Post the oldest Yea Forums meme you have

post the oldest Yea Forums meme you have

Attached: hello-my-name-is-freddy-francesco-im-rich-enough-to-23689749.png (500x458, 99K)

Other urls found in this thread:

here's a news article I suppose

Attached: riseandfall.jpg (1536x2048, 562K)


I have this issue.

for some reason I never saved memes before 2006. just never felt the need.

Attached: supermarioworldbox.jpg (1680x1050, 1.42M)

Attached: confirmed.jpg (640x480, 46K)

Dated 2004

Attached: batrang2.jpg (256x232, 12K)

I miss vidya magazines.

>this fucker went out and just bought the entire PS3 library
How rich are the rest of you fucks?

these feel old but they're not

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HOLY FUCK its been a long time since ive seen this


Attached: sqw6ye0.gif (2013x1235, 806K)

Attached: 1329693992617.gif (463x634, 9K)

Now it's literally just

>1. The guy who actually plays videogames
>2. Seething incels

And that's it.

>this is what wow classic fags actually want

Attached: Ps3+has+no+games_33dd78_4794650.jpg (367x228, 20K)

>Rich enough to buy 1 PS3 with 1 game

But user...PS3 has no games!!

I forgot about all the phoenix wright roleplaying that used to go on

rent free

He's so rich that he can afford to buy games that don't even exist!

>2007 was 12 years ago

stop, enough, please

Attached: BBC8E769-65EE-40D3-BEFE-248693A3F2FF.jpg (444x446, 85K)

Incels like you are so easy to bait. That took, what? All of 15 seconds?

lol u tk him 2da bar

Reminds me of when someone here called me underage for calling Halo fans dudebros

There was good banter back then. Now that this board is sonygaf is the same old wojaks made by schizos.

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not an incel but ok keep thinking about them

in 10 years we will be nostalgic for this time

prove me wrong

Not allowed to posts them anymore. I miss the pony memes.

Attached: 1165355653671.jpg (328x500, 29K)

Can't be that new


>I'm not an incel!
>I just automatically reply to any post talking about incels in a very angry way!


what is 4.5 a reference to? god hand?

>poster who makes a passable post
>cancerous shitposters (you are here)

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see you 8/15/2029 you stupid nigger

Attached: 131831744406.jpg (640x737, 195K)

pepe and wojak cancer has been going on for over 5 years, we don't even have to wait that long.

Haze I believe. It was hyped up at the time but now it's completely forgotten

Attached: Haze_boxart.jpg (289x343, 23K)

Attached: 1358752882915.jpg (600x332, 31K)

rent free

and who are you quoting

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>Unironic incel usage.
Yeah, you're part of the problem. Bite a bullet. Retards pretending they are somehow better. Shut the fuck up.

>when reaching max level in an MMO still took a lot of time instead of sleepwalking through a themepark

How did Microsoft get away with it?

Yea Forums won't exist in ten years

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looking back on it what was the first 3 years of ps3 like?

I didnt really get into gaming until i got a 360 in 2009

I have a gf. Do you?

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>pepe and wojak cancer has been going on for over 5 years

Hello newfaggot. They are as old as trollface.

Attached: Shreddedfail1.jpg (759x461, 185K)

>looking back on it what was the first 3 years of ps3 like?

No games

I rarely see incels on here, unless you're talking about the broadest definition of incel, which is just a virgin (free will doesn't exist, so all virgins are incels, but I digress).

Attached: covered in bees.jpg (828x842, 174K)

>around 10 smash threads at all given times
The only time when Sony is even brought up is when it's to shit on them and the current state of the playstation brand

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>free will doesn't exist, so all virgins are incels

I like this theory.

What else you got?

it was a shame, shreddedmoose had a talented artist but squandered his talent on jock humor trash that literally nobody thought was funny except the writer

This one is from 2006 and it totally counts because it's from that fucking Jojo game.

