what were they thinking?
This nigger single handedly dragged a 10/10 down to a 7
Other urls found in this thread:
>Yea Forums is still in denial about DMC5
more like brought a 7/10 up to a 10
is this Kylo Ren style an actual thing?
I mean, do kids really like that crap?
DMC5 was my first DMC and i really enjoyed it, but my god V's gameplay was boriing for me
It's literally too good for us. We didn't deserve it, and now that we have it, we don't know how to react. We fall back on our usual reaction to things we don't understand and lash out it because that's all we know.
can someone explain to me why the devs hate dante so much? why the fuck are thy trying so god damn hard to sideline him? shit killed any and all interest i had in the series
>Bayo 1 above 2
Obvious bait but still that's the worst thing on there
cause he's old
>extremely boring levels and artstyle
best game of the generation,but still a 8.5/10 at best
V is a good character.
He's the least polished of the three because he was very experimental, whereas Dante and Nero directly build off of 4.
The only time V becomes annoying to play is certain parts of DMD because he doesn't deal enough single-target damage.
>why the devs hate dante
>gets the best bosses
>gets the true final boss
>gets the best cutscenes
>gets the most fleshed out moveset in the franchise
I'll still give 5 a high rating but yeah replaying his levels can be a drag in terms of fun
Are you kidding? Dante was the main focus of 5 alongside Vergil to the point that he's on-screen exceeded Sparda by manifesting his very own equivalent super-sword. Nero's a hanger-on all the way up until the Vergil fight and his main growth is learning to DT without Yamato.
>have to purposely keep enemies alive in DMD for S ranks to buff style score
I actually really enjoy how unique his playstyle is, the problem is they fucked it up still
He was fun as fuck. He just needed another summon or two (maybe Phantom), another mechanic or two, and more melee moves to spice things up.
dude delete this
>DUDE he gets a decent amount of screen time in a game from a series thats supposed to revolve around him
the fact that you think this is good enough only serves to prove my point
>DUDE he gets a decent amount of screen time
Anything important that happened had Dante in-frame you goddamned donut.
You're trying too hard to not like the game. Just relax and enjoy it for once.
It's a good thing he's one then, I just wanna play Vergil now.
He brought about the worst fags and his his levels could have went to Dante. Dante was fucking robbed.
>not Nero
Nero single handedly ruined both DMC games he has been in.
>revolve around him
ever since 3 and maybe even 1 its been about sparda and his legacy. nero is equal to dante main character wise.
Bayo 2 is worse than 1
Wait is this about DMC5 or MGR?
Itsuno doesnt hate Dante, I think. He just prefers his babies.
Still he should really stop with this shit, give Nero, Dante and Vergil all equal amount of screentime. No one over the other, no single main character.
There’s so much wrong with this image. Why is dmc4 in the same level as bayo 1? Why is wonderful 101 even on there? It’s notice the rest of those
How do we fix Yea Forums?
Give him swappable familiars?
2 also had half the game revolve around Lucia (and had a playable Trish).
Make the d-pad control familiar positioning, instead of it being automatic.
Add more cane moves.
Add more single-target high damage attacks.
Retain charge moves between dodges/jumps.
and we dont talk about 2
>d-pad switches between 4 DT summons
>stick the familiars to the summoner and make them detachable with auto
>mind jacking demons
You simply need to become more motivated.
>Why is wonderful 101 even on there?
Nigga what
There were a good handful of completely forgettable bosses/levels for dante and nero as well but no one wants to admit it
DMC5 is a 6 at best
RE2 graphics are great but the art direction of this game is uninspired, same for the soundtrack, the only memorable song is the bang bang wahoo trigger
gameplay wise there are a lot of options but they don't matter since enemies are punching bags and you just spam attacks with the option to choose which flashy animation will you use next, same problem as KH3 but with more buttons that don't get used to make the gameplay any more complex
Game is 9/10
forgot to mention, the gameplay design is so bad that they have to put RAD words on the screen to let you know that you're doing good with your button spamming, because there's no challenge nor satisfaction in killing these enemies
Nico? more like Nigo
>There were a good handful of completely forgettable bosses/levels for dante
>and nero as well
Like fucking who/what? The campaign is still really damn memorable for me after beating it multiple times.
I don't know how to fix it, but V feels so supremely unsatisfying to play to me. I feel the exact opposite of engagement when I play him and it made me drop the whole fucking game because I just can't stand how boring it is to play V.
terrible bait
>wahhh muh discord
>waahhh why you dox me
kill yourself
>>RE2 graphics are great but the art direction of this game is uninspired, same for the soundtrack, the only memorable song is the bang bang wahoo trigger
>gameplay wise there are a lot of options but they don't matter since enemies are punching bags and you just spam attacks with the option to choose which flashy animation will you use next, same problem as KH3 but with more buttons that don't get used to make the gameplay any more complex
based, couldn't agree more with this, OP is a faggot.
the only issue I have with DMC5 aside from no Vergil (yet) is that Style is no longer about how fast you get the high style score and kill enemies (which gives higher red orb counts too), but it's time-based. When all three protags can kill enemies super fast, why would you think that was a good idea?
I thought you guys wanted Vergil to be playable?
>wonderful 101
what the fuck, lmao
When is this dumb nigga gonna be playable?
DmC has better combat than MGR desu
agreed on that, mgr is shit gameplay wise, just has fantastic ost and bosses.
Spot the retard.
More like DMCV's level design, pacing and enemy variety brought it from a 10/10 to a 7/10. Its on par with DMC4. DMC3 still reigns as king.
Every dmc thread is fujo/gay thread.
Prove me wrong
No dmc is better than a 5
ew put that ugly thing away
We can't.
Add on Phantom and Nelo Angelo to his arsenal and give him dpad and back trigger stuff
Are you saying V is ugly?
When they release DMCV Special Edition
I love how this game takes itself seriously and doesn't LOL SO RANDUM.
With the way sequels and humor grows, usually that happens, but maybe nips are immune to it.
the giant walker boss is shit and so is the teleporting chicken
Honestly that's why I'm glad hes in, he's so different it makes it interesting.
V is fun, he just needed another mechanic or two to deepen his playstyle. He can still do crazy shit, though.
did you actually play bayo 1 recently or do you just remember it being good?
>the giant walker boss is shit and so is the teleporting chicken
Nah, both bosses were good. Especially the latter.
Well you're wrong.
I can tell you did not play 90% of those games
DMC5 is a 8/10 at best and it's not because of him.
He needs a fetch mechanic so near death enemies get thrown to him so hes not dashing around.
he's the ugliest out of all the other boys but he's pretty cute in the manga
>giant walker
shut up
>royal fork
i love how Yea Forums outs themselves as not even playing the character they critique
LOL 10/10
only in your dreams, fag
he was fun in small doses
but even I can't force myself to play anything but Dante in 5
it's such a relief after 4, a proper meditative experience once you learn him
God bless the devs
Chicken is good, but the walker overstays its welcome by about 3 minutes. I'd rather fight it than fucking Gigapede or Doppelgänger, though.
naw like something where the panther brings them over to you, and you can keep reading. And walking over them with the cane stabs them.
What the actual fuck are you talking about
He doesnt own Wii U and obviously never played the best game of this gen.
He's cute in both.
>can someone explain to me why the devs hate Nero so much?
>photocropping a jewbook sticker
Hmmm, in that case I like your thinking user. I think that would make it too easy, though. Shadow, imo isn't lacking. it's Griffon and Nightmare who feel underutilised, especially after S ranking Hell and Hell.
I stand with you user. The weapons in Bayo 2 are far better than bayo 1. Excluding Odette.
I just think V moving too much is dumb, like virgil in DMC4 he should move as little as possible.
I would even say the camera needs to pull back further and be centered more. So v is more of a background character that controls the creatures.
maybe have it center back on him when he loses them.
There's too many fucking casuals ITT like who probably wrote the game off because it was on the Wii U and/or it was colorful. One of the best fucking games of all time and I'm still mad that we'll probably never get a sequel.
I've been watching the Woolie Vs. LP of this lately and it's been so much fun. I need to go back to it once I'm "done" with W101.
The inputs for specials are built around V's positioning. He has to be somewhat visible all the time.
yeah he feels like a zoner of sorts, but he's only stylish when hes not moving.
>he's only stylish when hes not movi-
nah but he would look better with vergils blue eyes and white hair tho
It was kind of week. cool aoe shit, but the pause in the combo at 2:29 ruins it.
DMC5 has the best enemies in the franchise.
Even Furies are less infuriating than Blizts or those ghost-type enemies that adore to fly off-screen and inside walls.
I'm still waiting on W101 Switch version or a W1001 for it to get more attention.
Also if you're enjoying Woolie's LP of it I'd heavily recommend ChipCheezum as well, I usually watch LP's on the background while I do stuff but Chip definitely caught my attention for being in-depth and entertaining.
Umbran Climax alone makes Bayo 2 worse than Bayo 1.
I agree with this and I'm a 4 fag.
>Plot worse than DMC4
>awful level design
>Nero had 0 abilities until you finish the game once
>Dante is best to play yet shows up really late
>V is undercooked and underused
>god fuck awful ending
>new side characters do nothing but compete for space with old ones
>shitty music
Pretty sure the game has more problems.
For me it was a huge letdown, i expected a lot after DMC4, what i didnt expect is that useless fuck Vergil showing up again.
I would say the QTE shit and comparable jank made Bayo 1 worse.
