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Monster Hunter Thread
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hunt a rathalos without flashs right now
I need to get my Deviant G3 shit to G4, and then G5.
It's not impossible, i've tried it a couple of times and it seems doable, it's just that people get tired after having to take down a hyper, since they have 40000000 billion HP, and then when it's the turn of the actual deviant itself they're mentally drained so they get hit by one of the OP moves and die.
It's doable in theory, it's just that these hunts seem to be spcifically designed to wear people down and capitalize on their mistakes.
Then obviously after fucking up 1 hunt everyone leaves because they want to go chill.
This entire game design wise is becoming less and less about having fun and more about "oh i gotta do this last thing and then i can finally put this down and move on".
It's a chore.
I don't know why the endgame of most MH games always feels like this.
Just finished World's story and I'm trying to get Undying Apenglow done.
I can't reach the stalactites with the slinger because they're out of reach and breaking the first core to advance takes forever, leading to me timing out back at the barrier. What do?
What weapon
post a monster without actually posting it
Great Girros?
Pick a hammer of your choice and a high DPS set with a slider deco and heavy artillery 3. Spam slide roll on the first core until it breaks, go to the one in the cave and try to break it before Zorah changes position the same way. Fuck up Nerg and go to the core in the crater, you probably won't be able to break it but it doesn't really matter anyway. When you reach the barrier fire the cannons and grab the binders as soon as you can. Fire another round of NPC-loaded cannons and then jump down to the ship, do the same thing and use the dragonator when Zorah charges the magma blast. Keep spamming cannons, use the binder and then go to the top of the barrier, rinse and repeat. If you do it correctly you can finish the quest sub 20 minutes solo.
Luckily Iceborne will do away with all that then.
Glavenus surely.
Duck you cup
I don't want to start shit but all of MHW feels boring from the very start, so it doesn't solve my problem.
I fucking hate that I made this unironically
>Download English patch for Monster Hunter G
>Everything is just garbled text
Isn't most LRs boring from the start? hell, this is the one series where "It gets good at X hours" unironically applies. I almost dropped 4U because of the LR, and don't get me started on XX
Bad opinion.
>I almost dropped 4U because of the LR
Weird, since 4U had some of the most cohesive and well produced SP sides in the entire series.
Starting out the village shit and progressing in it in 4U was so good and the progression was so perfectly balanced it almost felt like an actual fleshed out singleplayer experience.
Been trying out with Lance (Shooting Star) and Charge Blade (Dante).
Using Dante set with Heavy Artillery gems.
Sounds good, could you give a few pointers on DPS sets?
I'm wondering if repelling Nergigante is purely about dealing damage or if breaking parts speeds things up as well.
maybe its just me I guess. I mean it is my first MH game so everything felt alien to me
The caravan was maximum comfy
I see where you're coming from.
I'm honestly wary of the claims that Iceborne will equal the base game in size but only having a single map.
Either it's bullshit or the map is going to be an oversized mess that will be a pain to hunt in.
Actually just waifu2x
That’s what you get for trying to go back too far.
That's kind of standard. They add one map, an arena, then expand on the rest. So far the roster is about the same size as a G-rank expansion and they haven't shown everything yet
I personally enjoyed F2's LR for the most part but it always makes me feel chillingly lonely.
You know.
a church piano?
I suppose the only solution is to go back further more. I’m breaking out the ultimate grandpa game.
>Sounds good, could you give a few pointers on DPS sets?
I did it with full Drachen and Pandaemonium's root, which isn't that meta. Slider + crit boost should be enough really.
>I'm wondering if repelling Nergigante is purely about dealing damage or if breaking parts speeds things up as well.
I broke both horns and got a stun before the repel so I'm 99% sure it doesn't.
Banbaro as fuck
>claims that Iceborne will equal the base game in size
I mean they never said that. Capcom US said, it rivals the base game in size, which just means it's close, not equal. And Capcom Japan just said it was about the same size as previous g rank expansions, which to be fair, is a pretty large range in different sizes.
Hey guys
REMINDER axe mode got buffed and is arguably the better node now depending on the monster.
Stuck in 4th Gen lol
That's Girros and not some shitty snake
Shoulda posted something that actually looks like Girros then, so you wouldn’t have to backpedal.
Didn't know he stays so long on the ground after staggering him out of air
The Velkhana set bonus tells me there's gonna be some interesting bonuses for other sets and not just a Raw/Ele DPS dump. It's an actual change of playstyle
Girros is clearly a black and yellow cobra. Just because it's forgettable doesn't mean you weren't wrong. If it was Naja he would have posted some green snake.
HE is not in, I’m so sorry bros.
Do not toot.
You got shit on, face it
There's no such thing as alternate playstyles, there are only two. 1: The min/maxed optimum playstyle, and 2: the shitter playstyle for people who don't yet have the drops/decos to min/max.
Fool, he toots as he pleases.
Finally, I was tired of it being shit.
The weapon is meant to be about switching, not "have a weapon that is half Sword mode, half waiting for it in a nerfed mode"
>with legs
>the only good flying wyvern that doesn't depend on MH1 hitboxes and instant attacks
>barely anybody unironically wants him
I guess the cucker became the cucked
All MH snakes have legs
Why did World bring in such a huge amount of metafags? The fact that people need a million skills to get by on such an easy game is kind of embarassing.
What is it with Charge Blade mains and thinking they're hot shit and their weapon takes 300IQ to use with 90 combos and "oh so hard, you wouldn't understand"?
Because normies ruin everything they touch.
SAED spam rots your brain.
They've existed way before World, but World brought more because of the fucking youtubers jacking off over builds and meta
>They've existed way before World
Nobody gave a shit about meta back in FU other than autistic gamefaqs arguments. There's literally no point in arguing about it because 99% of the people that make fun of "unviable" sets are incapable of pulling off heroics runs, which is the only true meta.
Personally I just like to work toward and make good sets. That aspect of progression is appealing to me. But to answer your question the series is popular now and every game these days has metafagging teenagers out to prove something so there are a lot of aggressively minmaxed players floating around.