Attached: 1132687669725.jpg (640x480, 130K)

absolutely garbage
feel sorry for the poor bastards that bought one early while waiting for ff13 and a worthwhile gran turismo

Attached: 52824242.jpg (696x687, 44K)

Keyword here is cancer

>He doesn't know John Donne

Attached: 1562282397332.jpg (521x487, 26K)

I used to actually enjoy reading Yea Forums threads back then and now I go on Yea Forums when I have nothing to do and then I just see people spout the same boring shit then get bored and close the tab. I don't think I have an equivalent level of enjoyment on Yea Forums anymore to look back fondly on this time period of the website.

I just now realized that this is a Canada vs. America meme. I unironically see Canada geese all the time in NJ and PA but doubt I've ever seen a bald eagle.

>Now that this board is sonygaf
imagine being this delusional.

Attached: 1554691287669.jpg (1343x7717, 1.91M)

now replace all these with wojaks and pepes


ps3 never really got a worthwhile Gran turismo

your arms would simply crush against each other from opposite sides and flatten you into bloody pulp with your own mass.

Attached: 1555958354235.jpg (609x838, 146K)

I'm a one trick wisdom pony, sorry friend

um you would obviously accelerate to incredible speeds and your head would fly off

this is basic high school level science, people

I feel as though this one is underrated

Double nigger comics are one of the very few things from early Yea Forums that still makes me die laughing


Well, I still appreciate that nugget. I'm going to try and put it to good use in the future.

you wouldn't move because half of you would be sticking out of portals on both sides which would collide and impede your other half from the opposite direction until you were crushed.

I want to go back

Attached: 4chan house.jpg (2496x1200, 1.36M)

it would obviously put you in an infinite loop.

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No they aren't. 'Feels bad man' might be close, but Pepe and Wojak? Are you retarded?


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>you fail

jesus chirst i feel old

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But the board had just as many threads about Sony game during the Sony E3 segment this year.
Oh wait.

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>You lived long enough to see Snacks turn into a normie

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Yea Forums was the best board though. Everything fun and exciting happened there.

never forget, you brought this child into the world and then abandoned it. other Parents may have adopted her elsewhere but you are the biological deadbeat dad.

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>That /f/
Fucking hell i forgot about that meme

I'm hoping this site will be dead by then
Not even because of anything extreme, but just because reCaptcha v5 is such a pain in the dick no one bothers anymore

an infinite loop of incredible speed

you would move because the portals moved onto you when they closed in on one another. that acceleration would be imparted to you. and you wouldn't impede shit because your bits are moving in one direction through the portal space.

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Your hand cannot be a "gf".

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I wont. I'm not nostalgic about anything post 2013. Peak Yea Forums was 2005 - 2012

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epic samefag

it's not like i had a good childhood or anything but goddamn it was nice when everything in pop culture still felt new and fresh.

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Take me back

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Joke's on you, I don't have any hands. I type using my dick. My gf is a real girl who loves me for who I am, despite my handlessness.

You did not answer my question, though. Do you have a gf?

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people didn’t call them memes really back then

at least not as much as people do now

>you would move because the portals moved onto you when they closed in on one another.
The motion of the left half of your body moving through the left portal and being shot out the right would be cancelled out by the motion of the right half of your body moving through the right portal, leading to just a general crushing. Only if one of the portals was stationary (or at least moving more slowly) would you accelerate in a direction.

>rams moved to la

such a shame

back in my day they were called image macros

>people didn’t call them memes really back then

and when they did, they pronounced it "mem-ay" or "mee-mee"

Smash is part of Yea Forums culture, so is shitting on sony for begin greedy nips. I know that this board sucks nintendo and valve a bit too much. But at least it was organic, the good and the bad. When people started organizing shitposting on discord that's when this board died.

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christ this is honestly the most famous Yea Forums meme

Calling something a meme before it was actually accepted as something funny and enduring, was more or less considered 'meme suicide'. Like, a thread might be building up to a potentially funny ongoing reference and then some idiot would be like "I think we're witnessing the birth of a meme here guys!" and that would immediately kill the joke and make it feel forced.

