Be fan of an objectively shit franchise that sells like trash

>be fan of an objectively shit franchise that sells like trash
>rally every top 10 list to validate your shitty opinion
>pressure company in every opportunity to release more games
>they do
>it still sells like trash
>complain about said company and refuse to acknowledge the games are shit which is why no one buys them and companies have no reason to throw away money to please a small group of overly vocal losers

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Other urls found in this thread:

Metroidfags have always been pretty whiny.


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To be fair every Metroid released after Super hasn't been as good as Super. Mechanically Super was ahead of it's time compared to the rest of the Snes library and deserves it's spot on lists. The first Prime did sell well.

Why is there so much anti-Metroid spam on this board now? Is it just Summerfags or AC-Fag?

>be mindless goyim who only buys products if they're popular
>don't understand the concept of "the customer is always right"
>fanbase shouts if a game is bad
>fanbase also loves older games despite not selling alot

Whatever you say OP.

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>iPhone filename
>is a fucking idiot
Checks out OP

>terrible, floaty, controls
>so much energy you don’t have to worry about dying the point the game is basically a walking simulator
>dumbed down rehash of the original
>mechanics ahead of its time

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>terrible, floaty, controls
Git gud.

Attached: LowerNorfair-NoSpaceJump.webm (822x720, 2.29M)

I bought and thoroughly enjoyed Samus Returns and eagerly await the next entry.

Glad to have 2D Metroid back. Hope Prime fans also have their wishes for a good game answered.

It has never been good design to have so many inaccessible doors that you have to go back to once you got a certain upgrade only to get a minor upgrade like missiles. It's not exploration. It's backtracking, and it's not fun. And yet so many games copy this exact style and it's terrible. No one says "I can't wait to spend 10 minutes coming back to this yellow door when I get a power up 3 hours later into the game."

>terrible, floaty, controls
Oh, it's THAT asshole.

You can keep charged speed booster after taking a hit?

Also I agree on SM having great options for movement and grapple beam adds well to this. Would have been cool to have more boss fights implement it and other accessories too like x-ray and bosses that are weaker to certain beams like how metroids can only be killed after being frozen by ice beam first.

Thank you, couldn’t have said it better myself.
It’s a very common complaint, heard it a lot even before playing the game.

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Usually there's more to it than just an empty room blocked by a colored door though.

Usually you have to do some kind of platforming or figure out where the item is in the room to access said item by using your other tools.

I wouldn't consider it mere backtracking.

A complaint being common doesn't mean it's not retarded. Shit stops being floaty once you understand the mechanics. Once that happens, you have more options for movement because of what the game let's you do.

Children desperate for attention.

>hating a game so much you pretend there's a conspiracy around it

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Bro, I don't like Metroid that much and I can point out faults in Super Metroid, but I'm not going to pretend like the series is terrible. It's mostly a lack of sales due to Japan not liking the series and Nintendo not liking to market much of anything that isn't a guaranteed sell. Remember with Mother 1/Earthbound Beginnings was released?

Japan does not like Metroid because it isn’t good. Japan loves waifu cancer and Samus is cheap waifu cancer, yet they still refuse to play the games because they’re goddamn terrible.

>samus returns is a shitty metroid game
>bright colors, zero atmousphere, melee combat
>it sells like crazy
>permanently killing what Metroid used to be
Fanbase cucked itself

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Samus Returns sold very poorly, what are you talking about?

>all those meme buzzwords
It's got plenty of atmosphere.

>not a single argument
Nope, you don't fit yet, ma'am.

I did give an argument why Metroid fags are retarded. Not just for liking an objectively poorly designed game, but for demanding Nintendo to lose money on purpose just to appease them.

And now you're going to the trash where you belong zoomer.

>meme words everywhere
>"hurr killed Metroid forever xD"
At least you're finally getting creative, ACfag.

>guys guys I saw that this game was really popular so I decided I need to be contrarian to balance the forces of the universe, I am so great!

reminder that samus has MANY feats of superhuman strength outside of her suit and saying otherwise is ignoring facts like an sjw

It's probably one autist.

No you didn't.

