Rate my base

rate my base

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weird tileset user
where's your magma forges

nigga it's vanilla

does this game even have z-levels

>draw fortress lite

>cave base
4/10. Real alphas build actually sprawling villages.

>this shit
Why is it apparently impossible to enjoy both DF and Rimworld for you autists?

Recommend me some good mods.

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Because one game is better than the other

What kind of experience are you looking for user?

What does Rimworld and the like bring to the table?
Accessibility isn't an issue for me, which seems like the main selling point. I'm autistic enough.

River being used in the build.
Cave Base.
Actual attempt at defense.
Power line protection.
Muffalo den.

9/10 from me, enjoy the bugs.

Something more focused on survival, my favorite thing to do is dropping with one naked survivor and building a sustainable life from there. I'm not too interesting with managing a ton of people.

it's harder
you can't really set yourself up well in rimworld because of all the bullshit the game throws at you

Consider using mods that give you easy access to disposable pawns like Androids, automation mods, or Rimworld of Magic for necromancy. Those sorts of mods will let you get by with one actual pawn.

Off the top of my head then:
>No Research
Truly start with nothing and claw your way up from there.
>Glittertech / Sparkling worlds
Two mods that add some high tech shit near the end of the tech tree for you to research and use. The end game resources are quite difficult to make (Power/time wise) but they're well worth it
>Androids / Droid tiers
Disposable pawns, makes surviving easier once you've got the research and materials to make them. Don't need sleep or food, just get shit done.
Some people think they're cheaty, but having a wall that you can fire through makes it easier to survive as a lone pawn. There are a few of them on the workshop and they're pretty well balanced to be honest.


>everything on one z-level

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dwarf Fortress doesn't have mods

No prosthetics mod recommendation?

Did i say that? DF doesnt have mods to the extent of rimworld though

Christ, I thought this was a Terran command center blowing up from the thumbnail

10/10 riverside towns, I love those

everytime I talk about dorf mods everyone gets mad that I'm not playing the game vanilla

Glittertech / sparkling worlds has some prosthetic items included, but then there's shit tons of extended prosthesis mods out there. A Dog Said or Cyberfauna are pretty decent if you wanna flesh out your pet companions

Rate my base

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oh shit im sorry

Archotech expanded is great if you wanna be the most OP fucker around.

Vein pop on forehead* remove fedora, cracks cheeto dust covered fingers, smirk

Just turn infestations off.

Based not completely a mountain compound 7/10

The fuck happened to you as a child, user
I don't like tiers. CHJs recently added lover mentalityso if you really wanted you could have that Yuno Gasai-tier batshit pawn.

I enjoy making my pawns as OP as possible near the end and then eliminating literally every single other settlement on the planet.

Attached: I just fended off a tribal raid and a mechanoid one happens right after.jpg (1920x1080, 546K)

>Muffalo den.
they're all dead user, it's the freezer

inefficient usage of energy, space and resources/10

>Tilled soil
Shit bases. Might as well spawn in resources and delete raiders with devmode if you're going to use a literal cheat mod.

I have dev mode on for 4x speed/catching errors that obviously spring up from the sheer amount of mods I run, and don't cheat it in. All the fertilizer I have has been made with corpses and I actually didn't discover that until 5503 in-game so I was way the fuck behind.

Rimworld is an actual game, DF is a just a sandbox where you have to make your own fun (ie have autism) to enjoy it

Oh shit, i was thinking about playing rimworld earlier today

Your power is going to get cut in any real attack

lmao 1 z level

rimworld is for literal tards that can't handle an extra dimension

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I like Cataclysm: DDA but have zero interest in Dorf Fort. Managing NPCs is bad enough in games with actual audiovisual stimulation.

I'm not big into this genre (minimalist roguelike?) but I'm going to guess this is the obnoxious meme autists and trolls use to dismiss anything that's not Dwarf Fortress.

