Play Overwatch and main Widowmaker

Play Overwatch and main Widowmaker.

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Why is she purple

Why aren't you?

Blueberry gum


She was brainwashed and turned into a super-assassin and her heart-rate was lowered to an so she could stay motionless in sniping positions for long periods of time. Apparently "low heart rate" equals "blue skin" for blizzard.

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wouldn't it be funny if she kept you in a chastity cage while going out to flirt with other guys haha

That'd be fucking hot is what it'd be.

guys how does that weird new 2/2/2 system i keep seeing work?

i have to pick a dps and then am NOT allowed to switch to any other role but other DPSs?

or is it like, i pick junkrat and can literally not pick anything else than him until the game is over? because that'd be ridiculous (well so is the first option)

are the maps still 75% chokepoints and the balancing still in the shitter?
if so no thanks i don't need to play the game to whack it to the porn

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The game encourages you to pick someone and then not pick anyone else for the rest of the round because your ultimate percentage resets to 0% when you change a character

encourages or forces?

pc or console ?

She shouldn't be able to do crazy acrobatics or athletic feats if her heart was barely beating.

>main Widowmaker
Neck yourself

>i have to pick a dps and then am NOT allowed to switch to any other role but other DPSs?

Yup. Remember how you could offer to change to Tank or Healer should the situation have called for it, or if you offered to switch up with the not so great healer? Not possible anymore

You can still change heroes. It just sucks that you can't keep like a fraction of your ultimate meter. Each round of Overwatch is pretty much picking that one character you want to play as quickly as possible or else you're gonna look like an asshole if you aren't playing the one tank or healer the team needs to win. Even in quickplay, it's like every match is competitive mode



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I bought the game when it came out, and nothing that you've asked me to do here sounds appealing. I probably haven't had any real fun with Overwatch since the beta honestly. You know, before people got autistically good at the game. Skins are not enough to make me want to suffer through getting good at the game again.