I spend over 1.5k on VR shit. Fuck

I spend over 1.5k on VR shit. Fuck.

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Other urls found in this thread:


How did you get suckered into falling for it in the first place ?

At least you aren't Facebook who fell for the gimmick and paid Lucky 2 billion dollars.

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I unironically thought it was the next big thing.

>I spent $1500 on hardware with no good software yet

anyone knows about the acer ojo 500? saw one on sale for 320 bucks

...and? What was the tipping point that led to you thinking "this was a bad decision"? The games you wanted weren't as good as you thought? Didn't work right, didn't feel good?
You DID have games you were already planning on playing before buying VR shit, right?

>planning on playing before buying VR shit, right?
Games such as?

...did you not understand my question?

Yea Forums honestly, the people talking about how shit vr is was out posted by anons saying they're poorfags who never played it and it's worth the investment..

I'm not OP, you dense cocksucker.

$800 on the headset and $700 on tech demos + beat saber? how is that even possible

post bills

So in other words you bought premium grade tech without doing any research prior. You basically deserve to be out the money.

bet you know a lot about cocksucking, faggot

>kek he only spent 1.5k
youre basically VR virgin

Yeah me too, but I still fucking waited until there was a single game worth it. Still waiting.


How? I spend 400 bucks for my oculus rift s and im enjoying watching The Boys in my room on cinema sized screen

If you say so, I mean, you're the expert. It's amazing that you're even able to post with all those dicks in your mouth.

Wait, did you faggots think corporations shilling their shit here was just a meme? I know people meme about it, but did you actually think modern multi-billion dollar industries don't know basic marketing?

outward is so good

how do you do this this sounds fun

Why did people think this shit was ever going to take off, second times a charm? You still have a cumbersome blindfold strapped to your noggin, the only difference from the 90s attemp was just people not born early enough to see it crash and burn the first time.

>people still don't know how to google the most basic shit

what do you mean

>he didn't spend $30 on a phone vr set to see if he actually liked it first

fuck.. these don't even seem like marketers though

>Why did people think this shit was ever going to take off, second times a charm?
Because processors are a lot stronger than they were in the 90s. VR is actually really cool now, if you tried it yourself you'd know. There's VR arcades and hundreds of games on Steam for a reason. The problem is that 99% of those games are extremely low budget student projects and it's taking the manufacturers eons to work out the little discomforts of the current gen headsets.

I don't know why anyone started chomping on bait after this, I guess you're convincing other people that already decided they don't like VR I guess?

Nigger just use virtual desktop. Im a total ignorant in PCs and figure it out on my own by just pressing buttons lmao


>porn didn't really accept it aside a few sites that made dedicated videos
this was honestly the problem. Porn could have made it huge if they had bought into the meme and pushed it hard

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Escapism and dellusions. People dont want to hear their new awesome way of escapism is just a scam.
Thats why each pro Vr poster gets agressive once you tell them their shit is a meme.

It did take off and it's standing strong.
Unless you're the kind of retard that expected to be as popular as a smartphone.

I'm still waiting out for this game. I think Boneworks could be the real next step for VR, as it stands Blade and Sorcery is still the best VR game but that combat system with actual polish is all we need for VR to be good.

Makes sense.
Only real argument people really have for VR is that since you can't use it 24/7 (Due to ergonomic issues or maybe you just want to play a regular fuckin game), so if you apply that logic to smartphones suddenly smartphones are better than any PC or console because it has more games, easier to carry, easier to use, and has many more features.
But people will ignore this post because it obliterates their shitty strawman argument

nigger bruh wahat

It's a niche product, just like mechanical keyboards, studio monitors, racing wheels or HOTAS. Minority of people have them, but they're still a huge markets that stand on their own. Same goes for VR.

And no, of course it will not be as popular as smartphone. Because in the history of humanity NOTHING was ever as popular as a smartphone is today. Literally.

Your site doesn't work.

I'm almost certain most of the people in these threads are third world rats that are 16 and live in places where VR is like 3 grand in their shitty currency
And all the people "Who totally tried it" are people that had to try to pick at the tiniest thing they could bitch about in order to convince themselves it wasn't better than they expected, shit like SDE isn't even noticeable unless you're specifically trying to look at it or you're zoomed into a scope or something, however it seems that every single person that tried a 10 minute demo at walmart had their experience ruined by it, mind boggling really

biggest meme in history

>tfw just threw up from playing Wipeout vr

Attached: images.png (222x227, 5K)

>Get fucking RIPPED and hop on VRChat
>Almost threw up dancing at the club
I dunno, I hear that if you throw up in VR it fucks you up sensory wise because now your brain associates VR with throwing up so you gotta be careful for a bit afterwards

>bought rift touch 2 years ago when it was 299
>played it extensively and dropped it about a year ago
>hooked everything back up not really any new games
>load up the old ones and have a great time
Back to playing it a few times a week at least.

Attached: VRC (14).png (1920x1080, 2.38M)


What was her name?

I bought an Coccus Rift S for shits and giggles but it turns out flight sim VR is all I needed out of an otherwise nightmarish existence.

>spent 1.5k on vr
>enjoyed for thousands of hours
I still got the porn too

>Not just spending a couple hundred on Mixed Reality
>Not just being happy with Pavlov VR and Beat Saber

You're a fucking moron, OP

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It'll get there eventually, barring an apocalypse.

Then pop my VR pussy, daddy

I like this game.

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Yea Forums is an extremely small market. It wouldn't be worth squat to shill here.

>premium grade tech
Just came here to post that I like that line.

It is, it's not the hardware, it's the software, anybody who is capable of making triple A games isn't making it, and there is no James Halliday in real life

>about $900 for headset, peripherals and gpu
>but easily over 300 hours in games
not too shabby, there's no better way to run driving sims

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This. The mentality that shit has to move billions of units and break records to be successful is cancerous to innovation.

I have a headset but I am on the fucking brink of buying a racing wheel for Euro truck sim

>playing a game with discord trannies who ghost

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no matter what you buy make sure it has a clutch pedal in case you ever want a setup with a shifter

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Got Tetris Effect, still holding out playing it until I do shrooms again. It looks trippy as fuck

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VR is the pussy you pop with benis
you got that inverted

Such as
>VRTOL (Or whatever it's called)
>Skyrim VR
>Fallout VR
>Budget Cuts
I looked at all of these before I bought my VIVE.

As do I. Can't say the same for the dev.

>That feel when lean my head out of the window like a fucking dog while playin racing games in VR

the porn keeps me satisfied enough, you're just a faggot

VR my booty, baby

>>playing a game with discord trannies who ghost
sounds oddly personal, imagine falling for trannies and using discord in the first place faggot

>being this oblivious
Every server you can tell the faggots are in discord chatting with each other and giving away positions of their teammates. People get a kick out of it, ghosting is in all games now. But it's really bad in pavlov because dick cutting trannies like yourself.

You know what really blows my mind? BR Vr games. Like, why? You need a very large amount of people to play them. These are 60-100 player matches.

What's wrong with the dev? I just play the game, I don't know about anything else.

Worth it for beat saber.
VR porn was nice too for a while but it got boring.

Can I have it?

I want to upgrade my rift to an index, when are they back in stock?

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these literally existed in the 90's

Congratulations for not being retarded like the person you're responding to. Enjoy your video games.

He's passive aggressive about not releasing mod tools to players, and as more and more time passives and he adds new weapons gradually to the game it's clear he knows that if he did he'd be ruined and evener cleared that the game's popularity is something he stumbled onto quite by accident.

Index has been back in stock for a month now. Funny enough the knuckles are still sold out and on back order.

>anime poster calling others trannies
dilate ;)

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To be fair there's no good BR games yet. Pic related might be a huge hit when it comes out.
And if Pavlov manages to get 500-1000 players, BR game can prosper too, especially since VR keeps growing and zoomers love BR.

>frog posting
>post 2011
You can't cringe any harder

Forgot pic
also video: youtube.com/watch?v=LBAoiYO9epg

Attached: bigbox%20vr%20world%20population%20one[1].jpg (810x456, 84K)

Where's the lie?.

>spending 1.5k on VR
>instead of robot daughters
Learn your priorities, OP. VR games are going to take a long time to actually be worth it while you can get your robodaughterus in many flavors RIGHT NOW.

