
We are only growing more powerful.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm kind of interested in this just to relive some nostalgia. I don't want to pay a subscription though if I'm only going to play a few hours a week.

Warrior: gnome or orc
Hunter: nelf or orc
Rogue: dwarf or orc
Mage: forsaken or gnome
Priest: dwarf or forsaken
Warlock: orc or undead
Shaman: orc
Paladin: dwarf
Anything else is wrong and you better be on a roleplay server, tranny.

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>4 servers still medium


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>he asks around about whos going to what server
>he doesnt just randomly choose one
ahaha u absolute dorks

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Literally every server will be locked at launch.

I mean, WoW has been so dogshit for so long now I don't blame you. When you think about it in the age of lootboxes though, 15 bucks a month for say 16-20 hours a month of entertainment isn't that bad.

If you don't like it after a month, just cancel your sub and move on. MMOs are all shit anyways.


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Layer 5 ... home ... for this session

Gonna make a dwarf herb/alch with fishing and cooking and live a comfy life while I listen to Hagalaz's Runedance and/or Andrew WK.

Do I do dwarf hunter or dwarf rogue?

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Don't forget to play nice with others so that your server Overlords do not blacklist you from getting Grand Marshal/High Warlord.

Fuck I wanted to be on Faerlina but at this rate it seems you're gonna have to subscribe early just to get on any of the original servers

>tfw night elf hunter and will slaughter all the rogue and mage zoomers
Feels good to have the objectively highest skill ceiling of all classes in vanilla.

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>Favorite zone to level in
>Your overall Classic goals


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imagine being this scared and butthurt over Classic

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1k Needles
Herbalism Alchemy

He's clearly a fan just very upset with layering

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fuuuuck can't decide on a server

Warrior: Human
Rogue: Human
Mage: Human
Priest: Human
Warlock: Human
Paladin: Human
Anything else and you are either tranny, basedboy or privateserver tryhard.

>>Favorite zone to level in
Thousand Needles... home
mining and engineering
>>Your overall Classic goals
raiding mostly, I want to clear at least up to AQ40


The #NoChanges crew is not supporting Blizzard and Classic. We're gonna keep playing on private servers. We're not Blizzcucks. We're real vanilla veterans.

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had me at reviewbrah

>Whitemane is full
Hmmm... Thalnos, Fairbanks, or Stalagg?

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autism. I don't like layering either but it's there, take it or leave it. This company will not change their mind about ANYTHING unless dollar signs are involved.

EST? Stalagg
PST? Fairbanks
Thalnos is the BR server.

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#nochanges more like #nosubfeebecausei'mabrokeassloser am i rite

Dwarf but night elf is fun for hunter
Engineering of course but ill level with skinning
Gank a lot

if that's true, why do we now know all private servers were made up numbers bullshit?


*casts frostbolt in your deadzone*


You aren't joining this, are you?

It doesn't matter. Corecraft is coming back with the correct values after they datamine the retail client. No sharding. No phasing. Only true vanilla experience. It's gonna be great.

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post yfw all the poorfags have to remain on shitty private servers while we are playing on the ONLY authentic Classic World of Warcraft experience

Cards aren't going to be in for quite a while

*scattershot freezing traps you*

>add minimum amount of servers so the game looks full

So you're in favor of cross realm bgs?


Fuck no, I'd call the guy a faggot too.

are you scared retail kiddo? you feel it dont you? the tide is coming for you.

holy fucking yikescope

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Really fitting you attach dbz pics to a poorfag post. Only thirdies watch that shit

Attempts to reserve items by anyone other than a tank or specific items for a healer will be met with ridicule

this. The fact that the servers aren't full means that classic is actually doing worse than Blizzard expected

It's going to do nothing more than splinter the community. I wish people wouldn't do this.

Is it even realistic for hunters to get Dalrends? I know they're bis but that seems like a way too high competition items to use as a stat-stick.

Of course I will and not only that but when I join I will force everyone to stop what they are doing so that we can all discuss our days and our hopes and dreams for the future because Classic is all about community and socializing.

I'm not playing this trash.

>the only think that can kill (retail) wow is itself
wtf bros they were right all along

Seethe harder, retailfag. Your day of judgement is nigh.

I was like 4 when this game came out. My entire internet existence World of Warcraft has been around, but I've never played it. Is it worth trying Classic?

>servers aren't full two days after character creation opened and everyone did literally everything that's possible to do in the game so the game is dead
>Just ignore the fact that it was impossible to log in for over an hour when character creation opened

Quick guide to not embarrass yourself:
>pick gnome for everything
>dwarf for everything gnomes cant be
>night elf for hunter

>orc for everything
>forsaken for priest

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if that's your actual move you'll be having a rough time, my dude.

>Quick guide to not embarrass yourself:
>>pick gnome
wrong in the first two words

Oh no, a bunch of poor favela living baboons from South America will be playing an illegal version instead of the actual one with us, whatever will we do without them

Is it full of SJW shit?



I am not sure how 120+ hours of leveling can keep someone that never played wc3 interested

Imagine thinking aesthetics matter more than racials
Are you human male or forsaken male?

previous thread

if you play human you are a tard. its dwarf for melee and priests and gnome for casters.

So that's 12 servers and each server has a population of 3k max, which means the servers can support 36k people without layering.

They're not planning on removing layering, are they?

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Who /Whitemane/ here?

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Gnome is better for warrior though


But are you favor in cross realm bgs?
Because that's #NoChanges, you can't have it both ways

What matters more than racial stats is specism, and gnomes must be genocided.

I bet you exclusively play orc on horde if the class is available

>not wanting to dunk on all undead rogues extra hard with stoneform

no, it just means that only ~30k people are playing
classic is DoA

server pop is 8k max

Man I cant wait to play hunter
I want to do all that cool class shit with the pet
I want to feel like a badass at level 40 running people through deadmines but struggling with my shitty gear

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You probably wont like it but there is only one way to find out

>tfw reinstalling HotS to annihilate the following 10 longest days of summer.

There's going to be a massive population drop off; unfortunately by that point the damage from layering will already be done..

Shazzrah chads where are you?