They have yet to be baptised by its XX version, the only technical version of CB.
>No Zin
>No Mizu, Gammoth, or Astalos
>no Queen Seltas
>no Najarala
who gives a fuck
too bad it does shit damage. I want technical AND not feeling gimped
So technically everybody loses because Capcom doesn't want to import the skeletons in while the monster quality continues to dip starting with World. How exactly is that a good thing for anyone?
It's a dog with a cobra hood, large fangs, and paralysis venom. A literal cobra is the closest you can get.
It's not only that there's more, but they're also dumber somehow.
>Dude don't flash Teo
>It resets their AI
>What about the supernova?
>Just superman dive
Guess who took a supernova to the face 5 minutes later.
>barely anybody unironically wants him
Where are you getting this impression from? From what I’ve seen in these plenty of people want him unironically.
>Capcom makes an entirely new monster species, Snake Wyverns
>the only monsters part of this species are Naja and Remobra, and even then it doesn’t count because Remobra was a flying wyvern in past games
>to this day still no Snake Wyvern Monsters
What the actual fuck was the point of making a new species if they aren’t even gonna expand on it? At least the Amphibian class got Tetsu and Zamtrios
They could’ve just classified it as a Leviathan and called it a day.
If it comes down to either getting Seregios or Gore I would take Gore any fucking day of the week
Is a appropriate using tranq bombs to fuck a monster?
People who get upset about “strats” in multiplayer and hugely offensive. I can kind of see it for something like Extremoth I guess. But man if you’re trying to do a clean Teo fuck off and TA solo then, you know.
>Just run around like a headless chicken looking to get pot shots at his tail while you dodge easily avoidable attacks for minutes at a time bro
I'd be fine with Rathalos having some grounding mechanic that doesn't involve turning him into a massive target that flails helplessly on the ground, but until that happens I'll never stop flashing him
According to Capcom, they didn't like making new skeletons just to add less than 4 monsters, which is why Leviathan, Ape, Snake, and Bug/Crab aren't in MHW. We're definitely getting more leviathans plus Lagi in MH6 but lets hope other skeletons gets in with a bigger roster
They did the same thing with Zinogre's first appearance. We'll get more eventually like how we finally got Odogaron
what hbg deals the strongest dmg with wyvern and sticky? im using diablos one right now
Dark Devourer by far.
Why the fuck did they choose piscine then instead of ape which is super flexible? We have 3 flavors of lavasioth and it’s getting boring.
Probably the people who like those fights. Especially Astalos since it and Seregios have set a higher bar for flying wyvern standards which World completely fails at. Personally instead of seeing monsters return I'd rather they add to existing species. More insects, more crustaceans, more snakes. Yeah yeah the skeletons are hard to use according to Capcom, but they'd be in deep shit if they stuck to nothing but the same handful of species for Gen 6 and beyond because things would get incredibly stale.
You're gonna get another fish if you keep complaining, Gaijin
Dark Devourer is technically the best for that, but Sticky in particular doesn’t scale tremendously with Raw and DD lacks Wyvernsnipe. So Magda is a good alternative as well if you aren’t clustering since it has Snipe and it can also load Para ammo unlike DD.
The piscine ninjas are watching this thread
yea im strictly using sticky and wyvern. so go with madga then?
Can I transmog a gunner armor into a blademaster armor and equip it?
what I meant is that I wish those monsters were in, Glavenus being the only one of the Fated 4 is especially offensive imo
I'm just hoping the next game ups the ante and expands the roster like you said, I'm really tired of hunting dinos, I need some more variety
If the monster has a good body for using Wyvernsnipe, I would say yes.
Take him out to dinner first
Let's take a moment to consider the following:
Hammer is HH for casuals
Diablos is actually much stronger for wyvern builds because it benefits from non elemental boost. The weapon also boasts the strongest wyvernsnipe in the game as well. The idea behind the set is that you build artillery 3, focus 3, spare shot, and special ammo boost 3 while either using pierce shots or melee in between.
Little known fact: HBG deals a lot of KO damage with the melee attack while dealing decent damage. If you're soloing, bring KO 3 if you can afford room for it.
Piscine is literally the Flying Wyvern skeleton with fins instead of wings.
Better maps need to come first before more skeletons. The 4thGen skeletons cant work with the current map due to the abundance of tight corridors.
It wouldn't have been so bad if they chose a better piscine. I'll taking fucking Cephadrome over Lavastoth and its mud reskin.
I lava you, lava fish boy.
Apes are bound to come with Iceborne, what would snow be without snow apes?
It's probably hard for them to think up ways to make snake wyverns distinct since their ways of moving and attacking are more limited than stuff with limbs.
>Prowler mode never ever
>dude lol no guard point animation xD go right into axe anyways
it's shit
So you say but it's not like any skeleton works in these corridors and they also clearly dont care because they stuck glavenus in the ancient forest
No fun allowed, buy more gestures.
Glavenus is in Wildspire Waste
It’s a fish tho lol
And Ancient Forest. Rotten Vale too, if you count samurai boi.
Maybe western players like him but 5chan is filled with posts about how nobody is disappointed that the leak was fake, or how Capcom missed the timing to announce him because nobody is going to get excited about him the same way people did for Tigrex, Narga, Glav, and Brachy, will for Zinogre, Gore, or Valstrax, or would have for Lagi.
Presumably they were a half assed replacement for leviathans once those didn't work out.
I guess they feel like they have to fill out the roster first. All the shitposting in the early days about how World only has 30 monsters when previous titles had 70 must have made its way to them and they feel like they have to push quality over quantity at the start of this new ManHan generation they're building.
>and Brachy
Wait, Brachydios is in?
Now that I think of it, why are piscine wyverns the shittiest monster species in the series? Besides like Beo and Cephadrome, all the piscine wyverns we’ve seen are either recolors of Lavasioth or Plesioth.
Hell even in frontier, a game notorious known for its balls to the wall designs, can’t come up with anything besides “lavasioth but it’s either gold or silver”
Are piscine wyverns really THAT restrictive when it comes to unique designs?
