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I wonder if they ended up remaking it in Unreal 4.
Just going to warn you lads the performance will be dog awful
They didn't, there was nothing stopping AHIT from ever being ported over considering Rocket Launcher is Unreal 3. The devs were just lying to try and get out of porting the game.
>720p 30fps with dynamic resolution on portable
>bloodstained came out this year
>plus a hat in time on switch
>plus indivisible
The age of good Kickstarter projects has arrived
not apologizing
I wonder if the overclocking that homebrewed consoles can now do will affect this result.
>no FLUDD mod
Future-Suicide rights are human rights.
I *clap* can *clap* any *clap* game *clap* I *clap* want *clap* without *clap* paying *clap* shitty *clap* devs
Cute and funny
Didn't Nintendo have to help get RL ported? Seems weird for the devs to avoid a switch port considering how well Nintendo inspired indies sell on it.
Did they ever release the DLC or PS4?
>overclocking on battery power
Thanks to pc gaming.
>60 player mode only on steam
>no mods
I am saddened by these people knows no true joy in gaming.
Bad idea of course. But considering it's also 30-720 on docked..
Devs said Valve giving them early access to their new network code is the only reason it was possible.
Exactly. Which is sad people will get the gimped version.
>Slow clapping processer
I am potato
>"wow wouldn't it be cool if we did the thing?"
>everyone wants them to do the thing
>"oh wow sorry guys, it looks like doing the thing is actually pretty hard"
>everyone still wants them to do the thing
>"please stop asking us to do the thing"
>people are upset that they didn't do the thing
>"whoa hey everyone, we've managed to do the thing!"
>many people are understandably excited by this
>there are some people who are still upset that they didn't do the thing in the first place
>$40 physical when the Steam version is just $10-15
>coming out in fall when they promised spring 2019
>still at 30fps
>no word on Nyakuza Metro
>branding ancient Seal the Deal content as "new"
At least it's coming out at all, but still.
No, they can suck my cock.
>"whoa hey everyone, we've managed to do the thing!"
The only thing that caused them to magically be able to port the game was after all the indie developers started making bank on Switch ports and they realized they could half-ass a port to make some quick cash. People have a reason to not wanna support stuff like that, it’s pretty shady on their part, and you can bet they wouldn’t have started to play nice unless they knew they could make a quick buck out of it.
Right, so just pull some speculative bullshit out of your ass and then advocate a boycott based on it.
Sounds good buddy, I think I'll hop on board.
Their original excuse was that it was literally impossible to port to Switch, and now it's magically here when the Switch became more of a success. Wonder how that happened.
you forgot the part where they patronized fans and literally said a port was not possible.
Kill yourself shill
Wasn't bloodstained a fucking awful port.
And indivisible is sjw garbage, I don't really care about hit having a tranny flag but what indivisible did is unforgivable.
>when the Switch became more of a success
was there ever a point in time when the switch was not becoming more of a success? at what point do you think they figured out they'd break even?
by the way, nice "quick buck" they've got there, only needed to press that magic "port game" button, huh?
can I get a citation on that chief
why would i apologize if they spent the last several years shitting on everyone asking for this? everyone who wanted this on switch already played it on a different platform.
yet xbox and ps4 owners still get kicked to the curb. Console war bullshit aside its fucking sorry how poorly they're treating the console ports and this is coming from a pc cuck. I just can't stand it when devs do this shit.
>Rename Hat Kid to Some Girl
>Switch is the only version with DLC
Scummy. I don't know how anyone defends these devs.
Fuck me just release the DLC for PS4 already how can they be so incompetent
Sorry, SNOYboi, Switch is the only platform with DLC. They realized the superiority of the Switch and decided to release the console DLC exclusively to it. Sorry, should've made a better purchase in terms of console. :)
>also includes tranny propaganda
yeah no fuck off hat in time shill
>what indivisible did is unforgivable
what did it do?
They removed an originally intended playable character because they were white.
Seriously? Which one? Can you post a pic of said character?
Where's Nyakuza Metro then
>because they were white
That's a lie, and you know it. There's a place in hell for liars like you. Enjoy burning for eternity. I hope the shitpost was worth it.
>dlc with the tranny flag isn't included
nope, its not coming to PS4 nor Xbox at the moment due to "issues"
Switch gets Seal the Deal and PC gets both Seal the Deal and Nyakuza Metro DLC
here is the twitter sperg the dev had after people asked for the Switch version
If only there were some immobile fat pictures of hat girl
Ah, well shit. I've been had.
Granted I have trouble thinking of a way they could have handled the PR situation better. I don't know if saying nothing would've been a good idea and they'd be lying at the time if they said there would be a port.
Prepare your ass cheeks for glorious 120ms+ input latency!!! Just like on Crash N.Sane Trilogy's Switch port~
She wasn't, that's just what the chair says for the splash screen that picture is from.
"Thanks for your interest, but we have currently no plans to release A hat in Time on the Nintendo switch" and then not reply anything other than that to anyone else.
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
I just want the DLC available on my ps4. Why don’t they want my money?
No they didn't, MIGAtard
I feel that a hat in time is a game that can be enjoyed even on a lower graphical setting and I am happy.
link fanboy faggot doing what he does beat
Still going search ryona for that game.
