Is it bad that I think the fashion of DMC is cool?
Is it bad that I think the fashion of DMC is cool?
no it does look cool
the only one that looks weird is V
Dante/Nero's look you could totally wear casually
Vergil you could wear at like a family dinner or some shit idk. something classy
i hope you're not including v in this
It's not certainly not good.
the fashion in DMC looks gay
must be why there are so many fags and fujos in the franchise
I'm with you, user.
I like his accessories.
That's what they were going for. It's cool.
Wearing it in real life, however, would be retarded.
Nero looks fine and V is what he is so I guess he wears it well, but the rest look awful. Trish looks weird, Lady is both under and over dressed at the same time and that duster is not doing Dante any favors, specially those flaps. Vergil's outfit is fine, I guess, nothing memorable, and I don't care about Nico enough to form an opinion.
I really like Nero's, I think it's the long coat, but shorter than Dante's. Same think I liked about noctis from FFXV
Yes it is cool but do not dare to imitate wacky wahoo pizzamen
>wearing this irl
Dante looks handsome as fuck in that outfit. Nero looks cool too but it's too flashy. Dante looks on point.
Jordan Peterson.
that's fine so long as you understand that you have almost zero chance of pulling it off
what do you mean? DMC is /fa/ as fuck
engh. You could get away with Nero's look if you replaced his raggedy shirts with any tshirt.
nope, that's where ninja theory dropped the ball. It was about more than white hair, it was that gritty yet stylistic flair that all the characters had in the main series.
i'll suck your cock and let you slap me around if you want
>Wearing accessories
You might look cool, but also like a fucking tool.
See a guy walk down the street wearing such things, try and perceive him as anything but a douchebag. A cool looking uppity faggot.
People can give off more than one kind of impression at once.
you didn't have to post that
No, It looks cool, but dont try to pull this irl.
I feel like I should blame suicide squad for this kind of shit.
i would without the gloves
As in you'd unironically wear that shit? Yeah, not a good look. It works in the aesthetic of the game but not real life.
>You will never be able to wear a coat without looking too small for it
Feels bad man
user..please don't
Dante and Nero clothing could be pulled off in real life if you didn't include their jackets.
DMC V Fashion ratings?
Nero > Dante > V > Vergil
>who cares
>I could TOTALLY pull off Dante or Nero's look without looking like a weird faggot
You'd need the bulge to pull those off.
>no fingerless gloves
just stuff your underwear
Become a cosplayer, OP!
This. That way you'll attract cute tomboys.
>without gloves
but thats the most normal part