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Dunno if Yea Forums. Capt falcon punching into a portal into another thread. Anyone have the screenshot.

when sonic generations was announced

Attached: 531213215.jpg (656x390, 65K)

sorry, im too new still

Attached: 1550780170094.gif (320x360, 2.72M)

Where is the joke Dan?
I miss the time when t42r was still posted frequently.

23 seems like a really cool guy

The term was used much less lightly thats for sure. My favorite meme is still milhouse.

no, rickrolling is easily the most famous Yea Forums meme.

the only way your own body could impede your travel would be if you were simultaneously going in both directions through both portals at once. obviously you can only be going in one direction. if there is a perfect equilibrium you would just stay in one place. but since this is you we're talking about, and let's be honest user you're kind of lopsided, eventually you would move in one direction or the other and pick up speed. incredible speed.


Isn't this the scan/screenshots of some vidya magazine?

If so then that doesn't make it a Yea Forums meme.

I understand that reference

He is a faggot, and so are you.

Milhouse is never going to be a fucking meme

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we really are here forever

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Yea Forums would get assblasted anytime someone said meme after the 9gag stuff but then they went full ironic with lemonkey face and meme arrows

Attached: snafu.png (680x487, 812K)

that's because it never ends.

wait how is rickrolling Yea Forums related?

If it really wows you just google determinism.

I miss donkey kong. He was a fun tripfag.

Attached: rightwrong-le-monkey-face-lemon-key-face-helpful-tip-27159738.png (500x445, 56K)

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>3 discs

Attached: 1267080527551.jpg (500x318, 45K)

>No more new Kingdom Under Fire games
>Microsoft put in pause his Original Xbox emulation initiative until Project Scarlett is finished before any of KUF where launched for the service
Welp fuck I have to wait until new Xbox releases I guess

>Yea Forums would now reply to this with "have sex"

> 12xxxxxxxxxxx.png

you got some old shit right there

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>there's people that in 10 years will feel nostalgic for pic related
How that make you feel?

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Everyone is too self aware and too obsessed with keeping up appearances (in an anonymous board) that shit like this can never be funny again

Well, also people have just gotten older. You can tell that’s the type of place that caters to nerdy high school kids

Anyone remember when dubs were a thing on Yea Forums?

How did it get taken off here but not Yea Forums? Why can't Hiro change it back?

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have sex

alone and afraid in a world that does not care

god i miss dubs

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I was thinking about this like a week ago

Fuck that bring me memories when I was lurking this shithole back in 2007

this is the oldest that i have

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When I see people nostalgic for Halo or CoD: MW when it was considered baby's first fps 15 years ago, I already have that feel.

Yea Forums is where it all got started, when the gta4 trailer went down and people were looking for mirrors.

I'm just really thankful I got to enjoy the good years of the internet before it was ruined

Attached: gb2.jpg (564x538, 38K)

Creates mustard gas.

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Attached: PROMOTIONS.jpg (305x350, 15K)

a classic

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i have serious doubts about that.
things have been catastrophically bad for a while now.

My memes are better than your memes, prove me wrong.

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Remember when furfags and 40kfags were at constant war with eachother here and just ruined every thread they touched?

Attached: 40k fans think they are helping.png (600x800, 39K)

Attached: 1307483536399.gif (240x180, 1.67M)

Wojaks are the main reason to come to Yea Forums

There’s a wojak for every possible strawman/console war faggotry and it’s hilarious. Mainly because I’ve never intended to have serious discussion on here

I miss the MS paint people these wojaks are played out

I'm just scouring my folder for shit, here's one that's almost 10years deep now

Attached: this is different.jpg (597x167, 11K)

>see interesting thread
>open it up
>check the replies
>some guy called dubs
>entire thread goes apeshit
>smile and and close the thread

In 10 years I'll be fucking dead by self inflicted gunshot wound to the side of my skull.

Maybe you should leave.