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The vr resurgence is real

I got a rift headset for christmas, played it a bunch the first month and put it down, always wanted to play with it more but could never be assed

Picked it up again for fnaf and it reignited the love for me, back to playing it weekly

think it's time for your happy pills and hourly infested dick hole purging, tranny

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tech evolves you retard

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You should have spent $300 on the VR platform that actually has games to play, user.

Attached: here are the games.jpg (3782x1690, 2.18M)

Bah they lost me with the building part. Its why I dislike fortnite. You shoot someone and they can build an Eiffel Tower out of their asses.

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I could make that robot daughter in vr actual size and sit next to her while you play with your miniaturized overpriced plasic

>posting tetris on any type of 'must have' games list

But you can only touch one

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trannies out in full force tonight, discord down?

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Not him but.

Go dilate your mutant fake vagina hole, or better yet kill yourself.

I think we disagree on a lot of things on this board but I believe most of Yea Forums would agree that Tetris is one of the few games everyone must own, at least in some form.

Do you enjoy being a contrarian that much?

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Can you use the touch con trollers with the index? I think they are better controllers imo, knuckles seem flimsy, bulky, and awkward

Only would buy it if Illusion made a game with interactive controls..

who are you quoting

>no vr mod for AC7, VR mode allegedly not coming out until next year
>Project Wingman is MIA and the alpha with VR mode was never released.
>VR moding for pcsx2 sounds like a nightmare
I just want my anime jet game irl Yea Forumsros.

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ascending past the physical nature is the only way to increase your power level

Dumb zoomer

I could say the same about pac man what difference does it make, it's dumb consumerism to believe you should own something just because it exists and was popular

i was actually planning on buying an index
i tried walking around in google earth using google cardboard and it was pretty fun but awkward so i imagine an actual set would make it interesting

Unlike Pacman, most people today still enjoy playing Tetris. Even now there are millions of people enjoying it, in thousands of version.

Why must you complicate stuff? Can't we just like own the games we find fun?

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unless you have a fuck ton of free space it will only be disappointing because you know you have limits in your freedom

Wow dude you are so woke not liking popular things. I bet you get all the pussy.

Vive vs Index which one is better for gaming?

>most people today still enjoy playing Tetris
and millions of kids play fortnite and millions of moms play candy crush
I don't understand your obsession with popular = good
If you're buying into it solely cause it's popular I just think you're a little stupid

It's more than just Tetris, that's the point. They really managed to make a captivating experience out of old concept.
Must be amazing in VR >youtube.com/watch?v=YgK_TNlNFDY

t. fortnite player
don't forget to dab on me for your instagram montage, zoomie

Index>Vive>Oculus>>>WMR>>>Standalone ARM headsets

Beat Saber?
If you haven't beaten Skyrim like a dead horse; Skyrim.

There isn't a long list... But I haven't touched mine in a few months

None because VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over, get a 4k monitor for gaming

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>Vive better than literally anything in year of our lord 2019

Im sorry you bought a vive user, it's the most expensive and worst of the current "Name brand" headsets.

If you keep supporting valve you are an idiot

Nobody likes Tetris because it's popular, people like it because it's a classic fun game that anybody can get into. This has never been about popularity.

Here's the last (You) you're getting.

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>literally just tetris with autistic flashing lights and zoomer pop
looks pretty mad gay, not gonna lie I'd rather play any version but this version

I am going the budget option and I'm going to make the biggest porn game I can till I get burned out or my dick falls off. Waiting till next payday then rift s is mine while I go into hermit mode for a year.

Index is the best headset right now, comes with a hefty price tag though..
Vive is really outdated by 2019 standards, I wouldn'tr even consider it. Rift S is better choice at this price range.
Otherwise wait and see what Vive Cosmos offers. Should be priced in between Rift S and Index

what even is the discord meme?

This never been the case

Oh you are just a steamy. Opinion discarded.

>it's a classic fun game that anybody can get into
so you're just a casual who's bad at any game that takes mild reactionary skill or brainpower to overcome
thanks for clarifying I was talking to a retard

At least you aren't trying to run VR on linux
>tfw quarantined to the BETA STEAMVR ZONE
>tfw the idiots running your distro are axing support for dependencies for muhsecurity

There was a time when they were roughly equal (vive still being inferior due to the lack of headphones, inferior mic, vastly inferior controllers, 400 dollars more expensive)

But now it's not even close, the vive is so laughably last gen now

>millions games in library
>constant sales
>free games
>adult games
>shopping cart
damn you got me, chinkoid fartnigger zoomer

>saw the VR craze of the 90s evaporate away
>knew not to trust it this time around

It is a lot better this time but its still obvious its not there. There are too many control issues, and the fact that a headset is still a hassle.

People should have learned from the whole wiimote waggle incident that people want to be as lazy as possible to play video games. This means any form of hassle or setup is just going to get phased out.
Currently, if any VR exclusive game did get huge on its own gameplay merits and elements, it would get ported to non VR.

Maybe in another 20 years, but in the end they need to figure out a way to do it with out headsets at all. So we are talking about eye tracking projectors that directly beam the image into your eyes, or display screens as light and small as regular eyeglasses

Hi facebook shills.

>people shitting on Tetris Effect
Confirmed for being too poor to afford VR. Looking at it with a neutral attitude, you'd never think of shitting on Tetris with comfy ambient music and effects.

Attached: No Man's Sky on PSVR.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

What hardcore games do you play user? You sound hardcore as fuck.

Hi vive owner

I could literally play Tetris just fine three decades ago

1500? But it's on Amazon for 400. Is something wrong with it?

you dont need facebook to use the oculus
you paid $200 more for gabens fat ass seal of approval dumb paypig and I get to play literally every single game you can but with a better controller
assuming you didnt also buy the index and waste even more money to get the same experience I already have lol

>I have unreasonable expectations on technology that isn't anywhere near existing
Almost as bad as people who want literal SAO -tier VR technology.

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Tetris effect is shit though, you should be playing nullpomino or TTGM
Plus the special meter is a shitty mechanic, and honestly cascade was a better gimmick.

He could have bought a vive at the start then goyed for accessories like a strap that should have been standard, 100 dollar body tracking pucks so he can dance in vr chat, and a wireless adapter

>classic fun game that anybody can get into

fortnite and tetris bro they are hardcore and popular as it gets and I get many victory epics while I watch my main man ninja on the tv own some noobs!

Meanwhile in .hack

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What's better? Vive or Occulus?

Me too. It's fun every once in a while.

I don't buy porn cause I'm not retarded, but I could if I wanted, now tell my how many games you can buy on the epic games store before you're banned for fraud


Nobody should be plying TTGM unless they aim to be competitive.

So this is saying .hack happens using headsets worse than what we have today? That's interesting.

dilating is free just remember to wash your hands when you're done :)

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Vive, but people say Occulus by default like how people say boku no pico in Yea Forums as default when they ask something stupid.

Indeed it does. But at the time, a headset with those specs (2002) was kind of sci-fi.

vive if you are a fat paypig, oculus if you just want the experience

Fuck you everyone should play TTGM it's fun.

It's mind boggling how many people still consider Vive as a viable option in 2019...
Imagine buying inferior hardware and paying more for it

Can you give a genuine reason for that now that the vive is

>more expensive
>with far far far far (seriously they are awful) worse controllers
>worse mic
>lower resolution screen

Genuinely the only pro in vive's favor is >facebook

Genuine question, aside from the controllers, which I can totally understand what's actually ''wrong'' with the Vive?

Beat Saber, Redout, Gorn, Blade & Sorcery, and Superhot made the Vive worth it for me. I'll probably sell the Vive and get an Index soon.
Also, the porn is pretty nice too.

Lol I spent $300 on a WindowsMR headset and it only took a half hour in Fallout4VR to realize I got played.

Porn is pretty neat tho.



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>it only took a half hour in Fallout4VR to realize I got played.
You sure did.
You bought a Bethesda game.

Are we comparing to the original rift or rift s?

If the original rift, the controllers are a major part, the mic as mentioned is inferior on the vive, the vive has worse screen door effect, the head strap isn't as good, and at best the rest is "comparable" despite being what, 200 dollars more expensive?

And if we are talking about the rift S, all that applies except now the vive has a lower resolution screen with a FAR worse screen door effect, albeit at 10hz greater refresh rate

Is screen dooring really that bad? I don't really notice it after wearing it for a little while.

those are actually reasonable expectations for 20 years out user

Untill it becomes just as easy to use VR as a regular screen it will remain a niche thats just how people work.

