Add waifus, add a self-insert, call it Fire Emblem: Advance Wars for all I give a shit

Add waifus, add a self-insert, call it Fire Emblem: Advance Wars for all I give a shit

just bring it back

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i understand your pain

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Didn't the first one have a self insert?

Dual Strike was the best one by far.

No, you basically played as Andy/Max/Sami, there was no self-insert.

I also did not hate the grimdark remake and thought it was much better than Battalion Wars as a successor to the original DS games.

>No, you basically played as Andy/Max/Sami, there was no self-insert.
Really? I remember the training section having some sort of self-insert and that led to the main campaign. I'd have to replay it though, it's been that long.

IIRC you played as nell

Get samurai to add Andy to smash. Then use it to shill a new AW. If necessary put optional social link sections between battles.

Wasn't Andy the new CO for Red Star in AW1 and Nell was there to give him support until the whole thing with Strum happened?

Yeah drake was your self insert

>The first Advance Wars had you play as a Non-Entity General, a "strategic advisor" to Orange Star who you named yourself, much like the Tactician in the first internationally-released Fire Emblem game. This was dropped from all subsequent games.
>inb4 TV Tropes
I fucking knew it. I'm pretty certain the advisor part even gets dropped by the tail end of the game when it gets plot heavy.

Some things are better left dead.

Do you really want waifu simulator: tank edition?

Yes. Because the waifu shit is easy enough to ignore to get to that juicy gameplay.


The plot for a strategy game can go fuck itself as long as the gameplay is good

>Do you really want waifu simulator: tank edition?
Did you even play Advance Wars? Anyone who thinks it wasn't a waifu simulator never played it because Lash was a top tier waifu.

The Wars serious had been on nearly every single Nintendo console all the back to the famicom.
muh dark edgy Ruin killed it.
one of the longest running series and it had to go cringe

>Get to see women with fat tits and skimpy oufits, WITH Advance Wars
I'm convinced you're a fuckin queer

>muh Ruin killed the franchise
It was tanking long before that

Can't wait for Fire Emblem Gaiden: S Wars

For me it's this normal looking gentleman.

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I still have and play my copy that I bought a few days after 9/11.

>I never played Days of Ruin but I've heard the words "edgey" and "grimdark" and that means it was bad


It worked for Girls und Panzer. It's sort of mystifying that Nintendo hasn't capitalized on that theme.

>It's sort of mystifying that Nintendo hasn't capitalized on that theme.
It's the same reason why they never went back to the original AW universe: they don't want to make the idea of war cartoony or fun.


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But whats an airport user?

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would you be mad if they simplified the gameplay for the casual audience?

>simplified the gameplay
Advance Wars 1 was "mass mechs to win". There's not much more they could do to simplify it.

Thanks for the proof

i played it. i just dropped it when that shitty mayor kept bitching about everything.
the COs sucked and the units were generic trash.
so bad it didnt get a japanese release

but the one before that was Dual Strike which was great and better than 2

>two will protect you
>the rest all want to kill you

who are you picking?

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Sensei and Max

woah, are there seriously people who would actually be upset if AW went full waifu?

>this is your brain on cum

this forced meme will never catch on

Jess and Sonja.

Absolute top tier taste.

Hawk and lash

Dual Strike is shit. The balance is pants on head retarded, there's like one challenging mission in the entire campaign and the CO powers means you just swing back and forth like wild.

Hachi and Kanbei

It's like someone who likes Starcraft until they play against someone who knows how to optimize their playing. Just let them live in their own world.

Kanbei and Sami. Sami is the only one who has a gun.

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Doesn't Grit have a gun?

Hawke can apparently use his S/COP directly on individual people.


this series is as dead as the system it debuted on

Days of Ruin was good, besides the retarded subplot with the mayor who was a massive cunt and would've been killed or ousted by any other military force for his behavior. I also think the AI cheated and could see in Fog of War.

>add waifus and a self insert
nigger you don't know what your fucking doing to the series you love. I would rather fire emblem be dead than the bastardised piece of otaku dog shit it is now. Be happy your last game was probably the best in the series unlike the uninspired fire shit we've been served since awakening.

Isn't that what they're doing with Fire Emblem? And aren't the turf wars in Splatoon literal wars?