>Super Metroid
Stop being such a contrarian, it doesn't make you 'cool'.

git gud

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She's a videogame protagonist raised by magic bird people, user. Of course she's gonna be a cut above. Probably ate a bunch of space feed as a toddler.


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If you just wanted a metroid thread you could just make one. Shitposting so you can have a thread is so 2009

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ZM was better.

But that's not even difficult.

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> game was really popular
It wasn’t.
Donkey Kong Country was popular.
Star Fox 64 was popular.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was popular.
Kirby Super Star was popular.
F-Zero was popular.

Super Metroid was never popular. It has always been irrelevant trash, it’s just that it’s fanbase is extremely whiny, loud and obnoxious like the faggots in this very thread.

>objectively poorly designed game
lmao literal gamelets. Please, prove it objectively.

Either underage or europoor, opinion discarded

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>game is good because my waifu can jump really high and that is hard to pull off in real life
The absolute state of Super Metroid’s fanbase.

You wouldn't be bitching about it if it wasn't popular, user. You know it's nearly tied for sales with Kirby Super Star, that game you listed as popular, right? Fucking retard.

Is this the Metroid thread?

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Uh, she’s still in her suit i that webm. She has less feats than Tony Hawk in his games. Tony Hawk would beat the shit out of Samus without her armor.

I came here just to post this.

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>never popular
Objectively untrue 1.42 million copies by 2003. BUT IT WANS'T POPULAR IT'S JUST MEMES

playing this game for the first time and having a lot of fun.

>she’s still in her suit i that webm
Samus doesn't uses an armor, she BECOMES the armor.

I don't care about Sales. Fuck a corporations money. I care if the game is good, that's it.


Don't care, maybe they should actually fucking market the games. And maybe they should not outsource and spinoff new titles.

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That’s less than recent Fire Emblem games.

So the game is good, whats the problem?

Imagine being this desperate for attention.

But about as much as Kirby Super Star, a popular game.

>>pressure company in every opportunity to release more games
>>they do
>>it still sells like trash
They should fucking release good games.
Can you seriously look at last ten years of the franchise and say that any of that has actually been good? Samus Returns was best one of the lot, and even that just managed to be decent.

dammit, forgot pic related

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Fire Emblem is considered niche, not popular.

So why do you faggots insist Metroid is popular when it sells less than Fire Emblem?

Market it then, advertise. That's your job as a publisher. All games need this. Mario gets advertising, Zelda gets advertising, even Animal crossing. That's how business works, if people don't know your product exists it wont sell as well. Metroid is indeed not as well known, so it falls on them, NOT THE FANS WHO DONT MAKE THE GAME, but the CORPORATION WITH $MILLIONS to make sure their game sells.

Blaming the fans is shifting the blame. End of story, end of thread, end of bullshit constant argument from shills.

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why do you insist it isn't popular when it sells as much as Kirby, which you said is popular?

But user, if you remember, the hit game Kirby Super Star, touted by reliable sources as popular sold around as much.

>Metroid as popular as Kirby
Kirby’s Dream Land alone sold about as much as the entire Metroid Prime franchise combined

Probably because Kirby is a good game that revolves around gameplay and not waifu cancer to appeal to the half a dozen virgins on this thread who insist Metroid was ever relevant

What? The games are shit? And here I thought I was actually enjoying them, but they were terrible all along and I was actually hating them without noticing.
Phew! Thanks for letting me know! I guess I'm gonna go and burn down my entire videogames collection.

I mixed up Super Star with Dream Land.

Dream Land sold far more than any Shitroid game.

>Probably because Kirby is a good game that revolves around gameplay and not waifu cancer
Stopped reading there. I love Kirby, but it is nowhere NEAR to the level of Super Metroid and, if you think it is, you're probably delusional.

Lmao I bet the fucking faggot that butt touched you as a kid loved Metroid.
Lol a Metroid fan fiddled your diddled.

stop falseflagging as a Kirbyfag, faggot.

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Just by not having shit controls it’s automatically better than Super Metroid

>give metroid to some literal who spics who did awful castlevania games
>expect games to be good
fuck off faggot

You know what? That's the last reply you'll get from me. Hopefully, that's also the last reply you'll get in this thread. Faglord.

user, you may be confused about your earlier statement. See, you said that Kirby Super Star, that specific game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, was "popular."

