How often do you rage at vidya?

How often do you rage at vidya?

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and you fags will still insist games don't cause violence

Imagine actually chucking a controller at your screen like a fucking retard.

That’s what you get for choosing the wrong team, fuckface

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who kind of crazy nigga gets mad and then breaks their own shit? I would never break my own possessions.

>stupid retard faggot has an intellectual avatar
Of course

That's pretty chaotic

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Orderfags are just unhealthy people who can't cope with the chaos within. This is proof.

Seems more like games make innate qualities come out. More often then not i found that people who are gonna break shit anyway just do it more, and people who aren’t gonna break shit just put it down and walk away if they actually even get mad.

This person must be 13 or has down syndrome

My iq is above 20 so I don't do things like this

>has temper tantrum over videogame made for 11 year old Japanese kids

Never? I'm an adult.

He seemed so happy 3 minutes ago.

>who kind of crazy nigga gets mad and then breaks their own shit?
Children. Because they didn't pay for it so it has no value to them.

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getting mad is one thing then there's getting mad a fucking splatoon

>Get mad
>Do something that will make you even more mad
What is the end goal?

I only raged at teammates and even then the most of the rage was me being irritated. Usually I just grip my controller really hard for a few seconds at most.
One the flip side, I have a very short fuse in real life for some reason.

>Dancing game
>On keyboard

Enough to break shit? Never, I'm neither retarded or made of money


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I can't understand it. I already got stuck at Ludwig in BB for 2 weeks and lost about 50 or so times and even with all my friends having beat him solo I didn't rage as much as that.


I want to beat the shit out of this fag.

>muh monitor
>muh keyboard
also kek'd at this is what I would love to do...*smahs* oh WOW!

They're completely unable to think ahead regarding their actions

Not any more than when your printer doesn't work.

Some people can't handle frustration. I've seen someone beating the crap out of a phone because they kept fat fingering the buttons.

I've never been angry because of vidya, or angry at all, ever, now that I think about it.

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lol he has rage problem not an issue with the devices, he needs help

anger is actually like a meter and the more you use it the faster it leaves that's why other emotions can slowly build up ( you gradually become happy it doesnt just happen instantly same with sadness) but rage explodes out of nowhere and leaves just as quickly

Being mad is just an inability to deal with one's own shitiness and lacking the neccesary cognitive function to properly deal with failure.

You're all manchildren.


All the time, but I don't break or smash stuff that I own because I'm not a gorilla with 0 self-control.

Who /wallpunch/ here?
Plaster is cheap and easy to apply.

i don't understand. i freak out when the letters on my keyboard start to wear, and then there are people like this who straight up smash their shit in to their monitor. do they not pay for their own stuff?

At the risk of sounding racist, phones and TVs don't have or deserve human rights.

is this nigger serious

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I'm getting better year after year. Still have a sperg out every now and then, but I haven't done anything like breaking stuff ever.

you can rent guns in the US?

If I start getting annoyed I turn the game off. I'll swear a bit before then, but not nearly as much as I did when I was a teenager.

I can't get mad at games. People who do are pathetic.

he's just trying to reassure himself, jeez

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Never. It's only a game.

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Rage? Never. Mildly upset over mistakes? Sometimes.

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u can do anything in freedomland

Why are people using photos of statues or paintings--particularly those of historical figures or philosophers--as their avatar such colossal retards 100% of the time

only got that mad over SC2.

1v1 games are just bad for some people.

Only at Blockbuster

>buy global steam key for a game thru cdkeys
>"lol it's a region locked key" -steam
Fuckers better respond to my support ticket or im charging back

>Black Guys: *Getting Upset.*

Only once in my life have I done this, it was during the last movie in Stuntman. Fuck that nigger game

He lost his rank because he didn't git gud

I hate niggers like you who devalue property and disturb neighbors all for your retarded brain to function

I don't. Either the game has a problem or I made a mistake. I'm capable of accepting and learning from the latter (in games anyway) and am far, far too jaded towards games to still get disappointed by the former.

the only time I can remember raging at videogames was trying to play insurgency with some big fucking lamotrigine withdrawals when I had to suddenly stop taking it after being on it for a year, but that made me rage at absolutely everything so I dunno if it really counts
good times though

>tfw can't afford to upgrade from my 720p TV
>people like this regularly demolish their high end equipment like it's nothing and will just buy a new one

Ive broken 2 monitors in my life, and 2 PS3 controllers. But that was years ago and Ive learned to not act out my rage.

The worst I do now is just yell at my screen when Im super pissed off about something.

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fucking kek, kids are so confused. the fedoras live on through these nerds and christcucks.


that's easy, just blame white people.

I tossed a phone once. I meant to just throw it at the exercise ball harmlessly but it ricocheted and stabbed a hole in the dry wall with its short antenna. I felt like a retard so I haven't taken my anger out on an object since then. Except for in college when I had one of those tin buckets that came with a bunch of popcorn in it. That thing was satisfying as hell to swing at.

The gas station clerk

>Nintendies are emotionally underdeveloped autists prone to violently sperging out

>felt like a retard

omg, are you a fucking boomer? can you please go back to your nursing home before you get a heartattack pls? mkay?

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I tend to be more willing to manhandle stuff that I do pay for. It’s odd.

>he never played DJ Max

Poor soul.

I used to get mad all the time, but eventually I realized that my anger made me weak and when I got upset it was better if I took a break to let the anger out.

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>considering suicide because some electronic toys were damaged

Mental illness is a hell of a drug.

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>American houses are made out of cardboard
Have you ever heard of bricks?

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how do you get mad at a purely casual game with no stakes and limited relevance to personal skill?

Its just so weird knowing people can basically just pry open their walls with a crowbar just to break in the house.

Like its not practical, but the fact that it's possible is hilarious.

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How can you care that much about a fucking rhythm game where you just press or hold 4 buttons?

Theses are the nintentoddlers yelling "SNOY" and "NOGAMES".

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chaoschads wouldn't do this

Feel sorry for whatever range worker would have to clean up the mess because some autist can't control his own tard rage.

You won’t understand unless you actually play rhythm games. I went through 1 psp and 2 vitas.

I hope someone sent that to whatever his local police agency is. They'd chuck that retard into a mental hospital in no time.

They don't, faggots who can't cope break shit regardless of whether games are involved or not. I would bet this guy would put a hole through his wall if his girlfriend pissed him off enough.