No fire emblem went from serious war to waifufag otaku bait garbage. Go compare the tone of the game in sacred stones to the newer ones. the contrast is fucking astounding how dumb the newer games are.

>I also think the AI cheated and could see in Fog of War.
That's every AW

Splatoon 2 is mediocre compared to the first one, but you should play either of them so you know what the hell you're talking about

i love advance wars
but dont come here whit that heressy and corrupt my lovely game
also Olaf best CO

Lin from Days of Ruin is still responsible for one of my fondest memories while playing a game's story.
>If you kill me you'll be just as bad as me!
>I guess you're right (proceeds to shoot the fucker)
It pains me to think how a badass girl like her would be flanderized to suit the dating sim shenanigans of Fire Emblem.

Olaf and Grit
My friend would always pick grit and taunt me because he would spam artillery and shit, fuck you Jon

might as well just leave it dead rather than become FE

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Just make AW a simulation or modern isekai where all of the foot soldiers are npcs.

It's a love hate sort of game for me. Because it's ending was bittersweet as hell never knowing whatever Hawke did with Bolt's chair, just that he may be out there. He could even be dead, much like the series. However, I do also love the aesthetic of the game emphasizing a lot of desert terrain as the story progressed. It definitely felt like a game charged by the Iraq War of the time period. If it did more with the whole desert affecting battle that would have been really cool. Like straight up sand and dust storms in battle.

Unless you live in a camel jockey country, Amish, or think girl = waifu simulator, AW wasn't close to being fap bait like FE and other games.

9 out of 10 times skimpiness is just used to mask garbage game play. I would actually like my switch wars to retain the good gameplay instead of going down FE's road or entering Sonic territory.

Honestly think they just ran out of ideas since the direct sequal's plan was just bigger tanks. And later on edgy spin off.

Add in that they now have FE to fill in the niche kinda and its just pointless in their view.

there is already enough interaction beteewn characters, leave it as it is, just implyed

You guys be careful with that monkey paw when it comes to Nintendo. The next AW game could very well be a mobile game.

AW was already baby's first tactics game. Hell wouldn't even surprise me if its the most casual out of the War series. And I say this as a guy who sucks at tactic games.

You're in charge of directing the next entry in the line of the Famicom Wars games. However, since it's been some time since the last entry, what appropriate gimmick do you add in Switch Wars to have it live up to its name?

I've always wanted a AW-like game that just has maps inspired by real world scenarios. Don't even need an interconnected story, just give me the historical context and make me feel like a combat genius when I come out on top. Kind of like real wargames, but actually fun.


Three Houses went back to more serious war drama. I mean the waifu stuff is still there but theyd be stupid to abandon that since people made a big deal with the 'who can you S-Rank' thing.

The Awakening cast in tanks

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Just play Wargroove and Tiny Metal

I owned the second one growing up, but barely played it. Then I got the first for free on the WiiU but really didn't like a lot of the scenarios.
Should I dig up my copy of Black Hole Rising? Does it have better levels? I know this is a large problem with Fire Emblem games, like Echoes.

I'd take it.

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i switch it to PC so that you can actually play the fucking game in a higher resolution than 240p and higher fps than 15

Given what waifufaggotry did to the effort put into the map design of recent Fire Emblem titles who relish in their mediocrity, hell no.
Let Advance Wars die in peace. It doesn't need its tomb to be stomped on.

fire emblem's system of unique units with varying stats is far superior to generic soldiers and tanks

I somewhat disagree. I always wanted a Fire Emblem mode where you get generic units and and buy more at a tavern between missions, like it's HoMM.

srpg and turn based strategy are two different generas, retard.

They literally said they can't find a way to insert that in advance wars and that is why is ded.

Three Houses has got me in the mood for some Advance Wars. Might replay the series soon.

I just want a new game goddammit

If you'll put up with the game not being EXACTLY the same setting, then you're in luck - at least on PC (and maybe elsewhere).

WarGroove - AdvanceWars style combat/mechanics, medieval fantasy setting, well made overall.
Tiny Metal (and its sequel Tiny Metal Full Metal Rumble ) - JP made modern warfare Advance Wars type title.