Attached: gaming chateau.png (787x1812, 124K)

tfw no one remembers this

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>crossed out post numbers

Was that before or after captcha?

Attached: 1388967837334.gif (320x240, 1007K)

I used to have this background but got rid of it because i couldn't ever see the icons.

Has Dan killed himself yet?

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Attached: 1223016576584.png (1000x3666, 303K)

I loved watching SC2 in the wee hours of the morning with you fags

Attached: 1309430520549.jpg (1406x2845, 1.03M)

Yea Forums cant handle repeating digits

Attached: 00.jpg (460x462, 35K)

This one still fucking kills me to this day

Attached: 1376176985100.png (571x1036, 32K)

I still have some home made MS paints from back in those days

Attached: MS life.jpg (608x620, 47K)

>88 images
> the classic nowhere to be found

guess ill have to do your job nu-Yea Forums

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Attached: fable.jpg (679x521, 101K)


Attached: 1477894811202.png (434x414, 335K)

Strangely enough, no.

Considering I've been through 3 desktops, and two laptops since I started on this website, this is the oldest known photo I got from this website.

Attached: 77184_1322238754810_4391692_n.jpg (620x471, 51K)

I’ll do that once wojaks and false flag console war threads stop being posted

Bloody wolf is an excellent game.

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Dont believe ondore's lies.

is your computer having a seizure?

This is like the soulful version of "he's in"

Attached: bobs game.png (1157x867, 68K)

way before captcha, even before captcha was just words too

Attached: captcha tomboy.jpg (536x113, 9K)

Attached: 1446141475136.jpg (1881x2658, 464K)

>the Phoenix Wright RPer
This is awakening shit I haven't thought of in a while

>haha what there's no wa-

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 9K)

Remember when Yea Forums loved Adam Sessler?

Attached: 1277679966436.png (1376x1529, 186K)

Attached: 139726055888.png (640x1200, 53K)

Remember when MLP and Homestuck were both mainstream popular at the SAME TIME? And RPed on EVERY BOARD?

No, it's more like:

>people who play videogames


>faggots who call everyone an incel

Attached: 78732EE9-31E2-49F5-A61C-2CD38D566CCD-2110-000005D889D5F2F8.jpg (492x449, 48K)

I got it

i love xbox hueg memes

Attached: 1310439377893.jpg (648x452, 121K)

Whoa whoa whoa whoa. You get your logs for free?

Here's a Konata Meme. That was more or less when I started coming here, so it's bound to be the oldest.

Attached: Konata.jpg (225x174, 27K)

Attached: 139726056889.png (668x2195, 175K)

anyone have the apple ipad version?

also holy fuck the ipad got announced 10 fucking years ago.

good times

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Is this bait? Trollface is older than both of those. Still, they are the same shit, see

What you really mean is "I miss original content" and "people having an ounce of creativity"

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I lost a bunch of my old Yea Forums shit a while ago, but this survived.

Old Yea Forums was truly better at the OC.

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You obviously don't remember the 24/7 rage comic generals, or how this entire board was flooded with Doge, Eternal Jimmies, and "Plus Tip" for like a solid month

I bet nu-Yea Forums would love that shit

That's Wrath though

For free

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Its a damn shame what happened to happy wheels. Lets players and streamers were a fucking mistake.

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Get on my level

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no memes, really
most of our MEMES were just shit from other sites or shit we started that weren't straight Yea Forums memes.

2006 i can remember sure, but 2004 and 05?
nothing really.

it was the first attempts to make people Stop Having Fun.

really it's because GETfags were becoming really obnoxious and obsessive about rolling post numbers

Attached: 1556422802691.jpg (400x367, 45K)

The most reddit post imaginable

>tfw this became a reality but far less amusing than the comic depicts

Attached: jaja.jpg (540x540, 25K)

I always thought it was tourists that cant help but take the bait because they've never been on a website where you cant downvote or report everything you dont like.

