>You learn that everyone in Sonic Team including Takashi Iizuka was straight up fired.
>How would you react?
>More importantly how fucked is Sega?
>You learn that everyone in Sonic Team including Takashi Iizuka was straight up fired.
>How would you react?
>More importantly how fucked is Sega?
For non Sonic products done by the team pretty sad, for actual Sonic products you can only go uphill
It wouldn't happen, but god I wish it would.
Why do people like Sonic?
thank god now give sonic to Nintendo or another competent dev
I would be pretty happy.
I like sonic
He used to have good games.
Yeah, I get that, I like Sonic 2. But why do people care about the characters and shit?
Becuase they have fun personalities and nice designs, I would assume?
There are characters other than Amy?
2019 sonic team is just interns and glorified interns, anybody that matters from the 90's outside of Iizuka is long gone. Honestly dropping the load and hiring a new set of interns/glorified interns wouldn't make much of a difference. Losing Iizuka is the only real issue there; despite how much people like the meme on him it's obvious he does care about the franchise more than any other Japanese entity in the company.
I just feel like, and this is coming from a comic fag, but there's so much that can be done with the characters. I know general consensus is that the friends are stupid and bog down the plot cuz they never do anything useful, but I think that's really just the fault of the writers. If they exist in the universe, they can be put to use, but that also doesn't mean they should put every fucking character in every scene
they need to hire some competent level designers for fucks sake. Its been 20 years of shitty levels.
I use to hate Sonic Heroes but it's been more than a decade since I last played it. I'm going to replay it soon to see if it's actually good like zoomers say although I highly doubt it.
he's cute and cool
Would it really make a difference?
The characters are pretty cool. If only there was some sort of continuity.
Sonic Heroes is legitimately worse than 06. Not on a technical level, sure, but there's a world of difference between "broken mess that has itty bitty kernels of something halfway resembling a decent game buried under mountains of shit" and "frustratingly boring"
I could tell they were really held back by the fact that they wanted it to be for everyone. The only good thing part of the game was Team Dark's missions but it still could've been so much better.
Sonic seems to have so little personality here compared to the Adventure games. Like he had a fucking stroke and forgot all the shit he just went through. Which is made all the stranger when Rouge and Shadow are present.
Why doesn't Rouge just tell Shadow all the shit that happened?
Almost every Sonic game besides Mania released in the past decade has felt like you've done a full development team wipe and put new people in.
>The characters are pretty cool. If only there was some sort of continuity.
There is a continuity though.
SA, SA2, Sonic Heroes, Shadow The Hedgehog, Sonic Rush 1+2, Sonic 06, and Sonic Generations/Sonic Forces (to a lesser extent).
All follow a direct continuity.
Unleashed, Lost World, Colors, Secret Rings, Black Knight are all strictly spinoffs and unconnected.
I'm playing it now after over a decade
I'm having a pretty great time. Honestly I don't even know what exactly I can find to hate about it. Game is actually pretty fast, switching is smooth and fast, flying and power add different dimensions while not neutering the core gameplay. Lots of different moves, attacks, lots of different ways to tackle different obstacles. Lots of environment interactivity, lots of cool enviorments in general honestly. Guess it has some of those dumb glitchly controls stuff you can accidentally die from, but that's in every 3D sonic up until unleashed.
I guess another flaw is that its repetitive though. Though, even Amy team isn't so bad since they have altered moves which is kinda fun to mess around with, and Chaotix has the whole puzzle thing. Still annoying though
I'm also not that far in yet though.
Colors and generations is directly connected
That's why I pointed out Generations and Forces are the only ones loosely connected.
They're more of a compendium of Sonic heroes and villains. They're not really canon to any of the stories.
>Team Dark's missions but it still could've been so much better.
Team Dark was the best part of the game, and the only portion of the story that actually cared about the events of the previous games like you pointed out.
Shadow had a kino story, same with Omega.
And they had the best theme to boot.
Ad nauseum.
The game has the worst timed pitfalls, checkpoints, and voiced lines.
because they're furfags.
