>the half of the community that disagreed with 2-2-2 are actively throwing their games
>comp is even worse than ever
How much longer until Blizzard/Activision gives up on Overwatch?
The half of the community that disagreed with 2-2-2 are actively throwing their games
Other urls found in this thread:
Thought they did.
Isn't overwatch 2 on its way?
Haven’t touched Overwatch since Splatoon 2 came out. What’s 2-2-2?
i hope it burns to the ground
>Blizzard fucks with game
>People like it less
>Blizzard respond by fucking with the game more
Team comps are now forced to have 2 tanks, 2 DPS, and 2 support heroes.
When you queue you select which role you want to play.
Which character was outed as gay today?
>When you queue you select which role you want to play.
good. I always played pharah wether the team wanted a DPS or not because I was GM tier.
Should be 1-4-1
>gives players the power to choose which role they play in their games
Freakishly enough, this has finally opened up the viability of a lot of dps classes
Nah, before, you'd get a bunch of dinguses who want you to be a healer and will report you if you don't play one, but invariably run off on their own and get killed over and over again and report you for throwing if you do play one.
>easier to balance
>different SR for each role means nobody under performs when playing something unfamiliar
>less people throwing because they don't like the comp or ending up with 6 dps meme games
I don't see the problem
Who has a lesser understanding of their playerbase and is completely incompetent when it comes to balancing their shit? Blizzard and Overwatch or Fatshark and Vermintide
Except now you get reported for not being a god in your chosen role
I realized the only reason I was stuck in bronze was because of the matchmaking. now that I can choose a role I'm good at, I've been winning my games a lot fucking more.
Don't have to worry about a dps who cant shoot. tho healers still suck. I've gotten used to ust using health packs.
That happened already, though. I've been bitched at more than once for not having 100 hours on a hero in QP.
i barely played vermintide 1 and 2, what did they do that was wrong?
Wrong way around, fag. Now everybody knows that nobody else is throwing by playing their bronze tier DPS in diamond because separate SR adjusts for that.
Cant wait for it to come to quick play, I've legit kept off ever playing dps because everyone just insta locked dps and I hate going in blind to a role I have no experience on in comp
>Because all of everyone's problems will be solved once they make a new game
Wasn't the whole point of Overwatch to be the next TF2? Why would making a sequel solve anything?
>constantly nerfing any playstyle that is fun
>oh you want temp health? fuck you, nerfed
>hmm in order to address the dominated meta of dodging and using fast weapons, let's flip the script and just make it where the only weapons worth using are heavy ones because of the new stagger mechanic we added
>Let's do Diablo style seasonal content where you have to grind shit back up to do this content which is segregated from the rest of the content and there's no rewards for it besides shitty commendation chests which you've already gotten a million of
Branding and association.
they gave up on it when quick play stopped being about fun and had to be just as super serial as ranked
At the end of the day, what it all boils down to is that the game is just poorly designed.
>add 2/2/2 so they can balance espurts around these constraints
>add it to everything else because this game is filled with a bunch of fucking retards who can't form a functioning comp without being forced
The game has problems but the community is a big part of why the game is shit.
Lol good luck waiting ten minutes for a queue then, DPS is the most sought after role.
>add it to everything else because this game is filled with a bunch of fucking retards who can't form a functioning comp without being forced
80% of the losses I have are due to this, thank fuck 4-5 dps teams will no longer be a thing
queue times are literally under 3 minutes on average, the fuck you talking about
>They have to pay people in game rewards to play tank/support.
y i k e s
>queue times are literally under 3 minutes on average
honestly I was surprised how similar it is to regular wait times.
I wish there was a way I could play DVA out of mech as a DPS character.
>shitters get put into shit rank where they belong
Based Blizzard
shit taste the new teleporter buff opens up a lot of new routes
attack Sym on king's row is fucking amazing now that everyone can easily access the alternate routes.
after Bridgette nerf, she is no longer fun.
just ban the people throwing?
the solution seems simple.
remove the report button.
>attack Sym
its ironic that people like attack sym now when her kit is basically the same except for teleporter. She was better before when you would shoot through shields, especially with how many shield characters there are now.
but shes still fun. I just miss her second rework.
Every time I played Overwatch and it wasn't 2-2-2 somebody would complain that we need more healing, more damage, another tank
It's probably better off this way even if it does limit creative comps
Wait they got rid of regular Competitive and are forcing everyone to play 2-2-2 role queue? Fucking morons. You give people the option
I wish they would sometimes. Back in the day, if you thought someone was being a jackass, you'd find a different server or something. These days, everyone's so utterly fucking terrified of the thought of people who say bad words or something continuing to play the game that they NEED to have a way to stop it, even though it's mostly just used by malcontents to take their misplaced frustration out on others.
>he still plays overwatch
I stopped playing when they added NiggerFist and I regret even playing the game for that long
She shits on shield characters though.
>shield comp?
>damn near infinite ammo while getting stronger by the second
Hopefully they'll just make a porn game.
>game starts
>person picks widow
>healer leaves
>game ends before it starts.
do people not care about their SR loss?
yeah but you have to be in their dace now. have to rely on healer.
other way you could shoot through shields and make it a moot point. take them off their position and hopefully the team can capitalize on it. nobody ever got that. like if a bastion is behind a shield, are you going to worry about that shield or can you just shoot through it taking bastion out of firing position quickly?
That’s beyond retarded.
I've only been playing this game for about 10 weeks.
I don't even touch competitive. For me it's QP or Mystery. That's all I do.
In QP, I like the flexibility of being able to change roles as the situation demands it. Sometimes your team is getting right royally fucked and you just might been another tank or healer, so I'd switch.
If I'm locked into a role, I don't think I'd enjoy this game that much.
That's my 2 cents.
Vermintide devs can't even play at the normal difficulty levels. But they have the benefit of not trying to be a big name esport.
>just make a porn video
>If I'm locked into a role, I don't think I'd enjoy this game that much.
fair opnion. it does take the creativity away from the game a lot honestly.
200 shield is a joke. Goes down in a flat second.
You can't play as defense anymore??
seriously wtf were they thinking? why even have a shield at this point. less healing, no shield. useless now. wt.
>b-black man OP he can one shot me with his fist after charging loudly for 2 seconds
Why would you even bother playing ranked in such a janky game with retarded community anyway?
Only time I ever played competitive seriously was ctf with a bunch of friends and I got diamond within 10 matches by just playing junkrat.
Actually tryharding in this game is just frustrating.
offense and defense were merged into a single damage role.
>tfw Sigma is basically the white doomfist
>Actually tryharding in this game is just frustrating.
it s. It seems less frustrating now but yeah. I'm basically done with the game at this point. too many restrictions (even in the map layout)
but its the only unique type of FPS out there now so I think thats why people still play.
>queue at GM rank as healer
>dont heal anyone, just wallslide
I didn't even realise it had been patched. Played a mystery game today and was brig to start a round. Put up shield expecting it to last maybe 5 odd seconds or something. Literally goes down in less than 2 shots.
>what the fuck were they thinking
If you want to shield bash, you pretty much have to save your shield until you're point blank.
But sigma doesn’t have to risk getting jumped on by the enemy team. He can just do it from a distance
I want Widowmaker to step on me though.
>defending shitty balance
This. Sometimes you realize you’d be better switching off of 2-2-2 or with players switching roles because they’re better at different characters. Forcing 2-2-2 is retarded.
And don’t come with “my teammates are too dumb”, if you want to play ranked seriously get a reliable group, if not don’t bother playing that mode
When Overwatch stops making them money.
Reminder that Overwatch made Blizzard a BILLION in profits from the lootboxes alone.