>muh Dante
>muh cuhhrazy pizza man
off yourself
Shitch will never be able to run this game at 60 fps, and W101 is pointless without two screens interaction.
Just play it on Wii U.
I think most of that change was V's fault. Sometimes in DMD he can have trouble killing if you fucked up and poorly manage your DT. Also with the removal of time as a requirement, I can see that they wanted to instead make the games less about rushing through an encounter, but trying to really do things your own way. Otherwise people tend to try to go for efficiency above all else and for 3, that meant DTE all the time. Most of the time you'll barely notice the difference, because the style points were balanced correctly, with most missions having a boss that gives a fuck huge bonus. It's only a problem at 10, because it doesn't have a boss and has minimal encounters at all, forcing absolute perfection play to keep style at SSS through every single wave. Getting hit and dropping combo once means it's almost impossible to recover.
I would say that the no damage bonus fixes things, but it's easy to take chip damage from a ton of things in that level and not even notice it.
Not that user, but i've replayed both games to death. Bayo 1 is better in terms of pure combat. 2 has
>a bunch of enemies that break your combos whenever they want
>more long gimmick boss fights than 1 had
>walking segments
>lumen sage boss fights that are a pain since he breaks your combos non stop
>critical climax doesn't remove witch time, because the whole game is designed around using it as a crutch
I will concede that the qtes are way less bullshit in 2, and the campaign is quite fun for a couple of playthroughs. Hell, it's probably better than bayo 1 on the first playthrough. Bayo 1 wins out in the end though for a few reasons
>enemy design is much better, none are designed around witch time
>the fights with jeane are legendary. Unironically some of the best boss fights in the genre
>only a couple of gimmick bosses
>better weapons, like fucking ice skates
2 doesn't have sections like the motorcycle level, or the space harrier part, but on repeat playthroughs the combat is really all that matters.
yeah okay.
>I'm still waiting on W101 Switch version or a W1001 for it to get more attention.
My man
I would honestly buy both. A switch port that ran at a consistent 60 fps and had the gamepad parts removed would be amazing. And I really think they'd go with W1001 as well.
I'll check out that ChipCheezum LP too.
>Shitch will never be able to run this game at 60 fps
Based retard
Mission 8 was the worst to S rank for me, I was at 50 points short multiple times until I dragged out the first Fury fight for over two minutes. It pissed me off because I can SSS kill them in
guess unrelated, but is my gmod vid based or cringe
are you posting this everywhere?
How the fuck do I git gud as V?
I kind of agree, except the 10 part, more like an 8 dragged down to a 6. His gameplay sucked in my opinion.
>not listening to Subhuman, Crimson cloud, or the DMC1 boss remixes
I submit the following:
There is not a SINGLE PERSON, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON, who subjectively believes God Hand, NGB, and DMC3 are all God Tier based on their own experience. Every tier list that has them equivalent is posted by a fucking faggot either didn't play all three or is terrible at videogames.
Maybe you recognize that they're all objectively great games, sure. Maybe you enjoyed all of them, sure. But you DID NOT, I repeat, DID NOT subjectively have even close to the same amount of fun with all three. They are not all, in your mind and your mind only, on the same level. It's fucking impossible.
Like DMC3 best? NGB pacing/enemies/camera will enrage you. GH's OTS view/menu system will drive you insane.
Like NGB the best? DMC3 sack dummies will bore you. GH mobility will frustrate you.
Like GH the best? Like what the fuck are you even smoking nigger? It's revolutionary and it's upsetting that nobody ever expanded on it, but jesus christ stop trying so hard to fit in.
That one was pretty hard for me, but only because I took a bunch of damage and couldn't have a good enough fight with Tree man. It felt doable as long as I was playing right, while 10 was just plain unfun. Most of the style in 8 was gotten from the collapsing arena, doing well in the second one and then letting it fall while keeping SSS and carrying it over to the fight below more then gave me enough. I think I cleared it with about a 100 point difference and only because I still fucked up the boss.
honestly I’m just glad idiots stopped calling these games MUH CUHRAAAAAYZEEEE
god that was the dumbest shit. they’re character action games
I love all 3 but i will admit that NG and god hand took me an entire playthrough to really understand and enjoy
Looks like Brian Bell's finally branching out
Not him but while I still haven't played God Hand, I would still consider NGB and DMC3:SE to be among the best acftion games I've ever played and some of the best of all time. I do prefer 3 though by a wide margin and I do have some issues with NG but I do admit that NGfags do make some good points.
I didn't understand UTs/ETs until my second playthrough.
Being attached to a single character's storyline is kind of dumb
Shut the fuck up, they're Stylish Action games
Yah the UTs are such a key part of the game, im surprised i made it through my first playthrough without them. My biggest complaint with NG will always be the boss battles. Some are good, but most are really fucking annoying with long ass grabs that take out a huge portion of your health
If you bring Automana into discussion then where the fuck are Transformers, Enslaved, Korra? Also, learn to crop, faggot.
Yeah, calming the fuck down really let people discuss what makes these games great in terms of enemy aggressiveness, player options, so on instead of just spamming the same few 10 year old combo gifs.
>My biggest complaint with NG will always be the boss battles. Some are good, but most are really fucking annoying with long ass grabs that take out a huge portion of your health
Boss fights are fine. Even in 2 they were mostly good, although I would've liked more fights like Fiend Ryu or the first Murai fight where you can use the environment to your advantage across both games. My issue is that high-level play is mostly spamming UTs, unless you're going for karma and even then, it forces you to play a specific, efficient way. Even if it's fun, it's kinda restrictive, and also repetitive if it's just doing UTs over and over again.
As in Odyssey to the West?
Wasn't that just Bamham combat? I remember it just being bamham combat. Completing with the glowing symbols over enemies about to attack, and you can remove those in bamham.
>There is not a SINGLE PERSON, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON, who subjectively believes God Hand, NGB, and DMC3 are all God Tier based on their own experience
Screenshot is outdated and save was lost in time
V was great. Git gud.
>Accidentally sent the message before finishing it
I played the shit out of DMC3 too and now I can't stop having fun with 5
But I do agree with you about this list, never played NG
Yeah, I don't think it was bamham. But honestly I played it so long ago it might've been bamham. I only brought it up because bringing Automata into discussion is unfair.
>same problem as KH3 but with more buttons that don't get used to make the gameplay any more complex
Lmao, there's literally one attack button, that you will use. one ranged for when you're far. and one special that will help greatly.
Dante is a Kamiya character that's why. Just look what they did to Trish AND Mundus. lol
Don't open this.
What did they do to Mundus?
Add unnecessary lore to a 1 dimensional boss/villain. The idea that he needed to eat the fruit to became as strong as he was kills his villain status that DMC1 established.
Mundus is no different to the first boss you fight in DMC5, just a random demon who wanted a fruit and got it. They also turned Mundus into this stalker scientist. Mind you they could've done shit for Argosax or some other DMC boss but they chose Kamiya's creation.
Keep posting.
I think it's a good addition to the lore, it implies that Sparda helped Mundus kill thousands of humans to unleash and feed the tree.
>The idea that he needed to eat the fruit to became as strong as he was kills his villain status that DMC1 established.
How? If anything, it made him even more of an asshole who craves to be seen as a God no matter the consequences. It also helps with giving way for more stronger demons out there, which the series greatly lacks at the moment.
>Mundus is no different to the first boss you fight in DMC5, just a random demon who wanted a fruit and got it.
But Mundus did get it, while Goliath didn't. That's an achievement a strong demon could do.
>They also turned Mundus into this stalker scientist.
Into a what? Is there something I'm unaware of?
Post naked vergil now
>what i didnt expect is that useless fuck Vergil showing up again
He literally was in the first trailer, taking Nero's arm. How the fuck didn't you expect Vergil to come back?
It gave mundus more characterization, he's supposed to be this threatning thing that looms over dante's life. Clearly he's going to show up in the future if they're giving all this extra info about him.
>dmc1 not even on the list
Do you have no idea are is this a rhetorical question?
You had 11 years to get a clue. Hint: look at the box art for the two last games.
In case you're just playing dumb instead of asking a real question, they're sidelining Dante because they went with a timeline throughout the games and Dante's age change. They could have went for the immortal icon route but that's too late for that and though there is still a period of Dante's life left mostly unexplored (the DMC1 - DMC4 gap) It's obvious they want to phase out this old hero before we end up with an Granpa Snake situation. How humiliating that would be, imagine.
Did you also fail to consider Reuben Langdon might not want to do this for the rest of his life?
Or maybe after 7 years, at the time of DMC4, of Dante being the face of the franchise they felt a young asshole might revitalize the aura of youth a DMC character aught to display.
In any case Dante is already not the main character and he hasn't been the main character for 11 years. Again check the box art. They kept him around for you, because you love him.
Do you know how to read, retard? He's asking why the devs hate Dante and are sidelining him. Reuben 100% wants to keep doing this too, he literally auditions as Dante all the time because he loves the role. And the reason is purely because Itsuno and Bongo favour their creation
Nier Automata and W101 aren't even the same style of game. I mean Automata has some of the combat elements of Cuhrayzee but .. it's an action RPG.
why was trish so ugly in DMC 5
I think it's because the textures for skin, hair, teeth, etc. don't look real enough to match the face scanning which ends up causing problems.
Because they chose an ugly model, gave her bad hair, and most of the expressions she makes are unflattering.
Capcom's hardon for facial-scanning yields mixed results, to say the least.
Vergil, not Virgin.
You put Eva's hair on Trish and already you start seeing improvements.
