Name one (1) video game character that could defeat him

Name one (1) video game character that could defeat him

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682 is boss sized though, meaning Kirby would first have to damage him before eating him

She's literally able to just turn off his adaption ability due to effecting the concept of it itself.

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Good writing skills

GMod Man

No. That’s a can of worms we’re leaving the fuck alone.

It doesn’t say “kill” but “defeat”. So really, you just need a way to put 682 in an environment where it just gives up.
That said, think of a vidya character that can, say, chuck him in a pocket dimension or alternate dimension.

Hero with max RNG

>Adapts to Kirby’s inhale

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what is your favorite scp Yea Forums?

some of mine:

He will finds out, because this is his job.

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Best post

is that the elephant's foot?

How about the seven Sages from Link to the Past? They can do the same thing they did to Ganon.

this is just a dead beluga guys


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my dick, shove it in his fleshy eye socket


>Says “I will lose”
What happens now?

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Do people not realizr there Yea Forums characters that fuck with concepts and high tier metaphyiscal natures of their universes/existences?

SCP 682 is honestly not that bad compared to shit from I/O or Masadaverse or Umineko.

You get characters that could shit all over Dragon Ball Super and Gurren Lagann by themselves and those characters in their repsective verses or absolute shit tier compared to the strongest in that verse.

SCP 999. Too pure for this world
best scp coming through

SCP 682 has survived extreme reality warping, such as the time it went into the room that is constantly changing constants (such as the speed of light).

thats still nothing compared to shit in the stuff I mentioned. Entire universes are playthings, game boards, pages in a book to these OP fucks.

>dont have level 4 clearance
>cant read

>reality warper/"tee hee I don't fall down because x" bullshit character
Unironic cringe
He's cool but don't put 682 in power scale or VS battle debates
Its tiring and not fun to do this with characters like him in general

the E.Y.E. Guy

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And that’s what SCP 682 survived in. I am also pretty sure SCP 682 has also survived time travel paradoxes too, but I don’t remember where I heard that.


The Pyro. Nothing adapts to fire.

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don't worry it's just about [REDACTED]

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>Object class : thaumiel
into the trash it goes

Why do you MGS/DMC faggots post this song as well as pull my devil trigger like you haven't spammed it to death 5000000000000000 times before
Literally the JoJo fags of Yea Forums

And yet, Dr. Spanko doesn't fear him.

/our/ tree

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>the JoJo fags of Yea Forums
nah that's the jojokes themselves.

Pure gangsta melody gonna set 682 on fire

Ghost Rider can (obviously) kill it with ease

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>”What [board topic] characters can defeat [incredibly powerful character]?”
>Replies are either characters who can’t defeat them (both said ironically and unironically)
>Some reality warper #756,432,960

no it fucking can't? ghost rider is a weakass shitter that can barely beat thugs

Give up

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They’re called memes, user. Maybe you’ve heard of them.

Reminder that SCP 682 was meant to show what a typical bad SCP was.
>muh scp is so scary and smart and he's invincible and he can resist ANYTHING
And now the SJW tumblredditards at the head of the wiki have decided that 682 was the best thing and with the new series, you can't go 5 SCPs without one containing faggotry like "CAN CAUSE CASE 26484 END OF THE WORLD SCENARIO" or some custom class like "Object class : undetermined????" or garbage like Appolyon or Thaumiel.

My gary stu character that's stronger than him

Reality warpers are useless for debates and in their own verses unless fighting other reality warpers
If I put Son Goku up against [insert 2hu character here], its useless if the character can just say they win and then they win
If I put Majin Buu or Zamasu up against [insert 2hu character here], its a completely different story

682's is like OPM in that it's "power level" exists on a narrative level. Nothing can kill it because it was written to be unkillable. "No one because I said so" or "whoever I want because I said so" are the only real answers.

God I still can't get over how a series 1 SCP, arguably the series with the most "shitty creepypasta" vibes produced 093, a SCP so good it literally outclassed every other single "it takes you to a spooky alternate dimension" story.

682 has no super speed or whatever the fuck so there is 0 argument against this.

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Foundation tried alternate dimension and failed and other pages said it can't be permanently banished to a non earth plane

What the fuck are you talking about? Ghost Rider is probably the most powerful fictional character ever conceived (outside of omnipotent gods)
Did you only watch the Nic Cage movie? In the comics he is beating eldritch terrors.

