He stopped playing the game because its "too hard"

>He stopped playing the game because its "too hard"

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Games are not supposed to be hard, they are supposed to be enjoyable and comfy. Real life is already hard enough.
Personally I only play Skyrim. And I only play it on novice (cuz I am not a tryhard).

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Sekiro has been the only one to do it to me, I will pick it back up somewhere down the line. The only other game that made me do this was NGB, I ended up beating it but I restarted it many times over the years. I just end up getting burnt out before I can complete it, then I come back and I am just not good enough for the part I'm at.

I'm sorry.

I thought I could beat RE7 on Madhouse but Marguerite was too much for me.

Being an idiot attempting to do something above your skill level is the height of idiocy. It's how apprentice loggers get crushed by trees.

I don't see a problem with that, as long as you've sincerely tried to beat the game and get as far as possible, it's completely fine
That said, I never played a game I personally found "too hard" to beat, it's just other factors coming together to make the entire experience a bad one, constant failure and the tedium accompanying it just make for bad fun
I do tend to avoid game difficulty options that would possibly put me into this position, a recent example of this is Pathfinder Kingmaker, where I basically ended up playing on all settings as easy as possible even though I got through 70% of the game on normal, just because it turned into such an insufferable slog that I couldn't stomach torturing me for any longer

>He kept playing the game even though he knew he was wasting his time and knew he wasnt getting anything meaningful out of it other than a chemical rush.

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>stop playing game because it's boring trash
>lmao filtered git gud

>"too hard"
If someone is saying a game is too hard their either retarded and can't describe why they found it hard or they have no interest in the game at all to go into depth on it

Everyone I speak to who drop games have a huge list of reasons why they drop it and I never see "Too hard" ever as a reason.

Besides "Hard" is so nondescript it can mean anything from "It's just got a lot of shit in the way of the actual gameplay" and "It requires too much reflex/master/finesse for me to complete"

>reddit spacing
nice opinion retard

>"Whats that? You can't enjoy the grind of being sent back to your last saved game and put up with the small room for error that sends you back, eliminating all your progress, go through multiple fetch quests, and menus while also managing your almost inconsequential progression system until it matters 40 hours in?

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>he's a frogposter

t. gurl gamers

good for admitting defeat user games are for fun

Pokémon Stadium literally cheats snd it's not right to put a child through that kind of torture so yeah I quit

t. faglet who bases his whole identity on how well he can play video games

>he forced himself to finish a bad game to prove his worth to strangers on the internet
>were they impressed?

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i rarely finish anything cause all games are so shit. its like the devs want to piss on me for trying to have fun. they implement dumb mechanics, use shit unresponsive controls with momentum building, acceleration and what not.
so i often resort to playing some ol reliables with lots of replay value.
for example every platformer ever made have had shit controls. just imagine not getting one of the oldest genres with simpliest gameplay right.
adventure games have been also sucking dick, they're dated already on launch. not to mention the boring and uninspired progression systems.
there are very few good games that has came out in last 10 years. so sad.

I give up on Sekiro at the ape boss as I wasnt actually enjoying my time with the game and what was the point of playing a game I didnt enjoy?

You might be autistic user.
Hard is a catch all for a lot mechanics. I understand your autism makes you obsess over minor meaningless details, but if someone says it’s too hard for them, then the task was too difficult for them to complete. Don’t grill people for an answer no one cares about.

A games difficulty should be a means to an end. It shouldn't be the end itself.
Difficult for its own sake is stupid.
A good example of difficulty done right is Doom. Putting up the difficulty gives you more shit to shoot.

I sometimes give up on final boss
like it's shitty hard fight, and you know there will be nothing good after, why bother?
last game I did this to is Swords and Souls Neverseen I think

>not cheating to make it a fair fight when the situation calls for it

>higher difficulty makes enemies and you equally vulnerable, enemies use smarter tactics and perhaps more spawn.
“Oh man I gotta really play this smart to win. Nice.”

>higher difficulty does nothing but stat changes with no new mechanics such as increase enemy health (or lower yours,) decrease your damage (or increase the enemy’s,) etc.
“Guess I’ll mod my files to counter this BS.”

>t. faglet who bases his whole identity on how well he can play video games

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>discord trannies seething because people enjoy vidya
Hate this rerun

P.S. The worst offender of this is strategy games.

Can someone name me one strategy game that actually makes the enemy AI smarter when you increase the difficulty and doesn’t just give them an unfair boost to resources or removes their fog of war?

Giving up on a game because it's too hard is perfectly reasonable, though. All it does to me is piss me off to the point where I beat it out of sheer spite which is a brainlet thing to do when you think about it.

Only game I sort of did this with was Metro Exodus. I wanted to scratch the stalker/metro itch and I put the game on Ranger Hardcore and at that point its borderline unplayable. Only because it becomes tedious, not necessarily hard.