>oh no its ILLEGAL

lol cope moralfag blizzcuck paypiggie

Human will be better for a DPS warrior. Gnome is probably better for PVP.

You're not dunking anyone if you are getting kited like a cuck

Keep crying, retail nigga.

full doesn't literally mean full

retail servers can only hold 3k
Classic servers can hold 50k

Imagine thinking aesthetics DO NOT matter more than racials
I will be shoving my big troll dick up your manlet ass, enjoy your 1% dps boost and your garbage camera

this is the alliance if you are playing warrior and dont have a personal healslut paladin you are doing it wrong

Yeah but pve is braindead easy so you don't need a good race for it.

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>Classic servers can hold 50k
actually, it's 52k*

>mortal strikes u
nothin personnel.... kid

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>decide with some pals to roll fairbanks
>population is slowly rising
I don't think any of us are going to be able to skip the queue boss

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In the appropriate patch, sure.

>thinking the race picks are so you can have higher main stat
Troll player brain

that's the "I think I have a clue but I don't" list

real one is
warrior: tauren gnole
hunter: nelf orc
rogue: gnome ud
mage: gnome ud
priest: dwarf troll
lock: gnome orc
shaman: orc
pala: dwarf


>giving a shit about legality
Browsing Yea Forums is specially illegal in 2019, you better leg it before t

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>m-muh melee range is better than the best racial in the game

My friend works at Blizzard and he said each "server" is actually a cluster of like 25 servers so when it says the server is full it actually means 25 servers are full.

The leveling might get tedious at times, but in the end it's worth it. You'll make friends and enemies. You will feel your character get better with every upgrade. The pvp is addictive and FUN. Game is unbalanced and gimmicky, you can pull off some stupid shit at times. I'd say it's worth a try, I know a few zoomers on the private server scene who play the fuck out of it. It's HIGHLY addictive if you actually get into it.

>wanting to play the diaperfag MMO
>not playing something like FFXIV where the worst thing to find is a cat fag

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How the fuck can we predict which servers are going to die if they are all full?

Not saying it's critical, just pointing it out. What people need to understand on the whole is that the minor DPS gains from one race or the other is not worth playing a race you don't like for. Play what you personally like the best, WoW is not so demanding that the couple percentage points of damage you'd gain from being human will matter. What matters is how much you enjoy your character, as this will keep you playing the game and greatly boost your enjoyment. WoW is not a job.

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source for sizes?

>thinking rng will save u vs a rogue who knows what he's doing
>racial useless vs all other classes
>inb4 b-but x class has this stun

You don't pick a race for minor dps gain you pick a race for their racial utility.

are you fucking dumb? xiv has literal diaper babies too

they're all going to die, no one wants to play a 15 year old game for longer than a few days

FFXIV is for adults, though.

>half the servers not even high
>had to bring back the beta so streamers could shill it more in hopes to get more zoomers to play it
the absolute STATE of classicucks

>only rogues have stuns
Retail brain

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Warrior: Male Undead
Rogue: Female Night Elf
Paladin: Male Dwarf
Priest: Female Undead
Warlock: Male Human
Hunter: Male Troll
Mage: Male Undead
Shaman: Female Troll
Druid: Male Night Elf

If you are not a patrician, then patricianhood is invisible to you.

Or in the case of gnomes you don't pick them no matter how good the 5% int is or the escape artist.

>not realizing the game hasn't even released yet
10 more days, be gone peasant

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Hello roleplayer cannon fodder

What do you have against tauren?

>2/3 high/full, 1/3 medium

Check it on the 26th to get eternally btfo.

>but FFXIV has babies like us
No user, we're not your outdated game. It has matured properly for its era and is for adults with proper jobs. Your shit just encourages Poopsockers and diaperfags.

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why are all these fags so mad that classic is doing well?


god it's so good


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Useless race

no one left to flex on with the mounts they got with daddy’s money

why are most of the servers named after naxx bosses or scarlet crusade people

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damn that's some nice posture

tauren is actually better for the warrior/rogue matchup because rogues wont be able to deadzone restealth

good tanks.

because those are the most iconic things from vanilla that didn't already get a server named after them, I guess

I didn't spent 11 years farming mounts mounts and cheevos just to lose it all

Worse than troll, orc and human

>fuck a new classic thread I have to go post about how good my game is right now

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>Largest mounts for standing on top of Org Bank

Better than playing a game that's not 15 years old for more than a few days. Have you seen the state of the industry?

everyones having fun while they're sitting by themselves in the corner

dude just trust me

>all these Classicfags falseflagging as XIV players
Keep coping faggots, XIV will forever stand upon the corpse of your wretched game. You Classic players are like Emet if Emet was unlikable.

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for patchwerk and nothing else

Undead is the superior tank race desu.

not true. both war stomp and 5% more hp are better than anything those offer for tank warriors.

based retard

FF6 is better than FFXIV

ERP on Grobbulus soon

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Weapon skill and attack speed is better

>>all these Classicfags falseflagging as XIV players
>Keep coping faggots, XIV will forever stand upon the corpse of your wretched game. You Classic players are like Emet if Emet was unlikable.

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>classic dies within a month, only players left are zoomers following around some random streamer
>meanwhile, retailchads will get 8.3 with nyatola and nzoth new content plus dragon isles
>classicucks will crawl back to retail

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how does wow classic handle bugfixes and balance changes? are people playing literally launch day wow with hunter pets not working and shit?

war stomp is irrelevant for pve as is 5% hp (except for tanking hateful strikes on patchwerk)

it's 1.12 with bug fixes

>meme picture and no argument
Classic Classic-fag
>modern WoW not knowing you lost your players to FFXIV as well

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>Everyone choosing Whitemane because its a meme

Attached: whiteman.webm (1920x1080, 2.36M)

since the servers are full, if i delete one of my characters and create it again, just to pick the appearance, will it let me create a new one or will it tell me servers are locked

>retailfags actually believe this

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Hunter, Druid or Warlock? I'm tempted for Druid cause healers are always needed, while hunter and lock not so much

people often neglect that troll has the highest base agi out of horde races as well, which is the most valuable stat for tanks giving both crit and evasion

>classicucks will crawl back to retail

90% of classicchads hate retail though

classic and xiv should come together to banish retail wow honestly. classic and xiv arent even competing for the same market of players

This was really smart of Blizzard, everyone was bitching about the low amount of servers but they always do that, they want their worlds packed. Meanwhile other MMOs launch with 100 servers and they all feel dead

I actually wish this were true at this point. That FFXidiots were suggesting a game that had a higher population and better gameplay.
But in reality you're just malding about how no one wants to play your autism infested game, just like a decade ago.

