Playing against someone in a game

>Playing against someone in a game
>They do THAT rage inducing thing
What is it and what do you do?

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When I played for honor, it was light spamming or stun spamming. I played pk alot so I got bullied easily.

>look around shocked after a kill

>Play Tekken 3
>guy picks Eddy
>button mashes that shit to death
I mean I could beat them but holy shit most of my friends did that

>Friends want me to play Smash every time I go to their dorm
>"Anoooonnn, don't use super good characters like Greninja and R.O.B, it's never a fun match"
>Choose characters I don't play very often
>Friends choose super heavy characters/Falcon and either go for cheese straights, spikes or just spam smash attacks
I stomp their fucking shit in 3-0 that's what I do

you bastard

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>let's just fuck around and have fun
>they just happen to pick the most meta options possible every time while I'm trying to fun shit like pistols only
I just make an excuse and leave

>easily kill an enemy
>do nothing, and just move on
>barely win a 1v1 against a competent player
>immediately hit G
and it feels good every time

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It's so fucking obvious as well

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Did he really do anything wrong lads?

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crazy retard

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It's one thing to do a small bump in race but even then, it needs to be done extremely carefully as to only throw off the other driver, not crash them
Not only did Shingo hit Takumi strongly mid-drift on the downhill of a mountain, but during the Duct Tape death match, anyone else would have had a fatal crash, and a crash was Shingo's clear intention.
He should be lucky Takumi didn't run his ass into a ditch

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Chance Time

Get fucked guardrail man

I have way past had it with Ness and Lucas players spamming nothing but pk fire and pk freeze.

if it wasn't a kids manga that dude would have had his skull broken

When some low level faggot with no chance of killing me uses his special power to stun me while his higher leveled friend finishes me off.


Lucas is worse because he's not even as unstable offstage, like he has the snake thing. Ness you can easily prank.

rubbing is racing

I remember this guy in Doom 2016 that always choke pointed with Mines and places grenades to damage boost on corners, he rarely fought you face to face but racked the score by being an asshole with that trick.

When they just fucking suck so bad and they can't even get their fucking head around basic game shit
C'mon. Play tutorial mode or something until you have the very basics covered. I don't need to body you for you to get this through your head. I shouldn't anyway

>into a ditch
off the mountain*

What Shingo did was not a fucking rub
It was a full on bump while Takumi was mid-drift, not to mention this wasn't a normal circuit race, it was a downhill mountain race with both racers hands duct taped to the wheel. Under those circumstances, even rubbing would be dangerous, let alone a bump

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campers with CAR in TF2 i make it my mission to sneak up on them an execute them until they stop or the match ends

Any 1v1 game.
About to win.

>get decent at fighting game
>friends are complete shit
>stop playing with them because absolutely boring
>6 months later friend tells me he's been practicing we should play again
>haven't played in forever
>he's still as shit as he was before

Maybe in your retarded circle racing but on real tracks that shit will get you flagged.

Reverse edge in SC6.
It's easy enough to stop with guard break moves and side stepping, but when faggots continuously spam RE they're going to eventually hit you once, and that one time could be enough to fuck you over.

>playing against some shitter in mkx
>win 7 matches straight
>no taunting, no fatalities
>i pick a character i'm less familiar with/bad match-up
>they snatch a victory barely
>immediate fatality and leave
This shit really gets on my nerves and there's nothing you can do about it, really. Except for not losing.

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someone speaking spanish plays rap music over the mic

when people press buttons while im like +5
i just start pressing back

>Not leaving the match after winning the best of 3
You have no one to blame but yourself

I'm watching intial d for the first time and I'm on stage 4 and I fucking love this show.

Post your favorite Initial D Track

I stopped watching after the race with the other 86 driver
Am I missing out?

>playing crash team racing
>get triple bowling bombs
>stunlock the megumi player for being a weeb with horrible taste in bandicoochie

Cost me first place during wumpa time. It was about sending a message.

>Dark Souls
>Parry from behind/next to you

>Not using Hworang to kick their purple ass back to Jamaica

>friend utilizes suicide attacks on you like bowser's side-special command grab offstage
Even worse is when they die first and lose the game, but did so knowingly just to take away your joy of winning fairly

Matter of fact, ANY game situation where you're winning, and you're opponent just gives up midgame and starts killing themselves or something

absolutely the most childish thing in the universe

Not necessarily against someone, but-
>Game doesn't go exactly as planned from minute 0
>Loud sigh.
>Get hit by enemy
>Loud sigh
>Teammate gets killed
>Louder sigh.
>Enemy does objective or something
>Loud sigh
>Enemy team is winning
>Loud sigh
>We're winning
>Still loud sigh
>We lose
>Loud sigh and passive aggressive bullshit.
>We win but it didn't go 100% as planned.
>Passive aggressive bullshit.
Kicked that fucking clown from the group, holy shit.