The character(s) are nice, mostly in design, but it's because I'm one of 2 that actually likes classic Sonic gameplay. No other has recreated it outside of Sonic, that being Taxman of course.
They tricked me too bro
They're fucking wrong, trust me
Guys, I have to confess.
I liked Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06. Unironically and not memeing.
>Pic related
Whatever you do don't play any version of the game that isn't the Gamecube version. Not claiming it's to make you like the game more, but just to view it fairly as it's the only non bugged as fuck version of the game.
>"frustratingly boring"
People only get triggered by boring over broken is when they either paid for the game themselves or overhyped themselves into thinking the game was going to be better than you first thought. In the 90s, kids would just move on to something else if something was boring, instead of getting autistically hanged up on it.
Prove me wrong.
Every single fucking sonic character Sega has designed from Sonic Adventure onwards has been atrocious, and their personality traits range from annoyingly annoying to annoyingly edgy
okay yeah sure
I agree 100 perce-
>Every single fucking sonic character
Omega is based, fuck you. Otherwise, 99% agree.
>Every single fucking sonic character Sega has designed from Sonic Adventure onwards has been atrocious, and their personality traits range from annoyingly annoying to annoyingly edgy
Hey man we got some cool characters like Gamma, Emerl and Gemerl
Sonic's own design is literally one of the greatest character designs of all time. It's a shame he's been wasted so often.
I don't think people like Sonic anymore. Not even ironically. Sonic has truly been bad for too many years that the fun irony and memes has all run its course. People don't care about Sonic and I think people just see him for what he is now, a videogame franchise that was good for a short period of time and now has mostly a history of being shit.
The only 3D Sonic games I haven't played are Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom. I know what I'm talking about.
The characters from the classic cartoons are 100 times better than what Sega shat out. Imagine a world where Sally, Rotor, Scratch, Grounder, etc. were official Sonic characters. And where """"Egg-man"""" was still called Dr. Robotnik. We're living in the wrong fucking timeline goddamnit
See, I'd only agree if zoomers didn't hate platformers in general. Even they can't play Mario for long enough to talk about him. It's either 2D just to call it cute or indieshit, or nothing.
What, are you fucking dobson? Shut the fuck and kill yourself
Not an argument.
> I know what I'm talking about.
>List archieshit
Yeah, you can fuck off now. Sally is shit, Rouge is shit, anything before Sonic R was the only good ones, anything after is trash.
Hey I'll be right there with you. I just got my copy of it in the mail today and I'll be playing it for the first time.
>You learn that everyone in Sonic Team including Takashi Iizuka was straight up fired.
Please let Monolith Soft and Platinum Games take Sonic's IP.
>How would you react?
Joy and more suffering.
>More importantly how fucked is Sega?
Wait, we aren't getting new publishers? Sega will be just fine living on pachinko machines, Sonic is dead though.
What are you playing on?
>anything before Sonic R was the only good ones, anything after is trash.
You can fuck off. The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is the best Sonic cartoon. Satam was the beginning of the end, everything after that had to be edgier and edgier.
Sonic is a fucking cartoon character and his games and shows should be cartoony, not some teenage grimdark melodrama like it has been for decades
Rail switching still sends you flying off to your death. And rail grinding was fucked compared to SA2. How did they ruin it so bad?
Your right, and I was old enough to remember kids calling Heroes saying it was gonna be better than SA2. After that, a lot of my friends threw away Sonic games and we got into Pokemon instead.
Chip was cool. He did nothing wrong.
This guy here. Yeah I just fucking raged my way through rail canyon and bullet station. I must have died like 15 times to stupid rail bullshit.
That was fucking hell, at least the worst is over now I guess
Why was Heroes such a buggy mess?
Other than Omega
Do I even
Again, Do I?
Shadow rehash number 2
>Deadly Six
Shadow rehash number 3
Should I go on? Also Heroes fucked up the Chaotix.
> The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is the best Sonic cartoon.