I wanna fuck that unicorn

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Attached: goty.gif (400x225, 925K)

this is at least 2008.
not old enough

I remember when Yea Forums polished his knob because he hated DmC

remember these gems

You know what's sad as fuck?
If a thread like this was made today you will have a bunch of assholes calling OP a tryhard redditor for trying to make OC.

I hate how much everyone try to be "le ebin no fun allowed cynic fuck" this days.

This is vidya related enough, I guess.

Attached: 1255209676820.jpg (435x600, 50K)

pretty sure this exact thing is a whomp comic

i have in PA, my cousins place has like 3-4 eagles in the area. still can't find the nests.

>post /vr/ being created

Attached: sneak king.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

I was just looking at my folder dates and I have images from 2006. And early on I had a drive failure and lost tons of older stuff. I've been here too long.



Attached: Pcs+are+better+than+consoles+but+the+pc+fan+base+_cea30c87adcf7a10322895e737a0ce1a.jpg (800x445, 97K)

Attached: 1449024758113.png (976x1236, 363K)

Too bad the movie itself is so terrible

Fuck off and die

By the time you come to care it will be too late.

Is that a wine bottle?

That's not an answer to my question!


Attached: glutkotastesadiara_zps850ec7e3.png (366x222, 35K)

pretty much unrelated, but is my gmod vid based or cringe

maybe, but these are from 09 when I was still in highschool

Attached: ms life 2.jpg (596x638, 61K)

It predates trollface it's pretty old

Its been five fucking years since that comic came out? Where did the time go?

No it's Brandy

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By putting on march the largest and the most expensive re-call campaing on the history of consumer electronics and all free of charge for their consumers.

I remember thinking Awesome Face was the coolest thing back in 07'

Attached: thisisit.png (600x600, 57K)

Attached: needtomboy.jpg (600x550, 25K)

why were these so common back in 2006?

Well my 12 year old ass sure didn't know. I did the wet towel thing instead.

I would be ok with this.

Yea Forums

Attached: v_4chan-4f513f3-intro.png (640x484, 201K)

I miss doing nigger captcha

Attached: tometa.png (342x425, 23K)
What of pics do you think these kids will remember a decade from now?

Attached: curry.jpg (1777x1850, 939K)

Awesomeface started on SA of all places and got so annoying from how much it got used that they replaced it with an emote of a nerdy guy getting a boner, retroactively changing every single post that used the emote.

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Absolute shit. Resistance and the Oblivion port were the things that were worth playing. But still not as bad as the PS4, I bought it late and ran out of things worth playing in a month.

Online markets were still relatively new and lacked oversight, scammers were everywhere, simple as that.

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It happens nowadays too. Or at least a few years ago. There was that story of the guy buying an Xbox One on Ebay only to receive a printed out picture of the Xbox One. Then there were the people taking back (or buying, can't remember) PS4's that were filled with bricks.

made me laugh

holy shit I made that one

Attached: Gwynevere+from+dark+souls+you+filthy+animal+you+_00c6c2f686c24373a4f8098d30ee0761.jpg (780x645, 70K)

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i remember a story about a guy who bought "PlayStation (x3)" on ebay or something for $1000, turned out to be three PS1s ducktaped together

>back in the era of needing to vote for thread archival

RIP the original archives

That's actually pretty cute.

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>GG Shit

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fuck all the smashfag zoomers who try to pretend that their 20+ "he's in, xfags btfo" threads are at all comparable to japan time.

there was one of these that always cracked me up, the "BUT HE IS JUST A BOY" one

>Vivian James
Oh shit. It's been 5 years now...

Git gud

Attached: Pc+gamers+this+is+what+happens_02e2bb_3727618.jpg (500x920, 101K)

It's more likely than you think.

Proof that Yea Forums always hated Kotaku before /pol/ even existed

Not an excuse nigger.
Microsoft literally extended the warranty for every Xbox console for 3 years worldwide.
Shit they even send you an UPS to your house to recollect your console and all free of charge and I live in a third wild country.

>Was in the thread that she was created in
Feels fucking weird. I wonder where that user is now, and what he thinks about it.