I wish Battleborn was still alive
prertty sure OW2 is just gonna be an monetary "Expansion" that integrates into OW, and it's mainly PVE co op focused like vermintitde. but have costume events that can be used in both versions.
>what is growth
If stockholders see you made a billion off a game, they want to see 2 billion next year. And you wont make that if people are leaving because you cant balance your game.
So even tho we got Sigma, when is the next piece of ass character coming out? Hopefully not a robot.
>hey guys Orisa is way too overpowered she can throw down a 900 health shield repeatedly and still be fully active in the fight
>let's add another tank who throws down a 1500 health shield repeatedly and can still be active in the fight but can also swallow enemy attacks and shoot around corners
this game is fucking ruined
>t. plat who thinks he knows balance
>doesn’t know doomfist has been nerfed to the ground
Unironically this
there's no reason to play a DPS over a tank when most tanks can 1-2shot every non-tank
Overwatch is fun if you play it for 30 minutes at most. Any longer and it just becomes frustrating.
>play hero that requires literally 0 skill
>expect it to be good
Play a real hero lol
You've been saying this every year
Like every new hero, Sigma will probably be nerfed in a future patch.
At least he doesn't have a knockback immunity like Orisa.
Is Brig the worst heal now?
but they nerfed Orisa shield...lol only to have sigma throw down a shied just as powerful.
they literally have no character who can get through shields. and with hardly any flanking points, you are stuck dealing with their shields.
sheesh can you imagine the 3 tank strat with these shields?
I got to GM before I stopped playing, and yeah I figured they would nerf him at some point. I didn't stick around to find out though.
Keep playing your shitty game though
>game so designed around barriers that heros without them are not played
>have to force players to play useless characters because you're too retarded to just nerf the fucking barriers
hmm.. let me guess, a real hero like a sniper ?
Jokes on you retard I stopped playing 2 seasons ago. However you should stop talking if you’re gonna pull facts out of your ass if you don’t know what the fuck is going on shit for brains.
>Is Brig the worst heal now
no one played brig for her heal
>they literally have no character who can get through shields
Rein's E
Hanzo's ult
that's about it though and also
>lmao reinhardt
Reinhardt is the only shield hero who is still fun to play against, since he can't do anything except move slowly when shielding; if he attacks his shield is down and makes his team vulnerable
it was actually fucking balanced
basically stopped playing after they ruined mercy
newfag here
How was mercy ruined?
You sure are seething over something so insignificant. Why not go outside for some fresh air, and while you're there, have sex
Even more powerful and orisa
>can remove and re-deploy as you feel like
>can eat up bullets to recharge shield so unless the enemy team for some reason decides to focus specifically on your shield to focus a break it will never break
If you're quick on removing and re-deploying your shield you're pretty much invincible
>an FPS designed around only 2 DPS per team
This sounds so lame and slow I can't believe this game is still alive.
This is what I hate; retards like you that sit on your fat ass all day browsing the catalogue waiting to respond to the OP first. I never get yous on this site no matter how hard I try so getting the first post is important. What if I have something constructive and/or informative to say, but can't, because of assholes like you that have no decency or respect for others? Imagine getting off to taking that opportunity away from someone. I'm not even going to try to get through to you retards, because it's the same thing no matter what board I'm on. Enjoy your "fpbp" responses, because that's literally all you have in your miserable fucking life. Fuck you, seriously.
what are you talking about, it's not like reviving characters completely throws off the balance of the game or anything
all they needed to do was change Mercy's ult to revive 2, maybe 3 characters instead of EVERYONE and it would've been a lot better
riens ult is stopped by shields or did they change that?
hanzo's ult sucks ass but even if you can trick shot it you just lucio out of the way or dva can delete it
doomfist is easy as fuck to punish, even playing him perfectly a well placed stun and he's done
>play role lock
>choose healer
>get gold heals,gold elims,gold time,gold obj, as Lucio
>lose match
>choose tank
>play horribly because I suck at tank
>lose match
>choose Damage
>play as my mains
>golds and silvers all around
>win match after match
So I guess my issue was that people can't shoot for shit no matter how much I healed them. I feel like I can actually win games now. Dot have to rely on other DPSplayers that suck.
Rein's E (fireball thing) still goes through shields
It doesn't do enough damage to kill anything except sym turrets though
all can be stopped by a junk trap. lol nothing like a powered beach ball from sym
yeah and even ass healers can outheal the damage quickly
Based robotfucker.
actually mercy is ok now. hiding and waiting for res was annoying and would put all the pressure on her.
oops nevermind, i thought you meant his charge.
Efi will not be happy about this...
but still mechanically worthless, in a team fight you want all six of your team mates or none at all, and before you say some dumb shit about the other team being down a few teammates then you already lost because you're wasting an ult for a few teammates,or situationally you'll get to use it for maybe a few good pushes in a game where having your ult is the most important thing on your character, one res works alright because its not using an entire fucking ult to save a team fight but still gives mercy a feature other heals don't have
how do you get the other skins?
yeah i think it's fucking dumb that they have added the competitive queue changes to quickplay (hero stacking and now role queue)
the old quickplay is going to be available as a ANOTHER option in arcade, meaning more player separation
>So I guess my issue was that people can't shoot for shit no matter how much I healed them
Incorrect. You are bad at tank and support.
All roles can clutch, DPS is just the most straightforward way to do it. Also, Zenyatta can fuck shit up, so you're probably a pretty bad dps too that just crutches on mobility escapes.
You attitude of "it's everybody else that blows" shows the absolute shit state of the Overwatch community though. Too many people are dickheads like you to ever play with randoms, so the only way to play is in groups which is tough to coordinate.
good taste, I want to fuck orisa
I'll agree with you on tank, but I shouldn't have all golds with a Lucio. Thats just bad on the rest of team.
you assume as much as you think I do.
Lets be real, Hammond, Reaper, and Waifus were the only good thing this game brought
>2 teammates die
>mercy ults to rez them
>team is back to 6 players
that hamster and reaper are so annoying.
You dont get an opinion
>queues are so bad you literally have to baby people into understanding basic composition
Wouldn't be a problem if Blizz pugs weren't literal retards
From chests, as event rewards, or as part of a battlepass, typically.
they are annoying to fight against. There. my opinion. deal with it.
>Best tank/supp to throw with on new system?
this is true. I only q for quickplay now and the player quality there is worse than ever. I took it upon myself to go and watch some streams of lower level play and my god are they actually braindead. They dont know when to use abilities and that if they are not on CD that they should use them right away.
If they're going to enforce role limits, the way to do it would be 1 tank, 1 heal, 4 dps
This would fix a LOT of stuff in the game too
>no barrier spam, barriers can go down faster because more DPS
>healing becomes more triage-based and more fun to play, similarly, damaging someone who narrowly escapes is actually a big impact on the enemy team now
>queues are shorter
The only thing that might need changing could be to possibly move Roadhog to damage and reduce his health a bit (maybe something similar for Wrecking Ball)
2-2-2 is ultimately a good thing. I tried playing again last season and dropped it again after getting at least four matches in a row with 3 or more DPSfags nonstop arguing with none of them willing to switch. That being said, even if 2-2-2 is an improvement over the shit that this game was, it's ridiculous that we have to put up with having our hands held and comp freedom removed because the community is too shitty to work together and Blizzard is too incompetent to find a way to reward players for being flexible with their roles. Also now that I think about it, a 3-2-1 forced comp is really worth a try. Switching a tank or healer out for another squishy DPS might actually get the game moving a little better.
>it does take the creativity away from the game
>90% of "creative" comps are 4-5 damage dealers with 1-2 tank/healer
what character even is this
I don't know. found it on google. but dat ass tho
>worse than ever
It's been this way pretty much since WoW. People just don't give a single fuck about the game and while I get that I wish they'd fuck out of pvp queues.