I would rather have styles, medium bowguns, and 3 entirely new weapon types before they brought back a stupid meme like prowlers
Nice headcanon.
Nigga you're a lying sack of shit. That isn't what they said at all. They were talking about spiders and said that they're too specialized and take more work to make than other monsters and can't readily be reused compared to others.
>Agnaktor and subspecies
Wasnt that for RE2R?
>medium bowguns
For what purpose?
No it was for Iceborne. They were specifically asked about spider monsters in World.
I am so FUCKING excited to fight zinogre, tigrex and brachydios again. Best Hammer fights, bar none
>“Were it not for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.”
Where have you been user?
What are his weapons going to be like?
They shouldn’t be, there are some crazy looking fish out there.
All thousand folded steel katanas, Even the Hammers will be able to cut tails.
He's wrong, but you're talking about something else I think. What they said was that they planned to prioritize skeletons that would serve multiple purposes over ones that only had a couple of monsters. They definitely never said any fixed rule about it needing four or anything like that.
I feel like there will be a resurgence of fish monsters if they ever re-introduce underwater combat, but make it actually good
>I use Dual Blades
Sorry buddy, never doing that.
Factually perfect
That was the same interview.
Too bad this fish got turned into the worst elder in mainline
I still don't understand what the fuck that felyne fursuit guy was supposed to be
That’s not Lao
But Lao's not a deep sea fish
What he meant was the leviathan skeleton. They couldn't get that to work properly for World, so they scrapped it.
It's just a fat cat. It's only a fursuit if you yourself wear the replica.
Bone with a bit of Glav glued on them.
>still thinking this
They already addressed the design issue
Delete this
I don't see why they couldn't make it work, make it a special fight, no need to put them in the regular maps.
Imagine if it had weapons which gained status ailments as they lost sharpness, I love gimmicky shit like that
Rather they couldn't fix the head bugging out in time so they reused some animations monsters with shorter necks (Jagras, Girros, Kulve)
Because Capcom never put effort into them. Look at Astalos and Seregios. They both use the flying wyvern skeleton but their movements and animations are unique to them save for a select few. All Piscine wyvern so far move and act the exact same way. Tail whip, hip check, and spit shit. Sonic bombs force them out of hiding and they all heavily rely on being submerged. There isn't a single one of them that's wholly unique from another.
Oh and in regards to silver and gold-sioth, at least they do fusion attacks and can create twisters.
>playstation finally gets another monster hunter
>its the modern day equivalent of brown and bloom tier realism
>the other systems get a classic monster hunter with loli catgirls
I don't know if this gimmick would make really shitty or really nice DBs
It's just a cute headband
>get to play the version without lolis
best timeline
I don't know why they haven't broken into more weird snowflake weapon effects. Stuff like gore, vaal, or xeno just getting "dragon" for their weapons is boring. We haven't had any actually unique weapon effects since steve and chaotic gore.
The way monsters move their heads/tails to avoid clipping into walls too badly was buggy as fuck with most Leviathan's long ass bodies and by the time they got it figured out World was much further into development and they had changed zone layouts, there wasn't anywhere suitable to include Lagi as DLC since the forest wasn't half swamp anymore.
even with falseflag shitposts like this, xbox gets left out in the dark
I want more shounenshit in my action game not moeshit
ITT: future game release that is preventing my suicide
Valfalk had the bigass white sharpness that cuts straight to red when you run out but that wasn't really a unique mechanic just a gimmick with how sharpness works
Damn, you too?
and ironically, the cause of a certain someone's suicide
>Monster Hunter
You're daft. They're just Wyverians.
Someone died before Iceborne came out that wanted to play it
I wonder how many people who post here actually play on one primarily, or what the active player base is like in general.
A roar even monsters fear!
Xeno had the most underwhelming weapons of all time, at least Vaal's weapons looked cool
As for weapon gimmicks I guess it was hard to justify giving Gore a gimmick since Chaotic Gore already had that going for it
but you still replied, hence enhancing the bait
Chaotic gore was added in 4G though, not 4
Even his gimmick was kind of limited since you couldn't self inflict frenzy until gen, and chaotic gore himself wasn't in there until GU
>glav GS isn't its tail on a stick
>no Gammy
>thus no Gammoth armor
The fuck am I supposed to wear now?
>the forest wasn't half swamp anymore
Damn shame, would have made for a great contrast to WW and maybe then the swimming animation would have been used more than twice in the whole game.
Remember how during base World's hype period two years ago, anons were proposing on how to incorporate Nerg's gimmick into his weapons?
Something like how if you reach red sharpness, it would gradually revive to the highest level sharpness or something.
fuck you
And when Chaos Gore got re-added in GU, his weapons had 320 raw.
Xeno in general was the most underwhelming son of a bitch of all time, just a huge damage sponge that shoots lasers and explodes. Waste of resources.
Shame breaking his wings mid-flight isn't a free knockdown anymore
The entire point of Gore's weapons is that they evolve into Shagaru's weapons. That's literally their mechanic. Only reason Chaotic is so special is due to being an abomination with both sides of the coin.
Hey hey gotta have that cinematic showdown like that masterpiece of a siege fight that was Zorah Magdaros.
Ok I guess?
>it's not any more challenging
>it's not any more rewarding
>it's not any more fun
>"DO IT"
>his gear is in
is /ourboy/ back?
I'll never understand how people play Greatsword. Damn thing is so slow. Even hammer and Switch Axe are fun but I cannot into Greatsword.
It would make sense to have regenerating sharpness. Or maybe, on the opposite end, have the weapon grow larger and stronger but have a natural sharpness drain, with sharpening filing off the excess matter and beginning the process anew.
We really need new ways to make a weapon feel unique other than its stat distribution
Glav weapons but green and silver instead of red and navy
I hope that rumor that the beta designs are the old G rank looks is true, I always liked brachy X more than regular brachy
I wonder how useful Torso Up would actually be as a skill in World
>Waste of resources.
That applies to all World newbies in general.
what the fuck
why are we stuck with handler instead
>For AT Zorah we've outdone ourselves, this fight now really requires teamwork
>lmao, bloat the numbers and cut the timer in half
World was a mistake.