>millennials freaking out and destroying their rooms
>smashing their monitors, keyboards, mice
>screaming at the top of their lungs
>all because they lost in a video game
>none of them are even good at the game they're raging over

How do we solve the millennial problem?

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i don't think that they "cause" violence, but they do bring out the worse of violent people. I'd agree to that.

Send it to his boss instead

TF2 has been overrun by underaged reddtiors and I didn't realized how bad it was until now
few hours ago I was in a server with 3 fucking underaged reddtiors that would not shut the fuck up and at the end of the match I just screamed as loud as I could
"Shut the FUCK up you stupid NIGGERS"
And they did not speak at all, fucking redditors has ruined this game.

why are nintendies so bad at emotional control?
is it the autism?

That would be good too. With no money he'd probably just jump off a bridge instead of shooting himself with a rental gun.

Never because I'm not a manchild. Worst I'll do is let out some expletives before turning off the TV or hitting alt-F4.

I don't rage. I'm not a child.

when i was a kid, all the time. I was a child.

I'm 32 next week and i have NEVER thrown a controller or smashed a TV. If i get mad, i stop playing.

BUT then my father was present in my life and i was disciplined when i misbehaved as a kid. I'm also white so chimping out isnt in my DNA

Name one (1) black person who shot up a school.

Not much.

Good thing that when I was a young unstable teenager that raged on videogames all periphery were made out of steel and wouldn't break. I remember punching my old CRT monitor in rage after losing a race in OG NFS so hard I got a bone fracture. Good times.

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ha. I threw a controller last night after a splatoon match, but I'm careful with it. I throw it down the hall. the Nintendo Pro controller is a well built unit.

>best girl
>best timeline

checkmate atheists

Myron May

I rage occasionally but then I remind myself not to act like this one person my friends and I play with who rages at everything and it usually calms me down

More like mental illness causes violence

Do zoomers not say retard anymore?

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Blacks used to shoot up schools all the time in up until around the 90s, until every black majority school in the country started putting metal detectors and guards in the entrances. Stabbings were also pretty common. They also commit the majority of violent crime in the US anyway so I don't understand your point.

I've broken two controllers when I first started playing fighting games. Very fulfilling genre but the learning curve sure is something else.

The hardest I've ever "raged" was hitting my wooden desk with an open palm due to frustration. Why the fuck would someone throw their expensive shit out of frustration?

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Take deep breaths, and pet my lovely cat.

I'm a bong. We've got this new movement with "knifefree" boxes at chicken restaurants.
Only chicken restaurants, mind.
Now who typically patronises chicken restaurants, and is also closely associated with knife crime?

Legitimately, they don't. Because that's committing wrong-think.

The "r-word" is a no-no these days, sweaty.
Please educate yourself. Do better.

>get frustrated
>frustration is gone
>peace and tranquility
epic gamer moment
you won't understand unless you're a true gamer

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Reddit tier dialogue faggot, rope yourself kid. Also blacks keep shooting each other en masse in mass shootings year round but that doesn't make media headlines.

almost never

Forks can also be used as a stabbing weapon. Hell, a woman once killed a home invader with a spoon. Yes you read that right A FUCKING SPOON.

Every day because i play underlords at a high lord level which multiplies the already inherent frustration of this slot machine shit game by an order of magnitude.
Great game though, would definitely recommend.

shooting up schools requires rubbing those two brain cells together to plan out rather than just straight up chimping out, Tyrone

He was clearly exaggerating you dense cunt.
Fuck this place is full of reddit niggers nowadays.

False, I do neither for I am a peak human who will finish something regardless of anger. I have trained myself to never break anything when angry, except for my opponent's confidence after I defeat them.

You can't go alone to gun ranges precisely because of people like this guy. Selfish assholes decide a gun range is a good place to blow your head off. I don't care if you're killing yourself, do it somewhere where you won't continue to be a nuisance even after death.

Plan what out? Just bring a fucking gun in your backpack or pocket.

did it make you feel better

You can't rent guns alone*

Playing kid games
Behave like a kid

if it doesn’t happen within moments then it’s not a crime of passion, which is typically what chimping out stems from

I've never even felt the urge to break my property when irritated

It's either exlicitly proven nor disproven, actually.
There's a theory that it indeed causes violence. Then again, children learn to differentiate reality and fiction at about age 5 or 6.
There's also the theory that vidya can act as a vent, actually reducing the violence one has pent up.
Ladst theory is that it's not thevidya making people violent, but that violent people magnetize towards certain vidya.

Personally I think the vidya itself is absolutely secondary. People who gwt violent towards vidya tend to have vidya be the only thing their life, and not having branching interests makes people more aggressive.

t. Educationist

>psycho that flips out over a kids game and destroys his own property then brags about it is totally reasonable and would never commit suicide over such things
>I know this because reddit told me so

Then it’s everyone I’m the immediate vicinity sweating

>Then again, children learn to differentiate reality and fiction at about age 5 or 6.
Some kids can't even recognize themselves in the mirror without being told its them until they're that old. How can you expect kids to think that the things they see in video games aren't acceptable to replicate in real life?

user, I think he's problems are not related to the game

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>complaining about underaged on the server
>yelling NIGGERS over the chat
Let’s not point fingers here bud

>Peace and tranquility
This is so fucking true. I jack off before any kind of major decision or big purchase. I've even done so in public places and work.

Imagine if micolangio himself had had such a temper.

Surerly he didn't mean splatfest results.
Nobody count be that prone to rage that they get upset about something like that.

Based genes

I wish I caused someone to rage that hard at some point, somewhere.

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A couple times but because of family issues, not vidya.

>being this much of a nigger
Shut up nigger

We have many different types of houses here, sweetie.

Same, everything is just pretty meh. I feel like I lack the ability to be angry

I used to a lot back in middle and high school. I asked for a punching bag for Christmas one year and it actually helped a lot while getting my fat ass moving around.
I still have it to this day and use it from time to time, but mostly just anger related to work.

I don't understand how people actually get this mad over a game. How do you get so mad that you break shit and bust your house up.

I have never in my life broken my machinery out of anger/frustration at a game, and I've been playing games for almost my entire life, since before I was 5.


Holy shit

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You do realize that its only the inside that has drywall. The outside can have bricks or other materials but the reason North America uses dry wall for the inside of homes, is that its cheap and gets the job done.

>can't even save up 200 slappies
Stupid people should be tested for an internet licence.

Try mushrooms or dmt, it's the same clarity but without embarrassing yourself.