But that's how they've been since WoW, maybe BC or WotLK if we're being merciful. They're just a rung below most players, only TERA had worse pugs in my experiences-- worst on the market-- but Blizz pugs are patently so bad that Blizzard has had to force queues into predetermined comps just to get the pugs to not fuck it all up and get waxed the fuck out by any even remotely competently-composed team. And it's not like it fixed it, now they just bitch that they can't roll patently retarded comps, and are still ultimately retarded players.
Sigma + Orisa = infinite barrier
Have a Moria or Lucio to heal the scratch damage that happens when the barriers are gone for 0.5 seconds, and a mercy to pocket a damage dealer so they can't advance (hanzo or bastion will be able to remove attacker barriers, and their own bastion/hanzo won't live long enough to break your barriers)
for a second DPS have Symmetra so she can put up an even bigger barrier in bad moments and spend the rest of the match teleporting sentries behind the enemy barriers
it is fucking impossible to lose as defense now
ow2 is PvE
>2 teammates die
>mercy ults to rez them
>team is back to 6 players
more like
>2 teammates die
>mercy ults to rez them in a team fight you either already lost because being down 2 team mates means a 3rd team mate falling after you already ulted is extremely likely or didn't need an ult to win said teamfight
dying in the first place is the worst thing a teammate can do other than waste an ult
> play a healer with an ult that counters death in the first place
>counter ults with it
>don't risk losing the teamfight or team mates
that's the problem, mercy's 5 man ult was the only thing good about her, but without it all other healers are a better option honestly, that and other healers can do damage while healing, there's a reason pros love zenyatta and lucio and hate mercy
mei counters this by forcing a reposition
>I shouldn't have all golds with a Lucio
You're right, but you're failing to understand the game if you think that you having all golds as Lucio means its your team's fault.
There are a lot of things that aren't recorded in stats. Are you booping the right people at the right time to use geography or team positioning to your team's advantage, or just using it randomly or when you get freaked out by a flanker? Are you speedboosting when it makes sense to push, or are you burning your turn up on heals needlessly inflating your stats before people get killed because they didn't get the speedboost to break into the backline and win the teamfight? Are you harassing flankers and mid while letting tanks hold the obj, or are you hopping around like a retard in the glowy box while your line get flanked? Do you use your ulti when it's really going to make a difference on a push, or do you lay it down during grav like a dipshit?
There's more, but I'm guessing a lot of this doesn't happen. Lucio is one of the most OP heroes in the game, but if you have gold elims AND obj time, its 50/50 whether your team fucked it up or you did.
Is it hacker girl's time to shine?
I'm one of those useless twats.
You don't want to know how many times I could have easily survived something if I had just hit Shift or E, etc.
Having said that, I'm more than happy to call myself a casual fag, so I don't care too much about getting pro level so long as I have fun.
I fucking hate the community. Me and my buddy decided a long time ago that we'd just always try to work with teammates instead of arguing. As it turns out we end up being mediators every other game for our teammates talking constant shit to each other. And good god you have to fucking fondle their balls before offering any sort of constructive input on what we need to change about the comp, lest they be offended.
seeing as how overwatch's only positive is (most) of the character designs and the pve is much more enjoyable than the actual matches i see being able to fuck around as one character i like as a pure postive
im hoping it manages to bring back some of the project titan aspects though
>have to play the same basic strategy every game
>cant mix it up
>cant do fun comps
>no fun allowed
>the old quickplay is going to be available as a ANOTHER option in arcade, meaning more player separation
And more importantly meaning less chances for total mayhem
But garbage rng mode will always be there
ok, I see your point. I do about half of what you said. I don't really speed boost unless its absolutely necessary to escape an ult.
honestly, my lucio matches are usually neck and neck but its still a loss. DPS tho, I don't have to work as hard because I don't rely on healers there.
thanks user. you gave me some more insight on what I should be doing as Lucio.
It's always time for cute latinas, user.
Has shielded damage become a medal stat yet? It’s retarded how tank’s main focus gets ignored for medals
>make based game
>make levels and loot static
>two games in a row
>tfw Orisa main gets most damage and kills and card for damage blocked.
feels good? I guess...
>not stopping after the beta and the sparse number of maps at launch
What's there to make a 2 of? There's no story to continue.
>got 4 golds
Mei gets chunked by Sigma and Orisa let alone whatever DPS is there
Have a (you) on the house. Looks like your sad ass needs one tonight.
Apparently they want to make something like L4D.
DPS relies on mechanical skill, which it sounds like you probably have. As long as you're a good shot you can really make a difference unless you're getting hard countered (like genji into beam heroes, etc.)
Support/Tank take a lot more of what some people call "game sense," which just means memorizing everybody's abilities and looking at the big picture to see what your team needs at a particular time. It also requires a lot more communication with your team about your cooldowns and what the plan is at any particular time. For instance, you speedboosting at the RIGHT time to assist a flanker in running down an injured support isn't going to do anything if your DPS already burned their cooldowns shooting at shields or don't know what you're doing. It's mechanically A LOT easier than playing DPS, but it's also much more strategically complex than point=>shoot.
Don't let the incels on Yea Forums fool you, teamwork and communication are skills, just like aiming. After each encounter with Tank/Support, really try to analyze what went on and why, what the enemy team's tactics are and how to counter them, then communicate to your team on what the plan is.
Who cares?
Play a good game and you wont care what changes a shitty one makes
Rumors (and mostly just common sense) say pve.
Though i could actually see them making an overhaul and still pvp, considering how overwatch is essentially just cobbled together from a different game
remember when damage could shit on shields and get a damage medal for doing nothing?
I remember playing dva with a mercy that would only damage boost hanzo clearly his heal slut gf from wow or some shit and i stalled my ass off contesting the point while he did chip damage at best to targets and spammed shields and got top damage, the reason we won was because of Mcree ulting to save my ass
Mercy's ult was fine before, it was a reward ulti that could easily be countered by a well placed mei/reaper ulti or just by killing the Mercy. Nowadays, with Tanks being hard as fuck to murder for no reason, if mercy goes in and revives a reinhardt you're fucked and might as well resign the teamfight. Their tank is back at full HP and all that effort to murder him was just wasted. In reality, blizzard fucking with the HP of tanks vs attackers to make tanks be "tanky" fucked with Mercy super hard and made her broken. Now she's even more broken and can stay out of the fight entirely, move fast as fuck, AND keep in the air with infinite healing range forever. It's broken as hell.
This is all because Blizzard has no idea how to balance a game and thinks "NU META GOOD"
Overcucks actually defend this because their entire concept of fun is tied to their ego, and their ego is tied to winning, regardless of how boring the winning play actually is. It's why this community is especially cancerous: the skill ceiling is so low that it attracts all the faggots who only care about winning something, rather than mastering the complex mechanics of something. The game caters to this mentality by making all aspects of its design, from characters to maps to synergies, rigid as fuck, so that the winning play is simple and their braindead loser audience can feel like winners.
But no one is defending this?
>Just kill the Mercy bro
Except the good ones all hung back as far from the enemy as possible and only swooped in after the enemy blew all their ults in a push to completely undo their effort
That and just being a skinny bitch receiving as much heals as her target and who could flit away with no real cooldown.
Use backline fighters like Genji or Reaper or git gud but unironically.
Mercy becomes OP when other characters get changed because of how this god awful game works.
It also doesn't help that they weren't happy with her ENTIRE kit so they reworked that and fucked everything.