So you're telling me that you don't know what those games even were then. Because Super Star, a popular game that sold about as much as Super Metroid, is a very dufferent game than Dream Land. While Dream Land, well that's a whole different game than Super Star. Not the same game to those whi played them. Using them interchangeably like that would be like me confusing Super Metroid(known popular game) with Metroid Fusion. It would make me look silly and a bit of a faker.

What was so horrible about Samus Returns?

based, i also really enjoyed SR

Never pretended to be a Kirby fag. Just saying a Kirby game hit the 5 mil mark and Metroid never reached 3 mil.

You don't even know which Kirby game, user. Maybe you should stop talking about games you dont know anything about.

Oh hi op, nice to see that AC still sucks dick

OP, you are one dumb motherfucker.

No, not because of your Metroid opinions, because me calling you an idiot for your Metroid opinions is what you expect me to say. No, you're one dumb, pathetic motherfucker because you make threads where you deliberately act retarded for attention.
Maybe, in your head, you're telling yourself you actually always have the upper ground because it is us who give you this attention who are stupid and that idea may hold truth, but we're not actually stupid for giving some dumbfuck user the benefit of the doubt. You, however, for knowing full well what you are doing and actually knowing better, you are one sad sack of shit.
Most certainly, you don't care and you probably think I'm real hilarious putting so much effort in insulting a permavirgin autist on Yea Forums, but I do hope that an iota of personal shame will emerge from reading this, because I know you'll post "didn't read lol". Thinking you have cleverly upset me, but I know you did read. You're an attention whore, you won't resist.

You lost the main point that Kirby sells much better than Metroid and are desperately clinging to ad hominem thinking that will change all the data and numbers against you.

The suit actually changing Samus's physiology when she activates it is a really cool concept, but one that never comes up outside of a couple concept art pieces from Prime 1, like yours and pic related. They should bring it back in Prime 4

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Why are you faggots still responding to AC Fag? You managed to get Barry banned, why haven’t you done the same with this faggot?


Are you implying the game wasn't advertised at all? Like, are you this dumb? It's not going to get the audience today that it did before if they did a totally new sell of it anyway, specially since there are so many ways to have obtained it by now. Who blamed the fans? Are you high? I mean the post before implied sales don't matter, but now they do and they aren't enough? Can I have some of that dank?

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user, I have good news.

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I get that you Metroid bronies call everyone who disagrees with your shitty opinions “ACfag”, like you did with this guy who is obviously a fan of the earlier titles

But who the fuck is Barry?

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Kek, this always looked to me like they barely realized halfway through making the image that Samus's body structure makes no sense when wearing the armor, and so they just went all the way with it and played it straight

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Better than ANY modern game. Keep zooming.

Still probably one of my favorite things about the series.

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No, you said Super Star was popular user. Now that was a mistake. Now you don't really know about Kirby games anyway but you know this OTHER Kirby game was popular because of sales mumbers. You've probably never played any of these for any real length of time.

You know we're talking about Super Metroid, right? That's a 2D game. It was on the SNES. Don't want you to be confused here.

I have an unhealthy amount of love for the beam-switching from Prime 1, and wish it would be brought back and built further upon in the next game without resorting to ammo management like 2.
I also wish it would make its way into smash.

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x-ray is a thing in super metroid though, way to show you haven't played it 100%

>be fan of an objectively shit franchise that sells like trash
>rally every top 10 list to validate your shitty opinion
Mother fans?

I think he meant for the fights to use the xray in super, which they do not. Stop being such an elitist, it's an old game.

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Daily reminder zoomers are nigger trash tier!
if only we were allowed to take the trash...FOREVER!

I managed to figure this shit out when I was 10. I'm not saying I'm smart, I'm saying anyone that couldn't figure it out has rocks for brains.

babby's first bait thread

Fusion and Zero Mission are the PEAK of 2D Metroids.

Change my mind.