>Its been 5 years since Yea Forums was ruined beyond redemption
Why am I still here?

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2007. Lost most of the older stuff

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Short of now, this was easily the worst time on Yea Forums for me. People tried so hard to be anti-reddit that people were forcing the dumbest memes constantly. I stopped going on this board from 2014 to 2017 as a result. No idea why I am back.
Other boards get dull. Yea Forums is basically /pol/ lite and bitching about Disney 24/7, my general on Yea Forums is too slow moving. /m/ is amazing but again, too slow moving.

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Whats good fuckers

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There was something so pure about comics made by Yea Forums

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it's hilarious how people out themselves as newfags by pretending Vivian wasn't something the board was almost entirely unified in creating and designing.

People are already nostalgic for shitty MS Paint comics, rage faces and specific reaction images so I won't feel any different

Ten years later I still don't know if she's dead or not.


holy shit where has the time gone

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Pikachu vagina

>Entirely unified
Speak for yourself, circlejerker.

Remember when Yea Forums used to do unironic rage comics?

Not me faggot, shit was in line with the Yea Forumsgas with how cringe it was.

Because despite it all, somehow, this is one of the only places with a shred of the old internet left in it. I don't get it either.

No one user made Vivian. She was a community effort by the whole board.

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>Those fuckers are talking about Nintendo! Now it's a Nintendo board! Fuck them

8.8 is probably the oldest i can think of.
but it wasn't a real meme we made, just a shit IGN score.

It was a different time.

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This list is pretty accurate except we've become the caricatures

>4*2chan now dead as shit
Man, talk about nostalgia when I almost miss the time it was spammed here.

Do you think she'll like this card?

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I love /vr/ x Yea Forums

Like this

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and also this

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Jokes about nogaems and PS3SUX

Yeah, I'm not one to take advantage of shit like that, and my 12 year old self certainly wouldn't have been if he had known about it. If I need to ship something to return it or make a sale, I probably just won't bother. Maybe it's ADHD or autism, but I won't bother doing basic shit like that.


I said almost. As in the majority were having fun and enjoying a sense of camaraderie, while the rest of you just wanted to go back to nu-Yea Forums mundanity. I doubt the people who were enjoying making Vivian back in those threads anticipated the MSM abruptly throwing its full weight behind that cunt and trying to destroy our entire subculture. that shit started afterwards.

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Okay, honest opinions. What did you guys think of master ruseman?

Remember when people thought that website would kill this one? If I'm nostalgic about anything, it's how people thought it would be a massive movement, and me just watching at the side lines laughing.

Sounds so far away, but so did 2020 and I can't believe it's almost here.

The caricatures just repeat themselves with every generation with minor differences in the gaming community, you could easily make a 2019 version.

>while the rest of you just wanted to go back to nu-Yea Forums mundanity
You caused it, and the rest of the 2016 shitters who ruined this website.

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This picture was the partial reason for the love people had for kamiya.

Does anyone on Yea Forums still have their chalice? I never got around to ordering one for myself.

Dude he's done DJ shit at anime cons? What the fuck happened?

We also can't have any fun new memes because it would instantly be hijacked and ran into the ground

>the chalice and all the mousepads

Fuck oldfags

the future is now oldman


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ive been here longer than Yea Forums has existed as a board. you will never understand what this feel is

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I pronounced ronery as rone-er-ee and had to look up what it meant.

Kind of hard to read that text, even when I force a zoom in.

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Missed out on the chalice but all my shitty Chinese custom accessories ended up breaking or ripping after a little while

i genuinely miss these

O, great old one
How do you feel about the site's current status?

Say what you will about Yea Forums but uh...
At least it was always that way

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>WT Snacks
So many fallen legends.
Was /pol/, [s4s] and /bant/ worth their death?


I still remember vividly the first time i saw this one. I did a spit take with soda all over my brother from laughter.

She punched me really hard.

finally. Thank you

You have a chunk of the list reoccurring on the right side.