I own a 200 mechanical keyboard 250 studio monitors and VR headset. Bought a 2070 2 months before the supers got released and own a Nintendo Switch, Rough year for me.

Original rift and vive have fairly comparable screen door effect though i've read the vive is at least notably worse, that said once you are in the game and playing i doubt you will notice it too much

Everything is worse on Vive, except for tracking. No headphones, worse comfort, awful controllers(worth mentioning again), worse SDE, nearly non-existant customer support. And all thisfor MORE money.
Simply does not make sense in my mind why someone would prefer Vive. Unless you're dead-set against Facebook I guess..

If you're recommending Vive to someone who's new to VR - you're a dick.

where the fuck did you pay 200 burgers for a mechanical keyboard? they're like 120 tops, even that analog keyboard is 180 burgs

>made over 20k just playing VR games
wtf are all u doing?

I'm more on vive because it works in linux (for now)

You are wrong and time will prove it. Won't even be that long.

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based, dab on weebs

Sure you get used to it. But once you try a better screen - it a fucking revelation.
For example Rift S screen is only slightly higher resolution, but in combination with RGB pixel layout it looks crystal clear in comparison to OG Rift/Vive.

Or ot could just be how the game doesn't allow you to mute your own fucking mic ingame.


I mean clarity, really has not been an issue for me other than finding out you're supposed to wear your glasses while using the vive.

Sony and oculus pulling the exclusive shit right out of the gate pisses me off so much. I just want to try re7 vr.

Honestly this, I sell shit for a living and VR headsets are an item we carry and I usually tell people that the headsets are a blast but aren't meant to be an everyday thing, but when you do go back, it's always an enjoyable time.

Now that I picked up a quest alongside my PC Headset, I can't help but love just laying in my bed watching 360 videos and zoning out to chill music and visual spectacles, it's a nice escape for when you wanna detox from life here and there.

As for games, Tetris Effect despite the cluster fuck that it is to run in VR is worth the price of entry for me. It's actually why I initially bought a PSVR as well, just sold it a couple days since I've played all there is to on PSVR.

Games like Skyrim with mods and touch controllers are fantastic especially casting shit.

PC VR sets have the advantage of also being able to try out tons of projects and crazy shit.

VR is far from fucking dead, but it's certainly as one user put it , as popular as smart phones.

It's only going to get better, but once headsets of at LEAST quests quality are like $100 dollars it's not going to be gigantic, but I kinda like it that way too, I prefer for it to be progressive, but slow.

Kind of like the smart phone.


VR is mainstream, but not THAT mainstream.
It isn't dead, but it's not booming.
It's right where it needs to be . Relevant, .

I think shit like valves controllers are a next step, more immersion, the better.

Attached: TE.jpg (300x168, 13K)

>missing everspace
>missing house of the dying sun
>missing rebel galaxy


this really is the only version of tetris worth playing.
maybe the DS one.

>spend money on VR
>realize I'm usually too fucking tired to get off my ass and flail around to play games
Still really like VR though, I just need more energy.

They're discontinuing most of the WMR headsets which proves VR is a dead meme.

>wear glasses
>can no longer use vr
This will never go mainstream

the last part of him throwing his headset in the trash is so fucking funny

Why did you buy something you aren't 100% set on? I want VR for spaceflight, jet, driving, and mech games, IDK what else you would want out of it.

Most headsets support glasses. Try again

If you wanted games then you should have gone with psvr, sure it's less technically impressive but the games are good.

Not everyone is genetically inferior.

Prescription lenses if you REALLY want that.
Though I have glasses and aside from the OG rift, the PSVR and Quest fit just fine.
Though lenses are superior, it's just comfy .

I spent $400 on a ps4+vr+some games, and it unironically is the bext big thing. Even at the psvr's low resolution, it really is immersive. Theres some great games for it too. Cant wait to hook it up to my PC to try the porn games

Thanks for reminding me about boneworks.

all my niche fetish games more than made up for the price desu.

Its first gen consumer tech. Never buy first gen consumer tech.


Literally the game was fucking made for VR.

I own it but I'm still getting some nasty performance issues and crashes.
What about everyone else?

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I enjoy VR but wasn't impressed when I tried Tetris Effect, I quickly zoned out the VR stuff and just focused on the board, so for me it wasn't different than playing on the TV

Is an HTC Vive still a good headset in 2019? I've been looking for a good vr set that's under 500

do you really feel in other world when using the vr or no? tell me pls

No not really, if you can get it used for like 200 dollars maybe, even then a used rift would probably be better

Fuck no

It has it's moments, Five nights at freddy's help wanted made me feel very much in the world, a small gust of cold air from my AC coming from the same direction as one of the open doors in game freaking me the fuck out

But more than anything it offers a different perspective, seeing games with a sense of scale and depth is a really powerful thing, and can make games you've played before feel very different.

Unironically yes.
It's the most immersive way to experience a video game, hands down.

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Which rift in particular would you recommend then?

how can you get bored of it? if it is that amazing how you did not touch it in months?

yeah, its like wearing headphones compared to a speaker. if the audio is good its a world of difference.

same with VR.

Anyone play Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, and Handgrenades regularly? It's the only game with a real-life analogue that makes me feel the reality in virtual reality. Feels awesome to be shooting better at the range after playing every day.

I've thought about it, it looks fun but i dont know man, 30 dollars

Its either that or skyrim vr

I spend tons of time in VR, but sometimes it's just easier to play pancake games.
That, and most games aren't in VR.
Also, you get really sweaty playing it in the Summer time, so that doesn't help.

Software is a big thing, i agree in general with people's belief that there aren't enough games

I play weekly for drunk VRchat with friends which is honestly the most fun I've had in games in a long time, but aside from that and Fnaf there really hasn't been much to keep bringing me back, I've been eyeing NMS but reluctant to sink the money

I think the rift S looks nice, it's kind of up in the air

>Do you not have a good pc? Get quest
>Do you not want used hardware? Get S
>Do you not care about used hardware and have lots of free usb 3.0 ports? Get used rift

Though used headsets are sketchy, no real way to tell if anything is fucked up until you get home and set it all up

what vr you use?

not him but I was spending too much time with it.

Because when playing regular games, you just lazily sit on a chair only moving your hands
In VR you have to actually flail around a shitton and standing for long periods of time will start to wear you down

It's really does put you inside the game. Although field of view is limited and you can see the individual pixels - nothing else comes even close.
Works really well with horror games - it's simply too much for your brain to handle. I keep telling myself it's not real, but I always end up ripping the headset of my face in panic lol

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I started with the original Oculus and upgraded to the Index.
Keep in mind, there's still some tweaking and comparability issues with the Index controllers, so for ease of access I would recommend the Oculus.
I used to be able to fly around Rec Room PVP maps like a VR version of Quake but the lack luster support and the sticks at the top made things way more jarring in comparison.

>one of those people who bought a PS VR this past Black Friday
>played Tetris Effect, RE7 (kinda) and Thumper with it
>liked it well enough but has been gathering dust for the better part of 7 months now
>NMS update
>spent from 2PM to now just playing that game
I need to get some wipes now because I'm sweating so much into the nasal passage due to my room heating up. Fuck me. I don't even think the game is all that great, but it has a weird satisfying loop, and exploring space in VR is cool.

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I called you all morons then and Ill say it now. You were a fool. The enjoyment wasnt there. The games are expensive trash. We aren't in the right mindset or era. Top that off your affirmative action hires don't know how to technology creation&optimization.

No unless you get it for dumb cheap, but even then, just get a Index or a occulus . Occulus is best bang for the buck.

Yes, but certainly some games are better at giving a grand scale than others.
Skyrim VR? Absolutely, fuck yes.
Robo Recall? Fun, but feels more sandboxy, but still pretty immersive.
Hell even Tetris Effect gives me this sense of other worldyness. It's fantastic, but it DOES depend on the person.

Some games are like what said. I LOVE Skyrim VR, but yeah, it's easier to just play it with a controller sometimes.

But it's important not to get totally burnt out by it, most people I know who own a VR headset play sparingly, it's spurty, theres no app that brings people in EVERY day, but the day will come where there is, and thats when VR is going to explode.