Imagine getting angry ever

Well, i was assuming that most houses like these are built with wooden walls and panels for the outside, so that's on me i guess.

How do we combine “hoy” and “woomy?”

Ironic, given his username. Dumbass deserved it for being a baby.

I rage sometimes, but I haven’t chucked a controller with such force that it breaks my fucking TV, I am not a dumbass like some of you fucks.

what game?


Down here in florida the middle class live in concrete block fortresses

That sort of shit happens for the same reason SJWs are so common these days: kids are raised without discipline, without limits, without having to deal with frustrations. So when they finally do get frustrated, they have no self-control.

Why are Europeans so ignorant and uneducated?


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Never games, but as a kid I beat the shit out of some crappy desktop PC I had when it got a virus. Shit like that where things should work but they don't really gets to me.

Nigger, you can buy a 43 inch 4K TV for $200. Stop being stupid with money

My dad was the one raging in my family in contrast. Good thing I got my mom's temperament genes.

depends on where you are in the us eurofag

I hope the faggot really did it.

>third world vidya rage
>get mad, say shit
>remember vidya items aren't cheap here
>maintain the composture and play again
>rage quit last option

>first world subhuman vidya rage
>get mad, say shit
>proceed to smash and brake my vidya
>mom will buy another cpu, play station and more because she don't like you
>better stay in your room playing vidya instead of fucking around the house or molesting her black boyfriends
>so you will NEVER maintain composture
>one day remeber no gf
>and you broke your vidya again
>proceed to shot the local WM for the lulz
you don't care about your vidya because you can buy that shit again and again without problems

Splatoon never caused that for me for some reason. Smash is the one that makes me want to put a foot through my fucking TV. Especially when it starts pairing you with players that are significantly lower in GSP than they should be, and also lower than you. So they're better than you and there's a much larger penalty when you lose, sending you on a downward spiral where you lose 4 million GSP in an hour.

what a sperg. at least that crack looks really cool

thats a school shooter

That's not Micolangio that's Leonardo The Vinchy.

More like
>third world vidya rage
>get slapped if you keep doing it after being told to stop

>first world vidya rage
>GENERALLY don't get slapped after being told to stop

As user said: >without having to deal with frustrations. So when they finally do get frustrated, they have no self-control.
I don't fully agree with the others, but I fully agree with this last point.

i never rage in games. lol who gets mad when they game? its just a game bro. whenever things get a little spicy, i eat celery and drink a lot of water

Bullshit its clearly Donald Tello

maybe once a month, if that

well yeah, that's pretty condensed, nice one.

more like cave the wall in with my body. I also karate kicked a huge hole once too.

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>mom will buy another cpu, play station and more because she don't like you
Damn, your mom must suck. Mine is obsessed with her kids.

You have to replace the entire panel of dry wall for a hole that big. Just putting a metal mesh or something over it and slapping plaster makes it look like shit.

That shitty LCD monitor probably has a lot of lag

perdone amigo, but that's your mom!

I did do that, just forgot to snap a pic of when I screwed it in.

This fag clearly has autism. He sounds like a pissy robot. And what the FUCK is up with his wall?

>make a single mistake after doing 500+ perfect inputs

Once punched by monitor so hard that it broke after losing a 4v1 and being clutched at 14-15, losing the game. Screen broke, but it was running up on 4 years old at that point and already had some problems, bought another one from an old friend

if you dont get angry at vidya then you arent a real gamer

not even trying to bait right now. having to buy a new keyboard because you smashed your old one to pieces is a gamer right of passage


As a literal autist shit builds up over time before leading to explosion. Sometimes the last straw has been a game not going right and that maybe sorta once resulted in the loss of a DSi XL but...

The game is never the actual reason the outbursts happen. In general I'm pretty laid back and let most things flow by with little impact in the moment so under normal circumstances there are probably 200+ things in the last 6 months or more than were the real cause.

i ball my fists up and hit them together when i get angry. something very cathartic about being able to not only punch something hard but feel that sharp pain from it as well

>yes goy-- anons, rage vidya is natural, you can buy more gaymer stuff from Amazon!!
yeah sure...

it looked like shit to start with anyway

If you lack that much self control that doesn't make you a 'real gamer'. That makes you someone who has so little control over their own emotions you break your own property.

Damn, that's autistic
Damn, that's even more autistic

What is it about splatoon that make autistic manchildren rage?

Stay povery, Pablo.
All third worlders should be banned from Yea Forums permanently. The internet is suppose to be a luxury, and now we have every monkey in the tree and rodent in the hole using it. It's not fair.

im never gonna find the sauce for this

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Never name your kid, Kyle and remember to cover up those holes with Slipknot posters

How the fuck do you suck so bad at aiming?

>Splatoon 2 player
Oh nevermind.

Yea that patch looks like absolute ass

You don't need a whole sheet just a large enough cut square or rectangle to reach across the studs are square it up. You can match it in real well if you cut off the paper where you place to the tape, you don't get that bump. The tricky part is matching texturing.

I've created some big holes and some no one can tell where they are.

I only rage when I lose favourable odds. Like my team being 1 game away from winning and then going on a massive lose streak.

Every heard of Taiko? It's less buttons

>when i was a kid, all the time
>chimping out isnt in my DNA
bottling your emotions because you fear daddy's judgment isnt anger management

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>the internet is suppose to be a luxury
it was a luxury, dunno if you live in the "cyber cafes" era or you got one or two in your city, all of them here are getting broke, the ones without games specifically because EVERYONE now has internet, but cheap computers.

>fucking retards don't even know Pika Soe

I don't get mad at video games since I started lifting.

Yeah I couldnt imagine breaking my own shit because I cant afford to replace any of it lol.

>has to remove people from the 100 person block list because he hit the limit

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I know it doesn't look that good so I put a poster there

Autistic manchildren and 10 year olds are the only ones who play it

>Posting blogs online about your problems
What's up with this generation thinking people give a shit about their lives?

>able to think

>Breaks property over something trivial
>Photo taken and social media post made
Why do retards do this? Every fucking time whether it be a TV, a wall they punched a hole in, a door, a broken controller etc.

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the final bosses in ninja gaiden 1
first and last time i threw a controller to the ground
you had to kill 3 bosses one after another iirc and i had no potion items or resurrection scrolls
i actually never finished the game until much later in a new save. Fuck that game.

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Because they fully know at least a couple people will try to cheer them up even though they don't deserve it.