You and enemies all die in like 2 hits, 1 if its a shotgun. It also makes your guns degrade at a far too rapid pace, and lessens ammo and crafting shit. Like I said, they took it too far. For it to work one of those things had to give. Im okay with less ammo but using only the Tikhar is fucking BORING. And between the lack of ammo and materials and weapon degradation you had to sneak, everywhere, across the entire areas. Because it was sort of open world they had enemies all over, if you traveled without sneaking youd get attacked every time, and die fast or use your ammo.

Admittedly it was super tense, and realistic beyond the weapon degradation, but it really wasnt fun after a certain point. Having to sneak the large areas was just way too time consuming, and made we want to start not doing some of the content. Everything had to be stealthed, so the real weapons had almost no purpose, the Tikhar is boring to use, and most of the time you avoided fighting. And in an FPS, that makes the entire point of playing null.

So I restarted on regular Ranger mode and its been way more fun.

>bettering yourself, and overcoming a challenge is "brainlet"
Yikes, kill yourself.

None. Because that would require to make an actual AI.
If you play any recent Total War with mods that cuts out the AI bullshit bonuses, you'll see how basic it is. I would even go so far as to say it's actually gotten worse.

>play SimCity 4
>lose money
>cheat more money to improve infrastructure and hopefully people pay their fucking taxes
>still lose money
Dark Souls is fucking easier than SC4. FUCK

The problem is that even if an AI capable of beating a skilled human player were possible to write (which it probably isn't), it would have to be somehow crippled in some way because otherwise it would destroy the player every single time. Just giving them resource cheats lets the player win while keeping up a feeling of pressure which is good enough for a video game.

I have never stopped for too hard, but I have stopped for being "too grindy".

Playing a video game, regardless of difficulty, isn't "bettering yourself".

>beat sekiro
>call it boring and shit

>t. redditor who posts wojacks and pepes because his NPC brain can't make up an original meme

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I used to play lots of company of heroes 1 and 2, and I hated how the AI difficulty was nothing more than a resource multiplier for them. That’s it.

Even supreme commander had custom sliders for how “difficult” you wanted the AI and there’s was nothing actually intelligent you could change. It was all sliders for their resource gather rate, unit health, unit veterancy rate, research rate, build speed, unit production speed. If you set it all to flat 100% with no bonus or downside, just like a player, they would always lose to anyone who knew how to play.

>I kept dying in this game and I'm not enjoying it
Straightforward enough for you, faggot?

The Souls series is this on a wider scale.

The problem is that devs go overboard with it and give the AI so many bonuses that it's playing an entirely different game.

If it was fake though we’d end up with this

If you're talking about something like Civ 4 Deity then yeah it can get a bit obnoxious but skilled human players still can and do trounce the AI in games like that. There's nothing else you can do to amp the difficulty because if the AI had a human-like grasp on strategy it would never lose.

>play warcraft 3 matches against bots with buddy quite a bit
>can beat them consistently on all bu the insane difficulty
>basically retarded on hard, almost impossible on insane unless bugged
>decide to watch a replay one day
>watch the insane bots
>notice their gold gain is doubles and lumber gain is quadrupled

I also suspect the insane bots have no unit cap as they seem to build multiple massive armies and tons of peons, but I didnt bother to check. I didnt want the bots to cheat, I just wanted them to be less fucking dumb. And Im not good enough to challenge real people, pure and simple.

Unless the game was RNG based then it would be a human’s choices + RNG vs an AI never making a mistake + RNG

The only game that's beaten me in recent years is Sekiro, and then only the Guardian Ape. I've never needed more than a couple of tries for most bosses, but that damn dirty ape has been kicking my ass for months now.

Is this what it means to turn 30 and have all your Gamer Knowledge evaporate?

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Wojak and Pepe are Yea Forums in origin you drooling neanderthal.

At least you had the option to turn off the AI bs bonuses. In TW games even on easy the AI has a noticeable advantage over the player. It's only easy if you fight every single tiny battle yourself and never auto-resolve. And unless the AI has 10-1 advantage over the player, it will just sit there and turtle until it spawns a doomstack. If you hate siege battles like I do, this is very frustrating.
They might as well change the name of the series to Total Siege.

Its weird, people were raging about being stuck on the butterfly lady and I beat her first try.

But I quit at the Ape. I only attempted him like 4 times and I just havent got back. I dont know, I think I just finally stopped caring about beating souls-likes.

Rip, it sucks but I don’t know of any way they can change it.

>Real life is already hard enough.
t. ugly retard

>thinks people play hard games to prove anything
>thinks this because he thinks he's projecting the insecurity he can't beat mainstream videogames that anyone who isn't a lazy retard can beat

If you can't sit down and enjoy a good challenge every now and then, you need to work on your mental faculties.
Sandboxes are fun for when you want freedom, but you should give yourself a reason to feel accomplished as well.

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I tried playing Alien: Isolation on Hard because it was recommended by the devs. I gave it up because I could never move more than 10 feet without having to hide for 10 minutes.

>he plays Maplestory private servers

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he based

I like challenge, but I'm not good at 3D hack-and-slash games (Bloodborne, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Nioh). Even though I usually enjoy how the combat feels, my reaction time is embarrassing. So instead of letting myself spend an entire day on one level or boss, improving only slightly if I'm lucky, I'll stop playing. Of course it was bad judgment on my part to play the game in the first place, since it's not meant to be a breeze.