Well that's nice for Reuben.
Asian fans really like DMC2 Dante
man they picked an ugly model, she looked good in 4. Lady doesn't look as fucked up in 5 but she's still less cute than she used to be
because fujos spent more time on the men
>that jew nose
>that butt-chin
She's still ugly. but yeah, the hair is one of the reasons she looks bad.
What does that have to do with the devs fucking up Trish?
DMC5 novel introduces us to Mundus stalking Vergil for a decade, sending demons after him, making angelo's based on Vergil and Sparda's fighting style and later Dante's, stalks Dante later.
The scientist side is all the angelo bullshit that wasn't necessary.
He never loomed over Dante's life before. His goal is to take over the human world. Simple as that, and also get revenge on Sparda by fucking up his other son.
Maybe fucking with the skin tone is what makes her looks so bad. The model has a good tanned look, but Trish is really pale in comparison.
the women who worked on modeling the characters were fujos who preferred perfecting the men more than the women
It's not even the paleness, just that the textures don't really look that good. It causes a kind of uncanny valley when faces are more realistic like that, but the texture quality doesn't match up. The teeth look very strange too.
>He never loomed over Dante's life before.
I meant for Dante, he still reminded that Mundus is out there and still alive but sealed.
By and large they don't seem to get scanning women.
"She" look like 40 year old tranny.
>scientist side is all the angelo bullshit
He wanted to make another angelo as strong as vergil was, to get revenge. It ties in with what agnus was doing in 4.
Kinda makes me think mundus may have a link somewhere there.
DMC1 isn’t a character action game, it’s an action adventure. It laid the table, sure, but it’s been massively outclassed since then. People who like DMC1 don’t like DMC as a series, understand?
>People who like DMC1 don’t like DMC as a series, understand?
But I like 1, 3, 4, and 5.
The pale skin is part of Trish's aesthetic, she's like a rocker chick, wearing all black, with sunglasses, and sometimes a leather jacket. They should've just chose another model really.
>People who like DMC1 don’t like DMC as a series, understand?
Speak for yourself and your autism.
>DMC1 isn’t a character action game, it’s an action adventure.
Any way you can quantify the difference between the two?
Or spent more time cleaning it up in post, as many people have pointed out it's an extremely awkward rig to work with.
It just re:Engine is shit.
They should improve MTFramework and use it for their games.
She looks exactly like the chick from this band.
>The scientist side is all the angelo bullshit that wasn't necessary.
Eh, it explained why Angelos have good swordsmanship, and it also made Mundus even more obsessed with Sparda which is strange to say the least. It wasn't necessary, I agree. It also made him seem pathetically weak.
This is what I hate; retards like you that sit on your fat ass all day browsing the catalogue waiting to respond to the OP first. I never get yous on this site no matter how hard I try so getting the first post is important. What if I have something constructive and/or informative to say, but can't, because of assholes like you that have no decency or respect for others? Imagine getting off to taking that opportunity away from someone. I'm not even going to try to get through to you retards, because it's the same thing no matter what board I'm on. Enjoy your "fpbp" responses, because that's literally all you have in your miserable fucking life. Fuck you, seriously.
>Any way you can quantify the difference between the two?
I don't think there is one. Character action is basically Soulslike for DMC-styled games. He's probably just saying DMC1 isn't one because he thinks 3+ is how DMC "really" is.
hey, watch your language
Already stale.
Claire looks like ass in REmake2. This new engine will have a few fuck ups sadly.
That and she's not an Itsuno girl, so they put 0 effort into her design or model.
>Or spent more time cleaning it up in post, as many people have pointed out it's an extremely awkward rig to work with.
I would rather have a much prettier model instead, honestly.
>It just re:Engine is shit.
It has room for improvements, and I think Nico's face looks cute on her alt colors.
>They should improve MTFramework and use it for their games.
Lmao, the MT also gave us MH:W with it's ugly handler, so no. also DMC always uses the same engine as RE, so unless RE goes back to the MT framework engine, it ain't happening.
MHW is on MT? Really?
DMC1: level design>action
DMC3: level design=action
DMC5: level design
Last time I checked, yeah. You can even google that shit if you don't believe me.
I mean their MT games usually looks like RE5,6, Dragon dogma online, but World is on another level of details and lighting.
by people you mean only 1 person?
DMC1's enemy design and attacks actually doing good damage makes it still feel really good to play and I end up going back to it the most
>The game uses a modified version of Capcom's internally developed MT Framework engine which provided a minimum of 30 frames per seconds on all platforms.
from wikipedia
I love all three but God Hand deserves to be a few down IMO, it's more style than substance to me, but god damn I fucking love the style
Why was Vergil dying of aids?
How did Vergil come back to life after Dante killed him?
mundus fugged him
Why did Dante try to reason with Urizen on the farm but not Vergil?
But Nico says that Dante killed him once, so it's canon to 5.
>Automata is bad
literraly seething. still havent heard a valid criticism of this kino and I never will.
soft retcon
Terrible design.
DMC5 is still my GOTY this year so far, but I agree with you.
I have no idea what the fuck Itsuno was on when he designed that piece of shit garbage gameplay.
It's funny because Platinum Games is pretty much making a whole game around the concept of summoning familiars to fight for you except make it good.
Pretty decent list, though personally I'd bump DMC3 down to High-tier and DMC5 down to God-tier
Nier Automata being on the list invalidates the entire list itself lmao
>This one game makes all the other parts irrelevant
Why would you put Automata on this list? Because Platinum Games helped with the combat?
There is absolutely no problem with V other than the fact that his moveset is too small.
Controlling him an his minions works great.
He was the best part of the game desu
6SE >>> 6 = 5DLC >> 5 = 4SE >= 3SE = 1 = 3 > 4 >>> DmC:DE >>>>> DmC >>> wall >>>>>> 2
>7/10 gameplay
>somehow the game is 10/10
No, on DMD he falls apart and his bosses turn to shit.
The fact that his moveset is too small is also a huge fucking problem
>No, on DMD he falls apart and his bosses turn to shit.
Nigger it's on DMD he gets good. You actually have to start paying attention to positioning and the moves that affect it.
>look at wall
>mash your controller while reading your stupid book
you can't do that with a few boss fights but for the most part it works
I completely disagree
nice avatar usage!
>completely avoids my comment
I'm so erect right now, I love destroying V-fags
>He literally was in the first trailer, taking Nero's arm. How the fuck didn't you expect Vergil to come back?
Nobody normal watches trailers religiously like you autistic fucks.
I dont care if it was announced before, him being in the game butchers the entire story and last act.
>woah it's the newest one so it must be the best!!
Ive never played shit hand but id put NGB and DMC3 into that spot even if I had never heard a single opinion about either game
denial about what? Nero is improved from 4, Dante is what he should have been in 4 and the vast majority of the campaign is overall extremely good even if it never reaches the highs of DMC3. the character V is still complete shit and a blight on the game, he just doesnt work as well as the other two and his role in the already mediocre fanfic story is retarded as well. Making Vergil the main antagonist again was a huge mistake, Urizen should have been his own character or a transformed sparda to end the series properly or something
I think the mission structure doesnt serve this series well anymore. The only really good argument for the mission system is being able to replay specific chunks/ gauntlets/ bosses easily but that functionality could be easily replaced by expanding the functionality of bloody palace (like in 5) so its easier to fight particular formations and bosses at will. The main campaign should basically be something like DMC3 but with no mission breaks and a more complex interconnected environment. I dont think the mission ranking system is that important when youd still have the on screen style rank and self imposed challenge/ style has been the point of the series since 3 anyway and the mission ratings rarely acknowledge what is actually hard/ skillful wank in gameplay
Brainlet who didn't understand the themes behind the story.
They should really just copy Ninja Gaiden Black's more open interconnected structure. It's still one of the best structured action games in the entire genre, if not the best.
What fucking themes?
"he killed billions to.. why again" themes you mean?
The story is fucking joke and lacks any consequences or even a backbone to take the story beats anywhere.
Nero gets a father and ... nothing, no reaction no fucking anything. Since his woman isnt even there since they already introduced too many side characters we dont even see how this impacts his family life.
Virgil casually murders everybody in a giant city and nobody bats an eye, there is overall lack of any reaction from anybody for the literal fucking apocalypse happening around them, In DMC4 the stakes were small and still it felt like the whole world was on the line.
Then the only interesting new guy V, casually drops dead so that blue fag can have a DMC:DMC clone final boss fight, why the fuck was he even a playable character?
Man, outside of gameplay on replays the game has little to offer. First play trough is awful, you are artificially locked out of too many tools.
>I think the mission structure doesnt serve this series well anymore
As someone who got into the series in the last year or so I think the mission structure has been weird in every game. I would love the next game to get rid of it
eat shit 3rd worlder :^)
Literally the most brainlet-tier post I have ever seen in regards to DMC5's story, themes and character motivations. You lack a very basic understanding of these characters and have probably not even put an ounce of though into your thoughts on 5's storyline.
>him being in the game butchers the entire story and last act.
the whole point of 5 was to bring him back fucking retard.
>the whole point of 5 was to bring him back fucking retard.
>its shit on purpose
Nice argument retard.
hahaha damn if this is a troll post then you succeeded. Look at all the replies disagreeing with your shitty list
Why did Goliath know V?
>Nobody normal watches trailers religiously
What are you talking about? Are you saying you didn't notice how Mero lost his Devil Bringer from """"mysterious"""" man in the trailer? Did you just role with the idea that Nero just so happens to lose his arm?
