Here is your Outer Worlds director bro
Here is your Outer Worlds director bro
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Ok but is his husband cute?
funny since the only way I known he's gay is you posting this all the time, as opposed to him being in my face with it
robert is girl name
what a secret you've uncovered OP
nobody would have known this unless you'd screencapped wikipedia, highlighted it in mspaint and then posted it on Yea Forums
thank you for bringing this to our attention
this is very important news.
>most gays are obnoxious and revolve their entire personality and lifestyle around being gay
>shit on one of the gays who isn't like that
Wow the correct answer so fast, if I could delete my thread i would, cheers user
Buncha slack jawed faggots
It's not like the romances in most RPGs are written by dudes and all the tiefling cringe you fap to is some mental drag shit, right?
if their lifestyle doesn't revolve around it and they don't talk about it how would you even know they're gay?
you can't say "most" fags are flamboyant when you don't really know if the others are gay or not moron
will he put more into games and his career since he cant have an actual family/children?
>"My idea is to explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun."
Daddy Cain > The Todd
It's far better to point out he's done fuckall since Arcanum/FO and we've had like two dozen examples of famous game devs having been revealed as being incompetent and carried by their at-the-time team. Or that the main writer is the one responsable for Xoti and KiS from PoE2 and Tyranny respectively, both of whom are among the worse written companions in CRPGs along with Sera from DA3.
>most gays are obnoxious and revolve their entire personality and lifestyle around being gay
>The gays I'm most aware of are the ones Yea Forums bitches about, which are obnoxious and in your face about their lifestyle
>>Yea Forums
Wasn't he one of the writers of BG2?
engage in intercourse
with your mom xDDDD
what a degenerate movie this shit was. Women are the fucking worst.
What's the point of being around a bitch with a broken hymen?
Who gives a shit? As long as they don't act like fags, gays are alright.
Wow, DSP looks really old now. Must be from all the stress of vidya games.
It's okay. I have it on good authority that AIDS can't be transmitted digitally
Being a homosexual is no different than being a weeb. Most people will tolerate their presence but they will like the fag because they have a social life outside of the internet. If they are both then they make everyone uncomfortable and fuck off to discord.
Most weebs are gay though, so your point is null.
Well, I thought the game looked fun and I've liked Obsidian's other games. But tribalism and fitting in is more important than videogames so I hate this game now and never actually liked any of Obsidians games, I bet they vote liberal too. I hate that because my tribe members told me to and they're my best friends.
Pretty sure Black Isle Studios was full of gay nerds but it was a period of time when being gay and a nerd was embarrassing. I bet Tim fucking hates the rainbow dykes that work under him.
He's an old gay, they're generally ok. He probably despises the younger gays like you do too.
>Spouse (male)
that's pretty based if you think about it
Nah. They're bisexual at worst.
One less hole to fill? Not sure I follow.
Is it wrong that I think him being partnered with a male is fine, but wikipedia's insinuation of multiple partners is absolutely degenerate?
Fuck's sake.
It's much more impressive to force a fellow man to submit to marriage than a woman.
It's like hunting a lion vs a house cat.
games shit, regardless of what platform it's exclusive to.
You're literally reverse resetera
"m."stands for male.
That's because there are people who married several times and decided it's redundant to have two parameters when you can add just an "(s)".
It's a generic template for representing when people divorce/are widowed and remarry.
Nothing to do with them being woke, polygamy isn't even legal nor is there a push to make it legal virtually anywhere.
is that Jordan Peterson?
Fucking kek, you never fail to make me laugh. That's an oddly good point, in an abstract nonsensical way.
Fair enough, My mistake.
Jorndan Peter Son doesn't even know who Jannie is though, almonst no-one does, people don't understand why they are universally reviled around here too.
day 1
>all these pre-order piggies ALREADY trying to cope with their future buyer's remorse
You wasted $60 on an SJW game and I'm going to laugh and laugh at you yet again! Prepare! To! Cry!
>"m."stands for male.
So it's like wine? Was 2011 a particular good year for males?
Fuck, I meant "married".
He is not bothering anyone with it compared to most of them so who cares.
This, but let's be honest. He's probably bothered quite a few colons over the years.
I expect nothing less from a game that sold themselves to EGS. Wouldn't surprise me if he's a pedophile too.
Private Division sold them.
what are you talking about? leonard wasnt on poe2 and tyranny
imagine being so verged you specifically go out of your way to look for shit like this
you're not helping whatever case you're trying to make, user.
Its about as surprising as finding out that Gandalf is a gay desu
No one cares about Obsidian garbage
Detecting a LOT of closet faggots and faggot enablers in this thread. It is not now nor will it ever be acceptable to be gay.