It was in the intro also
ZM > Fusion, but fusion was it's own good thing. Really if Super had ledge grabs I'd say it was better, but I think it's neck and neck with Super.

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No because the Mother games are good games, they just went from underrated immediately to overrated in an instant due to matfuck

Heres your (you)s

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Never mind, just found out who Barry is:

Ryan is fake, because you never see this guy. The only one's that are real is Eric, Barry, and ACfag. All three I have seen. Eric is anti-Nintendo fan who call the switch shitch. He cause the "Japanese Humor" threads and people became obsessed with it and try to troll XB fans. He don't attack XB anymore but he's still anti-Nintendo. ACfag is a super anti-Metroid fan and hate humans and want robots. He also hate cutscenes and claim that anything that have them are movie game and as well claim that if a woman just show her ankle it's porn. And Barry, he's obsessed with FF XV and hate all other JRPG.

I'm neither of those guys, I just finished playing a videogame so I've been on Yea Forums this week, but I'll probably go back to my main board next week and you won't see me for a while.

Attached: Super Metroid.png (500x775, 580K)

It is universally accepted that japs have shit tarde thougj.


Tha'ts really shit.

>they’re goddamn terrible.
I don't think I've seen anyone in this thread post an explanation of that.

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Other M is pretty shit but I'm with ya


That's really (you)

Nice reddit spacing

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This guy gave an explanation

Granted but this is more about Super than anything else.

>don't understand the concept of "the customer is always right"

you do realize that is a "goyim" concept right

But bombs are one of Samus's best moves in Smash. It gives her more mobility and fucks over people trying to immediately get in her face. I'll take that over something that freezes for the same half-second it pops them in the air, or does an irrelevant amount of fire damage. And the wave beam is literally useless outside a large group which isn't paying attention to you. (which is easy enough to punish already)

Is that an actual ROM hack or just a Photoshop thing? Looks enjoyable.

That's a poor understanding of the over all game design. Back tracking is actually a part of the game as a whole and Super is specifically designed to spit you back out in an area where going to where you need to go next is a backtrack, but its traditionally filled with areas you couldn't explore before. Majority of the upgrades are indeed missiles, but also a lot of other things too, like the reverse tanks.
It's a hack
Occasionally fun a balls and occasionally controller throwing worthy.

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>Back tracking is actually a part of the game as a whole and Super is specifically designed to spit you back out
Yes and it's fucking trash. I know you Super Metroid dorks don't consider it a flaw but most people do, which is why the series has never been a hit.

I wonder if its the same Thieffag who was spamming his anti-Prime and MGS images everywhere a few months ago

>terrible, floaty, controls

no, you just suck

No, I'm the OP and I have nothing against MGS. I don't really care about Prime either, it's Super Metroid fags who are subhuman scum.

Why is it trash? Because you don't like it? That's not a valid reason. You get a new upgrade, and the game puts you in a position where, if you had been paying attention, you'd know where to go next based on your new abilities that let you explore. It's not like you literally walk through another area you've been through until you hit your next objective, surely you CAN do that, but that's counter intuitive to the game design.
Not liking something about a game doesn't make it trash that's just your opinion.

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>why is backtracking trash?
That's like asking why is watching paint dry trash

So, again, it's your opinion. I don't really like backtracking in most games, but Super does it incredibly well, saying that's not the case is at best willfully disingenuous.

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>using "git gud" while defending one of the easiest, most casual piece of shit on the SNES

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that would be Kirby Super Star and Super Mario World, you know, the popular games.

Why are you posting these responses? He's right, Super is the LEAST floaty in the 2d series, you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

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Im out of waifu pics so I'm out, later weird hater faggot OP

Those are pretty easy games, but nowhere near as garbage as Super Metroid.
Super Metroid was the first game I played in the franchise and even as a kid I never died once.
Super Mario World is easily broken with the cape, but I did die every once in a while. Super Metroid is on a whole different level of casual trash.
I suspect this is why boomers like it so much, you guys just can't stand an ounce of challenge.

Being able to beat Super doesn't mean you're any good with the controls. You can grind out enemy generators till you're topped off through almost all the areas but if you are falling into acid every room and need to then you still aren't very good at it. Nothing wrong with that but don't blame the game because you can't properly control your character.