CO powers ruined this game for me. if it would have been just the straight up strategy aspect it's fun but it's not fun to have the enemy activate some retarded power and wreck your shit in one turn

1 has a better tutorial but 2 has a more enjoyable campaign.

Wargroove takes too many liberties. I would've much rather had a shameless AW ripoff than a crappy medieval setting in a desperate attempt to seem original

Goddamnit Yea Forums you're gonna make me dig out my old DS and fuck some bots up aren't you

PS. Nell is mai waifu

I haven't played Three Houses, but just give me something like a base mechanic.

Wargroove is the goddamn shit. I need to finish it though.

>still no high quality sound collection of Dual Strike
This and DoR have such great BGM and it hurts to hear it so compressed.

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shitter's option, I know. But since grampa Sturm is ded...

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>composer's most recent work is Smash remixes
its good that he's still got it but still

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>tfw series is so dead they stopped being an assist trophy since sm4sh

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How is Tiny Metal?

Is it best just to play the series in release order?


This game was pretty shit, but it's the only game to come out in the same vain as of recent.

Obligatory Advanced Wars Thread Post

Been on here for a couple months now and it completely scratches my advance wars itch. 10/10 is hella fun

I would mostly due to new Units not found in the older ones and Quality of Life, but it doesn't really matter. If you don't play them in order than you might not know the story/significance of a character as they're presented.

Days of Ruin is basically it's own thing though and removes the Dual Strike mechanic due to how impactful it was and adds leveling.

iirc it stops being a thing around the middle of the orange star story, so idk if comparing it to Fe in that way is really fair

daily reminder to remember the Advance Wars killer

That's a monkey's paw you do not want to wish on.

Colin and Grit, money bags and arty for days.

Fuckin sick, love the Jade Sun

dont be sad that its over. be happy that it happaned.

then activate your Power and wreck his shit first.

He's talking about the nameless, faceless (you) that acts as advisor in AW1, same as the tactician in FE7. It got dropped the very next game and did nothing to really help, so it's understandable.

I don't need a new one, but I wish they had some means of preserving the old ones.
that guitar

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Are the Japanese only games worth playing?

Here's your advance wars with waifus bro

Honestly, I don't think adding waifus will save it. Japan just really don't like modern military settings.

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I honestly would rather see it dead then turned into yet another smut machine.
Weebs and japs ruin everything and makes every single thing they touch into the very same garbage over and over again.

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Then play DoR. Powers rarely activate in that game.

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>just bring it back
But why? It's the most shallow and simplistic strategy games I've ever played. It lacks basic features that all its genre peers have. I have no idea how anyone over the age of 6 can find this game engaging. And judging by the art style, 6-year olds is precisely what the target audience for Advance Wars was.

Even Fire Emblem is better, due to at least Fire having the threat of permanently losing characters.

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First for Jess all the things.

I've come to realize lately that I fucking hate TBS games but I'd play a new Advance Wars if only for the nostalgia of my teenage years. Competitive AW can go fuck itself with a fifty foot rake, though.

Self insert is worst concept ever. Why there is no tranny, dickless, fag or mutt option. It's what ruined fire emblem and many jap games. Keep character creation and self insert garbage into western trash. Also this piece of shit advance wars has no good character design or ecchi it can die forever. Useless series.

>ywn take Nell to a nice fancy dinner

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Call it Switch Wars.
The main gimmick is that the Map and objectives change mid-game.

came here to post this, has a pretty active community

that dress makes her look fat.

Define fun, asshole.

That's because she's pregnant with my penis.

I'm sure waifus are already in.

FE is literally for under 80IQ subhumans.
Everything is decided by stats and RNG, don't bullshit people online.
AW actually requires combining arms and all it needs to be perfect are AOE weapons to deal with lategame walls of infantry.

>implying Advance Wars didn't already have the best waifu

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You're dealing with someone whose talking points are
>this shit is for babies
>muh perma-death
so I wouldn't expect a killer counter-argument. Especially since they're a waifufaggot no doubt

No, I'd rather it be dead and stay dead than getting resurrected Waifunomicon way.

Saying AW has no waifus is like people saying that Street Fighter is superior because its not anime.
The even the start of that argument was wrong and the very idea in first place is questionable.