>him being in the game butchers the entire story and last act
I would've liked it more if he stayed dead, but it was clear as day light that he was in the game, and you'll have to be a brainlet to think otherwise.
>its shit because i say so
how can I argue against that brainlet tier post?
He didn't
>Why are you...?
What did he mean by this?
Either something that'll be explained in VoV, or maybe it has something to do with Urizen.
you want Vergil to die, alright then.
Kid, a story is to stand on its own not on what your think the characters mean to you.
The story lacks any character development, the characterization is nonsensical, the world building contradicts itself at every step starting with a giant outer space tree that would probably put whole planet on red alert.
The game throws one revelation after another like without having it impact the story yet alone even pretending like anybody in it cares.
V dies and Virgin grows out of some monster and nobody seems to give a fuck, Nero reaction to his revelation seems to be less important than a fancy new robot arm he got.
Also fuck the DMC DMC rehashes, that abomination seems to be main inspiration for this game, starting with the final fight and ending into Neros redesign.
Also Lady and Trish do nothing more than cameo, and the new shop lady has nothing to do at all.
Heres a fucking hot take, stop introducing new useless characters and do something with existing ones?
>game has MTX on a fucking single player game
>nobody bats an eye 10/10 omg goty
>only good song is Devil trigger
>everyone looks uncanny as hell because of RE7 engine
>V is a total faggot fujo bait that adds nothing to the game
>Everything looks the same and not really memorable at all
>Trish and Lady look like literal trannies
>only decent looking girl is the trailer trash that hangs around Nero for some reason
Seriously, its not really THAT good.
tell me your own version of DMC 5's story, user. I'm curious. How would you fix the story pacing?
You are beyond a brainlet.
If I'm to explain to you the story I need the size of at least 5 Yea Forums posts. I'll have to write down a detailed fucking script explaining to you the story of 5 from beginning to end. This is beyond retardation. Absolute despair. This needs an entire thread dedicated to it.
>says 5 is like the reboot
c'mon don't fall for that bait moron
Why are you so fucking retarded user?
That doesn't give any indication he knew him..V was about to kill him in that scene, so he wanted to know why, since Nero's the one who fought him.
>dmc 3 this high
>mgr anywhere but bottom
meme list from someone that doesn't play the games
>>game has MTX on a fucking single player game
>>nobody bats an eye 10/10 omg goty
They really don't impact the game much
>>only good song is Devil trigger
Devil Trigger is normie trash though, the real good songs are The Duel, And Cavalier's theme.
>everyone looks uncanny as hell because of RE7 engine
The dudes look good to me, they don't seem so uncanny either. Feels a bit stylized on certain aspects.
>V is a total faggot fujo bait that adds nothing to the game
He was a playstyle before everything else, he was something new and interesting. Girls liking him has nothing to do with it.
>Everything looks the same and not really memorable at all
Mission 2 was memorable, the library in mission 3 was pretty beautiful. Mission 12 has the Sparda house, the "boss rush" mission looked cool. The summons Bossfight was memorable. Among other things.
>Trish and Lady look like literal trannies
Nah they don't look like trannies, you're just obsessed. But they do look kinda bad Trish has it worse too.
>only decent looking girl is the trailer trash that hangs around Nero for some reason
She needed Nero to give her the Order's/ her father's documents. Cause she wants to become a great weapons artist as she says. And she hangs out with him because she finds Kyrie cute, and helps with making the breakers.
you fuckin faggots will complain no matter what
V was barebones and kinda boring, great concept sloppily executed, but at least they tried to innovative
remember muh golden age of early 2000s of experimentalism you zoomers are always going on about even though most of you were toddlers? there it is. trying something new is a good thing, even if the end result is not that great
>20 minutes later still no response
>we're closer to TGS
>still not even rumors about new content
Bros, i'm losing hope...
Because it'll be announced at gamescom
It's best if you kept your expectations low. Trust me on this.
Good, that way we won't be disappointed. Remember co-op BP?
As much as I enjoy V being a walking love letter to DMC1, I really dislike replaying the game because of him. I don't know man, I just don't find the Familiar combat fun. I've Platinumed the game and beat Bloody Palace with V, I just find him boring.
those are all annoyances, but they are quite minor. Umbran Climax and everything around completely changes the entire balance of the game and utterly ruins it
anyone that's played both games for a significant amount of time will tell you that the first is superior
by far
Same. I'd probably have started dante must die mode already if it wasn't for the fact V is such anti-fun.
the thing thats possible?
I like bayo 2 because it actually feels nice to play. The enemies in bayo 1 practically ruined it for me. They were absolute garbage to fight some of them.
Why would Goliath ask a human. who he would logically try to kill and sacrifice, is trying to kill him
oh my god i love Slamber Bamberg from SNL! hes in the game?
>tell me your own version of DMC 5's story, user. I'm curious. How would you fix the story pacing?
Fucking easy.
Drop virgin all together, with Trish and Lady is how the game starts.
Its about Nero, Dante and V. Make something up. The end.
Also never fucking start a story midway, so when they get there city is still fine.
Half the problem is that hes a throw away, one off character.
Pretty sure if he wasnt to be dropped like a rock midway he would get much more love from the devs design and balance wise.
He really feels unfinished, compared to other 2 lacks skills and gameplay variety.
Git gud, Bayonetta 1's enemies are objectively better. Bayonetta 2's enemies are literally fucking parry spam instant kill trash. Enraged enemies also lose audio cues for no reason at all.
>Goliath is literally just berial but without the centurion hind legs
>Goliath, Trish and Lady are the 3 main bosses in the first half
>Goliath is just sort of there
Goliath is another descendant of Mundus like Berial, and knows Vergil from his slavedays. Calling it now.
>easy, just make something up
okay dude so go for it, make something up lmao.
Umbran Climax was a highly unnecessary mechanic that robbed all use of the magic meter, wicked weaves were also nerfed to incentive the use of UC. Bayonetta 2 is a "better" game than Bayonetta 1 for casual one off playthroughs. If you actually climb difficulties and get better at the game its incredibly apparent Bayonetta 1 is better. It's sad because Bayo 2 had some nice weapons, but ultimately the combat changes and absolute dummy implementation of UC made it all for naught. If I could compare, Umbran Climax is to Bayonetta 2 as Devil Trigger Flux was to DMC3, i.e. the only thing you ever use your gauge for even though previous installments had more uses for it.
Goliath couldn't fight anymore after nero beat him so he couldn'tfight v, goliath is asking V, who he never saw before why he's the one attacking him.
I cheated my S rank on mission 18, that's what you get.
That's what you get when you don't fix your score system and give us a cheat weapon at the same time.
Butthurt Vfag is too dumb to notice that there wouldn't be a v if it wasn't a vergil story.
5's score system is retarded and Dante gets the worst of it. When you have to sit there and abuse Royal Guard to get S Ranks your system is not fine.
Because he's a human who hates demons, there doesnt need a question on why is he trying to kill him.if Goliath never saw him, he would ask WHO V is, not WHY is he doing this.
They chose a bad face model. The woman they chose is an actual model, meaning she has "good sides" which all her photos are taken. They chose her based on this and the transition to full 3D facial scan did not yield what they wanted. They also for some strange reason made Trish's nose hooked more than her facial model's is and gave Trish fucking god awful hair. Not saying Trish's facial model is ugly, she's a very attractive woman, but the facial scan system did not work well for her.
If we want to discuss this again we're going to need the user who knows the details about how it works to come explain or else it's going to be shit.
There's nothing to discuss, DMC5's system grants you points based your Style Meter when an enemy dies. Meaning an enemy dying at SSS grants you more points than an enemy dying at A or S. They upped Dante's score requirements to retarded levels for no reason causing you to have to use Royal Guard to get SS/SSS before actually fighting your enemies in order to satisfying the ludicrous score requirements. Actively participating in fights also lowered your overall average, meaning engaging non mandatory fights with Dante risked dropping your overall Chapter grade.
I had to dance every fight to s-rank mission 10 and I still haven't done 18 H&H
I meant that Goliath is asking why v would kill him since V had nothing to do with the fight between him and nero.
I've read it's based on the time you spend in a given rank.
What they should do is have every optional encounter count into an over all score like Bayonetta. That'll encourage players to fight enemies more rather than ignoring them. And there should be other factors than just style points, like time and damage.
Best scoring system ever in a game was Aztez. DMC should have let you juggle dead enemies indefinitely.
Goliath is a demon that kills humans, does that sound like a dude who gives a fuck about a one on one fight? And of course some human would try and kill you, you're killing his kind for fuck sake.
Ok so there's nothing deep about goliath asking why.
Man I hate that Bayonetta's QTEs and missile sequence rightfully exclude it from god tier. What was Kamiya thinking?
In Aztez, when an enemy dies, it can be kept in a combo forever. When it comes to “rest” from letting the combo drop (on accident or on purpose) it enters a waiting-to-die state where the next hit kills it. You can also trip the kill intentionally with a grab.
DMC’s mechanics are a little different but it would be easy to flag the final attack of a combo chain to instantly kill a dead enemy, so that as long as you keep interrupting your combo chains with JCs and specials, the enemy stays in your juggle until you whiff and let the combo drop or decide to trigger the last hit.
Eh I wouldn't really want that because it turns all fights into mandatory fights. I think players should have the freedom to skip a fight if they can score high enough to warrant it. Bayonetta's system punishes you for missing optional fights and DMC5's system punishes you for engaging in optional fights.