They put the flag in a sewer which I think is pretty smart like here's your tranny flag it's in the same place your shit goes!
I'm still not retracting this post by the way. you're retarded if you think releasing a switch port is somehow nothing but a scummy cashgrab
Not when your inputs barely register thanks to the lag. AHIT requires snappy, tight controls to be fun. Seal the Deal requires this simply to be playable. Shit will be a disaster on the Switch unless Gears for Breakfast somehow pulls a rabbit out of the hat and overcomes Switch's system-level input lag. I agree there's nothing wrong with lower graphical settings for this particular game considering it already loos like something from the 3DO ffs, but the latency on the Switch is still a massive problem for games like this.
You have to post now the most based of all .webms with this redpilled girl
Where the fuck is the Xbone physical you fuckin asshoollleeesss
Tha'ts a good point user. I how GFB can handle the input lag issue well
Eww no keep your tranny propaganda to yourself.
lol he cares about shit like FPS what a fucking nerd
Care to explain?
Enjoy, you are about to witness something extremely based
Don't they have only like one actual programmer on the team?
Besides porting game is hard give them a break.
Only faggots care. That stupid smug hatted slut deserves nothing but pain and so do her makers.
>doesn't dab on trannies
Only close to being extremely based.
Grow up.
Wait, is not this incomplete? Where is the cat DLC?
It would be the easiest thing in the world to handle that situation if you're not an autist
>We appreciate your interest in our game, however there are currently no plans to release a hat in time on the nintendo switch
wow that sure was hard huh?
She is a child
Switch version doesn't have the cat DLC.
>Developer claims DLC will be free updates
>Backs off, deletes all mentions of it, and asks for it to be paid instead (but it's free for one day if you own the game guys)
>Makes the second DLC paid
>Lead dev is on record as saying that the game made enough money to fund the sequel on its own
>You still defend greedy fucks
But no, I'm sure these POOR DEVELOPERS don't have the resources to port their game. Gee it sure is hard being an indie.
Apologize for what?
>Wait, is not this incomplete? Where is the cat DLC?
Please understand.
Are there good pics of her from the game or fan art?
>unfinished campaign
>story elements partially developed
>too many boss fights
>the conductor's VA
It's doesn't have Psychonauts' story and characters and it doesn't have Mario Sunshine's gameplay. Really, a disappointment all around.
>Developer claims DLC will be free updates
>Backs off, deletes all mentions of it, and asks for it to be paid instead (but it's free for one day if you own the game guys)
So it's free
>Makes the second DLC paid
>Lead dev is on record as saying that the game made enough money to fund the sequel on its own
Where's the proof bitch
"DLC content aren't all compatible with some systems."
>tell everyone it won't come out on switch
>"I *clap* CAN *clap* LIKE *clap* WHATEVER *clap* I *clap* WANT *clap* TO *clap* LIKE"
>It's coming out for the switch!
What the fuck is wrong with them?
Using PR language is easy as fuck.
I agree with the story and campaign being lacking, especially since they ditched that cool Adult Hat Kid stuff from the earlier versions, and all the story beats that got left on the cutting room floor.
>too many boss fights
Mafia Boss, DJ/Conductor, Toilet, Snatcher, and Mustache Girl? Come on now
>the conductor's VA
Fuck you buddy
Now kiss my ass you dumb fuck.
>no response to being shown proof
hat in time's rabid fans are fucking pathetic
>hat in time's fans are fucking pathetic
lol it's been a while since I've seen a poster get this rekt
And Rocket League runs like molasses on the Switch
Things change user like making a expansive port to switch.
They had the money since release. That's where the bulk of profit comes from. They always had the money to do this port and claimed it was impossible but suddenly it's very possible. What a fucking shock that the scent of money attracted these developers who historically have been moneygrubbers refusing to release their DLC that was promised to be free updates in a way that's actually free. They're also somehow porting DLC1 to Switch but not to PS4 when the base game is on both. How is this possible? Can you explain it? In what world does this make sense?
i think maybe i should just invest in a better computer
Lots of Logistics go into porting games it takes time. Especially for a small indie studio.
Ahmed you're a sorry excuse for a paid shill. Go report your failure.
If they weren't financially secure they could have just made a statement about it and I'm sure the fans would understand, but they're being really shady.
I do it for free.
this and the fact that the team (or whoever runs shit) actively deleted all mentions of the DLC being free upon deciding that it should be paid instead
their "goodwill" act of making the first one free for a single day is extremely half-assed and i can't forgive this kind of backstabbing bullshit, it's outright lying to people and trying to cover it up
if i ever buy hat in time it's a complete edition that's heavily discounted, i'm not giving them a single dollar more than i need to and i will continue to tell people how scummy these guys are
I wonder if nintendo made them remove the fag flag from the game.
>>too many boss fights
Gayest opinion I've read in awhile. The game was starved of boss fights.
No boss for the mountain level, the seal level, or nyakuza.
The fact that they would make more money by porting the dlc to consoles then it would cost to port it. Just says that they are lazy fucks. I wish i had a good pc so i could torrent their game
They're so fucking incompetent that they have literally never released a single goddamn update for the PS4 release. It's running an alpha build, not even as good as the PC version AT THE TIME OF RELEASE was.
>Have one of the best mario games to date on the console
>Caring about this game