How do you guys afford your vidya habits?

How do you guys afford your vidya habits?

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Easy, video games suck

thank you for working hard, wagies

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Good paying job, no kids and not living in the city.

I'm a camboi

What do you mean afford? I buy games sometimes but there's stretches of months where I won't spend shit on games because I'm still playing the ones I bought.

Wagecucking, how else?
I keep buying games all the time but I have no time to play any of them, lol.


I work but i usually just buy on sale and i have gamepass which is dirt cheap. Sonetimes i catfish guys for games.

I work a job I really like and buy games that are on sale

I make decent money at work and still live with my parents, so no bills. No gf anymore so that's even more money saved for buying whatever.

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Working a shit paying job and accruing a shit don't of debt. I have no real prospects because of my record but at least my job is flexible, meaning if I'm running late, or need a day off they don't care .

Also, by buying everything at a discount. Literally no reason to buy a game at launch. I can't remember the last time I paid more than $20 for a game.

Wait, I thought Pepe's last name was Thefrog

Piracy for software, wageslaving and smelling like grease for hardware

Build a career with a steady flow of disposable income. Further your education and obtain a sense of confidence in your abilities and experiences. Realize video games are for children and focus on other hobbies like woodworking and cars. Try to find a woman that makes you happy only to find out they're all vapid whores. Spend the rest of your life beating your meat to gay furry cub rape.

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A job what do you think

Barely buy video games, if I do I buy em cheap on keysites

also a part time job

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>tfw graduated uni recently
>company interviewed did a 2nd in person interview today
What are my chances? I mean i must be pretty close right?

I only buy games on sales

Once I moddded my Saturn, PS2, Wii, and bought a flash cart for my N64 I really didn't need to spend anymore.

How the FUCK are cars a hobby? Like what the fuck are you going to do? Constantly fix them? Why would someone do that as a hobby?

>not even at the 5th interview yet

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Things are looking up user. I mean it depends on how many people they had apply. But a second interview is still good

>Full time job for $1800
>Part time job for $800 but have time
Riddle me this bros

Build your own, restore old ones, soup up others. There's really no limit to what you can do with cars if you're patient and persistent.

I pick living off my trust fund. Thank you, dad.

Video games are free

He said that there was one other guy. But idk do companies always say that as a sort of scare tactic?

$1800 every two weeks right?

I had 4 fucking interviews and I figured they were just fucking with me but I got the job. I think things are looking up, desu.

Take the full time. You're going to need more than 1k per month to not worry about losing money.

I got a pretty well paying job for my area working in the QC lab for a chemical plant

wageslavery, but generally video games are a cheap hobby as I don't buy AAA garbage that is regularly dumped on the market for sixty us dollars plus dlc

No debt, no mortgage, no car, no social events, two moderate incomes, one household.

Stress-free life. I spend 100 dollars a week on vidya and still save 200. Retirement fund is at 90k and growing each year.

Life is good if you just fake a personality and competence and manipulate your way into a cushy job.




I don't get payed a whole lot, but I don't live in the city and I don't have kids.

Even if I'm not earning as much as someone living in the city, my cost of living is pretty fucking low.


I just finished my wagecuck hours I am waiting for my dad to pick me up because I don't have my own car I'm (28). I worked 7 hours + tip at Timmies, I work tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday.

I dont. I gave up vidya 8 years ago. but I still came to Yea Forums everyday to laugh at you nigger faggots who cling to idea that there's still good in vidya instead of a platform of degenerate propaganda directed to shut ins.

Piracy and frugality, buying things on sale or second-hand.

Except that would be an INCREDIBLY expensive hobby. And for what? Fixing a car is a like a chore. People dont make hobbies out of mowing their lawn or taking out trash. Why do it with that?

I don't, I do odd jobs for my dad but other than that I barely buy my games because I can't land a job

>fixing a car is a chore
s o y

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Reading your post gave me mild anxiety. How do you live like that, user

Learning a well-handling car and going fast is just as rewarding as any other hobby.

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Do you not live in America?
Cars are a very popular hobby over here.

Play old games, have cheap laptop. Pirate 90% of library. I don't care about graphics so I rarely play new games and can't afford a console but I have plenty of shit to play.

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People give tips at Tim Hortons? I'm in Canada and never seen this.