Please, I’m fucking begging you, I ask every time there’s a thread. Where is the fun, I always get called a contrarian as if I’m picking this stance to be edgy or bother people. I’m not. I’m at 4-2 and I’m STILL waiting for the fun. WHERE IS IT? The story is boring as fuck. Please. What exactly is fun about it?
Please, I’m fucking begging you, I ask every time there’s a thread. Where is the fun...
This game is as bad as it sounds. You should have picked Revelations instead, at least it’s not a QTE fest and the convoluted storytelling actually keep things from becoming stale.
keep going it gets really good, trust me.
>He fell for the zoomer meme
Sometimes, in life, you'll act like a contrarian that everyone hates.
The truth is that you're not actually contrarian: you're retarded.
As in, you're genuinely mentally subhuman and as such in the old days you would've been institutionalized, you can't help yourself, you were born suffering from terminal dumb.
That's the real reason why everyone hates you.
You better not lie to me user Revelations was ok, my fav though would be 2 Remake, 3 and 7
I always thought the aiming felt really satisfying, and I loved exploring the world with its creepy and mysterious atmosphere. Maybe the game is dated by today's standards, I haven't played it in 10+ years. Since you seem desperate and emotional in your post I will give you a genuine solution to the problem you seem to have "I ask every time there's a thread, where is the fun?" This is kind of a fundamentally flawed question, and not really useful to ask strangers. We don't know what your conception of fun is, it's a very subjective word.
Yeah just what I expected, some limp wristed passive aggressive reply instead of actually giving me fucking reasons WHY it’s good
no truer words have ever been typed
There is fun to be had in the game user, but every once in a while you'll find that the fun just isn't for you. That's okay.
I enjoyed 1, 2, 3, 1 and 2 remakes, 0, 7 and the outbreak games. I’m not getting the same feeling playing this one, it genuinely feels like a chore playing.
If you don't like it then your idea of fun is different. Play something else instead of being an a faggot on Yea Forums.
If you have to ask you're never going to find it.
Revelations is terrible
Oh eat my fat dick retard. I could’ve just posted another blatant porn thread
The game gets worse once you leave the village so don't expect it to be better from now on.
I played it a few months ago and I enjoyed but the controls are terrible. And I don't believe the ''they were mean to be bad'' excuse.
>Gets actual answers ITT
>Only responds to posts that insult his tastes
typical zoomer retard
I responded to other posts autist. Nice cope
you can kneecap spaniards and then suplex them because you work for the president and your attache case is like the trunk of a car. you go on an adventure collecting guns and treasure hunting while the game constantly throws ridiculous curveballs at you and makes you think on your feet. it has an escort mission but it's so incredibly easy that you're basically still alone. it's gory as fuck by 2005 standards and there are a ton of unique ways to die. the shotgun can blow multiple heads off. every gun can be upgraded to retarded levels.
>WAAAH I need other people to validate my opinions
zoom zoom
See you make it sound fun but it’s not. It’s slow and tedious. There’s not a single part so far where I’ve been captivated by anything happening
nice flowchart
Who are you quoting? Stop making up arguments in your head schizo
This user has it on the money. For my own personal enjoyment though,
>do i fit in yet guys?
I guess it's hard to entertain the zooming zoomer used to fortnite and cod.
Resident evil 4 is a great game. It's a mix of resident evil + dino crisis 2.
Never played fortnite and haven’t played a cod since 4. Anymore shitty arguments?
I guess it's hard to entertain the zooming zoomer used to sucking dicks.
>Never played fortnite and haven’t played a cod since 4. Anymore shitty arguments?
RE4 has one of the strongest first acts in video gaming, so if you’re past the village and it still doesn’t appeal to you, then you can safely say it’s just not your type of game.
>RE4 has one of the strongest first acts
so you're some sort of retard who thinks video games are movies
>OP asks for reasons why people think it’s good
>3 or 4 genuine answers the rest reactionary shitposts
This board can’t die fast enough
>so you're some sort of retard who thinks video games are movies
If you don't enjoy it, you just don't enjoy it. Just... stop playing?
>this board can't die fast enough
Be careful now
>film is the only medium that has “acts”
I’m sorry user, there is indeed a retard afoot but it is not who you think
boomer cringe
>boomer cringe
play the mercenaries mode when you beat it.
well plays do aswell
video games fucking don't
>well plays do aswell
>video games fucking don't
What’s your goal here? Are you mad because somebody memed you with
>who are you quoting
>What’s your goal here? Are you mad because somebody memed you with
>>who are you quoting
Maybe, just maybe, it isn't the game for you?
>comparing mindless shoot dodging game to a shooter/survival horror hybrid
>using MP1 as your argument so you can ignore that awful Jimmy Pegorino escort level in MP2
Say it in a less limp wristed way, you sound like a wimp
>Say it in a less limp wristed way, you sound like a wimp
Console gamers IQs are so low they can only deal with people who disagree with them by passive-aggressively repeating what they say
>Console gamers IQs are so low they can only deal with people who disagree with them by passive-aggressively repeating what they say
No thanks
I've never heard anyone call RE4 slow before. Other than having you stop for a puzzle every now and then the game constantly keeps you on your toes and moving through areas where you're rarely safe until you've genocided half of Spain.
The game is only good for arcade shooter fans. As others said, if you want to play survival horror RE but with modern control, play Revelation games, or REmakes.
The fun is in the friends you meet along the way.
I just feel slow when fighting enemies, I have no problems killing them, like I said it’s just so tedious
I loved the remakes
Except the game literally had 3 acts you retard the Village, the Castle and the Island
>people still fellate revelations as legit survival horror
Lmao its more of an arcade shooter than re4