When did pixel art lose its SOUL

When did pixel art lose its SOUL

Attached: 1560941896822.png (962x963, 257K)

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when 3D came along and made it mostly irrelevant to most people

What game is this?

>posts recent fanart

I remember when I expected the transition to 3D for mainline to animate like pokemon stadium. Now I'd unironically rather have GB sprites than the SS models.

Attached: 389e088d0239686638dfa706857e12e2.jpg (563x547, 38K)

fanart, first 2 pokemon in the last panel are old as sin fakemons

As soon as CRT fell out of common use. LCDs do not do a good job handling dot pictures.

Attached: P_20171030_085305_vHDR_Auto.jpg (4656x2620, 3.12M)

iirc, it’s a game actually in development. It’s just kept hush hush to avoid, CnD.

I really didn't understand the point of CRT filters on emulators until I saw that picture of Earthworm Jim with and without. Devs in those days put in a ton of effort to take advantage of that crappy screen and boy does it show.

A pokemon game being kept in the dark, probably so they can release it when it is complete and the C&D doesn't matter, since the game will be out there already

>we'll never get another 2D handheld Zelda game again
It hurts.

Attached: oraclemap.jpg (1561x1249, 712K)

That Royal Paras looks amazing.

Try using a CRT instead of filters

Attached: crtvlcd22.jpg (3108x3340, 1.9M)

When people started using it as an excuse to be lazy, rather than because of limitations or because it was a stylistic choice.

a good filter like blargg's or whatever other style using integer-scaling replicates the effects just fine, even for retronostalgic faggots like me

when indieshit started using it as a selling point.

Attached: 5niTjTP2E-ntshXAJUKLXFDfp9fQ9VE2I0yfOSjpSvk.png (921x482, 161K)

sadly nowadays devs use 3d models for the same reason. 2d games look so much better as sprites most of the time, but devs always do that garbage 3d models in a 2d game thing.

Shaders work fine

Attached: alundra.jpg (1272x953, 622K)

Every time I see this picture the town theme from PMD Explorers pop into my head.

They don't

Attached: lcd-vs-shadowmask.jpg (2048x1071, 768K)

post more user these are really interesting

hello cringe department?

do we have a name?


Attached: half-pixels.png (1806x1690, 3.68M)

>don't collab with an actual artist
>"why does this look like shit???"


An untitled fangame. The dev loves to attention whore by pretending to be secretive about it, but also posting screenshots every once in a while for people to make the same post as you.

Pixel Art back then was the highest form of creation in regards of video game so talented professionals made it while indie devs choose the style because it's less work or they don't have strong art skills. It's not worth taking the time on like they once may have.

Sure just let me go get two crts in perfect condition so I can have scanlines and non square pixels

>non square pixels
they were never meant to be square

Attached: 240pcomparison.jpg (1280x1280, 258K)

It's hard to tell what's really "intended" with this one, the color of her eyes is completely lost on the right.

Oh holy fuck I want this so badly now, it looks infinitly better than what GF is shitting out these days.

Attached: 1499816952633.png (578x790, 247K)

>It's hard to tell what's really "intended" with this one
here's a hint: the primary display method for everything was CRTs during the games development, as such their nuances and means of display were taken into account during dotting

Attached: 240pcomparison2.jpg (3920x4032, 3.82M)

Left looks better for this one imo.

I get that, but it being such a drastic change from blue to a brownish threw me off. Looks like that's how it was meant to be though, looking through official artwork of the character and she always has brown eyes.

Attached: 12969580947845414912_20190529190438_1.png (1920x1080, 2.82M)

The artist who made the dot picture intended blue eyes.

aperture grille is better

those fakemon are actually the original starters from the G/S beta....

Would you really want one after seeing what's become of Link's Awakening user

if you're going to spend that much time making assets that look that good, why not make your own IP instead of a fangame? This way you can actually make money for your work and not have to live in the shadow of Nintendo and Game Freak.

The colors on these older CRT's are really something else m8

Attached: 05032019295.jpg (1024x768, 87K)

>purposefully making your game look like shit

because it's clearly a pure passion project out of love of the pokemon lore & creatures themselves and what gamefreak has squandered shows just how out of touch they've become over the years after the switch from 2D sprites to 3D abominations

Attached: Pokemon Gold Beta Rom Sprites.png (1200x660, 239K)

technically every zelda on switch is a handheld

That remake is fucking beautiful, but I wish it was a completely new game, even if it has the same structure as the GB/GBC ones, much like ALBW.

