Character that isn't the main character isn't allowed to deal the finishing blow

>character that isn't the main character isn't allowed to deal the finishing blow
Fuck you Super Mario 64 DS I wanted to fight Bowser as Wario!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fire Emblem. Sometimes.

>party member goes down
>fight continues like it was nothing
>MC goes down
>instant game over

>tfw Joey with Ra and Yugi with Slifer duel never ever
It hurts bros, they didn't even show their duel for Red Eyes after Battle City

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Man, it's fucking dumb that joey never got a series. Yugi and kaiba have bullshit going on and were always godlike, but we saw joey rise from the gutter to be one of the best.

Set it after the main story, joey traveling the world or something.

Heh, not bad for a C tier character Fox. But not even you can withstand the power of my Ultimate Dragon!

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>instant game over if guest party member gets KOd in boss battle
>bastard dies in the subsequent cutscene anyway

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What does any of this have to do with playing card games?

What was that?

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It's Kaiba's fault allowing Marik do whatever he wants.

He dies after the battle anyway. Not even from damage, just from being OLD and drops without a word. The rest of the party explains it to the player in their dialogue.

There's no reason he can't die DURING that fight. Totally whomps. No two ways about it.

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>one of the three special snowflakes in the orichalcos shit
>gets cucked out of the final battle by Mai who turned into a bitch yet again for no absolutely reason, after the absolute kino that was his duel against Valon
>his last duel ends in a loss against a random pink-haired homo, easily the worst antagonist in the entire series, even worse than zorc "literally just satan" necrophades
>does literally nothing after that, just floats around in ancient egypt
i'm still fucking mad

>Total duels in Dark Side of Dimensions for Joey: ZERO

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>>his last duel ends in a loss against a random pink-haired homo, easily the worst antagonist in the entire series, even worse than zorc "literally just satan" necrophades
Hey, kaiba's duel against that pink-haired bastard was the best filler duel on the franchise

it was only good because it was satisfying to see this vain retard get crushed by the might of kaibacorp, this entire arc was shit

That comeback was kino.

At least talk about Yugioh vidya, fucking crossboarders.

Sigfried was one of the best villains in YGO you retard

If it was serious they would have used a game cover as an OP.

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So what will the Yu Gi Oh 2020 thing be about

Street Fighter V. That was Charlie's fight to finish Ryu, fuck off.

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Everything. Do not underestimate Kaiba's autism.

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20x better than "i would fire god hurr durr"

>I'm mad at Kaiba because he always beat me to the punch
He was easily one of the worst in DM, which is saying something because all of those villains sucked

Does Kaiba have autism? All signs point to yes.

>get mad he lost on a technicality
>when he won a previous duel and didn't deserve to even be there on a technicality

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>opponent plays a photocopy of a card at a tournament
>loses the duel
>oh wow Joey won on a technicality, stupid fucking rules

Pegasus was a great cunning and playful villain. Just enough joker humor mixed in with an aristocratic facade, what's not to love?

Getting caught using fakes will catch you a dq, and you have to be retarded to get caught using them.

>photocopy of a card sends user to hospital
>this is fair
>The real genuine card sends Joey to hospital
>this is not fair
Takahashi had his hack moments and this is one of them



I wonder what the 2020 anime will be about. They're hyping it up to be a revolutionary change for the franchise. They even have old talent coming back for it.
Could it be Duel Monsters 2, Duel Terminal, or another Bonds Beyond Time scenario so Crow can ruin this one too?

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>go to tournament
>style on opponent
>brother says "dude dab on him"
>dabbing on him leads to my loss

Im not talking about the hospital, im talking about winning or losing the duel. Odion cheated and lost, Marik cheated and won.

Marik got lucky* and won
He didnt cheat, unless you mean the shadow games stuff

more like get struck by a bolt of lightning when you dab

Pretty sure everyone thinks the Shadow Game bullshit is cheating. He specifically made up rules that favored his deck.

It's funny to me that a YGO anime based on motorcycles was more successful than one based on VR, which is the future of dueling under Kaibacorp. It just feels wrong to me

But at least they end up together, right bros?

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Print Appliancer

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I dont recall the rules. Just that his shadow games psychologically torture his opponent. Altering the rules would be illegal.

That his Shadow Games cause actual pain to the opponent is what favors his deck, since his deck is literally torture-themed.

She's being a whore in America.

Maybe Yugi won't be beta one day and go get some pussy.

She's getting BBC in NYC

>Rex and Weevil become recurring characters
>Bonz gets killed off, probably for good?
it's not fair, zombros. Why did our representative get shit on? He wasn't even that bad, he just hung around with people that were a negative influence on him, like Zygor, Sid, and Bandit Keith. Bakura is a cunt.