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Doesn't it run like ass on PS?

nice i will buy one then

It's your fault. The Rift S is objectively the best headset on the market and it's only 399.

>inb4 some indexer coping with his broken thumbsticks that can't click seethes at me

I did too and I'm having a blast!

How huge is the difference between rift and index?

I know the difference on paper but idk, I really want to do so myself

I already use it as a "regular screen" with Virtual Desktop, It's awesome to watch porn as if I was in a movie theater

I got drunk one night and decided to play Wipeout VR on my headset, and then play Ace Combat 7
I don't know what was wrong with me

>he said to himself nervously for 200th time

Attached: images[1].jpg (244x207, 8K)

I have nothing to be nervous about. Your experiment failed. VR is a failure.

Resolution, field of view, needing to place sensors, and price.
I would not recommend getting an Index for your first headset, they're a grand for everything, needs more tweaking, and needs sensors to be placed.
The Rift S is an all in one headset meaning it uses cameras on the front for tracking.
I've heard it had some issues at launch with throwing, but they also released a huge update and it seemed to solve it for some people.
I had an original Oculus for 2 years before getting my Index and I never regretted my purchase.
It's the best all in one consumer priced package.
Also the Index is sold out for a while so you'd be waiting around for a hot minute.

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much to my surprise ive found alcohol helps against VR nausea, unless you drink too much

A bit of drink and suddenly you notice that screen door effect less, that blur from the lenses less, suddenly you are just in a club with your anime and nanachi bros

Attached: nanachifug.png (369x492, 7K)

>half a decade later
>every major player just released a new headset (Index, Rift S, Cosmos soon)


I mean, had a few weird performance things here and there (black boxes appearing where damage numbers should be, my controller placement sometimes getting fucked) but I don't think it performances bad. It doesn't look the hottest but the PS4 Pro patch isn't out yet, and I got a Pro. So other than it looking like I'm playing it on Low, it hasn't crashed or chugged on me yet.

Apparently the index is back in stock, but the knuckles aren't

And I already have a rift, i'm just drooling over that clearer picture and greater fov

Attached: brave_2019-06-29_18-52-15.jpg (2071x1163, 334K)

Index has:
>more reliable tracking
>slightly higher resolution
>slightly higher FOV
>optional 90/120/144Hz refresh rates
>IPD adjustment
>excellent built-in audio solution.
It's pretty much the full package when it comes to VR headset. Controllers have issues though..

Is it $600 better than Rift S? Probably not, but if you have disposable income - it's the best choice.

how many nanachis are there in vrchat these days, I used to see a lot when I tried
more importantly, are there faputas or blessed mitties


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It definitely is night and day, damn near blew my dick off when I pulled open the FoV slider.
But considering you're with an Oculus like me, you don't have the luxury of using your old Vive equipment on your headset.
You will need the full package.

Attached: Valve-Index-tech-specs.jpg (1347x903, 98K)

It's extremely noticable when you try to read small text in VR, the screendoor practically blocks the text until you have it right in your face. Pic related is how I'm reading threads in virtual desktop mode.

Attached: d5c[1].png (690x656, 34K)

Fair amount, at least in the group I hang out with

ive only seen one mittie

>>more reliable tracking
This is honestly false. I know everyone who has base stations/sensor setups is going to reeeeeee because they've been trained to think it's so much better than Inside Out, but the Inside Out tracking on my Rift S (post 1.39 desu) is SUPERIOR to both my original rift tracking and my vive tracking. And it's kind of not even close.

Base Stations/sensors = dead zones

i dont have vr but i kinda want it. too much money though. vrchat is fun for just socializing with online people (you CAN meet cool people despite the amount of weeb/furry/pedo degens, despite what you may think).

Gets me everytime

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the cost difference is not much, if you wish to invest in VR, you shouldn't attempt to save a few hundred bucks, Vive is better than oculus, but index is currently the best one, also you can buy used VR sets far cheaper than retail price
the controllers serve their purpose but Index knuckles are the best controllers out there
microphone on both is equally shit but it doesn't mean it's to the point where you can't understand what is being said, it's just bad quality mic
>lower resolution screen
that is a bold fucking lie, how much is zuck paying you? Oculus is inferior in every technical aspect in comparison to vive, literally the only points to argue are the price and controllers

>Vive is better than oculus
don't lie to people. The Vive is the worst major headset on the market by almost any metric

Gunpei did nothing wrong. He was just ahead of his time.

Attached: 800px-Virtual-Boy-Set.jpg (800x1017, 86K)

If you are that hung up on furry/anime/loli avs you're probably not someone anyone in vr chat wants to meet

please PLEASE tell me its fake oh my god i want to simultaneously both throw up in my mouth and annihilate those two people

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Come on i know they can cheap in that part but really?

hello furry/weeb/pedo

no, the avatars dont really bother me. its the people who use them, usually.

VRChat really fell down the rabbithole huh?

>Oculus is inferior in every technical aspect in comparison to vive
lmao name one

the vive has a lower resolution screen than the rift s user

The knuckles arguably aren't the best controllers, certainly the most advanced, but as a controller that you play video games with, they are not as ergonomic or compact as the touch controllers.

But yes, if for some reason you want to buy a bad out of date headset with shitty controllers as a stepping stone towards a good cutting edge headset with advanced controllers so you don't have to buy different sensors, sure you could get a vive.

Or you could just get an index and save your self 600 dollars

they're open cans that hang above your ears so how much bass were you expecting

Any recommendations user?

Why the fuck are you lying through your teeth?
Or are you just fucking retarded and not realize that the specs you are using in your arguments are of the next gen oculus that's not even out yet and that the current oculus rift is unavailable for purchase? Oh wow, 3 year old hardware is worse than current hardware? How can this be?


Attached: Catgirl.gif (540x540, 919K)

can you use over-ear headphones with the index? I know it says it has headphone out but I'm not sure if they're just assuming you'd use earbuds/IEMs.

Lower & higher Hertz doesn't mean better sound quality. Your ears are probably so fucked I bet you can't hear above 14Khz.

Yes, you can with every headset.
They're detachable.

>people talking about programming while loud moans of gay erp sex is happening in the background
>this is everyday to them
>this is our future

Attached: 99251621.jpg (222x227, 14K)

>literally just admitted that yes, the vive is outdated and worse

Attached: thinking.gif (2048x2048, 1.02M)

>There is a guy called lewd lamp that is just a lamp

what i probably should have asked is, is the headstrap/display itself large enough to get in the way of a larger pair of over-ears? I figured you could just remove the speakers

Were they ever banned for this?

Oculus Rift is worse than Vive, that was the argument
Oculus Rift S is completely different piece of tech, it is a product of 2019, was there an update to Vive in the current year, it would be similar to S or better.

Attached: 5'11 playing with his cat.webm (400x400, 2.96M)

As long is not in public and private then you cant get banned for stuff.

>Hired by a top university getting 3k a month to make VR experiences for research
I hadn't even tried VR for years and now it's gonna be my life. I'm having a blast discovering shit about the current state of it by trying out the latest tech and experimental games with it.

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To be fair even when comparing OG Rift to Vive, Rift wins every time.

Yet you've been unable to provide one example of the vive being better

At BEST the vive is comparable to the rift for 200 dollars more with vastly inferior controllers and an inferior mic

It cannot be overstated how much worse the vive wands are to touch, to the point where the vive wands aren't even sold as "controllers" they are glorified tv remotes

Jesus fuckin christ

Attached: 1476848122652.jpg (216x200, 6K)

No, the top strap isn't thick like other halo strap headsets, it's thin felt, strapped with velcro like the original Oculus.
I haven't tried myself since I enjoy the headphones provided but it seems like it would be easy enough.
There's an audio jack built into the headset as well, placed right next to the tether so you can easily wrap the wire.

I don't know about specs but I do know all the richfags I know that bought both the Vive and the Oculus harp about how shit the vive wands are but they use the Vive over the Oculus anyway

If you're a GTSfag a VR headset is practically a bare necessity of life. Like, "what the fuck are you doing living your sad life without one of these" essential.

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i know you need the basestations to use the index to play motion games but do you still need them if you're just sitting down?
like if i'm playing a flying or racing game do i need the base stations set up?
this is a logistic question, i'll be buying them anyway, but curious if i need to move them back and forth from my desk to a play area

>I'm not a furry
>I'm not a furry
>I'm not a furry
>I'm not a furry

>people talking about programming while loud moans of gay erp sex is happening in the background

sounds like most Yea Forums threads.