>Butthurt Vfag is too dumb to notice that there wouldn't be a v if it wasn't a vergil story.
You retarded?
Just make him someone else, or dont make him turn back into Vergil. Both options work.
You can reveal his past and have him go off into unknown, it would work well if they city wasnt destroyed and it took palce in bum fuck nowhere, V would fuck off to look for place in life to maybe see him again?
Would open nicely for sequels, if ever and not end of a cliffhanger with everything wrapped up.
user stop being weird. We haven't seen much of V to this point. Goliath asking
>Why are you...
adds to his mystique, and it goes completely line with Nero's question a few moments later:
>V...what the hell are you?
I wish Bayonetta's QTEs weren't there but how are you still mad about them after the first time. You know they're coming.
I'm not mad about them at all. I sorta like them in some cases, but I'm not going to sit and pretend i wouldn't rather just be playing with the game's combat than fuck around with QTEs.
I was just answering this guys post.
Same, but I absolutely disagree that Bayonetta's QTEs are warrant enough to bring the entire experience down, considering they are all mostly in the first three Chapters. My biggest problem with the missile section is it gates Jeanne IV, one of the best boss fights Kamiya has ever done. Every boss has its own chapter but Jeanne's final fight does not, very odd decision.
>My biggest problem with the missile section is it gates Jeanne IV
Yeah wtf. I really think I'd mind it a lot less if it weren't attached to Jeanne. Fucking bizarre. It would just bit a one off chapter, but nooo.
>Just make him someone else,
His character wouldn't have worked if he wasn't Vergil. He was just plot device kun.
>dont make him turn back into Vergil.
Which defeats the whole purpose of him existing in the game? V is his human half fucking retard he wanted to return to himself. Why do brainlets always forget about half the story?
The story would have had to go in a far different direction if V hadn't been Vergil. The only way DMC5 gets the familial ending that it does is because Vergil can be redeemed due to his human half bringing together the people who can stop Vergil. If Urizen simply turned back into Vergil, and Vergil was always Urizen, then he becomes irredeemable and has to die. And I like this idea better than turning him into the Vegeta of Devil May Cry.
Not him, but here's how I would have done the story. Still have the Qliphoth Tree and fruit idea, but have the plot revolve around Mundus trying to get it as revenge. We never got a real conclusion in the first game since Dante wasn't strong enough to stop Mundus in the human world and only ever did real damage with the full power of Sparda in the demon world. Hell, he needed Trish's help to push him back in the conclusion.
You could maybe have Mundus come through an opening to Earth or possibly have V as Mundus' human vessel (if you keep him). Could go whatever way you want. Hell, when I first saw the trailer with V holding the Sparda Sword at Dante's head, I thought they were going that route (especially when you consider his summoned creatures). What a disappointment when we discover he's just Vergil's 'human' side after being split in 2. Lame.
Anyway, Vergil can still come back in my story and still be controlled by Mundus, but you could have part of the plot revolving around trying to break free of it with Dante's help (even be a boss fight too), but obviously not the final boss (leave that for Mundus). Honestly, the sky's the limit. I think they could have done WAY better with the script than...what we got.
V returning to himself doesn't make him anymore redeemable since V's plan was manipulating dante and nero into giving him the opportunity to return back to himself. Yes it gives us a deeper understanding of vergil but he's still an asshole.
>V drops it 1 point
>boring retread story drops it 0.5 points
>locking Nero's DT and DB for the 1st playthrough drops it another 0.5 points
Nice 8/10 game hopefuly they'll learn from their mistakes so 6 can finally be the perfect DMC game
The first fight in Mission 5 on DMD is annoying as V has nowhere to move.
Mission 9 on DMD has two rough spots: fighting the bats in a tiny hallway and killing the Lusachia before they nearly OHKO you.
Hadn't thought of it that way. Fug, now it's even worse.
>Hating the one fucking great part of DMC5's story.
V/Urizen was awesome, it was like this poetic monkey paw of Vergil finally getting exactly what he wanted and realizing it was terrible.
I feel a lot could have been done with V, i dont like how in the end he turned back into Vergil, and how he will never show up again so his gameplay style seems like a dead end.
There is plenty potential in the summon mechanic, but now whole thing feels like a reboot is the only way forward. They keep writing them self into corners for no reason at all, DMC2 all over again.
If the make a DMC6 and we get a V clone called M or some shit it will be the biggest slap in the face who anybody who cares about the world of this game.
>His character wouldn't have worked if he wasn't Vergil. He was just plot device kun.
Not true, V was just some playstyle before Bingo decided to make him Vergil.
So a retread of one is what you wanted? Thats a better script lol.They weren't going to fit both mundus and vergils return in the same game. They needed to give vergil his development first since last we saw him was as mundus' slave. And how would vergil even be under mundus' again if dante already saved him from that?
And? I'm talking about his character not his gameplay. His gameplay can still return in the future maybe patty can take it.
V was fun to play. Not as fun as Nero and Wacky Wahoo Pizza Man, but fun.
Desu I don't really mind how V is handled now thanks to 's post. The problem, now, is Vergil doesn't get any comeuppance.
>feel a lot could have been done with V, i dont like how in the end he turned back into Vergil, and how he will never show up again so his gameplay style seems like a dead end.
That's just your problem though, his character was great for 5's story and a majority liked it. They could always make another summoner with his gameplay so you aren't missing out on anything.
>anybody who cares about the world of this game
Everyone should have stopped caring when they changed the timeline of the series after putting out an art book that's title is now wrong. They reboot something every time they put out something, you jut got to go with the flow.
The one that really gets me is that VoV scene where Vergil joins Mundus because the prequel book version is a lot funnier.
So Dante and Vergil are now the new King(s) of Hell?
>They needed to give vergil his development first since last we saw him was as mundus' slave.
What development?
They made him even more evil than ever.
V gets development and then gets casually written out and everybody act like he wasnt there.
There was plenty of place to fit in Mundus, the game didnt have to end with TWO Vergil fights, and TWO demon Vergil fights.
In fact the number of throw away demons is so big you could remove any of them.
>raises the 'nigru
He didn't get punished then and he won't get it now.
>Japanese underworld invades European underworld
>Vergil and Dante called to action
>Turns out the mastermind behind the invasion is Nobunaga
Where's my money Capcom c'mon now.
Yeah, I get what you mean. I hated that whole splitting in 2 thing anyway.
If anything, it's a resolution to several plot points that's been unresolved for many years now. Besides, I'm sure if they cut and changed a lot of crap out, you could have had both Mundus and Vergil.
As for Vergil himself, how did Dante save him exactly? That's never been shown in any of the games to my knowledge. Dante just fought him and Vergil 'disappeared'. Hence being another thing that's really unresolved. Did he die? Did he survive? This could have been something expanded upon. I'd bring him back of course if I did the plot.
DMC3 his punishment was going back to hell and getting mindraped by Mundus for a good while. DMC5 he gets to have his son fight for his deadbeat acceptance and his brother chills out with him cracking jokes while slaying demons.
His gameplay existing first before his story means his character could've been not Vergil at some point in development. "V" as a character is just an experiment, that Bingo had to fit in the story while also somehow bringing back Vergil. He also had to make sense why does Vergil have doppelganger. He did all of that but in the end the story came out disjointed in many ways.
Am i the only one bother with how everybody in the game brush over deaths of millions in large city?
Its the comic book problem of endless of escalation of scale but in a video game. I swear in next we will be playing on exploded earth, or the fucking sun since the only way to write stories is turning them into dragon ball tier silliness it seems.
>What development?
As written by you;
>V gets development
>everybody act like he wasnt there
Might be the fact thats he's still here? Dante went to hell with him, did you play the game?
No you don't get it bangbangbang pull my devil trigger :) dante and vergil are back!!!
>cheesy ass game doesn't have realistic writing
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
I think it wouldn't bug me as much if they didn't have all the bodies in the earlier levels. It was easy to overlook how many people the first tower of power killed because there wasn't much evidence, but this time they wanted you to know that shit's real now and it was a little jarring when everyone forgot about it after mission 17.
>exploded earth, or the fucking sun
DMC 7 takes place in an ayyy planet where the ayys are wondering why their pizza supply keeps running out
Itsuno wants you to prefer his characters over those made by Kamiya and the like. It happens a lot with long running series.
Give me a break, they are not the same character.
They act differently, look differently, and fight differently. V may be written as a part of Vergil, but within the story hes his own man.
DMC3 was smart about its cheesiness in a way DMC5 will never be. DMC5 shoves the tragedy of all these humans dying in your face, DMC3 smartly foregoes doing that.
>Devil Breakers
They probably got the idea from dmc 2 where nelo angelo commanded dmc 1 familars and just decided to use that idea as for v which was pretty cool actually. Having dmc 1 familars wouldn't have made sense otherwise. And I'm talking about how V was used in 5's story not anything else.
But he's the main reason why its a 10/10.
Nigo looks cuter than the trailer trash we got.
>>cheesy ass game doesn't have realistic writing
DMC4 is cheesy, and yet you see Nero fight for every person and even mourn his enemies.
Hell, even the bad guy Credo tries to hold back the demons and evacuate civilians.
People there, even villains, felt like they had values and goals, it never turned into large scale genocide for no reason.
I found them quite fun, wish it was easier to switch between them, like Nero's version of Dante's styles. Instead of breaking when you fuck them up/overcharge them they could just go on a long ass cooldown.
>act differently,
Read the manga or keep coping
>look differently
He's his human side so he's supposed to look like his mom more. He's not fully vergil.