Overwatch died when the meta was figured out. Had a blast just playing whatever doing whatever, even in comp, as long you had one healer and a tank, you could pretty much do whatever and have fun. Now, its the same meta picks, no pickling the same hero, and now forced 2-2-2. Whats next, moba style bans and picks?
>Getting mad over this
Christ what a man-child lol
>Being so insecure about yourself that you get scared or rather think that a black man will ruin your fantasy white ethnostate and your non-existent white girlfriend
How's that locker, incy boy? Hopefully shut tight as always.
Blizzdrones, fags, zealots and tokenguys user, they spend all their money in blizz.
I have a couple of Friends with that description.
>we added 222!
>also we completely and utterly raped character balance again so at least 4/6 members of the team should be the same character every game
How much of a faggot must you be to find dva unattractive?
Of course you do user, she is practically built for it.
Literally just walk away from Reaper lmao
You are fucking stupid if you think the problems with overwatch are because of the playerbase.
>the half of the community that disagreed with 2-2-2 are actively throwing their games
Please tell me this is actually true to some degree and not blown out of proportion.
Shit tier taste in girls.
They fucked overwatch by trying to have strict character roles for each character. Everything they try to fix or break cannot change the fact that the core design philosophy is just broken. Casuals don't understand this because they're distracted by the surface level polishing blizzard does. Trying to force metas and breaking the characters people bitch and moan about on the forums doesn't help, of course, but overwatch's real problems aren't fixable.
We have these threads all the time but they game always finds a way to rebound. Sure it still loses players, but as long as it's still on everyone's mind they'll come back from time to time.
Didn't it start with 12 at launch? Compared to the 6 that launched with TF2?
>ur dumb
thanks for the argument. Don't forget to suck my cock btw nigger
>you have to play this hero in a specific way, any deviation is "throwing the match," ergo you need to be punished
Gee I fucking wonder why anyone could possibly get bored of the experiance and want something else.
iirc saying anything remotely offensive can be twisted to get you a ban.
TF2's maps were both 10 times the size, and there was never any question of if there would be maps in the future, because everyone knew about Hammer.
OW was closed-off garbage. I can't really understand why anyone would play an FPS without custom maps, they're completely soulless and there's never any room for community development.
Blizzard shouldn't be dictating the fucking tournament standards. The community should be picking out what's fair/unfair, and disabling/enabling shit with server side commands.
what do you expect?
thats why there are so many characters, just pick the one that plays like you want to play
>When you queue you select which role you want to play.
I need pictures, Parker!
Pictures of Sigma!
Odd request, but here.
I hope it's not like Monday Night Combat because then I'd have to buy it. I loved Monday Night Combat so much.
It's also worth noting that TF2's maps weren't designed by fucking retards
>derank from diamond to low bronze 2 years ago
>sit there for 2 years since game is shit anyway
>now have to derank 3 times more
Kinda miss when retards picks all dps and die to single battle mercy
>tracer and pharah on fun
if you wanted a (You), you could have just asked.
She eats so much junk food and shit plus I'm sure she works up a pretty good sweat from all the fighting. Adding on the stress from being a e-celeb I'd be willing to bet if she existed irl she would have more acne than skin under her jumpsuit and she would probably smell like a NEETs bedroom.
>Played Brig at all
With new Brig I get at least 90% kill participation every game. Hit 100% twice already. I actually really like new Brig. She feels like an actual support and is more useful as a healer outside of 3-3 comps
I thought that went without mentioning, I mean I've seen maps made by literal 12 year olds for Source games that are better than anything Blizzard has ever put out.
All they can fucking do is art direction. They have no understanding of game mechanics and how to design chokepoints, so you wind up with some "pretty" levels with no substance because playing any of them more than once makes you want to kill yourself.
>change roles as the situation demands it
>on qp
you might be the only person that does this. qp is unplayable because of the attitude everyone goes in, nobody cares. it's a glorified training ground where everyone goes 5 dps and the enemy team is a 6 stack with a balanced comp.
the best way to play this shit game its still comp with voice/text chat disabled while playing what you feel like it, at least there most people make an effort.
You can't wait until your team gets killed then swoop in for epic POTG 5-man rezzing with your ultimate anymore. This made all the Mercy-worshiping healsluts upset.
>dpsfag playing healer
please stop your kind are destroying the update, now I constantly get Anas that don't sleep dart or nade correctly and for some reason think she is meant to be played at ranged. if you like to play spacebar nigga or wallpunch do it but don't ruin the match for everyone else.
>Everything they try to fix or break cannot change the fact that the core design philosophy is just broken
This. The game has always been flawed at it’s core. Just look at offensive and defensive heroes when Blizzad classified them as such. Most offensive heroes were actually better on Defense because they could always flank and disrupt the enemy team whenever they tried to make an organized push. And most defensive heroes were better on Attack because they’re good at clearing targets from a distance and lacked the survivability to even contest the point. It took a over year for Blizzard to realize that their own offensive/defensive labels didn’t mean jack shit and eventually just put them all under DPS.
Is it still a shameless vehicle for loot crates? Hold on, let me check
Yup, Its still cancer.
Gobble up their shields while behind cover, most people put their barriers up near walls and shit you can sit behind while still hitting their barriers.
It's probably the only thing blizzard still making decent money so not any time soon.
Because its a platform with which to sell cosmetics over a long period of time, that's all it was ever intended to be.
All Blizzard needed to do was make it popular, it being a good, balanced game was never part of the equation.
why not just pick any role then give no fucks and pick any champ like in dota or league? overfags are so retarded
Mercys rework is the best thing to happen. It's miles better
>people whining and crying about barriers
>I'm here smashing even Reinhardt's barrier in two seconds or less
Beep boop, son. Beep boop.
Overwatch is actually quite good at estimating your skill and it will adjust pretty soon. Matchmaking is exclusively MMR based so if you throw your games the game will recognise that and match you with other throwers.
they should have let you lock in on 5 dps a team
console meta is wild
2-2-2 is the best thing to happen to Overwatch since forever. Literally only shitters complain about this.
the game felt soulless to me after they nerfed roadhog
yeah he may be better in comp/high level play but holy fuck literally every character in this game feels like they're using a pea-shooter now
OW feels like a digital nerf gun battle now, fuck me man
>dva, mercy, sombra that far left
>tracer,Ashe that far right
agree with you on moria, but mei should be more middle, and tech support should be somewhere near tracer is
Is it only good at matching comp?
Because I played the other modes a lot and its matching was dogshit in those. Most matches were steamroll or be steamrolled.
I like the idea of the game, but that combined with the many and frequent bugs gets tiresome. Part of why I never did comp, couldn't go a week without dropping a Mei ult threw the floor or some other hitbox issue happening in just casual amounts of play.
I'd fuck you user
Why doesn't the DPS just pick characters who can easily destroy or bypass barriers?
>Sometimes your team is getting right royally fucked and you just might been another tank or healer, so I'd switch.
This is mostly a problem because of the matchmaking. The guys you are playing with will be generally on your level but they might excel in completely different roles and their internal ranking for the matchmaking (MMR) will be biased towards their strongest performance on their strongest hero. If they are playing on a different hero than their strongest the matchmaker will overestimate their performance, so the DPS you're playing with might actually not be good enough to perform on that level as a DPS because he normally plays tank. Or the DPS you're playing with might be a Genji main who's forced to play Rein because someone else is playing Genji while in the enemy team there is an actual Rein main who's wiping the floor with him. These are the times where you feel like your team is completely shit and the enemy team is competent and where you feel like everyone needs to switch heroes. With the new system, the matchmaker already has a basic idea what people are going to pick, so it can match people more accurately. This will obviously still cause some trouble now and then (e.g. imagine two Genji mains on your team but what you need is a hitscan), but it will be much better than it was before.