Obviously pic related doesn't want to roll his brand-new dolly through a junk/glass/oil-ridden parking lot,or get any pebbles stuck between the wheel grooves, good on him.


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Daily reminder amerimutts still make their homes out of asbestos.

zoomer's that i know say retard

It's compressed gypsum, keeps moisture out of the walls, you use it wherever you live too.

>I lost my phone and TV and this is worth killing myself over
Americans, not even once.

What kind of fucking child gets mad at video games?

Some people have poor control over their emotions.
Probably don't have an inner voice stopping them from being a retarded animal.

I get angry at Smash but I don't chuck any controllers, I just kinda yell out when some clearcut bullshit is happening

They are basically glorified stage sets.

>break electronics
>first considered option is suicide

Ninetendyearolds are real

I broke a keyboard once because of Meatboy

>Able to think
>gets mad at games
>breaks his own shit
>considers suicide over breaking a couple of inexpensive items

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>tfw used to know the suffering that is having a brick house
Repair and maintenance of brick is hell on earth

>Gremlin who represents the worst of society
Only those who are slave to the rich support her.

Haha, I just watched this video in my Recommended feed too

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I don't really get angry at video games. Compilers/coworkers on the other hand....

>fucking splatfest results
So it wasn't even a bullshit death or anything his team just lost the mass competition between tits vs ass or whatever and he somehow got angry enough to tard rage over it in the moment? Even as a hormonal teenager playing macho games like Gears of War the worst I would do is ragequit.

just buy a new 4k tv, they cost less than 600 dollars


I only got mad and broke a controller once when I was 12.

when i get super pissed i hit myself

why is that hick getting mad at classic runescape? I can't fathom what's going on, did he tp to the wrong area or something? ???


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At worst I'll just slam my fist on my desk, I have a lot of self control mainly because I cannot possibly afford replacing all my shit so going gorilla and breaking all of it is something I try to actively avoid

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if i'm doing bad, i'm the one at fault, might as well hit the guy responsible as opposed to a controller or a game who had nothing to do with it
makes sense to me

Wheeling an empty trolley is also annoying if you're as tall as that guy is. He'd have to be holding it down past his waist to keep the platform high enough that it's not scraping against the pavement.

You aren't allowed to say it if you frequent twitch/reddit/discord or some shit.
It's pretty dumb.

when i get super hit i piss myself

I hope you just slap yourself on the cheek or something

no sense harming yourself, that's not helpful

I just realized I don't rage, I seethe.

I saw an explanation for it a long time ago, it's some really long quest. I don't remember the specifics but it's basically what you said.

I'm not that bad anymore, but I've broken quite a few controllers when I was a kid, actually went to a therapist to learn some chilling out strategies.

I don't play mutilplayer-only games much anymore, I get way too mad with those.

Their parents never taught them that it isn't ok to scream like retards if they aren't in danger.
It's something that you need to tell kids when they are still small but they never learned it.

it doesn't happen very often, i'm pretty mellow
i appreciate the concern though user

>results made me

This kind of mindchild thinking is why he breaks inanimate objects over trivial shit.

I think it's more that the monitor stand is causing his keyboard to be closer to the edge of the desk than whatever his previous one did.

go fuck you're self

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or maybe he's desperately looking for reasons why it's "okay" to be a tard and smash his stuff over a video game.

well at least you addressed the problem, I'm sorry you have to fight stupid human tendencies


That's the funniest thing about this whole image

>search image on gooygle
>"Let's Try Anal" Veruca's Promise
Really nigga?

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anger makes monkeys of man, hurls reason to the can

looks the same to me.

maybe there are no mass shootings in europe because the brick wall teaches to control your anger


Not even niggers on console act like this, Nintentoddlers are actual man children.

>there are no mass shootings in europe

you know that's a lie

Post the last 10 mass shooting in europe, muslims not included.

Xcom is the worst and all it made me do is slam my hand on the table and call my squaddies fucking niggers. If you get past the point of a casual table thump with your hand there's a problem. Even just doing that isn't great, but it's not damaging anything.

That said I kinda love the idea of being so mad to take off my shoe and bang it on the table like Khrushchev but I don't wear shoes indoors.

Not often, but if I get tilted enough at something obnoxious I've occasionally raged. It has to be something prolonged and really awful like constant hitstun cheese. The less players involved in a given mode, the worse the rage is. Worst I've done is tear the arm off of an office chair, bolts and all. I felt pretty silly after that though. I'm a pretty relaxed person, so it can happen to anyone.

I don't keep tabs on European crime

but I can think of a German that shot up a school, a Finn that shot up a school, and a Norwegian that killed and maimed over 100 people

and yes, you do have rampant muslim shootings and grenade attacks

Sometimes I get so angry that I put the controller down and do something else

the most I got while playing a video game was the time I lost smash ultimate to a match and got so mad i stopped playing the game and went to bed

>that guy that threw a firecracker at the french people leaving flowers after the theater massacre

>post shootings
>also don't include the shootings


Well, in america they only count the shootings done by white people and pretend black on black gang violence isn't mass shootings, sooo.

I usually laugh at my failures in video games.

actually, they count those in the mass shooting statistic, which is why it's terribly inflated

>none of them are even good at the game they're raging over
I mean, that's the most frustrating part to a lot of these people. Putting tons of time and effort into a competitive game and not getting any positive results can be extremely annoying.

You might think this, but I know people who do actually buy their own shit and then get mad and break their own shit


I left myself looking in my inventory in MC to go do something, came back much later, and despite being in my well lit base with a cat nearby I was killed by phantoms. There was also noticeable crater left by a creeper nearby that had damaged the corner of my fancy home.
I just said "welp, that's my fault," picked up my items and logged off. Fully repaired the house the next day.

Been a very long time since I had a proper rage. Games are too easy these days.

play WoT

you will want to murder your teammates

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Imagine spoonfeeding someone this much
Try using yandex.

Attached: baby-boy-being-fed-spoon.jpg (500x334, 15K)

>p2w + RNG in tank form
no thanks

I might yell but that's as far as it goes. I never throw thing or break things or rage quit or any of that nonsense. Mostly I am just mad at myself for making careless mistakes.

>Not using one hand and the arrow keys on the numpad so it's like a real DDR-pad
Am I literally the only person who did this?