I dunno, I love SM but it always felt really floaty to me. You fall way faster in the later 2D Metroids.

More like zoomers get lost when they have no cutscenes or straight line waypoints to direct them when there is more to figure out than "go right to the end." If you never figured out how to get to the more dangerous areas then it doesn't surprise me that you didn't die.

>Super Metroid was the first game I played in the franchise and even as a kid I never died once.
I never died once in Kirby Super Star (or in literally any Kirby game, for that matter), in LttP and in Ocarina of Time. Does it means they're bad games as well?

well that's a fucking shit idea if i've ever heard one

Thanks user, I'll check it out.

What's the matter, ACfag? Got tired of posting ZSS so now you're just shitting all over Metroid?

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>It's backtracking, and it's not fun.
I find it fun.

RIP ArmoredCorehomo's anus

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Doesn't he hate ZM because of the suit?


Yes user there's a deliberate effort by Metroid fans to hype up the series so it's in literally every top 10 list. Just like there is a secret cabal of Jews who run the world.

why all the hate against old games these days?
are you trying to dissuade new players from playing old games because the "le video games industry" is tanking?

I may have annoyed a gamestop employee today talking about metroid.dunno.

this is all your fault

History? Greentext it

Some fanbase are notoriously more autistic about validating their opinion. This applies to movies, music, cartoons, etc.

Vidya is no exception, and Metroidfags are by far the worst offenders.

Low Sales + Critical Acclaim = Objectively good game

No, it just means obnoxious, delusional, autistic and overly vocal fanbase.

A million+ is low?

Continue clinging to your conspiracy theories

I gotta level with you, guys... I think Samus should just be a robot in a suit.

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No one would give a shit about the games though since the only reason this objectively terrible franchise is popular among socially inept people like Yea Forums users is because of waifufaggotry

Thats true, I only play this game because I want to deepthroat Ridley's big alien cock.

>Rush Down character, or just a rush down player.
>always runs into my bombs
>player jumping towards me
>lay two bombs for him to land in
>they either get stunned or forced to block
>get thrown off ledge, near the bottom and have to deal with players trying to spike me
>bombs and floaty samus rivals bouncing back to the stage that of kirby and jiggly puff, mixup is fun and I usually make it back
>have to make it to the edge from the top screen
>player waiting for me
>drop a bomb before I land, baiting out an attack
>back kick, KO!

Bombs have saved my ass more than on one occasion.

How good is metroid... I fucking love metroid. I enjoy playing through 100% and speedruns, 2d, prime, I just love metroid and nothing anyone says can take away my love and the fun I've had. Thanks for listening.

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>I am a virgin and Samus is my waifu
Just like every single Metroid fag

congratulations, I now declare that you're the new shitposting king.

You didn’t even hide your pathetic waifu autism

Truth has been told.

There are people that find grinding in J-RPGs fun too, and that doesn't imply it's good game design. It's not.

Those are two very different mechanics.

in fusion her suit is so melded to her they had to surgically remove parts of it when she was unconscious and unable to deactivate it.

they did not remove the suit, only parts of it. The same parts that were damaged by the X.

Wow, it's cool how closely AM2R adhered to the original map
They're only this good now because they actually explode on contact in this game. Still, even though I like Ult Samus I'd go for a moveset revamp

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you are super fucking retarded that's for sure

Agreed, what would sex between Samus and Master Chief be like?

Is Samus a cyborg?


Yea Forums doesn't seem to understand that being contrarian is just as bad as being a sheep

These people want video games to crash and burn because they think the demons in their pants are trying to turn games into things of bugga and wugga, or they think that because they aren't being specifically catered to that they've been betrayed by companies who must makes things for them alone because they wasted so many years of their lives on a children's hobby. so they're farting their way around Yea Forums crying and blubbering about everything being shit for attention and trying to make people agree with them.

I love how you need to constantly try to tell us that your personal opinions are "objective". At least you've changed up your autism a bit, ACfag.

I agree to some extent, I also think they get pissy that people can like things they've either never played, or get more attention than their own tastes