Console shooters are garba-

>Console shooters are garba-

Attached: 1565899645205.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)



RDR2 is the ultimate zoom zoom filter.

Attached: RDR2 gunplay 2.webm (640x360, 2.83M)


what is this supposed to prove?

Attached: 1392114553746.jpg (500x500, 123K)

The guy playing really sucks lol...

>That "aiming" by moving the character left and right
Makes me laugh every time.

Bro, you just posted cringe...

Nice center mass aiming in a video game, noob

the pcfag cope

Attached: uncharted.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

I love how 2k can just spend millions and buy off every journalist for their shitty games.

i admire the attention to detail but jesus the shooting is so fucking shit and unsatisfying

>shilling your shit webms here few days

Nobody likes them, everyone shits on you for them, are you actually retarded ?

Attached: 1377363144588.jpg (317x699, 183K)

>Console shooters are garbag-

Attached: Titanfall 2 Gameplay.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

there you go your welcome faggot

Resident Evil 4 did it better.

Was that supposed to be impressive? Swinging around using a splash damage weapon while cinematic AI misses every shot because the "game" is dumbed down for consoletards to be able to "play" it?

>the shooting is so fucking shit and unsatisfying
Zoomer spotted.

Attached: RDR2 gunplay 5.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

>The game is literally aiming for you.

Look at that shitty fucking reticle tug! There's no way that you're not false flagging here. FUCK GAMES ARE DEAD

AI is so shit lel

There's nothing wrong with it actually. Even on PC.

You mean boom boom. I've seen boomers complain about it a lot. Zoomers love it.

>have to go into slowmo autoaim mode because controllers are ass
nice! very cool!

You mean boomer? I've seen boomers complain about it a lot. Zoomers love it. Slowmo is made for zoomers.

I can do this too by literally installing aimbot on any shooting game

So you admit that boomers like slowmo shit? Nice, I guess zoomers have always had better taste in games.

Attached: 90 cel.jpg (1000x563, 89K)

>pc keybinds

You should start with an example, RDR2 are not even close to gears of war or halo when it comes to gunplay

now image that webm on pc but you get to actually shoot them yourself and feel the impact of you aiming at their heads and killing them instead of the auto aimer doing it after you spam their body aimlessly

Can someone explain to me why is there auto aim in a shooter?

y-yeah nice gunplay

controllers are shit for aiming, game has to do most of the work

Stick with Fortnite, lad.

Attached: RDR2 gunplay 3.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Fortnite requires much more skill than RDR2. I can't believe that boomers are actually defending RDR2. You were supposed to have a good taste in games.

Uh, so the game is good because it can slow down and auto aim for you?


>strafing is now a point of contention

I'm so sick of you faggots

Zoomers gonna zoom zoom.

Attached: RDR2 lassoing.webm (960x540, 2.38M)

to be fair, the game has amazing modes for disabled people.

Why are they charging suicidally through a tiny door and just walking in front of the window? Are the enemies legally retarded?
Seriously, Halo fixed this sort of shit ages ago

You are literally saying that zoomers prefer challenge and that boomers want autoaim and slowmo. Holy shit.

When's th pc release date?

>controllers are shit for aiming
But this is not true, right after I killed the first enemy I changed the settings to free aim and it's so much better.
I cannot comprehend why the online isn't free aim with dead eye being the auto aim

the game praticaly auto aims for you and even then gives you a chance of slowing down time to make SURE you will not lose that shot

Why Red Dead? The foundations of the shooting came from Max Payne 3 and GTA IV, the former of which is known for its fantastic mechanics on PC, not consoles.

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Nice AI, just waiting for their turn.

unironically boomers prefer this slow mo movie garbage because their reflexes are gone

Is there a bigger pleb filter than RDR2?