It's not p2w

I have not given one red cent for this game and I have no issue using prem ammo, and I have a garage full of prem tanks and gold from events and tournies

>i had to hack and microsoft start logon to get it
Like its that hard nowdays, 5 years ago i wouldnt.

that's a mighty short fuse on that guy then

Had the Sonic Mega Collection for Gamecube. And I was doing Knuckles in Sonic 2, doing the final boss...and I kept fucking up. Over and over, I couldn't do it for some reason when I did it plenty of times before. I then just yelled, and turned off the Gamecube, pointed to my roommate and said "DON'T....SAY....ANYTHING!"

well at least you stopped

no sense going insane

That's not why they're raging. They're raging because they expect to win just because. They feel entitled to it. One of those guys started flipping out over PUBG when he was like 85th with 0 kills after trying to punch a guy out who had an assault rifle. So he died in like 5 minutes after accomplishing nothing and losing nothing other than some time because he tried something totally retarded that had almost no chance of working. He could just immediately start another game and lose nothing for it. Another dude lost his shit over fucking CoD zombies and when you see the score screen he had by far the most downs and like half the kills of anyone else. He was getting carried the whole time and still had the gall to start raging when he died. Another dude got owned by timing pushes in two separate clips in Starcraft, again barely 5 minutes into a game and he's on his way to breaking 2k in computer equipment. The edgy wannabe troll in street fighter just starts mashing out normals after he gets stunned and then goes insane once he gets punished for it.

These guys are acting like this because they wholeheartedly believe they should be winning despite how much they suck and how poor their decision making is. In their minds they deserve to win.

why didn't your roommate beat your ass

People who never had anything bad happen to them. And people who don't realize bad things happen and will happen until the day they die.

they're humans, not ORKZ

I forgot to mention that you have to do the entire quest or dungeon or whatever it is all over again, so it is something worth getting aggravated about, but not freaking out and destroying your property.

This. None of those guys ever got their shit smacked for acting like that when they were younger, so they never stopped behaving that way.

Chances are you're probably a millenial too. You should probably start solving the problem by kys.

I have never, ever thrown a controller or punched a screen or broken anything in a fit of game-related rage.

If you're the kind of person who is that easily riled up, you've got problems, mate.

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Bricks absorb radiation I don't want radioactive walls


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>Break things
>Throw tanturms
Bet none of them killed themselves because their character died and their shit got looted
Everquest was one hell of a drug To be fair they were mentally disturbed and had nothing going on in their lives besides the game

>twitch tryhards
They're raging because they have no hope, no future

Chimping out is one thing, it's silly but I can kinda wrap my head around the mindset of people that smash stuff or whatever, but how can you do it while streaming?
I can get a little flustered at something and just chill for a bit and relax, but when I stream or play around people I can't help but have fun and laugh or joke around about it with chat.

getting shown violence at an early age would only make them have more aggression issues

stern punishment with context for ill behavior is the only way forward

>Some kids can't even recognize themselves in the mirror without being told its them until they're that old.
>age 5 or 6.
most children aren't kenyan jungle niggerspawn user, self-awareness for white children usually comes before or around age 2

I pretended to be angry but wanted to sell it over my mic after my friend beat me five times in a row in a fighting game so I chucked my controller and apparently I'm fucking Hercules because that damn thing bounced off the carpet spinning like a frisbee and embedded itself in a wall. I still sometimes wonder what would have happened if I was actually pissed.

I once caught myself jabbing my pointer finger at my teammate on the screen. I tapped the screen so vigorously that I actually made the monitor teeter a bit. Felt stupid afterwards.

I don't break or throw anything but instead go back to the game as quickly as possible and keep getting worse and worse at it until taking a break.

A lot of these feel fake beyond af

my buddy and I have a rule that we change games when this starts to happen to us.

Yeah, if you have a bit of self awareness along with the anger it helps curb it since you realize how silly it is, but I guess a lot of other them just either are shameless or genuinely lack any introspective qualities since they keep doing it.

>it's a struggle past the dehydration/muscle atrophying/hunger to beat a boss or level episode

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Projecting: the post

looks like one guy had his account highjacked by a friend.
he has no one to blame but himself, but I still gotta feel bad for him.

The only thing that annoys me when playing games are things completely out of my control.

Namely, internet lag.
I'm an Australia fag and don't have particularly great internet. It's a key reason why I've mainly played single-player games my whole life. But when I occasionally get roped into multiplayer shit, I get infuriated at random lag spikes. Especially during pivotal moments.

You know how I deal with that anger?
I turn my router off, wait about 30 seconds, and then I turn it back on again

I also see zero point in getting toxic so I'm always that one nice fag in chat saying good luck to everyone pregame and ggwp no matter how shit the game was.

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>Break keyboard in rage slam
>Calmly place headphones down
Interesting gambit

u mad bro?

I've come dangerously close to thinking about yeeting my controller out the damn window cause I'm running through Sen's fortress for the hundredth time and for some GODDAMN reason I can't just waltz through it like I've done so many other times so I just keep getting fucked by the simplest shit in the universe and I get so pissed off FUCK SEN'S FORTRESS

play wows, it's a bit slow paced as MP goes

this is the post of an insane man

i think its about 2 or 3 years already since my last rage, normally i just feel that im getting too much angry for my age and stop, i go take a cup of coffee and try another vidya

able to think highly of himself but he's just a nigger

Not everyone lives in a commie block Sven.

World of Warcraft? Yeah, no thanks. Lost 9 months of my life to that during BC. Then I lost another 6 months to SWTOR. I'm done with mmo games.

I've lost way too many hours to DOTA2 because my housemates at the time roped me into it. But I mainly play support so I feel like I rely heavily on other people to be able to win games which makes it very frustrating. Especially when average matches are at least 40 minutes long. I usually enjoy dying so I have time to dash off and refill my drink.

Totally done with moba games. Never again.

I don't play any multiplayer games that have matches longer than 15-20 minutes. Typically, if I can't pause a game and deal with something IRL or at least be able to leave in 5 minutes, I don't play it.

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Maybe when I was a teenager, but physical outbursts are monkey behaviour.
Look at it like this: You are shown a picture and a sound from a monitor and suddenly, because it showed a certain set of pictures and sounds, you decide to destroy the monitor.
Does that sound like the behaviour of someone who is not a retard?

bro you don't understand
it's like sens is the easiest place in the game, there's nothing surprising in it once you've done it once, it should be easy as balls cause you know all the tricks
but then i die like twice and im just like "dude what the fuck its sens the easiest place in the game this isn't hard" and then i die like 10 more times and a smash that mfin alt+f4 because FUCK SEN'S FORTRESS

it looks like his TV is almost sitting in the middle of the fucking room, how the fuck can even sub 80iq-ers deal with this setup

no, world of warships, a MP game with various classes of 20th century warship

ping is not super important, prediction and positioning is, and the matches are not longer than 20 minutes

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Used to when I was a kid until 12 or something. Broke a ton of controllers but when my family stopped buying them, I squared right the fuck up. The only vidya that made me truly rage in adulthood was Canna's father on Razor's Edge. I couldn't get his pattern down for some reason and got killed so many times. Could only beat him with the Talons and when I did him it felt almost orgasmic.