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>Chocolate Rain is 12 years old

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What 'caused it' was the coinciding rise of smartphones being used to browse Yea Forums. Bans became less effective. Traffic from rubberneckers completely outpaced normal board traffic from regular posters.







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I guess you can say its gaming time

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You had Lair.

Which era was this again?

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I miss it bros

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I actually do because I have also been here just as long, alsokill me

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still have my 1 dollar mousepad

Every time I go to my old Yea Forums folder I'm reminded I paid like 9 bucks to play this on my old iPhone.

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When people started throwing money at some kickstarter for a really contrived and retarded reason i can't even remember anymore i tapped out.

It's Yea Forums-related

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the world doesnt have enough alcohol to swallow this sadness
every year it gets worse, and yet im still here watching it all play out. ive outlasted moot, and made a post on every board except /vip/, /z/, /5/, /fk/, /yg/ and the mod shit.
theres no hope unless someone steps up to bat, and even then it wont change enough.

however, at the very least, anyone else can do a better job than hiro

May of 2004 was my first time here. I was using IE on my old toaster of a thinkpad.

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Fuck son how long has it been? 8 years or something?

Now it's the complete opposite. Or for a while it was until Yea Forums got those garbo sjw mods that were banning loli including any yotsuba related posts, the final nail was banning Sakurafish though

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I remember not having internet for like a week, when I came back it was Harmony.
It weirdly got me into Depeche Mode.


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Grease magnet

>all over my brother


Back when Yea Forums was fun

pretty sure most zoomers don't get this

didn't MonotoneTim do an Oregon Trail run exactly like this, obsessively carrying tons of clocks

Yea Forums became trash after like 07, which is probably roughly when that image was made.

Fucking "go back to Yea Forums" was the go to insult before Reddit existed.

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>boss music starts playing

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>Banjo Kazooie in that pile
I wouldn't be proud of that.

Maybe if it was Viva Pinata.


That's the furthest thing I can remember

I started on 5chan and then moved to Yea Forums when I realized 5chan was composed entirely of furries.

I'd been looking for this one.

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>was here when it embedded into the site and autoplayed for days
felt good

Wasn't this made in response to some gay furry that was raping Kirby? Then someone made an elaborate gif of smash characters beating up his Mewtwo OC?

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You should go back to the ps2 if you haven't. It was a period of really low dev overhead so people were just making weirdo games and really nice budget games. Unironically one of the most creative times for games other then maybe the Dreamcast.

I remember when I first landed on Yea Forums. I remember my first thread very well. It was some user asking about how viable it was to pay a blacksmith to make Clouds Buster sword. He wanted to hang it over his bed. What a fucking retard. People were also discussing why the Buster Sword is terrible and why Rapiers were faggy.
I know the chances are 0%, but if you were in that thread, you and I are blood brothers.

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i miss the simpler times
everything just went so so wrong

>Banning others (657 users)

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How long did it take you to feel comfortable posting on here?
It legit took me a year. I took the LURK MORE FAG to heart.

From around the time L4D2 was announced

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Aw fuck I remember this video, what was it from

how long did this take for you to realize? ultimately it was for the better to create Yea Forums so people on Yea Forums would quit bitching about it, but now we have Yea Forums, /vr/, /vg/ and /vp/, which has only furthered this into a bigger pool of bullshit.
yes im glad i dont have pokemon shit on Yea Forums all the goddamn time, but that doesnt matter much in the long run since it's still fucking video games

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I remember bob had a wall of text on his website about some of the stuff going on in his life. I think I remember him talking about sucking a guy off or something.

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damn, i wish i remember my first thread. i just remember finding out about Yea Forums from ytmnd back in the day. now ytmnd is gone and Yea Forums is shittier than ever.

it'll all be over soon, i swear

You say that, but you also mention Jimmies, which is only six years ago or so. Think back to 2008 and before and re-evaluate your position

The guy that made this is a dumbass there isn't such a thing as a mint condition magnavox odyssey game all of them came with the console in no packaging AND they are useless without the tv overlays

Shy of 10 years, user.
Time sure flies.