>>meme picture and no argument
>Classic Classic-fag
>>modern WoW not knowing you lost your players to FFXIV as well

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You were saying?

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>doing the slow ass vanilla grind again
>in my 20s
Theres no way its gonna be as fun as it was when I was 12, so I think I'll let the past rest.

Don't insult dorfs ever again, you've been warned


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grobby giv milkies

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Going to play chad male Night Elf Warrior and fuck all the Night Elf girl priests and druids in my guild

>look at my score from 15 years ago
>not comparing its modern score from its current iteration
Keep coping faggot

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Druids are shit healers, with no rez (apart from the 30 min CD one), and mostly in the raid for the buff. Warlock is probably safest bet.

>classic and xiv should come together
retailfags are immensely superior to FFXautists.

>classic isnt even out yet
>zoomers are already trying to meme classic+ into existence and want it to be like OSRS
Fucking hell

>using BFA score in a classic thread
>posts metacritic in literally every classic thread
>says others are coping

BFA isn't classic, just like you'll never be a real woman

I don't care about modern day wow, retard
No one does

I give it two weeks

>doubles down to retail meta scores after being btfo

>Night Elf

Oh, my sweet summer child

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>implying XIV isn't already dominating both Classic and Modern fags
You need all the help you can get against Yoshi-P's game design and the way these devs interact with the community. They're probably the best devs in regards to community interaction.

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but this is a classic thread?

>hey you guys should really play naruto-online instead of wow
this is what you sound like to normal people

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I'm gonna play with another friend though, he might quit after a while so which is better solo, lock or hunter?

What's the girls situation in Classic? Will many play it or not? And in which server?

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>people pay 13 a month for xiv a game that has FOUR raid bosses every six months
>most of them are on the same level as BFA heroic bosses
sad honestly. retail is shit but at least blizz pumps out content for it.

>>implying XIV isn't already dominating both Classic and Modern fags
>You need all the help you can get against Yoshi-P's game design and the way these devs interact with the community. They're probably the best devs in regards to community interaction.

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This but with undead. Trannies will never know the joy of being the GF's BF.

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Haven't been following this in a while, how does this server reservation work? Do I have to make my account and subscribe now just to get on to a good server?

>In the end, the WoW killer was WoW itself.
kino, cant wait for the mountfag tears

Why not both?
It's still active and has constant updates

>He reserved?

Attached: igor.jpg (500x500, 30K)

If you could get rid of one type of faggot, retailfags or FFXfags, who would you choose?

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its just to reserve a name. you can still make a character on launch on any server but you'll be in a huge queue if the server is popular

the only reason i'll be playing this is to have a 60 ready to play once the better version comes out

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Warlock is literally the best 1v1 class in the game, if you're willing to play a boring spec. But it's also extremely easy to blow people up in BGs with other (squishier) specs once you get decent gear. Hunter is harder to do good with, and definitely drops off in PvE in later patches. But it's one of the most flexible classes, durable and can adapt to a lot of situations. Both are good for world pvp. Late server warlock is absolutely overpowered tho.

There's no server reservation, it's just that if you have an active WoW subscription you can reserve 3 characters early for names. You still have to wait through the queues whether you make them now or on launch.


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based as fuck.

You understand that you're also a retailfag now, right?

But you need to be 70 to quest in Northrend, user.

Priest or Warlock?

yeah but our content lasts longer because we wait longer for the GCD

As of this moment, the latter.

>You understand that you're also a retailfag now, right?
i think not

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TBC would be good if this item existed back then

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so druids can still stand exactly 7 steps away from a rooted hunter and be untouchable?

That's not how reservation works, you actually pre-make the character on the servers you want.

thats not even the case is the sad thing eternal palace took a week to clear and titan savage was cleared before the day was over

>raid logging parse tranny
People need to stop focusing on purely gear lvl increase. You achievements, treasure maps, crafting, housing, glamour, mount and minion farming, Orchestrions, HoH, and the Eureka Relic while you wait for the ShB relic.

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Retailfags, 40% of fffags will remove themselves on their accord, like the tranny who pressed ctrl+w out of shame after just getting BTFO the fuck out

>you can do all this worthless bullshit to distract you from the lack of meaningful content

You have to have some sympathy for FFXfags, they have no one to play with. Obviously most of the games population comes from Asia.
These people have been begging people to play their game consistently for over a decade.

>old content

warlock was absolute shit in classic and so was hunter outside of ganking cloth with aimed shot.

so what your saying is ffxiv is just a collection game instead of an mmorpg?

Redpill on RPPVP
Is it just ERP with ganking or is there a strong RP aspect to how PVP works; such as city raids, clan wars, tribes and leaders, etc?

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thats just because FF players are the most skilled of all MMO players. we don't need shit like weakauras to help us.

What about ShadowP?

rp on rppvp is actually really light
it's more like people just try to have more fun on those servers

Only one of them spam Yea Forums so FFXIVfags for sure, though you homefags are nearly as bad.

great pvp. unviable pve

it's a pvp server with slightly stricter rules regarding acceptable names and worse players

PVP server for sensitive snowflakes

bros, what do I do for the next week and a half?

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definitely more "retard rp" which isn't lore-friendly but is way funner and way less autistic than normal rp

You know what else was absolute shit? The players. I've been playing vanilla on privates on and off since 2011, people know what they're doing now.

>He actually paid $15 for a fucking name reservation

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playing some diablo 2. ironically another franchise blizzard has ruined.

It's basically just normal PVP only with slightly more casual RPers than a typical server. You don't really ever see shit like Stormwindar RP parties like you do on the full RP servers if that's what you want.