Nice tweens dweeb


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I tried Face your Fears, Dreadhalls and Dark Days.
They are relatively small games, I'm still building up courage to play Alien: Isolation in VR

>try both vive and oculus
>did vive first so i knew i would be biased
>both controllers aren't perfect and perform worse unless you have FLAT COMPLETELY SQUARE MEASURED TO THE MILLIMETER PLAY AREA
>the touchpad on the vive controller takes getting used to
>basically the same performance wise
still prefer the vive because i'm more familiar with the controllers anyways, but yeah i paid a little extra, but i was also buying a new pc at the time so i didn't feel it

Attached: time spent on puzzles.jpg (563x651, 226K)

Oh fuck yeah it went from 0 to Second Life has no real nuisance prevention in 12 seconds. I'm talking, day after it got mildly viewed on youtube you got megafaggots running all over all the public lobbies for that shit, and the only people willing to put up private ones are goddamn furries.

>bigger display
>customizable resolution if your PC can handle higher resolutions
>far larger field of view
>supports any controllers
>bigger and better tracking
>better support for games, can play games exclusive to Oculus
>$100 difference in price
Only a moron would buy regular rift instead of vive
But now that Rift S is a thing, it's slightly better than Vive and a better deal, the same way Vive was to Rift, but there's also Index, which is superior to everything else, if you can afford it

Nice Falz Memoria screenshot. I'm glad the PSOfags are in full force in VRC, tons of worlds uploaded so far.

Do you play any shootan games with a gunstock? The controllers must lose tracking when held in front of the headset because one occludes the other.

Fuck off Shaun

Neither, save your money
Although you can mod skyrim the same way you can the base game, if you insist on buying one, then go with Skyrim

>there were a bunch of tubers that memes up getting harems and girlfriends
>got a flood of gaylords running in expecting to get GFs too
>half of them turned tranny rest of them turned gay and the dudes who had girlfreinds either got cheated on or had their relationship not even last a couple of months
Serves those faggots right

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You're like 2 years late buddy. The game pretty much has everything it was promised to in the past and even beyond.

>played no mans sky again but went the harder difficulty that wasn't perma death
>hate the grind but didn't wanna start over
>stop playing and have to start over again
>have VR now
well, i'll do that after i finish getting all the endings in Gal Gun 2

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Better tracking is fair, but the rest is bullshit

>are ya winnin' son?

>ever a better deal than a rift

this is high quality bait

it's all literally written down on either headset's websites, what is this special disability that doesn't allow you to access these websites and do comparisons yourself?

Blade & Sorcery fags report in.
Why are Yuri's mods all so fucking low effort?

It's a shame when this is so commonplace in game that it's not even surprisingly and don't even bat an eye.

Murray has fully redeemed himself. Honestly I think it was mostly Sony's fault to begin with.

I spent 150€. I'm pretty happy with it, but I wouldn't use it on summer.

You're talking about a very slight difference in fov at the price of 200 dollars and worse screen clarity

I got on with the Index update.
Are there recently compatible mods out now?
I was bumbed out that all the mods on ModDB were outdated and I couldn't use them.

Sure, save money for inferior experience, it's your choice, same way people buy consoles instead of investing in PC's

Jesus christ all those lies, every single one. You couldn't shill in the other thread so you scurried your lying jew ass here.

FOV, resolution of the vive is the same as the rift while the vive has the worst SDE and screen in the industry. The controllers are the worst and only the wands work with the headset, tracking is marginally better but still using old depracated lighthouse 1.0. Support for games is the same as rift and you have to do janky shit to play oculus exclusive games. ALSO NO FUCKING HEADPHONES.

A moron would pay $600 for the worst VR headset out right now that is 3 years old and sold by a company thats going out of business in 6 months.

lmao you're so grasping for straws, it's embarrassing

>bigger display

>customizable resolution if your PC can handle higher resolutions
Supersampling is not a feature exclusive to Vive

>far larger field of view
SLIGHTLY larger FOV, for the price of increased SDE

>supports any controllers
Except superior Touch

>bigger and better tracking
Possible. But Rift with 3rd sensor matches Vive tracking (and still cheaper)

>better support for games, can play games exclusive to Oculus
??? Oculus runs on Steam too

>$100 difference in price
How is this an advantage? lmao

I'm sorry that you bought into Vive, but at least try and be realistic. between the two OG Rift is a clear winner, and you already know why.

that was the case at launch, but with some tech magic they solved it.

There's a shitload out on Nexus, mostly different melee weapons. I saw a few new arrow types recently, but haven't tried them yet.

I bought the vive with the deluxe audio strap years ago and came to tell you you're retarded. After switching to the Index, the vive is hot garbshit.
The controllers alone make it not worth the money.

>25 degrees is slight

No one is buying it htc shill, you already admitted the vive is outdated and inferior, not to mention overpriced.

I'm sorry you bought the inferior product

I wish I could buy the index for beat saber alone

I've heard that it gets worse and this is surface level vrchat.

this was half the reason I bought one.

Misinformation of this kind should be a banable offence, this is trolling and not Yea Forums.

Attached: thumbnail_vr comparison.jpg (750x469, 50K)

You pretty much heard correct. You should see the large scale orgies some groups do with their butt vibe toys.

>Believing anything Silicon Valley says
You are quite literally retarded.

RoboRecall legit felt like the killer ap for VR but it had next to no modding and seems to be dead.

literally a quick google shows you are lying

Attached: vrheadsetcomparison.png (2564x1596, 1.02M)

>vive is outdated
so is OG Rift you fucking retard, Vive Pro has better specs than Rift S and it's year older tech
regular vive and regular rift are both outdated, but the point still stands, vive always has better specs even when its more pricey

Index is the best can you tards stop arguing about old hardware

No shit Index is better, it's the best VR headset currently out, what we're talking about here is how shit Rift is and will always be and how gullible poorfags fall for it
it's like retards falling for EGS because m-muh free games

>25 degrees
wow you really are delusional

thumbsticks in it a bit shite though innit?

Paying $1100 for a vive pro kit when the valve index exists. It's like you're trying to trick people into buying HTC products to keep them from going bankrupt in 6 months.

I really need to go exploring, plus make some new models. Only thing I never really got into was dynamics, Made my own assets and recreated models, even doing efficiency stuff to really shitty MMDs.

Attached: VRC (4).png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

At least original Rift still stands as a viable option today
Vive was inferior in 2016 and is a complete piece of shit now


seems like over kill.

People thought Valve was going to have god-like quality control, so it's disappointing but not a deal-breaker.

Poorfags will always always always rally behind the cheapest option in an attempt to appear smarter than people.
Same as people that claim their shitty tracphone can hold a candle to a smartphone because they don't want to have to spend money on a product and will bring up irrelevant shit like "M-muh battery lasts 4 days!"
Well yeah bud, a 4 day long battery doesn't offset the fact that you can't check your bank info, anything on the internet, order from stores on the go or use GPS, it's garbage, you like it because it's cheap trash and you can pretend you're someone that has a product everyone else has at a tenth of the price and it's cheap trash

>The HTC Vive has the best field of view with about 145 diagonal degrees when your eyes are about 10mm away from the lenses. That means you're getting an FOV of about 100 horizontal degrees and about 110 vertical degrees with a stock HTC Vive.
>The FOV of the Oculus Rift CV1 is about 80 horizontal degrees and about 90 vertical degrees when your eyes are about 10mm away from the lenses. That's about 120 diagonal degrees.
And your image is laughable
>Integrated headphones on Vive
>Headphone jack not mentioned
did you find the picture from 2014 and use it as an argument? Oh, but it suits your narrative, that's why you use it, should've realized.

The game still has some good entertainment out of it. The pure pain and satisfaction of creating new models and then exploring new worlds is a drug.

>have vive-pro
>it's great
i honestly set it up every morning even if i don't plan on playing, so that i can just plug it in and play if i do
>longest period without going on vr is 4 days
and it was mostly because i did a lot of physical VR and work at the time, so i needed to rest

Attached: 1565278366467.png (408x818, 152K)

is that an undertale reference?