Attached: RDR2 gunplay 4.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

Your mom's vagina

>left stick aiming
>worst input lag in any game ever
>slow motion
>"tagging" shots with literal magnetism
how can someone think this is okay

>tfw RDR2 will also be boring with a keyboard and mouse

god uncharted is so dogshit

isnt it online in that webm?

>Uncharted is dogshi-

Attached: God Tier Uncharted 2 Gameplay.webm (900x506, 2.94M)

>all of that "luck"

such smart ai

>bullet chemtrails

are you srs

>storm trooper aim
>instant magnet autolock followed by an animation
>uppercutting someone into the air
this game is literally on rails, third person was a mistake

>don't worry, the game makes it look good regardless
>sonyfag cums

I love these stupid webms

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How are you all falling for this?


Attached: 1559149313121.webm (640x360, 2.1M)

>third person was a mistake

Going for cinematic was a mistake.

Attached: grumpy.png (255x321, 83K)

Why make an action game if it just glues you to the enemy? Turn-based wouldve been better.

This is basically God of War magnetism kek

>while cinematic AI misses every shot because the "game" is dumbed down
It's actually even dumber than that. They only miss on easy/normal difficulty, on hard+ difficulty their hitscan weapons absolutely shred you any time you try to swing making that entire mechanic useless because they couldn't bother to program decent scaleable gunplay AI

PC master race thread?

Attached: Commando things and stuff.webm (640x360, 2.63M)

I think cinematic shit in games is ok as long as it's not every 5 seconds in gameplay. Dead Space and Dark Souls do that pretty well. Dark Souls with the boss intros and enemy grab animations, Dead Space with the unexpected shit like when that tentacle dragged you through the hallway and you had to shoot the splodey bit on it.

console shooters is equivalent to keyboard turning. look at that slow speed. i guarantee you react much quicker than the controller allows you to move.

>enemies filter in retardedly
Why didn't they just toss dynamite through the window/torch the roof? I thought this game had Technologyâ„¢?

>No momentum, just forced and unsmooth transitions
The aboluste state of unsharted faggots

No the technology here is reserved for epin cinematic moments, not anything actually interesting that would affect gameplay.

>enemies just run in without shooting from the door to give you the 5 seconds reaction time needed to drag the crosshair on them with the stick

>zoom zoom filter
>shows a webm of a literal shooting gallery with no challenge
>in a game which the most noted "feature" is that it constantly removes your loadout and has hour long unskippable cutscenes that would make Max Payne 3 proud

What a shit taste you have, my zoomy friend.

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how the fuck was that entertaining at all?

Way back when COD Modern Warfare came out on the Ps3, I thought I was the greatest fucking sniper online. I'd aim for peoples head and then make last second adjustment to the head. "Man, I'm really good at headshots, goddamn!" I thought... it was a while before I realized console games have aim assist...


>trying to make a third person cover shooter look good

I just want to see the rape mods when the PC version releases.
Here's hoping Take Two doesn't try to fuck R* out of including mod tools in the PC version.

riveting gameplay

Attached: dead eyes.png (760x839, 760K)

based grandpa reaction time

ITT: Sony "gameplay"

>been playing exclusively on PC for 8 or so years
>got ps4 last month
>try to play Uncharted 4, RDR2 and Last Of Us
>can't aim for siht even with aim assist
I can't even play for that long before getting really mad, how do so many people handle it?

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why dont they remaster gta4

If shooters on the PC is so much better how come every shooter game is vastly more popular on the consoles?

It depends on the game a lot of the time. Red Dead is fine cuz you can afford missing the enemy. games like ReMake 2, where you gotta make every shot count sucks balls playing on PS4

most people dont have their computer near their TV

Enjoying that shit makes you the zoomer here, partner.

here's your (you) you fucking degenerate
your game is casual trash and if you can't instantly recognize this, you're braindead

but why aren't you playing berserker? what's wrong with you?

Imma let you finish OP, but timesplitters is one of the best shooter series of all time. OF ALL TIME!

>blatant mouselook