Main thing that might affect you is on RPPVP specifically people sometimes like to create world PVP events, like having a guild war in Ungoro or something. I know people did that on Emerald Dream.

Well you can go there at 68 but you should really be at 70 by the time it comes out.

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Na, you can go at 68 just fine. The first gear upgrades you find at 68 shit all over anything you can get by staying in OL at 70.

I've reserved Pepe, Trump and Reddit on multiple realms, selling them all for 10000+ gold each and never having to worry about farming raid consumables
Get dabbed on, poorfags

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Alchemy or Enchanting
Just have fun while leveling, get the full classic experience as it comes to the community, good or bad. Hopefully hit Rank 10.
Don't really care about Naxx, but raiding everything else would be pretty cool.

>87, 83 user
holy shit ShBs score gets lower every time it gets posted
is it finally setting in that you're supposed to unsub after the story?

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Be warlock.... “fucking rogues! Every time!”

“Hmm let’s try out soul link pvp spec...”
“Oh wow! I guess rogues really aren’t that special after all.”

Enjoy being the most saturated class on the server and hearing “sorry full on rogues” for the rest of your gameplay.

TBC died the day they made bodies fall to the ground if they died in the air
shit was fun forcing afk idiots thinkng theyre safe high up in the air to take res sickness

Why wouldn't they fall

>mfw 8/8 felheart SL orc warlock

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because of the way flying was coded it was pretty much a hamfisted rework of swimming, if you die in the water your body stayed where you died and was the same with flying for a while

classic is only coming back because everyone hates retail and you bring up retail as a point against classic? finalfaggots are seriously next level retarded

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for me its ret paladin

yeah except nobody will buy it ever from you for that amount even if they cared autismo

>Premium Subscription service still requires you to buy premium currency after 2 actions a day

Attached: Freemium App.png (957x3184, 1.29M)

You greatly underestimate memers and twitchreddit faggots, those are the people who donate $800 mounts to streamers just for 5 seconds of fame

Don't forget your drinkfood

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>look at that city slicker with his fancy 100g mount
>but I'm a paladin

Its regular PVP maybe with more city raids and the like.

-Searing Gorge
-Enchanting/Herbalism, then Alchemy when I can make an alt herb for me
-Being known and liked by my Server

Big Night Elf Females

Attached: 1565230312826.jpg (992x1403, 323K)

Being swole as fuck, popping Titans and tanking the fuck out of half the server

>>Favorite zone to level in
Alch/Herb or Tailor/Ench
>>Your overall Classic goals
Gonna try melee warlock build. FOR THE TRUE HORDE!

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>night elf rogue

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The purpose of the female Night Elf rogues is that so Sandstalker Ankleguards can drop while I'm tanking. When they roll need and equip it. The dungeon is over and I go fap.

Attached: 444.jpg (200x503, 13K)

>picture is only stalactites
>even the filename says so

you can remember that stalactites has a C in it and C = ceiling

Holy shit these threads are a fucking mess lmao

>Rogue: Female Night Elf


>expecting Classic-fags to hold anything together

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Make characters on all realms and pump it

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Ashenvale. All the comfy of Night Elf zones but has the "war" of Warcraft

Warrior, Hunter, or Rogue. Can't really decide because they're all at different levels of enjoyability at different stages of the leveling process.

DORF is always great but Diplomacy is just too fucking good to pass on. DORF hunters are great though. That said there's always a neat kick seeing a female night elf warrior

Skinning and Tailoring, because fuck you I like it

I want a winterspring tiger

>Didn't even finish editing
user please, you're better than this

That's SB (the bad one), not ShB (the good one).

Everyone be sure to order asmongold some pizzas next time he streams!

>sending him Pizzas
I rather send him some of these given how fucking coddled streamers are by their fanbase.

>Google name
Well that dude sure looks like Asmongold, but I'm also pretty sure Asmon doesn't play fucking college football in Salem, Virginia.

Did you really just google the first zachariah hoyt and make this post. Holy shit lad

so whitemane is full? whats the 2nd Yea Forums server?

Attached: draenei.gif (800x1200, 480K)

on a fucking vacation
but Ill miss the login bullshit and crashing servers

welp, unrelated, but is my gmod vid based or cringe


Nice try but I ain't falling for it

doesnt he live in his moms attic? i googled the address and the house doesnt look 2 floors

Stop posting this
>based or cringe
turned it off a few seconds in because loud and obnoxious

Child, try it out, I loved it, and hopefully the nostalgia goggles arent real, because god damn that game was special, it hard to describe how it feels going from zone to zone making buddies along the way teaming up and saying goodbye and seeing them again a week or two later in the on a different continent as you.
good times

you're an idiot.

its just draenei bobs

It's not an attic. It's like a upper loft type thing... I dont expect anyone to believe me but that's his house and address. I live in austin as well and know people who know him and I got the info through mutual friends. I cant stand him on twitch and think it would be hilarious to see some pizzas delivered to him on his next stream.

isnt that an EU server tho? i dont see on the list


>Female Night Elf Rogue
Honestly the best race for rogues on Alliance.
Human racial is trivial because the PvE content is trivial, perception has fewer uses than niggers make it out to have.
Gnome and Dwarf racial only really useful in pvp scenarios that only occur in 1v1s and tiny group skirmishes.

Make no mistake, play the best looking rogue with better stealth and extra dodge.

Attached: bloodfangFNE.jpg (400x547, 30K)

I'm making a guild for comfy leveling/exploring/raiding/pvpin/fun shit if anyone wants to join. It will be called The Vidya and be on Fairbanks west. No meme spouters or zoomer shit or politics just comfy.


The only people who are going to play pservers once classic launches are BR's, chinks and slavs so I fully support this

dogshit animations

in the case of mages, gnomes vs humans in full t2 self buffed is;
dps difference in that given example was

378.9 dps - gnome

376.3 dps - human
because the gnome was able cast 2 more frostbolts before going oom.
aesthetics > 2.6 dps


Wisp form is literally the best racial hands down, in a pvp server

But everyone refuses to acknowledge it

>that guy who doesnt PVE and only PVP's but wont get past rank 4

Reminder that the holders of top damage are all meme races. Gnome warriors do more damage on average than human warriors because people who pick gnomes don't give a fuck.