Mediocre gameplay, poor enemy and boss design; even worse than in the first game which was shat on for its gameplay.
Also DMC3 was before Dante woke up to justice like daddy. So him not giving a fuck for most of the game was fine, he NEEDED that development.
DMC4 and DMC5 are hot garbage in the story department. Just sit back and enjoy the spectacle.
>They probably got the idea from dmc 2 where nelo angelo commanded dmc 1 familars and just decided to use that idea as for v which was pretty cool actually
I don't think DMC2 had Nelo Angelo... and I don't remember Nelo commanding anyone. the idea was just a summoner playstyle, one that's completely original and new, that's all there is to it. V using DMC1 demons gave this idea that V was actually Mundus, since Nelo barely interacted with the other demons or even have them orders.
>nelo angelo
Do you mean Arius?
Mundus was sealed up by Dante he couldn't have been controlling Vergil all this time. Vergil was initially dead I guess but they retconned that when itsuno took over.
>trying to move v while also attacking
>griffon and the cat start doing moves that im not trying to input
whose dumbass idea was it to bind moves to the left stick? it's also damn near impossible to get the demon pets to be where I want them to be
He's talking about the novel
Preaching to the choir at this point, but my sentiments exactly. All that shit about
>We are the sons of Sparda. Within each of us flows his blood. But more importantly, his soul! And now my soul is saying it wants to stop you!
his newfound sense of doing right just goes out the window when he refuses to give a shit about the old man summoning demons and killing a bunch of people. DMC5 further cemented that the series will never get as good as DMC3 again because fans will eat up the mediocre writing of 5.
>it never turned into large scale genocide for no reason.
DMC2 had humans being infected by demonic air and Dante killing them
DMC3 had Temen-ni-gru which killed most of the city for power autism
DMC4 has demon genocide which may or may not resulted to human genocide for literally a "I'm gonna rule da world" villian
DMC5 has a tree killing people for power autism
The only game that didn't have a genocide of any sort Is 1, and that's only because it was set in an island
Read the dmc 2 novel and you'll see where they got the idea from. Remember the fact that bingo took things from each of the novels and anime to incorporate into a coherent timeline.
What, bosses were amazing there, much more creative than in DMC5.
And yet a game is a sum of its parts, Automata might not be the best looking, or have most complex gameplay system but it makes a great package and a great experience.
Reminded me of MGS1 in that way, clunky but unforgettable. In few years i will still remember it and i will forget DMC5, DMC4 still where the series peaked so far.
Automatas biggest problems was the inconsistent difficulty curve some parts were borderline experimental in their difficulty, definitively needed more play testing and weak side quests.
Also just felt a bit low budget, which it was.
>Nero fight for every person
He didn't care about anyone other than kyrie lmao
the switching mechanic is what kills them for me. They are really fun and give nero so much versatility and style but they fucked up big time.
>his newfound sense of doing right just goes out the window when he refuses to give a shit about the old man summoning demons and killing a bunch of people
He literally tried to kill him the whole game. Until Nero comes in and says peace is an option for an autistic murderer. And Dante decides to keep an eye on him incase he does any more funny business in hell. He's development is literally still there, what the fuck are you talking about?
You can move the left stick half way to max to move without it causing inputs.
Shadow and Griffon teleport to whatever enemy you're targeting when you step attacking for roughly 1 second, provided you're within a certain range. If you're outside of that range they will instead teleport to V himself. This also effects certain moves, such as Round Robin.
To play V most effectively, you actually want to stick up close to enemies in the same range you would as Dante or Nero. This may seem pretty counter intuitive to what his general demeanour would have you think instead, but it genuinely improves playing as him tenfold and I think people would find playing as him more palatable if the mechanics of controlling how and when the familiars teleport was explained better.
>tfw you thought you would get rid of the retarded human part, but the demon part was the real retard all along
>what the fuck are you talking about?
>Until Nero comes in and says peace is an option for an autistic murderer
And Dante just goes along with it. Vergil's punishment is hanging out with his brother all day, making jokes and killing demon. Wew, I'm really feeling for the guy after he leveled a city. What a horrid fate.
It was a calculated risk, but man, am I bad a math
Finally someone else that read the novel.
>the DMC series as a whole has the narrative complexity of a Kamen Rider season
>brainlets STILL somehow misunderstand even the simplest narrative beats
Never fails to amaze
>cares about the story for some reason
>still doesn't read the manga and novel
It would answer so many of these brainlets questions.
>And Dante just goes along with it
He needs the Yamato, and you see him still trying to fight him over it in the end.
>Vergil's punishment is hanging out with his brother all day, making jokes and killing demon
His punishment was being a weak cripple trying to survive for more than a month. Until he realizes how much if a retard he was.
>Wew, I'm really feeling for the guy after he leveled a city. What a horrid fate
He's supposed to learn his lesson after all of this.
Was he really? I mean his human part was the one dying and getting dunked on while his demon side got to kill humans for their blood to survive.
>it don't matter he killed untold thousands of people, he a good boy now : )
>one of the sole character traits that has remained a consistent part of Dante's character no matter what he appears in is his ability to forgive and give even a demon a second chance
>>>wtf why did Dante let Vergil live
The guy even tried to reason with fucking Urizen before he ate the fruit.
Nero knocking his head in and fighting Vergil pushed Dante back into being willing to give Vergil another chance.
>human half survived and brought help to defeat you
>flex in them easily
>think you're stronger than Sparda so you just throw that shit instead if sucking it's power
>get buttfucked when your brother gets the Sparda and absorbs it and ends up stronger than you even when you ate the super duper apple
Yeah, he pretty much was the retarded half.
>His punishment was being a weak cripple trying to survive for more than a month
We're talking about after he split his soul and Urizen did a bunch of horrendous shit, right?
>He's supposed to learn his lesson after all of this.
That's his punishment? He learned his lesson?
>He needs the Yamato, and you see him still trying to fight him over it in the end.
That's not the whole story. All the tension deflates after Nero stops them from fighting, and more so when Dante just lays down. Nero doesn't give one iota of a shit that his old man destroyed a city of everyday people who could've been Kyrie or his orphan children. Dante, despite the blood of Sparda coursing through his veins, couldn't give a shit either. Just lets Nero walk all over him.
the best action game ever made for me is NGB and closely followed by DMC3 with parry build.
You are a moron that is projecting.
>can't hold a normal conversation that isn't seething over Dante
Urizen is totally the autistic half
Did you conveniently forget that at the end of 3 Dante STILL tries to save Vergil from falling into the demon world and STILL cries for him and ended up naming his shop after that event?
Dante being sick of Vergil is actually shown when he narrow mindlessly tries to brute force his way through to reach urizen all the while ignoring what both v and nero have to say?
He's the "THAT part" of this game for me. The only reason I won't do any more playthroughs is because I rememebr you're forced to play as that faggot with his damned sandals.
That reminds me, new chapter this week right?
DMC3 should have been where Dante and Vergil settled their differences, the hatchet further being buried by the events of DMC1. Then DMC5 strolls along, reawakens the sibling rivalry so Nero has something to stay relevant for, then everything is all hunky dory. DMC3 nailed the writing as far as Dante and Vergil go, DMC5 came in and trampled that. At the end of the day players were able to sympathize a bit with Vergil in 3 because he blamed himself for Eva's death. Now we have DMC5 come in and whoops Vergil is now just a petty child that hates Dante for the sole reason of him thinking Eva loved him more. DMC5's story is a major let down.
>the rowds wurr all clawwwwged..
>DMC3 should have been where Dante and Vergil settled their differences
Vergil literally ends DMC3 but jumping into hell with a "nuh uh you didn't win :^)"
Fucking nothing was settled
Yeah, soon actually almost midnight in Japan.
Are the raws out yet?
Dante flashback? Oh shit
Lovely, that means I won't have to scramble to finish it before my flight in the morning.
>Vergil is now just a petty child that hates Dante for the sole reason of him thinking Eva loved him more
That's wrong. He hates Dante for defeating him as nelo angelo and wanted to fight him as himself. And It's never mentioned that vergil hates dante because of eva liking him more.
>Did you conveniently forget that at the end of 3 Dante STILL tries to save Vergil
But he doesn't because Vergil lost and won't accept being saved by Dante after just losing + "this place was our father's home."
>and STILL cries for him and ended up naming his shop after that event?
Yeah, why not? That's not an issue. They grew up together, and now Vergil's gone.
>Dante being sick of Vergil is actually shown
>All the tension deflates after Nero stops them from fighting, and more so when Dante just lays down. Nero doesn't give one iota of a shit that his old man destroyed a city of everyday people who could've been Kyrie or his orphan children. Dante, despite the blood of Sparda coursing through his veins, couldn't give a shit either. Just lets Nero walk all over him.
>has to be saved by Dante even in his nightmares
oof, that's gotta be a hard blow to the ego
>Dante styling on Vergil even in his mind
fucking kek, based manga artist
>Kamiya Dante
Based, based!
Retarded and discarded
>she drew rebellion instead of alastor
How many translated chapters are there?
Capcom confirmed only Iceborne's in Gamescom and nothing else
>Not Alastor
That's like drawing Morrigan's wings starting at the fucking waist instead of the upper part of her back.
Alastorfags btfo
all of the them expect, obviously, the last one who just came out, you can find them all in mangadex
8 plus the preview
Look at that smug motherfucker
Not that I'm holding out hope because I personally don't think there'll be anything there, but that's just the schedule for their live streams.
