July 2019 NPD: Nintendo assembles 6 games in the top 10

NPD tracks physical sales at retailers, but it also gets digital data directly from publishers. But not every company participates. For example, Nintendo doesn’t share its first-party sales, and Activision Blizzard does not provide its Battle.net sales.

These charts are sorted by dollar sales — not number of units sold.

Madden NFL 20^**
Fire Emblem: Three Houses*
Super Mario Maker 2*
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order*
Grand Theft Auto V
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate*
Mortal Kombat 11
Mario Kart 8*
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild*
Marvel’s Spider-Man
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII**
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled
Red Dead Redemption II
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2**
MLB 19: The Show
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe*
NBA 2K19
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
*Does not include digital sales
**Does not include PC digital sales
***Minecraft digital sales include Xbox One and PlayStation 4

Switch was the best selling hardware

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Nintendo always wins

Oh fuck off.

"Fire Emblem: Three Houses represents the largest launch of a Fire Emblem game in U.S. history, with launch month sales tripling those of the previous best-seller in release month, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. Fire Emblem: Three Houses instantly becomes the second best-selling game in franchise lifetime sales, trailing only Fire Emblem: Awakening.”

And that's without digital (voucher) sales.

>BOTW and MK8 still in the top 10
Damn son maybe make some more DLC for 8 already

Reminder that all these Switch games manages to be in the top seller list despite being physical-sales-only numbers. Imagine what the list would look like including the digital sales numbers.

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Switch owners buy a lot of games. Attach rate is gonna be really high later in the lifespan. But then again maybe it will drop off when kids start getting in.

I'd rather they just make Mario kart 9. Mario kart 8 has enough tracks already. I want to see new mechanics that a sequel would add.

Based and redpilled. So is the new FE game worth buying or what?

Really hope that Metroid 5 sells gangbusters when it comes out next year. Switch software is on fire.

So is 3 Houses going to be the best selling Fire Emblem game?

July is a dead months, these games could have collectively sold well under 1 million units and still be at the top of the table for the month.

Everything on the switch is the best selling X. Switch owners buy a lot of games.

>fucking GTAV still in the top selling games

Who.the fuck doesn't already own that shit


Objectively the best console out now. Not surprising.

Nearly a year later and Niche-Man is still going strong. When will you Xbots learn?

Every year more kids turn 12 user.

From what I've heard of FE fans here, it's a step in the right direction for the franchise away from FE: Awakening and back toward more traditional FE with yet some welcome additions

t. Has never played a single FE game in his life.

It helps that it's the first console FE since the fucking Game Cube.

I want these glowing software sales to make this even more possible

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The last console FE was also the worst selling one before 3H. Which is unfortunate because RD is fucking great.

Switch owners aka manchildren are desperate for new somewhat decent big budget games. There's only three good games on the switch. Of course a large release is going to sell well.

Seethe harder, faggot.

The only complaints I have are performace (runs like shit, doesn't really effect the gameplay), it's too easy on hard, and the maps don't have quite enough variety. I've played on hard since the beginning without playing an FE before and it feels like it should have been listed as the normal difficulty. The maps introduce you to doors that require keys and breakable objects early then hardly ever use them again

>Return to Arkham

But we never fucking left

>console warriors still using the "starved for games" argument

Some things never change

Every game not by Nintendo is trash in that top 10. I hate Nintenfags but yeah only Nintendo is putting out good stuff these days.

Holy fuck, that’s really impressive actually, considering Fates got sold three times and on a much larger installbase
Here’s hoping 3H becomes the best selling FE, I think the memes are doing a pretty good job of advertising it

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Smash Ultimate outsold MK11 in July kek. Fuck NRS.

>desperate for big budget games
>my switch collection is bigger than my ps4 collection

The more surprising thing about that was that SoV apparently outdid Fates, I had no idea SoV was such a success.

Hoes mad

It’s good
The only real issue I have is that even on the highest current difficulty, it’s too easy
Map/mission design is middle of the road with some interesting landscapes and obstacles and tools in maps but not as gimmicky and varied and weird as Conquest. Lots of missions have options objectives but the missions are easy enough that those optional things are also sort of easy
Story and writing are easily the best since PoR (for me at least) and the voice acting ain’t half bad either.
Monastery is fun but could use more things to do especially in mid and late game

Nah. Fates is likely gonna stay on top only because the game cheated it's way to sell a ton

Me neither, this is the first I’m hearing of that.
I guess there was just a lot of momentum since normies seemed to really like Fates

As much as I agree with this. A new game would take more time than just slapping some new content on to a game they already know inside and out.

