Dark Souls 3

Are you going to be there to kill redditors, Yea Forums?

Attached: darksouls3.jpg (499x561, 71K)

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Dark Souls 3 is too hard for Yea Forums

>Dark Souls 3 is too hard for Yea Forums

Attached: AbyssWatchers.webm (960x540, 2.57M)

If it was Bloodborne it would be better. Don't care if 90% of Yea Forums is still assblasted it's only on ps4, a bunch of prepared hunters ready to kill each other on a specific day is far more entertaining than the fucking slog and borefest that is dark souls 3 pvp. I can't fucking imagine why someone put Yu Tanimura in charge of handling online shit after dark souls 2. Yeah Tanimura, it's really fun getting stunlocked for 2 guaranteed hits. Fucking asshole.

No, I'm replaying DeS at 60fps.

what if i want to just play dsiii for the first time on the 17th


with my dinner

>living under a rock

Kill yourself ESL retard

How many people are playing?

This. What a quality post.

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DS3 is too shitty for me to replay.


I know it exists, but I didn't know it could get 60fps.

>native english speakers don't eat dinner

Fuck no, I'm never touching DaS3 again

git gud

I've noticed Yea Forums tries far too hard to hate everything nowadays.

What happens on the 17th that's got reddit so horny?

redditors trying to fit in with the internet hate machine meme

Min/Max overleveled.

I would guess it's a "global restart day". Everybody makes a new character and invades/summons, making PVP and co-op active again.

I hope someone reworks the final area so you fight False King on the beach.


It already is active.
Redditfags just want a circlejerk day.

old good new bad, you see..


>getting stunlocked for 2 guaranteed hits
>what is beasthunter saif
Though i would like for a bloodborne reset aswell. Fighting Frontierfags is fun and all but it gets a little boring. Doesn't help that the only alternative is filled to the brim with SKL/ARC Negros

Do people just like Bloodborne because it's a mindless R1 spammer?

>seriously discussing reddit in any shape or form
What the fuck am I reading here? I want all of you to GO BACK.

Yeah I'm going to use my minmaxed low level grief build and rename myself FuckRedditors

>Muh Victorian
>Muh ludo
>Muh Lovecraft

Nah, fag. 3 has shit PVP. Wake me up when 1 re-surges.

Nah I don't want to deal with faggot ass hackers.

Be on the look out for someone named Fuck Jews.

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they all have shit PVP due to the netcode


Where were you during the remaster?

That's the fakest rage I've ever seen. DSP is more believeable.

>too hard

>Wake me up when 1 re-surges
It already happened with DSR, but everyone went back to DS3 after a month because it's the superior game.

raping kids in the woods and at church

everyone went back to 3 because it caters to low iq roll spammers which happens to be this series' prime demographic

>raping kids

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>Boss is perma stagered due to super heavy weapon
>Somehow this disproves that the game is to hard for V ?
user this is cheesing a boss thats lame

game bad

oh wait, you're bad

you're gay faggot

>dark souls 3
>too hard
Hahaha fucking PC virgins are cringe.

>roll spammers

I hate this the most about 3.

ds3 is the easiest and shittiest souls game
pc fatties love it tho cuz it's the last scraps they got, the game itself is reddit tier

It's an objective fact.

Attached: DSP updated.jpg (1152x4496, 1.06M)

and? at least i don't suck at dark souls

>ds3 is the easiest

No, the first is the easiest by a mile.

dark souls is baby tier "hard" game which is why it's so big in the first place
go play ninja gaiden black or something zoomie
DS3 is the easiest souls game. Deal with it.

I'm going to hang around high traffic areas and consistently disconnect when one of you invades just to waste your time

>calling someone a zoomie when you don't know them
now that's epic

well guess I'm busting out the vordt bonk stick again

demon's souls is the easiest souls game

it's also the worst

Attached: this world is a prison, this small cage nothing but a fractal.jpg (512x512, 40K)

>ninja gaiden black

why does every tryhard retard bring this game up
its not even the same fucking genre

Facts are facts, sweetie.


holy fuck you're stupid

No, the pvp in these games is pretty trash.