See .
"genjis your path"
>i suck at tracer and pharah so they aren't fun
she has no boobs and no ass, and an annoying voice.
>pick character that can easily destroy shield
>Orissa just spams shield every 8sec
>No items
>Fox only
>Final destination
because you cant change your build to make a tank tracer
WoW and HS make way more money
Make 2 separate ranked queues, woah that was hard
Same. A PvE Overwatch game or expansion has my interest; might like it more than the base game.
That answers nothing in regards to modes of the game that are not Comp.
>Your moira healing beam downtime was 32%, 1% over the Healthy Teammate Allowance
2-2-2 is strange to me because I'm the type of person who will switch to whatever role is needed and sometimes character. Like if the enemy is just spamming shields then I go Moira even if I was playing another role.
Overwatch is like Smash only that casuals also hate it since Blizzard is ruining a party game with esports pandering.
This is a good description. No idea how it has an esports scene as often as I encounter bugs playing a few rounds here and there I would imagine tournaments full of replays due to game errors.
>All the pro overwatch teams are named after cities
>All the players are Korean anyway
This. I never got the need to force a comp. Sometimes more tanks is good, other times you need more damage. It reminds me of another certain game that punished you for playing outside of the 'accepted' meta.
I was considering playing again untill that recent developmentt update video where jeff said that the game needed more barrier heroes.
Barriers are a big part of what made me quit. The other part being that the better you became at the game, the more the game came down to managing ultimate economies.
It works the same in other game modes. Comp prefers to matchmake you with people in your SR range and has limitations on group SR ranges, but otherwise it's the same.
i want you to tell me exactly why tracer isnt fun
pharah i can understand some people are too retarded to use projectiles but tracer
you peasant
i dont even like overwatch and i can say they're probably the two most fun characters in the game bar maybe a reinhardt in a full stack getting damage buffed
This makes no sense to me. I've gotten PotG with kills as Mercy in quickplay before and other times not been able to leave spawn in quickplay. Very rare has it ever been anything in between. I've never done comp, because the game had so many bugs when I started I was waiting for it to iron out a bit...it never did. Its a fun but flawed game.
I mostly play Mystery Hereos were I would expect sometimes for it to just be fucked, but its the only place you can sometimes escape the tank dominance of the game, but sometimes it stacks them and ends fast.
Its esports scene is entirely held together by Blizzard's deep pockets.
>wasn't the whole point of overwatch to be the next TF2?
If this was the case it would be designed somewhat like TF2. As it is, it's nothing like it from a mechanical perspective. You can't play OW casually like you can TF2.
Rumor has it OW2 is just pure PVE like retribution, anyway.
>This makes no sense to me. I've gotten PotG with kills as Mercy in quickplay before and other times not been able to leave spawn in quickplay.
Why does it make no sense? If the matchmaker matches you against a team of six support mains while you have a balanced team you will obviously stomp them. In the same manner it can happen the other way around. With 2-2-2 and role queue it's much less likely to happen.
I wish something would come around with Overwatch's art design and Quakes/UT quality arena. Like Unreal butts edition.
Hate to say it but the outfit/cute loot grind is sort of needed to keep an audience these days, but it would be nice to hide a solid game under it.
>start overwatch match
>pick DPS
>90% of the time youre just shooting a stationary barrier
>pick tank
>you're just throwing down barriers
>pick healer
>youre just holding M1 in your teams general direction
this is every single match
That makes no sense that it would apply to other modes. Arcade mode can't be 2-2-2 for somethings. And how would it match people in QP that don't do Comp.
Data from mystery hero gameplay doesn't translate to QP where there is more structure so using how many hours someone has logged on support for instance would be meaningless because the modes don't work the same and priority is entirely different between them.
There are off-DPS characters in other classes.
games fun died when they removed multiple characters ingame
meaning playing 2 widow or 2 mercy or someshit
I was gonna write my xth post about how trash OW's design is but I just deleted because it's so redundant at this point. Every thread people just bash it, this game is so bad it feels like it's the one vidya thing Yea Forums can agree on. I feel like nobody including the OWL players even enjoy it, I just don't understand the appeal of dumbed down tf2 with terribly implemented moba mechanics that also has a garbage player experience, who willingly plays this shit?
That is super broken, and can still be done in Arcade. Games fun has had huge ups and downs though. Anna coming out was a huge down as she was broken to bullshit levels for a long time, then it was fixed, then it was tank hell, then it was okay, then more tank hell, then they kept nerfing the only real healer because jeewiz who would think she would be a must pick so often, and then more tank hell. Okay its a lot of down dotted with some holiday events. Fuck it really was Smash of FPS and they pissed on it.
still waiting for your peasant ass to say why those characters aren't fun
>this whole post
what are you even saying dude
I can feel the inherent seething in this post, so even if it's bait I'd say it's decent. Have another (You) on me.
The game has ups and downs, but mostly downs because its focus on a small number of capture points biases it way in favor of tanks given that tanks are just fat dps that give up little to have bigger health pools. The only exception was Anna who was bullshit for nearly a year before they toned her down. And they fucked up and changed the wrong part of Mercy in the middle somewhere.
Basically I log in for holiday events and then get bored and fuck off for another few months. The meta in the game is awful and its glitches have existed since launch.
that's why I play Roadhog
>break through barriers, hook and one-shot DPSfags and healers, heal any damage taken in one button press, grab someone and throw them off a ledge
none of the other tanks are anywhere close to enjoyable
Should've been 3 DPS, 3 everyone else
>That makes no sense that it would apply to other modes. Arcade mode can't be 2-2-2 for somethings.
I was talking about the modes that involve 2-2-2; the others will obviously matchmake you based on the regular MMR metric.
2-2-2 is idiotic. It should be 3 damage 3 tank/support with any combinations (3/0, 2/1, 1/2) for tank/support.
Or just make it a 5v5 and go 1-3-1.
No, there is no point in doing that.
They are going to keep the same game and add content, OW2 would just be a patch.
Vivian from Paladins.
90% time if opponent team had 2 healers, 2 tanks and 2 ok offense heroes, they won, the end.
It was really frustrating.
What happened to defense heros?
So first they fixed her, she became OP, and they fixed her again.
Yeah, Mercy is now finally where she should be.
Offense and Defense heroes were merged into Damage heroes.
They'd solve alot of problems if they just let you keep some ult after switching heroes.
>the average Reaper player
Too late. Everyone is now into BR.
lol blizzard
>want to shoot shit in a shooter
>forced to not do so
One of the most underrated reasons for why Overwatch is so unfun to play competitively is the medal and card systems. The medals only seem to do 2 things, either infuriate those who have them that shouldn't (e.g Gold damage on tank, Elims on support) or are used as a flimsy excuse to blame your team instead. The only times I've ever personalyl looked forwards to the cards is after a loss where I want to prove to my team that it wasn't me fucking up - it was them.
Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier
desu they should have just kept it where you could pick duplicate heroes. The 2 Tracer, 2 Lucio, 2 Winston era was the golden age of Overwatch
>the medals are bad because people only use them as a metric to blame their team or fight about team stats
>the medals are only good when I can use them to claim Im better
And you are why the world is so shit
Honestly everyone is too tough. The game puts to much emphasis on hero skills and ultimates and not on the weapon that said hero is using.
here's mine
Exactly, I was part of the problem. I would use them to look to make myself good and to make everyone else use bad. From my experience, this is what a lot of other people use them for too.
At this point Overwatch is only good to laugh at people crying about.
I loved watching people on Twitter cry about the new character being "Another violent white male".