Like >hexes for 4X autists, >controller for shooter autists, or >trade for Grand Strategy autists.

Why is there always one thing tards fixate on to say NO THIS? TERRIBLE GAME.

Its the difference between a fuckin square and a cube idiot

A bit odd that the pivot point is the dinning hall. The base isn’t bad, but I would suggest thinking about how to streamline travel a bit better when you make a new base. Speeding up the efficiency of travel for your people makes a huge difference in how much they get done in a day.


why does rimworld trigger aspies so much?

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What the fuck would an extra layer add to Rimworld??? It literally doesnt need it. The lack of fishing/other water related interactions is a bigger issue

DFfag here.
With the last few years of updates, DF is less of a colony building game and just more of a world simulator. Fort Mode has had no meaningful content added in years and with each update the game runs slower. Fort mode is easy as fuck too, even if you do things like just leaving the front gate open.
Not to mention current game-breaking bugs like dwarves never socializing or dwarves getting instant PTSD from seeing a corpse then all eventually getting sad and dying.
Where DF shines though is architecture. No other colony building games let you build the massive mega-structures, monuments and fortresses like DF can.

Rimworld focused more on just the colony builder aspect of the game and as far as that goes, it's fun. Also having to manage research, temperature and electricity is pretty cool too.

Oxygen Not Included takes this a step further by removing most of the survival aspects but adding shitloads of machinery and automation autism complete with having to micromanage gas, liquids, temperature and using finite resources.

They're just totally different games in similar genres that aim to do different things.
DF is a world simulation with a fortress mode that was added purely to "make cool dungeons to go adventuring in" and as a means to an end for development.

DF doesn't have mods because a faggot single-handedly ruined the modding community by ""borrowing"" other people's mods for his modpack, then not giving them credit.
DF used to have shitloads of great mods back in DF2012 before whatshisname showed up and ruined it all. But one by one their download links are disappearing or they were hosted on sites that are long dead, like Megaupload.

>cave exploration and proper mining
>multi-layer houses
>mountainous/hilly regions would actually be mountainous/hilly
>building structures underwater

>building underwater
So something you cant even do in DF??
>multi-layer houses
>mountainous/hilly regions would actually be mountainous/hilly
Which add what exactly?
>cave exploration and proper mining
The game isnt about exploration or mining though?

I play dwarf fortress with a graphic tileset

there's already a mod that adds proper mining

>base building game
>building bases in more expansive ways in more detailed settings adds nothing to the game

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Yeah if you needed the space building multi level structures would be useful in Rimworld. Thing is you dont need that much space.

Oxygen not Included is so nice
I designed a base with a chlorinated airlock room, to ensure no contamination, and then when you leave the chlorinated airlock it drains all the gases out that aren't chlorine to prevent gas loss
and then there's a large hallway room that boxes my entire base filled with just hydrogen to insulate the base from outside temperature, and this drains to a thermo-nullifier that keeps shit cold

Because one of those games suffers from fps death and has rabid fanbase.

the thing with rimworld in general is you dont need space. You need efficiency. Having more just yields more which can be bad. More levels would just add more space which is again, totally useless.

Been playing the Call of Cthulhu mod.
But I can't get my base to last long enough to actually create a cult.

Hell you dont even have to be super efficient in rimworld. You can build incredibly inefficient "town" bases instead of the typical compound base and be just fine. Considering typically at most your colony will consist of around 12 people.

Carving efficiency out of the space you're given is the fun part of base building, don't you agree? Building on the side of a mountain is a lot different than building on a flat valley, and you need to take into consideration placement and pathways along that mountainside.

I pirated it once and it got really fucking boring really quick. Never bothered with mods

Don't even pretend for a fucking second you don't just change the landscape to suit your needs in DF.
The only people who ever deal with natures bullshit are people doing challenge runs or just starting a fortress

You're going to get absolutely reamed by drop pods, infestations or centipedes.