Yo, Bazel and Nerg were great.
Neat, now show the rest of the fucking roster
Best Monster you fought?
Worse Monster you fought?
Crazy strong with how decorations are now.
Odogaron is decent enough, imo, if unremarkable. And Pukei Pukei is a cute enough starter mon.
AT Zorah was actually a lot more fun than regular Zorah because it was actually tense, even if it was the same shit fight
Nerg is really bad, coming off from Valfalk.
And Bazel is obsolete now Deviljho is in.
oh now I know exactly who I'm talking to. Nevermind
We need more cute characters
>Best Monster you fought?
Lucent Narga
>Worse Monster you fought?
Probably because it's been consistently powerful since forever and each new generation only makes it even stronger. It's slow, but it's devastating in ways other weapons wish they could be.
I guess it would be strong, but now that you've got me thinking about it there's not that many skills with high point caps in World, and there's relatively few skills whose point caps are an even number. It's almost always 3, 5, or 7.
Lucent Nargacuga
AT Nerg
Hyper Yian Garuga
G-rank Valstrax
>Bazel is obsolete now Deviljho is in.
How does Jho render the carpet bomber obsolete?
Abyssal Lagiacrus
I assume they'd just add a point to the skills rather than doubling them because of the way skills work, but with the level 4 decos coming in it would probably be pretty huge if they actually did decide to add it in
yeah it doesn't make sense. If he said Brachy, then there's comparison
They should've made the timer/bridge HP on Zorah a lot tighter in the first place. There's not even a chance of losing to him on the normal fight unless you sleep through it.
then the waiter will get the plate instead
You fucking take that back
Khezu or Lavasioth
We need more cute characters
>Best Monster you fought?
Molten Tigrex
>Worse Monster you fought?
Either Deviljho or Rathalos
I’m sick of Capcom or the fans memeing either of these faggots into every single game.
Bazel is a one-trick pony that only does the head-scraping charge, that's it.
post the full one next time pls
But what happens when he has to eat his friends?
it isn't, but believe what you want
Rathalos is THE titular flying wyvern & that’s never gonna change.
Nothing will beat fighting Shagaru in the end of 4's story
Lavasioth, Zorah
Bazel gets old real fast by being the only invader and showing up so damned often. It's partly why quests with Warnings on them were so much more interesting in the past. You didn't know what'd show up. It could've been Deviljho or another local or maybe even nothing at all. There was a lot of unpredictability, which makes sense in a game like Monster Hunter because you can only prepare for any situation to a certain extent, there's always something that'll catch you off guard. With World you can see where all the monsters are which also makes you aware of their zones which means keeping the intruder away from your target becomes as much a chore as sharpening your weapon.
AT Nerg
Eh. Great Jagras and Kulu are both fine tutorial monsters, but only one of them should have existed. Pukei, Paolumu, Tobi, and Anjanath were all acceptable early game monsters (which is why they're the ones coming back with subs). Odo and Legi were cool but undertuned, hopefully their MR attacks and their new versions fix them. Dodogama would have been fine if he was a low rank monster. Nergi and Bazel were good as is.
Tzi tzi, Rado, Jyura, Girros(sorry), Zorah, Vaal, and Xeno all suck though.
AT Nerg
Bazel is pure shit.
still seething over Nerg?
>Rathalos is THE titular flying wyvern
>gets cucked twice
Do you guys think Capcom secretly hates Rathalos as much as the small majority out there that also does?
And now Capcom is doubling down on invaders by adding three more four if Seregios gets in
At this rate, we'll end up watching a kaiju movie instead of playing a good action game.
Tobi was a completely worthless addition, they should've just given us zinogre
Dodogama is shit and no one would even remember it exists if it wasn't for the supposed cute factor.
>we'll end up watching a kaiju movie
how is that a bad thing?
I hate Rathalos. Not as much as I hate that cunt Rathian.
Pic related.
Because that kaiju movie will happen during your hunt against one single target monster, and it'll be just Bazel vs Tigrex vs Fulgur Anja vs Ebony Odo gangbanging each other.
Because we're here to play a kaiju game, not watch it.
How much do you have to suck to hate World Raths?
have atleast 500 hours minimum spent into them. If Iceborne is as good as any G-rank, it might take the No.1 spot.
thank you and have a nice day
No. I think only Ichinose does because he always rushes to make his new flagships look like the best things ever.
Who said anything about Worlds?
No one plays that shit game.
My bad, I didn't think anyone actually hated them pre World.
Pink Rathian is bae, however.
you ok man? probably that schizo from /vg/
>I didn't think anyone actually hated them pre World.
Los fucking off and making you waste time chasing him instead of actually fighting you is a very common complaint.
Just couldn't be any more obvious, do you?
Stupid complaint when flash bombs exist.
Uh oh
Could you elaborate further on the reason for this ranking?
Rathalos has always been a shit monster
Just ignore him, its that GU autist
and can you stop pushing him into going insane?
Proof people weren't that fond of him, however. When he isn't running away Rathalos is just an easy hunt.
He's the face of MonHun but in the end he's not that great.
google the backfire effect
The fight is good, the fact that it's so old everyone knows it from memory by now doesn't make it bad.
Rathalos is unironically good back in 3rd Gen.
Only shitters needed flash bombs before World.
cute poster did nothing wrong
Cutebrains rise up
wrong kind of cute
He did everything wrong.
Wanting cute is what led to the Handler becoming a thing.
Was the whole "Barioth/Narga/Tigrex sub/variant" thing from the german site just a mistranslation or something?
But Handler is cute
>you only need to grind the final monster from the expansion to unlock the skills that made elemental non shit
bravo ryozo
Cute monsters > Gay catgirls
>Final monster
this kind of cute?
no that's worse
legiana is ugly though
>sidebreaths u
Ahem, one leak please.
Also I’m going to start GU tonight. I’ve owned it since they brought it over and I still haven’t. Are there any weapon/style combos I should genuinely avoid or should I just experiment to my heart’s content? I only played a little bit of Gen and the only thing I took away was that I didn’t care too much for aerial. Probably didn’t give it a fair shake though.