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The real question is who could defeat maxwell?

Launch it at the sun, done


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fuck off

I was going to post this, but thankfully a great person posted it instead.

Golden Experience Requiem
Fuck you it's from eyes of heaven it counts

Pannenkoek will probably figure out a way to do it with half an A press or less.

>Most powerful fiction character
>Is the Marvel’s version of the devil’s bitch
He’s not even the most powerful Marvel character

Fuck you and your deus ex machina shitty stand
Here is an actually good character that has better chances at beating it

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>gets mad
>uses retard strength to punch you to death through your "muh immortality" writefag circlejerk
nothin' personnel, lizard

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>What /po/ contraption can defeat the Wehrmacht?

Are you sure you are up to Ghost Rider's abilities?
I'd tell you to name characters that are stronger, but that's just a trick, barely no one can even harm him because you need sky forged weapons to do any damage. And even if you get said weapons he can regenerate damage instantly. I'd say he is unbeatable if not for the fact he once got beaten off-screen somehow because marvel writers are fucking hacks

The actual spirit of vengeance could, but the current host (Jonny Blaze) is a total bitch and can only squeeze out >1% of his potential.

>beaten off



Looks plenty defeated to me, I think you need to brush it away with a mop and let the garbage man pick him up

that's a rotten carcass it doesn't need more defeating

That bridge that makes you hate carthage.

Giving 682 the ability to speak was the biggest fucking mistake


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The "current host" will always be shit because a good host would make the story impossible to convey. Though it is known there are other ghost riders from other dimensions making good use of the spirit off-screen.

i was wondering why 2571 looked familiar

why do i feel like a rotting reptile would smell EVEN worse than a regular carcass?

>"baba is baba" was placed beforehand
nothing personnel

To be fair, Ghost Rider gets shit on fucking constantly by writers that either don't know how his powers work or are trying to push some literally who as being "SO STRONG HOLY SHIIIIT" so people might be confused as to his full capabilities

Happens all the time, whenever you see a non-cosmic entity shrug off the penance stare for some bullshit reason Ghost Rider is getting robbed


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They did that once, it came back angry and on fire

The fact no one here is posting Visual Novel characters shows how dumb you guys all are.

based one bro poster

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i can name a few.

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a whale carcass?


It's a joke SCP but it's still my absolute fucking favorite

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Yeah he gets jobbed all the time and it's infuriating.
I keep wondering what would happen if Strange separated his body from the spirit


Considering Zarathos' backstory that would result in mass destruction on a universal, if not multiversal, scale

If VN characters are allowed than I have a gigantic list here. Pic related is one.

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>Name one (1) video game character that could defeat him

>not even the most powerful Marvel character
Pretty sure only God is the only one that can kill a Ghost Rider in the Marvel universe
God creates ghost riders, only God can destroy them, but God has no reason to do that since they help Him.
Of course that's assuming the ideal host. Bad hosts will get wrecked no matter what.

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Literally every stand in Jojo is a shitty deus ex machina stand.
prove me wrong.

You don't know what deus ex machina means so I don't have to

>Characters who’s entire existence is used to keep other people from making retarded wankfest SCPs because of how dumbshit 682 became
>has never stopped anyone though so we have a bunch of SCPs that could kill 682 or entities in implied background lore where the entities aren’t classified as SCPs
>Have him either already know how to deal with the SCP in question by either getting around how it works to kill everyone else, make it stop working, or just tank it into a standstill
>If it’s reality warping or some shit nothing happens to it and it probably used it to kill everyone again

This stopped being fun after a while when it ends with “and then he killed everyone

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An entire department of gigachads after they farmed him for his E.G.O and gifts

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how many cute girl scps are there

Boy, I sure do love wanking off about powerlevels!

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Kira wins. His power literally destroys you on a molecular level.

he would complain him to death

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093 is good up until muh religious horror. For some reason that stuff never does it for me

He's not the anti-Christ, sorry Skull Bro, but that's a Level 3 Sin at best

based lobotomy bros
scp fucking sucks nowadays anyways

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Does OPM have a video game yet? If so Saitama. 682 usually needs a taste of the pain to work out how to annul the assault. Can't do that with one punch, man.

i dont see this one being listed often , i think its worth a read

>maxes out your Qliphoth Deterrence
Leave 682 to me.

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