Overwatch is a SJW game, and supporting activision-blizzard is like supporting EA.
role queue BETA
role queue BETA
role queue BETA
Yeah right
That has been said everytime she has a change
But she is still boring trash
kill yourself forum bitch you have cried for 2 years you wont get your goddess back
why play OW when you could play anything else
to be fair, the game was pretty much a w+m1-fest before, all you needed was a fast weapon (and a DLC with huge powercreeping weapons for each class) so a patch that makes the game actually challenging was needed.
That being said, they way they actually attempted to was retarded, all they needed to do was make heavier targets have better tracking on their slow attacks so that you can't get away with mashing the dodge button and actually need to time them
I want to get better at Bastion. What do?
They wanted to be the next TF2 but didn't understand people loved TF2 for its casual fun and thought they could force esports bullshit.
Can someone who plays the game currently explain why? Seriously, the game's not even an fps, its a hotkey management simulator where the game actively gimps you so that you have to rely on the other mouthbreathers you randomly got queued with. It has so many mechanics that take away player agency I just can't understand how anyone rates the game over a 3/10.
I honestly can't understand why you would waste time with the game unless you just can't aim for shit in a normal fps.
Actually, your post just explained the games success.
You arent the target audience. The game is designed for MoBa mouthbreathers.
objectively false. If the enemy had 3 healers and 3 tanks they would win everytime, even before bridgette was a thing. This was the top pub meta for as long as the game's been around.
The thing is, it's easier to climb to diamond as a DPS main, so this leads people to think DPS heroes have any place in the game and because of autism and a retarded UI element sheparding them towards it, they think 2 support 2 tank 2 dps is the best strat.
>forcing a meme that was directly forced by the corporation
imagine being this generic
Not when you are hold medals every game
Actually, you are right.
3 tanks, 3 healers > 2-2-2 > Everything else, get lucky or git gud lul
But still think that forced 2-2-2 is a good thing.
Speak for yourself, most of my games has been way better than before 2 2 2, comp is actually becoming decent now.
it's not even halfway decent you fucking participation award of a human being
I just uninstalled the game again, this 2-2-2 shit is more boring than the game has ever been.
I normally like to play support, but if the DPSers and tanks are shit, all I can do is heal until the games over.
Just before uninstalling, I was playing a game on Numbani, enemy team had like 4:13 minutes to get a quarter of the first point to win, and if they failed, it's a draw. So I threw, then 2-3 spastics in voice chat went berserk. Was pretty funny.
Yes but propably it's some sort of story mode. Couldn't care less about the lore.
Who are you quoting?
Yes, loot crates with same cosmetics that you can buy with in-game credits. Where is the problem?
In comp, yes. In qp, why the hell.
>i cannot carry therefore the game is bad
Clearly the game is not for you. If you want to jerk off for imaging doing all the work, try Siege.
I always low key throw OW games when my friends make me play it. Absolute garbage game run into the mud by activision trying to push twitch/esports because Dota does it. Any skill involved has been progressively removed by blizzard.
At least the porn is good. For me is pregnant dva.
I feel sorry for your friends, they deserve better than a shithead like you.
>tried playing overwatch a few weeks ago
>torbjorn is literally a different character now
why does his """new kit""" feel like a chinese bootleg of the original? half the roster feels this way now, with weird sped-up animations and overall rushed feeling
Its probably good for lower rated people
even less things to think about
Blizzard has never meaningfully changed anything after it comes out on any games PTR.
I stopped playing overwatch but the roster is better than ever. Especially new torb, his kit is great.
Because Blizzard has realized that only chinks would debase themselves to play this shit game.
>maps are still straight lines with no side paths for flanking
better yet, they should remove tanks completely and transfer some of their abilities (BARRIERS=HUGE NO NO NO) to new dps classes and allow only 1 healer per team.
>we want the LoL audience
Why would Jeph ever want the worst audience
hamster in a rolling ball made into a fun team shooter character with 100% unique mechanics disregarded as random
>playing 2-2-2 support
>enemy team gets to the end with like 3:16 left
>my team struggles to even take the first point
>hoping that's it
>somehow gets to the end with some seconds in the bank
>next attack, fail to get a tick in a minute
>enemy team now has like 4 minutes to get 1 tick or it's a draw
>4 grueling minutes of a difficult defense for a sub-5% chance at a draw
>fuck this, decide to throw
>3-4 people in team voice chat go absolutely berserk
>"fucking kill yourself you throwing cunt" "enjoy your ban you fucking prick" "what the fuck is your problem?! why are you even playing the game?!" "you're fucking trash, you were never healing me anyway"
>I-it's just cosmetic!
Kill yourself.
>muh gold and silver medals
That's the thing I hate the most about Overwatch, there's no way to know how the fuck everyone is doing, yourself included. You could be gold in several categories but still do worse than the worst guy in the enemy team for all you know. All that for the sake of feelsgood points or some shit, doesn't stop people from flaming or feeling bad about their shit performance. Jesus I hate nu-game design.
That is actually much better for competitive. I mean it is not like nigga weren't throwing their matches by choosing poorly or choosing the only character they bothered getting good at.
However 2-2-2 should have been the main mode from the very beginning. It is too late for that now.
Thanks. The first sane reply.
I have to remind myselg that Yea Forums is absolutely braindead sometimes
you and I both know its not real
>other teams picks only sniper/spy/engineer and game is still fun
>developers have to micromanage classes being picked in each games because they ruined balance so much the idea of "maining" class doesn't exist anymore, and even before the match begins players have to try to cooperate with complete random pub players to have any chance to win
RIP off-meta strats. Everything gotta be just like Blizzard wants. Players cannot even have control over what team comps they want. For fucks sake. Thank god I stopped playing OW
seethe, blizzcuck
Doing Gods work.
Nothing is more frustrating than having to defend a point for 5 minutes for a draw.
weird what happens when mmo devs make a shooter
becomes a shitty grindfest that doesnt reward the player
222 is the most retarded shit.
If we haven’t progressed the point or moved the payload, I’m not going in as Rein and continuing to die like I dog. I’m switching to DPS to show these clowns how it’s done.
Can’t do that anymore. RIP
I'll never forget overwatch. It remains the only game I got to try for free, spent 3 days with it having fun. Than immediately after the trial ended and they had my money I lost all interest.
I don't know what kind of magic they deployed here, but it worked on me. Haven't touched this shit since it first launched basically.
What is it like now?
Every single person complaining about this doesnt play overwatch. And that's fine, but for competitive this was absolutely needed.
>wahhh I can’t one-shot kill everything as a 600(900) HP tank
Fuck off and die, training wheels.
It's Left4Dead with Overwatch and robots.
I've been having great matches with the 2-2-2 role queue. It definitely seems to suck for dps players however. I tried to queue for dps yesterday and after 8m30s I just stopped and played 4v4 tdm
Oh. Then I'll pass. I'll just play Guilty Gear 2 Overture some more.
reminder that there are people on Yea Forums that unironically had trouble dealing with Roadhog pre damage nerf
>loudest footsteps
>dangling chain
>biggest hitbox
>8 second hook up from 6 seconds
>no shield whatsoever
>healing didn't lower damage taken
>couldn't heal while moving so you had to fuck off for 10 seconds
>had only 4 bullets with a slow as shit rate of fire
"b-but a tank shouldn't be able to one shot!"
hide behind a fucking barrier or an object you fucking plat shitters. there is no reason for you to get hooked if you had more situational awareness than a fucking raisin.
tf2 isn't 6vs6, and when it is people certainly aren't playing a team of snipers and spys
>>loudest footsteps
the footstep volume is actually variable depending on how threatening they are to you according to load screen tips
That doesnt happen to me
>Blizzard shouldn't be dictating the fucking tournament standards. The community should be picking out what's fair/unfair, and disabling/enabling shit with server side commands.