Even worse, most of its numbers for July came from it being the second top seller on Xbox One

Nintendo wins AGAIN

Not to mention it would potentially lose sales since it’s competing against itself
Unless they add sizable new mechanics to MK9, there isn’t really a major advantage to not just adding with DLC
I don’t think there’s ever been two Mario Kart game’s on a single system before

I honestly think the next Mario Kart game will retain the title Mario Kart but will basically become Nintendo Kart instead. The crossover shit in 8 was a huge hit, no reason not to continue that trend.

I genuinely want to disagree with this statement but I honestly can't. Gaming is going in a terrible direction and Nintendo is one of the few publishers holding the line.

>desperate for bigger titles
Honestly I’m kinda good on that for now.

I just got deadwood which is some 12 dollar indie horror game and I’ve been FUCKING BLOWN AWAY.

Seriously one of the best games on sale right now on the switch and it’s a top down twinstick horror game.

MUA3 and MM2 are tracking well
Good to see honestly

Westernshit devs aren't even trying anymore. I just want to puke seeing what games the west shits out now.

There's also never been an old mario kart ported up from old system before either.

Really feel meh about this, PlayStation 4 and Xbone didn't have a big release but yeah, seems like Switch is doing alright in the U.S but can't beat PS4 worldwide

Oh, and it's cool that Three Houses sold well despite the horrible graphics, it's good that weeab games are selling well

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That's because with fates it was the pokemon situation where both routes are counted as separate SKUs

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>in the last quarter

Switch is still top selling system of 2019 tho

Although it’s tricky because switch is in its prime and PS4 and Xbox one are slowing down because next gen is slowly becoming more known and we’re basically waiting for 2020

That image is from q1 which is always a bad quarter from Nintendo, and in q1 this year Nintendo had no major releases. Q2 had Mario Maker and Fire Emblem so it should do better.

Why the fuck do Euros buy so many PS4s? Nintendo wins NPD and Media Create almost every month yet PS4 still sells more worldwide.

>people say these Switch games are amazing
>fans spend all day, every day shitposting about console war sales and spamming these threads day in and day out

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God damn I wish it could just be super kart bros

Literally only an idiot thinks the Switch will ever get the chance to outsell the PS4/PS5 unless Sony gets overconfident and goes bonkers, which has happened before

We're in a very strange situation when it comes to sales numbers.

Sony is illicitly bloating their numbers while Nintendo is not reporting on everything that does well for them.

ZhugeEX is a known Sony shill. This is the same guy who pushes this narrative that PSN makes more than Nintendo because of the all the third party subscription services on PSN.

PS4 has overall more lucrative library while Switch has superior exclusives.

Sell me on it, what’s good about it.

Considering the contempt Sony is showing for devs and consumers as of late I wouldn't be surprised if PS5 becomes another PS3 situation. They're really started swinging their dicks around since Xbox an hero'd.

>However, if you combine Switch and Wii U sales together, the total goes up to 2.13m

I wonder if Code Vein will track at all though
This year is pretty staunch competition as far as action games go

Why are you SEETHING about a single thread?
And not about the dozen wojak threads snoyfags had today?

>but can't beat PS4 worldwide
It's dominating in both America and Japan. It's only falling short in Europe because Euros are fucking addicted to FIFA and CoD.

Nintendo is especially in a weird spot because all June they were doing the 2 game voucher thing for 100 bucks and it feels like that was used for a lot of digital pre ordering. I know 3 different people personally who used the vouchers to preorder FE and Astral chain

Separate Skus

Seems like MUA3 did pretty good. Not a huge success but I don't think anyone had that huge of an expectation for the game in the first place. Also, 3H is pretty much a confirmed hit.

How’s Sony bloating their numbers, I didn’t hear about this

It's gonna be really interesting to see how much more the FE3H numbers shoot up once we get the next Nintendo financials since those include digital.


I'm angry about those too. If these games of yours were so good, you'd actually be playing them instead of spewing the same tired console war shit day in and day out. By default I consider a game shit if the fandom's best defense of it is "it sold alot" or "it got a high metacritic". but that comprises 100% of the arguments ITT.

It's also failing in China because Nintendo's presence there is more or less laugtable (though not to the same extent the Xbox brand is in japan)

How is a thread about facts consolewarring?
It just seems like you are SEETHING hard at the switch being successful and trying not to cry.

>Sony is illicitly bloating their numbers while Nintendo is not reporting on everything that does well for them.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>How is a thread about facts consolewarring?
Because the thread encourages console wojak shit?