I'll be honest, the games are neat too but this was a serious contributing factor to getting a headset

Attached: picked up.webm (1280x720, 2.56M)

>arguing about a fucking expensive, NOGAMES, pain in the ass shitty fad adding absolutely nothing to actual gameplay
It'll be dead by next year and you'll all be fake laughing at any mention of it pretending you weren't taken in by the bullshit.

nice to hear that there's still bunnies out there, at least
I guess the other girls would be less popular because they're not in the anime, especially fapper due to the extra limbs.

Attached: file.png (660x660, 457K)

You can find a trans person in a public Discord server with an anime avatar without any effort on your part. Of course, it's a meme, so it's been majorly blown out of proportion at this point, and no one who perpetuates it remembers any of the benefits of Discord, or the fact that these people still make up a low percentage of its users.

And here comes the mega poorfag, can't even afford an Oculus but feels the need to speak to validate himself.

>vive always has better specs even when its more pricey
Except for every single person who has called out your lies with proof. Vive is right now the worst performing, most overpriced and oldest headset out there. Both the original and the ridiculous $1100 vive 'pro' which you're trying to compare with a less than half the cost rift S when it should be compared to the valve index which is similarly priced and absolutely demolishes it. You would have to be MENTALLY ILL to purchase a vive product right now.

>It'll be dead by next year
didn't you say that last year?

>like giantess
>have to sift through vore bullshit that aren't upfront about it because they're fags
i fucking wish we could get ai search engines already, i'm tired of not being able to find shit because i don't know a specific site

Attached: 1564879467957.jpg (640x441, 81K)

People knew of Index when Pro was announced, only a retard would buy Pro when better tech was on the way. Yes, OG rift and Vive are now outdated, it's been fucking 3 years since, but the point still stands, Vive's hardware in each gen has always been better than that of Oculus'. All I can really say is, stay poor, 3rd world shitter, why are you dreaming of VR headsets, you should be gathering bananas to feed your family of 15, Paco.


Attached: 1557665769290.gif (382x369, 2.11M)

It really was.

Attached: blender.jpg (296x151, 11K)

That webm doesn't do the height depth and perspective justice

There's 100 dollar difference between the two and for that you get better specs in vive, what the fuck are you even talking about?
The technology in the headsets doesn't degrade over the years, retard, it stays the same, and Vive's has been one step above OG Rift the whole time and still is.

How much of this was porting pmx models?

Tired of dealing with this fucker, can we all just report him and get him b&. He's just going to keep posting lies.

Attached: more lies.jpg (1760x888, 143K)

Yes, at a fundamental level, a headset is like surround-sound headphones but for your eyes. The experience is visually indistinguishable from being there.
There is screen door but you tune it out so unless you're trying to notice it, it shouldn't bother you.

The downside is lack of games really, or if you are physically lazy. In summer it can feel too hot to play it sometimes.

Flat webms never do which is why they don't work for selling VR

It never fails, when people find out they wasted money they will go to all efforts to justify it

>S..so what if the touch controllers are vastly superior
>so what if the strap is superior
>so what if the mic is superior
>so what if it's 200 dollars less expensive
>so what if there is less screen door effect
>so what if it has better customer service
>so what if it has more games
>so what if it has a bigger sweet spot
>so what if it has more god rays

>None of that matters, the vive has a slightly higher fov and brighter screen

Attached: clown.gif (256x192, 2.28M)

none, It was all MMDs that I found, and then would delete fuck loads of wasted polys from the hair, and then reduce the meshes down. Create some props and then parent them to certain bones so they would stay in place. Also did a bunch of texture recreation just for shits and giggles. Last logged on and all but 4 of my uploads won't load anymore.

Attached: VRC (16).png (1920x1080, 3.14M)

>better specs in vive
Stop repeating that. There are no better specs in Vive, it was pointed out numerous times already.

Less godrays rather, whoops

Though I suppose they are rings in the vive's case

Is the Rift S worth getting? I'm using a WMR right now I hate the lack of headphones and how barely anything supports the controllers.

All of my uber rich friends with both use the Vive primarily.
I can only assume this means there is in inherent advantage to the Vive that trumps the Oculus.
You can keep seething and posting stat charts that contradict each other
Like these and repeating the same points but at the end of the day if you're actually not a poorfag you're going to go for full body tracking, it's the next step in VR, bragging about getting the bare minimum is so cringe

I shill VR here on Yea Forums to get idiots to part with their money, only when they put the headset on and try a few games do they realize VR is only for desperate waifufags who unironically get a stiffy from a fat obese 400lb hacker roleplaying as a loli in VRchat.


Attached: 1564518320956.png (475x304, 120K)

Vr was shilled heavly Yea Forums using anime girls and what not, so mentally ill fags fell for it

I'm hoping Valve makes some games soon, they've pushed the hardware side but could do a lot more for the software side.

id buy it if i were getting into VR in today's market, though quality control seems less than stellar, be sure to buy it somewhere you can return it if its fucked

"It were just shills index flying off the shelves were shills reeeeee"

All i want is a proper L4D port.

Your rich friends must be too poor to afford the index or pimax or xtal or even an hp reverb.

Found them, they were all FBX, not PMX. So guess they weren't MMD. Could have sworn I had some. I know a few of them I had to create custom one off rigs as they didn't have any.

Knew it from day one it was a gimmick and was destined to flop hard and it did

>people in this thread
>all shit on vrchat and such
>no one actually talks about the games other than to say there isn't enough(because they don't look)
>tell others not to have fun
yeah, fuck video games

Attached: 1561477759438.jpg (960x960, 104K)

You can't even use the "vive is for rich boys" excuse because its like the milk toast middle ground, vastly inferior and cheaper to the index, and more expensive as well as inferior to the rift

It's objectively the worst choice and i feel a tinge of sympathy for anyone who buys one in 2019

Built-in audio in Rift S is 4/10 at best. Besides that it's solid.

So game models.

Literally haven't played in VR with them for like a year and a half since VRChat got boring, I can ask them again which one they prefer, would you like me to ask that one with 4 1080tis? Or the first one that agrees with you because I bet none of them will

>Headset and controllers for $300
>Prolly $150 on ~20 games
>$250 on gpu upgrade

Honestly glad I got the Odyssey+ headset, sure it's Windows Mixed Reality which lacks official support on some big games and the controller tracking isn't fantastic but for the price that thing is fantastic, much better visuals than the Vive and Rift as well. And at $300 I don't feel like I have to use that thing until it breaks, if Index drops in price or the Cosmos is really good I can upgrade without taking a huge hit.

Game models and others people created, And then I would do the rest as they were pretty much just blank models. I don't have the skill to create a pure model from scratch. Tried that shit and it's not worth the time and effort.

Pic related is pretty much how every single VRfag acts, they are in constant denial.

Attached: 1471459779415.jpg (1599x664, 307K)

I'm about to spend $1k on a Valve Index just because there's not much else going on in my life and I'd rather just drown into escapism and get plugged into the matrix where I can fuck anime women all day and drive fast cars and fly jet fighters and shoot loud guns at infidels, fuck if it's a fad or not

Attached: 1547097965167.jpg (2000x1100, 414K)

are you fucking 12?
Just because someone is rich doesn't mean they have good judgement at purchasing hardware.

Creating models from scratch takes atleast a month, its a pain but someone has to do it.

Ai Shinozaki

Attached: Ai-Bath.webm (1072x720, 2.39M)

Not him, but most of my Blender time was spent taking nude bases and sculpting them and adding a face. Then the rest was just dress up before export. XPS and PMX usually, I'm not based enough to sculpt from scratch.

>Except for every single person who has called out your lies with proof
Such as? Nobody has given any concrete evidence, you riftbabbies just lie on top of more lies to suit your narrative
>most overpriced and oldest headset out there
Rift is the older headset, retard, and even when just 4 months apart, Vive's specs are superior, there's 100 dollar difference between the headsets
brand loyalty is hell of a drug, and you facebook cocksuckers give it a new meaning, I am just here stating facts and you go as far to fucking lie about set in stone specs that each headset has

>someone has to do it
And that someone wasn't me. Everything else afterwards is a god damn cake walk, rigging, custom animations, controls, hell I'd rather do texture work then create a bio-model.

Beat Saber is all around my favorite VR game and definitely one of the best to showcase why VR is different.