Uh, to make it video game related, I guess he returns in Duel Links? It's thematically appropriate that the zombie user returns from the dead, hah. Although, is it canon? I remember it being stated that when Marik was defeated, the victims of his shadow games shenanigans would return to normal, and Bakura did eventually end up getting his shit slapped as well.

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It's canon in DSoD they don't get together, and she leaves for New York to attend a prestigious dance academy, as per her dream. Yugi, meanwhile, stays in Japan and creates a hot-selling game with Kaiba, waiting for her to get back.

It's canon to Japanese fans that she gets the good ol' nigger dick, repeatedly, while in the US.

Hey Yuugs! Check out this 2!

I ran zombie deck when I played years ago, probably still have the cards around.

It will be the first one to have a girl as the MC.

Who is this?

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Kaiba is the best representation for autists ever created.

Me too, and I still collect them. Vampires, vendreads, skull servants, just general zombies, etc. God, I want a Wightmare reprint so much, and a more affordable foil King of the Skull Servants.

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That's how your life should work, user.

You guys aren't nice.
Eh, if Yugi is waiting for her that's as good as confirming it.

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>guy screams in your ears
>convict holds woman hostage and slaps her
>guy pretends to be a psychic, tries to kill you, and almost date rapes a girl

You team up with him to fight the Ghouls in Reshef of Destruction. He's also an ally in Kaiba's campaign in Falsebound Kingdom, but he only has lines early on.


It's been official for 20 years, dude.

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>If you stab your opponent and light him on fire you are the winner if he can no longer continue
I'd call bullshit if it were anyone but Kaiba running the tournament

Holy shit

What are they doing to her?

thats some bad fucking art
even the autist shill Hgame looks better

>guy busts up your game stand for the school festival

The American version of a Penalty Game. She was challenged to a break-dancing competition and lost, so she has to face punishment.

Why are blackedfags so mentally ill?

Same result though.
Cheated and lost.
>He didnt cheat, unless you mean the shadow games stuff
Good to know ive been arguing with a brainlet this whole time.

Kaiba doesn't believe in magic even it's right in front of him. He thinks Marik is some sort of illusionist

Would you prefer this one?

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Those are two kinds of cheating. One is using a fake card, the other using dark magic which Pegasus, Bakura and every other villain is guilty of doing

That's a dubism. He's aware of it, but he doesn't care at all

>kuririn cosplaying as yugioh characters

That's only in the dub. In the original Kaiba is fine with magic existing, he's just weirdly dismissive of it.

Like he'll accept just fine that Yugi has another soul in him, or that Pegasus can read minds, or that Marik can mind control people, but if Yugi or Ishizu talks to him about the Millennium Items or ancient Egypt he gets all "I care about your dumb occult shit, I make my own destiny!"

didnt he made a elevator to afterlife so he could duel yami one more time?

... Are you suuuure...?

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Rebecca was better

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>still no noses
for you to grow a dick you must lose your nose or something?

9/10 times the cheater in Duel Monsters loses. Like Espa Roba (sees other player's hand) or Weevil (slips a card into the other person's deck).
It just sucks when Joey beats cheaters left and right and then loses to one.

so clear something for me
all yugioh series are sequels right?
GX is a straight sequel to DM
is 5ds, zexal, arcV and trains in the same universe too?
do they happene years apart?
is yugi dead by the time 5ds happens?

That's only in the dub
In the manga it was the Millennium Puzzle's magic that even gave Kaiba the idea for monster holograms in the first place

5Ds is in the same canon, as Yugi's bully is a police officer in his 40s and Kaiba Corp exists, though Seto is never really mentioned at all and Yugi is spoken of like some kinda ancient legend in the movie
The series after that are alt universes or some shit, it's never explained

GX is 7 years after the original. 5Ds is probably around 20 years after GX. It has to be a long time, but not too long because Ushio is there.

Everything after that are each in different universes.


>not on PC or PS4
Don't give a single fuck about it. I'm not buying a Switch to play Yu-Gi-Oh.

You're at the club playing Numbers when this punk walks over and says "YOU JUST SUMMONED YOUR MOM" Well Yea Forums how do you respond?

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>It's canon to Japanese fans
>it's canon to fans

I guess shooting my opponent wouldn’t be cheating either?

that's the powerplay of all barrel dragon decks

I would.
But if it's NTR I'm gonna be pissed.

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I'd fuck him

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is futa

alice.blood ygo doujins are the best