Pve is braindead easy and requires no min-maxing

>wisp to your corpse
>2 minutes until your resurrection scrub
Super useful.

careful now, you'll upset the humanfags that seethe in these threads

>Hrrr it just as good as WotF!
Fucking no, bleeds and poisons are piss compared to fear, charm, and sleep

>trying this hard to justify your roleplay race

Attached: 1548229464646.jpg (645x773, 70K)

>Sheeps your pet
>Frost Nova
>Blinks into deadzone.
>Hard Cast pyroblast
>presence of mind
>Instant pyroblast
>fire blast
>dance on your grave.

Strictly speaking for Rogues, Stoneform is way better since it makes Vanish basically unstoppable.

>he thinks a mage can even get into the deadzone before dying

Blind is a Poison too so you can Stoneform to prevent another Rogue getting a re-stealth, then vanish and open on them instead. Stoneform is the best Rogue v Rogue racial hands down, only Stun resist comes close, and only with good RNG.

Bitch! It’s tites n mites, everybody knows that. Tites stay up, and mites live on the ground.

>making it this obvious you've never played vanilla

Wisp form is the best when you're in BG's.
Especially on rogues that often like to corpserun in BG's like AV to do ninjacapping etc.
Obviously provided your insignia doesn't get taken you can be a real nuisance most of the time.

Wotf is the most overrated racial in the game considering no one fucking plays lock on alliance because 80% of horde is forsaken

There are only active players in classic servers
all the live servers that claim to be full are A) linked with 1-5 others all inflating each others' numbers. B)filled with inactive characters. probably sitting there unplayed since wrath. or C)Filled with free trial characters abandoned by all those free accounts so many people made trying out the game.

Not that guy, but you realize if you have PoM and Pyro, you won't have Ice Block? Meaning any hunter that has arms will absolutely destroy you.

Fuck you. give me the healer pants, or no food and portals.

If I roll alliance I'll roll dwarf assuming its compatible with my class just to stoneform out of blind.

Can’t wait to drop infernals in Goldshire.

Any good vanilla private servers I can play while waiting for launch?

actually talk with people and try to group up with them to do stuff and i guarantee not only you but anyone else reading this that you WILL have a great time

I read that last lime in sisko's fucking voice. FUCK

Hes just a roleplaying zoomer with no pvp experience

You ARE rolling whitemane right?

Attached: RosieWeCanDoIt~2.jpg (1891x2671, 2.3M)

>join as tank
>proceed to need roll on everyone else's gear
>vendor that shit

It still makes my life as priest harder though

I remember when this was first posted on Yea Forums.
Me and 2 other user's joined the server and rand around turning into boulders and shit. Then we got yelled at by the admin for not rping.

>wotf is overrated because it forces alliance to not play locks
really makes me think

bros the next 10 days are gonna be be unbearable. I can't think about anything else. I can't even function at work so I'm just dodging shit fucking the dog office space style, until I make it to my 7 day vacation for launch.

If I get caught afterwards, then I get caught, fuck it

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>LF1M tank (whatever low level 5 man, SM Cath or whatever)
>Its a warrior
Do you tank for him?

How much can tanks get away with charging for 5-man dungeons at level 60?

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Why are you in every classic thread? Shouldn't you be playing FF14?

unless he's an IRL buddy he can suck my dick.

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>picking a racial that counters one of the least popular classes or picking a racial that counters the most popular classes
This really isn't hard UD rpers.

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if you're raid geared easy
if not no

Nothing. Furries will eventually be bullied into tanking.

Very, very little. People don't like paying for any group members, you'll become a meme if you do it too much. Just res gear or BoEs.

Nobody is going to pay you for boosts on a fresh realm.

Why is Fairbanks on here when it's the name of an actual city?

Strat runs all righteous orb drops

will of the forsaken is the entire reason alliance pussies are afraid to roll warlock on pvp servers

I'm playing some old school Warcraft.
It'll be fun to read up on the lore.
I'm playing an Undead, so I'll be able to pick up right after Arthas butt-fucked lordaeron.

Have run into this scenario many times on pservers, I've learned the best action is to join, check if the party members are friends with the him, if not then request leader for marking and then kick him. People usually care more than they finally got a tank in the group than you bullying him out.

Still means you have a completely useless racial, warlock is one of the least played classes too even on horde.

>server not full day one
Why bother playing on a rotting corpse

>Favorite zone to level in
Tirisfal Glades
>Your overall Classic goals
Complete every quest, including class quests.

Pvp is even more braindead when all you do is spamming your CD plus CC and watch your enemy die in a few sec
All the names are from ingame stuff

It's also the name of a Scarlet Crusade NPC.

I think spriests are going to be decently common on classic since everyone is hyping their 1v1 potential but I would still pick orc for any class that allows it. Rogues and warriors are easily going to be 50% of the population.

just how useful is stoneform? contemplating not rolling a human rogue and considering dwarf. I've seen it get a lot of praise but i need to be redpilled on this.

Attached: stoneform.jpg (56x56, 3K)

dun morogh brehs

undead rogue is iconic for classic. end of story.

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Come home whitemane...

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You will be the bane of horde rogues, thats about it.

there's no chance any of the current NA/EU servers aren't Full pop on launch day, just a question of how many more will blizz roll out

Mages are going to be insanely popular too

>Can stoneform out of Blind in PvP
That alone makes it busted, but it's also really good in AQ40. Humans are better PvE DPS in phase 1-2, but Dwarf is better everywhere else.

It stops a lot of dots that prevent you from stealthing such as rend, stops poisons from other rogues, it even stops blind which is a poison. Overall very good for pvp. For pve it has some niche uses, definitely not as good as sword specialization, but honestly pvp is the end goal for vanilla. You dont need sword spec.

Death conveniences..... because getting back to the dungeon/raid first is where it’s really at.
Annnnd still have to wait for the rest of your group anyway.
Plus two of your potential classes can escape wipes anyway.
It’s a hat on a hat at best my friend.

it ain't me

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Really fucks with rogues, lets you vanish when you need and can use it against rend and stuff when killing warriors




i'm gonna resub, play for a month, masturbate endlessly to WoW porn and then quit

Good for paladins because you can clear blind without having to bubble
Good for rogues so you can clear common dots before you restealth
Useful in general for getting rid of bleeds and poisons but other classes should consider other racials.