This line of thinking plagues all of their games. Don't like raiding? Well I guess WoW isn't for you! Don't like mindless grinding gear? I guess Diablo isn't for you!
Old Blizzard wasn't like this, I miss PKing on Diablo and when WoW was more than just a race to max level for the "real" content.
So Roadhog doesn't have footstep sound anymore?
So did 2-2-2 make the game better or worse? Skylosa or whatever that brit cuck is called claims it saved overwatch
>tfw stopped playing shortly before Moira was announced
The hell have I missed. The last time I played, Torb still had armor packs and Sym had the giant wall shield as an Ult.
I know this is a typical boomer-tier take but the game was unironically at it's best during the beta periods and shortly after launch.
Then pick to play dps since the beginning you retard
Stopped playing when they made it so you couldn't pick 2 of the same characters in unranked matches
This sounds even more retarded
Why does Blizzard hate offmeta so much? Are they still pretending Overwatch is a good esport? lmao
The only people tilted over 2-2-2 are dps faggots that were making the game a chore to play in the first place. The fact they're throwing games instead of going back to cod is telling. Get a life you incels.
it's a spin-off blizzard looter shooter in the overwatch universe with customizable classes like warframe, not really an overwatch 2
Absolutely based
nice tismpasta have one on the house
the issue overwatch has is its playerbase
>you cant pick torbjorn hes the trhown hero
Would Overwatch be unironically in a better state right now if they rolled it back to launch and removed everything added/changed since?
It made the game more boring.
>queue for DPS
Enjoy your 10 minute queue times
>queue for support or tank
Be 100% dependent on your team not being retarded and coordinating
>team doesn't coordinate
You're stuck playing support/tank for the rest of the game in a guaranteed loss. At least with the old way, you could make a gambit swap and potentially turn the tide of battle.
See Dumb blizzard shit eater.
>Every single person complaining about this doesnt play overwatch
Nobody does, so that's pretty fair. Also, how is that good? When I was playing TF2 I constantly changed class based on who was needed at the moment. That's part of the fun.
>Competitive Overwatch
Post yfw
Overwatch Classic when?
>mercy dva unattractive
nigga you gay
Fatshark at least seems to see that they dun fucked up to some degree and are backpedaling on the changes a bit.
>learning to play characters in competitive
That's literally what quickplay is for fuck off with the learning meme
Tf2 isnt overwatch.
Nor is a random server comparable to competitive play in any game.
Well, the reason they probably did this is solely because of pic related. She opened up this composition known as "GOATS" which used 3 tanks, 3 supports, and 0 DPS to overrun any enemy with speed boost and make everyone unkillable thanks to Brigitte being able to easily stun anyone that tried to go in on them as well as easily proving AOE healing and armor to her team to keep them alive in teamfights. People complained so hard about her that after months of trying to nerf her and this composition was still the best to use if you wanted to win, they 'forced' the end of it by 2-2-2 lock.
You can't ruin mercy, the basic design is already the wors thing to ever appear in any game. A literal healslut meme incarnate, a fucking leech that requires no aim, no positioning, no awareness (game or otherwise) to play.
>People complained
you mean DPS only players complained.
and that's only because dps players are fucking manchildren, you didn't hear tank players screech when dive was the only thing played
Oh no, little baby DPS has to wait longer to throw the game as Genji or Hanzo, so sad.
Role que is based.
>mfw knew the game would go to shit once mccree stopped being a tank killer
How are you anons approaching Role Queue Beta, for those of you that actually play OW and are giving that mode a shot prior to the proper new season?
For me, I check what mode will give me a bonus box/ bonus 25 Credits and queue up as that, whether it's tank, healer, or both.
>If I load in as Support:
>I'm practiced on Mercy, Moira, Brigitte,
>I play Mercy and Moira interchangeably as main support, with Moira and Brigitte as my side-healer options if I'm with a good Ana or something.
>Sometimes I try Ana but I suck with her sleep dart so I rarely take her into any sort of ranked match, including this Role Queue Beta crap.
>If I load in as Tank:
>Check and see who my 2-2-2 state mandated co-tank wants to be.
>If they want to be a tank with a good barrier (AKA not Winston), like Sigma, Orisa, or Reinhardt, then I'll play an off-tank like D.va, Roadhog, Winston, or Wrecking Ball, depending on the point/ map game mode and the enemy team's comp.
>If my co-tank wants to play one such off-tank themselves, then I will pick up the role of the main tank/ barrier tank with Reinhardt, Orisa, Sigma.
damn you typed all this dumb shit and nobody read it
pathetic loser playing shit games
Brig was accross the board buffed. 500 to 200 health shield was a bug fix, it should have never been that massive.
All the retards that are complaining about the brig changes dont know how to play the game and just abused a broken god tier character
I don't care about the whining because I'm tired of autistic children forcing me into 5-DPS comps when I'm willing to fill as both healers and tanks, but I cannot make a functional comp singlehandedly. You need at least one tank and one healer in unorganized non-pro play, ideally two healers or two tanks if not a straight up natural 2-2-2, but 3-DPS comps are fine and often work with just 1 tank or healer so those were fine. Still, 4-DPS and 5-DPS comps are common in Plat and below and often the teams that do this throw the match against teams that are willing to diversify the strength of their comp.
For me it was when Bastion lost his headshots
Punish me for aiming well amirite blizzard?
people playing this trash are factually retarded, your words are wasted
it's also known blizzard always makes retardedly broken shit to nerf it 2 months later to get people to play and reinstall this retarded game
The comment wasn't for you if you don't play; that was made clear in the first sentence. And yet you kept reading anyway. Thank you, user, I'm flattered.
thanks for the (you), I read the first few words
I just pick whatever I feel like playing unless it’s a free box. I’ve been playing comp with two other people and que times somehow manage to be faster. Then again it placed me lower than I was before, but I honestly expected that.
>different SR for each role means nobody under performs when playing something unfamiliar
>less people throwing because they don't like the comp or ending up with 6 dps meme games
>Tank your SR since no individual role can carry a game, even as a support like Moira
I was trying to explain it for people who haven't been keeping up. I actually like it too as a casual player desu, because as said having 5 instalock DPS is absolutely atrocious and I'd rather play the game where I at least have a chance of winning based on having a decent team composition.
Whether or not, though, I feel you can't deny Brigitte was the entire reason we got this, for better or worse.
I'm not sure I agree that it was a flat buff, since I feel her healthpack's healing speed in particular needs to be increased given how bursty DPS is nowadays, but overall, yeah, I agree with the majority of your sentiment. I've gotten PotG multiple times on her since the patch simply by spamming my 'shoot healthpack' button in general directions at bright red Critical Health targets on my screen while walking into enemies and holding down left-click and occasionally bashing them with a right-click to interrupt their ults or make them into momentary sitting dicks for my DPS to pick off. Brig's still stupidly good, and now she's a solid healer, just one who heals a little slowly for my liking.
I refused to play Brig when she launched and for like a full year after that because people kept complaining about how OP she was and how she needed to be nerfed. I didn't want to get used to her when she seemed destined for a rework, since I might get used to her then-current version and mourn its demise upon rework. She's been nerfed a ton since launch though and now she feels much closer to the healer she should've always been, instead of some odd jack of all trades brawler duelist DPS off-tank healer hybrid.
Maybe people instalock DPS cause tank and DPS are fucking snorefest classes
Holding left click or right click isnt fun
Sounds subjective, DPS can be the funnest to play on a good day, but the other roles give you more variety to play rather then just clicking heads and dying when you don't have healers on the team because everyone else wanted to do that with you.
