<> levels?

> levels?

Attached: fishing_levels.png (366x269, 41K)




currently 88 str going for 99. slaying is taking foreveer

2006-2011 were the only good years

i started playing before that so I know you're wrong





This game was really nice but today way to many nerds and the community has bunch of sfw.

before what?

make way for the true boomer's mmo

Attached: level8.jpg (1024x768, 181K)




>made an iron meme to play for the first time in years
>fishing up scrimps for the first 15 levels of fishing
>just me and some silent full rune guy in rainbow boots
is there a faster way to get through the first fishing levels?



nah, PL


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Slug menace

on f2p not really. At 20 you can start fishing Trout which is much faster at least.

Fishing is my weakest skill by ranking, I don't get the appeal of that shitty skill.

>ywn achieve online presence like Zezima had

rate my osrs acc

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Before GWD and Hunter. It was good before those updates specifically.

Nice blacksmithing but that farming level makes me sad



I agree that godswords were broken and added absolutely broken damage that could put player back to lumby in seconds, but what about the armor and hunter. What was so bad about a new skill?

damn nice
11 here

any woodcutter above 60 is fine by me
lumberjacks rise the fuck up

Nice bgloves.

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>maxing attack before strength

y tho

Catherby is fucking dead
Barbarian pier is silent as a funeral
Sophanem/Menaphos is full of bots/everyone is mute

the game is dead

fuck you /rs3/

i started playing back in 2008/2009 seriously, i sinked money and days into the game, literally had over 250+ days of playtime on my account only to be hacked and the hacker used a bot, and it got perm banned. I really enjoyed the game back then around 09 and 2011, I never got really used to EoC, it felt very different game wise

Now with OSrs, i've been playing around a bit of f2p but i dunno if i want to dedicate myself to bury so many more hours again into the game

Pic related, was something take ingame at one dungeoneering session

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I just watched a bunch of sir puggers recent vids and this game is fucking dead because of the botters

bro recharge your prayer

because why the fuck not. i also had the qp cape with relatively low stats

>Those long winter nights going infinite with offcuts fly fishing

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Fuck, I miss early HD Runescape. RS3 is garbage, and as much as I like Old School, it's not the same.


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r8 me

Attached: osrs.png (363x512, 273K)

(>'_' )> =|===> lvs?

1 :(

I'm in the mining guild

very nice

Playin a f2p ironmeme to sate my grindlust with classic coming up. Starting to think I should just keep doing this for a few weeks in while the initial hype dies down


Rate and pick what i level next, been doing too much afk shit recently.

Attached: r8noh8.png (205x276, 25K)

>95 magic
literally how

Nice magic and stats overall. Get like 20-30 hunter levels, it's super quick.
Alching I'm guessing. I can't be arsed to get it that high either.

I alched for several days while watching tv/movies also did a bunch of afking in NMZ but that sucked tbqh
You win, hunting is up next

Attached: stats.png (193x258, 27K)

Runescape is peak proto-zoomer. The type of person who played Runescape also loves Oblivion, thinks TBC is the best WoW expansion and loves Modern Warfare.

>loves Oblivion
never played

>TBC is the best WoW expansion

>loves Modern Warfare
>not MW2

Go back to bed grandpa