An IPS panel yikes, he did himself a favour.

I tend to rage at games when I have other shit in my life that's stressing me out. I would break controllers as a kid. It's a bad case of displacement for me.

I used to rage a lot and smash the table and keyboard to the table but I've long ago stopped raging at video games
Sure, there's still some vocal cursing when shit happens but no physical stuff

Breaking your things in a fit of rage is subhuman behaviour

>Raging like a nigger.

Fair. I played a submarine simulator before that was okay.

But again, my whole aim is to steer AWAY from multiplayer games. I'm more than happy save scumming my way through whatever old single player game I'm catching up with.

I'm wasting time with Crusader Kings 2 at the moment. Have always had a below-spec laptop generally, so I'm always a few years behind on games. Only just played Witcher 3 last year. Probably one of the newest games I've done.

based pearl making orderfags seethe also what did ZONE say before

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seein a bunch of dudes in their 20s and 30s

I groan and wince and yell FUCK a lot at Rocket League. For some reason I don’t rage at Smash even though I should. I get angry, sure, but I always analyze what happened in the last ten seconds of any given L I take. It’s helped me a lot.

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>that chess one where the guy just nonchalantly tosses an office chair after making a bad play

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Extremely based

>Able to think
>Thinker avatar
>Goes ballistic about the results game event.

Nintendofags, everyone.

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Dont you mean the rapper Raff I.L.

5:56 was fucking kino

They scream and yell and throw shit when they lose at a game. Got a fatty who punches walls in his house when he gets mad at video games. Living room wall looks like a fucking slice of Swiss cheese.
ITT tard wrangler

i guess somewhat unrelated, but is my gmod vid based or cringe

>pry open their walls
only the internal walls are made of drywall, everything else is brick or actual lumber
Are euros as dense as the bricks they build their commie blocks with?

Imagine getting mad at a game specifically designed for CHILDREN

european commie blocks are made from the finest concrete and flammable insulation

I've punched drywall during family disputes, but never during trivial shit in a game.

Sometimes shit just happens at the wrong time, I've had a bad week and last night my POS mouse disconnected and I just sat there screaming until I was red in the face.

Friendly reminder:
If you're breaking or damaging something because of a videogame, you're a fucking idiot with anger management issues. Get assessed. Get fixed. Chill the fuck out.

I use primarily adobe products for work.
I've got a high resolution laptop connected to a lower resolution external monitor.

When I've got an Adobe program up in one monitor or the other, the menu screens are either absurdly small or absurdly large.

I have no idea how to fix this issue and it drives me fucking mental.

>grew up with two constantly yelling and abusive parents
>"you flushed the toilet too loud, why are you such a fuckup" kinda abusive
>get angry often and not just at vidya
>have nintendonium hardwood dresser
>regularly punch the shit out of it like Oldboy
>end up beating the shit out of some bullies that slammed me with a skateboard

I miss that dresser.

>using wireless mouses

blacks don't shoot up school because theres cops and security checkpoints at every predominantly black schools

its not, its just a piece of shit.

Try fixing the DPI settings in windows.
Do any other programs fuck up like that?

I've gotten angry but not break my shit angry.

When I get upset I do math problems on Khan Academy or test/practice websites.
I do the same thing when I want to sleep.

just go to high school in a major californian inner city from the 70s to the 90s

>bipolar 1
>used to get so angry so quick I would throw up
>still dont break my shit
Sometimes I hit myself though but I stop after 1 or 2 when I realize I'm doing it.

Not other programs. I can move Office programs between monitors and not get a size difference on the menu screens. Seems to be only Adobe that does it.

I'll try messing with DPI settings

yikes, stay strong man

Tried messing with DPI settings. Still getting that issue.
External monitor displays the program fine.
When I shift it back to my laptop screen, The menu requires a magnifying glass in order to be able to read it.

Does disconnecting the screen help?

I get mad like everyone, but at most I slap the bed or a pillow and say "fuck". I don't want to break my own stuff.

How do you wire cables in walls?

did you read the text

Thanks user, I'm ok now. That was mostly during puberty for obvious reasons and right after my mom passed.

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>tries to turn it on and off again

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At least I'm not this autistic

I manage a gun range.
Please don't do this.

What's wrong with raging. I yell at my tv playing fighting games or dota 2. Im a high test red meat eating bbc god, so yes i do get mad and i am competitive. I also have godlike natural muscle tone.


What I've done now is drop the resolution on my laptop to 1920 x 1080 to more closely match the external monitor of 1920 x 1200.

Now the Adobe menus are legible on both. The laptop is just not as a crisp a display as it was before due to the now reduced resolution.

Don't know why I didn't try this before...
Not an ideal fix, but a workable one.

Thanks for helping troubleshoot anyway.

Story time story time

I would have done that too after playing Superman 64.

most of these are middle aged men

I don't, because I'm not a subhuman mongoloid that's unable to control their emotions

I wouldn't say I rage to this degree but I'll say my fair share of expletives when it gets on my nerves. Once I overcome whatever it is I'm getting frustrated with I'll sometimes flip off the screen with both hands, controller in my lap, and revel in my triumph like an autist.

>falling for the 4k meme
>playing the switch of all things on a 4k tv

Attached: 4k meme.jpg (875x625, 139K)

>able to think
Apparently not

yeah, I only have 4k big screens because why wouldn't you

I stopped playing fighting games for a reason
any other game is fine but I really lose my shit when playing fighting games, so I just dropped that entire genre

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And I thought my brother was autistic

What, was he so mad he had to post it twice on the internet?

I admit, sometimes playing Super Star Saga make me want snap my 3DS in a half.

Ultimate in general is just stiff and laggy with a lot of bullshit. Projectiles everywhere, overpowered recoveries, meters, gimmicks. It's all tiring.