I agree
>Satam was the beginning of the end, everything after that had to be edgier and edgier.
I agree. But why bring up Sally for if Satam is where they hail from?
>Sonic is a fucking cartoon character and his games and shows should be cartoony, not some teenage grimdark melodrama like it has been for decades
Again, I agree. But all those western OCs aren't part of that. Again, everyone before R is fine.
Yeah, there's no version with fixed rails, so you're fucked. That and the borked physics really does make it a make or break game for most (me included)
You live by fucking memes. You dont have a genuine bone in your body, do you?
Knuckles is a stupid motherfucker and tails is an annoying brat, but sure draw the line arbitrarily. I pick the line to be anything after Sonic 1.
>After that, a lot of my friends threw away Sonic games and we got into Pokemon instead.
I seriously got to question why was Chris Chan the one singled out of the cross autism when every story I hear of 2000s era Sonicfags is that they are part Pokefags. I seriously don't get it.
Rail Canyon/Bullet Station would've been awesome to remake in Sonic Generations. I'd really like to see a Heroes' Remaster with better boss fights + Neo Metal Sonic rival fight/race before fighting Metal Madness.
Also keep the remastered Special Stages from Generations 3ds. That was good.
Sonic and Pokemon were huge. Either that or we were playing Melee and GTA San Andres/Vice City since everyone had a copy. It's a staple of the early zoomer childhood. Also, Gameboy Advance/Gamecube combo.
First Sonic game SA2. Like everyone else.
dont care lol sonic always sucked
You know what else would have been an awesome remake for Generations?
Kingdom fucking Valley
Laugh, then get sad again knowing it'll just be random aimless interns whom they hire again like Sonic Team always has happen. Hell as incompetent as Iizuka is, he's probably the only guy left who gives a damn about Sonic.
Explain how anything I said is a meme.
>Knuckles is a stupid motherfucker
See, this is a meme here. Classic Knuckles was just gullible, not an idoit. Modern Knuckles is shit.
> and tails is an annoying brat
This is Charmy, not Tails. He was ok before Unleashed and above ruined him.
Excellent taste over Meme Speed Highway on fire. Crisis City remastered wasn't even as good as the original.
Also Sonic is just plain dumb and eggman is a retarded villan. Yep sonic doesnt have a single good character. Honestly is there even a single good character in all of video games?
Link? Dude doesnt even talk. Garbage.
Mario? "hahaha hes italian XDDD mama mia!" Fucking trash.
>Correct and if any of you think that "The Sonic movie is changing Sonic's design so now it's going to be a success" changes Sonic's situation?
No one thought this. People just didn't want to see something so nightmare fuel, just because it's Sonic related doesn't matter.
Shadow the Hedgehog was better than it even.
If hes gullible it means hes an idiot.
>Like everyone else.
Zoomers... Or actually, Ninten-drones.
oh my god how much more normie can you get
wait? doesn't that mean that's a good thing? Liking girl characters isn't bad, what are you, gay?
>Also Sonic is just plain dumb and eggman is a retarded villain.
Again, modern versions are. Eggman, if anything, is the only character that has been the less turned to shit character out of all of the entire cast. He's really hard to fuck up, but so far, he's still preety good.
Also, the rest of your post is cringe.
"easily persuaded to believe something; credulous."
This doesn't mean idiot. If there's one thing a modern era Sonic media did right, was in the Metarex arc in Sonic X, explaining exactly why Knuckles is gullible. He's just very open in hoping there's good in people. He's even more modest for good than Sonic is, but nope, modern Sonic Team didn't understood that and turned him into Peter Griffin. I also blame retards like you for not getting it either.
Ens yourself if you think that Sonic should stay cartoony. At least the grimdark shit tried to tell a genuine interesting story instead of insult your intelligence. Now only moronic kids can enjoy it.
>doesn't that mean that's a good thing?
You need to leave Yea Forums if you succumb into believing this.
>durr durr cringe
Take a look in the fucking mirror you stupid fucking retard.
You sound like an absolute idiot and everything you said in on par with what you just called cringe idiot.