Announcements can and are still made at their separate conferences.
>yfw dmc5 doesnt win the best action game award
They will see,
we'll fight until eternity
Retarded you can decide to not use it and do only torture attaks or change it for a mecha if you want, your choice man too hard to choose? , also bayo 1 has many bugs in it's gameplay that they fix in bayo2 like the bugged and broken killmore Durga switch combo that can one shot boss
>But he doesn't because Vergil lost and won't accept being saved by Dante after just losing + "this place was our father's home."
>Yeah, why not? That's not an issue. They grew up together, and now Vergil's gone
I was referring to when you wrote
>dante's newfound sense of justice
He would still forgive vergil after all this time is what I tried to say
This post says it better
Some select asian 1-fags are bit miffed about it (along with the gloves being open-fingered)
Based chapter
I think Kylo Ren is an pretty cool guy, eh kills demons and doesnt afraid of anything.
Vergil killed the game also Nero
>it don't matter he killed untold thousands of people
It does, that's why Dante still fights him and decides to keep an eye on him incase if any more power autism adventures start happening
>he a good boy now
He kinda is now, because of V and all. Dante doesnt trust him though.
>We're talking about after he split his soul and Urizen did a bunch of horrendous shit, right?
He just wanted to remove what made him weak, his human half. That's what Mundus has jammed into his head after all these years of torture. And so he removed it. The tree just so happens to make him even more powerful and so his half that doesn't have a semblance of humanity just used it. So really, Vergil didn't expect all of this.
>That's his punishment? He learned his lesson?
No, he became weak instead of strong, he suffered days trying to undo what he had done. When he came back he understands what he has to do. Dante doesn't let him go as easily and decides to attack him, and he also gets a beaten. Would you have liked it more if they killed him? Because that would be literally useless to bring him back, so might as well just keep him dead from the start.
>All the tension deflates after Nero stops them from fighting,
Because of his dumb heroic speech, Nero sees Vergil as more than just evil, because it's his dad, and him being family minded all that dumb shit.
>and more so when Dante just lays down
He's tired and Nero will deal with him, it would give the same result of gaining the Yamato
>Nero doesn't give one iota of a shit that his old man destroyed a city of everyday people who could've been Kyrie or his orphan children.
Nero sees Vergil as V who he seems to have gained trust.
>Dante, despite the blood of Sparda coursing through his veins, couldn't give a shit either.
He does care that's why he's in Hell in the first place
See you space cowboy
I see a lot of god hand shilling so will finally try it,you niggers best not be baiting like mgrr and automata
With that attitude forget it you'll hate it
Actually intelligent post
>Nero knocking his head in and fighting Vergil pushed Dante back into being willing to give Vergil another chance.
>He would still forgive vergil after all this time is what I tried to say
These aren't interesting narratively. DMC3 I always chalked it up to a moment of emotion. His brother was about to be trapped in the demon world, so he reaches out. DMC4 colors this strangely with Dante really not giving any shit that the old man is killing innocents with demons. DMC5 Dante, as someone mentioned, tries to brute force his way to Vergil, and Vergil deserves it for destroying a city of people. But then Nero slaps him and Dante's willing to forgive him? It doesn't jive, and it's not satisfying.
>No, he became weak instead of strong, he suffered days trying to undo what he had done
He manipulates Dante and Nero into weakening Urizen so he can fuse with him to become strong. Or did you miss when V says as much atop Urizen?
>Would you have liked it more if they killed him?
Yes because Vergil got away with killing thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people.
Didn't even read the rest because this is such a tired conversation by now. The hoops people jump through to say
>Vergil did nothing wrong and it's all okay now
is supremely sad. He deserves death. Here's the last point to really, really hammer it home:
>Nero doesn't give one iota of a shit that his old man destroyed a city of everyday people who could've been Kyrie or his orphan children
What attitude? I always try a game open minded and these 2 were a complete letdown. So either you know god hand is trash like these 2 or i hurt your feelings
Well it's trash but with a gold bar hidden inside just like nier and mgr
Aw fuck im out then
None of those posts are trying to say that Vergil a good boy that dindu nuffin. The point is that Dante being willing to give Vergil another chance, especially after Nero knocked him out of the heat of the moment and let him clear his head, is in no way out of character for Dante and is an action that he has even attempted in the past.
Dante was even willing to converse with Urizen and try to convince him to stop all this.
>They chose a bad face model.
They chose a model that looks exactly like Trish in DMC4. The problem is all the alterations they did to her model. Namely what this guy said
>Nero slaps him and Dante's willing to forgive him?
Maybe his heart wasn't in it as much as his head was.
The ACTUAL problem with Trish in 5 isn't a fault of the model itself. It's because of voice actress's face being a bad match for the model's facial mocap. When you look at a comparison between the VA and the model, their facial structures are completely and entirely different and it's what leads to Trish looking particularly off when speaking and emoting. This isn't a problem with other characters in the game because the facial features of the VA and model don't have such a massive disparity.
Vergil might not deserve the full blown GOOD END he got, but Dante does and so I'm completely fine with the hell vacation disguised as exile.
>He manipulates Dante and Nero into weakening Urizen so he can fuse with him to become strong. Or did you miss when V says as much atop Urizen?
You misunderstood, V didn't say that was his plan all along. It was all just him admitting that he has as much fault as his demon half does in all of this. That they're both one an the same in the end. But he wont let him be in control anymore, and fuses back to himself. because the other option is to turn to dust.
>Yes because Vergil got away with killing thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people.
He died many times, ones as himself by Mundus and another time as Nelo from Dante.and again dying as V. He was living hell for what he has done. And he deserved it.
>Vergil did nothing wrong and it's all okay now
Not even Vergil himself thinks his innocent, he asks Trish if he has a chance for a new start. Questioning if he even deserved or if anyone could forgive him
>Nero doesn't give one iota of a shit that his old man destroyed a city of everyday people who could've been Kyrie or his orphan children
Nero is a retad, more news at 11. Look I already told you why Nero has the heart to forgive Vergil. It's stupid and all but that's besides my point. Because what I started with is in how Dante still has his values, they did not go away.
>V(ergil) still can't get over nelo angelo
>Dante had to come save him again
DMC 6 needs to have Vergil saving Dante in some way preferably from Moondust.
Why the absolute fuck is bayo 2 lower than 1?
Jesus Nelo Angelo's arm is twice the size of V's twigs
thanks for the dump translatorfag
Nelo was like 9 feet tall and built like a brick shithouse
He got the Mundus aids from the dirty needles used to inject the demon steroids
Nelo Angelo id pretty big, even in DMC1 he was kinda bigger than Dante.
>He manipulates Dante and Nero into weakening Urizen so he can fuse with him to become strong.
He manipulates Dante because he doesn't want to die not to become strong. He only wants to become strong enough to beat urizen, like it mentions in the manga.
That's not a thing. If it was then Andy Sirkus wouldn't be able to play Golem. Ruben looks nothing like Adam, Daniel like Max (?), and so on, and Trish looks bad in promotional art and in stills. It has nothing to do with the performance capture or the model they picked. They just altered her face in a fucked up way so that they didn't have to pay the models every time they re-released the game like they have to with Kaneshiro.
I'm posting as I finish a page so don't expect a speedy dump.
Itsuno should have taken some notes from other games in the genre, dmc5 is dmc3 3. Also dmc games boast the worst enemy design in the genre by far, really don't get the love for the series here.
Controversial opinion, despite the shit DmC did to the franchise, I am willing to say it should be higher up on the list.
The only reason it's so low is because it's a Devil May Cry game and that draws immediate comparison, if it was it's own IP then I think most would probably put it higher as well.
Well, then, take your time. Better done right than done fast.
What were your issues with DMC5?
>Hell Judeccas and Furies being annoying due to spamming teleportation giving them way too many fucking invincibility frames
>V's playstyle being too fucking limited due to monsters being his attacks and with only one finisher and parry to call his own
>Chapter 18 is pure fucking dogshit
Not exactly a lot of dialogue thus far, also this is the first colour page since the ones at the start of ch1.
Nelo was a fucking large lad in DMC1. Easily standing taller than Dante.
Judecca are easy, stop knocking them down. Furys are stupid I agree because at best they waste your time. Agree on V, fuck you Mission 18 was DMC1 throwback kino.
Loading and inability to skip cutscenes.
It is a thing with the RE engine though. In the developer dairies for RE2 Remake they even talked about how they had to find a voice actor who could not only do the voice they wanted, but also had a facial structure that aligned well enough to not cause issue with the mocap.
You can even see it for yourself when you look at Trish's in-game model, which isn't using facial capture from the VA, vs her cutscene model which is.
Reuben doesn't look like Adam, sure, but their facial structures are similar ENOUGH to not cause significant issues, unlike the case with Trish and her VA.
Another example is pic related, an off-screen shot of Vergil's face without Reuben's facial rigging applied. Compare it with on-screen shots of Vergil in a cutscene and you can easily see the difference.
Why didn't V ever ask about the fucking amulets reee
Without Dan's facial rigging applied*
Don't bother, that user is convinced that V had a master plan from the beginning and had been lying through his teeth to Trish and Nero. It's a shit interpretation, but an interpretation nonetheless. I guess.
I don't get how dmc3 is considered better than bayo 1, without the style switching mod the game feels really restricted compared to bayonetta
>similar ENOUGH to not cause significant issues
If everything you say is true then it's not without issues. Dante CONSTANTLY makes these weird, cringed, faces throughout the game and it's probably because those expressions look fine on Ruben's face but on Adam's they look dumb.