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Why purple?

that about sums it up


>Defense suffers because your initial kill box faces your home-grown Forrest. This gives attackers a defense bonus unless you plan on igniting it every time you're attacked (All it takes is a few shelves with gas cans in your Forrest). If you're not into the fire box you should put cannons on the base side of your river. If you are into the fire box idea you can turn the building outside into a 'warm welcome' to down attackers w/ heat stroke.

>Need a prison preferably w/ inward facing turrets as any man of culture should have.

> Infestations can be an issue. I suggest baiting the infestations to a specific location in your base using some heaters or air conditioners facing outward. there's only a certain amount of infestations that can happen on your map at any given time. You can work them into defense or use them as a farm for jelly.

>Also face a turret down river in case something decides to spawn there

>that space usage inefficiency

Honestly feel like the first week or 2 is the hardest part of Rimworld.

I really like digging deep and digging greedily. Z-levels changed Dorf Fortress so much for the better and I wish Rimworld would follow.

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How the fuck does killbox logic work?

its so weird that chlorine gas chamber is nice place where you can go socialize in and be free of nasty germs

Realistic darkness mod
I like being comfy user. Cramped corridors are not comfy.

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>real dark is purple

Haha you got tricked cunt

try not to put trees in your killbox and one molotov is guna ruin your crops

>what is dusk / dawn in a desert

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flying megabees
burrowing megabeavers
jetpacks pirates, jetpacks for your colonists

Not flat purple

How quaint

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Nice base

>why would you add a feature that gives the player more creativity building bases in a base building game lolololol
Boy Rimjobbers really do hate fun

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>being this mad that other games manage to create a UI in their first 10 years of release

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I think theyre just happy with having finished game in their lifetime.

Some people are fine with less gameplay features if they have pretty pictures to look at

nah i would love z-levels

Are there any mods that just add more apparel layers?

the virgin base vs. the chad town

I'm just waiting for DFs steam release so when I have a pretty base it actually looks pretty instead of a movie hacker's desktop screen or fan art level pixel art.

>extreme break risk x5

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>22 colonists
>44 meals
Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, dyin' time's here

>22 colonist
>worrying about food

That's like 16 people to eat right there

We ordered Door Dash

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>tfw no white phosphorous in vanilla
>cant create that scene from Homefront

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thats awesome.
my current ONI colony I have a food poisoning problem, somehow my water supply got germs in it and even when I send the water through a chlorine room it doesnt clean it. at this point I'm just like fuck it, whatever, a bit of diarrhea never hurt anyone.
i got good synergy going with pips, an arbor tree and hatches. pip eats the tree, poops out dirt, hatch eats the dirt, poops out coal. I burn the coal the power. I'm at 150 cycles and still have 40t of coal left and I've hardly mined any on the map.
Found a geyser that puts out polluted water at 30c degrees. apparently it erupts 6.7kg/sec of water for 100 cycles then lies dormant for 100 cycles. got it all rigged up ready to go so I have an endless water supply.
just at a point now where I need to heat proof my base. got insulation on 3 sides but need to do the top yet. got some wheezeworts cooling the hotter areas but I'm next time I play I'm going to set up a cooling system using the Nullifiers so I dont have to worry about doing it later.

I want to set up solar power though. What's the best way to do this? Last time I tried doing so, I dug up to the top, put some solar panels down but meteors constantly raining down always damaged them. Is there a way to put tiles above them or something to prevent them from getting damaged?
Or should I just not waste my time and go for oil/gas power instead?

>Expect cheaters to know how to play the game

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>(minimalist roguelike?)

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Noice base op
I just started a new game
Friendly reminder that; Natural growth > Pre-Planning

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>outdoor devilstrand
user... you're not playing on a year round growing period area. Are you?

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MFW I maintain 24 people with a 12/12 day shift/night shift.
It’s also the best way to eliminate personality issues. People who hate each other never get to see each other.

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I want to be able to build a biome in winter areas
how can I do this