>implying the final monster won't be Ice Zorah Magdaros
Dumb user, humans and wyverians can't be cute
No, also Gamescon schedule.
just try stuff and out see what's fun
Just go Striker HH, you'll have a good time.
Have fun user, also Valor is pretty broken but fun as hell
I was kind of hoping somebody would reply with this, so thanks for that too.
The one on the cover and trailers is never the final monster. There is always something bigger.
Also DLC
No.1 IMO solely because its the "best hits": the MH game (even tho its missing some Tri monsters). My only issue with it is that the G-rank is much easier but more tedious, and hunter arts and styles makes this game stray further away from the MH formula
Finally a game that isn't rehashed. Everything new but the old style of gameplay has been expanded. Despite the roster being small and some forgettable newcomers, I feel that the gameplay is at its highest its ever been. Some weapons got gutted like SnS with its missing oils, and CB being braindead SAED spamming like AED spam of 4U. Endgame is just as lacking as MHGen but I was fine with it since I stayed for the gameplay
The intros, the buildup leading to Shagaru, the newcomers, the fucking hilarity of frenchies in multiplayer back at launch, and my ass being wide open by apex, all this connected well with me (yeah I know, masochistic over Apex). It being locked in a handheld is disappointing
the OG and pretty much a lot of people's first MH game before World. Despite it being ancient as fuck and I wouldn't come back to it in a while, I still have a soft spot for it. Fuck Garuga and Plesioth tho, fuck everything about them.
After thinking about it, I probably put this lower than FU because of nostalgiafagging. I loved 3U and I think it has some of the best newcomers like Qurupeco and Gigginox. I think I should make 3U equal to FU and just call it a day
Sorry for taking so long dude, was busy gathering stuff in GU.
Why no love for aerial Lance?
>Ice Zorah
that was proven fake. Some dude on reddit used a quest mod
Isn’t this fake? Didn’t some Redditor do this?
Acquire taste
>Story ends on Tempered Kirin
>G-rank ends on Kirin
Like pottery.
How is this fake? There are two leaks with the same icons and everything. It looks pretty real
bros I can't believe it...
he's in
When I woke up after they were initially posted that’s just what everybody was saying, so I assumed the dude fessed up on Reddit. I don’t actually know.
Capcom released another controlled leak. It’s boring as usual
I'm going to say it now. Kirin was a mistake. The annoying pony was always unfun.
hold on, did you actually take the jokes seriously?
Not that boring. We got to see the average amount of armor on the rarity 11 pieces and we know there are rarity 12 too. Imagine how much damage these master rank monsters are doing? You will get one shot if you go with drachen into Iceborne
you first
That isn’t fake, it was Capcom controlled leak, the Steve pic was fake made by a guy on here. Wasn’t really funny and more just a dick move
Kirin is one of the only good monsters in world
post yfw instructor is back as a cameo NPC in Seliana arena
he's fun using ranged
>controlled leak
What jokes? I don’t keep up with all the ironic crap kids do these days, or you got the wrong user
Or Hammer if you aren’t a shitter.
his ass
2/10 made me reply
I find him more fun with Lance, you're mobile enough to get out of everything if you don't go too aggressive.
>landing a mount with GS frames before the lightning hits you
We already knew that, going off armor values in the beta, and Capcom official said that everything up till barioth can be done with drachen and the sabertooth will be he master rank wall/gear check
he legit believes there are marketers that are out against him. Just the usual schizophrenia
It's probably the shittiest Aerial style due to fucking with Lance's hops
I am positive “controlled leaks” is just a meme.
>Level 1
>Defense 150
Finally these are numbers I remember it being
I can't wait for the absurd pain in G-rank
No we dont. the beta armor was just crap for the event, go look at the pictures from the beta. This is what they values actually look like in the real game
The regulated leaks along with the huge focus on marketing old monsters, is ample proof Capcom is desperate. I cant wait for the inevitable price cut on Iceborne once Capcom realizes their target audience has migrated to older games out of boredom.
All the leaks so far have provided no new information and are just pics of gear screens. Nothing was shown that Capcom hasn’t already shown prior. If it was a legit leaker doing it then we’d at the very least seen a new monster icon or full roster list, story detail etc. Leakers can be dicks sure and “tease” with small shit, but no one is so autistic that they get off on posting such being shit just for the (you’s) and shit. Companies have a history of leaking they’re own shit on purpose to either build hype or gauge general interest. It’s more than likely happening now
oh come on, another boogeyman to latch on? when will this end, Iceborne release?
it's not though. it's a legitimate marketing strategy.
capcom might not be doing it, but it wouldn't be weird at all if they were.
There's an updated version of this which gives Alchemy's list actual images instead of just two. Don't have it unfortunately.
How so? "Leaking" small, relatively inconsequential stuff so people talk about your game before the next content drop seems logical.
>leaks are now marketing
this man has lost his composure.
But user, don't you want your exclusive Yukumo layered?
what's the deal with hammer alchemy?
It's just underage who don't know how marketing works, ignore them
just don't reply to him. It's his next stage in autism
It doesn't lose any important moves and is actually useable
So is Capcom gonna fix the brightness and speed on the rainbow pigment for world or what? Doesn’t seem to make sense to go through all that effort just to get something you and other players will barely notice.
this is 100% a falseflag post just to screencap himself getting BTFO
So where is Mr Leaker aka the faggot who got a review copy and is teasing us. We know you have an ASUS monitor, release more leaks or we will report you to the capcom police
We are already talking about this shit non stop though, and I don’t think some of the very minor stuff that has been shown are going to get a normie excited for anything. So on the off chance Chris Capcom is here posting screenshots, give me something good or fuck off. But in reality it’s probably just some dumbass who doesn’t know what’s interesting posting things here or there, or a genuine dick.
No because I can get the same thing on a better game.
the fuck is going on?
Autism, what else.
autist arguing with himself to bait other replies. He did the same on /vg/ but nobody bit
Look at this good boy.