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cant cause i got banned like a year ago for singleplayer mod stuff since i forgot to take it off and went online at some point

imagine being this much of a faggot

appeal it

I got banned for picking up a hacked item, and they unbanned me 2 days later.

The nostalgia for DaS PvP is unmerited, you're both retards.

Attached: Outfucking skilled3.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

Low level multiplayer is the best part about it at the moment desu. I'll jump in.

that is an excellent option

Make another steam account and share the game with yourself.

>posts a webm that makes DaS pvp look good
What did he mean by this?

If you truly believe that everyone, everyone, stacking poise, fishing for backstabs, or dark beading is the pinnacle of Soulsborne PvP, then I defer to
>you're both retards.

Attached: DS1 PvP.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

It would be nice, my bloodletter is getting dry.

I would, but I'll be too busy plowing your mom, nerd.


does this just always happen in this spot?

>look how broken and janky this dark souls multiplayer is
>yeah totally not anything like 2 or 3
They made baby step technical improvements in the netcode department. I liked the weapons and armor of 1 more than any other. Which made the pvp experience better for me. Arguing the quality of technical aspects of dark souls is like comparing 3 seperate bowel movements of people that all had diarrhea. Yeah some had more solids in them than others but they were still dripping wet shits.

For the record I really liked pvp in all the souls games. I just fully acknowledge that they are all completely broken.

Yes, it's way more depth than LolDS3 spacing and 2 hit confirm trash. You're the same type of shitter to cry about fighting games and drop them in a week.

So you're a retard, got it. I don't think you had to go further than the first reply.

Attached: backstab fishing.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

>I just fully acknowledge that they are all completely broken.
DSII or III has nothing like darkbead poise builds, or the unending meta of backstab fishing. I truly cannot believe this conversation is taking place.

Attached: Poise.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)


I'll be Epstein Podesta, be wary of High Wall kids ;)


Haha yeah, I can totally master this game by then and crush those casual redditors!

>Literally Press B to win the game

I only play DS2

inb4webm guy

Can we get a Yea Forums restart instead?

No boss invasion glitch no play

same thing nowadays

he's in another thread rn

Boss invasions should have been how purple nurples worked from the start. Get some reward for killing the host, or a bigger reward for killing the boss (or at least surviving through its death). Easier to kill the host, more rewarding not to.

Yea Forums restart is everytime reddit restarts

Anyone want to use a specific keyword or name to identify each other through the midst of redditards like a bunch of faggots? I was thinking of Knigher or Lothrigger.


I still can't believe nig is banned.

Time to pull out my level 20 twink I named NIGGER DICKS and go farm redditors in the forest.

Those numbers are useless unless you divide them by time spent on each game.

it's a joke image you dumbfuck

who? sos pls

>it's a joke image
You fucking wish
The amount of people who will post that in earnest is staggering

You're clearly retarded enough to believe that, and that's why you continously get trolled into oblivion.

ok newfriend

zoom zoom begone

there's no need to samefag

the absolute state of (you)

Attached: UlEhrTw[1].png (362x105, 5K)

phones exist


>He doesn't know
one day you amateur shitposters will know true power

Attached: 1sXOtFY[1].png (696x752, 54K)

you'll need to try harder to save face at this point zoomster


You know you've lost an argument when you resort to these single word coping mechanism posts. Here's a (you) hopefully it brings you solace in your utter defeat.


isn't this guy literally max level

level 1 char bro

game is 2ez pz

I almost got through it but my graphics card shit the bed around that electric dragon slayer knight. One day I will finish it up or something.

level 387

Hahaha I've been killing people every day for the last 2 years.

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nigger just gets fully censored so why bother

Post twink builds, preferably with fun weapons

>Dark Souls 1,800 hours played
>Not Dark Souls 2

I'm wageslavin tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, and the next.

