Who's your favorite video game streamer?
Other urls found in this thread:
Aris and LI Joe
This is the state of nu-Yea Forums
what would reimu do in a livestream?
edit: oh, you said streamer. My bad.
edit 2: thanks for the gold!
This is the list of actual Yea Forums streamers:
Aris for the goofy acting
Forsen for the cancer
Clint for the genuine player
But I also don't watch twitch. If there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING left to do on my PC, I might take a quick peak.
WinterSC2, Turin and ElichTV.
ur mom
Tense1983 of course
show gratuitous armpits for donations
A lot of people from our small community stream and we watch each other.
They have PCs in Gensokyo?
I don't watch many streams anymore because I'm in my late 20s and life takes priority so I mostly don't watch them life, but I watch GGGab and John Wolfe, and sometimes watch Joel when he streams shit games.
GGGab is pretty much the only female streamer I can stomach because she's sweet and genuine and she likes horror games and plays Japanese indie horror titles.
Thought JW's streams would turn to shit once he started making videos and streamed with his gf, but she's alright.
Joel is just Joel, although he's pandering more and more to his younger audience slowly, so I'll probably drop him.
Literally /ourguy/
Let me guess, your first console was a PS2?
fucking secondary
3 actually
I'd donate a hundred to Reimu's streams!
this desu. old moon was better but he's still in a different category than most streamfaggots
Is there any doubt? He's literally the voice of a generation.
All I see are 5 cucks.
>spends most of his stream seething about incels and defending thots
Our bro!
All streamers are just fake fucks who do it for the money.
The one that you like the least is the one that I like the most. I say this because I want you to be angry at me and my shit opinion haha!
This is not a Touhou thread, fuck off
God I knew I shouldn't have used a picture of Reimu
You fags are annoying as fuck
Saintvicious back when he did drunk streams from the kitchen
You posted her.
This is now a Reimu is going to be in smash thread.
Why do you faggots think she's not in? She's the perfect fit for the game.
touhou hijack, nigger
our thread now
Never ever
Too late bitch.
I watch Greekgodx, Mizkif, TrainwrecksTV, RajjPatel, Alec Ludford, XQC and most of the other normie streamers in that clique.
I don't watch any streams where anyone actually plays games because they are boring as fuck so I watch retarded reddit reacts and literally some dumb unlikable fuck just watching Gordon Ramsay on youtube and shouting out his equally retarded zoomer followers, subs and donators.
I've never subbed, never donated, and rarely if at all post anything in chat. I don't think i've ever typed out a single emote even though I know the 'meta' on all of them. I just sit there and watch all day.
I hate the philosophy of Twitch, I hate the broadcasters, I hate the platform, I hate the viewers, and hate the general e-celeb greed and narcissism that underpins this retarded subculture that is so fucking low even in the already loser-tier subculture of internet and gaming.
Yet here I am watching a fucking stream on my 2nd monitor all. day. long. I hate myself, I hate streamers, and I think lots of Yea Forums secretly feels the same, but can never admit it.
This is my confession.
Good pasta, I rate it 7.8/10, needs more salt.
I like watching Japanese streamers, I usually have them going all day in the background while I work, read the news, post on Yea Forums or play games.
I have some memberships, I donate sometimes and post in chat, it feels nice when they reply to my chat messages.
Thank you for reading my blog.
>uses a picture of raymoo
>"I'm sure that people here will talk about the topic not touhou"
For me, It's water.
Is that baki?
Tfw most Japanese streamers have 0-3 viewers but still do it everyday.
so fags how do you like new extra boss
dumb and wants to conquer the world.
"Most" twitch streamers also have 0-3 viewers if go by the numbers of every streamer. Today when I was looking at viewer numbers Meiji had 3k viewers and Saku had 14k viewers. Also Ponpoko and Peanuts were doing their 24 hours stream with 20k viewers. It's 8 am now in Japan so there's only a few people streaming. But on a busy day in main time you can easily see multiple streams with over 10k viewers.
What is the reliable way to capture Inexhaustible Troops? Am I just supposed to completely ignore her statues?
Good riddance, why would someone discuss about streamers instead of video games?
Joel. Vinny is cool to tho
>it's a tranny thread
If you go as far as asking Yea Forums you might as well download some replays and have an answer presented to you.
Are there any extremely skilled streamers who are also entertaining
Binyor is good, and Joel can be fun sometimes. Otherwise I stick to one smaller stream team where I chat with them about whatever.
I should be your favorite streamer once I get started (can't yet since I'm helping family).
What can you suggest/recommend that I do?
Facecam and talking is a given. But I want to be non-cringy, I don't get salty, and I want to be liked by you guys somehow.
howdy pardner
Recently been rewatching UberHaxorNova. Good times.
Also fuck these threads.
I honestly don't know what advice to give user it's almost impossible to get any kind of popularity on twitch now
Give me a shot? I stream Switch/PC/retro.
I'm also from the Mogulas/Livestream days.
I dunno
Sorry user I don't follow tripfags
>eceleb worshipper calling someone annoying
not sure if baito or...
One day I will own twitchDOTtv