Blade & Sorcery is an awesome showcase for melee combat, and there are very very good Star Wars mods for it (blasters, lightsabers) so you have a lightsaber VR game available

To the Top is an awesome platforming game

Vox Machinae, Ultrawings, Final Assault, Space Pirate Trainer, and Arizona Sunshine are some others I'd really recommend checking out.

not to mention people say facebook has good support but that's bullshit, they are just the same as any other support line, filled with automated responses and other bullshit until you literally act like a baby

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>being this defensive

Yep, shill confirmed

Why would I ask a bunch of morons who use the worst and oldest vr gear in the market?

Same. I would expect something like Boneworks to be from them

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Not purchasing, assessment.
They're not going to purposefully use the shittier piece of equipment to spite you retard

are you fucking 12?
Just because someone is rich doesn't mean they have good judgement at assessing hardware.

I remember when the vive was 800 dollars, heavier, deluxe strap was sold separate and vive shills still said it was worth the 400 dollars over the rift despite no real advantage and a slew of disadvantages

Are you pretending to be retarded or are you genuinely stupid?
Do you understand the difference between vertical, horizontal and diagonal fields of view?
The field of view written down in their website is that of a vertical FOV, the horizontal FOV is 100, these together make the 145 of diagonal degrees of FOV

Rift's are 80 horizontal and 90 vertical, making up 120 diagonal

Repeat yourself more doodoo head, now I know I got you on the ropes, my knock out punch is going to be socking you in the mouth with my dick

Is VRChat full of TDA edits too?

Virtamate made me a literal cümbrain, best investment I ever made.

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Show me where, inbred moron. It has all been debunked as either lies or outdated information from time before these headsets were even out

Careful here comes another unsourced infograph along with 2 others with wildly contradicting info, listen and believe.

>both rifts have tracking issues and blacking out
>support just tells you to restart the computer and unplug
>still a problem to this day with multiple forums posting help threads that are still active
the same can be said for vive but lmao rift s is even worse at launch despite vive-pro having a retarded launch

a sound argument, this must mean Rift is thousand times better even though the specifications state otherwise

80% of anime models are TDA edits.
10% of anime models are pure TDA.
The last 10% are unique. JP players seem to avoid using TDA edits and Russians only use Rabbids

Where'd the Zuckerberg shills go? You were so fervent 5 minutes ago

I don't see any arguments supporting your point, retard
show me which posts have genuinely debunked the fact that vive has better specs

That sounds kind of sad.

I was making fun of them, I'll knock your block off too cuck don't fuck with me

forgot to mention
>both vive and rift store bought games don't work for a lot of people
>rift has trouble working with steamVR

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I'm not the one flexing my "rich friends" as if they have some authority in deciding which HMD is better. That's childlike mentality.

every point you made is either irrelevant or just a pathetic attempt to make Vive look better.

Do you? The rift has the same FOV as the vive, THE EXACT SAME. Yet the vive manages to somehow have the worst screen door effect and godrays of any headset.

I don't even know who you're shilling to, everyone interested in VR even a little bit knows the specs of both systems. Also the rift is not even for sale anymore, you're comparing your $600 paperweight to something you can only now buy used on craigslist for $200. The vive should not even be sold considering how old and how bad of a waste of money it is at this point.

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It is very sad, but normal at this point. Most TDA editors in the game just have really bad taste in general and don't optimize models. The non animeshit models are usually a meme (funny or shit) or something good and unique. You will see the rare really good anime avatar if you're lucky.

>Figure the best way to figure out which piece of hardware is better is to ask someone with first hand experience of both

>he posts the average and not the actual vertical and horizontal
bro, please, you can get higher fov in vive because of a higher vertical and horizontal degree

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Guys give him a break, he needs to justify buying a vive to himself

Still play it once or twice a week
>mfw we finally got working bayonets
I hope this means we're a step closer to underbarrel grenade launchers
now if only Anton would get to work on actually finishing his gamemodes, I bet he won't even finish up rotweiners for this halloween

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>bro listen to me and believe, never mind that every single source of information on the internet says that they both have the same 110 degree field of view

At least reply to me before you spit my one liners out to someone else you cowardly poorfaggot spic

>he actually doesn't understand vertical and horizontal FOV

>every point you made is either irrelevant or just a pathetic attempt to make Vive look better.
Basically you're saying: "Better specs is irrelevant", are you fucking stupid? None of the points he made discredits any of the official information of the headset, except the price thing, and that was not supposed to be a "positive"

Most websites list FOV as the same, but it's not true. In fact Vives FOV is slightly higher. It's not noteworthy though, and it comes with increased SDE.
That's a draw in my book, none headset has an advantage

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Not fair... you're just justifying your purchase by showing it's better....

Thanks for admitting that you have no first hand experience with Rift, and only used Vive.
Explains your ignorance and blind fanoyism.

>those rings on the vive lense

that's terrible

Kind of telling when everyone with first hand experience with both prefers the Vive but you do you man

? I've had first hand experience with both and prefer the rift

the rings appear if you don't have you're eye looking directly at the middle

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Yeah the public cum station Vive at your local hostel you never plan on buying isn't really "First hand experience" bet you went in looking for shit to complain about because you need to justify the poor man's version

Moss is fucking incredible

I was expecting a huge amount of them but not Deviantart tier amounts, they have the ability to edit any kind of model and they select TDA out all of them?
Do people even bother using any other model? or atleast using any other MMD model available around?

user you are clinging to the field of view desperately, but it simply doesn't outweigh the increased price, worse screen door effect, worse controllers, worse mic, etc.

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literally the only thing i want from vr is to sit in my fucking chair and see my character running around in front of me, like in the lakitu cameraman in mario 64. still cant fucking do that. every goddamn vr game is some "HEY DUDE FULL BODY TRACKING STAND UP AND WAGGLE" piece of shit. just let me be a fat fuck and stare at hot pixel girls asses in 3d PLEASE

Oh so you're finally giving up on the FoV thing after harping on it for hours?
I'm not even the guy making that point, the point I'm making is that people that own both predominantly use the Vive, when money is no object, the Vive is most used, now I think it's because it's superior, but clearly all the rich bois out there are trolling you to help me win the argument 2 years into the future

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>both mics are 'gamerheadset' tier in quality
>one being better than the other
i feel like i would have to hear a side by side to believe it

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Beat saber is worth it fatass

>half a decade later
>still not one vr game that's remotely worth it

Yeah, and I'm not the guy who was saying they have the same FoV, just someone who enjoys VR and understands that the pros for the vive are outweighed by the cons.

bretty much unrelated, but is my gmod vid based or cringe


Seems evident to me that when money is no object it's the superior product.
Which means it's the superior product

So you mean 99% of the time?

There are a few non MMD base edits out there, so it's enough variety depending on the world and the company. But on a whole, TDA is the most popular. Most of the people that play for a while heavily edit their models or pay someone to, but most public avatars for use are TDA just because low effort for worlds. My friends mainly use Kemono Friends, JP Booth model or heavy edits. The model I use is a custom base with a few bits and pieces taken from other bases.
It really all just depends on the group that's around you at the time. Furfag hour is the hour you'll either see really high quality custom furry models, or shitty Nanachi edits. The game is a die roll on quality.

>people that own both predominantly use the Vive
got any proof to back that up? Besides your equally retarded "rich" friends of course

Spend enough time and you'll be able to tell the vive users from the rift users quite easily.

Index mic is on a whole nother level, that shit sounds so good.

How is a worse screen door effect, worse controllers, worse mic, yet better fov a superior product?

If money is no object, than the index is a superior product.

>retard doesn't know how to use his headset
you do know you're only supposed to look at the middle where the lenses work at the highest quality, right?

because fitting it properly is basic work and shouldn't have been the issue, haha


Spend enough time in vrchat*

Being rich means they're better than you.
Why are you harping about the mic so much, plan on doing VA work in VR?
What about the front facing cam on the vive that lets you see shit with the helmet on?
Oh wait we don't talk about features that BTFO the Oculus Thrift

I'd like that too, but to be fair there's aren't many 3rd person games for VR
>Edge of Nowhere
That's all I recall

index fanboi
someone triggered by someone saying rift is better

guys stop, vr is supposed to bring us together

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You have much fun gambling that away then VR user.