>heredditors are going to have to wait in a 10 hour queue to play
>meanwhile stalaggchads will get to 60 before the queue even moves

Yeah but only white people are allowed on whitemane

Mages may end up the most common or second most common level 60 when you account for most the warriors giving up and switching to hunter.

Good for priests too since they cant break blind and dwarf is also the best priest overall with their racial kit.

Stoneform is nice if you want to be an anti-rogue rogue. It gets rid of poisons and bleeds and fucks over anyone trying to use blind on you

Yeah, okay kiddo.

Honestly? It's not as good as people make it out to be. Yeah sure, you can reset with vanish every now and then (3 min cd doesn't line up with vanish on 5min cd)
At best it's decent for like, 1v1s and small group pvp where no healers are present. It's nice for getting rid of dev plague, but if you have a disease dispeller nearby, that's a nonfactor.

There's situations where it's definitely good, but if you want to be redpilled, it will only ever find use in scenarios that don't occur very often. It's nice, but not broken or OP. At best it's like, saving mana on your healers, or getting away from an unfavorable fight, or a trinket substitute for blind if you really want it that way.

Think it will be
As the top three but maybe warrior be lower on that list

nice to see you posting my dude, what server you on?

>freezing trap and wing clip doesnt exist

Its still the best racial for priest, rogue and paladin.
For hunter you are better off with nelf and warrior gnome is far superior

Warriors are going to be the most created character without a doubt. I just don't think most of them will make it once they realize they'll have to eat after every single mob, will spend double the time of anyone else killing said mob, and will die upon aggroing 2 mobs. Also mobs with disarm are horrifying when you level a warrior.

>Don't mind me, anons. I'm just over here enjoying myself by playing Tranny Fantasy 14.
Why don't you come join me?

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>*notices my druid healers armor*

Attached: Vanilla-Druid-Tank-Armor (1).png (391x165, 69K)

Did restokin exist during vanilla or was it a tbc meme only?

I am. Vanilla WoW was better than FFXIV will ever be, but Classic isn't the game we fell in love with over a decade ago. You can't go home.

can u leave thank youuuu

Moonglow, but most go feral resto cuz offtank happens more often

There's still 11 days till it opens.
Then there's the whole argument of
>spending $7.50 on a game you can't play

Moonkin form really sucks in vanilla only used for meme PvP videos

Full doesn't mean full. It just says full to make you want to roll on small servers. You can still roll a char.

dwarf priests are total memes, fear ward is completely unnecessary if you're not trash and humans 5% spirit is by FAR more valuable

Winterspring tiger, attunements, raiding, scarab lord

>Moonkin form can only cast balance spells while shapeshifted
I guess it didn't exist then, that sounds like shadow form but shit.

What does BR mean?

Human male cope


Oh god I can't wait for the disappointing cries and regret of you faggots realizing how shit Vanilla was.
I CAN'T WAIT. I'm gonna jerk off with your salty tears.

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Means it will be a battle royale server. PVP is free for all with no factions and every NPC will be hostile.

>BR in wow
what kind of zoomer shit is this,
no this isn't going to be a thing fuck off

Vanilla was great. Not in terms of things like balance or raid design, but in terms of providing a fun world in which to interact with people meaningfully. Classic won't have that though, because it's 2019.

it was my secret tech on my dwarf hunter. you could use it to get out of slows from rogues and warriors but you had to cancel it right away.

Hunter: Dwarf
Aesthetic > Shadowmeld

Attached: Alliance_poster.jpg (979x647, 757K)

t. Didn't play vanilla

>T. Never Played a Priest in Vanilla

Hmmmm a spell that's only useful on a handful of fights where it's only used on tanks too bad at the game to stance dance out of fear or a 5% bonus to my best stat in the game, such a hard choice

Brazil. It will be the brazilian server because Blizzard isn't adding actual brazil region servers.

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Human warrior for basic bitch pve racials or gnome for escape artist?

private servers and beta have already happened my dude. we already know exactly what its going to be like
the only salty faggot is going to be you when you completely disappear from this thread during release

>tank warrior needs on your healing dress for his weapon skill set

what do?

Attached: 12.png (840x1200, 542K)

Why do you think pve matters? Go play XIV, retard.


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it's also like 9 agi

Always go for the PvP racials because that's where the actual fun is. Nobody gives a fuck about mixmaxing vanilla raids. They weren't even good anyway.

Anyone knows which server BR's are gathering so i can avoid them like the fucking plague?

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Do you plan on pvping ever?
Then your warrior has to be a gnome

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Fuck is this confirmed? If so then I'm avoiding it by like the plague. The only thing worse than Streamers are Brazilians.

The racial is a bit overhyped, i'd categorize it as being "situationally good", I've played on pservers as a few different races including dwarf, and what I can tell you for certain is that these "blind resets" in rogue vs. rogue situations don't really work against good horde rogues, they will acknowledge the fact that you're a dwarf, and they will take into consideration that you have stoneform + vanish as an option, and will play around that accordingly. But hey, I just made painted an arbitrary scenario, like most of which you will see in regards to racial discussion.
Play what you want. Racials will be the least of your problems if you're a decent player. the options rogues have in PvP are unlimited, don't let a 3 minute cd racial that has a niche usage dictate your decision.

you wouldn't pay 8 bucks for reserving your names and being able to log onto the server before people who haven't pre-made their characters? if that's the case it will be a huge headstart.

Gnome is the better choice. I am biased towards dwarves because I hate rogues but I admit gnomes are superior. Don't worry about the human meme.

>12 servers

Neo v pls go

if you're worried about mana in vanilla, you know your guild is absolute fucking dogshit, lmao.

