Mario lore thread

Mario lore thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

me in front your mom in the back

This but the opposite


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Attached: MARIO LETTER THEORY.png (1000x860, 449K)

W = wide

>not Wumbo

>tfw no lewd N64 cart

Attached: 1561480321515.jpg (800x600, 136K)

>Imagine jerking off and getting aroused at polygons with textures overlaid on them.

Attached: 41A7B7B2-E27E-45B1-85B7-30C20B3269C2.png (302x201, 14K)


an 11 yr old shouldn't have mammories like this

Attached: 1544596037161.png (925x919, 714K)

>Imagine jerking off and getting aroused at a bunch of molecules

Yeah haha ha...

That's the adult malon, I dont know how old she was pre time skip but she's probably in her late teens after 7 years

She's either adult Malon or Romani depending on which game this is meant to be in

Attached: oh fuck.png (270x376, 87K)

I'm 99% sure that's the interior to Talon's ranch house.

W = wide
upside down L = lean

>That's the adult malon
suddenly not interested anymore

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Mario 64 lore truly never ends.

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Attached: Rosalina Belittles.png (238x220, 102K)

>mario 64 machinima
Jesus fucking christ that takes me back. Post more.

Attached: MAMAFUCKER.png (566x426, 244K)

i miss old smg4

Seriously who supported the waifu shit? They are out of place characters in a universe where everyone is retarded, everytime they appeared I skipped their shit, sadly now they are the focus of the channel so I unsubscribed to SMG4

>not acdcgamer
>not fleskhjerta
>not megaman765

I did the same thing, smg4 only cares about money now, and i personally think he should have ended the channel a long time ago.


oh shit 2006 strikes like a mf

hahahaha why would anyone do that

Attached: 1534822060804.jpg (1024x768, 315K)

I'm 26 and I find it hard to believe people jerked off to this in the 90's. Granted I didn't start jerking off until I was about 11 or 12 and I vaguely remember playing Tomb Raider, but I was jerking it to porn though. I didn't start fapping to video game characters until I was about 14 or so.

one of my earliest faps was to this hideous caricature of a character from kung fu chaos. any time I got a peak at her panties I'd get stiff as a board.
and that's how I developed a thing for upskirt shots

Attached: candiroll_kfc-737.jpg (1280x960, 102K)

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>people will reply to this pretending to know what the actual secret is

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i don't get it

>polygon face
>perfectly round tits


Attached: 1533015390379.jpg (240x240, 19K)

>the yellow gas is peach's farts

Attached: 2tumors1regret.gif (400x306, 475K)

You just don't have an imagination. When this is as good as games get, your brain does the rest.


Could you guys imagine an sfm with these models?
Would it work or is it a bridge too far?

Attached: 1554396684994.png (519x512, 345K)

I fucking remember this, there were like 2 other images weren't there? Who made these anyway?

I'd rather have a lewd OoT mod. But either way, the thought makes me diamonds. It's probably too far for normalfags though.

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no mario

Attached: bing bing wahoo.png (1883x561, 163K)

Enjoy your vacation OP.

If where I found them is the actual source, it was a from a deviantart account named "Aphius." I went back since a while back but sadly there's only a couple of scraps like it.

holy shit BASED
I used to watch this guy's sm64 and roblox bloopers in the late 2000s and I enjoyed them alot

Attached: 1550512672346.gif (270x270, 2.3M)

Quality pasta material.

>he doesn’t know

I looked the name up and got a tumblr account and a deviantart account but neither seemed to have the image, mind linking me?


>Rosalina Belittles.png
>picture of Daisy

Attached: what.jpg (187x269, 6K)

If children can have their sexual awakening through Minecraft anything is possible.

because rosalina is probably belittling daisy u dip

I don't see Rosalina in that picture.

Begone faggot

Attached: Immunity Dog.jpg (500x860, 203K)

Good timing, I have been binge watching his videos on NicoNico. They are a guilty pleasure for me.