Even playing DPS is better with this because you can at least have 2 healers that have some sort of chance at healing you one day rather then never.
>you can't deny Brigitte was the entire reason we got this, for better or worse.
Oh, no, I don't. Brig is totally responsible for the months of GOATS Hell we dealt with, including metafags barking at people in casual matches to copy pros that they have no chance of emulating at their skill level. I fully admit this even if I love her as a waifu for personality and character design reasons. I like her much more now, in her much more acceptable, healing-focused Sigma patch reversion.
Just report people throwing games
Depends on your imagination and willingness to have fun/ invent your own fun. I have a good time on some characters in every single role, I just avoid boring characters like Soldier: 76 that have no personality or interesting mechanics.
>Example 1: DPS — Mei
>Run around freezing people, spamming 'Hi' at them and 'Sorry, sorry, sorry..." while they're screaming internally in frozen torment.
>Icicle through the brain to seal the deal once you're done using sprays on them and other such nonsense.
>Example 2: Tanks — Hammond
>Latch onto cart/ bridge/ low ceiling/ random car/ pillar/ steel beam/ etc., spin around like a fucking crazy jackass punting people around.
>Launch high into the sky, smack back down, get a kill or two on impact, gun down another person who survived but is now low.
>Spam "K.O.," "No hard feelings," "Hah hah. Laughter," and other such gems the whole time, get angry fucking messages after match, including simple gems like "fuck you, hamster."
>Example 2: Healers — Ana
>Sleep dart, sleep dart, sleep dart
>"Do you need someone to tuck you in?" "Mother knows best." "Hi." "Hi." "Hi." "Hi."
>Just stand over them spam-waving and using the Halloween emote to drop candy on the floor for them while they're licking the pavement with your syringe of rhinoceros tranquilizer still sticking out of one of their asscheeks.
New Torb is godly you shitter, literally an improvement in every way.
Just play comp you fag. No reason for the blow off steam mode to have this bullshit enforced.
They changed him from knockoff default Engineer to knockoff mini-sentry Engineer. I'm okay with this, I guess, but I wish we could then get a character that feels more like the real TF2 Engineer than old Torb ever did. I miss building dispensers and slowly making my turret into a monster in waiting if I have 2-3 minutes of setup time to work before an enemy can stumble into my nest.
kill yourself and stop posting
Did they add a real ultrawide support yet?
>didn't understand people loved TF2 for its casual fun and thought they could force esports bullshit.
More like because TF2 had a modding community that helped it stay alive. 90% of TF2's content is all mod made whether it be maps, weapons, or hats.
Great commentary, NPC.
TF2 was fun because Valve embraced the community and encouraged it for more creativeness.
Blizzard smothers its games to death and doesn't allow any player to do anything, and ban modding of even the slightest texture edits.
>jizzbrain power
People say she's bad now but I've still been having some success with her. The way her kit is structured I think keeps her from being total trash
Is this a new template on Tiermaker or did you just use another program like mspaint or something?
9 seconds now, and Bastion can shatter it in 1.5 seconds.
She's not as fun as she used to be. People picked Brigitte because you could be offensive. The healing is just a bonus. You'd throw a pack or two and otherwise just play close to your team. Brig is still effective but not for the reason that made her fun and popular. I can still get 85+ kill participation when I use her but being fragile is really, really gay. At least make her shield have 250/300 health. Test the fucking waters.
There’s supposed to be pressure on a healing class. Making the call on when to use your abilities is one of the only interesting parts of the role. Blizzard doesn’t know how to balance the game as a whole so they just tear apart and reassemble random characters’ kits and hope it fixes the problem. I think it would be better if they had made you lose the progress toward her ult when you die. That’s probably just the medic main poking out. It would put serious pressure on her to not die and would make the ultimate less annoying for the enemy. Now she also had to follow the “pop it don’t drop it” mentality, except she can’t just randomly pop it because she needs dead teammates. If blizzard would have just went all the way with stealing ideas from tf2, or if some of their devs played enough of the game to be “inspired” by tf2, overwatch would have been a great game. Instead it’s lukewarm garbage.
I enjoy playing her as a co-healer who bodyguards her friendly Mercy or Ana or whatever from bullying enemy Reapers and Sombras and all that.
That's because Yea Forums sucks at video games and are the types that complain about characters to be nerfed constantly. Yea Forums is like reddit in that way.
Wait, what the fuck? Bastion lost his headshots? The fuck is wrong with Blizzard? He was my favorite hero too. I'm glad I have had no desire to go back to Overwatch.
Stick with spla2n, it's a strictly more interesting team shooter
>be the kind of person that likes to pick my role/character depending on the map/game type
>can't do that anymore
The only people this benefits are solo queue 1 trick losers, and even then not really.
I don't get why shitters have such a hard time killing him. He doesn't even have armor, let alone a barrier. He's literally a fat DPS masquerading as a tank, except he has a healthpack he can sip on once every few seconds without needing to run to a spawner to get it. Just gun him down, it's so fucking easy to bait out and dodge his one scary tool and then he's a sitting duck for easy headshots on his slow, lumbering ass.
So does orissa's pull stop working once you're at GM or something?
I was thinking about going back to Overwatch but not after this shit. It was bad enough when they removed duplicate heroes, now there's just no freedom in the game at all.
Was resurrection the only ultimate in the game that had zero options to directly counter it after Mercy had already pressed Q? Even with Zen's ultimate you could throw a biotic grenade to stop a few people from healing.
It's actually insane how Yea Forums lacks basic knowledge on video games and says the most casual shit I've ever seen. Reading this thread kills my braincells
No fucking way
Hiding in spawn and waiting for your team to die was the best strategy when you had ult. That's fucking stupid and cancer.
Nice not enough PVE focused multiplayer games honestly.
It's not a sequel, the name is just a placeholder
Not really, because even many of the tanks and supports in this game have decent killing potential.
Some of the tanks: D.Va, Roadhog, Zarya, Wrecking Ball can match/approach DPS damage numbers in competent hands.
Good Anas, Zenyattas, Lucios also pose considerable threat. The first 2 have decent dps and a Lucio with a talent for environmental kills can really ruin your day.
Its probably a story expansion, they have been teasing it for years now, hopefully a pve mode will come out with it too
you can tell they are working on it because they havent been adding as much content into the events which is why FUCKING SUMMER GAMES IS STILL JUST LUCIO BALL, IT WAS FUN YEAR 1 BUT NOT YEAR 4 FUCKING BILLZARD ADD OTHER SPORTS AHHHHHH
>if I have 2-3 minutes of setup time to work before an enemy can stumble into my nest.
This works in TF2 because one person not contributing to the fight for that long isn't too much of a problem.
But one person being out of the fight is way more of a problem in Overwatch, let alone for 2-3 minutes.
>30 min match
>ends in draw
is there any worse feeling? me and my friend always just sit in silence or complain whenever it happens, the feeling of your life being wasted sucks so much, the more fun had in the match the worse the feeling gets...
>People who don't want to play the game anymore actively waste their time to play a game they don't like to ruin the experience of people who actually like the game
Overwatch players are on a whole different level from the usual MOBA trash
It was instantaneous, so yes it had no counter or method to stop it once she hit Q.
>play new champ sigma
>have silver dmg with 18k
>shield blocks 48k dmg
>teammates flame me for not playing tank properly, tell me I'm bad and need to play old tank that isn't new
Yikes, can anyone name a more childish community?
heres your (you)
every single sigma i played with today would put their shield to only block for then fucking the rest of the team.
They would sit way too far ahead of the team and/or overextend like a motherfucker.
I have not had a single good sigma player in 20+ games today