I'll pick your server, mommy

Attached: sally-whitemane-hentai-17_01CKVSTWJ4PV7KM0TA2FGQH722.640x0.jpg (640x360, 33K)

for US, yes

Oh man that's definitely going to make a huge difference. Lmao

If youre dying enough you have a cooldown youre a shitter

dwarves can't even canonically be paladins it was just a retarded gameplay balance wow invention like tauren druids

Notice how i said pvp server , you raidlogging tranny

No one cares about gay pve

lmao imagine picking your class+race combination because of autistic stat minmaxing and not because you think it's cool

>dwarves can't even canonically be paladins it was just a retarded gameplay balance wow invention like tauren druids
WoW has now existed for longer than Warcraft 1 had when WoW was released. Dwarf Paladins are canon

Only male night elves were supposed to be druids originally

I wish we got that janky version of vanilla

Mountain Kings are literally just dwarf paladins nimrod.

>he doesnt understand how AEP works
Normie redditor derected

Aesthetic, you say?

Attached: kings_honor_friend.png (398x532, 331K)

So what would be the best server for PvP in NA.

I'm thinking stalagg. Is thalnos really going to be the BR server? I got 2 of my names on stalagg.

You can sub ~10mins before launch to make your character. There's no justifying wasting $8 on literally nothing.

Pic unrelated, you say?

The Horde streamers are nobodies, I'd rather see him fuck over Asmongold.

How do I get a group of people who bully, harass, degrade and use me as a healer?

Even streamers who shat on it made a 180° and admitted that it was overall pretty fun and refreshing

I still don't understand how classic is supposed to work. will they make the same balance changes or will they do different things? will it eventually become bc classic or is it permanently vanilla wow?

Reddit is speculating they will lock servers in advance due to demand for some, eg herod

Apparently they do that on retail?


Streamers aren't real, genuine people. They're marketing masks. They turned on it early on to drive controversy and now they support it because there's money to be made in playing the "new" thing.

I guess so are tauren paladins then since they've been canon for what, nine years now?
literally every single mountain king ability except the passive has at one point in wow been given to warriors

Asmongold is a mount cheevo guy and these streamers are rank 1 arena master poopsockers, it's more fun to see these people lose since their 5k-10k viewer base only watch them for pvp skills.

Even asmon's fans shit on him

>will they make the same balance changes or will they do different things?
Balance changes are stuck at 1.12
> will it eventually become bc classic
Hopefully not

except your name that you will be using for years? one that everybody in the community knows, if you've been playing the private scene for a long time. altho understandable if you haven't.

>all big EU streamers are horde
Thank fucking god.

I don't mean hugely popular streamers, but people from mythic raiding guilds and small fries who mostly were tryharding retail tried the beta and were a bit ashamed to say that there was something that's missing from today's wow, and that it was pretty fun to experience, nothing overly hyped, just a honest realisation

>muh cred
You're a nobody if you're not a streamer or someone like Joana.

I played WoW when Panda came out and I played Nost when it came out. Never played it before then because I was a poor.

Vanilla > Retail by fucking M I L E S.

Not only that, Vanilla > Literally every other MMO on the market, when Nost was around it was literally the best MMO that was available. Classic will take that throne and you cant do shit about how much fun im going to have.

All streamers are somewhere on the narcissist/sociopath scale. There isn't a real person there. It doesn't matter if they have 100k viewers or 100.
That evaluation of Classic is correct, but it's a case of a pretend clock being right twice a day.

The current plan is to roll out the updates, as they came out in order before TBC, but in a faster time frame.

Once thats done, we dont know if they go TBC or they go OSRS style new updates. I hope to fucking god they do OSRS style that would be amazing. TBC was the beginning of the end with the start of casualizing of WoW.

You probably want to get past the login server at least an hour in advance and just wait on server select.

and who are you, fucker? it's their lore to create and add too not some autist on Yea Forums. I never get this

zoom zoom

Hey Classic-fags want to know a secret?

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You get cooldowns like that by your second death, maybe third. When there is active world pvp with gang bangs all over the place it happens.

True, but his persona is an untouchable hyper-arrogant faggot, so seeing him get fucked would be the most entertaining by far.

Vanilla had slutty armor and titty jiggle for certain character models.


Blindfold face or regular angry snarl man for my male nelf hunter?

Yes he's called Legolas, I would've gone angry dwarf face man if shadowmeld ganking wasnt so much fun with hunter.

Everyone and their mother takes the god damn blindfold.

What server is the chad server?

ok. enjoy your 7.50$ dollars, my dude. buy yourself something nice.

If youre a rogue you shouldn't be dying. you should be picking off the clothies who stray too far from the murder/zerg ball

World pvp isnt supposed to be a nonstop mash fest, employ some strategy

For EC definitely Stalagg. Maybe the rp pvp server, it will have plenty of EC players still.

not an argument

what specs for pvp require the least investment into pve for gearing?

Try your absolute hardest, be friendly to a fault, bring a full stock of potions and water. Look at guides at how to be a better healer.
Nothing infuriates shitters to the point of delusional harassment than being proven wrong about their belief that they're in the grace of god and immortal so long as you press buttons on them with your infinite mana pool. When people see someone who is objectively better than them, they are forced to compare themselves and therefore seethe like nothing else.

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Trick question, all the classic servers are chad because all the betas are in retail.

all this racial discussion happening when i'm rolling a race/class combo that is considered "suboptimal" and a "meme" and there's nothing anyone can do about it, I will raiding and clearing all content in a hardcore team, and will be able to push rank 14.

Attached: virginminmax.png (2518x1024, 264K)

pyro blast mage

How does name reservation work on classic?
Is it like vanilla where you claiming a name means no one can steal it for like a month or two even if you delete the character?


Sub rogue probs

>not going frostfire build.

A minmaxer wouldn't raid as horde to begin with

Not even the guy you were sneering at about your private server cred, just think you have a crazy ego over nothing.

It's one of the great vanilla faces though, love how angry and ugly all male characters are before they updated the models.

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Reddit: have fun by playing wow however you want to play it
Also reddit: dont you fucking dare have fun byvmin maxing

I dont want them to abuse me out of anger

I want them to abuse me because it gives them kicks and they know im a bitch

In terms of not raiding at all?
Or how little you need to raid to get enough gear for PvP?

Some specs do really well with just MC/BWL and 20 man gear, where as some specs don't really need raid gear but do a bit worse.

