Do they have good taste Yea Forums?
USA's Best Games of the Last 30 years chosen by 150k GFaqs users & Redditors
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>pokemon at all
It's alright. Very mainstream. Not the kind of list you would look at and discover something new to play.
> Still posting this RPGCodex tier contrarian garbage
>Undertale is the second highest game on the list
> WRPG-Kun seething this badly
Get a trip so we can filter you
>USA's best games
>almost all the listed games are made in Japan
>one game is made by a Canadian studio
>only 2 games from US devs on this chart
>No Thief I or II
Americans have no culture, so they have to steal everything they have from another country
>Confusing ACfag for Wrpgkun
If this were a top movies or top music list it'd be
The Dark Knight
Star Wars IV
LotR: RotK
Citizen Kane
Hot Fuss by The Killers
Ride the Lightning by Metallica
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel
Pet Sounds by Beach Boys
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely ... you get it.
Some really fantastic stuff, but also, in some cases, overhyped, or not measured with discernment. I love MGS 2 and 3, but we don't need both on the list -- especially without 1. (And yet, 3 is my favorite.)
Don't need four Zelda games. Clearly the polls are skewed by the demographics of the sites.
This is fake as fuck, someone actually took the time to photoshop this
I will never get over how Skyrim is considered a good game by beings on the same planet as me
Who said anything about WRPGs or AC?
Maybe you should git gud.
>USA's Best Games
>every game except skyrim and me2 are Japanese
Japan makes the best games, imagine that
Super Mario RPG
Majora's Mask
Symphony of the Night
Super Metroid
Shadow of the Colossus
Super Mario World
Metroid Prime
Smash Ultimate
Link to the Past
Final Fantasy 6
Breath of the Wild
Mass Effect 2
Chrono Cross
Super Mario 64
Final Fantasy 7
No pokemon doesnt belong in any top 10 list
>chrono cross
>resident evil 4 over remake
Absolutely disgusting
If you prefer cinematic movie games, maybe.
zoom zoom
Kill yourself ACfag
Nigger nigger
> Super Mario RPG
> Masterpece
Opinion already discarded
>Anyone who dislikes cinematic games is ACfag
Yes, you literally spam the same fucking charts in every fucking thread. Nobody gives a shit about your outdated trash
>22/25 games are from Japan
Really makes you think.
Enjoy your movie games.
Western games are trash.
>being this autistic
Go see a doctor to get some meds
>pokemon rb when they're literally the shittiest games in the franchise
>FOUR zelda games
>THREE mario games
>TWO smash games
>TWO final fantasy games and neither is crystal chronicles
fucking heathen taste. this is now a 3x3/4x4 thread
At least 95 % of "Classic" western games aged like shit
All modern AAA western games are soulless cash grabs without any passion or desire to create a good game at all, just desperately trying to milk customers for their last dollar & designing game that is the most marketable.
The only worthwile western games are indies, but even then Trannies have ruined them now. They peaked during the early 2010s
> Oblivion
Absolutely horrible taste, obviously you are desperately trying to look cool by pretending to like niche shit mixed with the occasional popular game.
>Shits on Skyrim
>Has fucking Oblivion as one of his favorite games
How many layers of irony are you operating under right now?
>this list
>mgs3 the best metal gear
the difference is reddit likely picked skyrim because OMG SO REVOLUTIONARY DRAGONS R COOL EPIC DUAL WIELD while i have oblivion picked because of the music despite it being a jank as hell game
That's not the point of best of lists though.
Very boring list.
Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion
Gotta agree. I played and beat mgs3 and it's not all that people crack it up to be. Still not as good as 1 and 2.
They genuinely like the games they play & rate them solely based on personal enjoyment. You rate them based on trying to be contrarian & made up rules
t. westcuck
The list is okay, but it needs to be trimmed down. For example:
>remove Undertale for having a vast swathe of gameplay issues and being shallow
>remove Smash Bros for being way too imbalanced and being pay2win with the fighter DLC
>remove MGS, Pokemon, Final Fantasy, and Chrono Cross for being cinematic movieshit
>remove skyrim for having more bugs than Hollow Knight
>remove Mass Effect for being a bland realistic military shooter
Then you'd have a better list.
>Technical/twitch-reaction difficulty is all that matters
Ocarina of Time
Mario 64
Pokémon R/B
Breath of the Wild
Chrono Trigger
Majora’s Mask
Super Metroid
Metroid Prime
Shadow of the Colossus
Mass Effect 2
Chrono Cross
Symphony of the Night
T. AC-Fag, as soon as you spam “Waah cinematic movie shit” we know it’s you
And what's wrong with hating cinematic movieshit? I thought Yea Forums was a herald for GOOD games, not ones reliant on endless cutscenes and dialogue.