I'd rather get waveshined across Final Destination than deal with half of the shit in Ultimate.

they dont shoot up schools although all of the fights in my schools involved a black guy as an aggressor.

obviously first one didn't get enough attention

this is unironically what autistic people do, or those with actual brain disorders

>they are mad they put him in a mental hospital where he will be safe from himself and kept from hurting others
why? because they have to pay hospital fees?

the most physical i've gotten is throwing my controller down hard, and i'm usually already sitting on the carpet when i do that. i really don't want to do much damage to shit that i paid for.

>Be raging manchild who has destroyed several consoles and controllers
>Playing DOA volleyball on brand new 42 inch TV that I worked for and bought for myself
>Lose a match
>Not even irritated for the first time in my life, just happy and say ha damn and toss my controller onto my desk five inches away
>It hits the bottom of my TV and the entire screen instantly forms a giant black blob
>Stare in shock for several seconds and go absolutely ape shit
>Pull cords out and carry it to the stairs and throw it down almost crying
>Carry it to garage and slam it down several times
>Take a small sledgehammer and beat the fuck out of the screen while hooting like a chimp
>Just autistically screeching and beating it with my fists
>Haven't bought another TV in six years

It's hard being a tard

911 is for emergencies only, he made a mistake calling 911, but calling the police station was the thing he should have done

rent free

Only time I ever rage killed a vidya was when I was 7 and I kept losing a race in Road Rash so I snapped the disk in half.

I regret it to this day

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burgercoppers would shoot rabid animals
the guy clearly didn't want him dead

>subtlely insulting America
Here we fucking go again. Rent free you fuck face.

>you're gonna shoot HOT CUM!

I can't watch this shit

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what a fucking retard

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were you so autistic you took a shit in your own room?

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Holy shit. Closest I've gotten to sperging out like this was when I got a shit mark on an assignment that meant I might not get me into my college place, due to the drug addicted thot tutor who marked it being incompetent at marking. Just punched a pillow for 5 minutes and kicked my chair a bit.

One time I got so mad at a video game, I gently put the controller down and had to stop playing the game for a couple of minutes to cool down... How do I keep these violent impulses in check bros? I'm tired of letting my rage interfere with my life.

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At least they use bricks

>this is what the product of single mothers looks like

sad, lad never stood a chance

White people rage. Scary as fuck.

>play Vermintide 2
>manage a horde pretty much unscathed
>make sure everything around me is dead
>one slave rat that came out of nowhere stabs me in the back
Not a "break your shit" rage, but still pretty intense stuff.

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>switch on 4k tv

Attached: doom-switch.jpg (3840x2160, 765K)

>breaking your own expensive shit over pixels
Ooga Booga me smash!

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>white man rage
one guy goes apeshit
>blacks raging

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Whenever I get mad at video games, I get knocked down
but I get up again

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>American """houses"""

People that do shit like this are incels and will never have sex

Jesus, and I thought I got mad at games. I just yell at them.

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A few days ago I almost tossed a few expensive electronics around because they weren't working properly and the heat is getting to me. I fucking hate living in hot places, it makes you lose your shit faster than normal

the maddest I got at a game was when I was doing Gran Turismo 4 licenses and slid my ps2 controller across the floor like a curling stone

Get away from my store bracky

>best girls won both splat 1 and 2

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that's an interior wall, it's not the side of the house

it's a cinch to access for work on electrical, piping, etc.

get away from my store bracky

>whitoid gets angry
>immediately goes for a gun

Interior walls here are made out of the same material as exterior walls. Just thinner. You literally can't punch through any wall in a white man's country.

Only a few times, where I would yell at it so often that my voice went horse....i stopped playing

Fucking retards
Are you 12 years old that you can not not smash your shit because of a fucking video game?

I get being annoyed and having like one moment of "What the fuck was that?" and maybe raising an arm or hitting something nearby lightly. I don't get those who hit things hard enough to break them, especially if they do it repeatedly. Do they not have a function that just stops them the moment they hit something too hard?


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what the fuck did he expect to happen?

>and I broke my monitor
>the way the webcam feed disappears a split second before the rest ends

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>just realized his stage name stands for Raff I Lose
how did I never notice

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Fram perfection makes me laugh everytime

wow, that really is the gayest thing I've ever had the misfortune of reading


Ask Arka Meaties

Bruh did you even sand it? Looks fuckin rough man. Better than most of the tards here could do at least.


sanded it twice, did like 3 layers of paste

Probably because no one cares about them killing themselves.

never. Vidya rage never goes further than simply vocalizing a "ah, fuck that" or something similar. It's just a game after all

>Throwing a controller in a fit of rage over results of a competition
>Not even a video game round but a tallying screen showing results setting you off

you sanded it after you put the paste on but before painting?

I don't really rage but I do kind of deflate at times. It's more a feeling of resignation than anything else. The most I'll do is slap my hand on my table or something but that's really just because I have autism and I like the feedback.

>ywn molest someone in their sleep solely out of pure rage

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The interior walls in my house are made out of solid brick, they just don't have as much isolation. I could smash into it with a sledgehammer and all it would do is crack the plaster to reveal bricks.
As they are in any non american western house.

>I wash my back with a rag on a stick

some of this is twitch acting but imagine that people like this are allowed to live among you and participate in society. i wouldn't trust somebody like that with a sharp object or a vote let alone a gun or driver's license.

>Results made me
Statements like this are incredibly revealing about a person. Pay attention if anyone you know says things like that. They don’t take responsibility for their own actions and may not have much belief in human agency at all. The results didn’t make him do anything.

That kid's voice tells me there is no hope, he needs to be thrown in a wood chipper.

Went years and years without raging after smashing my laptop by accident when I was 16 but Mordhau has got the rage back into me. That being said, now I just say fuck and clap my hand once then turn it off as its a bad trait to be destructive over it.

>used to play dota 1 and lol
>most stupid induced rage I got was typing to kys to someone and stop wasting electricity playing a game they suck at
>stop playing mobas
>don't feel like shouting at stupid people anymore at their stupid shit
Thanks mobafags, you have mellowed me out. I play fighting games and that just makes me look at why I lost the match instead going unga bunga

Nice projection there amerifat

Why are American walls so poorly made?

To be honest a lot blacks who aren't niggers admit that whole LA riots went too far.

I used to throw my gameboy against the wall when i lost but my weak little child arms couldn't throw it hard enough to break it.