People who do things as a group should be shot humans where meant to isolate themselves from each other not form "communities"

Where'd you get the iso?

>we live in a society
based sociopath

>58 twin humanities
cheat engine scum get outskilled

You can now, theres a blog post about it on their website
If you have an i7 you should be gud
Tutorial area ran perfect on my i5 but started chugging in bolitaria palace. Gives me hope that i can run it some day

Oh my god like it even fucking matters, players who know what they're doing will put together a twink build within a few minutes and you'll get the same fucking overpowered roll roll roll backstab shit you get with every fucking dark souls pvp match
This will not inject new life into ds3, it will make most people go "oh yeah fuck this games pvp" and move on to thier other games, there's nothing new to be gained from having this event and there won't be any new players. Even if there are I assume they'll be turned off after being 3 shot stunlocked by a blood imbued curvesword (or whatever the fuck the meta is right now) for the 15th time that day

Humans are not solitary creatures despite how I live

How do I make a twink build? 700 hours and I’ve never done it. What level (at the most) should I be to invade in the undead settlement? And I heard that weapon level affects invasions meaning if my weapon is upgraded too much, I won’t be able to invade? So what level should my weapon be at the max for undead settlement? Do any other items affect invasions like rings?


Twink builds for DS3 are usually from 20-35 Soul Level. Weapon levels also matter (i.e. if you're level 20 and you have a +10 you will not be able to invade). For 20-35 SL, you're going to want a +3 weapon, +1 if it only goes up to +5 (the levels double).
Ring levels do not matter, so most twink builds have havel +3 and favor +3.
More stuff about summon ranges and weapon matchmaking can be found on the fextralife wiki. Examples of twink builds can be found on mugenmonkey. Twink builds are usually made with "megamules", or savefiles that are SL 1 and have everything unlocked. They can be found on nexusmods.

Based, dont let Yea Forums tell you what ds game is worth playing

Lets settle it

>Bloodborne (weakness: ps4 exclusive 20fps fest)
>DS1 (second half is dogshit)
>DS3 (uninspired but the most playable souls game)
>DS2 (shit until dlc)

Objectively right

Cool NG+ webm.

Wow an early boss in a NG+ run too huh? You must feel pretty cool.

>my DS3 stopped working and I can only play a cracked version
I'll have to miss out.

Why should I give a fuck that reddit is playing Dark Souls 3 again and why do you care you cock goblin?

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No it isn't but hey. I'm glad you brought your obsession here user!

>DS2 (shit until dlc)
Nah, I wouldn't be as dramatic a faggot as you with that. More like underwhelming until DLC

Because he wants to kill them

>second half is dogshit
You retards have taken this way too far. In no way is the second half of Dark Souls anywhere close to “dogshit.” The only significant dip in quality is Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith.


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Why does he care at all?
Is he fucking 12?
Does he think we're playful rivals with reddit or something? People don't shit on reddit because its all a silly in-joke haha but really still browse it, people shit on reddit because the kinds of discussions have there, and the kinds of people that have discussions there are fucking lame. The entire format just leads to total faggots. Engaging with them like this just kinda makes me think OP is a faggot too, what kind of retard actively goes out of their way to seek out and engage with shit that they hate?

Why would you waste your time like that

Just find anything that ends with -ger

>get an itch to play DS3 again
>remember all the areas with swamps and goo everywhere, remember that every area is just grey stone or maybe some forest if you're lucky
>lose itch
>Play DS2 instead

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How can you even kill them when the game is so stacked in favour of the invaded rather than the invader? Unless they changed the dogshit system and I'm not aware since I dropped the game immediately after completing it because the PvP sucked my fucking dick.