>by integrating story and gameplay
What does that mean exactly?
>Symphony of the Night
Fucking how? I played that shit for the first time a few months ago and had a blast. Felt bad for missing out on it during my younger years.
>ignoring the shitty backtracking simulators like SoTN or Super Shitroid
>all enemies do 1 damage
God tier game design right there
SoTN is an unbalanced poorly designed pile of trash, just like Super Metroid
Where's Tetris Blast?
>Shoehorned in RPG mechanics
>Hallway level design
>Okami-tier difficulty
>Upgrades that remove platforming prowess, rather than enhance it
>Inverted castle is blatant filler
SotN is a textbook example of style over substance.
By not having gameplay and narrative contradict each other. Mind you, Final Fantasy is far from the only offender.
>do they have good taste
they googled "best video games ever" so no. the problem with this list is not necessarily each individual game but more people's idea of what these games represent
Pokemon RB was absolute ass but people will say "DUH ITS THE BEST ONE" solely because of nostalgia and because "w-well it created the franchise/popularized the genre" which, fun fact, are not aspects of the games themselves
same goes for ocarina of time, super mario 64, and castlevania. they're not necessarily bad games but people overvalue them solely because of when they were released
Only some one very, very autistic would give a fuck about any of these “flaws”
I would consider the fact that it tries harder to be a movie than a game a pretty big flaw, but to each his own.
I get the feeling that when people vote for these lists they're not actually giving their real opinions, but "trying to pick a winner". It's worse on places like reddit where posters get e-points/"karma"/"upvotes" for merely mentioning the name of a famous game, which leads to people voting for the games they think will get them upvotes.
Just play Richter if you want oldschool Castlevania garbage you moron
sure but shit like "duh why dey no use phoenix downs" is a stupid flaw because turn based gameplay basically requires access to revive/healing skills. revives in most games are non canon
Most of the best games fall into the 2nd category: Skill based, but with OPTIONS, so it's not just the same thing every time.
Maybe only 5 of those games deserves to be in a top 30 best games ever made. Those being Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, SotN, BotW, and Metroid Prime.
Undertale and Metroid Prime as well.
BotW is the only game you mentioned that isn’t garbage
Maybe it shouldn't have been a story heavy game so reliant on this logic. If this was Mario, I could forgive any lapse in the story's logic because the story isn't important.
>Super Metroid is garbag-
1. Terraria
2. Xenoblade Chronicles X
3. Paper Mario TTYD
4. Hollow Knight
5. LoZ: BotW
6. M&L: Bowser's Inside Story
7. Super Metroid
8. Metroid Prime
9. Xenoblade Chronicles 1
10. Dragon Quest XI
11. Ys VII: Lacrimosa of Dana
12. Mega Man Legacy Collection 1
13. Mario Kart 8 (and Deluxe)
14. Super Smash Bros all of them are equally good, minus Brawl
15. Street Fighter IV (and all rereleases)
16. Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
17. Super Mario World
18. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
19. Chrono Trigger
20. Rabi Ribi
21. Sid Meier's Civilization VI
22. Dragon Quest V
23. Mario Party 2
24. Subnautica
25. Super Mario 3D World
26. Super Mario Galaxy 2
27. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
28. F-Zero GX
29. Kirby's Return to Dreamland
30. Grim Dawn
Rate my list, Yea Forums
Shit taste/10
>Terraria top of the list
Nevermind, this list is based.
>Pokémon RB
God, what the fuck is wrong with that awful taste?
Scared reddit like Dark Souls? Poor little thing. You can't play it anymore!
>disliking pokémon
lmao, this zoomer
>hollow knight
>"action adventure"
I laughed hard.
russia truly despises the jrpg
better taste than most people but not fantastic/10
Meh, those are all good, but no bite at all.
i mean
i dont agree with half of it but its an ok list
such fucking colsole-tards
Some of these are pretty great
For a JRPG, it's way too videogamey. There's not enough cinematic elements to give the story depth.
Some weird shit, but overall pretty good.
>kingdom fucking hearts
please for the love of god everyone stop this "kingdom hearts is good" joke
>all those weeb games
what went wrong
Western AAA games were always shit & people only praised them for their graphics
That was already debunked, Only 35 people actually voted on that
>Dark Souls and New Vegas aren't on there
Shit bait.