ITT: Post your positive unpopular video game opinions
ITT: Post your positive unpopular video game opinions
Horizon Zero Dawn is the best game of PS4.
The Tomb Raider reboot has a political agenda.
Breath of the Wild is over rated.
Deadisland is actually a pretty fun game, albeit with heavy heavy flaws
The Switch is the worst thing to ever happen in vidya, and anyone who likes it should be in concentration camps.
i enjoy playing video games
GTA V online is great and you don't have to be a paypig, just git gud
God of War is amazing and Yea Forums just hates it because its popular
I'm super duper hyped for The Last of Us II
NFS Heat looks good
Undertale is extremely underrated & deserves the same level of praise as games like SoulCalibur, Chrono Trigger or Super Metroid. People blindly shit on it because of the GameFaqs scandal & due to the obnoxious fanbase. It's genuinely the best game of the decade & the fact that garbage like Witcher 3 , GTA, RDR2 & BOTW gets so much undeserved praise is disgusting
You’re delusional
I like noghand poster
the "i don't care about others opinion" is a meme created by nintendo manchildren
either that or you are a sociopath
> SoulCalibur, Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid
These games revolutionized their genres & SoulCalibur was responsible for killing the Arcade industry. It doesn't come close to these, but i can somewhat agree on it being better than most AAA games from this gen
i like games that respect my time
windwaker's my favorite zelda game
mass effect 1 was a bad game
melee was the best smash
final fantasy is boring
jrpgs in general are boring as fuck
black ops was terrible, modern warfare was the last time call of duty even vaguely resembled good
i hate the setting of the fallout games
borderlands 1 was good
world of warcraft was good up until cata and never again
they should never have added new weapons or hats to tf2, they should never have added new characters to overwatch - both games were good as fuck on release
mobas are the worst genre of video game, period, and smite is the only good moba and it's still not very good
consoles are still and will always be the casual way to play video games, and that's not even a bad thing
that is impossible no one on Yea Forums likes videogames
> Influence is largely irrelevant and isn't a valid metric for determining a good game. People only care about influence to justfiy liking an otherwise outdated game
> Sony's only problem is California, if they moved back to Japan & stop pandering to trannies they could have just as many acclaimed games as the Switch
> Metal Gear Solid 2 was the best game in the series
> Fatal Frame 2 is Nintendo's best franchise behind Zelda & Metroid
> Smash is held back by roster faggotry, it would be a better game with less third parties & more focus on Story and other worthwile content
> Celeste was a great game & easily the best game of 2018
> FF7 Remake should be canceled after Part one & the budget should be used for TWEWY 2 instead
All triple a games going down the EA path.
Games made for children under the age of 13 don't deserve to rated on the same scale as games with an M rating.
One of them is simple minded bing bing wahoo shit and the other is games for people who actually enjoy games and crass humor.
Console war shit deserves an instant ban from Yea Forums, that's my unpopular opinion
good game = bad
bad game = good
This and the 'mature games for mature gamers' strawman argument that they like to make.
Doom 2016 is a completely average game and the franchise as a whole has aged like shit
MGS games can be entertaining but are overall clunky and horribly written. Hitman and Splinter Cell are far better stealth games. MGR is also cringeworthy, which a lot of people seem to think is the same thing as campy.
MMORPGs, MOBAs and fighting games are garbage
Rockstar hasn't made a good game since Midnight Club 1
Kamiya is a hack and his only good game is Viewtiful Joe 1.
Gaming hasn't gotten as worse as people make it out to be, Journalists just only pay attention to the most popular AAA garbage & most good games get left under the radar.
this is the most popular unpopular opinion on this website.
>The Tomb Raider reboot has a political agenda.
Is not an opinion, the director said this multiple times.
Is the reason why she doesn't use the dual guns anymore.
>windwaker's my favorite zelda game
Didn't WW replaced MM as the best Zelda game so fags didn't feel like normies for preferring Ocarina of Time?
>Sony's only problem is California, if they moved back to Japan & stop pandering to trannies they could have just as many acclaimed games as the Switch
>> Metal Gear Solid 2 was the best game in the series
None of these are unpopular opinions.
Only Yea Forums stormers would say otherwise about the first one and liking 2 over 3 became a popular opinion years ago
Only cringeworthy parts time of MGS are the "genes don't matter lmao" and the Quiet rain dance.
Darkstalkers is every bit as good as Street Fighter and Marvel VS Capcom.
Wind Waker was the 2nd best Zelda game
Final Fantasy X > Final Fantasy IX > Final Fantasy VII
Portal (2007) is extremely underwhelming
Valkyrie Profile & Chrono Cross are the best PS1 games
NieR: Automata was better than BOTW
Red Dead Redemption stopped being good once you reach Mexico
Michael Jackson was completely innocent
The Witcher 3 is a glorified Eurojank game with pretty graphics
Majora's Mask is extremely overrated & it only became popular due to Creepypasta
Spore is pretty fun. I was too young to understand the hype and expectations behind the game, so I wasn't so disappointed as others.
The games are better than the porn.
I need further info, what do you mean by TWEWY 2? Like a direct sequel or a sequel with an entirely new cast?
Direct sequel starring the girl who was teased in the post credit scene (Hype-Chan)
I see Tsuruno Doppel missions are coming up. I did 40 draws at the start of the game, and have been saving since. I don't have Tsuruno.. Is she given out for free with this missions like Felicia was, or will I have to draw for her?
Tetris Blast is a fun game. I wish there was a sequel. The first Smash Bros. is a fun game. I wish Bowser was in it with his 64 design.
I want nothing to do with you. TWEWY has no fucking need for a direct sequel. Neku’s story is done, and anything further would most certainly ruin the what made the game special. In general I would rather they never touch the game again, not every story needs continuation.