The exact year was 2016 at the peak of the crowdfunding indie game bubble. Every and their mom was making LE EPIC BASED 2D NOSTALGIA PIXEL SIMULATOR!!!!!

if it was there own IP, nobody would give an inch of a shit
the pokemon label sells product. Pokemon games have been the same derivative shit since the gameboy and people still buy new installments that drop features constantly, but it's pokemon so "i-i gotta get it!"

It's not, delta shadowmask is.

Attached: P_20170808_153141_vHDR_Auto.jpg (4656x2620, 2.98M)

playing silent hill 2 on my current tv is a pain for the eyes because of text like this

When it was no longer the optimal choice for making games. Also that image makes me physically ill.

took a stab at fixing it

Attached: 1.png (962x963, 319K)

The piss filter works for morning, GSC had the same thing. Yours does look much better, though.

these are pretty epic bar the starters, legendary dogs, tyrogue, hitmontop and the baby pokemon. really glad they cut down on them in the release

Kinda like the golden hour vibe of the original, honestly.

The forest in the top right looks pretty nice with your color edit though.

Attached: EBegokaXsBQqMC-.jpg (828x1000, 59K)

stop asking

Okay, now do that another 400 times every two years and we can work at making games for them. What's that? It's an unreasonable request to ask an artist to make a consistent batch of spritework for 800+ pokemon and environments every game? Why, it's almost as if you're saying that the process should be streamlined to make producing that much content easier.

Or the games shouldn't come out every year.

see those asset modelers doing 3D models
tell them to fuck off and replace them all with sprite artists

>Pull off GBA calibur visuals
>Slap a shitty mock GBC filter on it
Do one or the other or it looks shit.

When we stopped using it out of necessity

>When did pixel art lose its MEANINGLESS BUZZWORD
you tell me, zoomer

I disagree. /vp/ is always talking about pokemon-like games and with sprite-art that good it would get insta popularity.

Please tell me this a real fan game I can play

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dumb chicken poster


what's this style called? voxels? i like it as much as pixels.
problem with pixels is it's too easy for artists to make things unnecessarily over-detailed, which is what I think of OP's pic

Attached: chrome_Ao68fljV7L.png (293x293, 233K)

Are you implying that he made the tilesets in full color and then slapped a filter on it?

The white is too sterile. Try something inbetween.

I'm saying he made GBA quality sprites with GBC colors.

i disagree on the LA remake being beautiful but ALBW was great. i wouldnt mind more games like that

i do miss the 3d sprites though. they packed so much into seasons and ages

Please realize what you've said here. /vp/ said that.
/vp/ is probably full of people who've been spurned by pokemon for a while, they are so into it they know it's flaws to a T, and want something to take it's place

the average person isn't like that, they just want more pokemon.

I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice if these talented individuals were to make something with thier own unique ideas, but fact of the matter is it's a lot easier for a fangame to get fame than something original.

When you started touching yourself.

the person you replied to is likely implying they believe that was fake, thus calling it fakemons.

Anyone miss 2D gust games?

Gust went to shit as soon as they switched to 3D. It's a shame.

Attached: Ar Tonelico.jpg (640x480, 50K)

Ar tonelico 2 had such an interesting combat system, but the game never took a good chance of exploring and exploiting it. A shame
Bosses needed more attack patterns, damage and the parry timing needed to be more strict

which metal slug is this?

>Nintendo refuses to port the 2D pokemon games to switch despite knowing that they'd sell millions in the first day
Why? Why do they hate money? Why do they hate SOUL?

>a good filter like blargg's

Attached: RetroArch 2019.06.25 - (640x480, 1.9M)

i still prefer the original. the colors help filter out the blues and thus make it easier on my eyes. i feel like i'm straining my eyes looking at this edit. sure it's crisp and colorful, but too much so.

>posted wrong webum with gdapt.
Blargg is based but i'm retard.

Attached: RetroArch 2019.06.06 - (640x488, 1.98M)

>Nintendo puts Red/Blue Gen 1 on 3DS eShop
>can trade with the current generation
>gets everyone's money
>disables trading between generations with the next pokemon generation
That was a brilliant move.

Cool, looks like the lost link between GBC and GBA. Technology progressed to fast.

why doesn't someone just make an crt emulator that simulates the exact output of an old tv?

they do

ever payed a visit to china or japan user?

aren't they all just postprocessing?

I can hear that pic

but Gameboy tho