I present you exhibit A

They did it to hit 100 million shipped (not sell through) early compared to ps2 I believe. You can tell because A. The console has been down YoY on sell through in territories that report for that quarter and yet it was equal YoY for the quarter on shipped. B. They lowered their yearly hardware forecast. There is ZERO reason to lower a forecast that was already lower than the previous years' shipped when you just had your FIRST quarter equal the previous years. You would do that when you hit a YoY down quarter.

>failing in China
How can it be failing when it hasn't even started selling there yet? They had just finished announcing they are partnering with Tencent so they can finally start selling it just a few weeks ago.

What are you talking about, the Switch isn't out in China retard

So one post and you start COPING?

You can't sell in a country you haven't started selling in yet retard.

They count Playstation units sent in for repair as units sold.


wtf are you talking about? Don't drag me into your little console war, I'm just sick of seeing idiots spam the same rehashed wojaks and buzzwords. What part of that don't you get?

>There is ZERO reason to lower a forecast that was already lower than the previous years' shipped


Honestly the trailer does a better job of communicating the look and feel


The prologue is phenomenal at setting up tone, world,and story(?)

Afterwards the main game is you surviving in the woods in a house that you slowly build up and keep powered to keep the lights on. You can’t sleep at night because you’re not safe so you have to hold out and because you boarded up the windows you can’t see though them for shit. the game knows and takes advantage of that kinda shit.

You can get perks but you have to trade them off by picking a bad perk too.

It’s honestly a simple game that has survival and crafting mechanics but good lord it’s all about how good the execution is.

TLDR this is what project zomboid wishes it was before it became too overblown and shite.

I’m sure there was a reason for it but I don’t understand HOW Sony bloated their numbers, not why.
Like, if it sold an amount, it sold that amount, right?

No but nintendo did release some of their previous consoles and some games there under a company named iQue IIRC


>iQue, Ltd. (simplified Chinese: 神游科技; traditional Chinese: 神遊科技; pinyin: Shényóu Kējì) is a Chinese video game console manufacturing and translation/localization company located in Suzhou. It was founded as a joint venture between Wei Yen and Nintendo in 2002. The following year, the company released the iQue Player. The company had since manufactured and distributed official Nintendo products for the mainland Chinese market under the iQue brand.

Are you fucking serous?

But you said that the Switch was selling poorly in China. You didn't talk about iQue. And iQue was before the current Chinese gaming explosion currently taking place in the country. iQue was back when the Chinese basically didn't give a fuck about gaming at all.

>[citation needed]

Fuck, this was supposed to be a response to

user...reread what you quoted from me.
Nintendo didn't do that RETARD
That is bloating because the console makers can and do overship. In this case the number is bloated because Sony forced through a higher shipment with less demand. I gave the evidence for why that is with my A and B.

Kek'd. I had a feeling you'd rage.

>I only pretended to be retarded
Kek. I laughed on that user.

>snoyfags now COPE by pretending to be retarded

Wait, the thing STILL sn't out in China yet?

I apologize if that's the case, I must've confused it with the nVidia shield nintendo games I guess

You can only see what your character sees with vision cone kinda shit. In the beginning you kinda are given a vague idea of an objective but slowly find your own as you figure out what you want and what you need to make that thing you want.

It gives me stalker vibes where you would start a day, prep in the morning, explore during the day, and watch the plan fall apart to running and fighting your way back home before nightfall comes and you get really fucked.

Stop shilling your game.

I wish I fucking made this gem.

Fucking pirate it for all I care it’s on PC, just check it out mate I bought it on a whim and it’s the best horror game I’ve played in years.

It's been doing well in Taiwan and SK, so I think China will also take to it better than past Nintendo consoles

I see you user
I’ll check it out when I get home. I’ve got a ton of indies I still need to clear but I’ll probably throw some money towards this

fuck this shit toy

as opposed to all those videogame consoles that aren't toys, right

When does this garbage die

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Only a matter of time before PS5 arrives next year to dominate.

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>Either we get a recession
>Or massive tariffs
Hahahaha pick one

Nice bait. Japanese sales proof that it flopped

iirc it still ended up making a profit because 3H is helluva expensive there compared to other switch games to the point many bought the game online via the weird voucher thing

Japanese sales didn't include the digital vouchers which gave like a $30 discount compared to the west.

>massive tariffs
lol no. The fact the Trump held off on the tariffs to ensure people get to shop for the holidays without an increase in price means he can care less about the tariff if there's a chance he gets rekt in the election. He'll blink as usual.

But if he loses user, you know he will TRASH the economy on his way out, and no one can stop him.

This game really is a hit isn't it? Are the improvements over fates that big?

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I am glad MUA3 sold well. I hope this means more content.

only if you combine the versions

It’s 12 right now on switch and probably cheaper on PC storefronts

God speed user.

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Next year. Watch out Switch.

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