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Yeah I usually get triggered by lies.
If someone lies to my face IRL and I catch them I beat the fuck out of them

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You still didn't answer your wild claims based on nothing
>Seems evident to me that when money is no object it's the superior product
>people that own both predominantly use the Vive

Mic quality is fairly important for social games like vr chat, you don't really notice it when it's *ok* like the rift, but the vive is noticeably bad like the index is noticeably good.

I am an index fanboy and i dont have one, feels bad.

There's that mouse game

>not posting the video

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>is that people that own both predominantly use the Vive

Your friends are poor which is why they couldn't buy any of the newer headsets that have been released since 2016 and they chose to buy the objectively worst headset on the market. Vive owners eternally BTFO.

Attached: vivefag BTFO.jpg (1498x876, 221K)

>Ignores my other points
Cucked and fucked
I'll enjoy tap dancing on you, I'll also be buying an index when this month is up and I roll this gacha banner I'm waiting on
Dab dab dab dab dab dab

>Why are you harping about the mic so much
Not him but it really is a huge jump in clarity. Hearing other mics felt like I was playing Half Life 1, since VRC is a game focusing on talking and interacting.

>Didn't read the conversation in which I state the info was gathered like 2 years ago
>Trying to justify poor man's vive with numbers.
Yes user most people are poor, that why most street urchin Brazilian rats in here hate VR, because they can't afford it, not even WMR, they're the real fucking sad sacks

Is it worth upgrading from a Gen 1 Oculus to Valve Index?

I don't pay rent so money isn't an issue, it's more of a value thing.

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I'm not concerned with your autism

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You'll be concerned when my dick is stroking your mom and putting you in a fucked up mind state

>rift s having so many despite being trash
>valve index has barely any as well
>HTC vive is pricegated at fucking 1600 american dollars so no one wants it
holy fuck huawei is raking in money, i hate mobile trash

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Poorfags you're the REAL heroes

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>claims people prefer the vive
>false claims absolutely BTFO by hard evidence of vive vs rift adoption numbers

HTC is about to go bankrupt and that's pretty much the end for the vive product line. Your generations old headset is only hanging on by it's fanboy userbase which will only get smaller and smaller after HTC dies and the cosmos fails to materialize.

>People will always buy the better product
Oh man I have a fortnite copy to give you my friend, enjoy the best game ever

>valve index has barely any as well
They only made like a couple thousand of them so it's not the markets fault. Valve wouldn't even let me order one here in canada.

>Says this when index integrates with it
Not only did that move by valve completely shit on the street of Oculus but made the Vive investment worth it, you are MAD as fuck

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Best mastrubation machine ever. Does not regret it.

So much cope, why don't you try posting about the higher fov again. Your rich friends are poor and so are you.

Yea Forums unironically hates VR because its not Nintendo. If Nintendo put out a standalone vr headset, you tards would be tripping over yourselves to suck their dick and defend them.

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Why don't you piecemeal your Oculus and upgrade to the Index?

Attached: Dropping statistics like I work in sports center.webm (360x360, 354K)

My 'investment' only cost about as much as the outdated 1st gen lighthouses on your vive. You overpaid for your garbage and yes it might be compatible garbage but anyone who isn't a poor faggot would just buy the full index kit to begin with while trying to unload their vive onto an idiot.

>Uses terms like "Overpaid" like paying 800 bones matters over the course of 3 years
>Could sell Vive and all equipment for like 400 rendering it to be even less
>Tries to tow the line between "ur wasting money" to "ur poor for not buying an index outright"
Cucked and fucked

Why would I, it cost me so little that I don't need to part it out to afford a proper headset. I can give it to a friend when I upgrade and then we can play vr together.

what are some good vr games?
i'm looking at blade and sorcery, beat saber, onward, and vox machinae right now

>Says the rift costed little
>Implies you bought it way after it's sellby anyway
>"I'll just give it away"
No you won't

>Could sell Vive and all equipment for like 400 rendering it to be even less

Like I said, to an idiot. You'd need to find a real mouthbreather to offload that garbage onto.

No one is buying a used vive for the price of a brand new quest/s

So your mother is in the market for a VR headset?
Might sell it to her for less if she lets me bust on her face

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Bought it on sale during christmas before last. Literally the cost of two light houses at the time.

>No you won't
Why wouldn't I? What would I do with outdated hardware. It would be more work for me than my time is worth to try and sell it. You have no choice but to sell your vive kit because it cost so much. The rest of us with rift or WMR can afford to junk these things.

And we reach the end of vive cope. Good luck crying yourself to sleep in brazil while your 'rich' friends from 2 years ago play their outdated garbage.

I'm slightly inebriated right now and I almost just bought the index to put you in
You know what nigga post your speccy, pig.
Post up pig
Post up

I've probably spent that much too, I'm quite happy with it. My Vive Pro and PSVR get regular use. Been playing a hell of a lot of Wipeout Omega Collection since it's on PS+ at the moment, really a perfect fit for the headset. It's got nothing on my PC setup, but it's really impressive how much Sony is able to get out of a launch PS4 and such a hacked together headset.

As if valve would sell the index to some monkeys. Good luck with that cope, I'm out.

That's right, your "rig" is nothing more than a crab boat

>Spending hundreds of dollars just to fap

Waste of air. Kill yourselves.

>VRfags have no games to play so they spend their time fighting
Reminds me of early ps3 crowd and current switch crowd.

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Better than seething about being poor I guess


Cope with fucking with people on the internet?
Better than coping with actual poverty I guess.

What is this, /biz/, now?

I don't regret my VR purchase, the porn alone is worth it.

Please stop swearing


Imagine having more hardware variations than good quality full length games.
I kind of pity them

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I played Alien Isolation on VR fucking scared the living daylights outa me, Currently Using the dev version of the Oculous rift with either a keyboard and mouse or a controller.

No, it's both. Anything that requires you to wear a fucking helmet at home is never gonna take off.

How the actual fuck is Wipeout one of the best games in VR right now? They just dropped it out of nowhere, patched in VR support for the entire damn game and it's amazing, even with the shitty hardware and headset.

I spent between 600 and 700 so far but I have no regrets (rift + touch). Gonna upgrade to Index around christmas I guess.

What's your problem with it?

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I spent $150, and I'm having a blast with like 5 $10 games lmao

Pavlov is like $10 dude

You don't understand how desperate anons with a size kink are. It's a literally impossible fetish, there is no way to even slightly recreate it IRL. Anything that can get you closer to that fantasy is worth it for them.

>chart that references its own stats instead of saying good or bad generall
mmhmm, not biased at all!

>no gay stuff
why even bother?

I got a rift with four cameras and can't honestly wait until I sell this piece of shit to get an Index. It's not bad, just that it feels like a walmart VR headset than an actual "premium" device

there is a large difference in actual FOV of vive vs rift

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>tfw you spent far less on a MR headset and enjoy most of the VR library just fine at a fraction of the cost
I will upgrade once the good shit gets to like £300.

>not getting surprise blowjobs from lolis in vrc
I would even post the webm i'm referencing if I had saved it.

How're mixed reality sets for entry level/toe dipping into vr and porn?

Oh I feel the same way, user. I got it because after trying a vive once I REALLY wanted VR but since i'm a cheap fuck I waited for a black friday / christmas sale for the Rift and most of my games.
It's alright for now but I'm definitely getting rid of it whenever I can afford to drop a couple grands on an Index, a handful of pucks and a next gen GPU. Will probably pass it along to my nephews or something.

They are garbage, fucking avoid. Used to be the best budget option but you can get a rift s for basicaly the same price or close as damn it.

List of WMR problems
>Controllers are barely supported by anything, they are also INCREDIBLY shitty. They feel like the cheapest plastic crap and the battery covers tend to fall off.
>No idea if its the hardware itself or the wmr software but boundries fail nonstop
>The WMR software is terrible and you HAVE to use it on top of steam.
>No audio, and the design means over the head headphones won't be comfortable at all due to the head strap and the wire placements

Seriously fucking avoid it, go for a rift s or literally anything else, biggest regret is buying one of those over priced plastic shit, it'll give you a terrible first time experience with vr.

What games? I got my headset about 8 months ago and the only decent thing was fucking yiffalicious of all things

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Skyrim vr is absolutely shit. I don’t know how people can put thousands of hours into that game and how todd got away with releasing it eight million times. I had enough of vanilla on the PS3 and had fun with mods on PC. The game has nothing to offer. VR is especially shit because it’s the special edition version of the game. So there’s less mods.