>He's really hard to fuck up, but so far, he's still preety good
Boom Eggman was straight garbage that belongs with 06' Eggman. He was better being a threatening villain in SA or Unleashed. Colors and Generations turned him into a comical idiot and a fanboy for Shadow.
You didn't answer user's question.
>Ens yourself if you think that Sonic should stay cartoony
He's a blue rat. There's no way anyone without autism would look at a toon being anything but a toon. It doesn't make sense otherwise.
>Mario with guns
>Crash with guns
>Sonic with guns
>Pacman with guns
See the pattern? It doesn't work. No one likes it.
>I agree. But why bring up Sally for if Satam is where they hail from?
Because despite the fact that it was a darker show, and that steered the Sonic franchise in the wrong direction in my opinion, I still enjoyed the show a lot. It wasn't the looneytunes-esque hyjinks that I wanted, but it was a good show in its own way.
So you have no comment, which you can't even link properly now. Sad.
Everyone in Sonic Team, including artists like Hoshino and Uekawa? Composers like Ohtani and Senoue? Losing these people would be a major loss for the series, regardless of how shitty Sonic Team may be.
Sorry man, if some african dude came to you fucking door and told you he needs you debit card, pin number to get you tou money out of the bank because its about to go under which he knows from his secret insider knowledge, and you give it to him, thats being gullible. And you're gullible because you're a fucking idiot.
>Again, modern versions are.
No classic versions are too.
>Boom Eggman was straight garbage
Disagree. At least, because he's not part of the main timeline. He's just a modern take on AoSTH Eggman, which is ok.
>that belongs with 06' Eggman.
I'm assuming you either mean in design or just general, because either way it's wrong. 06 Eggman wasn't even the problem of that trashfire of a game, just the design is offputting, but character wasn't anything different from the likes of Sonic X.
> He was better being a threatening villain in SA or Unleashed.
1. First one is a meme. "Threatening" is where I know you're larping from Tail's point of view from the game, which is practically non canon. It's just Tails' view, being a kid, getting more scared than what reality really precede it as. Sonic's view was the canon view, along with Knuckles and Gamma.
2. He wasn't anything different in Unleash as he was in any other Modern Sonic game.
Cringe post
Since that's all you can fucking talk in and understand
Cartoons can have deeper stories user. Sorry you can't appreciate them. Shadow the Hedgehog could've been a good game if they didn't go overboard with the themes and half ass others. The story and tone wasn't that bad. It wasn't retarded because it had guns. It was retarded because it was excecuted horribly.
Nice cherrypicking. Cartoon characters have used guns before.
>Using real world problems as an argument
Besides the random racism, Knuckles was only gullible to Eggman in the first place. His gullibleness comes from being alone on a flying rock for god knows how long. You're comparing some modern citizen to a native hippie pilgrim that protects an long lost civilization. Get real. You're being idiotic more than Knuckles is being gullible.
>how would you react?
I wouldn't, because nobody would give a shit, because Sonic Team has made literally nothing of note since 2002.
SEGA has one good franchise that they pour all their time and money and effort into, and that's Yakuza. Nobody gives a shit about Sonic. I don't think the furries even care at this point.
Not an idoit
Not an idiot
Not an idiot
Not an idiot.
So no, you're wrong.
The possibility of Non-PSO Phanta AND possibly good Sonic games? Fuck it, I'd jack off in the middle of the day if I got news that good, and probably even toss a nod to God for making it happen somehow.
It's not random, all those nigerian prince emails asking for you to send them money are from actual nigerian scammers. They call you too sometimes.
>Not an idiot
>Cartoons can have deeper stories user.
Name some
> Sorry you can't appreciate them.
Because most non autists don't.
And stopped reading there.
>Cartoon characters have used guns before.
Name one that looked like it was photoshopped from the real world, AND, wasn't used in a comedy, as a joke.
No it means both are dead dumbass.
>Literally the point of the show is how Sonic always outsmart/outruns Robotnik's evil plans.