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Perhaps I will if From ever do the following (works for all their games):
>possibility to play as a boss (doesn't matter how much it clips and bugs) after NG++ to fight with your friends (or optionally be the boss in other players game if they allow it)
>more graphic options (the filter used in DS3 is fucking shit)
>allow players to respec (make it costly in souls/blood echoes)
>customization options in gears (capes, colors, emblems on shields/armors...)
>better character creation (allowing players to select different armor pieces for optimal fashion results for one)
>marriage option with leveling lady

Genuine question is NG+ worth it for additional weapons I couldn’t get in the first run? Like it’s petty easy so I do prefer to just create a new character again but on the other hand for example I’ll no longer have stuff like Demon’s Scar from the ringed city dlc and most of my pyro spells.
I wish you could just start from level 1 but keep the weapons and spells at least since some of the really cool stuff you get is only in the endgame. Not to mention there are barely any invasions after lvl120 or so only duels.

>but really still browse it

Speak for yourself Redditor.

test gamer

You're not very smart user.

Guess he wants to initiate something like a "secret vidya war" against them in their own event.

Ringed city. if you want to go further, use mods

If he thinks thats what he's doing he's a fucking retard, what he's really doing is saying "haha, hey guys I was browsing reddit as usual and saw that they were planning on playing Dark Souls 3 again, we should play with them :)"

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>Give Invaders a full red eye orb
>don't give blue police a full blue orb


Apologies for misreading your horribly structured sentence.

Thank you.

>projectiles hit him before they even appear
why do people even bother with the PvP of these games?

There also was the Mirror Knight in DS2.

I'm not saying this applies to all of them, but a lot of nerds who post here also frequent Yea Forums which is notorious for their gatekeeping hive-mind mentality, and a lot of them will parrot that Bloodborne is superior by virtue of being a exclusive title.

I just like it because there's no instant backstabs in that game

Abyss Wankers aren't shit

>no demon's souls
dark souls (probably PC version) really did drag in all the faggots.

I have my Dick The Wraith character to hunt down people with multiple phantom since 2016, I guess it's time to use him again

Souls sequels are putrid shit, why do you care.

demon's souls is pure jank

bloodborne has

>better graphics
>better artstyle
>better music
>best combat in the series
>no recycled content
>innovative setting
>best story/ lore in the series with the most to figure out while also being the most cohesive and complex
>most complex bosses, almost all have 3 phases and the phases are more complex and aggressive on their own than anything in dark souls 3 let alone the others
>gigantic amount of content from the chalice system, the scripted chalices easily add 10 hours to the game while the randomized root chalices are endlessly doable

but yes, im sure people only like it because its a le exclusive. More like literally the only reason it isnt universally hailed as the best game in the series and the masterpiece of the generation is because dicklets who dont own a PS4 cant play it. If the superior version ever comes to PC for some reason the tone will change instantly and suddenly its the best game ever made


>>better artstyle
>>best combat in the series
>>no recycled content
>>best story/ lore in the series with the most to figure out while also being the most cohesive and complex
>>gigantic amount of content from the chalice system, the scripted chalices easily add 10 hours to the game while the randomized root chalices are endlessly doable
lmao, nice job proving that guy's point.

post your copy of bloodborne with a timestamp

>you haven’t heard about something that came out 10 hours ago!? What the fuck you don’t get info instantly streamed in to your brain? Huh fucking loser

>tfw i7 and 1080

here I go boys
my ps3 died years ago and I've been aching to replay it

>best combat in the series


So you didn’t play ds3 because of the areas, but you played ds2 instead? Nigga you’re stupid

go kill yourself dicklet, I cant even begin to imagine what kind of embarrassing cringe retard opinion youre cooking up so dont say it out loud

Need a tissue?

shouldnt you be preparing for tomorrow with your redditor friends? remember to be a DECENT HUMAN BEING instead of a toxic incel so nobody gets frustrated with the event

Fucken do it you niggers. I need muh concords!

keep saying it

Just farm silver knights like we all did with all the luck boosting gear and coins.

lightning blade > dickmoon blade

not worth it

Not him but darkmoon looks cooler though

>playing Reddit Souls