This reminds me a bit of the Miwa Shirow illustrations.
I agree with this but then why did he have that evil grin and sinister music moment after Nero agreed to haul him up to urreason
Nostaliga, memes, people not actually playing DMC3 on Very Hard/DMD to see how horridly balance the game is. I love DMC3, it's one of my favorite games of all time, but I am clearly aware of its flaws. DMC3 gets worse the higher difficulty you go, Bayonetta gets better the higher difficulty you.
For me it's
>loading screens
>level design could've been more like the older titles (yes even with their faults I would rather them)
>no Gimmick stages
>revive system
>mission scoring system
>non-linear story pace
>Sparda not having it's own moveset AGAIN
>Rebellion not having Drive
>V needs more gameplay refinement
>Trish looks bad and they should've gave her different clothes.
>no alt costumes
>Nero's DT feels almost usless.
>visible level creativity drop after first few chapters
>some tree chapters feel like filler
>two loading screens
>too little platforming and puzzles (that just me probably)
>If it was then Andy Sirkus wouldn't be able to play Golem.
Did you just fucking compare a god-tier FX in a high budget movie to some random video game like they're at all comparable?
Serkis played Gollum, and then went in and supervised dozens of VFX artists to accurately manipulate and animate his mocapped movements and expressions.
DMC5 takes the lazy way out and stitches together non-actors facial movements to lazily scanned models, then dumps it all in an engine and calls it a day.
Rightfully so. It's a shitty error
That's really something I love about bayonetta, the way it slowly removes the training wheels each time you go up a difficulty while keeping it feeling fresh and not like you're doing the same shit over and over
What the hell is this shit.
That user got the right idea but V's reason wasn't to become strong, he just didn't want to die.
Because his plan was working right? Everything was falling into place, he could finally return to himself.
Just because he had a good intentions(?) doesn't mean he wasn't being manipulative cunt.
Very hard was ok
Nightmare's eyegina
Imagine not being able to draw Dante's most simplistic design.
Yeah, sucks most people don't want to learn Bayonetta let alone play Infinite Climax. Love both games, and Bayonetta certainly has its fair share of fuck ups and flaws, but people do not play nor like Bayonetta the same way they do Devil May Cry so naturally it gets shafted in 'tier lists' for simply not being Devil May Cry.
Giganigga's core
sperm and egg
The visual style, the DmC inspired elements, the fact that all returning weapons have the same combos as before with nothing either new or done differently, how Dante has become a supporting character in his own franchise and how he's become a joke since the anime, a broke, lazy, unenergetic joke, the fact that nor Trish or Lady look like Trish or Lady, how Vergil has become the last boss fight for a 3rd AND 4th time, Dante, Trish and Lady's get ups and Nico annoys the ever loving fuck out of me. I'm sure there's more but I'd rather not get flustered over it.
>how Dante has become a supporting character in his own franchise and how he's become a joke since the anime, a broke, lazy, unenergetic joke
I know that feel
Welp, People wanted it to play like DMC and when it did its own thing they shat on it and refused to hear anymore on the subject.
Instead of playing it for what it is people were mad for it not being what they wanted it to be. Bayonetta is fantastic but don't tell that to the wrong crowd or you'll get inundated with combo vids.
V is great if you like summoners, but most DMC players don't like them.
You need a different mindset to enjoy playing him.
Happened to Ryu and i think Megaman. It's Capcom devs being faggots but it never works out.
>V isn't vergil
lol @ u fagets
Who said that? If V isn't Vergil then Neither is Urizen and There is no way Urizen isn't Vergil.
>The visual style
Just needed more colors really
>the DmC inspired elements
Let's see here
>Style announcer
Non issue
>camera close up
Non issue
>the parry system
Helped Nero have more mechanics, so it's a good thing
>easy jump canceling
Not a big deal, but sure there's a problem
Is that all? Sorry if I missed any.
>the fact that all returning weapons have the same combos as before with nothing either new or done differently,
That's a lie, Cerburus has two more movesets, DSD gives Dante sword formation, Rebellion and Sparda are fucked though. RQ has two more moves too.
>how Dante has become a supporting character in his own franchise and how he's become a joke since the anime, a broke, lazy, unenergetic joke,
He was always broke, he isn't very lazy in 5, he just woke up from a long ass nap is all. But yes that's complete bullshit.
>fact that nor Trish or Lady look like Trish or Lady
Lady looks fine, Trish not so much.
>how Vergil has become the last boss fight for a 3rd AND 4th time
Not really a problem, the real problem is Urizen being the rival boss
>Dante, Trish and Lady's get ups and Nico annoys the ever loving fuck out of me.
Dante's clothes are good the rest are meh, Trish had been wearing the same clothes for decades, Lady's is better than 4 at least. Nico should've wore her concept art clothes
>I'm sure there's more but I'd rather not get flustered over it.
You didn't mention much gameplay
wait is he saying that being manipulated into becoming nelo angelo was his weakness? or dante :^)
The devs of this game are retaarded.
They just copied all the old stuff from the other games and updated the graphics for Nero and Dante.
When it came time to make their own chaaracter they made the button-mashing retarded mess that is Vi
So using up his his demon energy is what made him get all flaky in the end
>The devs of this game are retaarded.
>They just copied all the old stuff from the other games and updated the graphics for Nero and Dante.
>literally shows Dante in his thoughts
Dante has no more room to grow. He's established character. Do you want DMC to become stale like Western comics, just keep throwing Captain America, a character with 50 years old history on adventure after adventure of no consequences?
Jojo is fresher than most shonen because they keep changing the protags. Each protag is unique and have different obstacles. DMC4 is a quick look at what a Dante story would have been, he comes, goof around and crushes the bad guy with no character growth.
>He was always broke
He was a successful Devil Hunter in DMC1 and a famous one in DMC2. He only started being a down on his luck clutz in DMC3, and since that one was well-received, Itsuno doesn't want to risk pissing people off, which is why Dante has become more and more flanderize with every new game.
Dante's outfit is boring. This nigga was meant to be a "stylish" character yet he has the blandest design in the game alongside Trish.
You know what I mean Nigga. Dante and Nero all their moves are taken from the previous games. Nero's new arm thing is just a gimmick, it makes him worse really. Dante is literally using his old weapons with new animations. And Viiiiiiii is a retarded mess, highlighting how terrible and uncreative the devs are when it comes to coming up with something new.
are u ok?
>He was always broke
Nah, he was only broke when he was a teenager. Which is pretty normal actually. Once he opened up his shop he wasn't a broke bum.
DMC2 Dante wasn't broke either, the novel talks about how the DMC business shits on any other demon hunting business and the other demon hunters copy Dante so they can make more money too.
The anime was when Dante became a meme broke nigga who does nothing 24 7.
Read the follow-up, brainlet
>He was a successful Devil Hunter in DMC1
its shown in the dmc 1 novel he's still poor. he has tabs at the tavern he goes to.
>He was a successful Devil Hunter in DMC1 and a famous one in DMC2.
He didn't care if he got paid in 1, and he is very much famous in 5, they referre to him as the Legendary Devil Hunter, even Nico was fangirling over him. His broke not because he doesnt get jobs, but because of his heart of gold that he barely gets paid for most of his work.
Looks cool to me, I like simplicity.
>This nigga was meant to be a "stylish" character yet he has the blandest design in the game alongside Trish.
Would making him wear a vest make him more stylish? Also Trish's clothes are literally the same as DMC1 so I have no idea what you're bitching about here
>DMC2 Dante wasn't broke either, the novel talks about how the DMC business shits on any other demon hunting business and the other demon hunters copy Dante so they can make more money too.
Yeah, But how much does a devil Hunter make? Checkmate.
Check 'em.
Why does Vergil not have Yamato on his model when he has Beowulf equipped? It's like that in his boss fight.
I'm surprised V didn't get Nightmare aids
>Stole his clothes
>Stole the cane
>Stole Nightmare's core
What the fuck happened with 4's development? Is there a comprehensive behind the scenes article?
>Phantom got left out of V's moveset
It's not fair bros
>vergil is a yandere
>Dante and Nero all their moves are taken from the previous games
Not really.
>Nero's new arm thing is just a gimmick, it makes him worse really
How's having more options than 4 worse?
>Dante is literally using his old weapons with new animations.
And why is that a bad thing?
>And Viiiiiiii is a retarded mess, highlighting how terrible and uncreative the devs are when it comes to coming up with something new.
Oh, so it's bait. well here's a (you) I guess.
>waiting with a gun in his hand
stay classy Dante
Pretty much;
>was being made as a PS3 exclusive and as such, was making use of PS3's unique hardware (muh CELL POWAH)
>halfway through higher up tell them to make it multiplat because they want that COD money
>have to scrap loads of shit because of now they can't use just the CELL POWAH meme hardware
>also had the same budget as DMC3 despite everything being more expensive to make
>also didn't get any extension on dev time after the order to go multiplat
He was too much of an asshole to work with V
How could he fit in?
Crap those eyebags, Nightmare was really rough on the poor guy.
Cause it would look stupid like it does there
>Yeah, But how much does a devil Hunter make? Checkmate.
Got to dig through Kamiya's tweets. But in Kamiya's canon he makes a good amount. His coats are expensive.
So yeah, go blow yourself.
So technically Dante's the one that got Nightmare for V?
But in Kamiya's headcanon he barely makes japanese minimum wage, as per Kamiya's twitter posts.
So yeah, go blow yourself.