Give me Grizzled Vets: Sensei and Hachi. Sensei for the sweet jazz theme and Hachi for being all but unbeatable.

Who the fuck was Von Bolt, anyway? How the hell does the Black Hole army even function? Like, I'd have to assume most of the soldiers were clones created to be completely devoted to the cause without question, but how did the old fart in a chair secede Sturm after he died? It's probably a question not even the devs cared about, to be honest. They just needed a bad guy.

maybe they should've made Sturm like Sigma in Megaman X

>waifu simulator: tank edition
Yes! Is this even a question?

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If you don't want a marriage/S-rank mechanic for Sami or Rachel, you are lying

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Advance Wars already had excellent waifus. Each of them.

would you want a Three Houses-formatted AW? (Control your main character/CO in a military base like exploring the monastery in TH)

Yeah, Andy was the target audience's self-insert, Max with the blue hair was OP's self-insert, and Sami was your mom's self-insert.

Absolutely not, just give me the fucking gameplay I don't want to micromanage which infantry are sucking each others dicks.

Only if the tanks are the waifus. And not in the lame anime draw a girl call it a tank kind of way. I wanna fuck a legitimate tank that's wearing a big skirt.

Do you guys really think we'll get at least one Advance Wars in the future ?

For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?

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Nah, it's a dead series. Similar to F-Zero, there's another more popular series with overlap that brings in money so Nintendo sees no reason to revive it.

What a fine dressed sir, I bet he pays his taxes on time

>F-Zero will at least be remembered since Falcon's in Smash
>Wars will remain forgotten eternally

This is the theme when you are going to fail the mission.

I've cared more for some bombers and mid-tanks than I have a majority of fire emblem rosters.
I fucking hate waifu fags.

That's just a sign of your autism rather than anything related to the game itself


That bitch had no right in the world to dress so sexy. In a realistic setting, everybody would have defected to Black Hole, to get a piece of that sweet sweet, uh, black hole.

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Big first order energy


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Take me back

Ah yes because people just don't reset their game whenever a unit dies. Permadeath is a fucking retarded gimmick.

No it's definitely a sign that a lot of fire emblem characters are fucking awful.

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Shut your snifit looking ass up.

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There goes Colin's arty

This is the future OP wants

who doesn't want waifus

Me. I want good fucking video games with supplementary but not over exposed, fine to hot women.

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jake is such a lame character but damn if his theme isn't fresh

That's not how it works, especially in Japan...

>war is wacky and fun1!

have you literally never played with toy soldiers before, you gigantic faggot?

>this thread
I'm glad AW is dead so you cumdumbs wont ruin the series with your waifu faggotry.

>any FoW level in Advance Campaign
fucking why

>AW style GuP game
Fund it

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Play Valkyrie Chronicles.

Valkyria Chronicles and Advance Wars aren't similar at all. VC is arguably closer to Fire Emblem than AW.

>censored costumes
Cringe, oof, and yikes.

>trying to S rank when evvery move he makes is RNG

which ones?

Which means a lot.
FE is way better than AW.

AW already had tasteful women though

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Don't know the games in English, but the secretary lady, the cowboy and santa claus.

90% of games involve murder and killing of some sort but oh when it's themed around smashing tanks into each other, that's when you get your panties in a twist?

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>4 made FoW work apply to the AI as well

You sound a lot more interested in shitposting

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Nell, Grit and Olaf
I actually like these censored versions too, but I'd prefer if they were alternate costumes, not just straight up censored.

And how did you even come to that conclusion?

I've never played this game, so give me girl with gun, and the hulk man with blu hair

I'd play it for Darjeeling

basically they 'kinda' give his backstory and shit ingame, but it requires Stringing together a fuckton of single lines of lore.

Basically Von bolt and the his 3 underlings were just no name CO's who were from a noname Rural area no one cared about during the events of Dual strike.
and during Dual strike they basically just caused no trouble there and secretly spent time using Black hole resources and Tech to develop the stuff Von Bolt needed to keep Himself alive by sucking out the life from everything nearby.
Then once Sturm was Kill since Bolt had built up a secret army he easily took control of the entire army and started the events of Dual strike


Numbers and stats don't mean anything once you can spam black bombs.

Why the hell this fangame doesn't exist yet?

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