What are some video game characters you hate with a burning passion?

What are some video game characters you hate with a burning passion?

Attached: IT JUST WORKS.gif (392x410, 451K)

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I fucking hate Isabelle from Animal Crosisng. Stupid puppy bitch makes me fucking fume with rage at her faggot shitter spammer mains in Smash.

I don't understand, How come no one in Morioh or during Part 3 feel the time skips? CK has been active at least for the past 15 years before 2001.

Easily worst vidya character ever made

Reimu, she's an asshole.

I hate this waifu stealing dyke so fucking much.

Attached: dyke.png (870x1336, 1.07M)

>do you get to the cloud district very often? of what am I saying of course you don't.

Araki forgot

Deja vu.

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this nigger was funny at first but by the end of the mission where he gets held hostage i couldnt bear his stupidity anymore

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You fags only like viridi cuz you want to fuck her. She's insufferable

Zazu from Lion King 2 Gamebreak

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not only did you have to voice your passion of hatred, but you posted an image titled dyke.png
you truly hate her, dont you?

stands has a length limit which their attacks are effective within

I totally forgot the middle and right existed

The thing is pic related acts and is very human which makes it even worse.

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Lamar is unironically the only good character in GTAV. Fuck are you on about?

t. Sanae

>Zelda from BOTW
>Pyra, Mythra, Nia
>everyone from Hyperdimension Neptunia
>everyone from Senran Kagura

Basically, if they were designed to be shallow waifus, then I wish nothing but bad things upon them. And what a coincidence that every one of their games is poor quality and not worth replaying.

Because Diavolo doesn't just go around showing off his stand's power, and anytime it is used it can easily be interpreted as someone just messing up

Araki dosen't give a fuck he just wants fun story

Hated this stupid thot, her route was boring at best and dreadfully annoying at worst

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Bad b8 try harder next time

I remember that fucking game, you could spin those logs right?

Don’t forget Samus, the worst offender

I hate that he got away with it.

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> Marcus
>Sam Fisher

Basically, if they were designed to be shallow husbando, then i wish noth... etc, etc

I dont know but i can tell you part 5 is bad and only memed by literal faggots who think toppo giggio is a good character because of personality disorder, that puts them within one less deegree of separation from their twitter self diagnosed mental disabilities and the cardboard cutout of a character they drool over.

Holy shit I fucking hate her, she ruined World

You did it partner! No, WE did it!

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Main hero in Prototype 2, and no, not because he is black.
I couldn't even finish the game over how retarded this guy is.

The only person with the patience to main her has the voice of Gizmo from Gremlins and said the black people word once, dropped her for Hero then immediately doubled back on it


Yup , it's well drawn, well animated, good music but the pacing is awful and most of the stands are trash , a guy in mirror, a guy with a fishing rod , fucking fish who teleports in water and worst

She literally contributed, how dare a women intrude on your power fantasy, stop being sexist

>this fucker got a good ending

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I mean, just look at this fucking smug asshole.
Look at him!

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Her facial animation looks far too similar to Andromeda

>Let's give a certain character actual development and have the player grow an attachment
>Now let's sacrifice him for plot points and replace him with an objectivly inferior nobody who shares a name with a type of genital piercing

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As an AC fan I hate her for a different reason

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I really fucking hate the lotus from warframe, I just want to fucking slash her face the fuck off with my ginsu 2000 cock, I swear to God I have never seen a character get on my nerves so much by just saying regular orders in a monotone voice.

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she cute