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i punched a laptop screen for a crash and that's only ever been it
learned my lesson

i've never been so bad that i've been mad at videogames themselves


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Never. Quit getting mad at video games.png

>tfw grew up with anger issues and autism
>would get mad and just bash shit at any game that frustrated me, single player or multi player since that's the only thing that's worked in dispelling my anger
>also grew up spoiled so i don't have the mental willpower to fix my problems or channel my anger into something productive

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the only time I've raged at a game was when I was playing tekken 5 on ps2 and had to fight jinpachi

>don't have the mental willpower
willpower is cultivated slowly
start today

Yeah no shit, to be honest the sky is blue and cows are milky.
Are niggers so desperate they think they deserve recognition for stating the fucking obvious?

it seemed so silly

>I smash my house with demolition equipment to add a light fixture

I laughed out loud

i appreciate your care greatly but you greatly underestimate my stubbornness to myself even though i want to improve on this

Are you THE Tard Wrangler from the screencaps?

Never in my whole life I ever gottan so mad to result to a violent outburst. The Best case I could sum is just me turning off the Game. But comming back to it like 20 minutes later.

yea those people freaking out at COD are just actors... right?

Of course they deserve recognition, do you know how rare it is to find a black man who actually has his head on straight?

you've already sowed the seeds user

why is this reply so ominous
the seeds of what

I do this user.

Daily when playing a hard game. Never threw or broke anything because of it though.

play any souls game
You'll get there trust me. I just say some curse words and get disappointed but that's about it
I don't go full tard and break my shit

>grind ass off to Grand Champion in Rocket League, never rage physically, just get pissed mentally and take breaks when I notice it
>playing CSGO with friends in silver 3, some faggot is spinbotting, throw mouse onto desk in anger

I don't know why, but fps is really just an animalistic genre

>black women: *sweating*

I've smashed a laptop once out of rage but it was unintentional if that makes sense. Never smashed anything again as learnt my lesson that hit-shit=break-shit, but I imagine most people are like me and never comprehended in the heat of that singular moment that punching the keyboard would break it, rather it'd be fine to continue on.
Wasnt too sad anyway about breaking it as the laptop was old as fuck and the reason I hit the keyboard on it was because the keyboard wasnt working / stopped working for the 50th time mid-game.
None the less breaking stuff in your anger is immature. Should be able to recognise when they game just isnt working for you.

What I do find weird though is I can leave a game which is fucking me off, and instantly be fine and happy and not think about it at all, but when I return to the game it very much is also returning to the anger in some instances like I start up exactly where I left off.

>shit builds up over time before leading to explosion

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.20.png (1920x1080, 3.2M)

It's literally impossible to destroy them
A fucking IED explosion and still couldn't destroy it

Recently, I had to really hold back from smashing my Xbox One controller against the ground because of Dark Souls 2. Just yesterday, I finally beat one of the two fire bosses and today I defeated the primal one so I am feeling good now.

I found myself ventilating my frustrations by doing some hyperbolic and borderline shitposting on certain Discord servers and other parts of the internet such as Yea Forums. Part of the positive side with anonymous posting is that it allows people to get out their frustrations with posts instead of with violent actions.

>Smashes keyboard
>Steam Snapshot


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can you guys just grow the fuck up and start vaping for stress instead of hitting things like babies

nah I punch my screens. TV NEED 2 LURN

Vapings gay, I make a huge fap session.

I am eternally zen while playing vidya.

Except lag. That shit drives me through the roof. Once or twice sure, but when the internet decides to shit the bed for 30+ minutes I am an avatar of spite and fury.

this is a dangerous place

Worst I've ever done is just smash a desk with my fist once when I got laid off of a job at a really bad time. How do these people function in real life?

stop killing your seed and get a wife you degenerate

they don't
>t. someone who rages

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Getting hyper salty in the heat of the moment is childish and retarded, but at least it's understandable to a point. Being that buthurt that your splatfest side lost is a whole other level of pathetic.


Ew so my kids can turn into faggots. Yeah, pass.

just raise them correctly lol

If you don't have a lot going on and you're just trying to get better at this one thing and not seeing any improvement that can be ridiculously frustrating

i haven't thrown anything but i once tensed up so hard that my controller stopped working, didn't outwardly break, but something inside must've

Actual reply here.
Are your houses actually made entirely of brick? Like, you sleep in a room with four brick walls?

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cute raccoon

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Fellow coon poster
Posting cute coons

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>raising kids right
Most of us would be shit parents. I am alcoholic piece of shit who would probably beat the kids when i am drunk.

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>Are your houses actually made entirely of brick? Like, you sleep in a room with four brick walls?
t. east euro living in a commieblock

first of all there are countless different types of houses you can buy here and drywall is a trend among cheap mass produced houses that doesn't represent the whole country by any stretch of the imagination

second, bricks have atrocious insulation for the wintertime, they're horrible if you live in the northern USA unless you have a supplement for it to insulate your house properly. also the whole house usually isn't made of it, just the internal walls (with wiring/insulation in-between) and the outer walls are reinforced.

Thats not actually better than drywall

when i lose in smash.

no, the inner walls are plaster and wood (unless you live in a really fucking old house)
the outer walls are brick and cement though

Imagine having to raise your children at the same time as raising a manchild.

i used to rage at video games. i dont anymore. i cracked a wall once and realized i was a dumb retard, never did it again.

how does this creature have children

This little faggot needs a tough beating and a castration. What a sad case.

Most people aren't going to be in their right mind when their mind is flooded with sharp, unpleasant emotions.

>I don't play any multiplayer games that have matches longer than 15-20 minutes. Typically, if I can't pause a game and deal with something IRL or at least be able to leave in 5 minutes, I don't play it.
Sounds like fighting games would be perfect for you.

lol toddler, at least punch a wall when it matters

rager here i've made about 6 holes in my wall overall and broke at least 6 controllers, AMA.

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I punched those walls when I was like 16 user, everything mattered to me thne.

When did you start acting out and why didn't anyone stop you while you were still teachable?

Why do white bois get so angry at vidya?

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>when did you start
whenever pubertys kicked in, so maybe 11 or 12

>why didn't anyone stop you
my parents always tried to stop me, but i just ignored their advice. i only get that way when i play competitive games like fighters or raiding in an MMO

This. This is TOXIC masculinity. White males are the most dangerous demographic in our country!

What thoughts are going through your head when you smash your controller? Can someone who's smashed their shit before tell me?

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nothing besides pure rage and the incessant desire to get it out as quick as possible

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Is there anything better than seeing keys fly off of a mechanical keyboard due to tard rage?