2014 was the peak of his content for me, it felt like this nice middle ground where every blooper is pure insanity that slowly builds the world but without getting too self aware. Even dated episodes about popular shit from the time have some genuinely funny moments.

I feel like the moment when it all went to shit was when he showed his face. The amount of voice acting only increased and you had those god awful new characters like that unfunny green Spike dude who takes too much screentime for himself. I also noticed an overuse of the gmod Mario model doing that V mouth face, makes me wonder why he didn't just abandoned bloopers and just migrated to Gmod parodies since he relies on it so much. I haven't seen anything from the waifu era because I don't feel like torturing myself but from what I can tell they are even shittier inserts that clash with the world, forcing the already flanderized Mario character to further carry the show.

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I jerked off to a sex-under-the-blanket scene in Sims once. Truly, one of my fondest memories of my childhood.

Fuck off mario

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This, freddy's spaghetteria is kino

>When you see it, you will shit bricks.

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no mario

no mario


Is Mario responsible for mass shootings?

>only you can prevent RAAAAPE
>hey cousin, now I know you're not gay
>oh my god Justin Bieber

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what the fuck

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Why is the poop mixed but not the farts?

why does this always make me laugh?

No mario

lol wtf

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The one I posted doesn't seem to be there anymore. I guess they took it down.

Pannenkoek is a treasure
Once upon a time he trolled the speedrunning community so hard that they had to create new rules to stop his bag of tricks.

no mario

I remember the smell ruining this moment when using my going into games machine.

probably shopped desu

>going into games machine

Attached: 1565204685704.jpg (520x492, 141K)

And of course, other classic moments like the Goomba staircase to heaven
The godly hyperspeed walljumps
Mario sending Koopa the Quick to the shadow realm
And the mystery Goomba saga

Aw shit you got a going into games machine?

Attached: EBs9_H0VAAM_wGS.png (257x233, 69K)

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>he got a going into games machine
>he doesnt know

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Post the crash one he made

Okay there is a very slim chance this is real but I don't want to risk it

no mario

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no mario

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He released his own CGI cartoon called Meta Runner, which is where the girl is from, I think. There’s 4 episodes so far, here’s the first:
The whole show seems to be the embodiment of the “going into games machine” thing. Honestly I don’t like it, the main character is boring and like RWBY it just doesn’t look good in 3D.

Is it SFM/Gmod or is it done with an actual 3D engine?

Why does he wear the mask?

Attached: ShyGuyCTTT_artwork[1].png (1400x1436, 1.33M)

no mario

I have no idea, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was SFM.

How come nobody talks about this character? He's always there while you're playing the game, but only appears sometimes.

Attached: Mario Stunt Double.png (239x211, 53K)

The damage was already done and you can clearly see that in this shit, seriously why people like this? It's legitimately ugly af

no mario

no mario.

no mario

Attached: aw yea.png (954x650, 433K)

unrelated, but is my gmod vid based or cringe






Imagination has a funny means of filling in the gaps

Ba win o whep bah wing oh whep bah win go wep bah wing oh wep bah wing o wep bah wing o wep bah wing go when bah wing go wep

Just a little more soi and I would've been seething from how zoomer-core it is, but thanks to some redpilled elements which lend it a distinctly un-cucked atmosphere, it manages to reach just short of kino by nu-Yea Forums standards.

If you get the camera distant enough or make the game think you're a distance away from the camera you can easily spawn him.




Γ = Γαμιέσαι

The W is for wumbo

no mario

no mario


please explain

>judges got so assblasted they banned him and had to implement a fuckton of rules to prevent fuckery like his again
Holy shit, how can one man have such power?

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explain THIS.

Attached: d9lrjg1-17901aa2-5eb3-4115-9cbb-e9dd1b0d4356.jpg (580x434, 66K)

Why hasn't anyone made a mod like that yet? Fuck.

Attached: 1563826729952.jpg (960x540, 320K)

The no joystick saga is probably my favorite. Pannen is so powerful he can get stars without putting his hand on the control stick.

>That last fucking task
This man is a deity

Probably some dev left it there as an in-joke, Nintendo's censor policies were a little more lax at the time so this sort of stuff would sometimes make it to the final product.

