's a billion new players and a handful of people who played back in .6 are coming back.
Try Persean or Indie worlds
independent military markets
black markets usually have a little bit of everything (but mostly shit)
you: replies to 6 hour old comment
guy you replied to: *doesn't see your reply*
Colonies require some babysitting so if you want you can do what I did; salvage the everliving fuck out of the graveyards in the fringes and store it all on that abandoned corvus terraforming station.
By the time I found a good colony spot, I had to use 5 Atlases to move all my stuff to our new home
Is it even worth checking non-(military) worlds for the high end stuff like beams?
No its more that you just need enough cargo space to hold all that loot. Early game you dont have that. Might want to max out the salvage perks first though but you could do that fast.
>reddit frog
I meant combat readyness but yeah. Who you sell it to matters. Black market pays more than open for the same ship.
leave, user
i bet you're that same fucker who chased mahjong threads out of Yea Forums
My fellow nyaggers....
>Early game you dont have that
900 cargo freighter sells for 50k on the black market. You can get even cheaper if it has D-mods, which aren't important for civilian vessels.
There is a small chance there could be good stuff on the black market, but it's not very high.
I've found phase lances on there a few times, though
I'm talking about the good stuff- blueprints -not supplies and fuel, of which I have out the ass.
Ah yes please send the risk of rain threads to /vg/ go ahead and try lmao
ok, enjoy your degraded engines, high maintenance and erratic fuel injector
>autism reply
>You can get even cheaper if it has D-mods, which aren't important for civilian vessels.
There are D-mods that impact logistics and they are the most expensive ones to remove.
>reddit frogger being proud of being a reddit frogger newfag
Not making it better to hide your newfaggotry with that half assed term.
I find good shit on high stability worlds, in both markets
>post count keeps going up
>ip count stayes the same
538 / 91 / 141
Seek help.
Does this game have space horror or is it another space exploration game where everything has already been explored and every system is inhabited by humans or humanoids that speak your language and are ready to trade from the first contact?
>enjoy your degraded engines, high maintenance and erratic fuel injector
Wow, dude, totally not worth it to haul 900 units of blueprints, transplutonics and heavy machinery back to core one month into the game.
>the most expensive ones to remove
I sincerely hope you don't restore civilian ships. Use it for a few trips, make millions and buy pristine ones instead if you want to. All that matters early is that it can haul a lot of loot.
Still at 141. Don't you people have better things to do? You could at least phone post to drum up fresh IPs.
>people can't post multiple times per thread
>forgot to activate prism port
do i just sell the blueprints to pirates then?
When three dudes are posting 100+ times in a thread, it is time to reevaluate your life.
You're exploring the remnants of a bygone domain, so you'll find stuff like abandoned stations and derelict ships and so on. There's always some flavor text involved with your findings but from what I recall there's no spooky stuff.
>VIDEO GAMES ON MY Yea Forums?!!!
The game has explored core worlds which are inhabited by humans (and hegeniggers) and outer systems, which are uninhabited but can have pirates,space jihadists and homicidal AI fleets. The former takes up maybe 5% of the map.
okay schizoid
>Yea Forums
kids i've been on Yea Forums since before your mongoloid father nutted his mong seed into your aunt-mother, gatekeep someone else
I'm not the one pretending to be multiple people but too lazy to change my IP.
You won't win chump, nothing will happen, keep crying.