Socksy getting caught with his pants down
would be real nice if ryozo actually showed this boi off in the trailer on monday...
since he can't falseflag and call everyone anti-listfag, he needed a new spook
someone I really really really really really miss are the anime colabs, fuck the witcher and fuck ass creed
This. Give me a Gridman collab.
I miss the jackets.
pretty much this
>No jojo colab quest where you have to help a jho beat down a brachydios with over the top voice acting
This has to happen.
When's the last time you fapped to a monster?
Hey pard, Winter Star festival is on!
I've become the monster instead
>huntresses still don't get guild lass outfits
You're alright, user
Great you’re ugly again.
Ayy thanks.
You're cute again
>not this
about 6 hours ago
Sorry, it slipped my mind.
Thank you for taking the time to write it down, user. Looks like a fairly reasoned view.
Wew, what's this?
Orion or Direwolf layered?
Or Orion + Direwolf mixed?
So fellas, how would a game in 2019 ever match Moga levels of comfy?
It's impossible right?
Direwolf with OR Orion beneath.
It's not Mafumofu but it will have to do.
I hope he is in.
pokke was comfier.
I just fucking realized something. Nerg and Xeno both share the same skeleton, and both are finale bosses of HR World. Velkhana in Iceborne shares the same skeleton as Alatreon.
I think either he's in or someone else using his skeleton.
fatalis needs to be in before alatreon.
Pokke was comprised of four buildings. It didn't even sell you on the idea of it being a place people actually lived in.
I hope he’s in
The final boss will be a new monster.
Alatreon was going to be in world before Iceborne. He either got scrapped or pushed back. Fatty was not. Maybe he's in now, but who knows.
I'd almost agree that it's equal
Include the gathering hall theme and I'd agree
count the buildings.
Tri was a lightning in a bottle like Dead Rising was. Let it go, the golden age of MH is long gone. Just hope Iceborne flops so we can get good MH again.
yea I'll do that with a bow other than that no user I'm not wasting my time
>that post time
stop it, man. Just stop.
>everyone posting things i dont like is one person
what causes this mindset?
i stopped playing
>Tri was a lightning in a bottle
>wagglan controls
>half-assed underwater combat
>plenty of weapons removed
user, don't do this.
I can't man...
I'm stuck in 2009
I can’t look at her that way anymore after summer and autumn outfits.
Things were su much better ten years ago. Nothing to worry about, just getting back home from school and booting up your PS2, hanging out at a friend's place and having some good ol' couch co-op, etc
How I miss it
Who the fuck in their right mind used wagglan?
MHW needs to have some hot female characters.
>and autumn
Autumn is easily her worst outfit, however. Brings out the ugly even harder on her.
>what is Arena lass
>pre-World everyone loved how MonHun never told you what to do or gave you waypoints or showed how much damage you were doing
>post-World everyone talks about how the numbers are great, they're glad you get a waypoint and shown the way to the monster, and the game telling you what to do
I hate it. World is good, but I still love 4 Ultimate better
I'd rather have them make a fun game instead of focus on waifushit
I don't like being led to the monster since I never pay attention to the zone anymore
there has been number-crunching calculations for years, nigger. Especially in 4U
4th gen added mounting, vertical levels, and tons of gay shit.
I cant think of any explosive dogs
>they're glad you get a waypoint and shown the way to the monster
I've literally never seen anyone say this. The worst I've seen is anons saying they prefer the perma-reveal to having to paintball.
Nerg doesn't use the Kushala skeleton. Neither does Xeno.
gotta love when 4ubabs act like boomers
Wish I could make her my handler instead of that potato.
I've seen some rando MH fans say it and also ProJared praised it.
>JoJo colab
But there is one. You got a weird fucking hammer from it
They use Magala skeleton
hitler drank water, we cant be like hitler
He’s saying the flagship and final boss shares a skeleton, ergo the final boss of IB will use Velkhana aka Kush. Not that they had a Kush skeleton. Still think he’s wrong though. The only other Kush skeleton we might get is Alatreon and I doubt he will be story related.
>I love classic monster hunter!
But it never showed the numbers outright like in World
4u is shit
Just say you love penis bro
Anyone remember the feeling when the trailer for 4 dropped? That was really disheartening, I can remember how disappointed I felt.
The World trailer actually made me hopeful the series could make a comeback, and it has.
Imagine saying this when all of MH fans on Yea Forums were praising 4U when it came out
Wasn't that in 4U?
The more new fans enter the series. the more originalfags are outnumbered and weeded out. Look at mounting. Went from casual bait to to a non-issue (and more powerful than ever). I like both games. Just an interesting phenomenon is all.
I mean the meta number-crunching. Remember the maths people went through to calculate? that shit caused literal wars over meta
am i supposed to know who that is
>all of MH fans on Yea Forums were praising 4U when it came out
No. It got shit for the horrible graphics and controls and QTEs.
Can't be gay when this exists.
you do realize the word "4Ubab" was spammed everywhere during 4U release right?
Yeah, Fatalis and Alatreon have been moved to post game superboss status if Capcom's previous efforts are any indication.
that is some terrible revisionist history. Yea Forums shat all over 4Ufags and mounting.
Are we completely forgetting JE SUIS MONTE?
Maybe I'm blind but that draw attack looks like it moves glav significantly less forward than world glav's
oh my fucking god is that how the game actually looks?
yeah, but it looked better on Switch cause its not locked on shit hardware
The 3DS version yes.
>(and more powerful than ever)
Takes longer, most monsters get up quicker, and resistance goes up faster, what's more powerful about it?
Not really.
that's the switch version. He's talking about the 3DS
I mean seven is better then four I guess.
Seven doesn't "sell you on the idea of it being a place people actually lived in." Now fuck off, Pokkechads won.
It gives you the impression that there's more to it than what you see through the background buildings, however. Which is more than you can say about Pokke.
>150 defense lvl 1
Fuck so are all my gamma armors worthless?
Are they going to do arch tempered master ranks???
Do you need tickets for layered crafting????
Should i farm more tickets??????