Eggman is supposed to be a mix of comical and competently threatening. And not a joke by endgame.
SA- Eggman unleashed a water god and almost nuked Station Square. Then he tried to carpet bomb it with the Egg Walker as his backup plan.
SA2- Revived Shadow and blew up the moon just to prove a point. Willing to blow up Earth if the cannon wasn't rigged.
Heroes- Beaten up by charmy and tied up.
'06- A pawn in Mephiles' plan. He crashed his own ship too.
Unleashed - Competent. Caught Super Sonic. Painfully stripped away his powers. Blew up the Earth. And then ruled a small continent.
Colors- Idiot makes 6 Eggmanlands without the difficulty and fails miserably.
Generations- Laughs like an idiot with himself and fails to turn Sonic into a stone statue.
Forces- Even Infinite thinks Eggman is weak and should just murder both Sonics. Also comedy again. He keeps Sonic in jail and doesn't kill him.
See the pattern here. Eggman is incompetent and doesn't even try to be evil anymore.
>It's not random
But who was talking about nigerian in the first place?
They're building a separate team in the US, supposedly. Iizuka is still the current head of Sonic, but isn't with Sonic Team in Japan anymore.
You forgot Lost World. Eggman finds a magic conch. Loses it, doesn't have a back-up plan against machine controlling Yetis, and then pulls a fast one to say "All according to plan" when Zavok is defeated. Reuses the Wisp Armor fight again.
sonic has never been good. I don't care and sega should move on.
I thought the old games were good but Game Grumps set me strait.
I realized sonic was never good without game grumps.
>And not a joke by endgame.
I'd argue this has been the case since Sonic 1.
Did you seriously think any of those contraptions in the first game was threatening? Or in CD? The only thing that was serious was Silver Sonic in 2 and most of what happened in 3K.
>Eggman unleashed a water god and almost nuked Station Square.
The former was nothing. Compared to the literal death star in 3K, that's really nothing special than him using his death Egg Robot. Which wasn't even something he could control in the end either, making his efforts moreso a joke, a mistake even. Nuking a city is something, but it not detonating despite being a genius is rather laughable imo. Not to mention, still sitting IN THE CITY that was going to be nuked in question even.
>SA2- Revived Shadow and blew up the moon just to prove a point.
Which was all Shadow's doing. Shadow told him about the eclipse canon, and it wasn't just to prove a point. He did it after Shadow clued him in, to get people to summit to his empire. The Earth part I'll give, but that really came off rather scripted since it doesn't make much sense to do it in the first place. Again, as a genius , what's the goal here?
>Heroes- Beaten up by charmy and tied up.
So a joke
>'06- A pawn in Mephiles' plan. He crashed his own ship too.
Like with Shadow in SA2 and how he crash his ship in SA1
With Unleashed, this is the only thing true here so far. With Colors, Gens,Forces. There's only one time Eggman did something himself that was deemed "threatening". And no, he's not competent, as instead of killing Sonic right then and there, he lets him go which proto Orbot points out how stupid that was. You even state this is a problem in Forces, which is true, should have done in there too.
So in short... No, Eggman really was never this "perfect mix" you speak of. He's been comical, and once competent, but never all 3 things more than once in all of Sonic media.
Then you should be glad our lord and savior Arin is spreading the word, obviously
People got Eggman is threatening from the early genesis days? Really? He always looked goofy as fuck back then too
Sonic 1,2,3K established young Eggman's influence on the environment and machines got more dangerous as time went on.
>still sitting in the city
The Egg Mobile is strong enough to withstand the hot molten core atmosphere in the earth. And it's implied his Forces' "nuke with the sun" plan meant he could've survived again. Sonic is the only foil to that defense.
>which was all Shadow's doing
Responsibility and credit goes to Eggman who also blew up Prison Island. Shadow was his pawn. And Shadow promised to grant HIS wishes. Don't forget that.