Who else levelling as a sub-optimal spec? Resto shaman here, gon be fun.

Right on man. Too many people coming from the viewpoint that things like BIS gear, meta races and specs are the most important things in vanilla. Long term commitment is far more important. You don't get to r14 because of the race you picked

Min maxing is what makes vanilla fun though and in retail nothing you do matters.

No one cares if you minmax just don't yell at other players for not doing it

Minmaxing is not fun

or you know it could be about the whole 25% of your total spirit as spell dmg/healing part that Holy talent gives

Human males don't get invited to my groups unless they are tanks or paladins.

Min maxing is only fun when you have high test

Another user already refuted your argument for pvp servers, “2 mins until respawn.” I thought I would just add another fact about how useless your racial was instead.

But then again you’re just some scrub loser who plans ahead for his own death. Why not get a real race and like... you know... kill your enemies instead?

You haven't spent a day in the gym so no.

The argument is that you did not grow up with Warcraft 3 so you don't consider that game the crystallised moment in time when lore peaked and everything that deviated from it was wrong. It doesn't matter if tauren druids, tauren paladins, dwarf paladins, etc. have been a thing for X years now, not Warcraft 3, not canon.
>*LARPs as someone who started with Warcraft 2*
No one cares.

There is a ton of visually high test men who play WoW and they all pick whatever the fuck they want. Low test faggots stew on it. If you're in this thread you're low test.

wanting the same name you've been using since 2015 = having a huge ego. well, sorry, I guess.

and that problem is the jew!

>tfw reserved the name Bog
Don't mind me while i BOMP the server to #1

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highest base agility (rolling in AEP)
Nat resist
+5 stealth bonus
Cool ninja flips

Face it, night elf rogues are the best rogues
Inb4 muh stoneform

imagine needing to minmax a 15 year old mmo

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If you have the intense autism required to reach rank 14, you'll get gear that will actually be better than pve gear for a while.Otherwise probably 3 minute mage or that rogue spec that gets used in naked pvp videos (prep i think?). Both of those builds let you ooga booga one person to death with 0 relatiation once every few minutes.

thalnos has been claimed by a bunch of brazilian guilds fy

t. seething pala """dps"""

>retail brains dont understand why minmaxing is fun
I'm glad classic is going to be a massive success so they will start implementing more old school features like talent trees and deterministic gear into the main game.

Attached: 1537392629297.jpg (779x708, 75K)

I'm making a guild for comfy leveling/exploring/raiding/pvpin/fun shit if anyone wants to join. It will be called and be on Fairbanks west. No meme spouters or zoomer shit or politics just comfy.


Feral drood detected

>intense autism required to reach rank 14
You either do drugs(adderall) bot your account, or account share. Literally impossible to do on your own without cheating

Why yes, I am a "Stalaggchad", how could you tell?

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Nigger what. Retail is more minmaxed focused than classic by fucking miles.

Its so minmaxed focused they literally destroyed all sub optimal builds and homogenized all classes. All utility has been removed and every class has a very set obvious pathway to follow for maximum efficiency so even a dog could do it.

I had every fucking moonkin from here to Timbuktu running into my raids and we did fine. Its fun to fuck around with everything and not just always do X, Y and Z, but retail is the fucking pinnacle of minmax faggotry.

enjoy your tranny drama like every Yea Forums guild ever is infected with

based, fuck dwarves, fuck gnomes, especially fuck humans and most of all...

Fuck horde niggers with NO SHOES

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>being so bad at the game that 9 extra agility is make or break

When honor first releases we won't even have battlegrounds so it will be farming stv or whatever zone for months. Plenty of people will reenact the south park episode.


You fucking normie tourist look it up

Feral druids are king of min-maxing though. No other class tries as hard as druids do with their wolfshead helm and crowd pummelers

How do I ban trannies from my guild without blizzard finding out and banning me?

best post in the thread

You can talk about min maxing as much as you want, you're still a faggot playing a Night Elf

Attached: Rifleman_concept.jpg (478x553, 51K)

Tour average feral druid is literally a furry who is constantly alt tabbing back and firth between the game and a gay furry erp session over discord

>Yeah I'm a hardcore raider, I raid led a MC clear in December 2006

>equip highest ilvl gear
>pick the only viable talents for your only viable spec
>reroll if your main isnt viable

>seething casual non minmaxers

Attached: 5124124.jpg (500x333, 35K)

Feral is the king of insecurity and over compensation. All those hours farming meme maces just so normal people can outperform you by slightly less.

They are stronger than forsaken but that's not saying much since people roll them because they are the humans of horde

Just wait until one of them exposes themselves and then kick them from the guild a few days later while they're offline. Make up a bullshit reason beforehand.

only accept male characters.

Be as seething as you want retailfags but thats the truth.

Retail is so fucking minmaxed you literally dont have any options BUT to minmax.

Only invite people playing the correct race for their class and avoid orc females, femsaken and human females like the plague

Well how else you expect to defeat all those EXTREMELY HARDCORE boss ecounters?

You could definitely do this too in a rp pvp server

trannies prefer XIV because it's a better dressup simulator, we're fine

Just kick anybody out of the guild you don't like for literally any reason wtf? Am I missing something?

>human warlock
>chose his race because of it's lore

>only accept male characters.
>the correct race for their class

Women and trannies specifically seek out make spaces so they can shit them up and ensure no good times are ever had .

This is all great advice and I will employ all methods.

I'm also going to make it a rule where you cannot invite your GF to the guild.

someone make a new thread

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>I'm also going to make it a rule where you cannot invite your GF to the guild.
That one is a given regardless of trannies.


new thread

I have literally done just that.
I'm just saying that's an argument and a lot of people will choose to save their cash and sub when the game comes out.

And servers are still hitting full.

So at most you get +9 agi over somebody and at the least you get +2 agi...
Warriors get to overpower your ass more
Watch out for them nature dpsers! (Jk they’re not real)
You get to hide like a bitch more effectively (because you can’t win the fight anyway)
And lastly hurry up and wait ghost mechanics.
Admit it you only play Nelf to hide your manlet status from the online world.