Can we agree that both Pokke and Moga are better than Astera?
I think he goes further with a heated tail normally? I might be remembering a wrong, it's been ages since I played Gen or XX
They weren't joking when they said Barioth will turn all your shit obsolete
>Fuck so are all my gamma armors worthless?
They'll get you through early Master Rank
Why are you surprised? Just get em now if you want but nothing is gonna last you all the way to the end of Master Rank obviously
3G actually.
But not on the level of behemoth or witchman.
Sure, although that’s hardly a statement. Which hub isn’t better than Astera?
I remember how back in the day gathering points weren't marked at all, so you had to be aware of your environment to know where to get what. It really felt like you were a Hunter, learning the way of the land.
And look at how things are now, with the scoutflies making everything glowy so you don't need to pay attention to anything. How far we've fallen.
I was able to kill G4 Valstrax with a full HR Rath set cause I said "fuck it, only G-rank set I'm investing is Vals cause its fucking cool". I will do the same with Barioth just to see what they're gonna do
I mean yeah, that’s how G Rank stuff always worked in the past. Gamma sets are designed to give you a mild head start in Master Rank but from what they’ve said, by the time you reach Barioth you’ll need to have made an MR set or else you’ll be oneshot by everything.
Minegarde. It's nostalgic and all but it was pretty shit.
I don't want to do AT kush, xeno, lunastra again foe layered gamma armor.
That's what im worried about.
The ones you can’t remember.
atleast the endemic life is at its best right now. You can turn off this shit in Iceborne, but what took them so long
I find it weird that they havent shown any elders besides Velkhana
I started with World and I think it’s by far the worst hub, it’s hardly a controversial opinion.
Stand back simpletons.
Why would they spoil that
Seriously, what went horribly wrong?
Defense doesn't matter if you don't get hit
Are you a bad enough dude to keep wearing drachen all the way to the G meta set?
>You can turn off this shit in Iceborne
You can? Thank God, the scoutflies jerking your camera towards a monster the moment it got close was pretty annoying.
While improvements have been made in certain areas I do miss the little things.
I kind of like the gathering hall when there's more than 6 players there. It gives me the same feeling as the previous games
is this an unpopular thought?
Astera suck ass gu ship suck ass too
>16 player lobby
>can't see anyone outside of hub
>Hub is really inconvenient
Epic, capcom.
I mean they spoilled all Elders except Xeno for World
It's eternal in our hearts
>I started with World
Save yourself the trouble and play FU or 3U. Heck, you should even try XX instead.
No farm interaction in the Gathering Hub.
It's stupid and bizarre.
I'm swapping to the first fluffiest warmest outfit I can find. Fuck damage, we're in comfort town.
this but only 3U cause it has the perfect roster without filler
Have you heard the good news about our lord and savior craftable layered armor
The impetus of World's story was "Why the fuck are all the Elders flying over this way?"
Fair enough, but here are some counterarguments:
Maps are bigger and more complex than ever, with great levels of verticality. There are some places where scoutflies don’t really help much, but in other maps they are very helpful, since finding the right way isn’t as easy as just going into the edge of the zone anymore.
>showed how much damage you were doing
I believe this is mostly for newcomers to get a grasp of the monster hitzones, the fact that there are weakpoints and that they should be hitting them (yes, there are people dumb enough that if it weren’t for the numbers wouldn’t ever realize that there’s such things as weakpoints in this game). Still, damage numbers do offer veterans understanding of how the game’s mechanics and calculations work. The fact that damage numbers exist helped team darkside to discover that there’s an attack cap in this game, for example.
I’m not a fan of these particular changes either, but it’s easy to see that they serve a very important function in the game. Scoutflies specially. Can you imagine what a pain it’d be to do some bug, plant or ore gathering now that environments are way more lush and gathering points don’t pop up visually nearly as much as they used to do?
I miss it Bros.
Get your Orion layered if you haven't already, user. Wouldn't want to catch a cold on the way there.
How the fuck do I not get hit by AT Nerg's slam? It unreachable, but unlike old frame one moves, this move does a shitload of damage and often comes out after he staggers you by jumping next to you. Honestly? I think this is quite possibly the worst move in the entire series. I can't think of a move that's more of a pain to dodge even with my weapon away.
Fuck every nigger who says Yian Garuga is harder. That purple Rathian isn't even that hard.
That's fixed in Iceborne at least. Weapon Workshop too.
I remain cautious with my belief until full and proper confirmation.
World's hubs are too unnecessarily big, which makes everything feel that much emptier.
Here's hoping the new Iceborne hub is a comfy cabin with a big fireplace.
Roll to the right, get Evade Extender or Evade Window if you need some help
He grunts right before he jumps, it's very distinct, turn your sound up.
>How the fuck do I not get hit by AT Nerg's slam?
Roll through it, I was scared of fighting AT Nerg due to this complain and it turns out it's only average G rank insta charge tier.
‘Started’ was meant to imply that I went back to play older games in the series. I’ve played FU, 3U and 4U since.
>Can you imagine what a pain it’d be to do some bug, plant or ore gathering now that environments are way more lush and gathering points don’t pop up visually nearly as much as they used to do?
this is what people are forgetting in previous games. They stuck out so there wasn't a need for a visual aid. In World, everything meshes together, which is great but if you want to gather it'll just frustrate you unless you memorize everything.
You can see the hub you absolute retard.
>spoiling yourself before giving Capcom your money
It's like you don't want to be disappointed.
13 million sales, the shills say.
Elder's recess has that GOOD shit.
You can have the map for that, though.
I like numbers because now I don't have to deal with lying sacks of shit SEAmonkey wiki editors and get accurate data when parsing weapon damage in the training mode.
You're fucking dumb.
>oh this will be fixed in iceborne, and that will be fixed in iceborne, and these will be fixed in iceborne
Jesus its MHGen all over again, LEL JUST PUT FIXES IN DLC, DUMB GAIJINS WILL BUY IT. Then again XX/GU came out pretty good so I have high hopes
>Fuck so are all my gamma armors worthless?
eventually. Though they'll also probably unlock some defense upgrades for them, they still won't match up to end game master rank armor.