Eggman was always a comediac threatening villain mix but only in recent times, they threw the stakes away and just kept him as an idiot with a higher pitched voice every game. Boom Eggman was that on full throttle which is why I don't even know why he needs to send robots every episode against Sonic when they all don't care about him.
The goofy fat man is underestimated by his genius and making terror futures in CD. A killing replica of the world's fastest hero. More robot hedgehogs and one that can steal the Master Emerald on a solo mission. And multiple Death Eggs. Robotnik was awesome in his own way and all because he wanted to colonize an island full of animals.
Why was rogue VA a 40 year old lung cancer smoker in this again?
>More importantly how fucked is Sega?
When in the last 15 years has Sega depended on Sonic to stay afloat?
>everyone literally just ignores non-Sonic Sega games
>The Egg Mobile is strong enough to withstand the hot molten core atmosphere in the earth
Using a decade later concept as an argument for something 10 years beforehand
user, please.
>Responsibility and credit goes to Eggman who also blew up Prison Island.
Ok, he blew up an island. He did the same in Marbel Garden Zone in S3K. Nothing new
This. Eggman has always been a mix of things, but nothing without the idea in the end he's a joke. He's just a nutcase that does what needs to be done just to get things done. It's a means to an end. The threatening factor is how he's unpredictable. Otherwise, he looks like a joke, he acts like a joke, because he's meant be a joke. A Joker, if you will. Not as insane as Joker, but does the unexpected because his genius mind gives him the ideas, but without the cohesion everything will work in the end. Treating him more than this is missing the point. He's no SatAM Robotnik.
Why did Robotnik make mutant animals, again?
Was it an accidental or was he always going to use them for nefarious purposes?
>Fight Eggman in Sonic 2
>Hilltop Zone the Egg Mobile sinks into lava
>This happens again in Lava Reef
Nigga please. The Egg Mobile is dense to survive the cold of deep space and black holes. Sonic is the exception.
Fuck 'em. They had 28 years to make a game starring THE KING but didn't.
At first it was to help construction for his new island. Then they were repurposed to kill humanoid animals. It was never implied he was gonna take over the world after tearing down South Island.
Do you think Amy never catches Sonic because his ability to sneeze every time danger is near always goes off when she makes her approach?
>Literally an recolor OC donutsteel
>>Hilltop Zone the Egg Mobile sinks into lava
I hate to break it too you but an explosion from a NUCLEAR missile and surface lava isn't the same thing. One is far worse if hit from it, point blank range even.
Bring out the champagne
>Black holes
Like 100% of the cast in the games.
And where was a black hole present in the classic era games? Refresh my memory.
>A Fox
>A 4 headed dick rat
>A bat with tits
>a fat cat
>Recolor of Sonic
You need glasses.
Totally not orange Sonic guys
Tails doesn't even have spines
>classic era games
>being retarded
They're not fucked at all as long as they both A) hire a bunch of high-functioning autists from the fanbase (preferably those who put a premium on gameplay before story) to take Sonic Team's place, and then more importantly B) hire an experienced tard wrangler(s) to make sure everyone stays on track and actually produces a damn game. (Most Sonic fan projects are vaporware.) They would also make sure the fans don't go overboard with story. Hire Ian Flynn if you must, but keep him on a short leash. Outside of maybe music, there's really nothing that the fans can't replicate or straight up do better than Sonic Team at this point. Especially considering the original Sonic Team has been gone for over a decade now and it's just a bunch of newbies doing what is probably considered to be "toilet duty" at Sega.
But really, they don't even need to fire everyone at Sonic Team. Just let the fans take over the day to day production of the games, and keep the old guard on board for guidance and probably tard wrangling.
>Green Mario
you are as just as retarded as the fanbase if you cannot figure out the simplicity of why Sonic is an icon in the video game industry.
Yuji Uekawa is one of the few good people left at Sega, so I'd be pretty sad.
Tails porn would continue to exist so I'd be fine.
Gamecube thankfully. From what I understand it's the most stable version of Heroes.
>SATam autists in this thread complaining about Adventure characters
Go back to jerking off to Diaper porn faggots