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>Isn't this the scan/screenshots of some vidya magazine?

Is that what it is?

big fan

3 armed terrorists

it sure does

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yea it was. Especially after the Yea Forums and Yea Forums incident.

I still came

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Around 2010-11 I think
That's when I came back to this site for the first time since 07

i miss when you could be mean and it would be all in good fun.
then each new wave of people that would join would take it more and more personal


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>Now that this board is sonygaf

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Its re posted like every day what the fuck

>how long did this take for you to realize?

'bout a week.

it seems like "meme" was more a term for the general concept, like pedobear in general was a meme
and then people started referring to individual pictures and such as "memes"

b-but /pol/

>tfw we joke about this now but in all likelihood I will actually still be browsing Yea Forums at that time

I thought it was Lair, but I could be wrong.

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I was 5 years old then

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he's working for videogames now.


I loved seeing that but at some point not using the catalogue instead just didn't make sense.

Shit i'm certain most people do nowadays.

>there was a hentai board before the anime board

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I want to kill you and steal the youth from your fresh corpse

the whole site was made to discuss anime you dork

fucking newfags i can forgive you on these


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Honestly, it was my absolute favorite era.
Everything before dubs was banned.

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>reddit dog
puke fuck

Man, i fucking loved that delivery shitposting.

Here's the oldest I have.

>dat filename

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Why do I recognise most of these

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i wasn't disputing that faggot, i've even read the original somethingawful post where moot explained his entire rationale for making the site (to discuss anime away from the XDXDNEKO-CHANKAWAIIDESUXD crowd)

i just noticed there it said he was only just adding Yea Forums while /h/ is already there beforehand and i thought it was funny

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trying a little to hard to prove yourself buddy calm down

I don't save anything.

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Shit I used to love these!

It's not a race, guys.

i forgot that we used to have an actual culture.
feels bad

I sincerely miss watching anons play this and laughing. Was actually pretty funny at first, and then turned retarded once it became popular.

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I was born in '96 and I don't get it.

you're right. it's 1am anyway i should just sleep

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Because the board got too fast.

>before Reddit
No, it wasn't. That's the equivalent of saying go back to pol. There was another place you don't know about

This. It's fucked up that people are even organizing for shitposts and astroturfing on forums now. Hitler was fucking right.

have a good night user

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because you're a zoomer.

I was 7 watching G4 and asking my parents for a PS2 because of KH

I've already made backups

goodnight :)

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I lost my Yea Forums folder 10 years ago.

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kys tourist

The cellphone model is named "Razr"

well dont do that user. Life is worth living

Oh man, that manga was top tier. I remember the ending sucked though.



I started browsing when motivationals and EFG were a thing so like, 2008?

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>side of my skull
Bad idea, leaves a lot of room for error
Best way is in the mouth and point it up towards your skull
Funnily enough that's one of the first things I learned on this site

Didn't Nyanners make this?

i ended up moving before i could pick it up.
one of my biggest regrets

this picture makes me some extent

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type desu again

well I guess I'm glad I'm not banned

Nice joke

i ironically see canada geese

I'm the user that made the initial question and it's kind of affirming to see all the burning down around it. Guess we have an answer.

Just can't even comprehend the reasoning, bummer. Guess i'm getting banned now but whatever.

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Well, get that checked out.

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Candlejack isn't real you du


Is joooooke

whats with the butthurt janny?

I'm glad they let us keep this thread though

I miss her :(


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damn i remember the dry spell sony went through from 2006-2010. Then the PS3 slim and Final Fantasy launched

fucking liars

well it was nice going down memory lane.
i really wish i had all of my stuff pre-2012.
used to collect anything even remotely funny.
i really miss how simple things used to be.
i hope all of you have better lives

I really enjoy these threads. Thanks for being real people. See you around guys.

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Thanks doc

anyone remember the mayan day of the apocalypse?
that was a really fun day, everyone just chilling out and not having to worry about bans