Jelly Yea Forums? My gaming gear just became GODLIKE
Jelly Yea Forums? My gaming gear just became GODLIKE
Gotta be 18 to post on Yea Forums
Want to try to say it to my face IRL?
You gotta be 18 to post on Yea Forums
Ill fucking smash your teeth in kid
Meet me irl? Whats ur adress
I think you'll like the headset especially if you take calls at your pc
>gaming gear
>Gaming headset.
Done fucked up op.
The mouse is good but the headphones suck.
You should buy cheapest model, headphones are great but not for everyone, definitely the most comfortable to wear on head from anything I ever tried.
>from the creators of bully hunters comes internet tough guy
it is required that your age be over 18 by normal and not korean standards
Shut the fuck up
I ordered these yesterday, how'd I do?
fucking cringe thread?
They objectively sound more accurate for the price than audiophile branded equivalents.
I need new Headphones. The cushion and cloth pads are falling off my old ones and they're all weared down .
no they don't you dumb cuck.
>wireless headphones
Fucking why? 90% of the time youre going to be within comfortable cord length of your PC anyways, unless you hook it up to your tv for couch gaming, in which case, you would be using your TVs speaker setup, so what the fuck?
You're no better than a woman who buys stupid shit and post pictures of it on insta. No one cares about babies first purchases. Did you get a summer job all by yourself like a big boy? The post reeks of underage shit.