>Are they going to do arch tempered master ranks???
Tempered are in, but they said that arch tempered is dependent on feedback.
>Do you need tickets for layered crafting????
>Should i farm more tickets??????
why? Any new layered sets will be crafted with new tickets.
Wtf u sayin’ 4u trailer was dope as fuck.
t. World fan that don’t like people shitting on previous games just because they were on nintendo.
>The G version fixes problems of the base game
Its been this way since the series started user. And they 100% confirmed the gathering hub will have all the shit it was lacking in base World so everyone should be using it now.
Did Deviljho just swim his way here?
Part of the reason I'm looking forward to iceborne is to get out of astera.
How do I roll through a move that I can't react to in time while also going offscreen half the time?
Do I just accept the fact that I can never hunt another Nerg again?
Ignorance is a blessing, as they say.
It's not about the size of your arms, just how fast you can paddle with them.
I only played Gen, MHGU and World so I guess I'll blame my ignorance
still stupid tho. It's like Pokemon but less shit
>them outright saying they fucked up with how vertical Astera is and made the Iceborne place very flat
At least they listen sometimes. Fuck Astera everything is so spread out
I had an idea, what if you could craft raw meat armor that made you overheat but drew enemy aggro?
>Do I just accept the fact that I can never hunt another Nerg again?
Yes. AT Nerg is objectively bad fight, and the base fight wasnt any better either.
That came latter when the game was already out though.
I’ve been playing for over 10 years now, but when I saw the IG (and da DPS) I knew I had a new waifu. It really hurt when it became associated with trash players who didn’t know what the fuck they were doing and even worse, the french.
He's a big green dumbass he probably fainted trying to eat plancton or some shit and then floated his way to the new world
He got a lift with with Bazelgeuse. He didn’t pay his fare though so now whenever they see each other they throw down.
Listen for the grunt
And you can absolutely react to it in time, practice
What was even their thought process in making the place that vertical? Having that elevator thing to take you to each place quickly despite the fact that the Tradeyard has all the facilities away from it?
>How do I roll through a move that I can't react to in time
Don't overcommit or pick another weapon. I had no problems with hammer.
>while also going offscreen half the time?
Doesn't matter because you can adjust the camera while he recovers.
>26 mins
Try gitting gud next time.
nah he's different, but still an autist. Just dont reply to him
Real hunters never left GS
Probably just wanted to try something new with the new hardware they had and see if it could work.
Early interviews about the game (like before the first trailer) really made it sound like you'd be able to see everyone in the session running around, I guess they fucked up somewhere or had to scale it back to just the Gathering Hub due to console limitations.
>Forget Valstrax
>Objective: Valstrax
>26 minutes on Nerg
>23 minutes on Val
I can't believe I'm better than the biggest GU shill
after* the first trailer
Brain no work good
If the fucking elevator was remotely close to where they plop you out of quest it would be half as bad as it is. You have to trek like 10 seconds to even get there. The Canteen being all the way at the top makes me pull my hair out.
You will get used to it, Monster hunters been doing this shit since the start. Base game with light content and some odd choices and then the Ultimate version a year or so later with a lot of changes to everything. 4 charge blade and 4U charge blade are so radically different its crazy.
I get the feeling they probably wanted it to be the village and guild hubs combined like how they combined village and guild quests, and thus needed things spaced out more so it didn’t have to load everything all at once. They changed their mind at some point for whatever reason though and we got a rushed gathering hub and a gay Astera too big for its own good. But that’s just a theory... a GAY THEORY
That shit was just mistranslations like always. Japanese interviews were all straight up about how they wanted to make the town seem large. English sites translated the talk about NPC movement as player movement when they were talking about the NPC hunters and staff moving around Astera.
You must have some kind of brain damage to say something so moronic. That, or you be baitin’.
But that’s big sis, user
The fact they don't force you into that gathering hub fucking ruined it. They tried to band-aid it with the return to gathering hub at quest end but it was too late, the only time I ever saw people in the gathering hub was when they dropped Kulve
If you suspect someone is baiting, would you still bite and risk playing into their hand?
Hopefully next game forces you to leave through the hub gate for multiplayer.
>only time I ever saw people in the gathering hub was when they dropped Kulve
They probably forced KT to be only accessible through the Gathering Hub so people would use it.
The easiest fix would literally be only being able to see multiplayer quests, even SOS, in the hub.
AT Nergi
Tell me about the gacha dragon. How do you solo it?
Or enough patience to grind her up to Pursuit 3+ on your own
Sniff her footprints for about an hour
Then hit her head for about half an hour
Like this
I mean it looks cool, so it's neat at first. But then you have to spend hours running around the place and you get to hate how spread out it is.
Ya, exactly that. In previous games, zones were more barren and mostly featureless, so every single gathering point was immediately obvious, nit to mention that they had a more cartoony dessign that meant you pretty much could never mistake a gathering point for some terrain feature.
Opening the map every time you need to locate a gatherin point in particular is very inconvenient however. Scoutflies don’t actually make it easier than before to locate the gathering points, since as I daid before the game was made so you could immediately tell where or what they are at a glance. This was intentional design so to passively highlight gathering points without players noticing. Scoutflies do the exact same thing, but because they are more obvious, players realize they are actuvely being highlighted. Functionally, Scoutflies haven’t changed the gathering process much if at all.
Also worth noting that the map doesn't show gathering points unless you actually gather that point at least once.
Real hunters only get to experience 1/14th of what the game has to offer then.
I actually started with GS and I beat the entirety of low rank without knowing how to perform a charged attack.
Anything to obnoxiously argue about Monster Hunter over the internet really.
Didn’t even know. Makes me wonder how many unmarked gathering spots are left in my maps.
I'm pretty sure you just need to have your scoutflies close enough to detect them. Get that skill that increases your range and take a pass through every area and you'll map the whole thing out without actually looking at anything.
I don't think that's it, but it has been ages since I had to do any gathering so who knows. I'll test it once Iceborne is out.