Attached: onFiRs1.png (636x590, 236K)

Good thing they aren't called "nigglers"

after all the times it was posted if there was really something to get someone would have said it just to spoil the fun to anyone
it's just fingerbox 2.12.47, except fingerboxes were cool

wow it really does
i thought that user was just kidding but i see it now

Where'd you get yours bro? Everywhere I check they're always out of stock.

it's too late now
he's here

Attached: 1550490822376.png (900x1125, 1.54M)

no mario

You know they debunked this in the latest Nintendo Power podcast, right?

>can jump 30 ft. in the air
>can break big brick blocks just by punching it


underrated usage of this one

i-i'm going to die........
Sorry guys, i failed.

Attached: MarioEXE_monster.png (752x1063, 1.17M)


coca-cola and mentos in anus

also, he uses steroids

Now, all you have to explain is why are fucking brick blocks floating on thin air?

stey back maro

That's fucked up. How did Nintendo get away with this?

Nerve gas

no mario

no mario


in her eyes, duh

Bowser is not lactose intolerant

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Attached: 1469840201593.jpg (2000x720, 151K)

no mario
I'm the invisible man,
I'm the invisible man,
Incredible how you can,
See right through me

I say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm the Invisible Man, whoa
I say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm the Invisible Man

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what are some of your favorite mario 64 blooper vids guys?

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Fucking BASED!

Bloopers aren't in 64.

Why would someone make this?

My first wet dream was about fucking the princess from A Bug's Life.

fuck off nintendo you cant keep this shit hidden any more

no mario

haha that's ridiculo-
>mario has logged in


they are in the third water world

Attached: m64-Dear Mario have sex Sincerly Zelda.png (640x480, 141K)

>50+ minute long tas submission
>game crashes as he gets the star as a bonus

What a madman.

Fuck off Vinny

Keep going

Attached: man jumps into mario lore.gif (277x342, 1.99M)

Jesus christ this image may as well be old as the internet at this point

not true
exhibit A:

Attached: 1532353518760.jpg (800x640, 62K)


it was aphius. i think he deleted most his stuff.

no mario


>Γ = Γαμιέσαι
εσύ γαμιέσαι πούστη

>ywn go into Malon using your go into games machine

boo's are ghosts

Attached: s61aopaac3k11.png (640x628, 150K)

nice avatar usage

y-you too

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Why is mario naked?

Attached: 1561591122385.jpg (1836x812, 329K)

I stole it.



no Mario

Isn't that that old FFXIII Doujin where the protag gets rapef and the rapist ends up breaking her spine in two with his bare hands


No Mario

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no mario


no mario


no mario

Is there an explanation for "50 minutes later" (12:31 of video) or at least a full video?

What were the two other images like?
Are you fucking kidding me? It's not archived anywhere?

*Blocks your path*
It's a pity it has to end this way Mario...

Attached: Shawn the Pocket Shark.jpg (1024x575, 82K)

>/k/ visits /d/.png

explain this

Attached: skeletonsofmario.png (513x333, 166K)


i do know, but you probably dont

>That fucking last task
>The one where he glitches out all and releases them all at once.
What a fucking magician.

What did they mean by this?

Attached: mro.jpg (1199x922, 153K)

I'd like to fill their gaps.
Apparently this the only pic left. I wonder if there's a full uncensored version.

If you watch any of Pannenkoek's videos you learn this kind of stuff over time. He bundles some of them into one, or focuses on just one. I think that specific glitch is some kind of "pocket" glitch where he basically tricks the game into thinking he's carrying something when he's not, or it clones something. Either or. And either way, he repeats the process needed to clone this box enough times that he's basically throwing the memory limit of boxes all at once.

There's actually a full video of that specific submission somewhere and all it is is him cloning boxes for those 50 minutes.

Hnn I haven't seen this is fucking forever
Why is this so fucking hot?

anyone got that mario cucking luigi greentext?

I have this one. No idea where it came from, though.

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