Why hasn't Apple made a gaming console?

Why hasn't Apple made a gaming console?

Attached: steve-jobs---mini-biography.jpg (1200x675, 45K)

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Because gaming is for children

They have.

pippin? i guess that counts even if jobs wasnt involved in it

Jobs fucking HATED videogames

So did Hiroshi Yamauchi, but that didn’t stop him.

Jobs absolutely despised them to the point he would laugh at(and fire) anyone trying to talk about vidya in Jobs-era Apple

because more people play games on their devices than all the consoles combined.


Nintendo already fills the Apple niche

didn't this man help funding pixar?

I think with jobs death, apple has been more open to vidya with stuff like apple arcade for the mobile market. its way too late to make a console and they know that

Who's that faggot

please don't invite this cancer upon us

Apple products are premium technology devices for adults. Video games are...

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off topic but i recommend all anons to watch this kino and not the shitty ashton kutcher version

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Come on, how could it get any worse?

Honestly, the best device for gaming out there right now HANDS DOWN is an iPhone XS Max.

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they did
look how it went

Attached: apple pippin.jpg (1280x634, 61K)

>not Pirates of Silicon Valley
Fassbender is 10/10 tho

>The truth is Steve Jobs doesn't care about games. This is going to be one of those things that I say something in an interview and it gets fed back to him and I'm on his s***head list for a while on that, until he needs me to do something else there. But I think that that's my general opinion. He's not a gamer. It's difficult to ask somebody to get behind something they don't really believe in. I mean obviously he believes in the music and the iTunes and that whole side of things, and the media side of things, and he gets it and he pushes it and they do wonderful things with that, but he's not a gamer. That's just the bottom line about it.

it can always get worse
don't tempt fate


Because Jobs focused on shitting human relationships and their behaviour instead.

he was probably assblasted that he got bullied during his time at atari lol

That would mean selling hardware at a loss to stay competitive, which goes against their entire business model.


For the boys

>not a gamer
sasuga jobs-san

literally an emulator of PS1(and forerunner of psxe)
that shows how much he really cared about vidya

>not a huawei phone

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Carmack shows up and starts tearing apart Apple, at an Apple convention.

bungie was a mac exclusive developer before bill kikes got to them

i cant wait for huawei to go public so i can start investing in them

>when Sony and their Open Device program exists

lol who the fuck still uses a sony phone...

Fuck videogames post gen 7; Carmack should take the stage more often and sadly he would never do.