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I don’t have many for opposing teams but those recon fuckers in Battlefield that always took the one attack chopper to the designated camping zone got me good, and they were usually shit anyway.

Does the duct tape thing have any basis in reality? Seems while really stupid, oddly specific.

>It was about sending a message.
The message that you have bad taste, Megumi is good.

The little kid?

Not against but playing with my gf she did the most annoying thing
>play co-op game
>we're at the final boss and it's getting really bullet heavy
>she dies and I try to wait for an opening as to revive her without us both dying
>You can clearly see that mistiming a revive would be fatal
>"You're taking too long, revive me already. You just want to play by yourself, don't you? You're such a child *storms off*"
What the fug

>playing Siege with friend
>he gets salty
>says "if only our team wasn't shit"
>he's last on the score board

>different game, me and him against a tryhard 5 stack
>after we barely lose the first round he ragequits
>I stay in the game
>win so hard one of the dudes starts accusing me of hacking

>Playing against Samus
>Camps on the opposite side of the stage, charing her cannon and shooting missiles, never approaching
>I try to approach and she jukes me with rolls and bomb hops
>Fair has the golden arc to prevent all trades
>Nair's annoying too
>Dash attack is super obnoxious
>Eat a charge shot
>repeat for 5-6 mins until death
It's like a slimy feeling crawling up my spine.

Win or lose, I never rematch. Call me petty, I don't boot this game up to have an aneurism. Not twice.

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>accelnigger picking sjw doge over tawna's perfect body

I bet you play baby coco too. Faggot.

It's wrong to date little girls, user.

>sjw doge
>Tawna's perfect body
Jesus, at least Ami has the tomboy angle going for her.

Wallhack without pretending.

Their hands were duct taped to the wheel to handicap their steering. That's really it. And in a situation like say if Takumi were literally anybody on the planet besides he or his dad, they'd lose control during the first and panic trying to gain control and with their hand tape possibly make a fatal error and fling their car into a raging fireball down Mt. Akina.

>friends introduce me to a game
>get better than them
>"you're such a fucking tryhard lol"

My friend absolutely cannot stand losing and will go into a legit controller flinging fit. Which makes me not want to play fighting games with him.

He then proceeds to mock me for getting Rusty and sucking at the game. All until I pull off a win or two then he goes into a screaming fit about how bullshit unfair that was. So I've gotten pretty good at letting him win and maintaining practice. But it drives me up the wall that he thinks he's helping me get better at the game when he's really holding everyone back

>be in guild/server/group/etc
>have disagreement with user who is clearly wrong
>his friend is admin/high ranking in group

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I know my Initial D, I was asking whether that has some form of real life equivalent or if it was simply cooked up to up the stakes.

>any game
>win against me

Not rage inducing but pity inducing.
>Enemy teabags after something that was terrible for them randomly goes in their favor.
Like are you proud that your fuck up happened not to kill you this one time? A good player would be pissed at themselves for allowing you the chance to kill them.

People who think like this value mere survival, as long as things are going good for you this exact moment there's nothing to worry about. It's pure ego devoid of pride. Those kinds of people suck ass, so I generally continue on with cold, hard domination as normal when somebody does it. Fuck egotists, they disgrace the game with their trashy attitude and disgrace themselves with their trashy play. These faggots always give the most limp dicked teabags too like they're typing /sit individually; meanwhile I'm looking at the map so I can continue my campaign of assrape.

Fuck Samus players. Fuck Sniper players. Fuck people who play boring shit in general. I can't imagine they're having any fun while I slowly chip their fat asses down with roll catches and grabs and they spend all day playing like a bitch. In the same vein I go out of my way to kill sniperfags in the most humiliating ways possible.

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Used to be one of the best dbzx2 players on pc. So many people would have hacked qq bangs, hacked characters, and have cheap move combos that lead to situations that require you to eat the hit or use a vanish skill (spend 3 stamina bars) and mind you these combos only worked online because the animation would play before the hitstun occurs allowing them to chain to moves that would normally not combo on lan. cant remember the names I thin it was pearl flash into omega something.

>not spanking her straight
Your loss

They beat me in game
So I beat them unconscious
Who is laughing now?

If you see blue haired doge and go «wow. Queen.», there's no hope of you ever growing good taste.

You recognizing Ami's superiority shows me there's nothing wrong with your dick. My diagnosis is you should stop watching anime and have sex, you butterface-loving furry fuck.

Same against Wolf when I'm playing DDD.
>spams his shitty gun from the other side of the stage
>when I try to inhale it and send it back, he just reflects it back while I'm still in endlag of inhale
>when I manage to get close enough he just fucks off to the other side of the stage with his superior speed
Nowadays I just try to get the first kill and stall the rest of the time, fuck those niggers

Racing is a no contact sport. Bumping is a fag move.

Taunting when you're losing. Jesus christ this makes me mad. Take the fucking L and stop wasting my time.