Meanwhile, I've beaten Cuphead, Rayman 1, and Hollow Knight several times.

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>posts on Yea Forums
>calls other people ugly retards

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I can't tell wtf Ape is supposed to be about, you can't get close to him, you can't hit him from far away, it's literally "wait for an opening", the fight, and that's so unlike all the other bosses, and it's plain boring. Fighting Genichiro on the roof was so fucking fun, it was fast-paced and all about timing, you could get in there and duke it out and escape whenever you had to, but then jump right back in. Ape is too wild, his hitboxes are too big and poorly defined, it's just not fun.

I think you're right, after 3 souls-like games, I'm just kinda done spending so much time against yet another boss that isn't enjoyable to fight.

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What is this "accomplishment" that you're speaking of? Because every time I've beaten a hard game, I certainly don't feel accomplished.

Based but bluepilled

Yeah that's right, what are you going to do about it you, retard.

Most boomers can't handle FPS games, what makes you think they could ever get good at a game like Bloodborne? Everyone with a below 100 IQ would drop the game immediately.

Pepe is from a webcomic and Wojak is originally from krautchan, try again.

It's not simply because it's too hard. It's because I'd have to put way too much effort into learning the best strats, enemies' patterns down to the core, and researching on hidden mechanics to "git gud" for a simple game. I'd rather just play the game more casually and have more fun.
Hollow Knight is the last game I played that fell on these parameters, sure I beat the game, killed the Radiance, and even killed NKG on Radiance too, but fuck completing the panteon and all that shit, it would be way too much effort for a game that a few years later I'll forget about.

I play on the hardest difficulty and use cheats. I use acheivement unlockers so it looks like I actually beat the games on the hardest difficulty lel

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I hate to be the big brain centrist here but: difficulty too low to where it’s just a power fantasy is mega weakling escapism cringe, but sweating in a game so unrealistically hard that you need to actually study the meta to pass (not thrive, but just pass) isn’t fun and is mega no-life cringe.

Im taking this reddit spacing to reiterate that I’m 100% correct and you cannot prove me wrong.

You don't feel like it built character? You don't feel greater for the experience? There's a reason why scars are a symbol of pride for many. In the olden days, fighting in a war was something to be respected for. But with the long peace, people have to settle for smaller points of pride. That's why trophies exist.
Likewise, beating a hard video game is absolutely an accomplishment. Even if you don't beat it, the effort is what counts.

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Sounds like your dopamine receptors are burnt out my man.

What if my idea of fun is a hard game? But then again I’m not quiting a game if it’s too hard. Truly based.
If it’s not fun don’t play

He says posting an anime reaction image

>sweating in a game so unrealistically hard that you need to actually study the meta to pass (not thrive, but just pass) isn’t fun and is mega no-life cringe.
How come league of legends is one of the most popular games in the world with normies then?

People are more likely to read posts if you have a pic attached, and I'd rather moonlight as a character I like than your standard shit.

>Play game on hardest difficulty
>Hundreds of attempts at the same level. Memorize the boss patters, recognize sounds and animation cues, get the best possible build I can
>Still cant beat it
>Drop the game, as im not having fun anymore, but forever feel ashamed and guilty whenever the memory of the game comes.
I hate this feeling, and it has happened at least twice already

It’s a multiplayer game, it’s “competitive” or something and different from what I’m talking about. My post was about single player games, but I should have clarified.

>I don't like thing so it isn't!!!
If you get better at something, and overcome a challenge you better yourself. And it isn't as much about what that challenge may be, just that it gives you satisfaction, and you break through a tough barrier like a man does. A loser with a loser mentality loses always peroid, gives up before they even try.

This i’ve dropped games because
“It’s fucking bullshit” more than any other reason


>accomplishment from playing a game
That’s just pathetic

Nope, I just don't think it's worth putting so much effort into video games.
Beating a deadline at work? I feel accomplished.
Getting past an annoying bit of a video game? I'm just glad it's over.

It's a video game. Key word being "Game".

I stopped playing Oath in Felghana after my very easy, easy and normal playthroughs. I'll go back but normal was ridiculously irritating.

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On that game one level can be the difference between this boss is raping me and I'm now raping him.

honestly, the first boss is the worst one. idgaf what anyone says. her swords are so fucking random, you're bound to get hit at some point. and even on normal it's a pain in the ass. I managed boss rush on Hard, took me over an hour, i have no idea how i pulled it off tbhdesu

enjoy the irony

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>I'll post a Wojack. That will show them!


I had some problem with that boss too. Mostly because she's a bullet sponge. I had to carefully ensure that every ammo hit her at the right spot. If I missed 2-3 times I had to retry. Managed in the end, thank god.

>she stopped playing with my dick because it's "too hard"

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shit this frog is actually right

Man I feel the same. But when a game is hard for me it's totally different.

i nevet finished sekiro because the final boss clapped me too many times